HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1895-1-17, Page 8TII X :El T TIM IKIRIBA14014. 17111 NII.1161.,' .M.1.1.,L10T, A GEN TFOR 4'4UB vvostsaN ASSURA204 COM.. ANY, or emcee: Watt for the PHOENIX FIRE INS.1.1 reraNOC COMPA.NY, of London Tengland ALLIANCE INSURANCE COM- PANY of Pin elend ripliE LONDON MUTUAL FIRE INSURANC el CO, OF CANADA. Read office. — LOND0N. l'ot35 years this Company hes dotes the ittagast busineas la Canada, at the lowest retes, eonsiatent with seourite. .essette Tan. 1891, — — $357,190.00 443,000,Po1icitaa in force. T, E. ROBSON, President, 1),O. NoDONALD. Mapager. leer further pattioulars, epioly to DAVID JAQUES, Agent, Exeter, The Mart Pocket &Office Diaries Ail Sizes and Prices. Start the new year by replenish- ing: your office. We e'have a fu seine of Blank .Books, Piles, Inks, Paper Jlio Sleets, fete., Etc. And the prices are the lowest. Kindly call and inspect them. J. GRIGG/ "THE MART," THE Big Bank* Sim Great annual stock taking sale now on Bargains, t h e Biggest and Best on record. Come and see. J. A. Stewart. Notice to TimesReaders. The publishers would esteem it a favor if readers would,when making their purchases, mention that they saw the merchant's adver- tisement in Teas Dawes. NOTIOE—All business announcements notices of publie meetings, entertainments auction sales, etc., appearing in there !noel columns will be °linsee4 for at the rate of five cents per lino each insertion. Black heading to count as three lines. Oash with order save o persons having open accounts. To insure change of advertisements in ourrent133118 copy aunt he lisaidedinto oleo° on Tuesday. Trivitt Memorial Ch, eed Sundae after.Epiphany, Jan. 20th, 1895. Sermons, 11 M. Bruised Reeds and Smoking Flax. 7 r. 31, Beauty for Ashes. Chas. Snell, jr., will ereot a new resi: dence on the vacant lot south of his dwelling. All talk of protesting the Reeve's elec: 'Hon has subsided ana he will now reign undisturbed during 1895_ Several new residences are to be ereeted throughout thgeountry during thenummer, among the number being a palatial residence for Both. Mc tfordie, Kippen, and one for Mr. Jeekel, London Road. Large quantities of wood is being s brought to town, but prices have gone down Good green beech and ample body wood is worth from $2.50 to 52.75 per cord, whereas last week it was sold at from $3.25 to 45.50. FA load of twenty Oddfellows attended the District meeting of that Order in Clinton on Tuesday, taking the drilled team to exemple'y the Drematised floor work before the gathering. They report haying had a pleasant time, and were en: tertained in princely etyle by the Clinton brethren. The virtual meeting of the County Loyal Orange Lodge ef South Huron will be held in teeter, on Tuesclety, Pebuary 5th, It is expected that there will be a, large attendance arthis meeting, es it is at this Meeting the piece a holding the emit celebration of the "Bettie of the Boyne" will be decided upon. . 1 iiNVei are pleased to reenct mut Mr. E. E. Weld hes been Ppointed manager of the Molsons Bank. Mr. Ward hag held the position of anbentertager alma his corning to Exeter, and his abilltiee and genial mentier Meter earned• for him this rapid promo tion. (110 tpticil THURSDAY. JANUARY 17th1 1895 LOCAL HAPPENINGS Brevities Eatilter Sunday comes on April 14th this /ear. There will be a carnival inehe rinknext eduesday e vet in g. Misaionary services will be held in an at. church next Sunday. . Merchants ieport trade very good iu town during the past few days. R. 13, Pieltard will likely. erect a re: sidence himeelf the coming summer. Municipal Councils meet on Monday uext, and County Commits the following Tuesday. A sleigh load of Royal Templets visited Kippen last evening to bear the Crusaders ho are holding spe del meetings there. The Independent Order of Foresters intend to apply to the Dominion Goyern- meet to have their act of incorporation a mended: We are having splendid winter weather just now, and farmers and others are taking advantage of the sleighing to get in wood, logs, atm. Mr, David Miller, has sold his property and practice to Dr. Sweet of Shelbyville 11, who will return to Exeter and take pessession 10th March. William, son or Mr. James Simmons, of the north boundary, ffsborne, had the misfertune to sever three of his toes from his foot one day lately. Rev. Henderson of Hense,li, preached ir. James at, church on. Sunday morning, Bev. Jackson preaching a apeoial miniver, nary sermon tor Mr. Henderson in Carmel Church, Hensel', • Sunday last was Itliesionary SundaY in the James St. Methodist Church, and special sermons were preached to large congregations. A lame sum was raised for missionary purposes, Deputy Game Warden Gill had three Crediton young men before the beak one day last week charged with shooting white rabbits out of season. The evidence being insufficient the case was dismissed. The first eoliose this year is a total eclipse of the moon on March 10. It will be visible in North and South America, A partial eclipse of the son visible in Eastern Canada, takes place on March 25. J. E. Dignan has moved to the shop one door south of W. H. Parsons' blauk- smith shop, where he will be pleased to aee all his old customere and as many new on as regnire his services, J. E. DIGNAN. Thos.Hazelwood of Wit:10308es yesterday , boneht of Mr. Wm. Bawden five acres of lard, part of the Barnwell proptrty; at the rear of W. G. Bissett's reallence, Mr. Hazelwood intends erecting a residence on the same, and moving into town. , Councillor Carling on Friday last at the close of the last meeting entertained his brethren of the council board to an oyster supper. A pleasant time was spent. t Mr Carlinz will occupy the position of deputy reeve in the Council of 1895. . • . Deputy Game Warden Gill, of Exeter, had Mr. Swallow, of Woodham, before Chas. Snell, J. P., on Wednesday last, and fined him $25 and $6 coats for shooting a deer out of season. The deer was in a swamp near Woodham, and had been seen several times by persons in various parts of the township. A respected resident of Exeter in the persou of VVm Sutton died on Monday in the 5eth year of his age; He had been ill for some months, the effects of a sun. stroke receivedle.st year while shingling. He leaves to survive him an invalid wife and large family, who have the genuine sympathy of the community. Officers for 1895 et the Blowhard Agri. cultural Society:—George Bentley, tPresi: dent; Wm. Hazlewood Vice president; Directors; James More; Amos, Denise, W. R. Carr, V. S. Wm. Hanson, Wm. Yule. Jonathan Shier, John Hazlewood, David Creighton and David Rodger; Robert Beat; ty Sec. treasaeriohte McCurdy and E. N. Shier, Auditor. For thoi° who do riot wish to get Yetioinated, Take an faunae of oreant oaf tartar to ',pint of boiling water, taken *beet it gate cold, fly a , wine 'glans several. tittles* do, .111 ll.y0 th. blared "motto, end by some medical authorities it ie thou ht. to be more iffeetnel in counter: 46 ettecinetien. The Clinton News Record says their new Council well wrestle with the 'following questions this year: The securing of "a town °look, better streets, a system of water works, a pork factory, a funiture faotory, and lnwer taxation." If the °outwit of Clinton ean fill the bill, there is no doubt bat people of the surrounding towns will be anxious to know how 'the trick is done." • John Gilmore, of Clandeboye, had half of one of his eara completely severed the other day. It appeare Gilmore was some- what under the influence of liquor when he entered the house of Martin Boaser, near Denfield. and grabbed for Mrs. Rosser. The lady attempted to defend herself, when her son took down a gun. Gilmore then made a break for the eon, and the latter dealt him a severe blow on the aide of the head with the result etated. The ear was sewed up by a doctor, and the matter droriped. Word was received per telegram by Mr. Geerge Blatchford on Tuesday morning, announcing the death a his daughter, Mrs. E. Roberts in that city on Tuesday. Mrs. Roberts with her husband resided in Exeter a few yeara ago, until they moyed to Toronto, where Mr. Roberts conduots a city grocery.' Deceased died unexpeotedly in conflate/lent, at the age of 38 yeare, 3 months, She leaves a smell family, who together with her husband, have the sympathy of a host of friends here. Her remains will be interred m Toronto to day, The salt prodmers of Western Ontario, met attain at London Tuesclay. Among throw preeent were Rev. Dr: Armstrong arid S.A. Armstrong, Moore; John McCraw Clinton ; IST. H. Young, Blyth; George tecteen. Eiensall Wm, M Gray, Sea - forth, and John feanst ord, Clinton. l'he proceedings were private and at the close ite adjournment was announced for a day. -Although the possibility of art increase in price ie denied, the fact that the salt man are trying to organize melted it appear that they consider the present price too low. Negotiations are now in progemes that ma Y end in union on howarable terms between the Empire and the Mail, and the Globe's ocieupetion of the Mail build- ing. It is stetted that the Mail and Empire ar people e willing that the paper should be known aa the ,EmpireeMail, The Globe ince Meted an opporeinity for a unites on fedi term that may tenter Occur again. The Globe needs a home, end the Mai Imilding *mild atilt 11 admirably The lobe needs, an entire outfit, •mitt ia the event of Union 'between Empire end the Mail will here tett otitfit Which 14 direetore would not be unwilling to geli. Only hate on the ineldoOttiteay bow", the The petition Witteerstern. The South Huron election petition Against Y. Merman M. P. te, has been vrithdrawp so far as the petitioner, Mr, D. Mill end Mr, Weiemiller ate oomerned. The nasone forthe withdrewal tree vedette, though not owina to the evidence being insufficient, but principally because of overtime by the opponents, and Mr, Mc Lean will be the undisturle ct representative for South Huron, at least until the expect: ed early dissolution of the Legislature. Wen satisfied, The Tines has received word from our old, friend, Mr. (Aare Torn, who recently went to Ayr, and he ie well satisfied with the move, fending.the people of that section not (rely societal° but energetic. While we were sorry to lose Mr. Tom from Exeter, we are pleased to learn that he has decided not to remove his family from town or a time, at 'mat, choosing leather to allow them te remain in their comforf. able home on William street until he has got properly settled. Mr Tom is one of Exeter's most tespeeted citizens, a drat °lass mechanic, and a pereon n whointhe residents of Ayr and vicinity can repose conedence, The Mein St. church loses a good frend. His host of friends here wish him every euncess Fire ! What might have been a very serious fire was by mere chance averted on Mon- day evening leet. During the day a large quantity of meat had been smoked at the Exeter Packing House and in the evening several pieces were belt in the smoke house at the rear of the main building. By some means the building caught fit, which was noticed through between two building' by a passerby who gave the alarm. A crowd of people were soon on the spot and extinguished the fire with the aid of buckets, before the engines arrived: Rad the fire not been noticed it large stable belonging to James Pickard would have caught, in which event the large packing house would have been badly damaged, if not burned. Hymeneal Laat week we made brief mention of the marriage of Mies Alpha Essery and Mr. Luther Braund of Exeter. The ceremony took place at the Methodist parsonage, Leamington, and was performed by Rev. A. L. Russell, a former pastor of the James St. church. The wedding was a quiet one. only the more Intimate friends of the contracting parties being present. Mr. Braund is a well known carriage maker in Exeter North, while Mre. Braand is the estimable daughter of our respected towesmen, Mr. John Misery. They re- turned to town on Thureday and are now comfortably settlecl in their beautiful home on the slope over looking the banks of the Aux Sable river in North Exeter We join theft many friends in extending con- gratulations and wish them many happy days of wedded life. The Fireman's Concert. On Wednesday evening of last week the people of Exeter were favored with the appearance in Drew's Opera House of the Misses Webling who were here under the auspices of the firemen of this town. The hall Wa3 well filled on account partly of the estimation -in which the firemen are held, and because the Weblings came to us with strong recommendations from the press of the civilized world. We can add that they upheld the reputation they -have won for themselves as performers of the highest order. It has been stated, how- ever, by some that the concert was in- ferior, but this no doubt is owing to their not being of an artistic nature, and ecould not grasp the drift of the acting. The concert was all that was olairned for it. The acting in the "Taming of the Shrew" was perfect, especially the part performed by Mies Lucy, and was alone worth the price of admission. We predict for the sisters a bright future. The pianist, Mise Kenriok, of Toronto, played with her old- time skill and her readerings were ap- preciated by all. Personals'''. Mr. D D, McCallum, who has been visiting bore, has returned to Toronto to pursue his studies, his fattier, Mr. J. McUallum, of Exeter, has just gone to Florida for, ths winter, and. his brother has been elected alderman in London— Clinton New Era.—Mr, Will Brooks has been engaged to teach Sharon school dur- ing the sickness of Miss Hall, and commenced upon his duties on Monday. — Mr. L. Breland and bride returned home from Leamington last week and are nicely settled in their beautiful home in Exeter orth.—Mr John Manning who has been vieiting his father, Mr R Manning, during the pest eix weeks, returned to his home in Ridgetown Tuesday.—Mr Luther Gill, formerly with Carling Bros, but who has lately been with a large mercantile firm in Cleveland, has undertaken a course in medicine in it Rhode Island Mass., College, and has already passed several exam= ations. Mr Gill is a studious young man and his auocess in the new undertaking is assured.—Mr L Biehop spent Sunday visiting friends in Parkhill.—Mr Wilbur Manning of Clinton was in town on Mon: day yiaiting his parents, Mr and Mrs B. Manning—Will Caldwell, formerly with J P Rosa has taken it lucrative situttion in Toronto,—James Dempsey,forrnerly teach. er of the • Eden School, township of Usborne, left on Monday for High Bluff, Man. where he has smeared it school for this year, at a good salary. Before going he disposed of his farm to B P Quarry of Centralia anti his farm stock to Wes Snell of Exeter.—Mrs A Dickenson of Arkona, spent the pant weak visiting at Mr James Piokarcl'a.—Mr John Croaker of Mitchell was in town on Friday on business. Mr Crocker intends removing to Exeter next ettearner.—James Abbott of Centralia formerly with the Bobier Produce Co. hes takett a eitnation in Lemma with Messrs MeCosh, membants.—A Q Bobier, was in Blyth and Mtn:shell this week receiving poultry for shipmeet to foreign markets. Biesett of Deloraine Man. is expected hem° shortly to permanently reside,. -Sohn Dignan has changed his quarters and its now occupying William Trevethioke' shop.—Mrs. Pinch of Strati ford called on f fiends in town -on Monday and Tuesday,—The County Councillors go to Goderioh next Tuesday.—Mr. D. Weis - miller, of Hensel!, was in tore on Tufts- day.--efr, R. R. Collins, bitrrister, WWI hi Toronto, this week on business — ttlr W Crocker, of Manitoba, is visiting friends in tome—Miss Bertha Andrew of Eliniville is viditing her cousin, Miss May Wer:tcott, for a tear days.--Messne Adam Mid Maxwell of St. Mato, were in town poiterday.—Mrs, L. Dickson it visiting in St. Pdarys,—Mr, left for •'Voronto on Tuesday to attend the ftweral of Mee. Ed, Reber* Min BlatOliforcte only sititer.—letre, Kietiffirien of Owen Sound, hae returned horde after a pleeisott vialwith her parent*, Mr. and ?dm M Everett:-..fdite Gritide Winner, of Tilleetberg, Ist hometPerkalug veoetion.--Mits O'Neil of Liman is the gueitt of Mrs- B. 0, O'Neil Electiop of Offers. The offieere of Ceurt Ilarniony, No. 64 0„ 0, Forestere, were installed on Mooday evening, Tau. 14th, by P. 0. B., C, T. Brooks, of Winnipeg re -W.0. W Taylor; V. C. Re John McLaughlin; F. S. J. Li:oilman; S., D. A. Roes; Treas., T. IL McCallum, Chaplain, Jas, Creech; 3, We, George Hill; J. We W. H. Hill; S. B., Wm, Cremes; J. B. Chase - toper Luker. Agricultural Society. The annual meeting of the Stephen & Usborne Agricultural Society was held in the town hall on Thursday. There was a large attendance of mem- bers. The various reports read were satisfactory, and the election of officers resulted as follows :—President, S. Sanders, Stephen; Vice President, D. McInnes, Usborne; Directora, Es Chris- tie, W. Ho.wkshaw, Delbridge, W Elliott, Jas. Ballantyne'1.1, Either, A. J. Rollins, H. Smith, A. Q. Bobier. mintatertal Association. The South Huron Ministerial As- sociation met in James St. Methodist Church, Exeter, on Monday afternoon, jan. 7th, Rev. Geo. Jackson in the chair. The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted, and on motion limy. W. M. Mertin was appointed hto prepare a sermon for the March meet- ing, on James 4, 14; and Rev, W. H. Butt was asked to give a paper on "The Pastor among the people." The Sec- retary, Rev. W. H. Butt gave a sermon on Rom, 8, 35, which provoked a warm. and lengthy discussion, This was followed by a part of a paper reed by Rev. C. Fletcher on "Drummond's Ascent of Man." We cannot attempt even a synopsis of this ab e paper. The meeting closed with the benediction, to meet again the first Monday in .Feb- ruary rn Owen Presbyterian Church. J. C. Klausen, Hensall, has taken out another patent for an improved bridle check. Fon SALE.—Single buggy, cutter and harness, but little the worse for wear. Wood taken,in part payment. RICHARD MANNING, Exeter- - The following License Commissioners for this County have been appoirited for the year 1895 : —South Huron— Robert Spicer, Peter Douglas, John Weir.—West Huron—Samuel Sloan, Jas Stevens and Hugh et cQuarrie East Huron—Thomas Gibson, George Fortune, George Murdiee -North Perth —George G. McPherson, John Way and El enry D Many old friends in Exeter will hear with deep regret the death of Mrs. Chas. Southoott, of Toeonto, which occurred yesterday morning., at the age of 70 years, 9 months, Deceased had been ill fax several months of cancer in the stomach and had suffeted much Mrs. Southcott was a former resident of Exeter, and was held in high esteem by the community. Her remains will be interred in the Eteter cemetery on Friday morning, the cortege forming at the railvvey station. Political and Otherwise. The trial of the &oath Perth election protest against Patron John McNeill will be held at Mitchell on January BO. The result of the`mayoralty recount in Toronto, was to inotease Mayor Kennedy's majority slightly. It stands now at 50. . Mr. R. EL Bain or Fullerton is now talked of as probable Liberal candidate at the next Dominion Election in South Perth. - The convention of Yoang Liberals. for the Provinoe of Ontario to have met in Toronto on the 22nd inst., has been post: poned till Vehrtiary 5th. Tuesday was nomination day in Camber: land. There being no oppesition, Hon. A., B. Diokey, Beeretary of State, was declared elected. lion. Mr. Dickey spoke for about an hour at the Y. 5.1. C. A. Hall alter the closing of the court. Proceedings are being taken to unseat Mr William Davidaon, county clerk, who was elected mayor of Stratford by a ma- jority of 330 odd votes. It is argued that eir Davidson, tieing county clerk, renders him ineligible for the position, hence the legal proceedings that have been iustituted. The Supreme Court Tuesday gave judgment in the negarive as to whether Provincial Legisle.sures had power to pro: hibit the manufacture and sale of liquor, The case was one of great importance to politloiaos and liquor men, and was eagerly prohibiting liquor on thepominion watched, The deoision thloves the onus of Hr. John Fox, President of the North Middlesex. Coneervative Association, has called a meeting of thet body for the 29th inst., for the parpoaa of seleoting a can- didate to represent the riding at the forth- coming election for the House of Commons and for the transaction of any business white' may oome before the meeting. The meeting will be in Luca's.. At a nominating convention held at Ailsa Craig on Wednesday of last week, by the Patrens of Industry of North Middlesex, Win: Brook, J. H. Alexander, Mr. Sanders Mr. Darling and others were nominated. All resigned but Mr. Brock, who will be the candidate of the party in the corning general election for the Dominion House. At it convention of the Reformers beld at Ailsa Cratg, Mr. Valentine Betz, of Kbiva, township of Stephen, was chosen as the standard hearer of their party in the torthoorning eontest to represent North Middlesex in the House of Commons. There ie certainly something wrong in therm reports. We understood that Mr. Rate Was to have been the &ono of the Patrons and that he joined the Crediton lodge with Mutt purpose in view. Was he detested at the Patron nomination and aftertsiards accepted the Reform eominat- ion? Such an action would bee Unbecom- • ing it Patron, The trial of the Wet Wellington eleet: ion petition spinet Mr. Tueker, the Patron of Industry member elect, took place at Guelph before their Lordehipa Mr. Jastiee Rosie end Mr Justice Moadahon. The petitioner, Thee. Mcgtteen, a retired fernier, sought the hate§ the defendant, Tucker, untreated and disqualified on ath °mint ef corrupt practiees by himself and by agentr to is khoteledge. There wore • originally 0 °bargee, which were Winced to 10.. Severe"( ohsrged were inyeatigeted including one of treating at a Cliffera hotel, which tolde • the election, .10a defendent la diequalifled, inckard & SON, We have completed stook taking and find that we are overloaded with goods many lines, We commence on Saturday, 79th inst ' the greatest clearing sale of Winter Goods ever held in Exeter. Remember this a genuine clear- ing sale. We want the money and the goods must be cleared."... Now for prices which will clear them ot,t with a rush, Men's Overcoats. Boy's Overcoats, Every Coat in our store must be cleared out regardless of cost, and any man, youth or boy who has any inteution of purchasing a coat will be a lbser ithe does not see our stook. Ladies' Mantles We still have a number of nice nobby garments and there will be no reserve. Every garment will be sold at such a price that any person requiring one cannot resist the temptation of purchasing. Fur Goods. Price is no:object. The idea with US at the present time is to clear out the entire stock of Men's Coats, (various kinds) Ladies' Astrachan gapes, Gieenland Seal Capes, Ladies' Storm Collars, Ladies' Muffs, 3/1..n's Caps, etc. All must go. Now is the time to buy cheap Furs. New Prints. We have just opened up and r into stock the largest and .nost complete rango of Prints ever brought int n Exeter. The cloth is the best and widest manufactured, and the patterns sell the goods at sight. Now is the time to select your Print Dresss for next summer wear. The patterns are all new. Ordered Clothing. Now is the time to bny a cheap suit of clothes. We have a big lot of Tweeds and Worsteds which we 'Purchased away below re zular prices from a man who was hard up for money. If you want a suit of clothes se us. We can save you dollars on it. Dress Goods, Every line of Dress Goods in our store has been reduced in price. All winter goods among them will be cleared and the prices at which they are marked, guaran- tees their speedy clearance. Great chance to buy a cheap dress. Groceries We carry the largest stock of groceries in town and guarantee our customers the best values in all lines. We don't keep cheap adulterated goods, our aim being to handle the best goods that can be procured. We are now selling 25 lbs. best Granulated Sugar for $x, and 30 lbs, pure Coffee Sugar for $1. We don't handle German granulated or' beet root sugars, Tho abovo Prices are Etriotly for Caoh. R Pickard & Son. ood Itesolutiozis Are usually made to take effect this Month. Would it not be a good idea to resolve that you will save money bv dealing with CARLING BROS. during 1895. Those who traded here in1894 have no big dry goods bills to pay now. We Will An,nounee A Special Stocktaking Sale, Watch this sale for money saving chances, visit the store often, lots of lines we never advertise, because there's not enough of them, but they might be the very ones you want. We Draw Business with a chain of big values. Every link in the chain is unbreakable. Try; its strength. • CARLING BROS. Write for Literature and Question Sheet,Arkwhich, if correctly filled out, wig enable me to send you a Truss, which AV is specially adapted to fit and ree. tain your Hernia WITH COMFORT. _la/ 25 years' experience in designing and adjusting. Inventor of 27 -3V,, _Patents on TRUSSES for Rupture and Appliances for •V‘eseetete •,Vr. the relief of CLUB FEET, SPINAL CURVATURE and all other t'u;„.,.;r- E FORM lrril ES.S. The most Celebrated Surgeons use 4..eSt them'exclusively. Order through your physician, druggist, or err direct from factory and fitting -rooms.. C AS. GLUTI1O KING WEST Toronto; Oan. OPPOSITE POSSIN HOUSE IIIMIWINIMIC1101011•••• Exeter Municipal Council. --- --The Council met at the Town Hall, Exeter, 11tle January, 1895, by order of the Reeve. All present except Mr. Bobier. The minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed. Bissett—Carling—That orders be grant- ed for the following stns, viz :—Dr, Roping $5, for exa eination of Rya Piper, a lunatic, with a view to placing her in he asylum: J N Howard. $12,48, for street lights and $5 for incandescent lights to eles Dec. 1894; Jae Creech $2, charity to Mrs MeIntosh; do, $1 to Mrs Bertram, and $2 do to Wm Sutton.— Carried Biasett—Carling—That the time for completion of the collector's work be ex- tended to 26th Januaryi—Carried. Bissett—Taelor—By-law confirming the above be duly read and ps.ssede Taylor—Carling—That Mrs MeIntosh's taxes, $4, be refunded, she being unable to pay. —Carried. The Council adjourned seize die. . • M. EACRETT, Clerk. Six Years Asleep. Extreme, Jan. 9,—Michael Fernan has finished the nixth consecutive year of his sleep. His wife, who watched over him ell this time, died last week, and her body hns been taken to Scranton for burial. Durinu the two days that Mrs, Fornan's body lay in state all possible means to arouse her husband were emtloyed with- out ayail. Fernan and his wife emigrated from Ireland arid wet to Scranton a good many years ago, and in 1882 they removed to Fectoryville, a small station on the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Mul- vey , about 30 mlles north of Scranton at the mouth of the Factoryville tunnel. One day in December, 1888, he completed his day's work, went home, ate hie supper and went to bed. The next morning be could not be aroused, nor all that day. A physician was summoned, but he oonld do nothing. Ferman remained in a cD• =Wee etate. In tbe course ef e week it consultation of phydwiens was summoned, but they could do nothing- more than prescribe a manna of giving neuriattment. in 1892 Fernan Was brought to Elmira by his nephew, J,,hn Fernan, a fireman on the Delaware. Lackawanna and We -tern Railroad, residing in thia city. The sleeper was taken to the corner of Day and Oak streets, and he has since resided. there with his wife. Du ing the four and one half-years,of his sleep at Faotoryville, he opened his eyes only twice. He did not speak, merely looking about the room. Then he closed them and again went to deep In September last, while be was in this city, he awoke, and it was thought he was gobag to get up. Be looked about him, apparently recognized his wife, and stared at the ceiling His wife summoned the neighbore and they took Fernan out of bed and tried to make him walk, hut the effort was unsuccessful. tie was replaced in bed and in a few hours bad again, closed his eyes. Fernan is 5E years of age. He ahweax. isesapparently very weak, ited the mi physiciaprediet his deeth beton he REV. EL BURGESS, River Philip,,N. S. Allow me to thank you for the K. D. C. sent me some time ago. Yoe will be glad to know that, in every ease vvliere it has been nsed it has proved beneficial. Art a result of his aequietal in the Sem done Court, Charles W. Daldt at Toronto Saturday entered ewe againet Wm, Radam, Microbe Killer Co, of New York, for $26, 000 damages for hie falai), arrest aud. fin: Prisonment, To be free frotn melt headache, bilious- ness conatipation, etc:, me Carte's Little Liver PillieStrictly vegetable. They gently stimulate the liver and „free,tha stomach from bile. The New England lines ate joining the Grand Tent* in condemning the WCatern lines for giving everything away to the Cs,nedian Pacific, The intimation la that they will aid the Grand Trenk in an effort overthrow the differential *grommet. The folly of prejudice is ftequently shown by people who prefer to stiffer for years rather than try an advertised reme- dy. The wallops who havene ouch not - lone, take Ayer s Sitreaperille for blood. diseesee, end are cured, See inueli for • Iefiee Pentiston, a Well.knewn Montreal lady, committed enfold* on Saturditr by /dunning hereeif throtighlthe head with a idlotguni CAUSE AND EFFECT. DEATR:TIIE INVARIABLE RESULT or NEGLECTED KIDNEY Disnesit Lovvrn j000A19 BAY, N. S. Jan 21.—The majority of human ailments can be traced, either directly or indirectly. to a diseased condition of the kidneys. Kidney disease may not be suspected for the reason that these organs have few nerves of sensation, and may be even in a condition of advan- ced disease before the true condition ie die - covered. Ninety per cent, of all, diseases mey be prevented' by using Dodds Kidney Pills. Samuel Locke's care, Which eau ed mob wide -spread interest throughout this - province, is a case in point. The price at • which Dodd's Kidney Pine are sold places them within reach of all. They may be procured from all dealers at efty cents per box or six boxes,for $2.50. Take' nc tenons, Niagara Falls, Ont., is rejoicing because the prosreate for the Gould Coupler Com- pany. of Depew N. Y., locating a plant there are brighteeing. OPEN A9 Dar.” It is given to every physician. the formu- la of Scott's Emulsion being no secret; but no successful imitation has ever been offer- ed to the public. Only years of experience and study can produce the best. W.1).NTED, Clearing Sale of Winter • Good.s, Fur Coats. Fur and Imitation Caps, Fur Capes and. Sets, Slsigh • Robes in the large size, 86, 00 to $6,50. These goods aro worth $9 to $1.0 itt any regular store in Canada. Blankets. Overcoats for Men. and Boys. Underclothing. Felt Boots, Felt Sox. Sind Rubbers, and anything and every* thing in the store belonging to the Winter Season, to be cleared out at any price regardless of profit and cost. C. $03Z1VOZZ)V. 4t s.+ •i• et, A 4 4S,1 'VP se0