The Exeter Times, 1895-1-17, Page 1e AND HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. "EIEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL waERN THEY MAY' VOL. XXII. NO 19, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING JANUARY, 17, 1895 111111111•110111111111•11MIIIMMIIIIIIMI JON Wlittlx * 40110 Pantie/sere rhea koteprietnoi 0 U. IR, 0 0 --CT sr T 0 0 T S 1 :"L\T R S. FORD & CO., WOODHAM :Stock Taking - Only twenty one days before we finish taking stock. We have many lines of goods bhat must be cleared out before that date, Money Will Be Forthcoming, if the bargains are sufficiently attractive, Come and see our PRICES for Dress Goods, Men's and Boy's Clothing, Cottons, Flannels, Caps, Underwear and Remnants of everything. R S. FORD & CO. Huron County Notes. There are several cams of chioken pox zin Seaforth. Mr. Martin Reynold of aullett, mourne the loss of a three moaths old ohild, which .died on Sunday. Mrs. C. Hammer, a former resident of Clinton died la Toronte, on the 7th inst., in her 76th year. Mrs John Teylor, of Tackersmith, fell on the Ms ons day lest week and.reoeived a severe fracture of the left arm. John Weiee he sold Ins farm at Walton to George Main, of Moliillop, who last week sold his farm to Wm. Pollard. Mr. R. Logan, Banker of Seaforth, haa purchased the Daniel Wilson term, on the lake shore, township of Stanley, near Bay- field. Miss Mamma Barr, of the 12 con. Hui- deil! sterna for Manitoba on the 9th int. Thle is hernsecond trip to the prairie pro- vince. Mr. Jas. Laithwaite, of Goderich town- -ship, received a telegram on Mondeer announcing the seriout Massa of his son at lantern), Cal. Matra. EL Morrison, of Mmiellop, J. Smile°, of Tuckersmith, and J. Riehardson left this week for Toronto wheze they will attend the school of science. On the 9th inst.. a young man of the name of Seldon Ross, who works for Mr. John Stewart, Seaforth, got kialted by a horse while he was eagagel shoeing the animal. On Saturday last, there was laid to rest all that was mortal of the Lite Mrs. Robt, Scott in Clinton. Her continued and hopeless illness was borne with remark- able patience and resignation. Joseph Wheatleg, sr., died at Seaforth, on Sunday, in his 69th year. Deceased was one of the early settlers of Gelerich township, owning at one time the farm immediately south of Mr Cloates' residence on the Hayfield road. On Tueeday evening, Mr, John Beattie, Jr P., of Seatorth, looked his collie dog in the dice and returned home for the night Towards the wee sma' hours the dog broke five panes of glass, and leaping from the window to the sidewalk UMW, cut itself badly besides breaking its lege: A vary pretty wadding took place at the residence of Mr. 3, S. Porter, Egmond: and ville, on Wednesday mewling last, the bride being Miss Maggie, fifth daughter of Mr. Porter, and the groom, Mr. Donald Hamilton, of Syracuse, N. Y. and brother of Mr. H: Hamilton, formerly If Seaforth. Oa Tuenlay Meagre. It, Holmes and H. Witte°, of Olititon, were walking in front of the Corabem block and commenting on the dangerous nature of the walk at thie particular place, when Mr: Wiltse's feet went from under him, and he fell, breahing his left leg at the ankle. The break is a bd ono, both bona being severed near the ankle, which was also disloated. After eight days of interim suffering, Mutter Robbie Holmes, the 12 year old on of Robert. Holmes, editor of the Clin- ton New Era, pasted away on Wedneaday evening, as a result of blood poisoning He was a bright, promising boy, and a favorite with his companions. Blood phisoniog was caused by the band being pierced with a ruety bit of barbed wire, On Sunday afternoon, while Mr. Hanley, the Seaforth constable, and Mrs. Hanley were driving along the North Road in cutter the horse Fatted, upsetting the ye• hiole and throwing the oecupante out. Mrs. Benley was censiderably shaken up and had her arm broken; On the same Any, Milt. Taylor, of Tueltersmith, slipped and fell, breaking het arm at the wrist. The question of the introduation of the organ into the regular ohuroll services of EgmendvillePresbyterian church, wag dim mimed, and after seyeral had been heard for and againet, a trial vote was taken, when seven voted again's* the use of the instrument and twenty-four in favor of it. Several, however, who were opposed, had left before the vote was taken. The con, ,gregetion will now be Mined to tette by bel- t. The Huron Veterinary Medioall Alma. Atkin held ite regular meetingin the town hall, Clinton, on Wednesday. The follow- ing officers were electedf-Preeident, W. Clerk, Of Gochirich; Vice president, J. Gel, ley, Wingbani; Secretary, J. Weikel -I Lon- desbeto• Treas., I. Biatikell, Cluttert. Mears; Walker and Blitekell gave intermit.. mg papers, which °bolted good lively eliecuesion. The next Meeting will be held jn Londeibero, in Mardi, *Tete it, IN 0, for heartburn and sent The eleetion in East Wawanosh, wee; keenly contested, 'Ina resulted as follows: Reeve -Patterson, 292; Shiell, 192. Coup - °Mors -Roberteon, 274; Scott, 290; Su- therland, 238: Taylor 191. The Council for the current year will, therefore, °engem of Messrs, Patterson, Reeve; Brevet), dep- uty; and Manna Robertson, Scott and Sutherland, counoillora. The following are the official figures showing the number of votes obtained by eacli of the candidata for muuicipal pre.. ferment in Ashfield. We will be repre- sented at Goderich by two new men this year: For Reeve, Girvin-421, Webster, 346; for Firat Deputy Reeve, Kiakley, 332; Mallough 318; Jamieson, 92. Perth County Notes --- Thsre died. in Dublin on Deo. 30th, one of the very oldest settlers of tbis Terence Slavin, who was ia his 89th year. Purify the blood, tone the nerved and give streogth to the weekenecl organs and body by taking Hocid's Saraaparilla now Mrs Everitt, who lives with her daughter, Mrs Albert Baden, in Mitchell fell down stairs on Monday lat, and for a time it was thortgat she was deed. Another old resident has goae from labor to reward, Mrs Hester Williams of Mitchell at the advanced age of 79. She has been a widow for a number of years and mach respected.. The sugarcoating, which makes Ayr's Pills so esay to take, dimolves immediate- ly on reaching the etomech, and so permits the full strength and benefit of the media sine to be promptly communicated. Ask your druggist for Ayer's Alaaanac, just out. Some one entered the kitehen of Mr. Jernes A. Watson, of Mitehell the other morning while Mr. Watson was down cel- lar looking after the farnace fire and stole pucket-book that the owaer had laid up- on the sideboard on corning down sa ae. The book contained 630 in ash, severed notes and valuable papers, and also a oom oarsman railway ticket. Tae following inorning the article etolen was found cere- fully placed inside the water clotet with all its contents hated except the money. A very 'serious if not fetal accident happened on tbe farm of George Seebach, of the Huron road, Fullerton, the other day. Mr. Seebach's sons, John and Peter, were engaged in bricking a well, the first name 1 being at the bottom, when the rope attached to a bucket of bricks that were being lowered parted, allowing the baoket and its centents to fall a distance ef 32 feet, In its de,cent it struck Mr. Seebach on the head, fracturing his skull and breaking his caller bone in two places. The gash in the unfortunate man's head extended down to his right eye, and from this wound the brains oozed freely, Ilia back was injured, and the entire right side from head to foot is one mess of bruises. Hullett. The annual meeting of the Hallett Agricultural Somety was held. in Clinton last Thursday. The statetnent of the auditors ahovved receipts 3999.15, and expenditure 6907.58, leaving balance in hand of $1.57. The number of entries last year was 1,966, while $719,00 was the cash prizes awarded Officers and Direot: ore were elected as followw-Presideet, 0, A. Forrester; Vine President, Wm. Weir. Directors -Stanley, M. MeE wan; Tucker: smith, W Elcoat; Goderich township, John Wiggington; Hallett, A. MoKenzie, J. Wiseman, W. Snell, 3 Reynolds; Clinton, S. G. Plumtner, Thos. Cottle. f*•P To get relief front indigestion, bilious - nese, oonstipettion, or torpid liver without disturbing the stomach or purging tbe bowel's, take a few deism of Carter's Little Liver Pine, they will please you. The death occurred at Halifax, N. S. yesterday morning of H. F. L. Shannon, Judge of the Probate. He wee 88 year of age. Ile represented Halifax in the Nova Seotie Legislature from 1859 to 1867, and was for a part of that tinae a member of the Government. Yon. Don't Have to Swear off. Says the St. Louis Journal of Agrioul. ture in an editorial about Noao-Bas the famous totem° habit eure. "We know of teeny owe Cured by bo To -Bae, one, ft promment St, Louis arehitect, molted and chewed for tweilty yeare; IMO boxes cured him so that even the emelt of to - bailee makes him sick.° No-ToeBee iold and guaranteed, no cure no Pay. Book free, Sterling Remedy Co,, 874 $t. Paul Montreal. Sensed! 1 fections, Mrs. Steeper asks as a balm .. (*rand Bend. Following are the market quotations : 1 1 $10,001 The defendant will fight the Baum- Winter has eel; in in earnest Barley ................ 35 to 40 marry the weeping Mary. storm of Sunday uight.-Mr. Cyrus 55 to 58 Oats ........ ....... 26 to 29 Zion. Green and Mies Mary Zapf were joined • .., Peas ........ .. .. . . , 50 to 55 together by the bonds of inatmmony. We wish them euccess.-Mr. Edward Hay Butter * ° • BRIM. -A deer was shot just a Berney of Manitoba, is Visiting his old Eggs. .. 1164ttot little south of hetre a few days ago. It neighbors here. Mr. Berney has been is reported that two others were also in the West for the put twelve years NOW GOING on AT A, WESELOn's annual stook taking sale of Boom a shoes at • seen -Ur Wm. Jaques and wife are and is looking feirly well after standing greatlY reduced prioes. in order to Mean out visiting th.pir daughter in Michigan. - the balaneeof law wio ter's stook', and reek° l'ae farmers are making good use of the blasts of so many severe winters . - Mr. Cobbledick, of Exeter, visited tins room for new spring goods arriving weekly, it will paw you to an end feet our prices ea. the late fa.11.of snow.-Tbe Zion teach- section last week and found his boots fore purchasing elsewhere No trouble towbow er, not wishing to be behind Centralia. not large enough. to stand on. -Logs cash. A. WESELOEL 'Idyl)" or Winchelsea schools, has novr en are moving along pretty lively now, goodie We guarantee satisfaction. Num. -Ars. Ryan, of Lucan, is assistant who will haye to take Up the Mr Hamilton's yarci is nearly filled. visiting her sister Mrs Miller Edwards, foreign language department as he has ' • 011,1 P who resides near this village. -Miss _not yet mastered the Eng lob language. Ida Dick is at present home on a les- The young people of this vicinity Blyth. it. -Mr. John Short, of the township on Friday night. formed an Petworth Bames.-Slire .A.naie Hamilton, of of Hay, and whodis retiring from farm- Lea u with the following officers :- Brimfield, was visiting her parents on ing, is naoving into his new and csom Fres., dr. Barker ; vice pres, Mr. Sunday -On Monday Mr. Rich. Som- fortable dwelling on Richmond street. Fred Hero ; secretary, Miss Marthe ers left here to attend the Presbytery -Mr. P. Triggerson is the caretaker FIern ; treasurer, Mies Fanny Mille; and S. S. Convention which is being of the new Methodist Church, and - prayer meetteg cont., Miss Jennie held 'Jensen this week. -Constable will doubtless keep everything in good . , Horne, missile. C. Brooks and Ed. Davies and Campbell, J. P. attended order... -Mr. Wm. Elder, jr„ and Mr. Avery , lookout COOL, tdiaBitil3 M. and the trial of John Platzer in Goderich Alexander Moir, of Hay, left here L. Herm Ella Mills, Messrs Eph. Bern on Monday. -On Monday the funeral last week f or Toronto to protsecti te and T. Denison, to her wounds the small some of Vitheat case. He says he never promised to now, the roads are drifted by the recent cortege of Francis Stalker, of Morris, Mc Farlane has sold his farm in Tuck- their studies in college. -Mr. Duncan (irediton passed through thia village on its way to Ball's cemetery where the remeins were ersmith to Mr. George Fairbairn, who Batmen -One ot the ;largest] wed- deposited in its last restingplace. The takes posseasion of it in March. -Miss diogs ever Been in thid section took funeral was a large one showing the G. Dempsey of Exeter, was visiting plane about three miles from here or. respectand esteem in which he was held. friends in town on Tuesday last,- Muesdey, jam 8 at the restdenae of The bereaved widovv and grown up fara- Alex. McFails or Bideulph, was Visit- the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ily havethe eympathy of the community. ing Mr. T. Murdock this week. -A. John Schroeder, in boner of their -On Saturday-, owing to wild rumor a number of Hensallites- on pleasure e ciest daughter. Lavine, a young lady run was made on Lucas'Tanner and bent, took in the akating in Exeter worthy of tne best young man in the Co's Bank in this village by depositors, on Saturday night last and report 'bounty, and Miss Sefiroeder hatters which has caused a little trouble for the having had a splendid time -Business herself in having joined auch a one in time being, but we understand sufficient is very brisk this week. Farmers are the person of Mr. John Wilhelm of securities are in possession of the busy hauling in their Wood and BOW the same community. The wedding bank to meet all liabilities. It is to logs and quite a lot of grain is market- guests came Mom all sections, literally be hoped that satisfactory arrangemente ed here every day. -Mr. Thomas tilling the commodious home. The may be made so that business may run Berry shipped another car load of presents were numerous and costar. along as usual in a few days. horses to Boston last week. -Rev F. The dinner tables creaked, loaded • at. . Swan and E. Ractme were at Blyth with good phlegm Mr. M. C. Hirtzed Zuefle speat last Sunday in Claude Wilbelm, sister of the bridegroom, as °saint ErwinBron and their steak boye. -He, R. Cook of South Bend, meld ot honer, the dev. J. G. Litt of fueniture. Prices army down to suit is at present visiting at Ins brother's, officiating at the ceremony. May thetim'es. Elenry Cook. ele also went to Zurich heppiness and success accompany BRIEFS. -George Stanbury returned to visit his parents. --Mr. Henry Cook the newly wedded couple,. -Mr. Jas. to Toronto on Saturday to resume his returned laid Seturlay froma busi- Baker of Da kota,is visiting his brother studies at the Universitm-Wm Tippet ness trip to Toronto. --4r. Mctdoran, R. Baked -Mr. George Brown who left for Seaforth last week to study at wife and family, of Chicago, who were has been to south Dakota for the last the Oollegiate.-Mr. McClusky, spent visiting at MASunday at his home, Portersr. Wm. Bell's,' Ars. Mc. year and a half, bag returned, and is leforan's father, returned home last looking wale -Wood seems to be all Miss Margie Falconer has returneclfrom Saturday. -Four days of special meet- the go now, from 50 to ;00 • cords cen a visit to Mr. McPhail's, Goderich Tp, Lige are being held in the Alethornat be seen ou•our street every day, -Mr- Albert Vanetone left on a yisit cburch this week. -Miss Violet Jacob Eilber has been on the sick to Loudondast week. -Miss Kate Park Whiteside left on Monday for Toronto, list for a week, but lle is able to be arrived home on Saturday from Winni- tu attend the Norinal school tor six around again . -The annual revival peg. -0a Monday evening a number of . moetes. Mies Brett of Seaforth, has meetings are being held in the young people from Goclerich, tpand taken her place as teacher during her Evangelical churoh. - elms Mercy Bayfielcl spent a mosb enjoyable time at s abeence.- Ad D. Weiam ller was at Sweet who has been away for the last the residence of Mr. Joseph Wild S Exeter last Tuesday. -Mr. Ed. Bos- 3 years, is visiting under the parental auble line. -On Tuesday evening a senberry o Zurich was in town on roof. -Rev. Butt ot Centralia, preach- number of young folks from our town Tueniase- (Me Fresh:tery meetings ed a missionary sermon in the -Meth- drove out to Mr. Gilbraith's near Var- held in Carmel church last Monday odist church here, last SundawM -rs. na where a pleasant time was spent in and Tueselty were largely attended.- Wm, Sweet is at presentevery ill with dancing, and other games --The good Quite a number ot the A.. F and A, inflammationsleighing has made the logs and lumber of the lungs. We hope M. brethren attended the 25th anni- to hear of her speedy recovery -We move as Mr. Deneldson's men are kept versary of Zurich 'calve last Monday had an interesting time here on moving lively. -On Thursdaylast a meet night and report hevina had a good Saturday last, Deputy Game Warden ricultural ing of the Stanley Branch AHotel gwhen time,- -Mr. D. Gottschalk, wife and Gill of Exeter, having had one of our Society was held at Swarts' family, of Zurich, were vieiting at Mr. sports before Squire Lewis for shoot- the following officers were appointed:- Chas. Bossetiberry's lae t Sunday. -Air ing rabbits. He was acquitted.-alr, President, John McNaughton; Vice John Deichert of Zurich: was in town Wtn. Cu n tz who has been working for president, R. Penhalc; Secretary, H. on Tuesday. --A load of I. 0. 0. F. Wow Win tzel fol' the last five years, W. Erwin; Treasurer, John Morgan; brethren ettenried tbe district meet- hes quit work and is going to Buffelo, Directors, Jno. Johnston, R. Snowden, ' ing held at Canton last Tuesday night Bill is a boy who will be missed in our Joseph Wilde, Jno. Parke Jno. Spar - which was one ot the lergest ever held town, as he was a member of the band. row, Stanley, tp. ; Wm. Elliot, Wm, m the district. - Theconcert given by We wish him success wherever he Towasend, Goderich•tp. ; Jas. Burns, the Masses Webling of London, Eng , , goes. E. R. &warts, Bayaeld.-Quite a num- last Thursday night under the auspices ber are suffering, from severe attacks ot of the Canadian Order of Foresters, bad colds lately.- Mr, Wrii. Clarke is vvas a decided sueceas Those who at present confined to the house with a were not present mined a rare treat. bad cold. -Annivereary services will be held in Carmel Presbyterian church next Sunday. The Rev. R. P. McKay, B. A., • orToronto, will preach at 11 a, m. and 6.30 p. m. Special collection adeach service. On elonday evening 1VIr. Matey will deliver his popular lecture "Through the Art Ga leries ot Europe." Acinnesion 23c and loc. Everybody about.' come and etdey night with theehmster of European • Ar t. last Monday on business. -Mr. John acted as best man. and Miss Mary Bayfield. Vutiarton. --- Buters.-Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morris, of this neighborhood, have gone to Southern California to visit a brother 'of the former who is a success- ful miner residing in San .D ego, five hundred ranee south of San Francisco, -Joseph Morrow has returned to Clinton totresume his stu lies at the Collegtate Institute there. -['he result ot the potting on Monday for creme cillora was as follows : Arbogast, 19e; McNeill, 183; Ruasell, 173; El events, 158; Harper, 39, 'The council foe 1805 will Le reeve, Geo. Leversaee; deputy reeve, Joseph Jackson; councillors, Peter Arbogast, John McNeill and J. L. Russell. McCfillivray. WAsrrs $10,000 -1MeGillivrity town- ship will furnish a breach of promise ease involving some spioy details at the assizes in London The plaint lifts a widow advanced in years, end Moses Maws" the defendant, who is a far. mer residing in the some townahip, is raid to be her senior. AnyWay, Memy Steeper alleges that Itiawson was once her Joe --that he asked her to marry him, and further that she accepted him, And not only was Mary willing to marry Joseph then, but she has been seeVereinate. Jcieeph, howover has been 'unfaithful and flOtrlV broken her heart by finally marrying another wo. manfn return for the ittevere injuriel she outtehled by the ttbutta bit her ef,- Kirkt on. Bann -se -9n important: event oc- curred on the 9tb inat,, at the resid- ence of Mrs. Hannah, half a mile south of here, being the merriage of Nancy, ber youngest daughter, to Mr. &tame( Bushfield, late of Manitoba, but now of Login. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Snowden. After the usual congratulations,. the large company of invited guests sat down to a sumptuous repast, which was heartily relislaed Atoutemente of various kinds were indulged in, and the merry company kept up the fun until daylight. The bride is favorite with everybody who knows her 08 tbe bag° number of presents received *Imply testify. Never VMS a more happy evening spent in this neighborhood, and Mr. Bushfield is to be congratulated on receiving so accomplished a companion to share his jot s And sorrows in this world. - After a few days illness, the only abd beloved child of Dr. A.. K. Ferguson of this place, succumbed to an attack of membraneous croup, d ath taking place oa Saturday last. )n Monday last the remains were conveyed to Avonbank cemetery, followed by a large number of sympathizing friends and relatives, the last sad rites being performed by Rev, Colin Fletcher, as- sisted by the Revs. Steele, Snowden and Hamilton. At the annual meet- ing of Blansleard Agriculture!. Society, the patrons of the society were so wen &need With the efforts cif the retiring bOardl of directors and officers that they were all re•eleated to ocoupy the same positions tor another yeer. --The lecture by R.-sv. McGillivray of Toronto, WA A a treat to those who were present, and the Court ot I. 0, F. in this Wade have the thanke of the cora- munity at large for the enjoyment and edification received from listen- ing to the rev. gentlemen mentioned; also from his able assiotante, the Revs. H. Steele and T. 3, Snowden, at' the same time not forgetting the excellent nnisic turnifehed by, the Itirleton orchestra and the enlivening and soul stirring 0Ontributione loin the fi, O. L. bras. band. Centralia. Staffs., nueo.ber of farmer., t tbe lequeet of Mr Steinhoff, met in the ball after nomination for the purpose of discuss ing the Advisability of ereoting o cheese and butter factory in this vicioity. Mr Steinhoff IS 0 deem matter of splendid reputation He explained, the different - methods of conducting it. BRIBFq. -Considerable square timber for Liverpool is being delivered at the station, the snow being favorable for its delivery. -The station agent, C. W. Vail, has moved into the house he recently purchased from Sylvester Windsor -Rev. Geo. 13aker of Crediton occupied the pulpit of the Methodist Church on Sunday, Rev. W. H. Butt, the pastor, preaching missionary ser- mons in Orediton.-The week of prayer was observed here last week, addresses being delivered principally by laymen as follows : -Monday, Prayer, Robt. Luker; Tuesday, Epworth League, Bev. W. II. Butt; Wednesday, Sabbath Schools, J. Parsons; Thursdey,Missions, Wm. Haggith; Friday, The Press, Jas. Delgaty. The meetings were largely attended and very interesting ard profitable in their character; (Fr nn another source.) BRIEFS. -The good sleighing renders business lively. -Mr. T. Lingard, of Whalen, ie visiting friends in the village. -John Neil was throWa from a load of wood the other day and seriously injured. In passing a load of hay the wood upset, some of it falling upon Mr. Neil, He will be laid up for some time.- Mr. Cottrell and family who have been in Uncle Sam's clonaain for a number of years bevel returned to the Village*and are guests Of W. Bleffatt. We learn that Mr. 0. will engage in the harness 'Mak- ing bustness.-Mr. Cheat. Bissett, of De °rains Man,, is also expected back to the vigage. He is . negotiating to rent a waggon shop here atm, resume his old occupation that of a carriage maker. We vreloome the new -comers. -Mr. Windsor was kicked several tines last vreeleby his driving hOrse, She seebak to halite a melte at her owner but, be is Very loath to part with het -There Will be an auction sale ot farna stock in the village on For Ideetenie bervillehe tate I.. ti. 0. Clinton --- 13nnirs,-Drupgist .T. H. Combe may build it handsome new brick block where his two dorm and Ford'* 'butcher shop now stand, Plana havebeen prepared for the proposed work, -Mr. Thos, Walker, who was plasterieg the new dining room at the Hotel Clerendon, was on a ladder eight fathom the floor last Wednesday and over reached. losing his balauco* He fell backward to the firior aud received a wound. in the back of his head, but not of a serious nature.- The other day St.Agnes' Guild and tbe Sunday School Teaohers of St. Paul's Church presented the rector, RSV. 3. IL and Mrs. Feline with a hand:- Pont6 butter ditsh and fruit dish, it mark of their esteem and affeetion.-Mr. S. 13, Weir we regretto learn, has been compelled by force of circumstances to make an assignment. He has considerable money looked up in the Northwest and could aot pull throngh,-Arch. McMarchie, Reeve of Clinton, will likely be Warden for 1895. Mr. MolVlurchie is an old and worthy member who has rendered excellent service as a Co. Councillor and the W arderiship is an honor he is well deserving of 1 We thank our many friendslfor their kind patronage during the year, and. solicit a continuance of their valued support for the future. We believe this will be to Stephen. -- ADDRESH awn PRESENTATiOX.- The Ep• worth League of the Methodist Church of Crediton, held an "At Home" at the personage on Tuesday evening, the 15th inst., and spent a most enjoyable time together. The meeting was opened by eingiug "What a Frierd eci haver in Jesus' and prayer by the Pester. Afterward all enjoyed themselves in a social manner with amusements, conversation, musie and singing. Refreehments were served by the ladies, and Mrs. Better was com- pletely surprised by the presentation of a beautiful Silver Cake Bask.et accompanied with an address; Mits. BAKUB, We the members of theEpworth League of Christian Madeavor of the Crediton Mettiodist church, do bereby wish to acknowledge our appreciation of your work in our League, and ask you to accent this small token of our es- teem. We hope you and 2,Xr. Baker may long be spared to coatinue the rood work in which me Imam so ably assisted us during the past two years. signed on behalf of / EFFIE LEWIS, E. I, et C. E. 1n5LI1DA BEAVER, Both Mr. and Mrs. Baker wee teken by surprise and made a few saitabie remarks expressing their appreciation of the kind. ness and boys of the young people. The meeting closed by singiag the National Antbern, and the pronouncing: of the Benediction. All went home feeling better for the happy time they sant together. • om Zurich. --- INsurtemon Mamma.- The annual meeting of the Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Compipay vvaa held in Zurich on Monday. There was a large attendance of members. The following officers were elected for the current year :-President, Peter Douglas; Vice President, W. B, Batt- ler; Director, Jacob Kaercher, Dan'l Sarurae, Sam'l Brokenshire, John Baker, Thos. Yearly, John Torrance and William Lamont; Henry Eilber. Manager and G. Holtzman, agent. The Company is in a good financial standing, with assets amounting to $100.863.98 and amount at risk, $2,- 610,985, a vast increase over last year, 560 policies were issued during the year, covering an insurance of $934a 700. The year c'osed with 1664 polic- ies in force, covering a total insurance of $2,610,985, for which the Company holde assets to the amount as above, Losers were suetained during 1881 to the amount of $5,180, and during the past twenty years there were 142 fires for which the Company paid $21,681. The township of Mina is excited over the appearance of sinall pee. According to the assessor's figures the population of Stratford is now 10,365. The township of Elma has a smallpox case and vaccination is now: the order there. Messrs. Wicks and Winter, the two raen charged with conapiring to bribe Ald. Gowanlock, of Toronto, to use Ms intim ence in favor of the Hersey Water Meter Co., were discharged by Magistrate Dent: son yesterday morning. The Magistrate held that there wag no evidetice of conspir- acy; Beginning with Tuesdaylfire insurance rates in Toronto will be raised on all build. ings higher than three stories. This was the result of a conference of Toronto fire underwriters Five cents more will be charged on four stories and a proportionate Morose for every additional story. The rate will be teduceel if the city adopts satisfactory fire egnipraents. When Edward Spence and his young son were driving into Harailtoh front the East on Saturday they were run down by a oar Oil tbe Hamilton, Grimsby and 13eanasr villa Electric Railway. The elder $110nO0 was not hurt much, bat young Spence was badly cat on the head and was also biter.. 'tally injured, but will recover. Mr, William Langton, who Was prom - Went in Winnipeg eociettfand needed circles, has, in Chiamo, mea a hill fox' divorce :from her husband, who no ire: sides in Vaneouver, She al egos desertion, Langton has made answer to her petitioti, deelaring that his wife Omitted him, mid that he is willing at any tune to. provide a home for her if she will return. Sale negiater Friday, Jan. 18,-Parin stook, banks, meats, Me., at Medan" hotel, Centralia. Sale at one o'clock* a'no. Gill, Atics. 0 lir mutual advantage- We wish you nil 1;)43ierry Christmas IR.0 and happy and prosperous New Year. Make a 7 good begin - 1\0/1 ning by belying sante of our Cheap presents which will bring happi- ness tO yonrsel-vea and cheer tothe recipient. Farmers' Institute. On Wednesday forenoon of last week the institute opened its annual meeting in the town hall here with a very good attendance. The first subject was one of deep interest, -clover culture - introduced by Mr. W. Rennie, farm manager at the Agricultural College Guelph. Mr Rennie's long and. practical experience especially qualified him to speak upon the subject and his instruct - ton was very valuable. Mr. Rennie said that clover was.the foundation of his success upon the farm. In. his methods of weed distruction, renewing the soil, and. rotation of crops, clover was the basis. He placed greater value on well and properly saved clover hay than on any other fodder for horaes or cattle Mr- Rennie also gave a very interesting address on the beautifying of the farm home. Mr. Rennie used two charts, showing the farm as it is too often found; with a naked brick house and large bank barn upon it, without any surroundings, and another one showing the same farm all beautified with shade trees; roadways, grassy lawn, shrubbryt flower beds, fruit garden, orchard, etc. He explained rhe trifling cost of making a home such As would hold the affections of the young people and incline them to the farm, out of the dreary and unattractive des- olation that many very fine farms pre- sent. Mr. Rennie spoke from his own experience, and in every sentence he uttered there was a sermon not easily to ba forgotten eyen by those who have but little love and less interest in the beautiful and attractive in nature. Mr. Usher, of Thorald, introduced a new feature into institute work in a talk on road construction, conceete walks, cel- lar and stable floors, culverts, drains, foundation walls concrete silos and all manner of buildings, His subject was a new one and awakened so deep an interest that he was called on to restime or repeat his Mika at every sessioa of the Institute. Mr. Alex. McNeill, of Windsor, gave an instructive address on education for the farmer. Mr. McNeill was science master in the Windsor high school for thirteen years before he re- tired to farming and grape growing and was well qualified to speak on' the sub- ject of education. After defining his ideal of a farmer's education he did not think, he said, that our present high schools and collegiate institutes sup- plied or aimed at that education. Ort Tuesday there was a splendid meeting at Brucefield, and in the evening a concert ,vas held, the hall being packed and many having to go away, being- unable to get in. There was splendid programme which seemed to give un.bounded satisfaction to the audience. Ib consisted ot addresses by the different members of thedelegation, readings, music and recitations. The comicalities of Messrs. George B. Scott and John Murray, of Seaforth, the in- strumentals of Mr, and Miss Murdock of Etensall, and the recitations of Mr. George Murclie, of McKillop, brought down the house every time. Mr. John Ketchen,the ?resident of the Institute, occupied the Agit at all the meetings. A Setmenen COUBMTE: Milburn's Cod. Liver Oil thnuleion with Wild Cherry and klypophosphites is the surest and best cure for coughs, coke, hoartemese, bronchitie marl asthma, Price 50c. and $1,00 per bottle. ' Dtmentewn Coming. Obstinate Coughs yield to the grateful eoothing action of Norway Pine Syrup. The racking, pereistent °eagle of tionetimpt. tives is quiekly relieved by this unritalled throat and lung remote Petite 25c. end 50, Mrs. S. L. Soper died Thereafter night at Belleville, aged 90 sears. She had lived there 26 years. • Mr. Felix:it 'Regan and Nellie, daughter ofilVir, John Hagerty, were united in wed! lock at St. Patrick's church itinkera, on Wedneaday the Oth inst.,1 by the lloy4 1Sether O'Neill) For stomach troubles use 14 Oi Alphonse Lanrendeatt, who ressultedIiii own, dmia Medved 25 leelutit Etldity Metal hugi it* Monti* 1101 tontrendetu get another 25, *MA he iS released ilk enthe hoot,