The Exeter Times, 1895-1-10, Page 3-- A Racking Cough •enred by Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Mrs. R D. HALL, 217 GeneSeen Ste, .tmekpOrt, N. Y,says " Over thirty year ago, I reraembet hearing my father desoribe the wonder* ful curative effects a Ayer's Cherry, "Pectoral. During a recent attack ef La " Oripne, which aseurned the form of a catarrh, soreness of the lungs, wont - panted by an aggravating cough, I used various remedies and preecriptions. While some of these naedicines partially alleviated thapoughing during the day, none of themafforded me any relief from that spasmodic action of the lungs which would seize me the moment I attempted to lie down at night. After ten or twelve such nights, I was Nearly in Despair • and had about decided to sit up all night ha my easy chair, and procure what sleep I could in that way. It then oes ourred to me that 1 had a bottle a Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I took a epoonful of this preparation in a little water, and was able to lie down without coughing. In a few moments, I fell asleep, and -awoke in the morning greatly refreshed and feeling muck better. I took a teaspoonful of the Pec- toral every night for a week, then grad- ually decreased the dose, and in two weeks my cough was cured." Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Prepared by Dr. J. O. Ayer & Lowell, Isf es& Prosrlptto act, sure to cure THE OF AtwExETER TIMES POWDERS C;Ife SICK HEADA9HE and Neuralgia in 20 1WINUTE9, also Coated Tongue, Dizzi- ness, Biliousness, Pain Fa the Side, Constipation, Torpid Liver, Bad Breath. to star cured also regulate the bo•Wels. vssr NICE TO TARE. Psios 26 Csuvra Ar DRUG STORES. CENTRAL Drug Store FANSON'S BLOCK. • A fall stook of all kinds of Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winaa's Condition Powd- er the blest in the mark- et and always refl. Family recip; ees carefully prepared at Central Drug Store Mote C. 141,1111'12S. HAVE YOU "Backache the scavengers means the kid- of the system. neys are in "Delay Is rouble. Dodd's dangerous. Nog - Kidney Pills give looted kidney prompt relief," troubles result "75 percent. in Bad Blood, of disease is Dyspepsia, Liver first paused by Complaint, and disordered kid- the most dan- neys, gerous of all, "Might as well Brighte Disease, try to have a Diabetes and healthy oity Dropsy." without sewer- "The abou e age, as good diseases cannot health when the exist where kidneys are Dodd's Kidney clogged, they are Pills are used,' Sold by all dealers or dent by illation receipt of price o ceni. per box or Mx for $e,go. Dr. L. A. Smith Sr Co. Tstomm Write for ,book called Kidney Talk. If you toll a good jest, and pleinie all the rest, deeloB Diegly, and maks you, ' "What was it?" ' Auld before She Mtn know, away she will go to eeek au old rag in the elaseta-rSwifti THE EXETER THE WEEK'S NEWS Governor SchtlIZ::::; oat of clanger. Hon, Mr, Bowell is itnproved in health. Severe gales prevail on the Nova Scotia coast, The North-West Mounted Police is t materially reduce& Montreal is to have a new theatre ing two hundred thousand dollars. Bridge street Methodist oliuroh, in Belle, villa, has the names of 1,000 scholare on the Mt Roberb Blair, for years president of the St John, N.B., Gee °emptily, died on Friday, aged 70. An extensive physical laboratory is to be added to the science department of the 0 !taw& Collegiate Institute. A project is on foot to establish a direct line of steamships between Montreal and St. Aim's, Newfoundland. Secretary Strachan, of the Winnipeg Exhibition Association, has been auspended for alleged inattention to duty, The Manitoba Government has made up its mind to cut off the vote for Govern- ment house expenditures in the future. The .Department of Trade and Com- merce intends publishing quarterly sup. plemental reports to the annual report of the department The inventory of the estate of Sir John Thompson shows total asserts of nine thousand lumen hundred dollars, which will be largely reduced by current household expenses. o be cost. Judge Edward Elliott, of London, has given a deoision whioh makes life assur- ance companies pay taxes. Three Com- panies had appealed against their asseasments. • a Thomas L. Chappell°, 48 years of age, for many years publisher of Chappelle's almanac, dropped dead in Charlottetown, P. E. I., on Friday. He was a brother of Rev. R. Chappell& now a missionary at Tokio, Japan. Mr. W. W. Ogilvie, the flour king, who has just returned• to Montreal from a tour of inspection in Manitoba, says that the cause or the advance in the price of Manitoba wheat was because of it being soarce. • Mr. Beverley Ross, of the Niagara Falls electric railway, who was spending the holidays at Portilopejwas seeing a young lady friend off on a train there, when he tripped and fell in front of the Pullman car which was moving, and had his leftarm taken off below the elbow. Mt C. .N. Armstrong, managing director of the Atlantic and Lake Superior railway, has returned to Montreal from London, where 'his endeavors in behalf of the railway had met with entire suc. case, and he had been able to make the most satisfactory arrangements GREAT BRITAIN. The Engliah money order system has been extended to Zululand. , The Bank a England's rate of discount) remains unchanged at 2 per cent On the final distribution of the Matabele war loot fund, the British soldiers interest- ed received $550 each. The London Times announces the death at Frant, Sussex, of Mary, wife of Gen. Palmer, of Colorado Spriugs. The London Daily News criticizes New- foundland for its short.sightedness in re- fusing to join the Canadian confederation. In order to cope with New Zealand and Australian competition, Irish farmers are being urged to make butter all the year round. An annual international music trade exhibition is being organized in London. It will begin at the Agricultural hall next summer. Sir William Harcourt, Chancellor of the British Exchequerratates that there is no truth in the report that he intends to pro- pose a tax on bicycles. Three agricultural banks are to be started in Irelaad—one at Achill, a second at Doneraile, near Cork, and the third at Summerhill near Dublin. Lady Henry Grosvenor, wife of the second son of the Duke of Westminster, died on Saturday night at Eaton Hall, the residence in Chester of the Duke of West - 'Minter. As a jubilee souvenir, Sir George Wil Eames founder of the Young Men's Chris. tian.Association, -has been presented with a beautiful silver harp by the Irish brancihes of the association. Liverpool polies have reported that there is nothing to warrant rumors of increased Fenian activity inthe city. But, while not apprehensive of danger, they are keep- ing a sharp lookout upon all movements of a suspicious nature ' The London Society for the .A.bolition of Compulsory Vaccination has " urged "all anti -vaccinists and all levers of liberty to use their utmost exertions at the elections of guardians to procure the retura of can- didates favorable to their movement." New experimerts have been made in treating separately with lime and proto- sulphate of iron the sludge liquor at the two outfalls for the sewage of London. The results were so satiefactory that it is intended to make arrangemente for treat- ing the whole quantity of sewage in this way. 'UNITED STATES. Oleomargarine dealers are in trouble in New ,Jersey Wages have been reduoed at Carnegie's works, Homestead, Pa. • Only two—not seven—negroes were lynohed in Georgia on Sunday. The alleged attempt to corrupt Chicago City Couneit will be invertigated. Pittsburg (Pa.) Russians are taking the oath of allegianee to the new Czar. Seeley, who robbed the National Shoe and Leather tank got eight years, besides the $354,000. Col Michael Frank, the founder of the free echoed system of Wieconsin, is dead. aged 90. James IL Robertson was frozen to death at Peekskill, N. Y., Thursday. He had peen drinking. Capt. Stephenson, the first Lwow victim, was titled $1,000 and given three yeare and nine nuaitha, TIM Pittsburg police have orders to arrest asvagratts all prize fighters who have no visible meatio of support. • Rev. De. Talmage will, comineriaing January 6, preach every Sunday afternoon in the New York Amidenty bi The W.C.T.U, petition to the 'United States Governtnent Will • be preeehted on TIMES Febriiary 15, and to the British Government in Jane. Apapal decree has been made public forbidding Roznan Catholics to beeeme or to remain members of the Othifellows, Knights of Pythias, and Sons of 'Temper - aloe. Gen. John W. Foster, ex,Seeretary of Stets ot the United States, has boon re - quoted by the Chinese Government to go to &marl mid assist in the peace negotia- tie's& Mr. Foster will go by Way of Vancouver. Edward R. Carter, transfer and coupon clerk of the National Bank of Commerce in New York, has been arrested charged with appropriating $30,000 of the bank's money, Carter is 44 yeara old, and has a wife sad two children. GENERAL, Mexico and Guatemala are going fight - Corea will borrow • 5,000,000 yen from Japan. The Turkish garrisone in Armenia are being reinforeed, Russo-tierman trade has been greatly stimulated by the reoent • commeteial treaty. The arrested Newfoundland bankers al. lege they owe their proseoution to political animosity. ' • - Venezuela is enjoying a return of pros. perity, ; railway traffic is improving and confidenee restored. Victoria'sLegislative Aasembly has pasted a bill imposing a tax on the unim- proved value of h ed. The long -continued boycott of certain Berlin breweries by the Socialists has ended in a oompromiee. The Brazilian Government has ordered a million dollars' worth of war materiel from the Armstrongs, of England. • Another splendid diamond, weighing 230 carats, has been unearthed at the Jagerof- onteitt mine, South Africa. to • A dhow captured •on Lake Nyasa& recently by a British gunboat contained a number of ale.ves fastened in irons. - The Czar has reduced the number of police charged with the duty of protecting his person, but he has not abolished the seoretpolice as was reported. On January 1 the new passport system for the interior of Russia was extended to the clergy of all creeds and ' confessions excepting those of the Roman Catholic Church. ' Owing to alleged unjust treatment by the bishop of the diocese, the Roman Catholic population of Weidenthal, in Hungary, have in a body Ileolared them- selves Protestants. This year's vintage in France is estimated at 39,000,000 hectolitres being 11,000,000 less then the exceptional yield of 1893, but nearly 9,000,000 above the average of the last tea years. Chainrajen "Ira WadiEms Bahadur, the Maharajah of Mysore, one of the most im- portant of the native Princes of 'nab; **es has been under treatment in Calcutta for diphtheria, is dead. • A despatch from Calcutta says that the Waziris continue to harass the British ex- peditionary corps,. firing into the camp at nights, and pouring a hot fire upon the British force from the bushes when the column is on the march. • Jules Simon, the eminent French Aca- demician, Who is in his eighty-first yeals; has been successfully operated on for catar- act. He is to be kept in a dark room for ten days, and must neither read nor write for a month. Next summer there will be great military manoeuvres to the north of Rome, ending with a mock taking of the city, and entrance of the troops a t Porta Pin,in counnemoration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of that event. With regard to the proposed revival of the Olympian games, to be held every four years in one or other of the European court. tries it has been decided that the lust 'aeries shall take place in the ancient arena at Athens in 1896. Religious persecution still obtains in Russia, despite the humane sentiments of the new Czar. The Government has issued a circular prohibiting Stundist prayer meetings and declaring the sect "danger. ous to Church and State." Expulsion of Jews from territory nearer the frontier than fifty versts has been stop- ped by order of the Russian Miaister of the Interior, and an Imperial ukase . is ex. pected to abolish the law prohibiting Jews from settling within the zone indicated. UNCANNY Results or an Experiment in Byron/Aimee By a Earis Doctor. A series of very wonderful experiments which have just been concluded by Dr. Lays, of Paris, whose observations and discoveries in connection with magnetism and electricity in 'relation to hypnotism made a profound impression upon the scientific world some time ago has led to a remarkable result. The latest discovery establishea the fact that cerebral activity can be transferred to a crown of magnetized iron, in which the activity can be retained and subsequently passed on to a second person. Incredible as this may seem, Dr. Luys has proved its possibility by the experi- ments just referred to. He placed the crown, whioh in reality is only a ciroular band of magnetized iron' on the head of a female patient sufferingrom melantholia, with a mania for self-destruction, and with such euccess was the experiment attended Ithat within a fortnight the patient could be allowed to go free without danger, the crown having absorbed All her marked tendeneies. About two weeks afteawara he put the tome crown, which meanwhile had been carefully kept free from centaat with any- thing else, on the head of a male patient suffering from hysteria, complicated hy !regnant recurrent periods of lethargy. The patient was then hypnotized' and immediately conducted himself after the manlier of the) woman who had previously worn the crown. Indeed, he practically assumedher personality and uttered exactly the same complaints as the had done. Similar phenomena have, it is reported, been observed in the case of every patient experimented upon. Another experiment showed that the orewn retained the im- pression acquired until it was made red hot. The doublet was o, closefitting coat in. troduced into France front Italy about 1100. It is a sober truth that people who live ouly to atriuee themseltais Work harder ab the task than most people de in earning their daily bread,e-H. Mere, • ABOUT THE MUSE. A liandful of Oleanings. A loaf of stole bread will be almost as goo 4 as When newly baked, if wrapped closely in a towel and steamed through thoroughly. Any earthen jar that is tainted ever so badly oan be sweetened by filling it with dry earth, and leaving it buried in the ground a few days A perfect substitute for scrap beok paste is a cold boiled potato. Do not cook the potato until it is mealy, or breaks easily. Reject a tslMe from one end, thee rub' over the eurfaoe of the paper and apply. if cloth is loose in texture or ravels eas- ily, betore .cubting buttonholes soften the edge of a conveniently-sizedsaieoe of glue and rub o'ver the surfaoe. New tin will net rust easily if it is find) rubbed thoroughly over every .part with fresh lard, then heated very hot in an oven. Always brighten it thereafter with a cloth moistened with kerosene. A slight film of pure glycerine tends to prevent window glass from sweating, alao the formation of frost in cold weather. Alcohoi serves a like purpose but is more expensive. One of the simplest and heft deodoriz. era for a sick room is coffee. It fills the room with a pleitisant odor which the pa- tient enjoys. Sprinkle freshly burned and ground coffee over hot coals placed on a shovel. ' A pair of atravr cuffs, such as butchers wear, will protect dress sleeves ; but a pair of old stocking tops hemmed at tbe bottom are better. Draw them over the sleeve and hold in place with safety pins. Salt sprinkled on the stove when the contents of pot or pan boil over will pre- vent a disagreeable odor. Use coarse sand- paper to remove spots, and cover your hand with a paper bag when blaoking a stove. Chamber utensils should always be cleansed with cold water. Hot water drives the odor into the utensil, and it can rarely afterward be removed. Paper is an excellent silencer to use in a sick room. It dries not absorb odors, and can easily be burned and its place supplied. Borax will remove stains and grime from the hands, heal °hides and matches, and cleanse the scalp. Add borax to water till it will absorb no more; use a little of this in the water in which the hands and hair are bathed. It is an excellent preparation to add to the water in which blankets, or red drapery is cleansed. Essence of coffee is a new and fine flavor- ing for ices, custards, frosting, etc. Take two heaping tablespoonfuls of freshly browned and ground coffee; pour over it a coffeecapful of cold water and reduce it by boiling to four tablespoonfuls. Use one tablespoonful for a custard, or Mine for a cake. -. Keeping Things Up. a In every estimate of house -keeping ex- penses-thex.e, should be a generous margin for keeping 'iliiliga„stz ;'advisee Harper's Bazar. The wear and t-eaNlastaf usage, and s sees, more strange and more perplexing atif wear and tear of nomusage, tell sadly upon our houses and their fOrnialdnge. Carpets whioh are constantly trodden grow thin in spots, are faded by the sun, are threadbare. Carpets in closed rooms are destroyed by the moth. Curtains fade. Family linen gradually falls into decay. Everything must be replenished, kept up, gone over again and again, if the donaestip machinery is not to creak and rust. The wise housekeeper buys every season O few new articles and, , so to speak, has always her reserved stock on which to So, too, the notable niatron does not exhaust her preserves and jelliee fax Wei egle year. She prefers to carry aome jers over, to have a pot uf marmalade or jam of a twelvemonth's age to keep in countenance the lucent brigade of cane and jars which she proudly surveys this autumn. The. jadicnous housewife keeps every thin up to the mark. To Clean Furniture. • Firstclean the articles • by spongin with • lukewarm water Then tak linseed oil one quart, spirits of wine half a pint, vinegar half a pint, butter of antimony tvro ounces, turpentinehalf a pint Shake the mixture well before using. Pour a little,pn a flannel oloth, and apply to the furniture. Two or more applications are necessary for new furniture. A more 'Ample method, and one that is used by many furniture dealers, is to clean the •furniture thoroughly; then rub vigorously with a mixture composed of equal parts of olive oil and turpentine. If the work is not satisfactory after the first application try again; and remember that a great deal de- pends ou the rubbing it receives. WITAT HOLM SAlf 2 A TE111$ OF XNTEREST ABOlIT THE HIJSY YANKEE. PreighborlY Interest in ate beinstes-Mat • ters of Moment and mirth (Slithered from llifs pally Record. Montana has choeen the bitter reel) as the • State flower, Mrs. Ida Fairchild, of Danville,I11., died on a train in Colorado. Two new telephone companies are ap. plying to the Detroit City Council for Iran, ohisee. Minneapolis mills turned out 294,490 barrels of flour last week, surpassing all former records. Erie,Pa., is trying the London. England plan of taking away the clubs from its day policemen. ' Claud G. Campbell was cruelly teeitted by Univereity of California student' for alleged disloyalty. A camera espeoially •adapted for the photography of meteors has been invented by a Bostoa artist. • Dan Lamont a income ten yeara ago was $15 a week, Fie is said to be earning to. day $100,000 a year• . J.L. Ray, charged with • the larceny of $10,000 worth of state sorip, was acquitted at Little Rook, Ark. President Adams, of the University of Wisconein,defends football from the attacks recently made pn it. By the offieial .00mpilabion of the vote in Illinois, Wulff for treasurer, is shown to have a plurality of,•133,327. - Judge Bookwaiter, of Charleston, Ill., fined a braes hand whose playing annoyed him for contempt of court Negotiatione are in progress betweeia Yale and Oxford universities for an interna- tional boat race next spring. Two prisoners jumped from a train while it was going at iull speed. near Vin- cennes, Ind. They were recaptured. • Petitions for the appointment of ad. ditional receivers of the Union Pacific havebeen filed by Attorney -General Olney. The constitution of Ohio gives the gpver. nor no veto power, a distinction enjoyed by no other state save Rhode Islaaid. A needle that Mrs. Tabitha Whitman of Mumfordsville, Ky., swallowed m 1830 came out at hex elbow the other day. The Court of Appeals has deoided that fish in a pond 011a term are personal pro- perty and nob part of the real estate. ' Surgeons in the employ of the Big Four met at Indianapolis and arrangedto estab- lish a chain of hospitals for employes Reports of a Cincinnati paper ahowa the winter wheat area has been increased 1.9 per cent. The plant is in good cone dition. A billhas been introduced in the Alabama legislature to restore the lease system in the employment of conviets in the Stabe pristine. It cost 51,000 to take a carload of fruit from Sacramento, Cat, to London two years ago. The rate this year has been need to $700 In 0 on recently a bard of 800 •horses sold at an ay -age price of $5 each, and a seopilcienfoartauor.eana Nes- arsttcheci sorrel mares eas -^.14 r,4*. D. E. Burlington, preeident of the de- funct Bank of Commerce atSpringfield,Mo., has been reindiated for receiving money after the bank was insolvent. Milwaukee police discovered a conspir• acy by mean -if which the John Pritzlaff CI ompany had been robbed of 510,000 worth of hardware, • It required 28 bullets to kill Pat Rooney, O Port Huron ape, the other day. Pat was not a eitizen but a wicked Monkey that bit the attendant's hand. ' Patrick Cunningham, of New Bedford, Massthe inventor of the new rocketnaval torpecio,sometimes called the "flyingdevil," is a native of Ireland. g • Cha•rles A. Byrne, a fisherman of Sb. Augustine, Fla., was badly bitten by a shark while he was standing in shallow water haulingout suet. g The Bessemer ore producbion 01 the e Lake Superior district is the largest ever achieved, and the total pvoduction of ore for the season reached 7,250,000 gross • It is figured that every man, woman and child in the United States eats an average of four and a half bushels of wheat in a year in the form of bread or breakfast cereal's "Uncle Billy" Patterson°, who died in West Philadelphia Friday, had been for forty-three years an engineer on the Penne sylvania Railroad and Was never hurt in an accident. • , • The Jewesses of St. Louis have formed the Sisterhood for Personal Service, a charitable arganization which will care for the poor Of their own denomination and educate their children. Try Rubbing tough meat with Cut lemon. Bacon fat for frying chicken andgame. • Steaming a stale loaf pf bread to freshen • it. • Warming orsckers slightly in the oven before using. - Dipping sliced onions in milk before fry. ing. • Pried sweet apples when you have liver or kidney. Heating dry coffee before pouring on the water. • ' • Pouriag vinegar over fresh fish to maks scales come off easily, Adding lemon juice to the water in which rice is boiled to keep the grains separate. Beating the whites of eggs at aa open' window if the kitchen be hot and steamy. Hosiery of' Notate it is said that a system has been devised by whioh can be made stockings of alumin- ium and the same metal is used to heel and toe stookings of the ordinary • deicription, as well as to strengthen knitted gloves and mittens Aluminium collars and neckties haat' already been introduced. We ate wait- ing for an aleininiuin shirt an aluminium suit of clothes, an aluminium hat and au alutriinium pair of boots. When We have these we shall try to be happy,• *ow Boundless intemperance in nature is a tyranny-- it hatli been the •••uriiiitiely emptying of really a throne, and fall of many kings, —Shakespeare, Children Cry for Pitcher$1 Cittortal William Barnes, a clerk in the treasury department, who died recently, is said to have handled more money than any other man in the world. In one day 560,000,000 passed through his hand. Two thieves robbed a family at Water. loo, Mo • recently. After securing all the valuables about the house they kissed the old lady and her two daughters, after which all were bid a friendly goodanight Henry Y. Bryant the Nevada silver king while stopping at the Fifth Avenue, signed his eheque regularly every week for $3,000. This auin paid the board of himself and his faintly for just seven days. The St. Ann's Protestant Episcopa church, New York, is one of the very few churches in the world which conducts divine service in the sign language.. Its congregation is almost composed of deaf mute-. Jack Hower' lon of Paris, Ky, related to proininenb Bourbon County families mar- ried Matilda Taylor, colored. HOwertori became enraged at being guyed in the rail. road station, drew his revolver -and injured a bystander. Leon Levy, of Galveston, created a Bailee. tion by dealariag before the American Hebrew Unioa at New Orleans that the gabble seb up various sorts of religions and felled be unite on judaiem, The 'Rabbis resented this siatereent. DeleWare is not a densely populated state but were Texas as thickly peopled her population would be about 25,000,000, Were Texas as numerously peopled as Massachusetts her population would eroded by 60,000,000, the total populethin of the United States, a000rding to the °Onus of 1890. if Texas were as densely peopled as Rhode Island her population 'tabula be more than 83,000,000. OES YOUR WIFE Do HER OWN AWNING? IF she does, see that the wash is made Easy and Cleari by gepting ber SUNLIGHT SOAP, which does away with tho terrors of wash -day. EPe `c=1(itPriAele Svcritallusce°nthviiisicseoall: " . 'Consu ipton Was formerly pronounced incurable. Nov it is not. In all of the early stages of the disease tas,A-7,44%-le7.44, will efget a aid fiuAkeiVian know u *ispeei4c.; SOtt's.; motes tko teaktug of 411.1015r. 11 reiim+ei 411/194rAmakoni Oyercarees aivtiettliehtsto of the disclase "and For 0ouglis, ablas, Weak Lump, Sere Throat, Efeachitie, Horgaiiiptien, ScrofOla, Loss of Flesh and 'Wasting Diseases of Children. 13ay only the genuine with our trade"' MARK. Mark on sattnon-colored wrapper. Send for pamphlet an Scolt's Emulsion:. PRES. Soott & Bowne, Belleville. All Druggists. 50c. and S. •—ass srr"""rsaaarrearaasreireaaraseaa=ss.. 1!!!* Jitest. le*iseld atm.tr4:044$to Ju or new the hi of fib !Vain onto tad fl the organs 6t tiio boat'W When tam" tl,etve eentsae are deranged the, Ogsne *Melt thdY supply trith Ilene flaid, or iletvo force, are alto deranged; When it te remembered that a fit tious ,fejury to the epinal cad will (fangs paralysis of the body helot). the injured. paint, 'because the nerve force t prevented , by the injury from reaching the para- lysed portion, it will be understood how the derangement of the nerve 'centres will tense the derangement Id the various organs whioh they supply.with nerve force; that is, when a nerve centre is deranged or in any way diseased it is impossible for it to supply the same quantity of nerve foto as when in a healthful condi. Hon ; hence the organs whioh depend %port it for nerve force stiffer, and are :Unable to properly perform their work, and and t4$ a reoult disease tuakee ite appOttratiee. 41 At least two.thirds of our chronie " - diaca808 and ailments are due to the imperfect action of the nerve centres at the base of the brain, and not from clerangero.ent primarily originating in the organ itself. The great tills - take of rbyeloitme in treatiug these Caeesee is that they treat the organ* siht,fo'fito tioko,ars tge_fikkifiomp. : The trpti eiffe's viought by GleAt Atneriein gervine Tonle aro duo alOile to the Feet that this remedy 19 based upou the fore.. going principle. It cures by rebuild* hxg affi strengthening the nerve Clantraflo and thereby increasing the supply of nerve fore° or nervous energy. This remedy has been found of infinite‘alue trot the cure of Nervous- ness, Nervotib Prostration, Nervous Paroxysms, Sleeplessness, Forgetful.. nese', Mental Despondency, Nervous. nese of Fotnaleg, net Flashes, Sick Headache, Heart Disease. The Arat bottle will Convii1106 anyone that lb cure is eertain. South American Nervine is with. out doubt the greatest remedy ever discovered for the our° of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and chrobia Stomach Troubles, 1300a,USO it acts through the nerves. It gives relief in one claYi and absolutely effects it permanemil cure in every instance. Do not allow your prejudices, or the prejn. dices of others, to keep you from using this health.giving remedy. It is based ou tile result t.,f year of aeientintl researoh and study. A single bottle will oonviuce the roost incredulous. C. LIITZ tSole Wholesale and Hetail ,Agent for txot 1)iL 1' ▪ -