The Exeter Times, 1895-1-3, Page 8iNerUlt A ere. • \Vel tqei'l,' ELLIOT,40,14a11VOR 'elle el "ert DON ASSURANCE, QOM - £'N1 of Turv, ot to for the PliOlileatX el:tete eel ttareole otieakeetele, ef London nee:let:a AhlkiAtiOti ilSSURANCE ,QQAd- V.A,i^04 or Eno -claire, ' THE LONDON mu rtJAL ....-- vial, ix$ITBAN06: co. or cAN ADA, Hemet:111We, — — LONBCiN. Votae eeere this °mop:my has dorm the largeat, beelories in Oerted.a et the lowest re toe, eonsistetet walk smerite, ' . Aesete, Itux,1891, --- — $347490.00, 43,000 Pole:Ogg ir.„ foree. , T, le, ItOBSON, Prosideut, str, o, go Detereaege, manager. Per further liartiaulete, apnla to DAVID JA.Q0Pla, A gent, Exeter. hristmas Fair. THURSDAY. JANDARY 5rde is9a LOCAL HAPPENitIOS. naewitte Write it 1895 end haVe 100 te (mower for, The rink was largely petronized the past 'week. Wm. BMW), town, baa i chresantheimern with 1050 flowere, Thera hae. been good sleighing in town the pea few days, A, Happy •New Yea r to the Togas' thoosande a readgre. The year 1891 'is like an raludielons advertisement—out of date, Mr. E. Chriatie will sell his farm stock a a, few days prior to moving into town. Our firet annual Chriatneas Fair wifl cornmenceWednesdayeDecember 10th, at ei0On and continue until Monday, DeceMber Slat, dosing with the old. year. A Chicago street Arab, lately fouled by the pollee, lying for greater warmth itriderneath the side- walk, has gained for himself name and fame through the care shown for a dove, f aura partially hidden in the r age that barely protected his bosoM, and -which he had reared, and fed, with a portion of the few crusts he had been able to secure for himself. His future is made. A good deal of that spirit remains with us, and not- withstandirieg the depression, which. has affected nearly all classes, Old Christmas Will not be allowed to die, but for the sake of the greater gift our lesser ones will flow and be scat- tered bread:east, none the poorer, though Many be much. richer. Sab- bath Schools, Public Schools and private parties of all classes will give and feel it more blessed. to do so than receive, though the pockets be light and pence few. We Would like to help and for this purpose we propose our first Christmas Fair,and for once, at the bare cost of handling goods, making it unnecessary- for you to think of Eaton or McKendry, Mara or Woods. We can,diming that fair, help you as 'well as they. Eaton has been 'visited. We know what we propose. W e will help you to help (ethers. Remember the date. TIS oreouvrie Me. end Mae 1,V, J. tllethe, and daughter, of Tomato, spent the feettee Sewn in J. Clarke is home horn Toronto epending his holidaye--- Mr, E. L. Billinee of Breuttoicl, was iu time this weelv—tdise A.Emery and iltlise Pearl Rollins visited the :Aimee Rowell. at Leamiogeon hot week—Keo- eth Goodwin), of Parkhill. RaYtel0$ Barrister for North leliddlemx woe in town Iva weelreas was alao W, Hutchins, P., io eonneecion with the Federal Vetere' Liste,-111r; Ohara Tom, hail leesed a dere in Ayr, ad -will leave for that place this week. R18 family however, Will remain in Exeter, The citieees 01 Ayr .an surroupeling muntry welrfind in kir- Tom a first claes worleinan and a perfect gentleman. We wish him every eucoese.—klies Jory who has beeu visiting Wends iu Ilt. Forest and other places, returned home lot week.- Bev. Russell of Learoington Event Tuesday night in 'WWII...—. P. Bewdeu .if R.ielg,etown, spent a few dive of this week oalliog on his many friends it town.—Mr. Frank Bonnie of Killaemey. Man., is renewing acqueiotanom in town. Mr. Itolline, Many fimode were plesteed to Bee him after a long absence and all ogee that be has loat none ei his phyalcal nature and is as jovial as ever.—Mrs,learto Bawdea visited friends in tont this week —Me Hen Huesten was confiued to hie roora thepast week suffering from a throat trouble.--Blr. Fred Rollins of. Detroit visited tender the parental roof thie Week. —0. T. Brooks ot Winnipeg, Man., is renewing acquitintanoee in t00 M. R. J. Fuze of Ohieego, who luta been visiting erten& in town, returns home to day (Tbureday.) She will be accompanied by Miss Fulie.--1,1r. Lookhatt, the new principal of the Exeter Public) School has arriyed in town.— Messrs Jas. Grrieve and S. A. Popplestone were in Seaforth last evening installing the newly elected offieers of the I. O. 0. E. lodge of that town.—Mr. Joan Dearing, of Hallett, Mech., is visitiug his parents in Stephen, --The Misses Belyea of Southampton, are visiting at the Trivitt Memorial Church Reetorys--V Ihreteett, town, is visiting friends in Breutfot feu tie Weekes, milliner of Medea, ie home spending holidayre—Mr J P MeLareu and wife of Seaforth, yiaited friends in torn this week, --Mr Shiley of Calgary is the guest of Reeve Sawdeo.—J J White re- turned to Detroit yeaterde.y.-- Joseph Clarke of Seaforth, visited W Soathoott ua Wednesday.—One of Mr Wes Snell's horses ranaway on Mouday and wreeke ed the cutter considerably.---liSre Retch and daughter of Port Hope'are guests at Mr Wm Grigg's. —Miss Losttie Tetison of London, is visiting Mrs Bobier.—New Year's calls are the order of the day, — Miss Beaker of Windsor, is visiting Milt John Gillespie. --Mise Johneton of Sea - forth, is visiting her brother, A jobo- ston.—Miss Donogh spent New Year's in. town.--1VIr5 Coffman nee Miss Addie Eaerett, is visiting under the parental roof.—T E Cronyr. of Winghain, was the gueat of M Eacrett New Year's day.--Mre Yellow, of Thames road, is very 111.--Jn0 Muir, jr.,has been appointed a delegate to e.ttend the Grand Council, Pt, T, ot T., tfl be held in Woodstock, —Mr Jonather-. e'fart• ning trona O'Kenagan Fulls, 13. Q. is visit- ing at Jno. Ir. We omderstend that he is likely to takear-tie of Bxeter's young ladies with him, on his return. ---J Pickard of D'iumbe spent New Years renewineeeeelineintauces in town. 1114=2,1 Buctev Fon Seor .—A top buggy for sale at a bargain. Apply at J. W. Brionetneox's tore 'Pile chime and band played merrily at Midnight Monday—The old year out; the nevr year he A team of Harry leatteaof the Lalteroad, ran away eesterday •, one of the honest is gnite lame ae a result. It's a good plan to index your New Year eivearciffe, so yco oan readily cheek there off eat yoke break thew. 3. GRIGG. THE Receipts from the dog tage:this year ea- rs tele:1 by $20 the ea:noun:4 dr r,ved in former years) loon the tax system. The old seying that "When the days begin to lengthen the mid begins to strengthen" ia pretty well vertified this time. The Taloa carrier wishee to return thanks to the many town subscribers for their New Year's greeting, and trosts that all may have a prosperous year in 1895. Mrs, Thos, Yellow died last evening after an illness ot several months, She was aged 49 yeare, 8 months, runere.1 on Saturday at 1,e0 for the Exeter cemetery, At a meeting of the Coterie Agricultural end Experimental Union held ri.t Guelph Mr. T 8. Berry attid $800 worth of straw- berries could be raised from an acre of land. If you want to keep yourself at your best, take plenty of sleep, If you must cheat nature in any, way, go without enougb food, but never without enough Eaten. Miss Agnes Knox Black, the noted Elocutionist will appear iiathe Opera House on Friday 18th inst. under the anspictes of the La,dies'aid Society of Greven chart:h. At the close of school, the cupils of Eden school waited upon their teacher, Mr. James A, Dempsey, and presented bira with a handsome gold ring and Et watch holder. A. McGowan & Co. of Kirkton have purcheoed the rstoak of the J. Gould Co. Brussels and will take possemion Feb. 1st. Mr. J McCurdy will likely open a atoole in the old stand at Kirkton. The annual meeting of the Stephen & Osborne Agrioultural Soeiety will be held in the Town Hall, Eieter, on ThUtSday, January 10th, at 2 &clock p. ni, for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing. year. New Year's day passed offeeeterfetly in Exeter. aleighing bein qiod. consider- able driving was the rink ts1100ti only gatherings at the fireside. tg Baalqt aoro Great annual stock t a ki n sale now o Bargain S '3 TR We are selling a number of lines of Goods out any profit. with - We must turalumdreds of dollar' worth of goods into caih before the end of the year, and that means that we have only 15 days left to do it in, DRESS GOODS, MILLINERY, MANTLES, FUR GOODS, OVERCOATS, MANTLE CLOTHS, SEA,LETTES, 66c., 860„ all go at slaughter prices. You will save money by every purchase you make from us, See These Prices, 8c.Gre3T Cotton for 5c 10o 8c 35c " Flannel for 25c 25c Biggest and Best on record. ,,Come and see. J A. Stewart. ae, Alla others visited tethers enjoyed themselves g bat moat of the citizen's hell 17c Men's & Boy's Overcoats. The Prices will surprise you. $6.75 Silk Sealette now $4.25 1,25 Black Cloaking `` 75c 1,75 " 1.25 1.25 " 85c Hester Ed Divan town, has a calf which he has trained to go in a sleigh, He drives it up and :down the road every morning. The animal travels well, and we must give praise to Ed for his training. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Dewing, of Stephen, celebrated their fortieth wedding anmver- eery on Tuesdity laet• A large number of relatives and friends were present end enjoyed. the hospitality of Mr, and Mrs, Dearing and, family, Mr J. A. Williams of Zurich having disposed of his interest in the mill there to Mr. Will McNevin will become a citizen f E eter in the near future. We wee- , Ladies & Children's Mantles are being sold regardless of Cost, Wiens $22 Fur Coats now $1.8 " 25 " Ladies" Fur Sets for Children's Fur Sets for 0100=600000000•00r00.0 " 20 $3,75 Loo Now is the timp,-tto lay in your stock of Goods, You can buy inore for' $1,00 than any -other house in the trade, R PICKARD & SON, School Trustee Election The eleotion of three echool trustees to fill tee vacancies ' of these whose terms had expired with the old year was held on Wednesday. Six candidates were in the field, viz ;,--Mesers Lutz, Fitton and Hovrard, the Ola members seeking re- election, and W D Weekes, Dr Browning and Seen'l Martin. The exeitement ran hign in some quarters on the part of some of the candidates and big efforts were made to bring out the vote. In the afternoon the favorites seemed to be timers Weekee, Lutz, Howard and Fitton, and between those the contest was eloee, the election resulting in favor of Weekes, Howard and Fitton, with the following hhhhooLhorrea_oehhet—hhh come hun to town not only as a neighbor but an enterpeising citizen: l'+Totice te Tneaes' Readers. With thenew year an important change The publishers would esteem it a favor if in the postal regulations was ilearlgorated- feadets woufd,when making their purchases, The use of the priyatepostesrd will be legal tnention that they saw the merchant 's tuber- in Cauda. With a 1 cent stamp any tisement in THE rnigs. ordinary card may be sent through the mails, as well as the regulation official posbcard, 12TOTIOD—All business announeements notices of ptibli meetings,. entertainments auction sales, etc,, appearing in there local of:thirteen well be charged for at the rate of five cents perlino each insertion. Blaelc hee.cling to count as three lines. Gash )With order ss,ve o persons having open aecounts. To insure change of advertisements in current iSSUO gone eausthe hateledinto office on ueildase Twat Memorial 0171 Epiphany Sonday, SatuarY 6tb,1895. Speoial sermons appropriate to the Aar. Rola Communion at the morning serriee and the following inusie :- 11 a . m, Deuni 33enedietus Cnor.m.. Ssav Onntat e Dome Anthem, "Lead Kindly Light," Sole, Quartette and Chorus. Special collection for Foreign Mieelone, Merano tietatn Bonnet Mr. Ed, Christie has exchanged his two one -hundred. are farms on the London ROSA for Mr. John Keralakes 100 acre farm on the 2nd concession of Csborte, Mr.'Kerslake paying a difference 0 of ,000, Mr, Christie will move into town again, Patron conventions; to nominete can- didates for the Eouse of Commons will be held as follows Mtge, Craig, for North Mirldleeex, januarer 9tler at Win- chester Speirigs, foe Dundee County, on Jatinary 12113; at Brueefield, Satuary lith to South Huron. 0 Lutz .0.m00•00000 W D Weekes 91 T Fitton 109 e ES Howard 911 vree 5 Martin "rew• .3". 39" */',0 "1 Dr Browning., hhhho2e2„hhhhh„hh The eleetirtn, -7;*O7t the tact of thl Returning officer haying dosed the poll at four instead of five o'clock, is illeeal, and Largest General. -Dealers in the Cousay, I Stephoi—For Reeve,17 Betz; first dep- ' 11 A Breeze.," Meeting. The naunicipal nonainationet for Exeter were h•eld in the town hall on Monday evening last, and the big crowd. that pack- ed t'ne buildbeg got just what they wanted, e breezy time and lots of fun. The meet- ing opened at 7:30 ,areel continued till after eleven o'clock. and Although the old council had done nothing to merit °emote, the different speakers found le way to create some amusement --if not deal deathly bloweagainet their opponents. The nominations resulted as follows 1-- utY, Henry Eilber; second depaty, Sher - We wish all our Customers and 'Friends a happy and prosperous New Year. CARLING BROS. Write for Literature and Question Sheet, dikwhich, if correctly filled out, wilI enable me to send you a Truss, which AV is specially adapted to fit and re.; tain your Hernia watt COMFORT. AekNer 25 years' experience in designing and adjusting. Inventor of 27 e9 We Patents on TIRtUISSES for Rupture and Appliances for ere.411. eVe the relief of CLUB FEET, SPINAL', CURVATURE and all other UPt ,,,esirr DEFORMITIES. The most Celebrated Surgeons use _ilk zy them exclusively. Orderthrough your' physician, druggist, or .Ailte ozle direct from factory and fitting-roornse oPPOSITE SOSsiN RiouSE The public school opens today (Thursday) with the old staff of twitters, except two —Mr T A Brown, Principal and Milo Reid one of the eselatants. Their places are taken by Mr Lockhart and Mies Jeckell, daughter of Viinailliero jeckell of Usbotte. The Weblinga will give an entertainment on Weelneediey Deo Mt in Drew's Opera House, under the auspices ot the Firemen. The Weblines give s, first °lase entertain - remit, and the faet of the entertainment being under the auspices of the Fireraen it should be well patronized by the citizens of Motet An amusing incident occurred here the other day. A person was telephoning 'to an entside patty, when he suddenly balled out "hold on a 'Monte, I mill hear you very well," Then be dropped the handle of the 'phone and pot on his spectacles., oehlew epeak." "What?" was the &newer. “Go ahead," was the reply, 1 can hear you all right now," the oaudidates ce.unot rightfully take their seats at the Board. The mistake was accidental, the Returoing officer beteg guided by the law applying to rural schools instead of incorporated municipelitt es. Cleo, Mathettoe, tank pumper at Luck, noW and Winghais G. T. Be 'Mations, met With a painful areeident one day lately. He fell from the tank at Vinglitato, breaking tem, of Ms ribs, and othetwiee internally injurieg himeelf, M. 0, Cameron, tee. Q. C. ex4I, P., Mrs. Cameron, Miss Cameron and Mete telebel Cameron. of Goderieh„ left on the M. 0- B. trein yeeterday aftevnbou to spend the wittef io. Elotida where Mr. Cameron has 8. large orange grove. A Mr, Kerr, of Lobo, while travelling homeward One everiirig recetttly neat Mt, Carmel, was accoitted seine highWay- Men, bat, lie urged, laieratemn foreward, eta the Would -bo robbel, tete :shots atter tem, one of which went Clean through tee het he was wearing. There is rio clue as to the nentes Of the partiefl. Our readets Will remember the Hettlay poisoning <Age ire Dathard. A. correepondeut Writee itoni theret—“We are lotorraoa on good authority titet the entoeut of thepoIloy held in She A. O. tr Wet eel the lite of Ordeli Sarbley heir been pitid to tlte nourt ofetlelole; ated that it *hall rettedn titer° until Mrs. Hartley bee prOten to the Arent efileiele thee Ostleb did not come to his death by het heed or at Iter inetigetion, and that the motley ie erfeeseptepelly due her, Tits Horne Aire s te tho 6trioutit of 'Me* Until ke ritt ; councillor, Hosts an by acclamation.) St Marys—Moscrip [me]. councillors, Win Duoseith, W Peart, Spearin face], J McLean, T Gilpin, J Fairies, W Ste - yens, j Neat, P Hardy, R Bearaish, VV H Graham, J Clyde, J Bee.vere, G F Robins, J. D Moore, J Garner, W Mathieeon, 0 Ricliardson. VOR REEVE. Candidate. Mover. Seconder, Dr Rollins...- Jos Peart Sohn Muir W G Biseett ..D Spicer .........R 13rown A Q Bobter Tho Rawkehave.. Id Jones Wm Bavvden—It Crocker.., VVm Dearing T Ft McCallum.J Datomeor •. , .B. fluxion Fort noetreV REEVE. CHAS. CLUTHE 134 KING WEST Toronto1'0anBailift .. Coppin sold the raory go -round , , 00 the the Mitohell market by auction on the 18111oulto for $O55. The machine WM sold under seizure by the Waterous Com- pany of Brantford, and the porcbarer was Mr. John A. Graham of Blanshard.. More Otteefi‘ of sick headache, biliousneas, constipation, can be cured in less time, with less medicine, and for less money, by using Carter's Little Liyer Pills, than by Seaforth--Mayor, Wm. Gray [sec.]; Ream Sas, Beattie, B. 13. Gunn; 'Deputy Reeve, Jae, Weston, Be Scott, F. G. Neel - int Uounaillors, North Ward, Jno Weir, J Tyeeman, It Winters, 0 0 Willson, A M Campbell: East Ward, T Jordan; S, Rob- etteon, P Keating, Nevilles: South Ward, Jas. Gillespie, Frank Guttridge, R. Scott, Geo Sille. - Tuelterentith-eReeee, IVIcLeap, Shepard; deputy, McKay, Rankin, MoLen; Coencil- lore, MoLoy, Robb, Cotteius, Charters T B Carling —Li Milt ...J Dauncey IPattersen, Hunter. The ane borne Agri town ben, 2 o'clotikrp tran 18.0110 al raeetirg of the Stolen & les- ultural Society well be held in the xeter. on Thursday. ;an. letb at m for the election of officexe and of other businees. A. G. DYER, goal - 0 Tlit ELECTORS OF LAprze r EXuTE AND ‘'&147VEMBI'r, Ravine been Areal -ow,. urge' "7 a's 'co number of44.-rita.SP.6 ley 11Stae of Raking the any other means. t e „ Fred, ii. little eon of Mr. Henry James, voree and 10110m0e of as many ratepayers a* Mitchell, was amusing Mumma- on a hori- deem mefit for the position, and promire if zontal tar in his father's stable the other egeoltreedstte°01ot1ToYvillt:ab 'artLod tifatebsearrtnilee '1°mst day,when be amideotallyrell and fractured guard againet any undue expenditure, one of his legs. , . Y ours Trulv A quiet -wedding took place at theW.TREBLEee.. rectory, Mitchell, the other day, Robert i Window, of the Huron toad, and Miss 1 Lizzie Gourley, a former reaident of the neighborhood. being the contracting A large surprise party gathered at the home of Thomas. Harrow', Kirkton, the other evening. Daring the eyening while Mr. Renew was out among the horaea one of them seized him by the cheek ani loft very ugly wound, injuring one of his dos considerably. To be free from siek headache, bilious - vein constipation, etc:, use Carter's Little Liver Pills. Strictly vegetable'. They gent - stimulate the liver and free the stomach ALL LINES OF GOODS. 11 from bile H Spackman..0 H Sandera j Senior West Wawenosh township—Reeve, Stuart. deputy reeve, Gibson; councillor's, Todd, Medd and Durant. Whaglutte—Mayor, Geo McKenzie, W F Beockenshire; Reeve, R 0 Sparling (8.00); Deputy Reeve, Wm 11010308 (neei); 00t10 - ell, Ward 1, Joe Golley, R Herdman, Jno hTeelande (eted); Ward 2, Wm Dore, A Dawson, G A Newton, R Rill; Ward 3, W Clegg, P Deans, Jim McLean; Thee Forbes, R Arsoott; 'Ward 4, D McKinley, 0 Read - 3. P. Benuedy, Thos. Gregory. FOR COUNCILLORS. WM Hart:line ..T Fitton ....Jae Tom Chas Snell, jr. .D mule . . . .... T Gregory Edward Jonese.W ttelkwill.. 11 Harrison T 13 Carling • 0 13 Sanders J Muir Wm J Evena.. Jno Spackman E S kToward ..Sas 13eer ... • .. .Jas Horn John Taylor , .W Deunety For Reeve, Mame, „Rake and Blesett resigned ; for deputy, Mr H. Spaelcman. reaigned, leaving T 11 Carling elected by aecliintation ; for councillors, MeSSre E S Howard, T B Carling, Edward Jones baying resigned leigna the oontest between Messrs Treble, Taylor, Snell and. Harding. Apeblic meeting was held rater the nomination, when tbe old council arid the new aspirants debated at Some length and in heated terms matters poblio and private: Voting takes place next Monday, end 11 18 expected will he it keen contest. PublleAteeting. The publie meeting held in the Town Hall on Tuesdey evening for the dis cussime of publie school matters was largely attended arid very enthusiastic. The old trustees and the nominees for election each spoke at some length, and while th'e oratory was good, the amount of cross firing and picking holes in one another's character exceeded anything before ba..ta, it, Exeter. Some of the speakers were badly out of temper and the fear of Britieh law only, we believe,. prevented some fisticifff encounters. The question of changing the mode of election from the opeu to the secret ballot was again brought, up, and after considerable diseeesion a show of hands was talrea which vistaed in the system being changed from the open to the secret ballot. An expression cf the electors as to the purchase of additional school grounds, was unanimous ia favor of the action the Board had taken in peoeuring two acme at the tear of the old erounde. The eneeeing mine to a dose at a very late hour To those who ate interested in good farming aod stock raisime, Tim Canadian Live Stock and Varna Journalli,ie becom- ing quite a hobo. The netting down of prices and bed timee geeersily make it netessary for aur agricolturiste to exer- cise the greeted care in order to secure the prepet returnis for their labor, and The Comedian, Live Stock and Farm Joernal contains jest the hied of inforniation nsietesetty to 'insist Them in the Work. The imbeetiptiett price is one dollee pis eryeer, eta an investutene Of this lilted one Old ehotila prove peofitable, The addteee is 20 Bay Street, To- ronto. Verniers+ Xnetttutes. The following emetioge will be addreesied by Writ. Rennie, O. A, C., Guelph; A. Mo - Neil, Windeort Alfred Hunter, Harrow - smith, and Dam Veber, Thorold: Mitohell, South Petth, San. 4 and 5, 1 p in. on 4th• Brumfield, South Huron, San. 8, 10 a, In. Exeter, South Huron, San. 9, 10 a. no; Parkhill, North Middlesex, Jan. 10, 10 . Mount Brydgee; Weet Mideleemr, Jan, le, 10 a. me Byron, East Middlesex, Jae. 18 1 p, re.; North Middle, awe jen, 21, 1 p, a eta se•• y the t SWEEPING IIE LT About 6.30 o'clock Friday naornieg fire was discovered , in the - rear part of A. Beattie & Co.'s grocery, St. Marys lent was" eminent vet, but not 'before severed hundred dollars' worth of goods had been clestroyed or damned. The firm think the fire was the spontaneous combustion of bottled. atove coltish, witch was partly composed of turpentine and benzine. Fully covered by ineureetee. Since the small- pox patient, Andrew Mr. Dan. McDonald, the well-known Proprietor of the Albion Hotel, Winnipeg, died Thursday night. He went to Winni- peg from Kincardine about twelve years go. • William Opphrtshaeuser, the young resit who was injured some weeks ago hytt fall from a eecond story at thel3erlin hospr- tal building, died the other day at his home in Elmira. ,Tolin }Kane and his wife Mary we tO 8.J pal 1Cominatione, plicante for charity at Mayor Stewart's 8 Ono Oraig,--Reeye, John Morgan and °C -6.°8J' gamiltc'ne Saturday- Katie 83Y8 they were victims of the evietions recently at Galway, Ireland, and sniIod lc.r Amen - 10 march for their daughter. They -have been as tar west as Denvev in search of their deughter,but failed to locate her. Samuel • eouptillors, e Gilhies G Morton, 3 Reid, 11 Robinson; IvIceerthur, D Gray. Brussele—Reeve, W H Kerr, James Ir- win. Clinton—Por rneyov, te Relines, W C Soule : reeve, A hitielarchie(acelemation); der:ay, D S Kennedy (aealaination.) Sculpture in Marble, M WDW ' Mr ee eri as en ex sort in Senior's show window, a piece of ileelpt^ ure Rutland White Kerble,the subject being a Cherub's heed, life eize. The work is first ohne in every detstil, Ewa the teatime hevirte beet teken from it living e abject, rinieb (wed% is ano kir Weekere and it pletee hire high in the rank ee .steilptor. lilerwey Pine Syfup (tura coughs, 11o/two Pitt Nino tro.011 ootatt, Voreity Pine Syrup heele the lungs Grey township—ileeve, Thee Stiaehan Dee]; first deputy reeve, Arehibald Ilielop NMI ; eecorte deputy, Chas, Tornbull and Edward Bryan. Goderich township --Reeve, :John Cox, John 13mcoin, Gabriel Elliot. Deputy Reeve,. Saratel Sturdy, Thos Churchill: Cotineillors, lea Connolly. Jae Johnston Ghee NJ' illiams, Geo A Cooper. Goderich-- Mayor, Geo Acheson, john 13uthere'reeve, Win, It'roadfoot, Robt 711c - Lean;; deputy reeve, Philip: Holt (ace); tounoillme, 11 Thompeon, J W Smith, 0 A tiumber, W T Mornay, Jae Wilton, A P 1VIctean, Alex Sattoelefe, T 3 Pridlutife Jae Yates, IA 0 Johnetozi, D McGillicuddy, 14 Nicholson, 11 SalloWs, It Dunlop, E 08.01e1001 ; A Reid, P T Sweets J nate), D Strachan, Om:Acton, 0 141t,'1,01. Hallett—Reel% John Eleitton, A T Me, Deaeld; Deputy, john Brigham [ace]; Couneillore, Bet Obutaleill,Gee Delo, John Lasharn, Alex Leitoh, Sas Snell. Ltitert—Iteeve, Robineon Arraitege; Councillors, G Boilable, X $ Gilfillau, A T Breathwaite, 5 Gibson, all by rode- ntatitUt; Oomnioa School Tectonics, tilted Vacancies, Seeleacharrived from Chicago there has erdered the health authoritiee. Two lover and paces will move thOm and compulsory vacomation has been . sone of l'Vfr, William Bauer, of Brodhagen, mit they must go, A. few quotat- b reat email -pox scare in Logan, Too inany Goods for a warm winter, Hence the tlecessity of cutting some Vices right in tevo. We make no bones about it, we can- t afford to carry Winter Goods fearee vaccination so muchethat they ran tons rest as 0-eemple 'of what is Dr. Shields, att eminent physician of ejo awl b„,„go, going on all over the_store away from hotne and hid for a couple of days in a swamp. Mealier c forced them to return to their honte. 25 dozen nice bordered li'd'le'f's to.night fire was discovered in S. P. Mc -1 were 5 t° i°°. now 7 fQr 2.5e. a.nd St, Mary's, Dec. 30. —At about 11 o . Gravey's grocery store, in Guest's old stone block; Tbe bending, which belcings to the T. B. Guest estate, evae damaged to the extent of about $200. The grocery stook Wee completely deluged with Water, and is almost a total loss. Both losses are fully ooyered by insurance. The origin of the fire is a myetery. McDonald and ltehoe, the men arrested at St littrOi on suspieion of ei g h parties who held up a man named Ful- (Tlow 75o. ehor, were liberated at Sttatiord on a o e _ „pretty certain as to their indettity but the BaturdaY morning. Fuloher Was ' Pure Beaver Caps now $O.00. the time. They gave a atraight ecoount the box and mere Men's blur Coats now $13. now $2o:oo. tbey were in another part of the town at Men's Fur Coate were $25.00 prisioners went into of their movements during the day, and. e„. os, the OtOW31 Was unable to break the the,in. rden's Coon Coat now $25.o0. Terweesee, save ; "I regard Ayer'si Sex- imparilla se the best blood -medicine on earth, ata know of many wonderful eures effected by itsf use." Physicians all over the land have made similar state- ments, Mr. Geo. Teller, M. P., the chief Goy- , .. erment whip, eays "there is certainly to be a sesaion before a general election It Was the intentien to heve a session first, before Sir John Thompson died, and there is no reason now to change that part of the progtatome. I expect the HOUse will Meet early it, February." 13'.HOdgibe, eteleremi. The 'fleet tvr , 1. 6 P•rtillt16 i%11 11' Ix.vi jeeteary thaw is always rnore prodeotive of colds mid coughs than a Janeery freeze: Then is the time Ayet's Cherry Pectoral is needed and peeves so extremely ettioadeus. Atte pew druagist for it, mid teem for Ayer'e Almanac, which le free to all. Pure Silk h'dlei's Ile cents upwards Men'tf Wool Soeks now 106. Lathe's. Heavy 306. 20c. Were 5c Rose now Men's Sealette ClapS Were $r.00e( Thor ttodgirro, Oollino,, 1341,45,1, *I W "kilete ere riail be in Quebee item 4,000 to 5,000 people out of employeenli whose condition Is described most deplete, able, The Federal and Long Governments ana the City Oottricil have been celled fop- ott to give work to the unempleyed, jedge Valet brings word to Montreal from the St. Lawrence below elegant's,* that moat of the lumbering establiehmente there %re relmed thie witeter, And that BoOter. rl iiPrri IM4S' 011 rrtilleSti • 1 'Have no equal as a prompt an posi ttve oure for leek headaehe, bilioueneee, coneti- pation, pain in the side and. all liver troub- les. Carter's Little Liver Pills. Try them. " A meeting of South Perth l'i armors' In- etitete •will be boa in the town of Mitch, ell on Jan. 4111 aud 5th. There Will be tout sessions 130=n:ten:Oleg ttt 80 and 7 80 p. ra., Friday , 9 a, m, t and 1 30 P, lie, on Saturday. The following gentle- men have been e.tretiged with to open ate tuseioup on live questione pertaining to agriculture — Mesere Wm, Rennie, Alfred ttuntet "Alex. O'Neil, of anelph Meters, Thos. Ballantene, Wni- Pridharn, M. P., Jetta McNeill, M. P. P., Geo. Leversage, P. Witelihau, Wm, Gibb, V, Se, and others, No paint will be spared to make this an intereeting meet- ing. For further petticulars ripply to Seey. Drawer " " St. Metre or T. H. Race, Mitchell P. 0, e Is °Lome flees. People overleolted the importence Of pormaneritly beneficial effecte and were satisfied with treezient action; but now thet.it generally known that Syrup of V' will permanently cure Imbitual ' 8t v81.5 hrattl, re -clew iOtr . Will lie histis ak.Stpt been sta, veeee. Men'S Suits $3,5o, $5.00, and $8.00, were $5, $8, and $12, Men's Overcoats from $3.5o up to $8 for best Ulstere, Men's 'Rubbers and Socks for $14.5o Ladies' Greenland Seal Cape were $18 now only $.12 to clear. Ladies' Fur Mantles now $25. Ladies' Mantles to clear; away below cost. Tweeds and Mantle,ClothS x5 per cent. cash discount. Groceries pure, fresh Good Raisins, 51b. for 25a. Good Currants, 51b, for 256, Nuts, Candy, rigs, Cluster ItaisinS, Fancy Biscuits,(Christies) Fruits, Candied Peels, and all lines ot Groceries *way down in price. and eseet'es,eente ve,11 Ieformed people will' I fee, lee,e7 te r lexett Ve e ,,, Web, Autfor a -40tufo., bet liesiely 18131116 the optimal. ‘,74 ,1,241* , 0 ••: 7 "e