The Exeter Times, 1895-1-3, Page 5f Mr. T, iB. Dylcnman St, George, New Brunswick. After the Grip No Strength, No. Ambition Hood's Sarsaparilla Gave Perfect Health. The following letter is from a well-known Merchant tailor of St. George, N. B.: in C. I. Hood 8c Co., Lowell, Mass.: " Gentlemen --I am glad to say that Hood's Sarsaparilla, and Hood's, Pills have done mo a great deal of good. I had a. severe attack of the grip in the winter, and after getting over the lover I did not seem to gather strength, and had :Ih ambition. Hood's Sarsaparilla proved to be just what I needed. Tho results were very satisfactory, and I recommend this medicine to 4111 who are afflicted with rheumatism or other 9 a 00 F®.� ariliCTalreS afflictions caused bypoison nand -poor 111001 always keep Hood's Sarsaparilla in my house and use it when I need a tonie.lt Wo also keep Hood's Pills on hand and think highly of. then . J W. Di-nnatA1i', St. George, New BrUns,vIcle. 9i6'nd's Pills are purely vegetable, and •i - sot purge, pain or gripe. Sold by all druggists The Great Englta1l Remedy. Six Packages Guaranteed: to promptly, and permanently cure all forms of Nervous Weakness, Emissions,Sperm- atorr7iea, Impotency and aft effects of 4buse or Pxcesses, Mental Worry, excessive use Bef07•e and After. op 'obacco, Opiunt orStimu- bents, which soon lead to In- jlrmity, Insanity, Consumption and an early grave. Has been prescribed over 35 years in thousands of eases; !s the only Ratable and Honest kfedicine ]mown. Ask druggistforWood's Phosphodine;u booiers some worthless medicine in place of this, Inclose price in ]'otter; and we will send by return snail. Price, one package, $1; six, $5. One will sleaze, six will cure. Pamphlets free to any address, The 'Wood Company, Windsor, One, Canada. For Sale in Exeter by J W Browning, r N� STIP-1;4.nF0 N, 8. I 0 IlYr� a,S ESS, DYSPEPSIA 6) SACK H ADAC14E, REG ULATE THE LIVER. ONE PILL A(iTL_R EATING INSURES GOOD DIGESTION. P IGE25 CTS.TtsRS !vivo, Top TOPICS OF A WEEK. The Important Events in a Few Words For Busy Readers. Mr. Arthur Ellis, financial editor of The London Times, is dead. Rev. Father Dawson died at Ottawa on Zaturday, aged 84 years. The Manitoba Legislature has been offi- cially called together for January 24. The Manitoba Government office in Lon- don, Eng., has been permanently closed. At Saratoga, N.Y., on Saturday the temperature was 80 degrees below zero. Mr. Gladstone celebrated his 85th birth- day on Saturday. He was in great spirits, and spoke vigorously for fifteen minutes. The London Chronicle annorinces the death of Christina Georgina Rosetti, the poetess. Mrs. Jacob Beatty of Hagersville in the. Bank of -Hamilton was robbed of $50 on Saturday. Dr. Smythe, Q. C. has consented to again oppose Hon. Wm. Harty in King- ston. ing-ston. ,: a The Pedlar block in Oshawa took fire on Friday morning and considerable damage was done. A project is on foot to establish a direct line of steamships between Montreal and St. John's, Newfoundland. Mr., and Mrs. Andrew Hayes and family had a narrow escape from til 'r e1 burning house o at London on Friday. y The res i earance of the K - 1 uK uxKlan n� , t Hazleton, Pa., has caused great appre- hension on the part of citizens. Diphtheria is rapidly depopulating the village of Wesley, Minn., a place of about MO inhabitants, all Bohemians. The Brazilian Government has ordered a, million dollars' worth of war material Seem the Armstrongs, of England. The Delevan House at Albany, N.Y., was destroyed by fire on Sunday. One person killed and half a dozen injured, Mr, Donald Matheson of West Zorra was killed. on Saturday while tearing down an old barn on the farm adjoining his own. The writ for the re-election of the new Cabinet Minister, Hon. A. R. Dickey, has been issued, fLeing nomination for Jan. nary 15., Col. Michael Frank, 'am founder of the free school system of Wisconsin, is dead. .A few days ago he eelebrated his 90th birthday. Henry Menier, who jumped with the aid. of a parachute from the Poughkeepsie bridge on Christmas Day, is suffering from severe injuries. At New York on SundayBattalion Chief john Bresnan and .Assstant' Foreman ,John J, Rooney were killed at a tire at 124 West 24th street. The jury empannolled to enquire into the cause of death of the late Jaines Crane at 1Iospler find tbltt the cense of death Was accidental drowning. Fourteen workmen Were resorted from a burning mine at Olyphant, Pa., at 5 o'clock on Saturday, after having been (imprisoned all night, The bodyoff Ruben Milos, who was shot In Washington last Monday, reached Brantford on Saturday, The funeral took place Sunday afternoon, BORN. PIci uiD--rzi Exeter, on the Sed inst., lute wile of R IS Pickard of a son. DAVIUSON.In Uaborno on the 30th µ1.t, the wife of Wnt Davidson ofeage, MADGE•-In Usboeno on the 29th ult., the wife of Samuel. Madge of a daughter, H'DG$C)N-Tn Pelmeryton, oa too 30th nit the wife of James Hodgson, ofa daughter, MARRIED, 13oWMAzt-GILBDRT—oul.8th hoof by Roy. Dr. De'ument, Alargnrot Jane Gilbert to flu hBowwarr of 1' g McGillivray. Maw: ON—SEfiLAIis—On Doo. 24th, at the Mothodret parsonage, Corbett, by Rey. bChaut,ltothof otobfnsoGiloniiMawsvray,on to Lydia Sellars, GOURLEY -GRANT,-.On Menday;Doo.24, St. James reotorY, by the Rev, W. J. 'Tari William John Gourley, of Dublin, to Agn Grant, of St. Marys. COOL{—DIN.ON—tin Dao. 20th, at the Moths diet parsonage,. Corbett, by Bev, J. 11, Ohan ,Arthur W. Cook to Aun Dixon, both McGillivray ' R[ G 1FIITIT-GODKIN—()c Dao 11th, at th residence of the bride's mother, by the Rev J• H. Chant, Francis L. (irlffeth, London, t Annie Al. Godkin, Moteillivray, BALFOUR--PHILLIPS—At the reaidenoe of the bride's father ,lvir, John Phillips, of Ful larton Deo, lath, by Rev. J. Ball, Mary Eliza - both Phillipa, to Zephania Balfour, of oh&l. MILLA,E-OANN InUsbornoon the28th f at the r•oaidenoe of the bribe's pare t8, 'till Bov.'1•, B. Copeland Mr. V. 141 Miller, of. Bervio, to Miss Carrie, daughter of Mr. Robt Cane, GUNNING—OLIVER.—On that 19ttt ult., ab the residence of the bride's father, by Bev.. John Kennedy, B. D. Robert Henry Gunning Blanchard, to Aiaggie, daughter of Mr, Daniel Oliver, IV, l i8sotirl. 33AYNFTAM=SMITH—At the Methodist laar- sonage,Brandon, titan., on Wednesday 6th ult.,ley the Rev. (3eo, Daniela, ttlr. SamBeyn• ham, of Roland, to Emetine Smith. of Lake Clernenti, granddaughter of Mre.Bedges,late of MoGillivray, Ont, +7 UTHBERTSON—PICKEL: On thel9thtult, at the residence of the bride'e father,by Rev. John Kennedy, li. D. John James Cuthbert - son of Itrandford, elseesemaker, •to Ellenor, olds I dab t s h or of g Mr. Pickle, refile W. 6 Niasouri. in �l� ��. ood KNOWLEDG]? - Brings comfort and improvement and. at tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet - o ter than le others and life more,with u less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative pr noiples embraced in, the remedy, Syrup of Figs. its excellepee is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial propexties of a perfect lax. ative; effectuallyy cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers. a and permanently curing constipation.. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the Indica profession, because it acts on the Kid neyc, Liver and Bowels without weak- ening eakening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug. gists in '75c. bottles, but it is manu- factured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. swftarmexa'--TfTE- HIED HODGE—In Puller' on. on Deo- 21st, Richard Hodge, aged Si years and 11 months, WUITE.—In Barrington, on .neo 24th, Wm. A. White,aged 37 years, 4 months and 17 days. MORRISON,—In St. Marys. on Wednesday, Deo, 26th, Roland, eldest son of Mr. Geo. Morrison, aged 10 years and 4 months. YELLOW -In Exeter, or, the tad inst., Dorothy, wife of Thos. Yellow, aged 49 years, 8 months. 4 CI Messrs. DICK & CO. MontreaI. I have analysed and tried your Blood Purifier in a large number of oases, with the most. salutary results. I am contin- ually preseribicg it: in my practice. It is invaluable for wurms, hidebound, impover- ished blood, and dibility, while I know nothing to equal it for general ' improve- ment of stock, and enhancing their value. I .161 VETERINARY EDITOR' `'FAMILY HERALD," Montreal. CATARRir. RELIEVED IN 10- TO 60 MIN utes,—One short puff of the breath through the Blower, supplied with each bottle of Dana's Catarrhal Powder, diftuees this Powder over the surface of the nasal pas-. sages. Painless and delightful to use, it relieves instantly, and permanently cures Catarrh, Hay Fever, Colds, Beadache Sore Throat, Tonsilitis and Deafness. 6(1 cents. At 0, Lutz. Rnnuesamsn Outten IN A Dees—South Amerioan Rheumatic Cure. or Rheumatism and Neuralgia, radically cures in 1 to 3 . da sIts s ao i t on upon the system is remark• able and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately dis- appears. Tho first dose greatly benefits 75 cents. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist.. 818 RELIEF IN Six Houns.—Disordered Kid nay and bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "Great South American Kid - Cep Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise and delight to physicians on ac count 61 its exceeding promptness inre- lieving pain in the bladder, kidnoys,baok and every part of the urinary passages in male and female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost immed ately. If you want quick relief and oure this is your remedy Sold by C. LUTZ A Boors To Rouseetee.—One bottle of English Spavin Liniment completely re- moved a curb from my horse. I take in reoommening the remedy, as it acts with mysterious promptness in the re- moval from horses of hard, soft or call- oused lumps, blood spavin, splints, curbs eweeny, stifles and sprains. GEORGE ROBB. Penman, MuiirnoAr. DINT, Sold by C. L U,IZ. POR 0 VEtt FIFTY YEARS. L - AN OLD AND YELL TRIED REMEDY.— Nis Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used `fifty years by millions offmothers for their children while teething,with perfect euacess. 1 t soothes the child, softens the gums,allays the pain, cures the colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea.. le pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part olthe world. 25 Dents a bottle. Its value is incalculable, Be eure and ask for Mrs. Winslow'° Soothing Syrup andtakeno other kind. ALL MEN. . Young. old or middle aged, who and them- eolves,nervous, weak and exhausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, result- ing in mann of the following t wr s a m ams: Y p Mental premature depression, p p bre old age, loss , of vitality, lobs of memory, bass draoms dime of sight,palpitation ens. papitation of the heart,emission. 'o m ssr n, lack of enert y,pain in the hidneys,hendachcs, Pimples on the face and body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organa, dizziness; epeets before the eyes' twitching of the muscles, eyelids and else- where.baehfulnoss,deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderises° of the sealp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sieop, failure to 1:0 rested by sleme,constipation dullness of hearing, loss of voice, dosire for soli tudo, excitability of temper, sunken oyes, surrounded with leaden circles, oily looking skin, etc„ aro all symptoms of nervous debil- ity that lead to insanity . unless cured. The spring or vital course having lost its tension, every function wanes in consequence. Those who,througb abuse committed an ignorance, mese be permanently cured. Send your ad— dressier book on diresros peculiar to man, 'elle fres, sealed.- Address M. V. LIMON, 24' Maedennoll Avo..Toronto Ont.,Canada CUND AS A DOLLAR.. Some people are lanky in finding the right remedy at the right thee. .A ease in point follows, and is worth reading: About three months ago I was all . used tip with Rheumatism• suffering; more .than torture from it. I took three bottles of your valuable tnedieine, Burdoeh Blood Bitters, and now feel alt 0. K. Some six years ago I took a few botttr s of 13. B. 13, and found it the best medicine I had e'ror used. I had the best of health until this attack of Rheumatism, but now I am gind to say that B. B. I3, has trade inn as Lound as a dollar, AMcCONACITIE, IConabuteh 1'. 0s Ont. A FATAL ATTAOlt. A fatal attaolr.of ercup tri a froqueut oc. euronce among children, Esety house. hold should be uerded by keeping Hag.. yard's Pectoral laleazn at hand. 1t breaks U]+ colds, toughs, oretre asthma arca bion• itbitis in a relit erkablemanner, a t 1 a. a People's Building and Lean Association LONDON - .ONTARIO. .BOARD OF DIREcg u,s IN • ExitTER,' ONTAeuo Dr. J. A. Rollins, President. Dr. C. Lu'z, Vice -President. L B. Dickson, - Solicitor. David 1ill, ' Valuator. Fred. W; Collins, - Seey•:Treas. DIRECTORS. Jno Grigg, E, A,Follik, Jas. @Tiller , Wm. Southeott, Dr. Thos. A. Amos, Saml. Sanders,. Make money bysavinr money. Sixty cents Per month will ensure 5100 in 7 yehrs. For toasts of application and all necessary infor- mation aoply to the Secretary, Mr. ,Fred. 1V. Collins. Post ()face, Exeter, Ont. S TRAYS D Strayed into the promises of the undersigned an aged sheep., The, owner is requested to prove property, pay charges and take the animal away. JON GLYER,:lot8, oon' 15, Hay. :OOD .DAIRY FARM FOR FOR SA.LE, Opposite a first-class ,cheese factory in the township of Hay, lot 9, concession 9, Good sses. oesu, gota nrlck. Renee, ten rooms, two never failing"wells, good orchard, school on next farm ,10 aores of good bush, horses,cattle, Pigs and implements. Terms to suit purch- asers. Possession given. immediately, Tor further particulars apply to ,T0 UN D. WIL- SON, Hensel! P. 0., or J. BECK, Egmondville P. 0., Oct CPursuant F .4RM li'.OR SALE. The subscriber offers for sale his farm of 250 acres, being west half of Lot 3. and Lots 4 and 1'. 04 n. 4,. 'Osborne. Good brick house with urnace, and all necessary Out buildings for a Leo acre farm. Three never failing wells, first- class orchard and property well fenced, land in good state of cultivation, infect it is ono of the best, farms in Fluron. County. For parti- culars 'apply on the promises or by letter to Le 0e7ARD HUNTER, Exeter, P. 0. FARM FOR SALE. d4,5C0 will purchase a first class farm of.. One Hundred Acres situated in the 0ounty Thf ere is ono the farm a good brick ot honso fraCon me drive ut builcdinge. Ninety five eearesn'are stablesand. and su a good state of cultivation, the remainder's hard wood bush. It is convenient ly situated to market, churches, and school and is adapted for either grain or pasture. Apply toy W. H. MAUDSON Bradford' Ont -VVALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. The 1' o rndersraned offers for sale, lot No 5, 2nd concession of Ilay, containing 100 acres, more or loss; about 90 acres olaareu and in a good state The of cultivation. balan 0 is hardwood bush. • .A good frame barn and good stabling. two good wells, and an sore orchard of good fruit bearing trees. There is alio a good dwelling house. on the promises, The farm is well fenced and situated about two miles from Exeter. For particulirrs apply to '. MRS.MURI3AYon the promises or br letter to Hay Post Office Bay. Aug. 16th 1894, NOTICE. Notice is hereby given, that the 20th annual meeting n g of the member sof The Hay 2o w n- eh1p l, rmer, tial Piro Inaurnnce Comlmny. will bo held at the Town Ball, Zurich, on MONDAY JANUARY 24th 1595, AT ONE l O'CLOCK P SI, Business: Receiving the Director's' and Secretary's Annual Reports: election of Directors and other buoiness for the good and welfare of the Company. All members are requested to attend. 3 JOBN TOr.,RANCE, HENRY EILBER. President. Seorotary- Dissolutlon of Partnership. Notice his h oroby given that the partnership heretofore subsisting between us, fhb under- ;igned, Charles Snell and George T Snell, as :rutchers and packers, under the narneef Snell Bros. was this day dissolved by mutual 'or,sent. All debts due to f.he saidPartner- ibip aro to be ntpaid, and those due from ho earndiecharged at Exeter, where the >usiness will: bo continued by the said Charles !Twit under the nsme ofSnoi1's Packing IMAM. CHARLES SNELL' GEO. 12' SNELL )ated at Exeter this 8th day of December A. 1, 1881. E '.EOUTOR'S.NOTIOF, to Revised 8tattites of Ontario, hal 110, Soo 36, notice is hereby given,that a creditors fled others havingany claims safest thoeetateof ,Taints Cark, late of he township ofStephet in the County of Wren, Farmer, deceased, 'who diod on oe bout Jule ali,AD.Hot, at -the said Town - hie of Stephen, aro hereby sentinel, on or sfore theist day i,f January next, to send, by oat prepaid, er deliver to Henry Either maltose P. 0., addressed to hire, a statement Jntaining their names and addresses, and illpartldulera f their destine, and thataftcr tel let day of, anuary the undersigned i:r:s ruler Will proceed to distribute the tSsi,ts 1the Said d0ee0Sed anleets the parsons en- Ilad thereto, having regard only to the hiens of w1ioh not" e: then havecan b given s above required; and the said 1i]rteutor will of be liable for the said 00s0t0 dr anypert woe to any porton or pereons of vroso elm or olnlrns sweet) shall not: have hose rt• eyed by said lxanryf;iibor at the time of Creditou Roe, 3, lee4.;Wgiri GE, tee ttor. London, E[urca. and 53ruce. eooi p No4tTlt-- Passenger. London, depart 8.08 e, I(, 4,80 z', 11 Oentralla, , 9,07 5,47 onsaU Q 22 6.00 3 9:44' 6'20 f ruoottefd, 042 6.28 Chetoqq , 10.12 4.55 Londetboro ,.. 77, Blyth 1010,33.29 7.2324 Belgrave..,. , .,s10.62. 7,37 Wtagleam arrive11.10 8.00 Gotaa SopTIF- Posangek W ingbam depart ,,,, 6.35 A. If. J.25 P. nt Bel cavo 6.60 3.47 B lh. herdesliore..... , 7.081 0 Clutton..,. ,..,,... 7.30 4.28 Bruoef eld 7.49 4;46 7.67 4.63 Hensan 8.2 6,12 8,4 5,23 Ifi,ppen Centreifa BOAR Fog SERVIOE. a1 t Ch ester white crossed with. a Yorkshire n Con. 7, c Co IIsbor o. n A god stook get. ter. T er n;s$l, at time of service• WAf. SNELI1r Eilmville P. 0. VOR SALE. The undereigned hat for sale a choice lot of Tamworth ewine of various ages suitable for registration, Aleo will keep for cervico on lot 9, eon. 1, Usborne,' London Road, euro bred Tamworth and Berkshire boars. JOHN MAY. Exeter, P. 0. Nova. -3m When the Snow Comes and Florse° and /Cattle aro taken ole grass 'they should bave atonia until they get °ae- ustomed to the ohsegoof feed, or they will1ot° flesh and condition very quickly. To neglect this, may keep an animal poor all winter and it may die in the spring. DICK'S BLOuD PURIFIER will he found the very best condition Powder to use. Its action is quick and sure and satisfaotory re- sults are guaranteed. This tonin for Horses and Cattle, if proper- ly used. will add 50 per Dent. to the selling Price of any animal and it costs only 500. Di oleo Bleed Purifier, 50c., Hick's Blister, 50o. Dick's Liniment, 25o., Diok'e ointment, 2'o. DICK Jr CO P. 0. Rotten MoxraEAL DON'T DESPAIR WILL CURE YOU. S We guarantee' odd Kidney Pills tocure a case f Bright's Disease, Diabetes, mbago Dropsy, Rheumatism, Heart Disease, Female Troubles, Impure Blood—or money refunded. Sold by all dealers in medicine. or by mail on receipt of price, goo. perbox, or Six boxes 52.50. 13R. L.A. SMITH & CO., Toronto. Gi eat Bargains Do not miss the oppor- tuility of getting a bargain in furniture, as we are sel- ling everything in the fur- niture line at reduced places from now 'till Christmas. Call and seo our large and assort ed stock. Everything to suit the times. Parlor Suites from $20 and up. Undertaking a Specialty R LIVE IIOGS WANTED aederPackingi[ause Logs to weigh from 150 to 200 lbs, live weight, ighest market price paid. SNELL BROS. �i ♦ MAN Can always e Dressed Wei! If he 'goes to the proper Tailor. We have a Large range of Pat- terns to choose from — Natty Tweeds, Sergea and 'Worsteds made tip y in any stYyle r a11d fitting g the customers so well that inti- mate friends do not sari 17'le to ask wile made your Suit. Our customers never hesitate but answer with a knowingsem `f z e, V 0 XI Jl;tt00ATS WE LEAD The Tailor: The Same old Piace, Oddfellow's Block, S.Gidley& son Many chair es ant a com- J plate renewal of stock, Don. silting of the Newest 'and. Best Goods- � - Backed up by the lowest prices, The e (/i?de t yak ....ars The S. Furniture Demers• A7+G� • l de B�Son: y ODDFELLOW'S Bf:,OCK. 4, -YOTT V� 'ant a Bicycle? ? THE G. & J. PNEUMATIC rH& oSr0;T--\''" �iF `TIRE tz taUD Is the only Tire that g. ,-e s ti:,far.tir ast year MANUFACTURED eY The. Geoid Bicycle Co. vlie. 113 YONGETTO STREET, Brantford, Ont. PERKINS & MARTIN • Fanaon'p BIook. We Want You to come Into Our Store LOOKING PLEAS- ANT sometimes. We have so much to sell besides quinine and all those bitter things. We on't want you to think we are happy only when you are sick. . Of course, if you must be ill, we always want to put up your prescriptions, bus we have a thousand and one things you need be- sides medicine. Just now we have some uncommonly good values in Brushes, Hair Brushes from 25c up, Nail Brushes from 5c up, Tooth Brushes from 5c up. But don'tlet us forget to draw your attention to the extensive stock of Toilet Soaps, 3 large cakes of Real Castile for 100, 1 box containing six cakes all for 10c, Baby's Own, 2 cakes for 25c, Fine Oatmeal Soaps, 01d Windsor, Honey, Glycerine and a large assortment of medicinal soaps, and many other lines. All the above are excellent values, both in quality and quantity. Dont put off till to -morrow what you can do to -day. Call at once. J. W. Browning's BOOKSTORE. TaiiaIa Sty1ei! Post Ordered Clothing produced in l;iotsr. Gentlemen 1 leave your order early,for with the best stat/ of Tailors ,• the hes. Stook of Fine Trimmings, andthe best Cutting in Town, yea are sure of satistact 10D.' w 4! J. b M:�.rr Co1 The -Exeter J Manufacturer of PLOW'S, LAND D.OLLERS, MIX PLO WS. Wholesale Mallufaoturors of Plo'tt Castings. Also General Castings con. tracted for in Iron and Brass. ;Also Mauufaetuxers of Bridge Dolt ends, Washers, etc. /ten and kept constant ly band, Repairs promptly 'e;;;eout-1 ed, Waiting f or Something to Turn What's the good of waiting for it to turn up, and then not able to "fill the bill.'] In the intervals get yourself in shape by teki: 4Ooree in the i11 CO FOREST CITY BUSINESS far 31 Ash COLLEGE, n We lay great emphasis on our practioal course. Soo £or pro0£ Our suocossEal, students. A. M. Stewart has received the poeition As travelling auditor with the,':. McCormack Harvesting Co.. v1Wlnnzpeg. ' Write us for catalogue and particulars addressing carefully ' College reopened J. W. WWESTERC�'ELT, Prfnetp, K pe Jan, 2nd, '95. XETER LUMBER YARD. The undersigned wishes to inform tff g - he public in general , �h .:eopa con- stantly in Stock all lanais of T BUILDII�I G- MATERIAL r amossED AND imine i sED) PINE and HEMLOCK. LUMBER, B. C. RED` ONTARIO AND HIGH LAND And PINE SHINGLES, Special notice is drawn to B, 0. Red Cedar Shingles evhi • is ac MostDurable. Timber of anythatgrows. e 4h knowled to: bei the Specialty for Shingles. Said by competent judges to last from thirty six to forty years in any climate. J,A.E. WI3LaS. 110! FOR PANTS Grieve's Clothing Emporium g um Give me a call and you will be surprised at the bargains given in Pants and Suitings. One hundred choice pieces to choose from and at tle lowest rate. We have bouht a lot of Tweeds direct from the Manufactur- ers and are selling them at about a third less than you can buy elsewhere, (value considered.)' We do not advertise goods at half price, but we want them compared with so-called half price goods and you will findours cheaper by a good deal. The onlything we have at half price is a biglot of Remnants, ranging g g from r to 6 yards. Come and see for yourself. Remember the place, J•11.GRIEVE/ Main -St. - — Exeter We Cross Cut Cow Chains, have them Axes, Saws, Stoves, at very Lanterns, low prices at Lamps, Stoves. . s H. BISHOP & SON'S, h. Tie. e�®r 1pj ■ G�� WE S. SNELL. Jute and wool blankets we always take the lead, fiver gaiters, overshoes and rubbers, what you all will need ; Harness, collars, whips and sweat pads, we have a good supply, ./rets, combs, brushes and cards when used keepaway disease se and she Y Y Trunksvalises and school bags, in ,g, price and quality for the young and the old, Robes, rubber, plush and 'wool rugs, andmitts; to protect you from the cold ; Elm city harness oil, dressing and blacking, keeps harness and boots a shining, ells, children's carriages and wagons `prevents the little ones from crying, Long and short boots, elt and rubber boots, we claim the best and nicest. Enquire at Treble's Boot, Shoo and Harness store, be sure and get his prices. e.P o C. OAU SE.a,dl HN MAKER, Onttitio Begs to announce to the public that. lie , is prepared to do all lands of Carriage Trimming, Furniture tYpholstering, ate, i Carl a e a i 1 and lin Topsi � �g� p of alI kinds MADE TO ORDER. Old Boggy. Tops recovered and made as good as 110W, our harneee are well known, as gitin perfect satisfaction. Wo nclasufadtute er e1 and consequently our • B y q prides are y p lotq', l4. call will eons/Mee ilr 1 Oto at liTaritet We always buy the best to be found and kill for home consumption animals fitted for the purpose young and free from disease of any kind. We also keep on hand Sausage, Bologna, Dressed Fowl, Ham sand Cured Meat, at r. Lard. - et e C, tC Highest prices paid for stock ofood quality, also hides and skins. g WIGS. ISi'Xllt WIIAT A. LITTLE MONEY WILL If spent 3181110 right Mace b lx r That J., D. Atkinson s ifs the right place to buy your furniture. The kollowing facts and figures proye 10 Piece Bedroom Outfit, 73En, DxrtssnR, 20.50. Weer/ STAND, MATR • ss 1G , S]t'1tINr�, 2 P:xio'tvs Roo:.sll, 6 20.50. iIF1A11t TABLE. Coming brides and young: matried dottples take stdvantage of the dbovo offer, We W supply Oo f sI � 1 " p m oft, cheap. If I r tl 1 O3.TIx OF TOWN RA