The Exeter Times, 1895-1-3, Page 1_AESEX GAZET
80 FORD &
We thank our many cus-
tomers and friends for
their patronage and con-
fidence during the past
twelve months,
We wish you one and all
a happy and prosperous
New Year,
Happy Modelites.
The examinetion of NJ odelitee attending
the Stratford and Mitchell schools closed
.on Monday. Following is the list of
Boys,- Audieon 11., intore; Aoheaou
W., St Marys; Alexander Clement,
Briton; „Ballard Frank, Listowel:: Beatson
John A., Grantee; Bamford Artbnr 'A.,
Listowel; Benet johe S., Milyerton;
Campbeil Colin, Listowel; Chain -etre John
H., Po*; Grilis James, Listowel;Hodgine
Russell, Lucen; Howard t. B, St. Marys;
Irvine Eldon O., $t: Marys; King George,
f31ratforZl,;.; Lindsay W. A., Grantee; Large
Fred., restowel: McCutoheon John, Lis -
'towel; efariou Donald, Listowel; Mowbray
,Efervee E,, Grantee; lelePherson Davis,
Granten; Pollock Frank le, St. Marys,
Bob,son J. 14. St Mei-ye; Stewart John,
Mo ton; Shepherd W Re 3t. Marys;
Ste watt Peter, Stratford; Thempaon
R b H., St. Marys,
re tro ng Jennie Lis to we it
Brandon Ada, Rollin; Bruee 'Maggie, S.
314Car,; °note Lillie M., Dorking; Casson
Stratferd; Draper Goads, Strat-
ford; Draiseith Maggie, Stratford; Ed -
„mends Irla 0,,Stratford; Fairweather Joan
.8., Se eferys, Fleming May, Se Marys;
Elerlich Meanie, Shakespeare; Hayes Belida
0.. Sb. Marys; Hutchinson May R., St.
Marys; Xing Ida, St. 'Marys.; McLean
Mande, Liatewel; Marks 1VIaggie E., St.
Marys; elosaip A. Liertha, Metropolitan.
Milne 0 J., Stratford; Mills Maud AL,
Stratford; Robinson Maria L., St. Marys:
Roe Sara, Milverton; Sale Annie, St,
Marys; Stevenson A. L„ Listowel; Stein-
aker Zintret, Sostock: Steele Fannie,
Stratford; Selvedge Mabel, Stratford.
Scott Margaret M. St. alitrys; Thompson
Nellie, Aevnton; ihomson Ne, ,St. Marys;
Wilson Alice E G., St. Marys.
Girls.-Bathane Seaforth: Brett
Amy, eeeforth; Baker Maud, Mitchell:
,Cataeron Jentie eL. Mitchell; Deveraux
Ella, Seaforth; Davis M., Seaforth: Evans
Ellen E., Sea forth; Gray Annie M.,
Listowel; Hurchinga Clara, St Malys:
Prendelgast Aerate M., Seafarer; Robert-
son U., .endersen. Boya.--Black Jetnes
Hamilton W , Cromertv; Highet 1'. R,'„
, Roekvm )11; Brno° Robert, Crotnarty;
Andereen; Taylor Luther W. Mitchell.
Burnrs.-.-Miss Bella Yule is home from
Michigan to visit her mother and friends
-Gleasou Gill of 'Manitoba, is in Waller
ton for a few steeks. --George and Miss
..Chrissy Bertlett left laat week tor Mint,
Miele, to isit their brother for a time.-
1)p.n eleFarlaen is , home from the
Tjwyersity in Toronto for the holidays, Devie Weismiller, C4,36 'V10E19011 J. 0.
Bnntr a' --Sleighing is good in this
creation. 13usiness as good. May the
snow gong:nate-Mrs, Daniel Sippel is
very row at present vvrtting. We under-
stand the dotems have given her up.- Mr.
A. Elmea is visiting at Mr. F. Siegner'a at
prosent,-The A. 0. F. elected officers
on 'Wednesday laat for the current term as
follows :-0. R., R. WfflIam ; S. 0. R.,
W. Fee. P. C, R., el, L. Peine; 8, W„
G. eferner ; J, W Mage': S. B., H.
Weber e 3. B„ H. Hese ; Secy„ Sieg -
nor ; Treatte J. Merner.--IVEss Hannah,
rnillin'er at D. Steinbach's has returned
home to Miiverton. -Misses Adthe and
Tillie JohnsIon are apending a few weeks
with friends in Berlin.. Wm. MolsTevin
spent Christmas with friends in Lucknow•
--Miss Turner, teacher, has left for her
home in LeAdori, after teaching two years
in Zurich sehool,--We understand time
John 13. Foster, briokmaker, las been
Awarded the contract of delivering the
brick for the House of Refuge to be built
near Olintott. The contract calls for 232,-
000 In iek.-George Ruby was in bewn on
Saturday last.--Rolert and. Edith Steel -
bush are spending their holidays under
the parental roof. -John Deichert is
visiting his brother in New flaxen, Mich.
-Mist Cleve Paine is visiting her grand. -
parents in New Hamburg. -Mr. D. Weis -
miller of Reiman, was in town last we on
be:tines:a-Mr. Tees. Pie is learuieg the
cutting with Mr. Ed. Appel, He intends
to return to Walkerton where he is going
into business, Succesa Tone -Mr. Ed.
Axt is home from Oil Springs spending
Chriatmas and New Years. -Mr, Godfrey
Nicholson and Miss Tateltburn were joined
in wedlock last week. -We understand
chet Ed. Bossenberry has purchased. the
Holt hotel at Grand Bend,- There was a
shooting mateh held in Zurich last Wed-
nesday, four on a aide. renewing is the
P Sipple 9 out of TO bane
E Beasenberry 8 ”
R Steinbach 6 "
0 Greb 1
W Hess 9 out of 10 belle
E Doberer 8 "
G Either 7 "
HEilber 0
Losing side paid for :tapper after which
C. Greta aerved supper for them.
NATroN.-ratepayers of the
townalam m
of Hay, et pursuant to
etatutes 10 'the townhall, Zurich,• on Dee.
31st, at 12 o'clock noon. to nominate mun-
icipal officeta for 1895, The following
gentlemen were duly nozninated :-Reeve,
And john, Aucheyeand Alex. meeadeere leabileiseh john Torrance 3at
teachers, ate also home for vacation. -
Joseph Morrow, ere has been appeintecl
posenaster of this place in place oftlaptain
Francis, deceased, -Mr. Willard. of 8.h
eon, flibbett. bee leased Mr, Alex,'
13ettreel1'a term for five years. John
Preemie, Meer°, is going to raise his barn
aria put a stone breemeet in not s innin ere
-Union AseociationP of 1. was wound
alp a few sienna ago by an oyster supper
at Fl mak Anderson's. The remateder of •
the funds of the treatery Were appropriat-
ed for the purpose.--Ialunieipal political are
very qtet here. Time far were hear of
no probable ehanges except ei probibility
of a eontest between Mr, jachaet &lid Mr.
Leverage for the reevoship.-Isdayor Wad-
0,e3S1,1, is terms +tad co eanio lice14 Keep Tut Kestrels x Goon Woutare
'stable oa his property on. Mein. Street. 1°ABBE, By ttsztoi. DoDB,s xrDiory
ToneeTo, Dee. 31.-I1 is an eetablislied
'Battme.-.Mr. Santa Claus in distribat- feet that Dadd'e Itidney Pills are
ing hit presents, dropped off a, tine boy at doing more to increase the average div-
ert() etsitseeee of gr. Thomea Abbott, ate:el tee life than any ether inediehm
Salable line, Ala° one at the residence of known. 11 18 true that many people are
Wm. Lewie, 2nd con, Bth1iiph. Wo Corea who do not implicitly follow the diet
vtrish them both a hIppY New Year --- rulegiven on the direetions Beet out with
At the resitierbee of the bridoei father,alies ewe bee, bet it is else tree that meaty
Levine Staeley, eldest daughter ot Mr 348 mo,re recover more rapidly by strict ob..
Stanley, ft meta to -enable, vetted Mraervence of the inetruationa revert. Han -
Trial greleirla of Biddallale' 'Sereo 130 drerla of testitemaiale have been received
eireata attended the ceremorty, 'Cho Profs- by the Orin, here, as to the cures effected,
enta were nemerouss and costly, --There by rheee Red petite one ea:en:nee they
died at lea restated:se, let con 13i:1(11110hi have failed. Tao erica at whieh Dodd's
,oa Sunday the 281e1 ult., Mr, J tee0afftry Rldnoy Pills are sold plaeee them within
aged. 8e years.--. Four young men from tee teach ef They may bo proeured
Litaert aPettb OhriStealad in Lon loa Sell+ iifdealera fat fifty cents a box or aix
deputy, Robt Turnbull and Wm Caldwell ;
2nel &platy, Wrn Battier, Robert aleMer.
die Mosee Geiger and Joseph Snelt ; coma -
R sbert Meliorate, Win, Battler,
August Ehues anti Fredeltibler. D. Weis -
miller, J. C. Kalbfleiaoh, John Tortanco,
W. Caldwell, S. Snell, F. Kibler and
R. Meelordie withdrew, and Wm. Battler
withdrew as 2nd deputy, which loft Geo,
elcEeene reeve ; Robert Tubabull, lat
deputy : Moses Geiger. 2ad deputy ; Win.
Battler and August linnale. eon:eaten ;
all elected by acclamation.
Flue. Hess -sr., R. 0.
• P
ebereed he Dar tr. Bewdela of tleowe wllh h".... for e2,60. Telco no itiaztationa.
incendierism, They Write committed by ,
Ttlie fotir were ditoharge there being no at' ° a 3"1" Man* who W°'tit*
Gar Tula Biter,
The publie are two intelligeist to putt
ohne° a worthlests ettiele genet's& time, on
uitee Armitage and ;O'Neil of Lateast. lee et I,
oi at 'Metall. Lott es Sendy s litrery at
evideaos egaleet thent.--The et:emelt winglistsi for tome time last eummer, wan
Was eleetee by ateettinetion for 1895, %treated in Guelph It Sheri time ago, foe
0 TT 1.1"---
13meree-A very large number attended
the nomination on Monday, when a vary
pleasant and aooktble time was speed, Mr,
Rae, tarnelbridge,1Wr. Melanie and Mr.
Eydd were nominated for Reeve but; not
likely more thau two will etend for elec.
ttort. Mr. James Halle and /Mr. J. Shier,
veterans, who heve loosaie the burden and
heat of Municipal polities& for twenty aud
iteeteen years respectively,retired from the
eeld and will rest on their laurels wee. -
Few men have, and perhaps, law rime eould
letzten the coetidence ot a body of electore
for such pesiod of time and it is credit-
able to them that the chief reason for op
posing them was that they had been there
lotereueutile Mr, W. Zeddy of the N. W.
ward was the only ono fortenitie eneriab to
get elected by aeolamation, but it is only
fair that a man should bayo the second
year if no great fault is found egainat him.
The eandidatee are : In the N 13 ward B
Gardiner end P Hunt:hien the S E. ward
F. Morley, R Canam, W. Delbridge and Ur.
eitinsonen the W ward,John 33.unter. Jas
Handford and Hoary Jones.. The ratepay.
era bare a lerge ohoice. A vote Of tbauke
moved by Jae. Gardieer, moonded by
Mr. Time, Steele wee tendered Mr. Halls
for his valuable servicea rendered divine
the past twenty years as a member of the
oeuectil. A similar Tote moved. by Mr,
Thos. Oatueren, seconded by Mr. W. J. Ceve
was teudered Mr. Shier who has been a
member of the Council for nineteen years.
MessreEtalla and Shier replied to tbevotea
thanking the electors for this e,videnee of
their appreoietion of their seviese. --Mr; G.
W• Holman for many years a resident of
our village has moved to the north end of
the township and Mr. R. Wood has moved
iuto tbe cottage vacated by him.- Mr. jno.
Sloamon has toll ins house and lot in the
village to Mr. Charles Baimeeornhe who
will Boom become a reeident of our village.
-There was a Christmas service renamed
here by the S. S. on Sunday laat which
was both interesting and profitable, Reit,
T. B. ()enplane delivered an address. -Mr,
Frank Halls, of Chicago, is visiting his
parents and friends in this vicinity. -1r
Robert Hind. is a :sojourner in this village.
In_Ushorne towhship the contest for the
reeveship will be between T, Me Kay and
Wm. Eyeld, Meseta Delbriege and MeInnis
having resigned:
In the S E ward Mr teterley has retired,
and ie the S W tverd Mr Handford has
Usborno Council.
The cenimil met. after the nciminetien
had closed pursuant to adjournment.
All the members were present. Min-
utes of previous meeting were read and
a pprov ed.
1VIessrs Thee Weary, er and sr, were
present and addressed the council with
reference to the fence on. the south side
of lot 16, con 7. - e
Shier -Halis--- That the matter in
question on the survey between toes ,15
and 16, con 7, be laid over for fuether
consideration, -Carried.
Keddy-e-Shier-That this council and
W Quinton having come to an agi es -
merit with regard to the road allowance
fit back of Jot 6, con 5,, the council
agree to pay the said W Quinton the
sum of $1.5 and any expenses in con-
nection with same,' ' Mr Quinton to
give deed, of said parcel of land, -
Carried .
Gardiner--Kecldy-That whereas our
colleagues Messrs flails and Shier ha,v-
ing resiguedeheir position as councillors
in the township of Usborne, we, their
associaties, wish to express our sincere
appreciatioe of their valued services to
this township during the Isms terms of
officio of 20 and 19 years respectively,
and join in. wishing them long, happy
and prosperous lives, and trust that the
Township may' for many years enjoy
the valuable counsel, which their long
experience 80 well •qualifies them to
Botts Mr Halls and Mr Shier made
feeheett aplies to this token of respect
and relerred to the good. feeling always
manifest at the Council Board.
On. motion of W Keddy seconded by
Shier the cotmeil adjourned sin elle.
Gro. W Rometi, Clerk.
• at 4
A wood story has justleaked out abent
it farmer a tittle distance out of Windeor.
The farmer's wife, who for convenieece
may be called ters. B.. had a fine Bock of
geese tif whica she was 'very proud end
lookee forward to their being turned into
111011133, flt an early date. One morning
lately Mr, B. conveyed to his: wife the
distresting pews that her fine flock of gssine
were all stone dead in the yard. It was
too true; they were all' found lying with
Imola in air excepting one old vender,
which leaned up agaiust a post with all
the Appearance of being weary of life.
Only one thing could be done in the cir-
enntstancee by the thrifty houeeeife and
eh° at once uet el3out it. This was the
saving of the feathers, and very toon ercoh
body was picked elean and tossed. into the
woodshed for burial whoa Me 13, ehouiti
find leisure to do the job. Some beers
later the family, parented to the 'Shed by
an alarming clamor, found the whole flock
right side up, huddlitig together and utter,
ing held famentetions, no doubt over the
myeterious loae of their winter wardrobe.
Tbe apparent ticarth and tesureeetrou were
explained later. The fattner's wife bad
emptied mit ajar of eherties whieh had
been preserved ia theme, but Appeared to
be epoiling, and of those the geese had
eaten fteely and goee dead druuk lo a
PerfeotlY hluelee weY. The birde seemed
little woree for their dissipatiori and Then of
clothing, and Mrs, B. is enrolee the nook
tietil nature replatiee their covering.
TIie ularveioua 0000.80 tfuoa'a &tree stettidg tsetse and rig front a, Bruessele.
11)arilla besed up.% the corner stone b.; livery men, Arta eetiteneed to three yeete
le the penitentiere.
absolute Merit. Take Vood's throughout
'the) f p ring etit, D 0 the greet telleyet lel` rots-
110 Y they weet 10 bestt ltisysi.
areas are isirteelty eetneweas 10 seeseg
thee SooWs Eiredition is the beat form of
Cod rester Oil.
JANUARY, 3, 18t/6
4rOliter wane% *
biraterere one ore
Zion. Dasbwood 1 $laarou W� hank
Beiges. judging from the pleaee
look elf the ehildren Sante Claus di
not forget to call here.--Serreral of
the farmer ta bad their ratt e de -
horned, --On Wednesday, Deeember
e6th, tbe annual arshool meeting was
held. tebt, Philip Horn was elected
trustee to take the place of Mr, Jaques,
who, rafter having acted for six yeara M
that eeparety, bas retiree, It needs
expealeeee to be a port trustee.
Thos, 13roak took the coetraot for
fernishing the wood.
eiesepa,--Xenas wee very quiet here.
-.Mr. Geoaameten of Stretford, was
!tome for Xmas slay, George likes the
city.- Mr, and tree Jas. Hyslop en-
tertained sorne of their Cromarty
friends Xmas eve. -The election of
officers of the Y, P. S. 0, is for the
entrent term took place on the 261h
ult, They are as le:lows President,
Jno. tieing ; Vice Preeident, Jessie
Gillespie ; Recording Secretary; Agnes
lVfoLachlan; Treasures', JeS. tleIltraith.
Oyer fifty dollars wee taken in oolleot-
ione in the past year ear missionary
purposes. ---The building on the corner
of King anti Shuttle etreeis, known as
IVIowat's, old bonaei is being torn down.
We hope it may be soon replaced by
something better.- The members of
the council for '94 ere ell elected for
'9e, there being no eeeious chargee
against them.
d ODITUARY.--The saddeaa death of Mr.
d Conrad Pfaff living one ciateer of a
mile west 02 110 village, has oast a gloom
over our village. Ife was working as
usual till about two weeks before his
death, when he complained of not feel.
ing well hat his ease was sot supposed
to be so critical till several deys before
his death and all that medial aid could
do eeemed, of no avail and (teeth ended
his eufferinge on Saturday afternoon,
Dee. 291h. Mr. Pfaff bed just Shortly
Sold his farm and had purchased proper-
ty io the village where he latent:led to
1 ye retired, He wee a bard wen -king
man highly respected by his neighbers
and an wen lreevr hiin The faneral
took tteet es (Wed.) and was
largely attendl.i..,
Bniers,-Mr. Chsestain Hang from
Dakota is at home spending his 'neat -
ion. -Mr, Frank Litt is at present visi-
ting his parents in Sehrmgvi11e.-511sS
Elme Fried of Parkhill, is renewing ace
quaintaeces in the village. -Mr. and
elm Chas. Schroeder of Dakota, ere
visiting their friends and relatives in
this vicieity.---Miss Mary Birk is at
present spending her holidays in the
vieinity of Tavisteek.-Mrs. Fisher of
Douglas, Mare , spent several days in the
village visiting her father Mr. Fredle
Scharfee and other relatives. --Mr, John
Grill ol Berne Mich, Mr. Wrn, Grill
of Cavalier, Dakota, are at present visit-
ing their fathe ,r who is verysielte-Misses
Elannah and Rebecca Ortwein of Zurich
were visiting friends in the village on
New Year's Day. -Now Year's Day
passed off very quietly in the village,
everybody seerne,a to take advantage of
the sleighing. -Mr. Albs* Lenderfeldt,
of Detroit is at present visiting his par-
ent% -Henry Kellerman, of Elkton,
Mich., who was spending
his vacation
visiting his relatives in tiia village, has his 120010. -Quite a nuna
bar from eid.e ination in
Zuritth servi-
ces were eenducte
Monday night.
ing officere were elected for L 0. F,
at the last legular meeting for the
current, year
C. Ranger-Bro. J. Salter ;
Vice Cif, R.- " W. H. Wetzel' ;
• Rec. Seces- " Nielsces ;
Fin. Secty-- " P. Trevetisiek ;
Treasurer- " 3, C.fark ;
Chen.- " G. Hooper ;
S. W.- ", liolteman ;
p. LIG
J. B.- arle feregeer ;
S. 13.-a " .e.. eiouldiee ;
0. D. -Y3 , 6.. Young;
D. F., Wiekett ;
Delegates to Higle'lorl'it ,,e`'n etilter
and Henry Eilar,
Sella01, REFORT.-The moral:11y re-
port of S. as No. 2, atty. for the month
qf Deeenibere ist ail follows. ;games
are in order of merit : Ver -R. Chap-
man , sr. fV-Jno. Teylor, F. E. Ross,
Nellie Gofild ; jr. W. Todd,
Beckie Northeott, Flora Id. Northcott;
III -Sarah ,T. Northcott, G'arrie Gould,
II, 0. Busch ; sr. II -3. R. O'Brien,
W. El. Bagels, B E. On.trien ;jr, 12 -
Ethel ht. Northcott, Martha -Jackson,
Gertie Harvey ; sr. part 11 --Nelson
Sotherhy, Willie O'Brien, is J. Gould;
jr. part If-Lotesa Armstrong, Luella
Munn, K F. Northcott , part 1-1. R,
Munn; Archie Busch, Cora Munn.-
TlebessPeliernthe -n°nlY
jr. IV -Flora e,11, Northeott ; 111-11
a F. Bosch, sr. It. Bosch ;
Ir --Freeborn Jobmston. ; sr. part II--
Nolgon Sotherby ; jr. part 11- Louisa
Armstrong ;part I --Jute R. Munn.
Grand Bend
BRIEFS.-- We have beautiful sleigh.
ing here now, The fall of snow was
very heavy, measuring, Iet, moles, and
five miles south there 58 not 2 inches.
The sleighing is making things lively, -
Mr. Hamilton's te omit are busy drawing
logs into the old mill yard here, where
be intends erecting tas mill in the
spring. -Mr. Thos. Fallis is busy get-
ting out elm logs and having them
drawia to Port l3leke.-11/1r, John Leee
and Miss Alice Turnbull were united
in wecilock at her mother's residence,
Hay, on New Year's day. --The annual
sehool meeting held here last week
was well attended, w bleb shows the
interest taken m this 'section, Tlie
tnanagement by the trueteee was peas.
factory. Mr. Thos. Faille; was re-e'ect-
ed as trustee. -Mr. David Baird of
Michigan, and Richard Blatetiford of
Dakota visited old acqUaintanoes tore
litet week. Willis, of Loom,
entered upon her duties as teach
here this vveek.
danOOn ExAlttNA.TIOT,-The examin-
ation at No. le Stephen. Was held on
Friday, Dec. 21st, and was it
every particular a great success.
The whole section tented out to take
an affectionate farewell of their teach-
er, Mimi A. Eseery, Who has during
ner 'stay there, become endeared to
both children and parents. ' The
Relied' has not been more effieiently
condueted for ninny years, if ever. A.
sumptuous repaet WAS enjoyed at the
school 'houqe at the noon hour by both
scholars and visitor:4. After the
:scholars had finished their exereieeS,
Mr. LT, E, Ilueton, an eetteeeher
ofethe siehool, was asked to take the
(their, which, he did isa hia ulleally
happy manner. The treatees, Messrs.
M. Herteel, RObt Sims and JOhti
Larrsoti epoke et the great respect
they all had for Mite Vesta* But the
elheilett Watt retied:led, When tdr, John
I**UM Was interrupted in hes speech
ItsictitflisolitithglWit abretatianteillfullugdgilnntgelfl 11 g:ttb°01t$
pre ent frem the truttteic,
BRIEFS.- Rev, [' L. Walsall, of
Toronto University, and Albert 0.
Wilson, of Guelph,O. A. 0, Collea,fe
are home spending their holidays here.
-On Tuesday Dere 25111, the envied
Christmas Tree eritertainment of the
Boston Methodist Sabbath School .was
held iti the church, end considerine the
fact that there are so many other at-
tractions this time of the year, was a
decided success. The program was a
long one, consisting of recitations,
dialogues, singing and fancy broom
drill by the Ladies' Brigade under the
Calttain, Mrs. (Rev.)R. le Wilson, end
the music by the choir under the
leadership of Mrs W T Ulens. Mrs It
L Wilson deserves much credit for the
careful training of the children. Rev
J Et Chant closed the entertainmene
with a very interesting speech and called
upon the organist of the church, Mrs
W T Ulens to come forward and take
a °hair on the platforrneied then m very
complimentary words presented her,
on behalf of the school and churelewith
a beautiful aup costly parlor hanging
Imp ansi a bamboo easel and large oil
painting. Proceeds, $36. 50.- Mrs B
Little and'daughter Pearl, ate visiting
her sister; Mrs 7173 Wilsone-efr David
Baird, of 'Michigan, celled to see our
Postmaster last week. They had not
met for over 12 years stnd were near
neighbors for teeny years in Ontario -
P10 Christmas Tree entertainment in
connection with Grace Clhurch Sabbath
School held in W j• Wilson's hall on
Monday evening last, WAS a splendid
success end great credit is reflected on
Misses Laura Baker and MarytT Corbett
for the care and skill with which they
trained the children, both in siaging
and acting. The fan drill was
the event of the evening and was
heartily encored, The preset:its were
numerous and delighted the children
greatly. Reys 5 A Canute and R L
Wilson were present and gave very
instruotive and interesting addresses.
Rev D Beaumont officiated as chair-
man, The proceeda amounted to the
neat sunt of $17. -We are pleased to
hear that the era council of Stephen
are all re-elected by acclamation, also
the two new councillors for McGillivray
Messrs N. Grieve ancl Robe Hutchinson,
Pellotak, Of Greenway,
has been re-engaged to teach in S. S.
No, 13, McGillivray, for the ensuing
year.--Wfiss Emma Turner, who hee
been teeohing sebeel in' Zurich during
the past two years irt spending the
holidays with her parents and friends
on the 19th con, arid will teaoh 10
Beet Williams during the year 1805. -
The pupils of our pnblio school hero
gave e very interesting entertaitiment
in the Town nen last Friday et/tabling,
The progreme wat edit:mooed et a
variety of choice Selections, both sem.
titrieatal and comic, which were well
rendered, and Mr. Win, Fraser °coin
pied the elutir m a manner 'Worthy er
the occasiOni-A Vert* pleasant event
occurred at the residenee of Mrs.
Gociltin, 7111 con., on Wednesday of
latb week, the oceatioft being the
marriage of her daughter Annie, to
Mr. Griffeth, of Leaden. The cera --
meshy was performed in the presence
Ofa tattebet of invite d geeste by ReV.
fe. Ghent, of Ocithette The happy
eouple lett In the afternoon for Lee_
letter e'r Kea sour
scac,ox, Taxan= ErAdnODT--The frientbrritrY
annual etehool meeting was held en
Wednesday 26th, with a very good
attendance. After all had assembled
the meeting was opened by electing
Darr. Samuel Brokenehire as chairman
and Mr. John Rowe as Secretary, and
both gentlemen took their places. Then
followed the Auditors' and Treeeerer's
reports which were found to be satie-
factory. The chairman then read a
letter front the Inspector of schools
stating thee the school was in need of
new seatsaed requesting that they be
pub in, but after considerable debating
it was decided that it is the opinion of
this district that the seats are good
enough; and having been at considerable
ex pees°. in erecting 4 new school bailee
that the matter be laid over for a few
yearn. Then followed the election of
truateea who aro: Mr Thos Amy. Mr
Jacob Schwartz and Mr John Wine,whe
were elected by acclarnabion, The con-
tract: tor wood was let to Mr. Thos.
Martain and. Mr John Smith, The
meeting was then declared aimed, after
which Mr. Theo, J. Amy arose and in
a short speech stated that they as
trustees had cones to the conclusion to
appoint a janitor for the ensuing year
and the lowest bidder for the position
would be accepted. Mr, Michael.
Klump was tendered the position as a
salary of $23,
SUNDAY SCIE001, -Tn a settlement of
intelligent people as we have here at
Sharon there is no reason why we should
tot have a Sunday School in connection
with our church that would be fairy ip
to stanclard mark, Lase, Sunday we
understand there was a number of
scholars who attended Sunday School
and waited a long time for officers aed
teachers but 00110 pub in an appearance.
This we must say is deplorable and not
very encouraeing for the thildren. Now
'Edo not blame the officers altogether as
we understand that at times when they
have been there the attendance was
*very small and no interest seemecl to be
taketa 10 eanneetion with it. Now we
have children enough in our
they were all sent leo'inake -flourishing
Sunday School and one that we could
be pi oud. of, and it is the duty of the
parents to send their children to the
Sunday School and, to help the good
cinel3ned nillliYDd
t boeuglclivel'encru;
from the pulpit that a meeting be
cal'ed at an early date to elect officers
and teachers for the ensuing year and
let a new start be made.
Bearaw.-Mr Josiah Kestle having
sold the north half of his farm, and the
house going with it, has bought a house
belonging to elr Daniel Shaver of the
8th coneliey, and will have the same
removed oe. the south fifty af his farm,
where he will reside in future -A Pat-
ron meeting was held in 'the school
house on Friday evenieg lasb when
officers for the eesubm, year were elect -
ea and delegates appointed to attend
the convention to be held at Ansa Craig
on the 61h Jauuary. The officera fcm
the ensaieg yeer are : Mr Wm Murlock,
President; Mr Albert Brown, Secretary;
Mr Thos 3 Amy, Treasurer; Mr John
Wine, Sentinel; 11r Samuel Broken
shire, Guide. There were live dele-
gates appointed to attend the convention
who are as followWm Itlurlock,
Thos J Amy, Samuel Brokenshire, Win
Geiser, Joseph Fdwards.-Mrs Harrison
of Burford, who will be better known
in this section as Vies Susie Amy, was
the guest of Mrs Josiah Kestle this
week. -Mr Richard. Johnstori, of Lon-
don was the guest of Mr and Mrs Josiah
KeslIe on .New Years. -Miss 13ena
Dodds, of Exeter, wag the guest of her
sister, Mrs T J Amy on New Yearse-
Mr Joseph Ducey has announeed a
shooting match at live pigeona to take
place on his fame on the 7th inst.,
when a gendral good time is anticipated.
-Yr Josiah Pedlar and son Sarnuel, of
Ailsa Craig, spent:New Years the guest
of his brother, tvIr John Pedlar. -lir
John Rowe has returned from Apple-
gate, Mich., where he has been visiting
his brother William. He reports crops
fairly good there last yesr and thee they
have np enow there as yet
Bnenes.--IVIiss 1Wine Bement, of
Granton, is visiting: at the peteetnage.
- Mr. John io1wil1, jr., was married
last week to a Miss Webb of London
'Totedship„-Mr. 8, Windsor has sold
hie residence to 0. W. Vail, the new
station agent, for the stun of $1,000. -
LastSunday mid IVIonday were gala
days for the Sunday Sehobl, They
were anniversary daes. Sunday morn-
ing Rev. H. W. Locke, of Exeter,
preached a very appropriate sermon 'to
the ehildren, and in the everting the
pulpit Was occupied by the tiestot. The
afternoon was taken up with an open
tneetiret windh vms largely attended.
Addressee were given by the Pastor,
Mr. 11. Bishop; llev. Geo. Jackson and
Rev. Mr, Adams. A. fine tea was given
to the children, parents and friends on
Monday evening anti an enjoyable
fitne was spent together, the church
was packed arid the program'exclusive-
Its' by the school, was a ehoiee one,
'there ere eevehty five seholars on the
roll aua over $80 was raised last yeae
to Meet firianeiel expenses- The
offieers for the eneuieg yea are'i It '9'
Melts, Superintendent; S. Detife Sec,.
tetary; J. Hellbent, Treasurer; Mem
A. BoWslangh with their aititistente ate
usa eecelleht atett Of tetteheee. The
elmcd ti *et la
their kind
during the
year, and,
solieie a
of their
tor the
and happy
111: New Yea«
good begi
r bt
Make re
evhieb will
and cheer
ta the
Berees.--Charies F. Rambla* has
returned home after spending nearly
two years in the North West. -The
entertaintnent held ha tbe Eneliah
church was a decided success in every
settee of the Word. The main attrect-
ion was Rev. 3. 11. Hector, familiarly
krtown att the Blaek Knight, who lec-
tured Oh the dory of his early life.
Too much cannot be said in praise of
Mr. Hector, as he is a netural orator
and huraereit.- Ve. Steinhoff, for
esereral years manager of Mr. Bale
lantyne's extensive oheese factery 10
Downie, is talking of starting a cheete
and butter factory in Ibis viennty.
wo • Hibberit
BRIERS.-Alichard Scott gave a party
to a number of his friends Tuesday
evening, prior to his departure for
Woodham, where he has seeured
farm. -Mr. Willed has rented a farm
near Mothetwele which he Will take
possessson of early in the spring
The tiongregation, of Bethel church
have ereoted a fine new oiled at ihe
church.- Oae of the enterprising
Yoting farmers of this townsbip took
to himself a helpmate last week from
among the fair daeghters of Logan
township. R. 3. Meehan was seen
proceeding to 'Logan oa ieteoltiesda,y,
where be was married to Miss May
Anna, second daughter of Robert
Ward. His friends wish the teucb re.
spected greotn and his Lonnie bride,
long life and prosperity in their nOw
happy home -A very pleasant :event
took place at the residence of John
Phillipa 00 Wednesday .evening last,
beirlg the marriage of Miss Mary
Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr.
Phillips, to Zephaniah, youngest son
of Henry Balfour,
lemma.-- The anniversary servicaa
held here on Sunday the 23rd utt,
were largely attended, RS were also the
en ter teen ment and Chrietmas tree an
the following Monday. The proceeds
amounted to nearly $25. -Previous to
his leaving the school, Mr. efas. A.
Dempaey was presented with e beauti-
ful gold ring and it neatly worded ad-
dress. --Mr. John Kerslake has traded
his farm, for that ot Mr, Christie: on
the London rouse, and will Move there
in the near future. "We wish Mr.
Kerslake SUCceS8 10 his new home
Messrs Morley Morley Dempsey of Pe,rkhia,
and des Essery of Therndale are viait-
login the vicznity..--7-M185MeKarg
of Kippen, has been visiting stt Mr.
F. Luxtoeis the past two weelts,-Mr.
Hoskins of Darlisigtom who has been
the guest of Mrs a. Rundle the pass
two weeks. hert returned reene.-Mr.
Edward Luxton left on Saturday for
Bay City, Michigan, where he intends
to spent a few weeke.j1r, W. Hag-
gith conducted the review iii the Sab-
bath school on Sunday morning last,
and Mr. J, Delgaty occupied the put -
pit in the afternoon and preached , st,
very striking and instructite sertnon.
--Mr. Edward Steert bee repainted
hiss house wbiett adds much to the ap-
pearatiee of tlietelace.
Brother, the: Rev. Wm. N. nneveleed
citifies to dello D. Rose's alektiek and
-cure. Mr, Bose' t etatentent ie as folloeet:
the undersigned. feel emu:trainee tete
bear teetimmay to the value of your reme-
dy for Dyspepsia. Lot summer rey ato-
msett felled so entirely that I was Unable
for tveeka to digest any feetl exeepe sn
occasional oraelter; ineanWhil4 t Vraq
duced to e eletIeton, and Imeante set weak
flf1 to be ramble to walk witheta titegge ing.
BsViER vi",en ha 4 Toronto paper emir rein.
edy sitiVot isledo t procured theough tny
sister, a bottle of your weaseled Upon
tvyiteteit 1 beget.: at °nee es mood, Sala iu
it those time entirely retrained my health,
gtinine in eight clays 12 lbs. Totday 1 eel
well ancl hearty, whieh bleSSIti7, under
Gen I owe (au I think) to emu. rnedieiee,
K. D. a
Yottra truly, Jong D. Reek,
Cluttemont, Nett York.
G A. Wiektteed,
tea oeleeratesi ties n
petty of kits hist