HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-12-20, Page 8a;r 1G1?S ,MA NOIR. it ll 'l' I LLIOT,AG +'NTFOR; alp. slrla4",Chita AsSI,TRANQQB 00M- PAN,Y, se fore., o; sUe for the 1'IIC1IN1I [+ : i:,•s e U , ,t 1 i t;J x11' 4 ' .N , of London Realeei rlel+laclU• tx$Uttsee0B COh1-. kr,r NN ,, 41444104 (11 THF LONI ON \iuruAI llflt).. 1N tilt AN , C . tat CANADA." Head attla•:, L1NDON. rat 35 years tide Company has den° the 1 artiest basines•s iii 0,4414r at the lowest rotes,. eenelateut With, security. alseete, Jan, LS I, ;144,190.00 43,000'Polioiee in force. .. lr th' O S0 , Provident, ' e C ALD, Manager Per ferllier trartieulsre, ernes tc DAVID JAQUaS, rteent, Laster: Christmas Fair. Our first annual Christmas Fair will coulmenceWednesdayeDecelnber 10th, at noon and continue until Monday, December 31st,closing with the old. year. A Chicago street Arab, lately found by the police, lying for greater warmth underneath the side- walk, has gained for himself name and fame through the care shown for a dove, found partially hidden in the rags that barely protected his bosom, and which he had reared and fed, with a portion of the few crusts be had been able to secure for himself. His future is made. A good deal of that spirit remains with us. and not- withstanding the depression which ' has affected nearly all classes, Old Christmas will not be allowed to die, but for the sake of the greater gift our lesser ones will flow and be scat- tered broadcast, none the poorer, though many be much richer. Sab- bath Schools, Public Schools and private parties of all classes will give and feel it more blessed to do so than receive, though the pockets be light and pence few. We would like to help and for this purpose we propose our first Christmas Fair, and for once, at the bare cost of handling goods, making it unnecessary for you to think of Eaton or McKendry, Mara or Woods. We can, during that fair, help you as well as they. Eaton has been visited. We know what we propose. We will help you ,to help, others. Rein embee the date. J. GRIGG. THE ai Bth;pt Store FOR X MAS GOODS Yes we are prepared for a great Xmas Trade. We have an immense stock of fancy goods, presents suitable for old and young. Our assortment of Dolls, is sway ahead of anything ever before shown by us. Bring along the little folks and let them take a stroll through our show room, they are al- ways welcome here. We have some lovely presents for children. We are working late every night this week opening up our Xmas Fancy Crockery, which for quantity. quality and value, beats them all. -If you want a bargain in a fancy dinner set, we are the people to see. If you want value in any fancy Xmas crockery, call on us• We have some great bargains for the Holiday Trade. Just one whisper for the Millinery Department: p We have far too many good hats left on. our hands, For the balance of this season you can have your choice of any untrimmed hat in the store for 50c. Hats worth from '75c to $3.00; your choice for 50c. Now's your chance for a bargain. 251bs best granulated sugar for $1. 31 lbs nice yellow sugar for $1.00: J. A. Stewart. Notice to. Times' Readers. 2'he publishers would esteem it a favor i readers would,whea making their purchaseR mention that they saw the merchant's adver- tisement in THE TTIES. NOTICE -All business announcements notices of public meetings, entertainments auction sales, eta„ appearing in these local columns will be charged for at the rate of five cents per line each insertion. Black heading to count as three lines. Cash with order save opersons bavi:ngopen accounts. To insure change of advertisements in current issue copy inustbe handedinto office on Tuesday. Trivitt Memorial Oh, 4th Sunday in Advent, Dec, 23rd, 1894. SERMONS. 11 a. m. -The preaching of John the Baptist, . 7 p• ler- Sermon on Mesmerism con- tinued. XItlAs DAY; 28th. Divine service -__Special music and sermon at 11 a. m: .Administration of the holy communion, 8. a ea. and I1 a. m. Every business roan ought to read "Dollars And Sense," a money -making book by Nath'I C. Fowler, Jr., the leading expert on business and advertising 18 dhaptere, illustrsted with 100 plates, pre; seating every style of effective advertise - meats, with examples of reading notices, circulars and h , r oadl leas. It tells the plain truth about advertising and exposes inef- festive methods. Any reader of TIsr Temps who will send check, postal note, or postage stamps to value of 25 cods to The Trade company, Boston Mass., will receive the book by prepaid mail. „wr, Given .A,rov's, . y and , As I hays a large 'stook of Boots a y g , hoes oat heed, and to . make room for a d, spring goods will clear out the whole stock. As Christmas time ie here I have deaided to vive for the next two weeks 8 oi pounds of. Mixed dandy fico with every $2.00' worth of Boot* and Shoes old for y,y y� osteft. Cnog IIfA , ,l NeoN', The lidop le d Sfioeinan WOgilvie, o Mo a 'GV'president f the litre 1 Board 'o p b d f'p`rstdoy has subscribed 02,500 to the Tltarlipsott trstiollal;fund. 'JFIURSB AY. DECEMBER 20th, 189e LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Bre vitas Christmas next week, D, McNaughton, blacksmith, Varna, has sold out. Extensive improvements are being made to Snell's packing house. The butchers will have a splendid dis- play of Christmas innate and poultry. R. W. Runciman, merchant, God emelt , has ,s: sigced to C, it. Armstrong, Loader. Delinquents have been given until the 14th of January nextto pay heir tcaxes,but the 5o/o will be added. Last Saturday's issue of the Toronto Globeis a very handsome one of 30 pages, the illustrated covets being in colors. Messrs A. de W. Smith: were quite successful in winning prizes with their thoro'brod cattle at the Guelph Fat Stock show last week, Citizens this year have paid their taxes with commendable promptness. Tiler remains yet unpaid only $155• while last year at this, date there was ever $300 un- collected. In Fort Huron two loaves of bread are sold for 5 cents, anti it is expected coal will go down to e2 per ton. There is a war on among butchers and coal dealers, and the poor do not mind it a bit, J. W. Broderick is holding a special holiday sale. He has cut the prices in to o and for the next week will give special bargains in all goods. See his stock, and read his ease,tiseinent in another caeca re. All school children are in a &tate of ecestacy these days and justly so. Our boys and girls are now spending the most joyful and peaceful days of their lives - and the most profitable for their future success, Randall,the spiritualist who with others, gave F WFarncomb, aim Fax and Mr .Hanna such a threshing for throwing light upon the seances was fined $100 by Judge Elliott in London on Friday. Randall and Mrs Moss have left the city. The death is announced cf Mrs. Wheli. hair, cf St. Mery'e, ;wife of Mr. Patrick Whelihan, registrar of South Perth, and ruptlrer..ettlie.Whelihan brothers, of the Windsor hotel, Gait. The deceased lady was in the prime of her life, and had been seriously ill for only a short time. While sitting on a bench in the house on Wednesday, George, a young son of Mrs. Bartner of Exeter North, fell by means of the bench upsetting ; and:grasping a pan of boiling water which sat upon the table, pulled it over upon himself scalding, his person severely. In the valedictory of the .Newark, N. J. Morning Times, which recently suspended, Thomas C. Barr observes that all he has to show for hie investment of $200,000 are copies of the first and last issues, which ho will preserve as mementoes. There is no bigger rat hole for money to slide into than the treasury of a newspaper. The Hicks farm in Biddulph was sold lender mortgag elast week to John Colwell of McGillivray, for $4,400.' The farm contains 100 acres and has fairly good buildings thereon. This gives Mr Colwell four hundred acres of first class land -200 in Biddulph and 200 in MoGilli- vray, all conveniently situated. Within the past few weeks over $40,000 worth of cheese has been shipped from Listowel and within a radius of eighteen miles of Listowel $60,000 has been paid out. This cleans up the cheese in the Listowel district with the exception of a few small lots. Ballantyne & Son shipped ten cars,valued in round numbers at about $30 000, and the remaining shipments were divided among Riley, Cook and McLaren.. Mr, Wes. Snell has purchased from Smith Bros. their celebrated white steer, and intends killing it for the Christmas trade. This animal has been a successful prize winner, and besides taking several firsts last fall, was awarded let for two year old and diploma and let and diploma for fat, at Guelph Fat Stook Show Iast week; also the sweepstakes at the same show. The beast weighs 1725 pounds and is a perfect model. At a business meeting of the Mein St. Epworth Leasrue held on Dec. 11th, the following officerswere elected for 1895: - President, Bro. T. H. McCallum; Vice President of Christian Endeavor, Bro. E. A. Follick; Vice President of Religious Work, Sister Follick: Vice President of Literary Work, Sister Gidley; Vice President of Social Work, Miss White; Secretary, Bro. W.B. Bagshaw; Treasurer, Bro. D. Jaques: Organist, Sister Gregory. Mr, Ward of the Molsons Bank informs the , Times that the request of the Dominion Government to have all the banks receive subscriptions towards pro- viding a fund for the support of the family of the late Hon. Sir .7. S. D, Thompson, has been acceded to by this bank and the local manager will be pleased to receive subscriptions to the fund from the benevo- lent citizens ofExeter. Sire7ohn Thomp- son died leaving his family with but, alight means of support, and a nationals fund has been started in their behalf, W W. Ogilvie, President of the Montreal' Board of Trade heads the list, with2 $ 500. Let the sympathising citizens of Exeter respond liberally, The annual session of the Dominion Draught Horse Breeder's Society was held in Clinton last Wednesday. The finan- cial report showed that after paying all expenses for the year, the balance in bank is $1,471, only'some $40 less than at the same date last year. The election of offi- cers resulted in the return of the old staff, A motion to reduce the registration fee for members from $1.00 to 50 cents was defeat - ea, and notice of motion given for next an- nual meeting that the entries for the third volume would then close and the standard be raised to four registered creases. The revising committee co ei ats of Messrs, McIntosh, Henderson (Missouri), Curtin (Centralia), Blackall and .Innes (Clinton), At the last meeting:of the 0, 0. B. society the following officers were elected for the current year:- President,-Bro C B Marelana; rt V P, -W B Dennis; P le, ---J Senior; vy Cha air -Bro T Hartnoll; kl , 1 Secretary, ---G Deme; Treasurer --R X Bowe Inner Grlard,- 4L.Crocker;. (OuterCfuard,- G Neaman aotxtrxxmmE .Bro% Geo Davis, '.Jae Sweet, R Crocker, 1' Roiat o i ff r e C Beaman, J aoktnan 1 e p S 13rso ,T Spackman, Cf Devfe, .7 Sallee. Atfnre x ;ali Btoa' lI. 01)&01010E, Sam Sweet,J Senior, n>axaae'ts Senior. r. E South ,Brun 'Parmelee Iestitute, Mr. John 1lanuah, we() has cocupied the position of Heoretary of the South Heron Farmers' Inatttuti, bei many t ale, baring resigned, Mr Robert Molllotdie of Ripen was appointed hi bis place, and a better selection could not bays beep made. The Secretary intot'cne us that during the coming winter four Institute meetings will be held, viz at Bgucefleld, Exeter, Leeman and Zurich, The Brucefkld and Exeter meetings have been arranged for the $th and 9th of January respectively. Tile dates for the other two meetingshave not yet been. fixed. There will else be the usual enter. tainrnents after each meeting, and the meetings will be addressed by at least two of the college Professore arta other local men. Ise -warding terse Stealing. Strange slips are sometimes made in the framing of laws as well as in the other matters which are the product of the human intellect, While looking over an old by law of the County of Fluron, which was passed by the Council in 1574, it was noticed, probably for the ''first time, that, instead of rewarding the person who detected the thief sod securing his conviction, the by-law actually proposed. to reward the thief, and this by-law hes been in operation in this county for over twenty years. le was repealed by an amending by-law at the recent session. of the Council; The preamble of the by-law reads as follows: "Whereat by the Act 37 Victoria, Ch'fipter 48, Section 396 of the Province of Ontario, it is en- acted that the Council of every County ball provide, by by-law, that a sum not lees than tweets. dollars shall be, paid as a reward to any person or persona guilty of stealing any horse or mare within the said county." Personals Mr. John Reddy, wife and son, of Brandon, Man., are visiting friends in town, elle Reddy holds his own against the battles of this world, and looks as though he might endure, many years of bustle yet. -Mise Annie Taylor, of Toronto, is visiting under the parental roof. -Miss Hattie Sutherland, of Hensell visited friends in town'this week. -Mr. Richard Tapp, wife and son of Vir- den, Man., are renewing acquaintances iu and around Exeter. Mr, Tappe speaks very highly of Manitoba, and says now that farmers have learned to economise they will prosper better than in the past -Mr E Downing of Virden, Man., ' is visiting his father in McGillivray. He also informed THE Truss that things promise well for the future in the prairie province. - Mr. . F. ed. Eaerett, of Hay township, is visiting his uncle, Mr. M,Eacrett, town -Mies Mary Ann Tapp, of town, is visiting friends in Eerwood -Mrs. George either of Us' borne is visiting at Mr. Janice Hodgson's Palmerston. -Mr. and Mrs. D. Mill and daughter Annie attended the funeral of the late Capt, Francis iu Fullerton on Tuesday. --Mr. Wm. ahaw of the N. W. T. is visiting his sister hfrs. Wm. Bawden. -Mr. John T. Manning, of Ridgetown, is visiting friends in town. -Mr. and. Mrs. B. S. O'Neil attend the funeral of the late James Stanley, of Biddulph, to -day, (Thursday.) Public School Board Minutes. Nov. 7th.; absent T. Fitton; items duly sustained: minutes of previous meeting; spr P. Frayne and W. J. Carling, the chairman's expenses to Vlrallaceburg to be paid, amount, $7.10; pr E. Howard and P. Frayne, the following account, S. Sweet, repairs, $2; Dr. Lutz, adjournment. Dec.l2th; Meeting held in Town Hall, all present; the following are the motions duly car- ried; Minutes of previous meeting; pr T Fitton and P. Frayne, adoption of Inspector's -report as read; pr T. Fitton and P. Frayne, department sections of Inspector's report to be submitted to the teacher in charge; pr Dr. Lutz and T. Fitton, the chairmen, P. Frayne and E. Howard to be a repairs and inspection committee with power; pr Dr. Lutz and E. Howard, that P. Frayne and W. J. Carling be a wood committee with power; pr T. Fitton and Dr. Lutz, the following accounts to be paid. E. Follick, sundries, 79c; John Moore, repairs to pump, $1; John White & Sons,printing 3 years' account, $12.75; pr T. Fitton and P. Frayne, that DI. Eaerett be requested to take the chair at the annual meeting; pr Dr. Lutz and W. J. Carling, that the annual meeting be held in the school house on Wednesday, December_ 26th, at the hour of twelve o'clock noon as required by law; pr T. Fitton and P. Frayne, that W. D. Weekes be auditor for the board; pr W. J. Carling and E. Howard, that the Board meet in the Town Hall at 10 a, m Wednesday Dec. 26th; pr T. Fitton adjournment. J. GRIGG, Secy. Given Away. As I have a large stock of Boots and Shoes on hand, and to make room for spring goods will clear out the whole stook. As Christmas time is here, I have decided to give for the next two weeks 3 pounds of mixed candy free with every Shoes for worth of Boots and S es sold f r ,cash. EO. MANsoN, The People's Shoeman; Friday will be the shortest day. "Slide, Kelly, Slide!" And he slid. A sure cure for Municipal ills will be found in B. B. B. The local subscription to the Memorial to LadyThompson islikelyto bequite 1 mp ares.' Exeter bakers have again raised the price of bread to five cents per loaf. Read Jonston's advertisement for cheap Christmas and Winter (roods• Burdock Blood Bitters fall into in- significance under the alleviating influence of Exeter's lyiuuiCipal panacea, B B, B, The electric lights are giving splendid satisfaction now; the new operator seems to understand his business: The school trustees whose term expires with the close of this year are: Dr. Lutz, Thos. Fitton, and E. S. Howard. Joseph Cobblediok will take over. M Levettei grain business and elevator about ry_ about May the next, hauit �pthe came. Sportsmen do . seem to understand that the season is out for killing squirrels, rabbits and partridge. A hint should be sufficient. Capt. Francis t'ullarton, died... on Mondayafter a severe attack of eicknee er Be had attained a good age and was one of the motet prominent men in thet,',sactfon. He was a brother of Mr;Henry Francis of this place, who attended the fubetale Pot 'stomach troubles use ,:D. Q. TIM ii TRUE. ;Come into y ' arlor We are selling a number of lines of Goods with— out any profit. We must turn hundreds of dollar' worth of goods iato oa h before the end of the year,thatmeans #e � and mei, s tblat We bays only 15 clays left to do it in, DRESS GOODS, MILLINERY, MANTLES,. FUR GOODS, OVERCOATS, MANTLE CLOTHS, SEALETTES, &c., &c., all go at,slaughter prices, You will save money by every" purchase you wake from us, See These Prices. 8c Grey Cotton tonfor5c 350 e; Flannel for 25c 250 " 17c Men's & Boy Overcoats. The Prices will surprise you. p $6.75 Silk Sealette now $4.25 1,25 Black Cloaking75c 1,75 125 "t 85c fI 1.25 Ladies & Children's Mantles are being sold regardless of Cost, Mens $22 Fur Coats•' now $18 25 .20 Ladies' Fur Sets for $3.75 Children's Fur Sets for 1.00 Now . is the time to lay in your stock of Goods, You can buy more for $1,00 than any other house in` the 'trade, R. PICKARD & SON, Largest.General Dealers in the County, Bicycle for Sale, A first-class, second hand bioycl?1 for sale; has been run only 4 months. E ice $40.-A bargain. Apply to Jas GRIEVE, Exeter Exeter Municipal .council. The Council met at Town Hall, 13th inst. All present. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Carling-llissett-That orders be grant- ed for the following sums :-Jas. Howard $37.40, for electric lighting to November 30; Municipal World $1, subs. '94; R. S. Lang, $2.50, rent for polling place 26th June: Hart et Riddell, 184.03, blank forms; John Muir, sr., $25, services of detective re woollen mill robbery; Jas Willis,a$6.70, lumber; Wm Trevethick, $I7.86; balance for street watering: S.Handford, $5, labor; D. Russel, 62c, do; L. H. Dickson, $30, Solicitor's fees: Jas Creech, $2, airs McIntosh; do, $2 Thos Dew: do, 84.37, Wm Sutton; Wm Balkwili. $12, contract fitting up reading room; H. Spackman, $2.80, cer account; J. Creech, scales in- spection and the treasurer of Stepnen & Usborne Agricultural Society, $14, refund of taxes. Bobier-Amendment that Mr. Howard s account be reduced $9 on account of in- sufficient lighting: Not Seconded. The motion carried. Taylor -Bissett -That the Road Coni misaioner procure a book and keep account of the number and state of lights each night and report at the end of each month. -Carried. Dr. Lutz called the attention of the Council to a defeatism drain on' William Street and suggested a remedy. Carling -Bissett -That the Reeve and Mr. Taylor examine the drain and give instructions regarding it, -Carrie A communication re chief engineer read and laid aside. Carling -Bissett• -That the Council adjourn until the Saturday meeting to be held on the 15th Inst, at 7 o'clock p. m. -Cafrie d. The Council met pursuant to Statute at the TownHall Exeter,15th!December,1894. All present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. Carling -Bissett orders : Jas. Dignan, 82.14 blacksmithina; W. U. Parsons, $5.95 do; Sas. Creech, $2.00 charity to W. Sutton, do $1.00; Mre. Bertner. The Treas. $40.00 salary 1894; the clerk $60,00 balance of salary 1894 and $2.00 postage; John White & Son $68.50 printing, in- cluding $4.00 of '92 and $1.50 '93 Bissett -Carling -That the time for 'return of collector's roll be extended, until the 14th of January 1895. -Carried. . Bobier-Taylor.-That 100 copies of the Reeve and Tress, report be printed for distribution. -Carried. The Council adjourned untiif call of the. Reeve. M+ seAoaETS,Clerk, A GREAT BATTLE, le continually going on in the human system, The demon of impure blood strives to gain yietory ovet the human eonetitution, to ruin health, to drag victims to the grave. good's Sarsaparilla is the weapon with which to defend one's s self, drive the desperate enemy from the field, and restore bodily,healtb to the system for many years, HOOD'S Pints cure' nausea, sickness, in. digestion sial biliousness. An order bar been made changing the place of trial of the West Algoma election pets ions from Port Artiserito Toronto. SWEEPING 111111 110 —IN--- ALL IN- ALL LINES OF GOODS; Too many Goods for a warm winter. Hence the necessity of cutting some prices right in two. We make no bones about it, we can- not afford to carry Winter Goods over and if prices will move them out they must go. A. few quotat- ions just as a sample of what is going on all over the store : 25 dozen nice bordered h'd'k'f's were 5 to zoc. now 7 for 25O. Pure Silk h'd'k'f's l0 cents and upwards • Men's Wool Socks were i5c now loc. Ladie's Heavy 3oc. Hose now 200. Men's Sealette Caps were $z.00. now7 5c. Pure Beaver Caps now $6.00. Men's [fur Cdats pow $ie. Men's Fur Coats were $25.00 now $20.00. Men's Coon Coat now $25.00. Men's Suits $3,5o, S5.00, and $8.00, were $5, $8, and' $12. Men's Overcoats from$3,50 u to $8 for best Lilsters. Men's Rubberand led s c1- o �s for $1,50. Ladies' Greenland Seal Capes ps were $x8 now only $12 to clear. Ladies' Fur Mantles now $25. Ladies' Mantles to clear, away below cost. �. Tweeds and Mantle Cloths x5 per cent. cash discount. Groceries pure, fresh and cheap. Good Raisins, 511ifor 250. Good Currants, 51b. for 250, Nuts, Candy, rigs, Cluster Raisins Fancy Biscuits C1u'isties. , Fruits, Candied Peels, and all lines of Groceries tentay down in price. Cis C. taTOIZZIVICOVs said the Spider to the Fly ; we have lots of suar won't you come and buy ? Will not ask` you to buy anything else, We have nothing to give away, we calculate to make a profit on everything we sells altho' ; the profit be small. Have nodisposition to do a Fake S i e S nor to put out the RED FLAG in order to draw custom, We are the old reliable and don't choose to adopt such methods. Our goods and prices speak volumes for us. We carry a large stock, fully as- sorted, and are prepared to do the very best for our patrons. Call and trade with us. We will use you well.. 1 -Highest price paid for PRODUCE. CARLING BROSi •N, have secured the services of MISS TOM, formerly of Exeter, but lately from the States, as. Dress. and Mantle maker. She will occupy the rooms vacated by Miss Essery. ! o J. W. Broderick's Cheap Store. �i Grand . o ay ale We have a Splendid Stock, cera. tainly one of the best in town, We BUY fr' VA8Hw ._r"tkd „SELL for OA and tha means CHEAP GOODS. We sell HEAP all the time. We are selling our CLOTHS and TWEEDS HALF-PC•ICE. :Remember we mean half-price. No humbug. We bought this Bankrupt Stock cheap. and 'will give our customers the benefit of it. Our cheap sale of Dry -goods and Boots and Shoes' still goes on. A few pair of those all -wool Blankets left. They are cheap. The store will be open until 10 o'clock every night this week, • J. W. BRODERICK. We wish you all a Merry Christmas. Vim wpoi. AN ODE TO DIAMOND Sour stomach, sweetened by the use of .fC.l). C. DYES. Ain : BONNIE Doow. 02 Diamond Dyes, ye colors fair, Prepared with scientific care, Ye joy of every woman's heart, From our lov'd homes, oh, n'er depart Ye are our choice, our joy and pride, Forever in our homes abide, That ye may show your meridians potters, When time brings or_ our dyeing hours. In vain have speculators tried To mar thy worth, thy fame deride But women's hearts so warm and tree, Forever loyal are to you. Shine on ! shine on ] ye stars of light, Ye Diamond Dyes so fast and bright, Ye gems of true ecomony, May millions yet be blese'd by thee. m.-•--- During the past week the merchants of. Exeter have been very busy, and a greater Clan always Christmas trade will have been done this Y year than for many years preyiously London, Huron GOING wears- Loudon,depart........ Oen tralia Exeter.... ... Hensell. Kipper B rucefi el d,.............. Clinton Londesboro Birth Belgravo Wingham arrive GOING Sonen"- tivingbam, depart..... Bolgrave L'ytlh... , Lot desboro Clinton-- ..... : Brdoefield Kippen. IionsaIl L+'aster :........... Centralia, 8,40 and Bruce. Passenger. 8.05 A, ar. 4,80 ?set 9,07 5,47 9.22 9,37 6.16 9.49.82 4 0 20 8 10.12 8.55 10.29 7.14 10.38 7.23 10.82 7.37 11.10 8.00. Passenger . 6.35 A. u, 3.256.50 P. u 7.03 4.01 7,10 4.08 7.30 4.28 7.49 4.46 7.51 4.53 8 06 4.58 8.25 5.,12 6,23 A A James Stanley one of the pioneer settlers of Biddulph died at hie home, in the 2nd con. on Tuesday, at the age of 77 years. General infirmity was the cause of death. Mr. GeorgeHeart,who is well and favorably known, has purchased the livery business and stock from Mr. Ashton, Brucefield, and has removed the stock to his own stables; where in future the busi- ness will be run. Pork is a little on the decline in price, $4.75 being figure ure for the best. Those who have pork should not wait too long for a rise because more money will be lost than saved in the long run. Flags waved at half mast on the public and some private buildings during the past week, on account of the death and nut of respect for the nie:nory of the late Sir John Thompson. The following are the deputy return- ing officers who will act in connection with the approaching municipal elect- ions, together with the polling places : -Drvieion No, 1, H, Jones' shopp, G. H. Bissett, D. R. 0.; No . 2, W. D. er' Weekshop, W. D. Weekes, D. B. O.;No. 3, R. S. Lang's shop, R. S. Lang, D. R. 0.; No. 4, Town Rall, FI. E. Ruston, D. R. 0. The greatest mere in Great g p p s a Britain and the United States freely acknowledge the wonderful merit of the 1?',tesxLY fins-. ALD A x aEtLTSTAB, Montreal, The Femme $ ei= is a great newspaper and a great family AIM', but is more than it. that. is one of the greatest authorities as the World on cheese, butter, general deiree %ng; and general, farming, Bow a progres. Ore, Up-to-date farmer ban do without the PAM= HERALD ' AND WEdsVIC SWAP, :of Mtuttresll is lard, indeed, to underetadd Be Dressed Well If he goes to the proper'Tailor. We have a large range of Pat-- terns to from - choose Natty Tweeds,' Serges curl Worsteds, made up in any style, and fitting the customers so well that inti- mate friends do nob scruple to ask who made your Suit. Our customers never. hesitate but answer with a knowing smile, 6.J O ..6..\I 2 IN OVERaoATs6 WE LEAD The Tailor. IZzcoterVleatIdarket r WIII S. SNE LL. We always buy the best to be found and kill for home consumption anlnlald fitted for the purpose young and free from disease of any kind. We also keep on hand , Sausatg geBologna, �' . Die se Fowl, s dki r, Hamsid Cured � dL1re Meat, $ ► Lard. etc., eta Highest pri cea paid for stock as good vitality, also hides raid skim,y+, $itrv[ 1Pi talk