HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-12-20, Page 1•4
VOL. XXII. NO. 15,
11). S. FOR
��`Jj' (fes/,
V � o �./ DHAM
& CO..
Wan ► Dry t,Y r Goods ?
We've reduced the prices of a number of litres in stock and are
prepared to give you Special Value in Dress Goods, Flannels,,
Flannelettes, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, &c.
t `arit Men's or Boy's Clothing?
There isno better value being sold by any house. We buy
our Clothing for OA;' H from the Manufacturer and give
you the benefit.
Groceries and. Christmas Goods,
,We have received our New :Fruits -Currants, Raisins, etc., -and are
:selling them, as, well as all other lines of Groueries at popular prices.
`We wilt open out this week an Elegant Display of Goods suitable for
Holiday Presents.
pBemember, we pay Highest Price for all kinds of Produce.
Crediton ference to the matter=Carried.
Gardiner-Keddy - That whereas
Balms. -Mr. Aug. Baker of. Crystal the owner of lot No. 16, con 7, has
«City, Man., formerly of Crediton is not removed his fence from the road
visiting hid uncle Mr. R. Baker. He allowance between lots 15 and 16,con 7
according to F. W. Farncombe's
survey, and notice thereof duly given,
that said owner be notifiedaea remove
said fence for . ,.'ttt..fo loJw"vt'ue Tie
r 31st,.
o give' reaes.,,;kAAlrtn3' w • ' - = d fence
stir visiting has not been removed. -Carrie
on. Mr Jacob Fink- On motion . of J. Halls seconded by
s been very:ill the past W. Seddy the council adjourned to
i at times dellridus is meet:again on the Slat inst., after.
oomewhat:--The Council nomination;is closed.
turday andwound up the G. W. HorirArr, Clerk.
'he year.
The S. 0. 1'. M. conoert . Winchelsea.
Bniars. -The school flag was floating
at half mast on Friday in honor of the
dead premier,Ri8
John Thompson. -The public exami-
nation of the pupils of S. S. No. 6,
Usborne, will be held on the 21st
Inst , beginning at 9 a. m. Visitors
while Mr Markey's address was not cordially invited. -Mia. Clarke has
only instructive but interesting. On had a new wire fence built in front of
the whole the concert was a credit to her premises. 'Ibis is a great im-
•has been in the west the past 13 years,
.and looks as if the country agreed with
him. -Miss Ida Winer of Seaforth is
home visiting her father. -Samuel
:Faint and Jacob Feist have returned to
an where they hay rr
Cci R
bold On Ts..: sday Evg.l ith, was a grand
pucpeBS, ,lite receipts amountingt to
$90. T , who took part were: T A
I3 Cameron
. C e
�aizer :;
P' Markey,
-• $ Mar
Toronto, Y
Huron, the Supreme Comtnander of the
Order. The two former fully sustained
•their reputation as artists of the stage,
the committee.
(Too late for last week)
BRIERS. -The Patrons of Industry
.of Triumph Lodge of this 'place held
their annual oyster supper and con-
cert on Friday evening the 7th inst.
In spite of the unfavorable weather a
large number were present and par-
took of the plenteous supply of bi-
valves supplied without stint. . The
concert wasof a high order and taken
part in by Messrs. Dempsey, of Eden,
Crawford and Miller, of Hensall, Mies
Davidson, of Exeter, Miss McLean, of
Hensall, and Miss Cobbledick, of
Olandeboye. These all acquitted
%themselves admirably and won much
applause and' many encores. Besides
,this there was' a splendid array of local
talent which helped considerably to
make the program a success. Mr. G.
W. Holman was the chairman and
all agree that he performed his duties
-fully un to his usual manner, his time-
ly and witty stories being well calcu-
lated to hold the large crOwd in the
.best of humor,. Much credit is due
Mr. W. Keddy and his noble baud of
assistants for the success of the enter-
Us borne Council.
The Council met on the 15th inst.
:en .the members were present. The
vt,es of the previous meeting were
and approved.
e —Ked That •L
. din r I� B w
,No. 7, 1894, appointing polling places
and Deputy Returning Officers, as
now read, be passed . -Carried.
Shier -Halls -That Mrs; Skinner
receive the sum of $1,66 for relief.-
IIal1s-Keddy-That 150 copies of
the ,mintates of the proceedings; of
the council for. 1894, be printed in
pamphlet form for distribution.•.
Halls -Shier -That after hearing
the report of the Reeve and Mr.
Gardiner with reference to the agree.
• ment between A. Iiodgert and 3.
McCullough„with regard to the grading
. on the side road between lots 15 and
16 con. 10, that said work be laid.
• over till spring, the said A. Bodeen
and J. McCullagh each agreeing to
give the work of man and team for
• three days, the council agreeing to
complete the, work. -Carried.
Gardiner--Keddy-That S. S. No.
10 be granted the sum of $18, being
difference between former special
grant of $40 to said Section and the
amount received per special grant. -
r. P. Veal made application to the
Council for assistance on behalf of
one Miss Smallaoombe at present
boardingwith him.
Gardiner---Shier-Shat with refer,
Mice of l'tr. Veal, that action be des
Jerred till next meebing of the
council, and that -in the meantime
Mr. Hells nuke enquiries
provement.-Don't forget the grand
Xmas Tree at Sunshine on Christmas
night. Santa Claus will be there
loaded with toys, &c•, for the good
boys and girls.-- We regret to announce
the death of John Cainm in Michigan
which sad event took plane on
Saturday last. Deceased was the.
eldest son of the late John Camm of
lot 7, con. 11, Usborne, and had been
a resident of Crosswell, Mich. for over
fifteen years. He was 4I years of age
and leaves a wife and four children to
mourn the loss of a genial husband
and father. Deceased waswell known
in this locality and much sympathy
is felt for his many relatives here and
his sorrowing wife and family. He
was in good circumstances and leaves
his family well provided for.' Typhoid
fever was the cause of death. His
mother, two of his brothers and one
sister attended the funeral which took
place on Tuesday last.
melancholy and fatal accident occurred
near Seaforth Monday evening, in
which Mr. Wm. J Chesney was in-
stantly'killed. He was in the act of
cleaning his shotgun, which was load-
ed, when it :accidentally discharged,
blowing the whole side of his head off,
TheEoouncil met on Saturday to wind
up the business for the past financial.
year. A large number of accounts
were passed, and the time for receiving
taxes extended till firet Monday in
January next. One per cent per
month will be charged on all taxes
unpaid after that date. Communication
from F. Hess laid over until next meet.
Following are the market quotations :
Wheat. ... 55 to 58
Barley ,. 35 to 40
Oats ........ .. . 26 to 2,9
Peso.... to 55
Hay 6,00 to. 7400
Butter 16 to16
Eggs.,.. 15 to 15
BelErs,-We have this week to
chronicle the death of Mr. Sole,
(father of Mrs. W. H. Reynolds, of
this village,) which occurred, on Wed-
nesday. The deceased was over 91
years of age and up to within about a
week of his decease was in his usual
good health and spirits, for, being pos-
sessed of a fine, rugged constitution,
he scarcely knew what illness meant,
and although the oldest person in our
village, his appearance did not by any
means indicate his extreme age.
BRixFs.•-Mr. P. Blackler has pur-
chased the house and lot of Mr.
Wm. Atkinson. Price $655. -Sergeant
Geo. L. Money of 28th 13attalion has
been promoted to a Lieutenancy in Co
No. 4. -Miss Haines is visiting at Mr,:
J. Taylor's. -Reserved seats for the
Macoabee.conoert on Friday the 28th
inst., can be purchased at W.J.Boyd's
'urniture store, -At the annual.. eet•
ing -on- Monday last, the following
brethren were elected to office in
Court Woodham, No. 255, I. 0. F. ;-
C. D. H. C. Ra -We XL Leigh ;
Phys. -A KT,. guson, le. D. ;.
C. R. -W. Brown ;
V. C, R. -J. Kirk ;
R. S. -T. Roadhouse
F. S. -G, Mills ;
Treas.-S. Doupe ;
Chap. -W. H. Marshall(
S. W. -A. Doupe ;
J. W. -J, O'Brien ;
S. Ii. -F. Johnston ;
J. B.. --J, Somerville.
BRinFs.-The annual meeting ' of
the Elibbert Branch. Bible Society was
held in the Preabyterian„Churoh here,
on Thursday 6th inst. There was a
larger attendance than in past years.
The Treasurer reported a stun of a
little over $50 on hand. A vote being
taken it was divided between the
Upper Canada & British & Foreign.
Bible Societies. The election of
ofiioers for the coming year resulted
in Rev, Mr. Kenner, (Methodist)
Staffs, being elected President; Rev.
P. Scott, Vice -President; Js a, Gillespie
Treasurer; Auditors, P, Campbell and
D. Park, after which addrei es were
given. by Rev. Messrs Kenner and
Scott,. The next place of meeting is
in the Methodist Church,Staff's.---Mrs
Jas. Moliaig is the proud possessor of
a baby boy. --The funeral of the late
James McDougal,son of Mr. John
McDougal, took place here on Mon -
da the 10thinst andwas largelyat-
day rumor says, one of
our young men mekea regular trips to
one of the neighboring townships with
a view to capturing one of its fair
titers, Go on and Win Sandy.
OBITUARY, --Death has again visited
our community and carried away a fair
youth just budding into manhood,
and one of the most cheerful of a lam.
ilyof.six boys and one girl. We re-
fer to James Henry McDougall, son of
John McDougall,
c ou
of Hibbert
g all
an illness of twenty-one months, James
passed peacefully away from this world
to that where the wicked cease from
troubling and the weary are at rest.
During that long period of sickness
and suffering he never murmured or
complained, but with a quiet mind and
manner quite unaltered, except that
he became more earnest and grateful
to those around him, faded like the
light upon a summer evening. Al-
though his time here was indeed short
it was long enough for him to write
his name in kindness, Iove and mercy
upon the hearts of those he came in
contact with, and which is a virtue
that will never be forgotten. His re-
mains were interred in the Cromarty
cemetery on Monday of last week,
The Juneral processionwas one of the
largest ever seen at Cromarty, there
being over one' hundred vehicles pres-
ent, testifying to the great respect of
deceased and family,, The parents
and family have our deepest sympathy
in this their sore affliction.
•i'f'rittea. in Memory of a brother.
Gone from the bloom and the gladnoss,l
Gone from the light and the cheer„
Gone from the love that was closest,
Gone from the lips that wore dear.
Under the snow we have laid him,
Hollowed a chamber of rest,
Shut are the sweet eyes, and folded
The handsen the death -frozen breatt,
Gone, and our home is so dreary,
Gone, and our hearts are so rent ;
Gone from the oaths that he brightened
Always with tranquail content.
How shall we live on without him?
How reach the end of 'the day ?
Shadows and darkness have gathered
Think, o'er the desolate way.
Ifehas entered the mansions of glory,
Safe in the bosom of God ;
Walking in the highways of heaven,
There, where the ransomed have trod.
Tree from the l' htin of sorrow,
Pure from the staining of sin,
White, after great tribulation,
Glad the fair city to win.
Sati-tied there with his Saviour,
Ceased all the toil and the care,
Never again to; be burdened,
Never a heart ache to bear.e
How shall we wait till we meet him ?
How must we yearn for the day?
When forth from the gloom and the darkness,
We, too, shall he beckoned away.
Has found that her little ones aro im-
proved more by the pleasant laxative,
Syrup of Figs, when in need of the laxa-
tive effect of a gentle remedy than by any
other, and that it is mare acceptable to
them. Children enjoy it and it benefits
them. The true remedy, Syrup, of Figs, is
manufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only.
Already $5,000 has been subeoribed in
Montreal for th-e Lady Thompson Lund.
Mr Datid Stewart, a well known Paris
citizen, died in his barn on Saturday from
heart disease, -
To be free, from eiok headache, bilious
nesa,,00natipation, etc., use Carter's Little
Liver fills. ---Strictly vegetable They
gently stimulate the liver and free the
stomach from bile.
The smallpox scare -has entirely subsided
iueStratbroy, Nofresh oases have' been
REV. H. BlYrtalSS River Philip,N.
Allow me. to thank you for the ID.
S. y
C. tent me some time ago, You will be
glad to knew that in every case whore it
use been used it has proved beneficial
For'nerv#aus headache t ae R. D, C. t
Buxera,-Mr G W Holman of Iflimville,
bee rented Ur John Dew's house and will
move thereto shortly, -If thefine weather
continues the farmers will soon be tempted
to put in their spring crops.
Biddulph, .
At the annual meeting ;of Centralia L.
0. L. No. 610 the following ofiioers were
elected and installed by, District Master,
John Neil; Tosh Huxtable, W. M. ; A.
Nevins, D. M. F. Dayis, jr. Ohne, ;• Jno,
Nil, R. S. ; Saran Davis, P. S. ; John
MeFalls, Treas. ; N. B.Davis, beoterer ,•
R. Haudford, D. of 0,'; Kobt. MaFalls, 1
committeeman; G. G. lscery, 2 commit-
teeman; J. 0. Sheardown, 3 committee-
man; Jas. Neil, 4 committeeman; Wm.
Davis, 5 committeeman. Be. Henderson,
3, Ueaman,tylere.
I '.,
BRnEvs.-Don't forget the' •Eden Christ-
mas Tree on. Christmas eve. Arrange-
ments are being made and it promises to
be the treat of the reason. See the large
bills for particulars. Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Latimer, of Ridgetown, are visiting at Mr.
Leonard Hunter's. -Miss Klump of Cred-
iton, was the guest of Miss L. Menges on
Sunday .last. -Mr. Ralph Handford of
Centralia, spent Sundayat klden.-Mins
Ida Walker has returned home after
spending' a month visiting friends in
Stanley township, -Mr. Ed. Stewart
claims that this world is unevenly divided
as some of his neighbors hays two cooks
while he has none.
llxrxps.-Sr. Andrew's church Sabbath
school will hold its grand Christmas Tree
entertainment on. Wednesday evening, Deo.
26th. --Mrs Geo. Thompson was called to
Blyth last week to wait on. her daughter,
Mrs. Flukey, who was very poorly for some
days, but we are pleased to hear that she
has had a turn for the better, and is now
recovering. -]firs. Bicker and children left
for Bright last week, Mrs. Maker's mother
being very poorly. -Finishing up plowing
is the order of the day with many of our
farmers.- Wedding belts are once more
beginning .to sound and the fine new
houses which have beau erected during the
summer are soon to be ocoupied.-A few
invited guests from thisneighborhood at-
tended thesilver wedding of Mr. and Mrs.
John Cooper, of Howick.-The Royal
Templars of this place have eecarel for
li'•he Rey. J: H.:Hector,
Deoomher 20t ,ru,
the Black Knight,
Hae Covi crn.-The council' met on
Saturday to settle the business of the year.
A large number of accounts were paid, alt
of which will appear in the financial state-
ment, and the council adjourned to meet
on the 31st inst., at the close of the nom-
Banes. -Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Litttle, of
Beverley, were visiting the Messrs. John-
ston the past week. They spoke of Zurich
as a stirring little place. -Mr. Fred. Hess
has performed .he duties of clerk during
the peat several months in a very:accept-
able3 manner -Mr.M. Johnston on Fri-
day last sold his them' bred driving mare
to Michael Ash of Sebringville for a big
figure. She is one of the beat bred horses
in Huron, and as a driver has a wide re-
putation. Major was reluctant to part
with her but haying five horses there was
too much labor attached to their care,
Mr; Ash has a treasure. -The A. 0. F.
give an oyster supper at the Commercial
this (Thursday) evening. -S. J Latta, of
London, was in the village on Satarday. -
C. B. Latta goes to Loudon after the holi-
days to attend school and mecuma first
class certitloate.-Iter. . Struempfer loft
this week for Ohio State where ha
has accepted a call. His many frieods
hero were sorry to lose him but all join
Tars TIMES in wishing himself and family
every enjoyment this world can afford, --
Mr. W. MoNevin has taken hie old plane
in the rollormills, Mr. Rowtcliffe gofers
to Exeter tos;,ork in the mill there.- Fred
Hess last week sold 4 cutters to one man.
The purchaser no doubt is wishing for
snow. -The well at the flax mill caved in
last week and work in the mill was sus-
pended for a few days -There is very
little e'ectieu talk here at present, and
some think the old council will be eleetad
by acclamation, while others expect to
see Ur. J, Kalbfleisoh contest too reeve -
ship -Mr. Simon Geiger returned home
from Dakota last Friday, Sim looks well,
-David Lehman of Fair grove Mich., is
visiting in Zurich, Daye is conducting a
harness business oyer there. -It is our sad
duty to chronicle the death of Emma
Breund, daughter of Rev. Braund. ,Her
remains will be taken to North East Hope
to be interred. 'Mr, and Mrs, Braund have
the sympathy of the entire community --
The Hay Fire lusurauce Co. held a meet.
lea at C. Cribs on Monday last,
A wonderful new combination is R
Stark's Headache, Neuralgia and Liver
Powders, nice to take; perfectly hermitage.
Mr Wills, Chief of Police, Woodstock, says.
'A sure cure eyery time.' Ald. Farmer,
Barrister, Hamilton, sayer 'I experienced
almost immediate relief from their use,
for sink headache.' Mr Mercer, contract-
or, Hamilton, says: 'I consider them a
'very valuable remedy, and far surpassing
many others I have tried.' Mrd Gaston,
Hamilton, says; I have derived great
benefit from them, having been a long
time a sufferer from headache, biliousness
and neuralgia. Mis Crist, Hamilton, says:
No medicine or doctors, did my daughter
any good until we need Stark's Headache,
and Neuralgia and Ilya Powders; they
have effected a complete cure,' Mrs Keats,
Hamilton, says: 'Ifour powders have been
the greatest blessing to mc.' Price, 25
cents a box. Sold by all ,edioine dealers.
A genuine ghost stery has yet to be
attested;. but not so a genuine blood purity
Fier. Over and over again it hes been pre-
yed that. Ayers Sarsaparilla stands alone
among medicines as the most reliable tonin
alterative in pharmacy, It Stood alone at
orld'S l~ igrk
Binevs, ,-B
maker, is busy building cutters for the
winter trade, -Mr. R. Nicholls and Mies
B. McTaggart were the delegates to the
Epworth'League and Sunday school con-
vention at Seaforth last week. -Edward
Latta and his beautiful young bride have
returned from their honeymoon and set
tied down to the sterner duties of life.-
We are at present enjoying beautiful
spring-like weather, and ploughing trod
is the order of the day. -Rabbit hunting.
is the. chief amusement among sports at
present. I was asked the other day who
I thought had the best rabbit dog around
here. Well, I thins Messrs. Collins and
Fish, oft Exeter. Their hound Topsy
would indeed be hard to beat. -The cot-
tontaiI rabbits are getting very numerous
is this section and may yet prove to be a
pest. Black squirrels are also veryplenti-
ful.-Some young men are talking about
hard times, but pan Quinlan made $150
last winter out of furs.
aOHZZ WUxWE xr image
Publishers and,Fsoprietorril
Chiselhurst tireenway Weth bilk
ill Hall our genial carriage BRxErs-Mies B. Bush, of Hay,. is
our* ivanp
visitrn,g friends in this vicinity. -Mr; friends for
W. Bulli is visiting his daughter in their kind
Innerkip.--We are having beautiful patronage.
weather for December; some farmers during the
are ploughing. -Mrs; A. M. Wilson aizd
returned home from Camlachie last Year'
Friday. She reports her sister, Mrs. solicit tv.
Walker, some better,- The Ladies continuance
Brigade with' harmless weapons will be
one of the special attractions at the:
Christmas entertainment Tuesday even-
ing, December 25th, They have been
drilling during the past three moaths.-
A number of our citizens attended the
Christmas tree entertainment at Salem
last Friday evening and were greatly
pleased with the entertainment. .
BRIEFS. -The Salvation Army Self -De-
nialeffort, which they have each year,.
is past. The target for the Clinton corps
was $40, which amount was received and
$7 over. -J Steep, has a rare specimen
of a Canadian hog. When dressed it
weighed eight hundred and eighty five
pounds, -Mr. D. A, Forreeter's flax mill
had a very narrow escape from a serious
conflagration last Wednesday eiening.
By accident a lantern was upset by one of
the men and the inflammable material
became ignited. -Mr. John Johnston, Rat•
tanbury street, was taken ill on Tues-
day of last week and has been confined to
the house ever since; He is recovering. -
Last Monday evening Mr, and Mrs. S.
J. Andrews, Queen street, celebrated their
fifteenth wedding anniversary -a e•ystal
event. -Tuesday afternoon there was a
drawing match at logs in Fair's mill yard
between teams owned by J. Mair and W.
Rosner for $20 a side. The stake was
won by leTr. Mair, his team being the
strongest. -Mr. Ieaao Jackson has a tea-
pot over two hundred years old. It was
originally the property of his father's creat,
grandmother. -Mr. J, C. Miller, who has
been in Grand Rapids, Mich., for some
time, has removed to Clinton with his
family and will shortly take possession of
the Grand Union Hotel. -A very pleasing
event transpired at the residence of Mrs.
A. Hillen last Thursday afternoon in the
marriage of her. daughter, Miss Annie, to
Mr. Jag. Walker. The couple were made
man andirrte
H. Fairlie, the
bride being given away by hitt brother
.Hobert. Miss Lizzie Hillen (sister of the
bride) adted as bridesmaid, while Mr. John
Walker ase', 'ed the groom.
fate that
prison w a o
in the Central wee the
met young Edward Shouldice in London.
Thursday Shouldice confessed to having
stolen three pairs of boots from the store
of Frederick Brown of Clandeboye, over a
month ago. He is one of the three prison-
ers charged with having broken into and
robbed Mair's woollen mill at Exeter in
May last of some $400 worth•of goods.'The
prisoner is a guileless -looking youth of 15
years. He, however, admitted the par -
Collier offence before the Magistrate at
Clandeboye, and again before Judge Will
iam )Ellett, ac.l) for a month peat :has
been awaiting sentence, in order that the
mill robbery might be inyestigated first.
But owing to the failure to get a jury e.t
the December sessions that case tial to be
traversed to the next assize. And so it
became necessary to sentence Shouldine at
once: Mrs Sboaldics wept bitterly. Her
lot is a sad one. Living in a small house
in the little village of Brinsley, in McGilli-
vray township, with a largo family about
her, the poor woman has had to struggle
hard in the effort to maintain and rear her
children in respectability. And . now
when her eldest boysare reaching man-
hood, to have one of them doomed to a
year in the Central Prison, and the other
awaiting trial for an equally serious offence,
is surely enough load for a widowed
mother's heart, Until the sentence had
been pronounced Mrs Shouldice bore up
bravely, although sho had expressed the
gravest fears for her boy after being
present in court Tuesday, when Win Beau
got five years in the penitentiary, and
Samuel Jackson was sentenced to three
years. After the sentence, however, and
particularly when parting with the lad at
wasmost affecting.
the jail, the scene
Judge Elliott asked the prisoner if he hd
anything to say, bat the youth fastened
hie eyes on the door and did not speak.
His Honor then referred to the very
numerous crimes wbiob had been commit-
ted in the neighborhood in which the
prisoner lived, and for which no one had
been convicted previously and then sent-
enced him to one year in the Central
Prison Toronto. He will likely be brought
back again to stand his trial for complicity
in the woolen mill robbery.
Wm. Bean, the young McGillivray
farmer who was taken to the penitentiary
on Saturday, from London, is reported to
have said to his companion, Jackson ; "I
can't understand why you, with a criminal
reeorcl, should have got off with three
years while I, who was never charged with
any offence before. should have got five
years, although we were both convicted of
the same charge.
It is given to every physician, the for-
mula of Scott`s Emulsion being no secret;
but no successful imitation has ever been
offered to the public. Only years of ex-
perience and study can produce the best:
MAIM Dxssasms Raninven IN TIIIItTSC
Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart gives
perfect relief in all oases of Organic or:
Sympathetic Heart Disease in 30 minutes,
and speedily effects n cure. It is a peer-
less remedy for Palpitation„ Shortness of
'Brea h, Smothering Spells, Pain in Left.
Side and all sympto. s of a Diseased
Hear. One dose co
Sold '(I �
BR;EFS-Miss. Mary Colwell, who has
been suffering for a long time from
rheumatic fever, is able to be around.
again. -Our village tailor has left for
parts unknown. -Mrs. Fero has re-
turned from'a prolonged visit to Eden,
near Tilsonburg.-Dr. Shoulta has
moved into the house vacated by Mrs.
Murrey, who is now living with her
daughter, --The eve.porater has closed
down for the season and the employee
were recently treated to an oyster
supper. -The open : meeting of the,
Epworth League was largely attended
on Tuesday evening and the program.
was a most excellent one. -The election
of officers of the R. T. of T. held last
Friday evening resulted as follows :-
Select Councillor, C. Fairhall; Vice
Councillor, .k.iss Flora lsssery, Re-
cording Secretary, Miss Maud Hicks;
Financial Secretary, Mrs. J. Evans;
Treasurer, R. Cobbleigh; Herald,
Ralph Handford; Chaplain, Elijah
Colwill, Guard, Jas. Oke; Sentinel,
Edgar Pym.
Buy your boots and shoes where you get
them repaired. Great bargains for the next
30 days for cash. Butter and eggs taken.
BE1E3s-Soiree of our villagers at
tended the K. 0. T. M. concert in
Crediton Iast. Tuesday evening. -Miss
Lizzie Diechert, of Zurich is the guest
of sirs Elsie, at present. --The Public
will. be held. to-
School Examination
morrow, (Friday,_) and a' good time is
expected, -sirs Noah. Fried, of Perk -
hill, is at present visiting her daughter,
Mrs M Fenn.- -Ur Jacob Wiedo has
sold his property to Mrs Louis Kraft. -
Rev Mr Eifert sold his property west of
the saw mill t^ Mr Conrad Pfaff on
which. 1.1r Pfaff intends to erecb a
dwelling in the spring. -Mr and Mrs
Hennbecker, of Langdon, Drik-, are
visiting their daughter, Mrs August
Thon.-The Christmas Tree Festival
of the Evangelical Sunday school will
bo held on Christmas night, Dec, 25th.
A good program is being prepared. -
Mr Wm Litt, °of Sebringville, is at
present'the guest of his brother-in-law,
Mr Geo Karcher. -Miss G Kibler, who
has been visiting friends in the village
for some time, returned to her home in
Zurich on Sunday. -Mr Jacob Keller -
mann took a business trip to London
on ilfonday i -A t the regu'ar meeting
of theK. 0, T. M. on Monday evening,
the following officers were elected: -
Past Commander, Sir Knight John
Hall; Commander, Sir Knight E M
13rokenahire; Lieutenant Commander,
Sir Knight J W Graybiel; Record
Keeper, Sir Knight J E Hoffman;
Finance Keeper, Sir Knight Jos Snell;
Physician, Sir Knight B. Adams; Chap-
lain, Sir Knight Jos Nam; Sergeant,
Sir Knight Thos Snell; Master -at -Arms,
Sir Knight William Snell; 1st M of G,
Sir Knight Fred Ilsie; 2nd M of G, Sir
Knight John Winkenweder; Sentinel,
Sir Knight Ezra Heist; Picket, Sir
Knight, J G Solclen.
of their
for the
BRIEFS --Mr F Keegan returned home
from Cleveland last week.-Ylr H
1Vainsley has been visiting friends at
Grand Bond the past two weeks. i-ef•
W E Johnston arrived home last week
from North Dakota where he has been
teaching school the past two years,
looking hale and hearty.- Mr R Rouatt
intends moving into his new store on
the square on Wednesdaynext.-Friday
December 21st is the date fixed for the
Presbyterian Christmas Tree.. A grand
program is prepared for the occasion.• -
The Salvation Artily intend having a
grind jubilee on Christmas night. -Mrs
(Dr) Stewart, of Toronto, was the guest
of Mrs (Dr) Stanbury, last week. -
Quite an enjoyable time was spent at
the house of Mr John. Morgan on Tues-
day evening, when his daughter,
Tillie, was presented with a well filled
purse by the congregation of the Metho-
dist church for her services as organist.
-On Thursday December the 27th,
the English Church intends holding
their Christmas Entertainment. A
grand program is being prepared,. -Mr
George Stanbury arrived home from
Toronto this. week, •--Miss Maggie' Irwin
accompanied by her coming arrived,
home this week for the Christmas
Holidays. -Mr Jas Thompson will soon.
have his house on Main st. completed.
-Messrs W Ferguson, R :Irwin end
John Pollock returned home from
Cleveland last week. -Mr G H Howson
was in Toronto last week purobasing
hr` tma Stock.
his C is s
W'e wish
yuu riil
ae`an Try
and happy'
New Year.
Make a
7 good begin-
ning by
�! ix:ying
`.. :eine
^c cheap
r presents,
wliicdi will:
jj bring happi
.. nese to
and cheer
to fh.e
Perth County Notes
Mr. Thos. Neal another of the early
pioneers of Mitchell and vicinity, passed
away icceutly in the 70th year of his age.
He had been an early settler of Hibbert„
but 'retired from farming a few yearsago
and settled in Mitchell.
Last Friday night James Shane, a
termer living about a mile and it quarter
from Mitchell, was arrested on; the charge
of stealing sheep from a flock owned by
John White, of Mitchell, Thedepredat-
ions havo been going on for some time.
Mr. White has about a00 sheep on his
farm and a few taken froth so many mast
have escaped detection, but Shane was
not satisfied with a few. it is estimated
40 have bean stolen. Of these 25 h ave
been recovered,
Huron County Notes.
On Friday evening last, Annie; tine
eldest daughter of Mr. Peter Meta -ten,
Treasurer pf tho Township of Tambour,
died at her home in Wheelers. The
deceased was a most estimable young lady,
and was beloved by all who had the
pleasure offer acquaintance.
The sad and sudden death of Mrs. It.
Austin, of Wiughane which occurred at the
residence of her fathe*r .0 rhe townsbrr 9,f,,
&alross, on Thu' rsiay of Iasi week, hal
oast a gloom over her circle of acquaint-
ances. She was called Boma to assiet in
uwasI ingvery
rain her brother,whor
g) v
iil with erysipelas, but in a few days she
o,mplained of having a sore thumb, and
on examination by the doctor, he pro-
nounced it a case of blood poisoning.
Middlesex County Notes:
Mr 3 W,Little of;; London - received a
petition requesting him to stand for Mayor
of the city, signed by some 2,400 names.
Mr Little asked time to consider the mate
ter before giving. an answer.
Toe death is announced on Thursday
night at Ailsa Craig, from a paralytic stroke,
of Mrs Shipley, and old and highly
esteemed resident of that village. De-
ceased was a sinter of Mrs Alexander, Mc
Arthur, of Westminster township, and had
hosts of friends in the townships s'irround-
log Ailsa Craig,
BRIEFS. -Mr Philip Madge who is
master of many trades, has had his
barn raised and has himself done most
of the work, both stone work and
framing. He bas been working on
the eight hour system, putting in
two days in one, or sixteen hours
each twenty four, and has thusaccomp-
lishe:l a great deal during, the past
year. -The school flag has been at
half mast since the sudden death ci
Sir John- T'sompson.-Mi' Richard
some Jersey
e m J
has purchased d
Delbridge brad e Y
grade heifers and a well bred Jersey
bull, thus laying' the foundation for a
good milking herd. Mr Delbridge is
progressive and is always in the front
ranks. -Jones & Halls are having an
addition built to their House, said
to be a woodshed, which wilt be an
accommodation to one of the partners.
John Hind and son are the contractors..
-John C Bell has been again engaged
to make butter at the 'Winchelsea
factory. ---Municipal polities promise
to be quite lively, especially for the
reeveship, as several candidates are
cropping up, John Cann, who was
the unsuccessful candidate last year
will possibly try again, and John
Delbridge who has been sacrificed long.
enough. is said to be the coming man.
Mr Kay desires at least one yearmore,
and we believe Joshua Johns, at the
request of many friends has finally
decided 'to enter the field. egotist all
cemers, and seek the sutferago:of the
electors; a lively time may be expected.
Every ratepayer should be at the
nomination in the forenoon and hear
What the candidates have to nay for
themselves in order to oast their
ballots. What opposition there will
be for councillors is yet Unknown, -
n' Rev Robert Miller a farmer resident of
' this oirouit will occupy the pulpit at
the E1lmvi11e
' appointment
ent next aS
day evening. -The annual Clirist as
Tree entertaifnient at Sunshine, good
ss ever,
If ye ail -talion two of Carter's Tittle
t'tvor ills before retiringyou would not
t to tongue or that had
have aa the coated t a b
taste iib the mouth this fftofhkng.
For teemed r t:roubl'eil use li, D. Cs