HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-12-13, Page 3A •lacking Cough
(gleed by d•yer's Cherry Pectoral.
lire,. P. D. HALL, 217 Genessee St,
Loo port, N. Y,, says:
'Over thirty years ago, I remersbee
hearing my father describe the wonders
tui curative effects of Ayer's Cherry.
Pectoral. During a recent attack of La.
Grippe, which assumed the form of as
catarrh, soreness of the lungs, aconite,
partied ley an aggravating cough, I
need various remedies wedpesc
--�ile•Somo of these medicinespartially
,Alleviated the coughing during the day,
none of them afforded me any relief from
that spasmodic action of the lungs which
would seize me the moment I attempted
to lie down at night. After ten or twelve
Well nights, I was
Nearly in Ceepalro
,ad had about decided to sit up all night
n my easy chair, and procure what
sleep I could in that way. It then oc-
eurred to me that I had a bottle of.
mayor's Cherry Pectoral. I took a
opooiiful of this preparation in a little
water, and was able to lie down without
"'coughing. In a few moments, I fell
asleep, and awoke in the morning
greatly refreshed and feeling much
better. I took a teaspoonful of the Pec-
toral every night for a week, then grad-
ually decreased the dose, and in two
weeks my cough was cured."
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral'
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mast.
14 rom pt to act, s u reto cure
Drug. Store
A,` -all stock of all kinds of
Dye -stuffs and package
Dyes, constantly on
hand. Winan's
the best
in the mark-
et and always
resh. Family recip-
ees carefully prepared at
Central Drug Store Exete
Cure ,S/OK HEADACH&S and Neuralgia
in ao MINUTES, also Coated Tongue, Dizzi-
ness, Biliousness, Pain in the Side, Constipation,
Torpid Liver Bad Breath, to stay cured also
regulate the Liver,
means the kid-
neys are In
trouble, Dodd's
Kidney. Pillslue
prompt relief,"
"76 per cent,
of disease is
first caused by
disordered . kid-"
Might as well
try . to have a
healthy city
without sewer-
age, as good
health when the
kidneys are
clogged, they are
the scavengers
of the system.
"Delay Is.
dangerous. Neg-
lected kidney
troubles result
in Bad Blood,
Dyspepsia, Liver
Complaint,' and
the most dan-
gerous of all,
Brights Disease,
Diabetes and
"The above
diseases cannot
exist where
Dodd's Kidney
Pills are used,''
Sold by ail dealers or sent by Italian receipt
of mice so cents, per box or six for $2,5o,
Dr. L. A. Smith & Co. T r'tit
m o a.rite.
W for
book called Kidney Talk.
Among the decorations at a recent her
rest feativelln en xtuglish pariah eliurit
was a loaf of bread, weighing thirty-nine
pounds, nude in the shako of q Sible.
A Philharmonic Sudety has been formed
in London, Oat.
Major Jarvis, commandant of the mount•
ed pollee at Calgary, is dead.
Mr. James Silcox, one of Woodstook's
oldest residents, is dead,
Antitoxins is being used successfully in
Hamilton for diphtheria' eases.
The late J. T. Warrington, jr., of Belle-
ville, had his life insured for $20,000.
It is thought. Daniel Shea, the missing
member of the 13th Battalion, has been.
At Brookville on Tuesday night, Tames
Quigg, aged 70, was married to Miss Boul-
anger, aged 16,
tars., Shaw, wife of Col. Shaw, for many
years a resident of Toronto, died at Brant-
ford yesterday.
The export cattle -business ot Manitoba
and the North-West this year shows an in-
crease of 100 per cent.
The Calgary contested election case has
resulted in Mr. Lucas getting the
seat in
the North-West Legislature by a majority
of one vote.
Owing to the failure of the Labrador fish-
eries, several : hundred families on Concep-
tion bay have nothing but potatoes to eat
and are on the verge of starvation.
Mr. J. S. Mayo, manufacturer of oils,
and well-known all over Canada, has dis-
appeared from his home in Montreal and it
is feared that he has committed suicide.
The Royal Pulp and Paper Company, of
Montreal and East Angus, have gone into
liquidation. It is not expected that they
will go out of business.
Mr. T. D. Sullivan, M. P. for the College
Green division of Dublin, Ireland, delivered
a lecture on the British Parliament in
Massey ball, Toronto,on Thursday night.
The hired transport Warwick Castle has
arrived at Halifax, via Bermuda with two
batteries of artillery and other relief troops
for that station, from Chatham, England.
Mr. David Miller, a prosperous farmer
who lived a short distance from .Hall's
Corners, near Hamilton, was drowned in a
well in his barnyard on Monday evening
The Governor-General has pardoned
William Preefer, the alleged murderer of a
man named Doyle, of Halifax, who has
been in Dorchester penitentiary for six
A writ has been issued against ex-Ald.
Dennis McBride, of Hamilton, for moneys
:said to. havebeen illegally received by the
defendant while acting in his capacity as
alderman. -
A dangerous gang of diamond swindlers,
consisting of three women and two men,
who committed many robberies in Boston
and Cleveland, are at present operating in
;Mr. H. Stikeman, the new general man—
ager of the Bank of British North America,
is forty-two years of age, and has been an
employe of the bank since he was seventeen
years of age.
The Montreal branch of the Bank of
British North America has received front
England, via New York, the sum of one
million dollars in gold, and it is expected
that a like sum will follow shortly.
The Rev. E. J. Fessenden, of Ancaster,
Ont., is suing the congregation of Trinity
church, Chippewa, for $628, arrears of
stipend due him during the time of his
pastorate there.
During the St. Andrew's festivities in
the Windsor hotel, Montreal, on Friday
night, a guest of the hotel, named H. C.
Palle, cut his throat from ear to ear. Ile
was found dead in his room next morning.
The net profits of the Canadian Pacific
Railway for October were $1,010,247. These
are the largest net earnings of the road for
any one month with the single exception of
October, 1892, when the figures were $.1,-
A petition has been sent to Mayor Her-
ald, of Kingston, Ont., seeking, through
the Legislature, action for the better ob-
servance of the Lord's day by stopping
trains and boats from running. Mayor
Herald does not think the City Council
should recognize it.
The coroner's jury at Guelph found John
Cass guilty of manslaughter, and of unlaw-
fully killing John Lawrenbe Johnston last
Saturday in a hotel in that city. The pro-
prietor of the hotel where the fight took
place was strongly condemned for his
treatment of the deceased prior to his
Sir Henry Hussey Vivian,Baron Swansea
is dead aged 74 years.
Gree classes for the teaching of Irish
history to young people have been estab.
fished in Dublin.
Manchester merchants and manufactur-
ers have formed a Cotton Exchange, and
will build a cotton market.
The Czar has been appointed colonel of
the 2nd Dragoons (Royal Scots Greys) now
at Aldershot camp, England.
It is understood that Mr. Edward Blake
will stand for the next British Parliament
if he is again nominated fee Longford.
A dense tog prevailed In central and
southern England on Saturday, and river
traffic in. London was stopped.
Adelina Patti sang in Albert hail, London,
last Wednesday, and every seat was
occupied. The diva sang with her usual
Two policemen were sent to gaol recent.
ly in Newcastle -on -Tyne, England, for
breaking into a public -house and stealing
whiskey and tobacco.
It is asserted positively that the Marquis
of Lorne has become' a partner in a firm of
house decorators, and is actively sharing in
the designing work.
Belfast is indignant because the Duke of
York declined to open its Arts and Indus-
tries Exhibition on the ground that he never
opens purely local exhibitions,
Lord Rosebery has promised a deputation
of the London Trades Council that the
Government will consider the expediency of
paying members of Parliament.
It is semhoffclally stated in London that
uo difference of opinion exists between the
Governments of Great Britain and the
United States with reference to the .Mos -
quite territory.
It is stated that the Queen has invited
the Czar and his bride to make a abort stay
in England next summer, and that the
newly -married couple will probably arrive
there at the end of June,
A London oilman was fined last week for
working four boys tinder fourteen years of
age eighty-six hovers a weelt, Under the
Shop hours' .bet young persona 'must not
be employed .for mere than seventy-four
hours .a week.
Lady Margaret Grosvenor, daughter of
the Duke of Westminster, who will short•
ly he married to Wilma adolpitue of Teolt,
has received, magnificent gifts from the
queen and members of the Royal family.
Rustem Pasha, the Turkish Ambassador
to Great Britain, in a long interview with
the Earl of Kimberley, Secretary of State
for Foreign Afairs, assured him of the i'u-
tention of the Porte to make an honest
investigation into the Armenian atroci-
The King of the Belgians hasconferred
the distinction of Commander of the Order
of Leopold on the Lord Mayor of London in
recognition of his presidency of the British
section at the Antwerp Exhibition, and of
his state visit. to Belgium.
The 230th anniversary of the Scottish
Corporation took place in London on Friday
night and was a brilliant affair, Hon.
Thomas F. Bayard, U. S. ambassador, oo-
oupied the chair, a compliment never before
paid to a foreign representative.
The Irving.Terry combination, on Satur-
day night, in the Gaiety theatre, Dublin
were presented with an address 'signed by
the Lord Mayor, several judges, Fellows
of Trinity College, and other influential
persons, Mr. Irving, in reply, wished
prosperity to the island, and gave one hun-
dred pounds for the poor of Dublin.
Mr. Beerbohm Tree, who is en active
member of the National Sunday League,
in the course of an address last week in
London to four thoua'and leaguers, said
that the social fog that has been envelop-
ing the English Sunday is fast disappear-
ing, and that to -day there is not a single
public man of eminence who does not
sympathize with the cause.
Murdock, Minn., was partly destroyed
by fire Thursday night.
Mr. John Burns, the English labor M.
P., has arrived in New York.
The Washington police have started a
crusade against the social evil.
All bakers in Reading, Pa., have been
ordered tc sell bread by weight.
A tidal wave struck Tacoma, Wash., the
other day and demolished nearly all the
Owing to the spread of diphtheria in
Detroit, all the public schools have been
Commander Ballington Booth is very ill
in Chicago with typhoid fever and nervous
The woods are all on fire in the neighbor-
hood of Kansas City. There has beenno
rain there for four months.
The Trans Mississipi Congress at St.
Louis, Mo., is in favor of a 21 -foot channel
from the great lakes to the Atlantic.
The citizens of Muskogee, indium Terri-
tory, have offered a reward of $1,500 for the
arrest of Bill Cook and his gang.
The value of the gold deposited at the
United States mint is stated as $140,942,-
545. The value of the siker is $29,409,•
Mrs. Barthelemy, the Buffalo murderer's
wile, is said by her father to have gone to
live with her brother's family in Toronto,
Ont. •
An epidemic of diphtheria has broken
out in Evelyn Female College, three-
quarters of a mile from Princeton College,
and the institution has been closed.
The internal revenue collections of the
United States for the past fiscal year
amounted to $147,168,4.49, the cost of col-
lecting which was $23,975,904.
Mr. Herbert, secretary of the United
States Navy, recommends in his annual
report the construction of three battleships
ot 10,000 tons, and 12 torpedo boats.
The wholesale lumber dealers of the
United States 'have combined themselves
into the National WholesaleT,umber Deal-
ers' Association, with a capiti`: •'If $30,000,-
Hon. James H. Eccles, con roller of
United States currency, has an article in
The North American Review which reflects
severely on the currency and banking of
the United States.
Orders have been issued by the American
Sugar Refining Company to shut down all
their refineries` in New York, Boston and;
Philadelphia. It is said this will throw
50,000 men out of work.
The miners of the Plum Creek and Sandy
Creek districts in Pennsylvania have had
their wages increased from 55 to 62 cents a
ton, and they agree not to join any labor
Mr. Stout, warden of Auburn prison, has
consented to allow Dr. Gibbons to experi.
ment in resuscitating a subject killed in
the electric chair. The subject will be a
dog or some other animal.
Notwithstanding President Cleveland's
poor physical condition, necessitating the
use of an invalid's chair, he is hard at work
on his message, which will be ready for the
meeting of Congress.
According to the official lists prepared in
Washington, the next House of Represen-
tatives will consist of two hundred and
forty-four Republicans, one hundred and
four Democrats, six Populists, one Silver,
and one vacant.
The bicycle factory of the Losier Mann -
texturing Company, at Toledo, Ohio, said
to be the second largest in the world, was
burned the other night and 500 men are
thrown out of employment. Lose abeut
$500,000, insurance $350,000.
A Buffalo despatch says a bill providing
for the construction of a bridge aoeommo-
dating railways, carriages and foot passen.
gers, connecting, BuffaloGrand Island
and the Canadian shore, will be introduced
at the next session of the United States
The business situation in the United
States during the past week shows
little change. The serious trouble in more
than one New York bank has had no detri-
mehtal influence. The closing of the sugar
refineries will cause is adieus diminution
of industrial force, add a ro ortionate
inability to buy. The' number of mployed
throughout the, United States has not shown
any appreciable inereaee, nor has the antici-
pated advance in wages in some lines as
yet materialized. There has been leo
appreciable increase in the prices of leading
farm products. In the' chief national in.
dustories the output is fairly maintained,but
an increase r
at this ! season of theear could
Scarcely be looked for. An increase is
reported in the demand for iron, and the
production is slightly larger, but prices are
weak. The failures for the week iia the
United States are In amount a trifle in
excess of those for the corresponding week
of last year.
They Are Very Serious, and will Probably
Result Fatally.
New Yortc, Nov, 29. --George Lord Day,
who was seriously injured in a cross-country
run on Tuesday, and ie now lying at the
Hempstead Hunt Club, near Hempstead,
L. I., was resting easily last night. There
appears to be little or no change either for
the better or worse.
In addition to Dr. McBurnie, w ho gee
from New York every day, there are three
physicians in attendance on the injured
man. They are Dr. Parker, of Now York,
nd. Drs. Ludlum and Finn, of Homestead.
One of the three last named is always in 'the
room. Doctors Finn and Ludlum alternate
during the day time, and Dr. Parker spends
the nights at the bedside of the sufferer.
Miss Susan Day, a stater of the injured
man, is at the clubhouse, and when not
at the bedside of her brother is close at
hand so she can be called at any moment.
Dr. Parker, instead of coming to New
York early in the morning yesterday, re-
mained until noon. Thursday night it was
given out at the clubhouse that the patient
might die before noon yesterday, and the
fact that Dr. Parker remained until after
that hour is taken as an indication that
Mr. Day has weathered one crisis in safety.
All information is denied, at the club.
One of the physicians made the following
statement of the extent of Mr. Day's injure
lea to -day :
" Mr; Day sustained a very serious frac-
ture of the pelvis, a fracture of the bladder
and several other dangerous injuries."
The general opinion about the clubhouse
is that the case will result fatally.
A Spanish decree abolishing public exe-
cutions has been issued.
Buenos Ayres is building the largest
opera -house in the world.
At the Czar's instigation elementary.
education is to be introduced in Russia.
It is reported that Italy has decided to
send a fleet against Brazil.
China is said to have accepted the English
4 1-2 per cent. loam of £1,200,000:
The ricecrop in Japan promises to - be
from 10 to 20 per cent. above the average.
It is stated that the' Japanese demand
£50,000,000 indemnity and all expenses of
the war. -
Two hundred French cities are arranging
to erect statues in honor of the late Presi-
dent Carnot. e
Rio Janeiro advices state that the epi-
demic which has appeared there is genuine
yellow fever.
Dr. Schweninger left Varzin on Satur-
day, as the state of Prince Bismarck's
health is satisfactory.
The proposed Russian loan of fifteen
million poundswill be financed in London,
and not in Paris.
The Japanese Government has purchased
the celebrated Chilian cruiser Esmeralda
for $1,000,000 in gold.
Nine women and two men were frozen to
death on Thursday in tenudden' storm at
Besdonnaia,•in Russia. -
A despatch from St. Petersburg says
that there is no truth in the report that
Grand Duke George, the Czarewitch, died
on Sunday. -
Princess Louise, sister of the King of
Denmark, and aunt of the Dowager Em-
press of Russia and of the Princess of
Wales,• is dead. She was seventy-four
years of age.
The Bombay Mill Owners' Association
has addressed aprotest to the Government
of India against the imposition of a duty on
the products of the Indian mills.
Within a few days telephonic communi-
cations will be opened between Berlin and
Vienna. Emperors Francis Joseph and
William will exchange the first messages.
King Humbert has signed a decree in-
stituting a medal for African campaigns,
to be confer ed upon officers and men of the
Italian army and navy and the Erythrean
colonial troops,
At a public meeting held at Dresden, it
was resolved to erect a large monument
in honor of Prince Bismarck, and public
subscriptions will be collected for thatpur-
The New York Herald's Shanghai special
says the British fleet has assembled at its
rendezvous at the Saddle Islands, off the
Chinese coast, near Shanghai, and will oc-
cupy the Island of Chusan.
Admiral Ito, commanding the Japanese
fleet, escorted Admiral Fremantle and one
hundred British officers over Port Arthur
last Sunday. The British are loud in their
praise of the gallantry and skill of the
• The Bavarian Minister of War has
ordered a strict inquiry into the recent
attack by soldiers on the inhabitants of the
village of Fechsmul, when two people were
killed and thirty wc►anded, ten of them
The popularity of Czar Nicholas is in
creasing daily. Nothing has done so much
to popularize him as his unaffected manners
and the fact that he is dispensing with the
military police bodyguards of the palace.
li isleben,the birthplace of Martin Luth-
er, is sinking intr%,the moor upon which it
is built. Measures to drain the bog have
been without avail, and the inhabitants are
seriously thinking of abandoning the town.
It is said that Col. von Hannekin, the
organizer of China's new army and navy, is
supported by the German Government,
which hopes to get her reward in territory
or trade, and by ousting all her rivals,
through the supineness of the other foreign
the Russian Nihilist leader, in
an in
Miterview in London said that he knew
that there was a strong feeling in favor of
+urian atnonu the R•,,..a; l--
aori%l,.w�-- .,...,.�.n revolts
tionists. StepnialI�says that much will de-
pend upon the Czar's treatment of political
The Earl of Elgin made an important
speech on Friday in Lahore, capital of the
Punj aub and Lahore district, in which he
said that the policy of the Umpire was one
of pease, that the frontier difficulties were
rapidly vanishing : rider friendly doiimita
Mono with the ad oinin powers, s we s and it
was only requisite o have
harmony within
the borders to have1? eace at home.
To willful men the injuries that they
themselves procure must be their sohool-
masters. ---Sh akespeate,
�^ ill renCalf far Pitchers Castor
The Exciting Experleuce of an English
Sportsman in South Wales,
An English sportsman relates an exciting
experience he had while fishing in South
Wales. lie had been fishing from. the rail-
way bridge, and had just laid his fish—a
twelve pound salmon—upon the parapet
and was admiring it, when he heard a
whistle, and looking up, saw, to his die•
may, an engine racing along within thirty
yards, the noise of its approach being dead-
ened by the wind. It was impossible to
stay where he was, the space between the
rail and the parapet being too narrow.
Neither was there time to go round. There
was nothing for it but to jump on top of
the low wall of the bridge.
He jumped, but with so much vigor that
he lost his balance, and went head first into
the river below, dragging the salmon after
him. Luckily the bridge was low, the fall
not over ten feet. and the water being deep
enough to prevent
his touching the.
bottom, nothing but
a ducking was the
result- He recap-
tured the fish,which
was drifting down
stream, and scram-
oled ashore.
The shortest way
to the station, which
he Wes now anxious
to reach,Iay through
a railway tunnel.
As there were no
trains due, he
thought, at that
hour, he decided to walk through, in spite
of a notice threatening heavy penalties.
He had reached nearly the middle when
he found that it curved to the left,shutting
out the light from both ends and leaving
him in darkness. All at once a roaring
noise startled him he knew at once that it .
must be an approaching train; but he could
not make out from which end of the tunnel
it came.
This was a terrible moment. The space
between the wall and the rails seemed
horribly narrow, and there was no time to
look for a man -hole. The only thing he
could think of was to count the rails, --two,
—and then lie down flat between the up and
down tracks.
He did so. The seconds that followed
were filled with the fear that he had mis-
counted the rails, and might be lying be.
tween one set instead of in the centre, in
which case the engine would cut him to
pieces. Nearer and nearer came the
hideous roar, and as the train rushed past
a drop of boiling water fell on the back ot
his neck.
In an instant it had passed, and picking
up rod and salmon, he got out of the tunnel
as fast as possible, and sat down to recover
his shaking nerves. Only two joints of the
rod were left ; the rest lied been cut off
clean by the wheels of the engine. The
.almon, however, was untouched.
now Lincoln Farmers reed Their Poultry
and Hogs.
A despatch from Hamilton says :--John
Dunn, sanitary inspector for Caister Town-
ship, was in the city today and reports
that a number of farmers throughout Lin-
coln Township having been killing used -up
horses and other animals, and, after skin-
ning them and boiling them down, their
flesh and bones are fed to the hogs, turk-
eys, chickens and other poultry, thereby
fattening them for the Hamilton and other
city markets. :Mr. Dunn will includes, of
Dr. Bryce, Provincial Medical Roaith au.
thority, ifhecannot prosecute these farm -
era for their doing.
Suffering for Others.
Little Johnny --"Some things is very
Little Ethel --"How I
Little Johnny—"It's rained for three
Saturdays. I a pose it's to punish some of
the teachers for bele' so wicked, but it's
pretty tough on good boys like me."
First Aid in Emerg'eneles,
Young wife -021, niimma, put my hurling
irons on the fire quick) Chariio has been
bitten by a mad tog.
Mother—Are yott going to oauteriee the
wound t"No i I want to curl my bangs
so i~ can run for the doctor. Eurry ftp I a
re You Fo
'When you. are in a low state of health, and on the verge of
illness, there is no nourishment in the world like,
Scott's Emulsion
to restore strength. Scott's Emulsion nourishes, strength-
ens, promotes the making of solid
flesh, enriches the blood and tones up
the whole system.
For Coughs, Colds, .Sore Throat, Bronchitis,.
Weak Lungs, Consumption, Scrofula, Anemia,
Loss of Flesh, Thin Babies, Weak Children, and
all conditions of Wasting.
Buy only the genuine! It has our trade-
mark on set/mon-colored wrab5er, v
TAADe MARK. Send for"a i l/filet on S ott'S E#u,ilsio,s. FREE.
Scott &. Downs, Belleville. All Druggists. 50c. and $1.
0 -Il de-rlu
Statement !
Investigate it, by Writing to the Mayor,
Postmaster, any Minister or Citizen of ;
Hartford City, Indiana.
HARTFORD CITY, Blackford County, 'car walk a step, and hail to be lifted
Indiana, Jane 8th, 1893. like a child. Part of the time I
South American Medicine Co. could read (little, and one day saw,
Gentlemen : I received a letter an advertisement of your medicine
from you May 27th, stating that you and concluded to try one bottle. By
had heard of my wonderful recov- the time I had taken one and one-
ery from a spell of sickness of six half bottles I could rise up and take
years duration, through the use of a step or two by being helped, and
Bourn ArsuaxcAN NERVINE, and asking after I had taken five bottles in all I
for my testimonial. I was near felt real well. The shaking went
thirty-five years old when I took away gradually, and I could eat and
down with :iervons prostration. Our sleep good, and my friends could
fastify physician treated me, but with- scarcely believe it was Z. I am sure
out benefiting me in the least. My this medicine is the best in the world,
nervous system seemed to be entirely I belive it saved my life, I give my
shattered, and I constantly had very name and address, so that if anyone
severe shaking spells. In addition double illy statement they can write
to this I would have vomiting spells, me, or ottr postmaster or any c tigers,
During the years I lay sick, my folks as all are acquainted -with my ease.
had an eminent physician from Day- :I ant now forty-one years of age,
ton, Ohio, and ivs6 from Columbus, and expect to live as long art tilt.
come and Axa119$ne b5i .I4ord has tiskt`os' me and do all this
Theyall said I cold no live. '
a t qe. I' g8od I caii,l3i helping the suffering,.
got to having spells like spasms, and Miss ELLEN F3tovez,
stiff ff fo
f t a time 11
'4 remedyit,h ca if a
Will awh nae..,
after each. At last I lost the use of such a marv4lous cure as the above( `.
B1ly body'—could not rise from my bed cure you P
O. LUT 'Sole Wholesale and Retail Agent tor Exeter.
Dla, 1'rIODAIRtitn, Agent I'olisali.