HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-12-13, Page 1xrirr AND HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. VOL. X.XII. NO. 14, "HEW TO THE LINE, LET TUE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DEOLMBER, 13, 1894 40I13124` ,WRZTTE * 80eitil Pensio ►era end Peoprlietore,, Irimarr R. S. FORD CO.J tlY' OODHA,lV1. "ant Dry Goods ? We've reduced the prices ofi a :umber of lines in stook and are prepared to give you Special Value in Dress Goods, Flannels, Flannelettes, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, &c. "Want Men's or Boy' y Clothing ? There is no better value being sold by any house. We buy our Clothing for O''-(., Ej, .froln the Manufacturer and give you the benefit. 11 SEE OUR MEN'S HEAVY FRIEZE OVERCOATS at $6,75. ri ,Groceries and. Christmas Goods, We have received our New Fruits -Currants, Raisins, etc., -and are selling them, as well as all other lines of Groceries at popular prices. asaasescumaramocomecars f Goods suitable for We will open out this week an Elegant Display Holiday Presents. JO -Remember, we pay Highest Price for all kinds of Produce. Kirkton. ScsooL REPORT. -The following is -the report of Kirton school for the • month of November. The report is based on recitations, attendance punctuality and conduct. V -R Kirk, • :L Doupe, P Tufts; Sr IV -I Hazlewood, N Fletcher, E Fletcher, E Cornish; .Jr IV -P Doupe, F Marshall, E Mar- -shall; Sr II1-V Jameson, H Leigh, aShier; II -1 Marshall, M Leigh, M Hazlewood. Bruises.: It, is•ruinored that W. At- • kinson has purchased the farm it • Osborne belonging to W. Webb, -J. ▪ McCallum has rented his farm on N W • boundary Btanshard, to:Richard Rose ▪ 'for ten• years. -We are pleased, to learn that D McCallum who has been ill for some time is regaining his •strength, -Quite au excitement has been raised in the village . by the re- port that a peouliar light has been seen near the bush on the Qeborne side orthe road. According to report it appears about 11 o'clook at night and is about 1 foot or 18 inches across, of irregular shape,• of a somewhat bluish appearance and performs some. .queer antics, moving 'about from side to side, going up into the air and de- scending rapidly. Your correspondent has not had the pleasure of seeing it. -The Methodist minister has invested in a bran new piano, Bell & Co. make. -The Maccabees are practising for a concert to be held in the town hall on Friday evening alter Xmas. -The vil- lage boys who snow -belled Mr Leigh, school teacher, have apologized and paid all costs Viand so the matter en- ded. -Mrs. Jones of the townline of iUsborne is laid up with a severe attack of lumbago ' Dr. Lang of Gran- ton, is attendiug the Dasa. -The young man who sat five seats from the back on the north side of the Methodist church on Sunday evening last, might display his ultra-protestantism inisome other manner than by producing a partaking of tbe same as seen as he large plug of chewing tobacco acid took his seat. -The. Rev J.. 0. Madill, is billed for a lecture in the village this evening. -While unloading a tur- nip cutter, a few days since, :Me Robt. Roeinson bad the misfortune to out off •one of his fingers from the right hand. •4 1 dereenway. BRIEFS -At the December meeting of Union Tent, No. 48, K.O. T. M, the following officers were elected : -Past Commander, Wm Nicholas; Com- mander, C H Wilson; Lieutenant Commander, John Brown; Record Keeper, Robert Mo,Linchey; Finance Keeper, John Love; Chaplain, Jas. Young; Physician, Philip Baker; Ser - plant, Win Mellen; Master at Arms, Robert English; First Master Guards, James Pollock; Picket. Wm Prance. The above officers are to have a public installation the'third Tuesdayein Jan- uaree-At the annual meeting of the Boston Methcalist Sabbath School held in the church on Wednesday evening the secretary's report showed number -of officers and teachers, 11; scholars, 110; total membership, 12f; number eif deaths during the year, 4; being the largest in oue year during •the past twenty one years; total amount received in colle, $69.28; paid out for lesson helps, papers, Sunday. School Aid and Convention, $43.19; leaving a 26.09 The aver- age v- e 'balance on hartd of $ r agerattendance during the year was '67, being very good for a country school. The following officers and teachers were elected ter 1885: Super- intendent, W J Wilson: Assistant Superintendent, Jas Young; Secretary Treasurer, Miss Jennie Whiteside; Librarian, ei, EI Wilson; Organist,r Mrs W T new; Assistants, Mitts Tillie Brophey, and W A Wilson; Collector, Willie Brown, Teachers, Mrs A M w :leen iters W T Ulens Miss Jennie rS P TJ to s, r s Youn VDhiteside,M 1 n ,M Ja g, Mr 0 El Wilson, Mr Wn Nicholas, Mr ttobert Hutchinson. -At the December meeting of the L. 0, L. No. 219, the iolfowng Officers i Ocers Were elected Robert B:utchinson, W M; Edward Mahon, D M; Henry Belling, Treasurer; Thos G1•. tlarltoa, Rec. Sec,; Jas E Hodgins, Financial Secretary; E Morgan, Chap- lain; Charles Mason; D C; Committee men, Richard Hodgins, Frank Wickert, James Hodgins, David Webb, C McWilaon.-Mr John Wickert of Crediton, formerly of this place, visited friends here last week and remained over Sabbath. -Mr Thos Whiting and wife of Mitchell, visited friends here last week. -? r .R England visited friends in Stanley last Saturday. - About twenty members of Union Tent No. 48, K. 0. T. M. turned out one day last week and cut a large quantity of firewood for Sir Knight Joseph Sherron who has been in poor health for some time. -rhe McPherson Manu- facturing Co. have built an engine room to their factory. -ides e Cromarty. BRIEFS. -Miss Annie Upshall and Miss Rye Manson, ofTuckersmith, were the guests of Miss Mary 151oKellar.-112u- nioipal politics are quietbut a cyclone may spring up at any time.- Wm. Dun- lop has purchased a new Jolliett grinder and is now prepared to do chopping with promptness and first class style. -Thos. Hoggarth has placed on his barn a windmill which is to furnish power to pump water, chop grain, cut straw and pulp roots. Piping is being laid that the stock may be supplied with water in each stall. Mr. Hoggarth is a suc- cessful cattle feeder and with these improvements together with his al- ready well equipped feeding stables will possess one of the best barns in the county . J ippen --- Belton-Mt? Wm. Bawden, of Exeter, has sold the farm he recently purchased from Mrs. R. Hunt, to Mr. James McDougal, of Clinton, for $3,000 cash. We trust Mr. McDougal will Le long spared to enjoy the comforts of his fine home. -Mr. Wm Slater, of Missouri, and brother of Mr Waiter Slater, of Hay, came home unexpec- tedly last week, after an absence of twenty three years in the West. -Mr John Thompson has been engaged as teacher for the Zurich school for 1895, at a salary of $400. -Miss Hannah Ivison has returned home from New York -Ur Wm Blair, son of Mrs Wm Blair, of our village, who has been in Michigan during the summer, arrived home last week, -Mrs James Canning presented her husband with a young daughter on Monday last. -Farmers having a good supply of wheat on hand are beginning to wear smiling faces while the prices are advancing. -The good roads and fine weather have the effect of making business boom in our village, -Ste Andrews' Church Sabbath school intend holding a Christmas tree entertainment. Tuckersmeth -- Commie.- The Council met at Weber's hotel, Egmondvtlle, on Nov. 2Gth, as per adjournment. Atl the members were present, The annual report from the Local Board of Health was presented by the Secretary, It showed the condition of the people, as to health during the year, to be very satisfactory. Only two case, of contagious diseases wore reported, neither of which proved fatal. The remuneration paid to township officials for their services during the past year is as follows To the Reeve $45; Doputy•Reeve and Councillors, each $35; Treasurer, $100; Clerk, $160; Registrar of Vital Statistics, $15; each member of the Board of health and Medical Health Officer A num- berM ,5 ,. of accounts were passed and $25 given as relief, The next meeting will be held at Egmondville, as per statute, On December 15th at ten O'clock.All p x ti a e who have accounts e against the township, should present them before the above date, so that the financial statement can be at Oom loto alt . 1?ossible. made a . _ P i fray, but It is not wbat its Froprtotors what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that tails the slay of its merit. Hood's Sates/Ars ilia Cure, 11111.15. Hen call Following are the market quotations e Wheat 55 to 58 Barley 3,5io 40 Oats 26 to 2' Peas 50 to 65. Hay 6,00 to 700 Batter 16 to16 Eggs ......... . .... 15to15 Groat clearing Sale of all kinds of winter foo# wear for the balanoe of this year at special bargains for gash. We have the largest and best stock of Boots and :Shoes in thee county which we will sell cheaper than the cheapest. Call and examine our stook when in lIeneali and he convinced that we selloheap for cash. Ordered work and Repairing' promply attended to, No trouble to show goods. A, WESELOli. BR1EFs.-Don't forget to be present at the opening of the new Methodist church on Sunday, December 23rd, when the Rev. Dr. Williams of Inger- soll, will conduct services. For particulars, see bills, -Mr. Charles Manna returned from Walkerton on Tuesday and went into partnership with his brother Fred in the butcher- ing business. No doubt, the boys will do well. -Business has been very quiet in our village the past week on account of the bad roads -Mr. Geo. McEwen left on Monday for Staples, Easere county, where he has an !interest in a saw mill --Miss Mina Shaffer returned Tuesday night, after a two month's visit in Michigan. ---Mr. P. M.Patterson Supreme Organizer of the Home Cir- cle, was in town on Monday and Tues- day in the interests of C. 0. of S. C., and en Tuesday night initiated nine members. This is one of the best orders in Canada to get insurance at. actual cost. -Rev. Mr. Brand of Zurich, was in town on Monday, -Lit- tle Maggie Habkirk who has been very. law for the past week or so, and who at one time was not expected to re• cover, is, we are glad to announce, getting better, -Mr. Charles Meyers, our retired butcher, is engaged with Mr. G. C. Petty of the Yorkshire Pork Packing House. -A new electrio light has been placed on J. MIcFarlane's corner. The sbade on the electric light at post office has been removed and the light shows better without it. ELEOTION of OFFIORRs.-Election of officers took place in the Canadian Order of Home Circle on Monday night, when the following officers.were elected :- Past Leader, Bro. J. C. Clausen ; -.Leader, " D, Urquhart Vice Leader, " R. .Beek Fin. Sear, " A. Weseloh ; Rec. Seely, `" R. Carlisle ; Chaplain, ." El. Cook ; Marshall, " D. Foss' Warden, " J. Akins ; n ; e Guard, McEw Sentinel, " F. Arnold. Dashwood. Call and examine my lock of Felt Shoes with rubber solos, waterproof. t have the latest In Rubber and Felt Goods C. FRITZ. Zion. BRnEFe,-Bev ival meetings have been in progress et Zion Church for the past four weeks, conducted by Rev. T. B. Coupland. Upwards of fifty persons have been converted. The meetings are largely attended and especially good work is being done. Clandeboye. Baunrs•--It was reported through this village last Thursday evening that Capt Fledging with 20 men and a num; ber of prisoners had arrived in town, and soon atter Captain McFaaden and another squad of 20 men and several hundred prisoners arrived. However it turned out to be only a sparrow rnatob, Captain Hodgins' side winning by two thousand. -Mr. Fred. Daly, of Lucan, gave a reception to a number of his friends on Wednesday last, The same night the stables sof the Western Hotel, Lucan, were de- stroyed by fire. A number of i1r. Daly's friends suffered losses by hav- ing their harness burned. Elimville; BRIEFa.-Since the demise of your correspondent the doings of our vil- lage and vicinity have not been made known to the world. Many never knew that our Ladies' Aid hae a very successful pie social on the evening of Thanksgiving Day, and it was evident by the number that partook of pie, that this 1s a very "pesetas" commun- ity. -The Chosen Friends attended church on Sunday morning December 2nd, and listened to an able, instruct- ive and appropriate address by Rev. T,Coupland. The congregation was largo -Mr. Thomas Andrew of Con- stance, paid a visit to his old home and friends on Sunday and Monday. fie looks hale and hearty and as though the north agreed with him.- Rev. Mr. Manley, agent of the Bible Society, preached a very aceeptable sermon. In the church here on Sunday evening last. -Municipal politics are quiet so far but we believe *111 be lively enough by and by. The present reeve had better get his war paint andl feathers ready as he may have to battle for tghis seat. -The Elimville council 0, 0.C.F. held an open meeting and concert on Friday g evenin last, when Grand In - operator Campbell Was present and gave an address en the objects and aims of the order.. The program con silted of recitations, Bone el and music by the Elimville band and Revington, Abbot & Co., from Centralia and Bid. dulphe Best of all were Meek—board exercises given by Mr. McPherson of Centralia, whose caricatures are every time greeted With great applause. The concert was one of the beat ever given here and alt for the small sum of a silver collection 1 t3odom, Bitenvs.-Au entertainment will be lteld in Sodom on Thure,luy evening 20th Deet ember, and in addition to a Christmas tree, reeitatious,'readin is,;,musio dial: ogues will be readerel. Paper bags will be handed around well filled. Charges modera e. For the benefit of S. 8. Dublin. Bnlars.-The weather attpiesoot is very cold, sad busine as. iu town is very dull ow_ iog no doubt to tee depressionuf the times. -Our new blacksmith, J W Gourley, is working up quite an extensive business since coming here. 11 is rumored thae he is looking for a honte to rent. which 1s a healthy sign. -T, Zimmer has left town and Adam hook has moved fut i the house vacated by him, Lxranton. --- BRIEFS.-Mr A Dann is about to start a blacksmith Chopin Awmtok -Dr Dann has been very fortunate in seaming the services ot Mr , Musgrove from Eugland.-The 01dfellows arc about to give us a good treat soon in the *ay of a oouoert, but we hope tbe would 'be dude will leaye his printing press at Lorne, as, the door keepers are on the look out for counterfeits.- Lucau has again boon visited by fire. The stables of the Westeru Hetet were b'irned on Wednesday night of last week. No''v boys keep away from Liman. . 44114 Mc&ill>_vray BaiiFs.-We notion' Mr Gibson plough- ing on Deo 3rd. -The pupils of Lieury school will hold their entrust entertain- ment in the Town Hall on Friday evening Deo 21st. -We regret to have to report the very sudden death of Mrs John Ham- ilton, 12th con; sheens in her usual health on Monday and on Thursday evening she died. Her remains were 'Menet ir- St Marys Cemetery on Saturday,•followed by 'large number of sorrowing friends and, relatiyes. The family have the sympathy of the entire cornmenity. BEAN GETS FIVE YEARS. -In the criminal court held in London on Tues- day, Judge Edward Elliot sentenced Wm. Bean to five years in Kingston penitentary. , Bean, it wield be xi em- 'tiered was caught recent% '. >i clothes closet in the houseeof Sleerneer. Louis Mount. Bean gave evidence;' that he wast there to secure a photo tlhat ha had given Mrs. Ittount, to whom he said the had been in the the habit cf paying clandestine visits. Mr. MoDermid, of Lucan, who defended Bean, presenteda petition on his behalf; signed by over 800 residents of McGillivray township. Judge Elliott in addressing Bern said he thought the jury had come to a very wise conclusion considering the evidence given. True you may have entered the house without intending to do the wife any harm, but it may have had the effect of breaking up the hume and leav- ing the children without a mother. The extreme penalty of the law for your crime is fourteen years in the pen- itentiary. Seeing it is your first offence I will not pass what I call a severe sentence upon you. But 1 have a duty to perform in the interests of society and the conclusion I have arrived at is that you shall spend five' years in the Provincial Penitentiary at Kingston. 0-441-0-4 Usborne Council. The council met on the let inst,, pur- suant to adjournment,all members present. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Mr, Samuel Halts addressed the Council with reference to statute labor. maintaining that the number of day's labor sbould bo reduced from two to one on property asnssed at $500 or Less. Mr. Balls was advised to renew his application fur redress to the new oounce for 1895. The board of health report was laid on the table. Balls -Shier-That the report of the Board of Health for 1891 be accepted and the expenses 521 be paid: -Carried. Iieddy -- Shier - That the Treasurer receive au order for $405.65 baro;; the amount borrowed by the Council Enron County Notes. Mrs. Samuel Urfch, of Chut0 n, hag a chrysanthemum with 300 flowers on it, Thebutter lnanufaotured at the Londes- boro creamery sold for I8 cents per pound. Among the Canadians recent]) elected for the Michigan Legislature, is Mr, W. D. Gordon, formerly of Baydetd, John Beacom and Mr. Cox, will try con- clusions for the reeveship in ;Goderioh neenship. Mr. Cox is the present inoam bent. At the Tyorman sale, McKillopp on Tuesday, one horse sold for $1,50 and ;an- otber for $2, They were: ordinary good working tnimals, Mr, Hugh Robb, of Seaforth, has been appointed Deputy District High Chief Banger of the 0anadiau Order of Foresters for Huron Dietriet. Mrs. John Taylor, of Clinton, bas due posed of her farm on the 13th :con. of lett, to Mr. James Elsley,-for a figure in the .neighborhood of $5,000. The mother of Mr. Jonathan Miller (one of the oldest residents of the county) cited at the residence of her son, Huron road, Goderich township, on Thursday. One evening last week, -some one enter- ed the premises of Mr, Robt. Autterson, end concession, Hullett, white he was away, and stole therefrom nearly $60 and a silver watch; Mr. C. Noble, formerly of Parkhill, who had been is Manitoba for several months, returned home last week. He will teach next year in the school near Moray, Mc- Gillivray township. Their gentle action and good effect on the system really make them a perfect lit- tle pill. They please those who use them. Carter's Little . Liver Pills may welt be termed "Perfection." On Tuesday, as Miss Mary Townsend. of Clinton, was walking along Huron street, tie had the misfortune to slip down and break her artn near the wrist, also sus- taining a severe sprain thereof. That tired, languid feeling and dull headache is very disagreeable Take two of Carter's Little Liver Pills before retir- ing, and you will find relief. They never fail to do good. The farm belonging to the estate of J. W. Ty/amen was, sold by;e,uction in Sea 'forth on Tusedate Mr. Thos. Price • was the purebaaerfor $6,060. The farm contains 150 acres and is one of the beet in Dlonil: lop, although now somewhat oat of shape Mr. Wm. Humphrey, of St, Helens. has b light the 100 acre farm lately o •vned by John James; Mr. E. Rodgers, who has had the farm rented for a number of years, hos bought a 50' sere farm in Kinloss, and pur- poses moving to it next spring. They make one feel as though life was worth living. Take ane of Carter's Little Liver Pills after oatinte it will relieve dye- pspaia, aid digestion, give tone and vigor to the system. Robert Bell, of Goderioh township, had one of his etagere amputated Tuesday last Some time since Mr• Ball slipped against a barbel wire fence and lacerated his Gager, and blood poisoning resulted, which oveu- taaliy celled for tho taking off of the fin- ger. Ayer's Pills, being composed of the essential virtues of the best vegetable aperients, without any of the woody or fibrous material whatever, is the reason why they aro so much more effective and valuable than any other cathartics- The hest family physic. At the June meeting of the coun- ty council it was decided to erect a burse of refuge for the oouuty of Huron. The contract was awarded to S. S. Cooper, of Clinton, for 59,874. The building will be situated one mile south of Clinton and is to be ready Oct. 1, 1895. There were 53 tenders received. There -were some lower then Mr, Cooper's but the sureties were not satisfactory, Mr. Jobe Elliot, of Dungauuoa , is one of the farmers who has Fully trial the feeding of wheat and other grain? to his stock, and he finds it quite profitable. A lot ot hogs sold the other day, realized him at the rate of SO cents a bushel for his wheat, which is a much higher price than the grain itself is likely to bring. He says he has not sold a bushel of wheat on the ma,kot in two years. Another of the pioneer settlers of Hal- lett passed away Ori the morning of the 3rd inst , in the person of Mr. Allen Farn- ham. For some time past Mr. Farnham has not enjoyed the best of health, and with interest thereon. -Carried. Halls- while assisting a neighoor to thresh Iwo months ago, he contrasted a cold,resulting Shier -That the following be paid for in of the lungs, which speedily sheep killed by dogs viz ;-\w. Smith, $7.33 ; 5, Brock, 1$3.00 ; li. Deland/es turned to consumption, . What renders the --Carried d circumstances more particularly sad is the 53;83: being two thirds value. fact Shier- Gardiner- That the nomination of Mrs. F anthem being in very poor t for Reeve and Councillors to serve in the beal•h. Municipality for 1895, be held at the Township Hall, Elimville, at the hour of ten o'clock a. rem for Reeve. and 12 o'aloce noon, for Couociitors, that G. W. Holman preside at said nomivatlons and in case polls be demanded, they las held as follows viz :-S. W. Ward, Towahail, Elimville, G. W Holman, D R. 0. ; N. W. Ward, lot 6, id, T. 11. Geo, Lowe, D. R. 0. • S. E, Ward, Mrs. Skiunee s house, lot 2, cob: 10, Lewis Walker, D. 11, 0. ; N. E. Ward, Gardiner's. Hall, Farquhar, Alex. Duncan, D. R. O. That said polls be opened at 9 o'clock, a, in, and closed at 5 o'clock p, m. on Monday the 7th day of January 1805, and that a by taw be ed ooufirrning the salve: --Carried. On peas' Gardiner seconded by W. motion of R Reddy the Commit adjourned to meet again on Saturday, the 15 December, at 1 o'clock p. HOLMAN Olerk. G. 11 a Tag MonhniN MOTHER. Has found that her little ones are im- proved more by the pleasant laxative, u Syrup of Figs, when in need of the foes- tfve effect of a gentle remedy than by any other, and that it is more acceptable to an dl Children enjoy it a d it benefits theft. The true remedy, Syrup of lsigs, Is manafaotttrsd by the California Fig Syrup Sour'tomseh, sweetened by the. use of Co,: only. K.t;D. C I.tr. Marghall Braithwaite has sold his farm on the 14111 concession, Hallett, to Mr, Wm. Sanderson, of the 13th concrete ion, for $6,500. -Dr. Taylor of Goderioh, has purchased the Taylor farm adjoining, his awn on the 13th concession, for 55.000, and sold 50 acres of his owe to Frank Little for 52,100 -Mr. James Elslie has purchased Jars. Taylor's farm on the 13th concession. -Mr. Robert Sanderson dim posed of his 75 acres, the north half of lot 24, coil. 13, to Mr. McGaw, who in turn exchanged it to Masers. Laeham & Bell for the 13ro:vnlee farm on the 5th con. lot 26. Oa Monday evening last, at t he regular, meeting of branch 23, Catholic Mutual Benefit Association, Seaforth, the following tamale were elected ena drily inatnlled for the year 1895: Spiritual Advisor, Rev. Joseph Kennedy; Chancellor, Joseph V1' eb: er; President, Stephen Lamb; Jet Vico President, John Kale: 2nd Vice Presidolxt, John Ungar; Roeording Secretary, M. Jordan; Assistant Secretary, John J. Der win; Financial Secretary, John McQuade; Treasurer, Patrick Keating;. Marshall, F. dealer; Ottani, M, Tagney; - Trustees for two years, John McQuade and M. Jordan; Trustees for one year, Joseph Weber,John Kale and John Killoran, A very pleasant event took place at the sl t we residence ofMr n 1fia h it o r am S ich townehtn,on edpesdayev evening,8fDee 5th, it tieing, the marriage of bis daughter Annie, to Mr. Wm Beacom, all of the towusbip of Goderich. Robert Bell, of Goderich townahfv, had one of Lis fingers amputated on Tuesday. Some time since els 13e11 slipped against` e . barbed wire fence and ,Iacerated his finger, and blood poisoning resulted' The Union Chnroh congregation Heine field, have decided to tender a call to Rey left Cooper of Cliuton • The members of the congregation a: a unanimoull in their frisbee, The .cburohhoe been without a pastor for over a year. It is often a mystery hove a culd has been "'caught.'' The feat is, however, that when the blood is poor and the system depressed, one becomes peouliariy liable to diseases. When the appetite or the strength fails, Ayer's Sarsaparilla sbould be taken without delay. The death occurred at Winghanr on. Fri- day' evening, of Annie, eldest daughter of Peter McLaren, Esq., treasurer of Turn berry township. Mr McLaren has been very unfortunate. of rate, as his wife died three years ago, a few months after he lost his only son, and new his lovely daughter has been removed by death.' The deceased was r. most estimable young lady, beloved by all ber friends, LOW PRICES '— -T'OR THE -- Par mer • .:DARK SIDE, W1'leat'5oc and down. Peas, 5oc and down, Barley 35c and down, r .3 TOats 2rT 6c. and down. BR C+1:1SIDE. New suits for men 5oc and up. New overcoats for men $4.50 " Suit underclothes " 5oc Overshirts for men 5oc and up. Long boots for leen $x.50 " Ladies' & youth's wear in pro- portion. Silver Lining to every Cloud. J. P, ROSS On Monday evening Master Lorne Weir, son of Mr James Weir, of Seaforth, was skating on the old quarry, east of the town, chez he broke through the ice and would probably have been drowned, but. his little dog, which was with him, grabbed him by the hair and held 'him until a young fellow, who lived near by, and who had been watching the skaters, came to Itis assistance. On Tuesday afternoon a young English lad living at the home of the Widow Cassa- day; at Aubnrn, Huron county, through fear of receiving a whipping, ran away to the barn and hid h'fmseif. 13e was found next morning with both legs frozen above the knees, and has since been lying in a precarious condition. The young lad is an English orphan, and ranch sympathy is extended to him. At a meeting of the Conservatives of Clinton last week, the following were elonted otiieera of the Association:- ;Presideut; A Id Todd. Vice President, Dr J ' S ' Freeborn. Secretary -D Cooks assistant; Ogle Cooper. Treasurer -S J . Andrews. Chairmen of Committees -St. James', J B ficover. St John's, Thos Walker. St George's, F Watts. St Andrew's, D: Cantelon, In the spring of 1888, the late Hum; phrey Snell, of Huliett, case his son Wm. a thorn bred heifer calf, EIul'ett Beauty; it was then a year old, and was the last article given from father to son, 'before tke formers death. Since then this heifer has. dropped five bull calves, which when sold averaged 5105 each; on efoudey morning it became the mother of another bull calf. A record of six male calves for a,7 year old, is something ont of the ordinary. Mr. John B. Henderson, of the Huron road, west of Seaforth, got a surprise a few mornings ago. When his boy went to the Karn to feed the stock he found air fine hens lying dead. Un beinst examined it was found that every drop of blood had been sucked out of tbem They were not torn or mangled in the least and the only nark yisable on tbem was a small hold on the neck of each, as if made by a darning needle. He has no idea as to what sort of an animal it was that killed the bird, Middlesex County Notes: Mr R Reid, B A, first saeiatant'in Park- hill High School, has been engaged by the RHgetown Collegiate Institute Board at a salary of $300. Councillor S Gillies of Aiisa Craig has decided to stand for the reeveship, and we may therefore expect a keen contest be- tween him and the present reeve, Mr Job.it Morgan. , The largest assembly of neighhors and friends for many years in the Nissouri townships, occurred at the residence of Mr. W. 11. Evans, 7th con., direst Nis. sour:, on Thursday evening. As the boat intends to remove in the near future- from the locality, the influential residents of the townships determined to sheer their es. teem towards Mr. Evans met and: presen- ted him with an address and, well filled purse. Perth County Notes T 13. Baue of Mitchell hes been el,•oted a director of the Ontario Fruit Growers' Association. Mitchell Young Conservatives have or- ganized a club with these offlcers:.Ronor- ary president, Mr. 1Vm. Pridham, kI. 1'; ; president Mr. Fred. Dayis; vice-president, Mr. L. Yerco; secretary -treasurer, Mr. J. Walkham. The Mitchell Advocate tries to excuse the proprietor of theHieke House, in that town for keeping his bar open all night on the occasion the St Andrew s Day celebration, and who has been informed. upon. Law is no respect of persoun nor occasions. and if guilty the proprietor should be fined for the ofleece. It is rumored that the petition against Mr. John McNeill, M. P. P, for South Perth, is to be abandoned for want of snf- ficienn evidence to sustain the charges, and that notice of same will appear in a few days. Oa the other hand, local Reform limits declare that it will be brought to trial. It is said that (the proceedings so far have cost the Reform party about 5600. ' THE PAINS Or RHEOsrATIdsI. AN ODE TO DIAMOND DYES4 AIR ; BpH exr noon. 0? Diamond Dyes, ye colors fair, Prepared with ecientifie care, Ye joy of every woman's heart, From our lov'd homes, oh, n'ar, depart Ye are our choice, oar joy and pride, Forever in our hones abide. That ye may show your warv'lous,lov ra, When time brings on our dyeing hours, In vain have speculators tried To mar thy worth, thy fame deride : But women's hearts to warm and 'true, frurever loyal are to you. Shine on 1 shine oa 1 ye eters of light, Ye Diamond Dyes so fast and bright, Ye gems of true ecomony, May millions yet be blesa'd by thee. A Brantford dispatch says the T. H. and 13- Rail vay have now s. track laid Past of the G. T. R., anti are layiui the rails eastward from (iainsville. A NARROW EsoAPE. People who are exposed to the snddeu changes of cur northern climate have little chance of escaping colds, coughs, sore throat and lung troubles. The best safe- guard is to keep Harvard's Pectoral 13s1. sum at hand. It is a quick relief and re. liable cure for such complaints. The Canadian Pacific Railroad Company has bound itself to construct aad operate the Montreal and Ottawa railroad as far west as Alfred velem', in 1895 SCRAPED WITH A RASP. Sizzs.-I had snob a severe cough that my throe t felt as if scraped with a rasp. On taking Norway Pine Syrup I found the first dose gays relief, and the tecond bottle completely cured ma. MISS A. A. DO WNEY, blanotie, Ont How To OuuE DYsrrl's t.. DYSPEPSIA arises from. wrcea action of the stomach, liver, and bowels. Burdock Bloo3'Bitters cures Dyspepsia and all (3.is- eases att.iog from it, 99 times in 10G. According to the best inihorities, origin- y The Exeter TIMES and To - ate in a morbid condition of the blood. ronto Mail from now until Jan - Lactic) acid, caused by the decomposition )nary I$96, for $i.25 only. This of the gelatinous and aleuminons tissuee, circulates with the blood and attache the fibrous tissues, particularly in the joints, and thus causes the Mese manlfe:tations ot the disease. The batik and shoulders are usually the parts affected by rheumatism, and the joints at the knees, ankles, hips, and wrists are sometimes attached. 'Thousands of people have found in Hood's Sarsaparilla a positive and permanent mire for rheumatism. It has bad remarkable success in curing the most severe cases, The secret of its sncaess lies in the fact that it attacks at onus the pause of the disease by neutralizing the lactic aoid and purifying ilea blood, as well as strengthen - every function of the body. ec y y The proposal to btlild two new ward { 1l schools in Brantford at a Dost of $35,000 is not indorsed by the finatao committee of the council. PLEASANT AS Svkt f. 141r. Doti las Pard, Toronto Ont, states , P that Milburn, s Cod Liver Oil Emulsion low price is arranged t4., Suit the od price of wheat. Ever l y y can avail themselves of this offer. Remember, the balance of this year free, and subscriptions Payable in advance. Address this office. Look Out Vox.Cold Weari,her. 13th ride inside of the Ejectric Lighted' a Steam team Heated 'Vo'tibule Apartment trains Of' the (lhicago, Milwaukee sic St.;, Paul Railway and 'Toe will be as warm, ootntortable and cheerful as in your own .?-. library nr boudoir. To travel listened Chicago, St. Paul and Mlnneepoliv.,,ov between Chicago, Omelet and. Sioux .Oity,. in these luxuriously appointed,t'rtieL in a and. a' ,.'the, sorne- auprt,mo satisfaction; t'. to read moist Wed . what ancient advertise with Wild Cherry Bark is free from ob- efot furthert? atticuiars, tree small bilis' J ecttonablo table, being almost as pleasant .Small Mils selld largo ones, too) will be assyrup, while for coughs and eel& it accepted for passage aad 'eleepleg sat," " s o' tete satisfaction noting prompts ' x 1• r' detailed informatiob adds tee iv P e n p . h' p salt is. (3 t b' even In obstinate eases. A, J. Taylor, Canadian Passenger Agents For stomach h oa 10 e K. b. C, Toronto Ont« tr b s ut: •