The Exeter Times, 1894-12-6, Page 8INSiJR4neet. N.11)812 Ilasfel:vPA.E111NT13O t TOE wES7'B4 A leIIRANQF. COM X, et Toronto: Also for the PI O1:1NLX l;NSUkt4N043 COMPANY, of Lendou laud ALLte,NOLI TN$UPANCE 00m- ANT of Ragland. r.y1HE LONDON 1.1UrtJAL lrlitiri 1NSIU WNOt: CO. QI (lee eD #. Head oieoe, LONDON. 14;435 years this Compeerbas done the argestImre ness in Canada itt the lowest rites, goesistent vette ecCuritl'. Assets,. Jan.189t, •- - $Sa7,180.0) 33,000 Policia in .fierce. T. E. 1tOBSON, Rreeident, lec DON A LI), .41 an ager. For further particulate, apply to DAVID JAQUelSr Agent. Exeter. GRIGG'S Bookstore is Me place to get your School Books. Al. the latest aindm of Sribblers, Exercise Books, Pens and Pencils, We also pp Full/ Lin clot Pads etind Pass Books. -AT- J. GRIGG'S. THE Eiankrpt FOR XMAS GOODS Yes we are prepared for a great Xmas Trade. We have an immense stock of fancy goods, presents suitable for old and young. Our assortment of Dolls, is away ahead of anything ever before shown by us. Bring along the little folks and let them take a stroll through our show room,. they are al- ''wayswelcome here. We have some lovely presents for children. We are working late every night this week opening up our Xmas Fancy Crockery, which for quantity, quality :and value, beats them all. -If you want .a bargain in a fancy dinner set, we are. elle people to see. If you want value in any fancy Xmas crockery, call on us• We hr ve some great bargains for the Holiday Trade. Just one whisper for the Millinery Department: We have far too many good hats left on our hands, For the balance of thin season you can have your choice of any untrimmed hat in the store for 50c. Hats worth from '75c to $3.00; your choice for 50c. Now's your chance for a bargain. 251bs best granulated sugar for $1. 31 lbs nice yellow sugar for $1.00: J. A. Stewart. Notice to Times' Readers. The publishers would esteem it a favor if xeadees would,when making their purchases, mention that they saw the merchant's adver- tisement in THE "'I.MMES. NOTICE -All business announcements notices of public meetings, entertainments ,auction sales, etc„ appearing in there local columns will be charged for at the rate of five bents per line each insertion. Black heading to count as threelines. Cash with order save o persons -baying open accounts. To insure change of advertisements in ourrentissue copy -must be handed into office on Tuesday. DRAB TRANSCONTINENTAL TOUR. JOHNSTON-SMILY. .WESTERN, NOTICES. Bat Portage= A relic of the oldeat constitutional government in America. rowaet nouse. -Winnipeg• - Appreciative audience. 1000 strong. 'Vletoria A treat long to be remember: ed. van.couVer•-A treat never surpassed. As well as hundreds of others; DRE W'S HALL, Dec. 13th, 1894 Smily is a genius in humorous pieces. The grain market rentains firm with wheat at e7e per bushel. It is said that there are a host of tenders in for the contract of erecting the county house of Refuge at Clinton, 30 Ibs. of Sugar for $1. You are not required to buy anything else un- less you Wish. Ask for. our 25c. Hyson• Tea at J. P. Clarke's, ' The County Council of Middlesex limited the December session and thus saved the County $96. They talk of doing away with this eeesion. We have a full line of Ladies',Gentle-. men's and Children's felt and :Cardigan overshoes, also a full line of Rubbers at prices. that are ,reasonable at J. P. Clarke's. For Grey Flannels Red Flannels Military Flannels, different shades White Flannels and Flannelettes in a variety of patterns arid. colorings at prices from 7e to 1.5e at J, P. Clarke's. The fine bummer:like weather we are at resent enjoying is remarkable. p ports reach us Of the scarcity of water. p throughout the township s, . and should g bard weather set in r~t Once,- farmers Will experience great inconvenience in procuring water for stocks 010140014011 trotfbieit uSO K, D, ci I RURST)AY. DECE1 BRIt Oth, 1$Q4 LOCAL 1HA! PENiCC$. Breuitke a -r-- Wanted: Just enough now to makethe. belts jingle, Christmas comes three weeks from Tuesday. Sma 1 boys are venturing on the thin river toe t ,e soon, Sant Lee has Open3d a ohinese laundry in Faneou's block. P. Da.des of Botox purohesed *num he . of very fire bereft it; Exeter on Monday. for gnt;tinnut to that city.. The Basler Produce Co. shipped a oar load of , cultry It Vancouver and one to the East Indies last week. S lila• tin has been re-engaged se r r'u- cipal of the St. Mary's Collegia'e Institute for 1895 at a salary of $1,400. The December Sessions commence in Goderich next, week, There aro several eases of local interest to be tried, A Ridgetown correspondent says that an average of three earioads of beans per day are being shipped from there, Iu view of the fact that small pox ham broken cutin Strathroy <igilanoe should be exercised by our local board of health, Olive* Wendell Holmes once said that the newspaper has become a necessity to the intelligent man of this country. It in this that makes it a good advertising medium; December is one of the best months in which to adyertise. The others are Aug- ust, January, April, July, October, 'June, February, relay, September, March and November. Now that Ulrietmas goods are in stock, it behooves the merchant to pay extra attention to the character of bis ads'so as to avoid furnishing storage for the goods till Xmas, 1895. Rey, T. J. Atkins, el Norwich, iecontly preached on " May Christians Dance" in which he eaid that the people must be hard pressed for amusement when they have to take to their heels to get it. At the December Seseious in London ttiia week, the grand jury returned true bilis against Edward and Wells Shouldice and John Hedging, for robbery in connect: ion with the Exeter woolienmille last May. As errs. George Moore, aged 67 years, was entering her home on Scott street, Strathroy, carrying a few sticks of wood, she slipped and fell on the door Bill, break: ing her leg in two places between the ankle and the knee. Smallpox has been discovered in Raleigh township, near Chatham. The victim is Miss Janet Anderson. aged 16, who con- trasted the diseaart in Detroit while sleep- ing in a bed previously occupied by a small: pox patient. The house bee been rigidly gnarantiued. The collections in the Main at church on Sunday last for the Snperannnation fund amounted to 1190.25, 612.25 in excess of what was required of the Main et. people. The balance will be applied to the general church Janda This speaks well for the liberality of Main at. people, and sustains their reputation as liberal contributors. Mr. Wm. Simpson. of Parkhill, and Mrs Sarah Page of the Metropolitan hotel, Ex- eter, were joined in ,wedlock yesterday by Rev. Mr. Hunt., A. large number of invi- ted guests witnessedtheceremony. We learn that Per. Simpson will become a citi- zen of Exeter. We extend hearty congrat- ulations_ Mitchell has one case of smallpox. it is to be hoped that this dreadful disease will not gain a foothold in Ontario. The law in regard to vaccination should be enforced and everything possible done to present the speed of this malignant disease. The counsil should compel every resident of Exeter to be yaccinated forth• with. The following officers will serve in Ad. vanes council, No. 207, Royal Template of Temperance, for the next term: -Select councillor, R N. Rowe; chaplain, R. R. Nelson; Treasurer, Peter Frayne; financial secretary, M. E. Gill; recoraing secretary, Annie Vincent; herald, A. Nelson;" guard, John Cudmore; sentinel, Alfred 'Shleers: organist, Annie Gregory. Nearly 12,000 people in all hetrd ivlr. Moody's farewell addresses in Toronto. Massey Hall was densely crowded with women in the afternoon and with men all night. He preaches in Hamilton this week. Re r Rev. D . Potts offs intimated that the Committee would give Mr. Moody $1800. Large numbers have been converted dar- ing these meeting, A local buyer has returned from Buf- falo. After staying a oouple of days he found it impossible to dispose of his two car loads of lambs, and had to 1 leave them unsold as he could get no price for them. He may return again and endeavor to sell them. He says the market in Buffalo is very dull and is overstocked in every line of live stock - A young horse belonging to Mr Clark of the boundary of Hibbert and Usbotne made thinge lively in Exeter on Monday. The animal took fright while standing in front of the town hall, and running down street ned in 'the' archway of the Coatxei hotel: ;Here wA. ,, rushing the buggy rwheela.,elt gaining its feet the horse ran into the hotel yard and after smashing several buggies it came to a standstill. Some of the Renfrew young ladies have bit upon a rather novel plan for amuee. ment during the fell and winter. They have organized what is known as "walk- ing parties" and the idea is becoming de- cidedly popular there, Last week about sixty Invitations were issued for one and out of that number seventy accepted. After a good brisk ' walk theparty re- !, turned to the home of the hostess for re- freshments. A mangold grown on the farm of Meseta Holmes, Moore and Courtright, Inwood, may truly be called a "vegetable hog." When pulled it tipped the estates at forty pounds. It is a splendid figure of the hog, standing on, four legs, and having a most perfect formed head and body. l'he mouth fie very natural, being ope n, and the tongue may be noticed, It is indeed a remarkable freak of the vegetable king- dotn.-Guelph Mercury, 1 f the boards in a bare floor do not fit perfectly, have the spaces filled with putty or with a mixture which has been often recommended of late made, of old news• papers soaked in a paste made of flour and water. The proportions of this are ono pound of flour, three quart, of water and one tablespoonful of powdered alum. The newspapers should be torn into bite, and tha whole thoroughly boiled and mixed until of the consistency of putty. It may be colored with a little of tha staining mixture, and should be forced into the creeks With a knife, when it will soon become hard anddry like papier maohe. ewitietwittoe Pauline eralutstOft and Sillily, t rocs n Kali, lath.. 7ro Correationcleutaand Others. The Tuness IU always be glad to re• c•eive correspondence from pcinta not. already covered by our regular contribu- tors, gtving interesting and reliable i;tema. of news of general or loofa interest. Those wishing to furnish regular correspondence. from ruoh places will pleats com nquSe $e with the Timm. Personate Mies M. E. Vivian of Staffs, was the guest of Air!, A , 1Bunkin, town, on Sun -- day and $gp4rsy.-Mrs W. H. Verity returned, hems to Brantford on Friday lastanter several weeks' visit with her daughters, MrsPickard and Mra.T. s, R. E B. Oerliug,-Mr.3. C. Abbott is viaitipg MI Whet in Ii:inoardfne this week -3: E. Tont,' r. B. T, for South Huron, visited the Exeter school on Wednesday. -Dr. 13alfour of London, visited. Dr. Amos lett week. -The reeve and dep.ity are in Goderich this week attendiug the meeting of the County Council. -Mr James Berry of Tuckeremith was in town on Tue^day business bent. Mr. Andrew Oke, of Zurich, is visiting hie parents in town. -Mies Ada Powell, of Exeter, who spent the past two weeks }n Seafortb, hes returned home. -Ir is ttated that Mre Joe:: eph Cobblediok intends going into the grain business in Exeter -Mise AL V. White is visiting friends inat, Marys.-Mra. J. 0. Abell, of Seaforth, is visiting friends in town -,`,Ars- D. French, who has been visiting is Toronto the past couple or months, has returned home. --Mr, H, 'Bis- hop viaited Parkhill this week o0 business, holiday Number, The Delineator for January, which is called the Holiday Number, offers a table of contents that is extremely attractive and promises well for the New Year. The fashions are illuet:ated and described in the usual satisfactory manner, and there is a special article appropriate for the season on Mieses' and Girls' party dresses In the college series another departure is made, and the description of life at the cceedueatioual institutions is begun, the first article being on Cornell, from the pen of Flore: }e M. Hodder, '91. A very readable paper by Alice McKenna treats of women in Telephone Exchanger; and the Hygiene of the Eyes and Ears le the subject of an able contribution by A, B: Longetreet. Seasonable cooking is made more valuable to the housekeeper by the addition of lists showing what fish, flesh and fowl are to be prooured in the markets. Subscription price of the Delineator, 31,00 a year, or 15 Bente per single copy. Address orders to The De- lineator Publishing Co., of Toronto, Ltd., 33 Richmond St. West, Toronto, Ont. The Chrysanthemum. It is but a short time since the craze for the cultivation of this beautiful flower from the east developed in Canada, and not more than 25 years have passed since it received acknowledgement as a member of the floral family of America. Ten years ago but few of the flowers were cultivated here, and this fact makes more remarkable the promiaenoe in the floral world that the plant has secured to day. Now mon- ster ohryeanthemum exhibitions are held throughout the States every fall, and in this respect Canada is rapidly falling into line. The flower receives its name from two Greek words -one, shrysoe, meaning gold, and the other, anthos, a flower Its native'' home is the far east, in Japan, China, Corea and Siam. In these lands for thousands of years it has grown, and while westerners have accorded to the Japan- ese the honor of having oared for and improved it, Chinese gardeners have not been at all behind in the cultivation of what they look upon as their finest flower. In 1700 it was under cultivation in Japan, and from all historical time is has held a high place in the estimation of the Chinese people. One of the greatest of China's national honors is the Order of the Chrysanthemum, and in Japan the badge of the "Vika, as the flower is called is a much coveted award, In Corea, the greatest national festival of the year is the chrysanthemum festival, and Siam claims it as its nationll flower. ministerial Aaociatiou. The monthly meeting of the South Huron Ministerial Associat ion was held Monday afternoon in Main st. Method - dist church. Rev.Geo.Jackson occupied the chair, and after opening exercises, the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. Arrangements were made for the February meeting ; the members present then read brief outlines of a sermon on Isa 63, 1, and a very profitable discussion followed_ Rev. Wm. Martin introduced the sub- ject of the ''Origin of Life."' fie said the origin of life was as mysterious as life itself. It was difiioult to give a correct definition of life and quoted Husley & Tyndall. Life was different from simple matter. There was no life without matte ut there was mettecy without life. ?lsq of the eternit ...aster . and also the >P' P modern atomic theory were con- sidered as was also that of spontaneous generation. The speaker admitted there were great differences surrounding the subject, and that the simple part of creationism was the safest and best conclusion in which to rest. This great subject was discussed pro and con, but all felt there was a deep unfathomable mystery about it. The meeting closed with the benediction by the Rev. W. H. Butt, to meet again in the James et. church the first Monday in January. ••m�aY.a+sr 14tethodist Church Far:dell The report of the Educational. Sooiety of the Methodist churoh, and and also that of:the Missionary Society for the year 1893.91, have been issued. The following statieties show aoontribations from some circuits. Piece, Mission Funds, Mitchell, Main-st.... ..5218,57 $24.03 Mitchell, Trafalger-st.. 199.27 28.85 Skaffa. ....•.. ......... 118.82 4,15 Fullerton . . • . 267 40 10'05 Bt. Marys 504,00 71.72 (}canton .167.43 7.00 Lunn. .. ..... .. 172,91 26.45 ICirkton...... ....., 206.15 12 00 Woodham........ . . . , .. 220.47 11.38 Beaforth...... ....... 230.26 29.29 Exeter, Maiztest . • .. 265,66 25.20 Exeter, Jamesest .... .. 274.32 25,18 Clinton, Rattenbnry-at .. 467.26 89,44 Clinton, Ontario -et .... 173.14 17.78 Remember lath, ' Pauline Johnston and. Owen Smily. eWas ipts od at t An immense lurks¢ d ap y � he ehopi door of the Dobler Produce Co, last week, purporting to weigh 44 lbs. It WAN Shipped to Vancouver singly in a Sade. It wag a monster, and wore like a hog hest. M turkey, Edu. Funds. D CESS t Comonmy...... 'said the Spider to the Fly ; we have lots of sugarr won't you come and buy ? Will not ask you to buy anything else. We have nothing to give away, we calculate to make a profit on everything we sell, altho' ; the profit be small. Have no dippositi9ri tc° do a C o In connection with our mam- moth sale we offer er durin the next seven days especially, good bargains in Dress Goods. We have sold a very reat many dresses since our sale commenc- ed, but we still have too many in stock. A number of lines will be sold from 25 per cent to 50 per cent below regular prices. gagaaghokoaraCt Grey Cottons. Just one word, we sell 'a regular Sc. Cotton at 5(3,, We bought it cheap. Our customers get the benefit; Grey Flannels. 25c Goode for 17c ; 32c Goods for 25c. Gloves, Hosiery, Millinery, Mantles and all lines of Dry Goods beim; rushed out at sale prices. Our Grocery Prices. 30 lbs Yellow Sugar for $1,00 25 lbs Granulated Sugar for 14 bars "Our Own" Soap - 3 lbs Baking Soda for 3 lb box Soda Biscuits for $1,00. 25c 5c 17c New Raisins, New Currants, New Peels, just received. R. PICKARD & SON Bicycle for Sate. • 'eExeter Public School. A first-class, eecoa'i -hen i hiaece to r le --- sale; has been run only -4 ninths. Price a The following is the report of the 540. _5 bargain.. Apply to t.Exeter Public School for the month of Ate. Geneve, Exeter`"` November :- Death of Air. Hugh Ross. Yesterday afternoon at the family reei- dence on Mayfair avenue, Mr. Hugh• Rosa died after a prolonged illness, greatly mourned by a large circle of friends in this city and elsewhere. Mr. Ross was born at Sunny Brae, Pictou county, Nova Scotia, on Ost. i21, 1856, and before coming to Winnipeg fourteen years ago resided in Exeter, Ont„ and for a short time in Chicago, He was widely known in this oity as an extensive contractor and build- er until his retirement from active work about two years ago and bore the highest reputation not only as a' practical work- man, bat one honest •and conscientioue to a degree even in the smallest details of business, Subsequent to bis retirement on account of failing health he was valuat- or for the Permanent Mortgage and Trusts Company ; hia clearness of judgment and sorupulous carefulness made him an ex- ceedingly valuable official. Doubtless the high place Mr. Rosa occupied in the ea. teem of all who knew him in business was due, in addition to his natural ability, to the fact that he was a sincere Christian. As a church worker he was active and enthusiastic, and wherever 'he was he made himself dear to all honest hearts by .his noble exertions in the cause of Christ, He was a member of St Andrew's church in:this city from its beginning and for many yearn an elder in that congregi ,'. Six years ago he moved to .rr?f' Rogue where he became Meteuilier of Augustine elm robeir wriieh he was for some years Array School Superintendent • and in which congregation he was at the time of hie death an elder and the chairman of the managing board. In the Sabbath school ho did an enduring work. Besides a large • number of relatives in his old home in Nova Scotia, in Ontario and here, Mr. Ross leaves a wife, whose loving devotion soothed his lest hours rh the most touching:way, and the two little boys who scarce realize yet in their tender years the gteattloss they have suffer ed. In their great affliction these bereav- ed ones may feel that they have the prayers and the sympathy of all who know one whom they so greatly loved, To them he leaves the priceless legacy of a stainless name and the recordtof one who, "wearing the white hewer of a blameless life," served his God 'and his fellow -men according to his opportunity and attained at last the good suedes of making the world a stepping-stopalto Heaven. -Win. nipeg Free Press, '; Pauline Johnson in Indian costume is the rage of the whole continent. Crowded houses everywhere. - a An interesting time was svont by the members of Exeter lodge, I: 0. 0. F., No. 67, onTuesdayeitietlfiug, exemplify- ing the work of the second degree. If you want something first class in Wool Blankets, prices ranging from $2,75 to $5,00 ; also a nice lot of bed ceotfortera, from $4;10 to $2.00, call at J, P. Clarke's. The anniversary of the James st. Methodist church will be held on Sun- day and Monday next. Sermons will be preached on Sunday by Rev. Locke in the morning and the pastor, Rev. Jackson, in the evening, A. fowl step• per will be given on: .Monday evening, after which addresses will be delivered by. several Clergymen, interspersed witn y . g'Y, interspersed mucic by,,the choir, In the afternoon of Sunday,a mass meeting of the school will beheld. See posters x,)ir further partieulare, Division I. -Senior etb.-A. Martin, E. McCallum, F. Lutz ; Junior 5th -F. Fish, E. Eacrett, V. White. Number on roll 37. Average attendance 32. T. A' BROWN, Teacher. Division IL -Senior 4th. -C. :Peterson, R. Handford, E. Browning and E, Brown, equal ; Junior 4th -E. Bissett, A. Martin, C. Fanson.Number on roll 4 Average 7 g attendance 41, MISS VoarEa, Teacher. Division IIL-Senior 3rd. -R. Frayne, C. Monour, W. Howey ; Junior 3rd- V. Hardy, T. Tapp, E. Stewart. Number on roll 56. Average attendance 50. Miss GREooey, Teacher. Division I V. -Senior 3rd -M. Howey,G. Sanders,H. Prier ; /Junior 3rd -N Hern, J. Raledenee. Taylor. Number on roll 52. Average attendance 4.4. Mrss Gime Teacher: Division V. -Senior 2nd.--A.Heideman, J Murray, H. Gregory ; Junior 2nd -H. Horrel, B. Glanville, U. Howard. No on roll 63. Average attendance 54. Mess WALn0ND, Teacher. Division VL -Senior 2nd. --N. ,Carling, M. Gould, A. Wood :-Junior 2nd. V. Handford, D. Treble, A. Redden, Num- ber on roll 69. Average attendance 61. MISS PRINGLE, Teacher, .. ' Division VI1:-Sen17' 2nd. -G. John- ston, M. Fulto-p--l1Y, Davidson ; Junior 2nd -F. J_25c`e71,�F. Samwell, L. Treble. ri'llhilier on roll 70. Average attendance 59. Mies RIEo, Teacher. The total number of names entered on the roll is 394. The totaleayeraee attend- ance 341. T. A, BROWN, Principal. Exeter Municipal Council. The council met by order of "the reeve at the town hall, Exeter, Nov. 30th. The reeve being absent the Deputy - Reeve took the chair. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Carling-Bobier-Orders for the follow- ing sums viz, ; Geo. Kemp $30.00, balance for ringing towu bell ; Fred Heist $4.65, tile ; Robt. Bell ;530.55,. cedar ; Fire Co. No. 2 $90, salaries ; No, 1 560, do ; Jae, Creech $5.57, charity to W. Sutton ; do $1.40, to Mrs. Bartram ; do e2,Thoa. Daw, and the Secretary Board of Health 65.00, salary.-Uarried- • The Reeve arriving took the chair. Carling•-Bobier-That the discussion on drain be laid over until next week. Amendment by Taylor-Biesett-That we proceed with the work at onee. The motion was declared oarried. Capt. Howard stated that he had tried and was trying hie best to make the electric lighting a sucecse, but had much to contend with such as breaking lamp glasses, eto., eto. Darling -Bissett -That a rewatd of 65 be given for the conyictlon of any person or pereons guilty of breaking or othetwiae injuring any of the electric street lamps in this village. -Carried. Bylaw No. 13, 1894, to provide polling piano and appoint DeputyReturniug ofiioere, dto., wad duly read and passed on motion of W. G. Bissett seconded by J. W. Taylor. The council adjourned until WedneI day the 5th December. t�, EAOIZSTZ, Clerk. Fruits 1 Why, you will make a mis- take ifou fail to see our .su superior p fi qualityof selected Valencia Layor llaibins , also choicest 'y"osbt zze, Cur. rants and Sultairia Raisins, Como and see thein at JAP. Clarke's. Fake Business nor to put out the RED FLAG in order to draw custom. We are the old reliable and don't choose to adopt such methods. "',Our goods and prices speak volumes for us. We carry a large stock, fully as- sorted, and are:prepared to do the very best for our patrons. Call and trade with us. We will use you well. Highest price paid for PRODUCE. CARLING BROS. N, B, -We have secured the services of MISS TOM, formerly of Exeter, but lately from the States, as Dress and Mantle maker.. She will occupy the rooms vacated by Missy Essery. C .. All new and choice in Figs, Dates, Citron and Lemon Peels, Chocolate an d Soluble Cocoa. Ask for our blend of Coffee ; can't be surpassed. Don't forge'; the Housekeeper's Delight Bak- ing Powder. It has a big sale at J. P. Clarke's. A. meeting of the Executive of the Conservative Association of South Huron as constituted for Provincial purposes, will be held in Hensall on Saturday next, Dec. 8th, at one o'clock p. m. Important business in connection with the electionlprotest will come:before the meeting. A large attendance is requested. Mrs. Henry Chesney,of Tuckersmith mother of Mrs. G. A. K. McLeod, pas- sed peacefully away on Thursday week. She was 69 years of age and although in delicate health was only confined to her bed for about one day before her death She leaves a family of ten, aix sons and four daughters. Mrs. • Ches- ney's maiden name was Jane Hester Pearson. She was a:native of Kirkcud- bright, Scotland, and was the second daughter of the late t William Pearson, Esq. She came to Canada in 1844, and with her late husband., wlio died about 20 years ego, settled en the farm in the 3rd concession of • ,Tuckersdiith, - now occupied by ler son Henry. The Liberal -Cons eryative Association for West Huron met iu•convention on Fri- day at McLean's Open's House, 'Goderich, to nominate a candidiite for the Dominion House. The meeting was largely attend. ed, representatives from all parts of the Riding being present. The Hon. 3, C. Patterson was unanimously nominated to represent the conservative cause. The Conservatives have again madede a good choice in the selection of Mr. Patterson. His opponent will be M. 0. Cameron. Yon hardly realize that it is medicine when taking Carter's Little Liver Pills: they are very small; no bad effects; all troubles from torpid liver are relieved by their nee. STOMACH ACHE. -We all know what it is we acquired a perfect knowledge of the "Pet" in our youth, after a raid on things that we are forbidden to touch. Oar mother gage us Perry Davis' Pain -Killer then, and, strange to say, no other reme• dy has been discovered to this day to equal it, Old popular price, 25e. for Big New Bottle. The Toronto World sets at rest the suspicion that Chattelle, the murderer a waiting trial in Stratford,is.S; niteeok the Riterset - Die ' World publishes an authorative letter to the effect that the perpetrator of the Whitechapel atrositiee is now confined within the walla of an insane asylum. A wonderfal new combination is Id Stark's Headache, Neuralgia and Liver Powders, nice to take; perfectly harmless. Mr Wills, Chief of Police, Woodstock, Bays. 'A sure cure every time' Ald. Farmer, I'tarriater, Hamilton, says; 'I experienced almost immediate relief from. their use, for siok headache.' •Mr Mercer, contract- or, • Hamilton, says: 'I consider them a veru valuable remedy, and far surpassing many others I have tried.' Mrs Gaston, Hamilton, says: I •have derived great benefit from them, ' having been a long time a eufferet from headache, biliousness and neuralgia. Mrs' Crist, Hamilton, says: No medicine or doctors, did my daughter ane" good until we need Stark's Headache, and Neuralgia and Liver Powders; they have effected a complete care.' Mrs Keats, Hamilton, says: 'Your powders have been the greatest blessing to mo.' Price, 25 cents a box. Sold by•ali medicine dealers. William Seebaoh,'the small pox patient who passed through Stratford last week from Chicago, and who is now at his father's home in Logan, ie said to be developing what promises to be a bad case of the dread diseae°. The Seebeck home is isolated, and every .precaution is being taken to prevent the dread disease spread- ing, BLEMISHED ANIMALS. It is really surprieing how' many ,good animals are badly blornished through elides or strains. In most cased only a slight lameness exists at first, and if Diox's Liniment were at onoe applied this would be cured, but even when lumps have form, ed they oats be removed with Dice's Blister. It cures Curbs, Spavins, Ringbones and like blemishes. HOW TO GET A s'SUDILIGHT PICTUl1E. Send 25"Sunlight"Soap wrappers (wrap per bearing the worde "Why does a woman look older sooner than a man") to Lever Bros., Ltd., 43 'Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive by poet a. pretty pietttre, free from advertising and well worth framing. wayto•deoorato your home This is an eaav The soap is the beet in the market, and it will only coat le postage to send in the wrappers, if you leave the midi Open, Write Yours addreee otarfefull'r The Exeter TIMES and To- ronto Mail from now until Jan- uary 1896, for $1.25 only. This low price is arranged to suit the prise of wheat. Everyhody cars avail themselves of this offer. Remember, the balance of this year free, and subscriptions payable in advance. Address; this office. Mr John Stephens ct Blaushard haw made an assignment for the benefit of creditors. The sale of Ms effects takes place nn Friday, London, Huron and Bruce. Goixc NORTR- Passenger. London, depart 8.05 A, M. 4,80 p. u, Centralia9,07 5.47 Exeter 9.22 6.00 Hensel]. 9,37 6.15 PSiPPett944 020 Brucofield _9.52 6.28 Clinton 10.12 6.65 Londesboro 10.20 7.14. Myth-- ......... ... 10,38. 7.23 Belgrave 10.62' y37 Wingham arrive... 11.10 8:00- &ntaa Souls-. Passenger ayingham, depart...... Belgrave Bytlh Londesboro Clinton.... .- 7.30 4.28 Brucefield.................. 7.49 4.46 Kippen.................. 7.54 4.53 Hensall 8 06 4.68 lsxeter 8.25 5,12 Centralia 3.40 5.23 , 6.35 A. u. 3475F. 7,030 . 4.08 ..w Eternal Vigilance is nowadays one of the the chief requisites to success in business. We keep con- stant onstant watch of the. markets for anything which may be looking for a cash outlet. This week we have secured some ticklers,.. - • ----- - A. sample lot of Shawls bot at half price will be sold less than wholesale cost. imgwill buy a Scotch Cheviot suit of Clothes made to order, retailers generally get $17.00 for this line of fash- ionable goods. 5 4will buy the best line of Bi aik pante- ® (inade to order) which we have sold in, Ex- etar. it $15 will buy a good fur'coat. Come in and see the best coon skin coat in Exeter?.: 5 secures you a good Tweed Rubber Coat, , buys a heavyTweed Suit of clothes. buys you a good Greenland seal cape. is the popular p. which buys a. griceood A Y heavy sheeting, Come inandthis you see line if want a good web of cotton. pieces job dress goods bob at halfp ice will be cleared at 25c per yard,. Want of space will not allow further enumeration. Lame in and see and be con- vinced. vznCOd, You ou}:kl; to do your trading here fCj4, yOtis own good.. Via'°"' fr .4