HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-11-29, Page 8IN•8URAtion, tti`t S`i'.M;, L.lQ',V,A,GJ NlF011 heirs 1yt731'IwliN AS.S'U1tA.N01:7 CUM Pamir, or review: alto for the ltllt)]NUlf. t l ail l:trSfitteesis,, vt1.11e tee, of London &Wend •La.ti01 1 L IJ151UE 00M - PANIC o1,G f Ragland. r ld]f J,ONDCN 41Urt L lllil'1 fiNSUaANUii Oil. 01 CAttADA Bead oigee, I,'aNDOII. Fetes yuttrs this Cement*, has done the $argent brasiue;9 tAGanada at trio lowest rates, cortstateut with seourity. At, eta, Jan. 1391, - - $867,190.0 43.09 Po -little') in force. T. F. 1100SUN; President, L.t. met isON ALL) • manager' e'er further particulars, apply to. DAVID JAQUFSt .°,gout, Exeter: GRIGG'20 ookstore 1e toe place to get your School Books. Ail the iateatttinda of dribblers, Exercise Books. . Pens and Pencils, Wire also jr„ltas>:ras ,;:L Full Line of Pads , n.d Pass Books. -AT- tt T J. GRIGG'S. fJ 'l'1WRSDAY, 1\OVl+leats1iR .1.9th, 1894. LOCAL HAPPENINQS. B revits°a J Matheson, on Monday moved into hits new store. The Exeter bake IA now eell their bread at 4 terata per loaf; ry LEr; -Phe dwelling ever J. W. Biotiertek's store. Apply at the store. The postal rate from Canada 10 Japan, lets beau reduced to 21) cants per pound. The corrected time table ot the L li. t& 13. branch will be found iu another column Tne Royal Templar% will give au At- home next Monday ni4ht in their hall. Mr. A. Spicer hate leased the old drill shed and is fixing it up tor au bit skating rink. Upwards of 2,000 parsons p•ofessed 0onverston through the Moody meetings in Torouto. traoting parties. ilio nuptial kn The "beautiful" foil steadily yesterday I tied Rwe Wm ltenuedy, whsle Mr, Juhn an t again covered mother earth with °white Bawden of Ridt;etowu, brother of the snowy mantle. groom, acted as second beat omen, Miss Wheat has taken another advance in 1 Carrie tam -th, assis:rug her sister tbrouch pilot since last weel and it DOW worth 1 the crying t rdeal Mr. Bowden is wall 56 crate per bush.stud fav rabls Ituown in Exeter, boir.., a Mr. D. McColl of Hey township is the I forme- eup oto of Tens Timm,' while hi- possessur of a duck wett:out web feet. It lice Miss sp nth,ve isa anreb im tbte young of b a it quite a curioai-y. My. end will household. Thanksgiving Day was observed here as _,..-_ a , reeve! •huhdaq Service was hold in I Arrested Again the James St• church. 'Ti E• EXETER TIl E S. Wester Soseal, What promises to be the moat enjoyable and edeas S'ttll event of the aeaeon is the Oyeter Somal and Pastertaiutnent to be given grader the Aueptoee of tue lrpvorth 'teattte of ..11tU St. 'Medd, ohe,all on Wed- uraaay Dec. 5t1t. ()titters will be nerved from. 0 to 8 >. m. Fur those who du u t Care for oysters, a first elates tt•tt ie b$tu,. provided. At 8 o'aloolr an excellent maxi. cal and literary progremtne will be ren- dered in 'shish aurae ot the beat local tali eat wilt taker part. As trouble and labor have gut beau eouaidered to gettuli( up ibis entertaiutueut, a grand time is t•xpee: ted, 1.be b+•autiful eutogtttpe mules re; ceotly made by tee yauug tadiaa will be offered for sale. (keno, Mingyon, friends, mud enjoy youtee f. Admission 25 teats Wed iing Bella Mr: Jeselh Bawden. with Lawaon bl J ,nee, L• udou, and a former resident of Exet••r, son of itlr. Joseph Bowden of this place, woe last evening wedded to Miss Louile Smyth of London. Tho cetomony took plana at the residence of the bride's patents, 228 Klee and was witnessed by the nine lt.tltuate friends of thecue- GOING, GOING, GOING. oats, Ladies' Fur 's. Frieze Ul- rieze UlsterS, and Girl's going .at rice at the Mr. J. Je W. Greou, formerly of the Parkhill Gazette, has acoepted a position as canvasser for the Turouto Mail Toe weather the past week has been remarkably fine, ant farmers have Wise, advantage of it by cotnpiotwg their tail pluut.hing Rev. James Graham, formerly of the Methodist Ohurcb, Exeter, is now a . resid- nut of Toronto. Ele has retired from the luiotsiry on acoount of ill health. It most the county of Brant $73 to feet the jury in the Efartley trial. They had tbt ee square meals per day,' at 40e per meal. it was a lovely time for the jury. Ponitry is cheap at present, - Turkeys 70, Ducks Ge; Geese and Cuickens 5a, per pound The Bobier Produce Co. ship a car load this week to the eastern markets. The bargains being given by Exeter business men are attracting customers frotn ail sections of them °entry, and no wonder, for some lines of goods are sold at paces that canuot be reached elsewhere. The annonneemente made in our advertis- ing columns mean money to purchasers. Mr. Wm. Case has sold bis property south of Exeter to a Mr, Robinson of Grand Bend, who intends moving thereto shortly. Mr. and Mrs. Case who have `- Gather. 1 inea. will remain there. We ar'e sorry to been living with their eon in St. lase sir. Case; he was a good citizen, The joy ot the vdrk worn fanner who gazes a< hiry+4son', brand new doctor's a rtifieata is ily marred by the thought of ani ument in a certain lawyer's of ng the farm for fifteen hundred e and dating from a period when ded that a scalpel suited his ban a thistle spud. Edward ahnldicl, the young innocent• look'na lett of about 19 yeara who is con- nected with the robbery of John Mule's Mill i.n Exr.ter, is in more trouble. He was comend shell ino$200 wan readily furnishtrial othe mill bur ed ed Bhrldice had not been free very long be- fore the hand of the law was again nlaord upon him. and he wubruirrd up on smother theme of burglary. He is said to have brniten into the store of Frederick Brown, of Clan 1 b0ye, and carried away a gaan- tity of emelt. Sholdice pleaded guilty to the offence before Squire Reuintton. of Bidrlullin, and was tent for trial. He WAR landed in jail ;eloridaY afternoon. it is' expected teat a number of robberies in the northern district will shortly be cleared ESS G00 D In connection with our mam- moth sale we offer during the. day sesecially, good next sevenespecially, bargains in Dress Goods. We have sold a very great many dresses since our sale corr.enc- ed, but we still have too many in. stock one - winter g test us. - J. A. Stewart. Notice to Times' Readers. The publishers toould esteem it a favor if waders would,when making their purchases, mention that they Jaw the merchant's adver- •.isement in THE Trans. NOTICE --A11 business announoements - notices of public meetings, entertainments auction sales, etc., appearing in these local columns will be chareed for at the rate of five cents per line each insertion. Black heading to count as three lines. Cash with order save o persons baying open accounts. To insure ohangs of advertisements in current issue copy meet he handed into office on Tuesday. Trivitt Memorial Ch. 1st Sunday in Advent, Deo 2,1894. Sermons. 11e at .Lessons from the life of St. Andrew, 7rir The Second Coming of Christ. 7r xt Choral Service ;Dentate and Deus - Bonnett Anthem "Arise shine for Thy lisht is o me' Sir Geo Byes Choir Practice Friday evening. Several important weddings are on the tapir. Merchants are beginning to pry the lids off their holiday openings. The Huron County Council meets next Thursday, a week from to -day. Stratford's council has ordered the electric lights to be run all nit. f• The Epworth League of James St. •church will give an At home shortly. Ourgrain merchants wear a broad smile. 'Cause: The steady advance in cereal prices. . The revival meetings in the James el• church have been productiee of much good. Wes, Snell last week killed a cow which •dressed nearly nine bemired pounds of meat, It was the fattest animal. we have .seen. We hear much about squirrel shooting in this vicinity but we are not aware that any one has had the fuck of the Beverley boy who recently shot d blank squirrel with a white tail, We are in receipt of the Canadian Al: Mango for 1895. This is the 48th annual issue of this work and it is the best yet diublished. Everybody should have a copy. For male by all newsdealers. A meeting of the oreditore of John Sirnuschwanger, jr. of Dashwood was held last week, sit Dashwood, when it was ,dodided to offer his goods and chattels for sale. The Salo will take plane in Dash. Wood on Wednesday, Dedenlber 5th. The Grand' Trunk oonduetors have all been transferred to their former,runs, The :aeheme of changing them about did not work. Most of them owning property in the towing where they lived, which would hstve to be sold at a sacrifice, wpb the neatest drawback to the oxohacogo eye.. eat. i e D, 0, is /narked, prompt. and lapsing in ltd difeets s., the champion fanners rlo. _. n have also devolopsd as vet exceed 50c. irymen. From . the milk of $3.50 in one . grade Jersey. het tee min -.._, .-key are Theyy. workers. -Leant gen Post. F 6V The death oocitrred,at Kirkton on Mon- J L W. day morning of lest week at five o'olook ot Mrs. Cordials, relietof'the late John Cor-: dick Deceased who was one of the earl. feet settlers of the district, came from tete north of Ireland over half a century einoe. She was a sister of Rabe Barna and the late Pater horns and also of Mrs F_ancie Robinson. Her funeral on Wednesday, war largely attended. Her end was peace up. A number of lilies will be sold from 25 per .cent to 50 per cent below regular prices, Grey Cottons. Just one word, we sell Et regular 8e. Cottons at 5r'. We bought it cheap. Our customers get the benefit: .+, . . Grey Flannels. 25c Goods for 17c ; 32o Goods for 25e. Come into m; simampoommowisimommolonimmommi said the Spider to the Fly ; we have won't you come and buy ? Will no, ask you _ anything else. We havenothing,td give awa . the tis calculate to make a profit on everything w sell altho' , the profit be small. Have no dispositic,1 do a Alleged Woollen Clill tturglars. Edward and Wells Bhoulthce of Mc- Gillivray, who were reoently arrested on the charge of robbing the Exeter woollen milia on 21 -to Flay last, have been com- mitted for trial at the December seastous I, in London. Bail has been nocepted, in the sum of $201 for tel former Seora and `$8800 for the latter. brought from the lumber woods in Mus - Hoke last week by Constable Ward. John Rh iglus, a blaoksmtth of Brinsley was also arrested on a charge of being imnli- eated in the robbery. Goode the same sample as those stolen from the mill were - fennel is their possession and Wells Shouliice when arrested wore a suit, the material of which sir. Muir says came from his mill. Hodgins has been commit; ted for trial, but is quo on bail, The people of Bownsenville have emphatically said that they want indust- ries. . They have voted a bonus to the Dominion Organ and' Piano Company by a vote of 414 to 6. Here are men paying out money to keep an industry in their town, and yet there are men around advising us to adopt a policy that will make tis simply 'an agricultural and past- oral people.' The Board of Health of the town of Berlin has issued an order requiring that all fresh meat exposed Inc sale in the town by parsons not resident shall be exposed on the market place for a period not less than fifteen minutes for the purpose of inspection. Also tbat alt persons not reetdicg in the municipality uffering or exposing beef for sale within the municipality shall produce head and lungs. His many friends here will regret to learn of the death on Monday of Mr. Hugh Ross of Winnipeg. Mr., Rose has been ill for s ome time of a spinal trouble, paused by a fall from a building be erected in Exeter some years ago. The injury troubled him at internals ever since, but of late months he gradaally grew worse, suffering intense pain, Efts was a brother of Messrs. J. P. and D. A. Ross of Exeter, and sou -in-law of Mr, D. Johns, P. You can do good to humanity -to suffering little children -if you like. Thousands of people have canned fruit this year in your county or township. Now, if you and your friends could collect a hundred quarts of fruit and send them to the Hospital for Sick Children; College street, Toronto, you would confer a bless- ing on the hundreds of sick little ones cared for within its walle. Write the secretary, Hospital for Sick Children, College street, Toronto, and arrangements will be made to have the fruit brought into Toronto carriage free, The Pork Packers" Association of Can- ada have fesued the following riles to govern the purchasing of dressed -hogs this season, of which farmers and othere interested should make a note and govern themselves a000rdingly 1. That on all dressed hogs a deduction of 2 lbs per hog be made: .2, That on all dress ed hogs with the bung gat left in, 4 the be dedunted.. 3. That on all shoulder stuck hogs, 5 to 10 lbs, be deducted, according to amount of damage' 4. That dressed hogs not Open at the breast and gullet left in, 3 lbs. be deducted. 5. That boars are unmerchantable, fie, That on all stage, if accepted by buyers, one- half shall be dedneted. 7. That' aged and flabby tows only be nrohased at a deduction o of from 50o, to p1 e l o . $ r 100 lbs.. 8 That on mutilated harna a allowance of 5 to 10 ib., be made, acootding to damage. iltj lV'S' Gloves, Hosiery, Millinery, Mantles Nn rices, Goods beim; rilshed out at sa Grocery 'lees. Our yl,ac $1.00. t ^ Zan; c, Shooting ltiatab. A friendly, shooting match took place on Tbureday last at 10 birds each, by Gun 1• Club. Nd. ExeterC1 members of the lowing is the score :- J Bissau 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 s• - W. Johne 100011111 Jas. i Jno Heywood 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- 11010 y8 30 lbs Yellow Sugar for a' 25 lbs ;Granulated Sug lel bars "Our Own" S- 3 itis Baking Both? for 3 lb box Soda B -, New l" eels jig New Raisins, New C' Pawl I _ _ ounty Notes. rest -- glare Shonldiee.-Miss Hath on i y „die county model school examinations -begin an December 10. of Hensall l `A Dr Scott, of Seafortlt has been appointed r a Coroner for the County of Beroue W FosterClinton E to of Ch on .hot & coon the other day which weighed 30 lbs, Twenty pomade is the average weight. ' Holmeaville is to have a cheese factory, ROMA 45 shares at $10 each have been taken. A creamery was operated there last year. Ur. Conrad Plat/ has disposed of his farm at the west end adjoining Dashwood to Mr. Fred Baker, for the sum of $3,800. Mr W D McLean, of the Saaforth fv.xpositor, has taken a position in Wood- stock as assistant editor of the Sentinel Review. Martha Jane, daughter of Mr E Craw- ford of Londesboro, has completed a quilt with 2,034 patches all put together by herself. Carmel Presbyterian church, Hensall is to haye an organ after months of discuss- ion as to the right or wrot"j of the innovation. At the assignee's sale of the stock of John Hannah, of Tuckersmith, heroes sold from $3 to $40, and three three-yelr- old Jersey heifers brought only $92 for the lot. The Ssaforth creamery property, a part of the Hannah estate, was sold by public dation, and was purchased by Mr Thomas lickson, of North Main street, for $525. t cost over $1,500. Fake Busine nor to put out the RED FLAG in order to draw custom. We arc the old reliable and don't choose to adopt such methods. Our goods and prices speak •crolulnes for us. We carry a large stock, ; fully as- sorted, and are prepared to do the very best for our patrons. Call and trade with us. We will use you well. Highest price . paid for PRODUCE. N, B. -We have secured the services of, MISS TOM, formerly of Exeter, but lately` from. the States, as press and Mantle nakL:r. She will occupy the rooms ;vacated by Miss Essery. e`e Mary Durnion and Sarah Sproule. the At Flus ting, N. Y.. it it .ataty+d that two young girls sent to jail from Goderich I Frederick R. Baker, a prominent reel 'feet• a keythe I of Rand's Point, who it was supp rse I was for four menthe, appropriated +found dro•'rned alongside hit nivel net ethos afternoon fiom the jailer's quarters I beat, is ' none other than Frederick f:F sed let ihenoselvr•s out, went to a house .baker, whore n t,ne goggled with that of Di rarer their home's kind their secreted them- of Bookkeeper• Zell tins our 1 ration with 110 srlcoa. l:hty were not discovered till next robbery of the National Shoe arl•i L•athar morning, when they were half dead with Bank. th,.. c rid, and were quite ready to go back.. tc their quarters. \Vh.ic •i, tv,in IArfrl Discovery is Pituui 1 A CHILD ENJ++Ys pr r . It nut only cures IThe pleasant flavor, gentle action and roily, but tee also 1 so+'thing effects of Syrup of e'tea, when n es and cattle It • need of a laxative; and if the father oa<, 'ail in a cure of l mother be costive or bilious, the mo tt, omilai it and gratifying results follow lis rasa ; eo that . v: ,fails -try rtk,a ee;beat family remedy known, suit{;'' '~zein have a bottle on bassi,. 1 i1, 1't rite, ea t f.,,.. at once tie. Sul bottle, 1• ,tints Notes. London, Huron and .Bruce. --- GOING NOaTn-- Passenger. London, depart 8,05 e, at. 4.50 n. rr, Centralia,. 9.C7 5,47 Exeter__ ........... .• Hensall 037 6.15 Kippen .......... 9.44 6 20 Brueefteld ........... 9.52 6.28 Clinton 10.12 6.55 Londesboro 10.29 a 7.14 10.38.,:.4' 7.2310.62 ' 11.10 8.00 i' returns Showa, population r 33,427. Th. assessed yalue ;.cased to 515,654,060, iny7rkhill council has passed the second -mellow of; the hr:law to do away .vith lquee Propos t$ ships The question will o w'el'04 an mkt J#illu't ctfon5. . Birth .................. C.i'•elo Bel grave sal and Dr. Mare _ r eyerai wore fn town on ..Fuson. a es fr ends, prior tta her return ss a Ruttort z'ieman up north ai pearie monthem0rtgage on thio erestimeble poet snelbert McCallum. left for certain s day --Mr AleSso Knox .G. Ee have aentralia for 11 pnmher of young laanoted.tdDel:00 , a pro - , Toronto et,iog of.`ear' Knox has o der leo. Anderson a t , r - T. R. Aga,-energetie and oblittini lel.„1 1-j 8 esrs,haa".t0 the Uoinpany. eta W •--S ihrFW; sem. W. Vail,see 0 1 - 1 tv5, r,• -r m .. ,. Vires Au$ h , • ao 0q1 arae b s 79.4Paaab 8o axone andd l fe Centel iia comme H. rAL B' a sir J W. 4lreec a pb0ie0 rr17teie is tae spent the latter part 0-4 of0ia,$six._Lo. u'xwoifriendsintown,-Mr. After regular matoh'there wag a match J P. Cletke tab'ii has been in Cobourg between Sas Walters and G G Johnston,nate dieg'the funeral of Mrs. Clarke's at five birds each. Walters shooting one, ere her, L1f:r. W. B. Thomas, h ; returned Johnston one. Walters has since challeng•_ •home -=Mr. Brewer, of Clint ",,; was in ed Johnston, in the sum of $10, to ehoot town on Friday last. oft the tie. ; , - maesee _Bicycle for Sale, E Heywood• e Personals A first-class, second hand bis fel - for Mr Joseph Cobbletlick who has been sale; has been run only 4 months. Price visiting friends at the scene of his child- $40.-A bargain. Aoplylo hood in the County of Durham, returned JAS. GRIEVE, Exeter. home on Saturday. He reports a pleasant time in the renewal of old acquaintances, Four weeks until Vhristmas. -I, J. Dearing and wife are a present The Clinton Mechanics' Institutes visiting at their parents', town. Mr. ploy a solicitor for members. Dearing some years ago ran the Central r' Tons of large turkey gills vented. A barber shop, and has of late years been '.8 ya pe conducting the same business in Illinois `Ply to T. DESRING, Exeter, and Kansas. Having disposed of his business in the west, he intends making Ms home in Exeter. -Garnet Hyndman who is attending the Medical School in London, spent the past few days under the parental roof. --Messrs. Geo Graham and Frank Sperling and the Misses M. Graham and G. McConnell of St. Marys; spent Thanksgiving Day visiting friends in town. -Mr. E. Keetle, who has been farming near Cayalier,N. D., returned to town on Friday last and is visiting under the parental roof. He reports times fairly good oat there'and says the former residents of this locality are prospering. Mr. K. will not return, but will again be- come a resident of this neighborhood. - John Bossier of. Benmiller, was in town on Monday looking after his north end property, He is the owner of the Waiper block, -John S. Coppin of Mitchell, was in town Monday and gave TES TIMES a call• -Mr. John Southcott of Goderich, visited friends in town this week. -Miss Kastle of Mt. Forest, returned home this week, after a pleasant visit among friends in and around Exeter. She was accom- panied by /Miss Jery, who will visit with Miss Keetle for a month or two. -Mr. Richard Blatchford, formerly of Hensall, now of Lamoure, Dakota, is visiting friends in this neighborhood. - Blyth oorrespoudent nays the Rev. Geo. Jaokeon preached two excellent, praotical and logiosi sermons in that village the other Sunday -Miss Annie Mill visited Mende in (London last weep. -Dr, Lutz, W. Harding, Miss Ada McLaughlin, and Mr. and Mrs. M. J. White and family spent Thanksgiving Day with friends in. London. -Mies Prier of London spent a few days of last week under the parental. roof. It in said:that soon she will enjoy a swear and happy state. --Mr. John Pope of Hensall was in town this week on bue- iness... Miss McFalle, of Lucas, • is spending a few days the guest of Mrs 'reel.' Hawkshaw, town, -Mrs. Chas, Eaoliett and Mr. A.quilla Snell, of Sarnia, a ant the latter part of lastweek k ' w k to toiivn..-.= rat e Redmond, has spent the+ , p t pant: suint mer visiting Hrs. Chas. Snell, and assist: ing' in - attending her mother.; the late Mrs. Ferguson, left for her holm) in Seat, tie, Wash., on i!riday last.;ldr J. Muir spent the letter pars of last welt attending Court in London against the alleged bur: The wife and family of Poatmsate Edward Elliot, of Bayfield, who has Porter hays moved to Clinton from Elm - been Iandlord of the Albion hotel for the vale. past four or five years, is now owner of Leonard] Hunter's sale on Tuesday was that property, having purchased it from largely attended, and stocks generally 1 ea Reeve Castle. brought unusually good prices A. full attendance of members of Exeter L. O. L. 924, is requested on regular meeting night, Friday Deo, 7th. Election of officers. The Huron County Council, it is expec- ted, will settle the House of Refuge agitee tion for all time to come on Thursday of next week. Mr Michael Barry and Miss Jennie Holt, daughter of 'William Holt, all of Khiya were joined ;in wedlock at Mt Carmel on Tuesday. James McArthur has issued a new map or plan of the village lots as recently surveyed in Hensall and ho has extended three streets, viz., Queen, Rich - mend and mill streets, and bas opened out a new avenue, to be known as Lorne. Mr Jos Crich, of Clinton who has been an invalid for some time, passed away on Tuesday, at the age of 77 years and 8 months. Deoeased was a native of Not• tinghatnebire, and came to this country 57 years ago, with his parents, six brothers and 2 sisters, only three of whom remain. The young people of Main et church Another of the oldest and roost respected will give an Oyster social in the basement residents of P+,gmondville passed peacetully of the church next Wednesday. Every- away on Thursday of last week. We refer body go an have a !_rood time Mr...Ne11is, of the "Molsons" while hunting in the wood the other day, got lost, and but for the passing of another huntsman, he would now doubtless be numbered among the -forgotten. The Clinton News Record gives the very lame excuse of "immense Waffle" for the bad state of the streets in that town Prob to the bottom brother and you will find it bad management on the part of the road commissioner, if there be such an officer in Clinton. We say, come to Exeter, where there is equally as much traffic, and see the finest streets in Ontario, and learn something about road snaking from commissioner Creech, The Organ Recital in the Trivitt Mem- orial Church on Thursday evening last was a success, finanoially and otherwise, Tho attendance was Iarge and the program presented was 'varied and well received, tlio•s(nging by Mrs Hunt, Mrs Ward, and Mr R H Collins, and the selections on the organ by Bey Mr Aunt are worthy of special mention: The choruses by the united choirs were strong, wall -given and a p rogramme in themselves. Some Miscreant who muet have been void of s n s en e, or full of deviltry, broke the electric light globe at the Main tat. church. This will be looked into and if the party :ran be found out no Iieneftey should be shown. to the death of Mr John Flursohnetz. He had reaehed the unusual age of 84 years, andhia death was not due to any particular disease, but to a gradual wearing out of the physical man. do was a natiye of Saxe Cobourge, Germany. Messrs S Campbell, A Turnbull and D Hay, of Farquhar, waited on John Tucker last week, and in the name of his neigh- bors and acquaintances, presented him with an address and a roll of bills amount- ing to $204, Mr Tucker met with an accident recently which incapacitated him. A painful accident happened the other day at Cook'o mill, Hensall, to Mr. Stoney, of Tuckersmith. White engaged in Ica 1: ing a chopper on his wagon, the horses suddenly barked, and Mr Steaoy's feet booming entangled in the lines, he was thrown to the ground. Two wheels of the wagon passed over his cheat, and one ran over his leg, breaking a vein, George Green, of l3ruasels, reoently killed dome chiokeino for table use, at his hennery in Lower Wingham, and brought them home fn a basket, leaving them in the summer kitchen, Mrs Green, being busy, they were not cleaned that night, and the nest morning on going to prepare them for dinner. one of the chickens hon. ped out of the basket and ran around, though he head had been rut glean off. seyeratt teasels of rhenmet1..,. are Winxbam arrive...... blond pu` ifl f ete•rt#i la ills nine tete' take t tni(dam, '3palt it. Hoop's Cure.. E. J. Phippen, of Parkhill, seed the town Inc 0.0,000 (fan nges on account of a darty ere'k peasin • his premises. He set. .Led the carie for $40.the council agreeing to make the necessary improvements. Percy Thompson and Nathan Fyte, the two young men who pleaded amity of at tempting to wreck the G. T. R. Erie flyer at Strati:iroy on Sunday evening, Nov. 11, have been seriteno. d to seventeen menthe in :he Central Prison. REV. H. BURGESS, River Philip. N. S. Allow me to thank you for the K. D. 0. sent me sometime ago, You will be glad to know that in every case where it has been used tt has preyed beneficial. That soft, riob, gloasy sheen, so much admired in hair, can be secured by the use of Ayor's Hair Vigor. All the assistance 18 nowadays one of the the that nature requiresto make the Flair chief requisites to success strong, beautiful and abundant is supplied y« i , ate ills, slid ; erase }j entx lielgravo . Betfh :: ... ,.,... Loo deaboro............ Clinton . ' Bruoefiold.................. Kip pen . ................ Hensall blxeter .................... Centralia Passenger i. 6.35 A. u. 3.25 v_ 4 6.50 3.47 7.03 4.01 7 30 4 25 7.67 :113 8 06 4.58 8.25 8,12 8,40 5.23 isTov s Eternal Vigilance by this excellent preparation. . The Western Ontario butter cannot be beaten is shown by the fact that Mr. John Hobbs, of Biddulph, has shipped a 102 pound firkin to a British Columbia mer- chant, at his request. The merchant pays 20 cents a pound and all expense of ship- ment. Thos, Mathers of Parkhill, last week pleaded guilty to the 'charge of having stolen goods from the store of 3. M. Gibbsi He was taken to Tendon, bot at the re: quest of Gibbs, on account of .his youth, ho was allowed to go on suspended sen- tence. Mr. Michael McLeod, son of Mr. Mur- dock McLeod, fotmerly of Parkhill, died last Sunday to Detroit. Abort four mouths ago he moyed to Detroit. The bursting of a blood vessel when moving l order, retailers generally get the furniture at that time was the cause of $17.00 for this line of lash - the young mau'e premature death. I A happy event occurred at the residence ionable goods. of i,lr. Archibald Campbell, lot 8, con 2. Lobo, on Wednesday, Nov. 21, at 4 o'clock being the wedding of his danghter, Anna C., to Mr. Alexander M. Wilkie, of West Williams. A large number of guests were present from London, Strathroy and the surrounding townships. in business. We keep con- scant watch of the markets for anything which may be looking for a cash outlet. This week we have secured some ticklers. A sample lot of Shawls bot at half price will be sold less than wholesale cost. 19will Scoh Cheviotbuy as tcof "I" Clothes made to The Exeter TIMES and To- ronto Mail from now until Jan- uary 1896, for $1.25 only. This low price is arranged to suit the prize of wheat. Everybody can avail themselves of this offer. Remember, the balance of this year free, payable in this office. No MORE FOUND IN ren Vrrin enc. heavy sheeting, Cionae Richmond, Nov. 26 -Dr, A. G. MoCor- • mink, whose letter respecting hie euro lnand see this 1X110 1f you from Bright's diocese by the use or Dodd's want a good web of cotton. Kidney Pills has recently been published - is now attending his patients and is rip- pieces job dressoods parently as robust a man as can be found in g that village, During the four months he was confined to the hduse suffering from the last stages of Bright's disease, his death was several times reported, end so hopes were entertained of hie ultimate re- covery. Iiia present robust appearanoe f9 therefore all the more surprise to rest. dente. It is a safe prophecy that every sttiierer from Kidney disease in this sect - and subscriptions advance. Address A WELL MAN. ROBUST NDI XDII L T I y A To BE 2 ill will buy the beat line of Black pants (made to order) which ws have sold in Ex- eter. • ,fir' $1.5 will buy a, good fur coat. Come in and see the best coon skin coat in Exeter, $5 secures you a good Tweed Rubber Coat, 5 buys a heavy Tweed Suit of clothes $14 buys you a good Greenland seal cape, 5is the popular price which buys a good bot at half price will be cleared at 25e er yard. p Want of space will not allow further enumeration. Come in and see and. be con- vinced. You ought to do ion will henceforth try the remedial qua, your trading here for your itiea'of Dodd's Kidney Ville• own good. from indtgeptiont s ., K, D. C. brings prompt relief to sufferers eat/ nvarzioN tt 't