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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-11-29, Page 1:trier AND HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. "Eli11W TO THE, LINE, LET THE 011IPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY VOL. XXII. NO 1,3 EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY ..MORNING, NOVEMBER, 29, 18'44 Joule WHITE ,tw SOWS' Pttbileteere and Peopreetoattr Exceed Buyer's Expectations M 'No reason why they shouldn't when you consider the POWERFUL - EFFECT 'Cash Buying 4Fe offer Some Special Values this week iu Black Dress Goods at 25c, 50c, 75c a yard. Fancy Dress Goouds at 12c, 25c, 35c a yard, Ladies' Underwear, Hose and Gloves. We received from Toronto this week another lot of those Ladies' Heavy Ribbed 50c Cashmere Hose, all to go at 350 a yard. den's & Boy's Clothing. We buy our Clothing from Manu- facturers at exceptionally low prices. We sellsame lines at fully 25o 'below regular prices. If your hey wants a Suit or Over- coat bring him in We can save you money and give you satisfac- tion. Seo our Men's Heavy Frieze Tit at $6 75, and compare them w ra;;t ar $10.00 lines elsewhere. test price paidfor Bu tt r ' Eggs,, outrY, Dried Apples, etc • __-\�. 8. FORD & CO. John R. Fenton Arrested. Jobn R Fenton, the betrayer of Jessie Mitteb, was arrested between 1 and 2 n'olook Ssturdsy m.trntng at his boarding house in Londesboro,' Efe was taken to Blyth and planed in the cool w. The ' charge upon which he was arrested was seducing Miss Bertha Youn ,lett of for g g Auburn, a young girl under 16 year@ of age and dauehter of one of the most re- -spectable business men of the village. His trial took place Saturday. morning at 11 o'ol.iak before Samuel Caldwell, J. P at Auburn. There was very little made .out of the evidence given. The girl herself admitted, that he had been criminally intimate with her but not within the past 12 months. He could not be convicted on this evidence and was discharged. The father of the girl then told Fenton ethat he did not want to see him around Ms premises again, as he had ruined his -daughter gad brought disgrace on his damily. At this Fenton grew angry and .attempted to strike Youngblutt but was prevented from doing so by Chief Davie, who received the blow himself. For this le was fined $10 and costs. It does seem :strange that a wretch like this youug man .,eancauso tbe death of one girl and ruin another and thou escape without proper ;punishment. There is something wrong -with our Canadian law that this scoundrel iliac been able to escape`- A wonderful now combination is R. ;Stark's Headache, Neuralgia and Liver d.'owders, nice to take and perfeotly harm- less: Mr Alex, Rumsey, Imperial Bank. Welland, says: "They are excellent; I have tete hesitation in recommending them to ,all who suffer from headaches." Mr. } Flook, G. ,T. R., Hamilton writes: 'Tor 'three years I was troubled with most severe headaches. Since I have used ;Stark's Headache, Neuralgia and Liver Powders I have been entirely free from them." Mr, Lancefield, librarian of the weeblie library, Hamilton, says. "They ? are moot valuable, and give almost in- ntantaneoue relief; I always keep a box. in my none." Maynard, Woodstock says; "They are wonderful." Mr. , Rail Brant- -ford, says. ".i have tried many 'remedies a lbut all without effect, until I took Stark's Headache, Neuralgia and Liver Powders; i can recommend them most highly." 'Price, 25 cents a box. Sold by all wadi - seine dealers. 'Look Out .8'or Cold Weather. But ride inside of the Beattie Lighted :and Steam Heated Vestibule Apartment ,grains of the <lhioago, Milwaukee & St; Paul Railway and you will be as warm, stomtortablo and cheerful as in your own library or boudoir. To travel between Chfoago, St. Paul and Minneapolis, or between Chicago, Omaha and Sioux City, in these lueurioaaly appointed trains, is a auprenle satisfaction; and, as the some- what ancient advertisement used to read, "for further particulars, see small bills" Small bilis (and large ones, too) will be accepted for passage and sleeping oar eiokets. For detailed information address A, J. Taylor, Canadian Passenger Agent Toronto Ont. - r To get relief from indigestion, bilious - nese, constipation, or torpid liver with - .out disturbing the etomeah Or purging the bowels, take a few doses of Carter's Little b Dashwood. See 'pour. -A large stook of Granby Robbers for o d and young. Prises low. O. FiUITZ, Desliwood. Cromarty. Messrs, W. ' Hoggartll and ivt, Davis, and Miss Mary Ann floggartb leit on Tuesday last far Algoma, where the. two former go to worktheint andt for o winter, the ter to pay a visit to a sister who resides there.- Mr. Robert Hoggartb, with commendable enterprise, has bought out his brother .Richard's farm on the 10th concession and also taken u to himself a wife, in the person of Miss Bella McKellar, of this place, wbioh happy event took place on Wednesday ref ast week, We hope that their journey down life's turbid stream at worst may be pleasant. 1 r.r . Cfreenway. BRIEFS, -Mr. James Follock has built a new stable. -Mr. Joseph Foster, sr., had his collar bone broken last week while taking a shoo off a young horse.- Mr. Reuben Jackson was in our village last Monday finish- ing up several jobs taken by Mr. A. W° 13uniphries.-Revs Thos. Durr preaohe•d it very acceptable mi.sionary sermon herr last Sabbetta.- •r, B Jermette hgri a rock well put down on les term on the date. The water Dame within 15 feet of the tip. -Mr, K. Goudtnan, Revising officer for North Middlesex, has sent our postmaster a copy of the new Voter's List. Parties wishing their names on correctly must report to him on or before the 15th of December. -Mrs. W, T. Ulens visited London last week. -The teachers 01 Grace church Sabbath School have decided to hold it Christmas entertain• ment New Years Eye. Winchelsea. BittEFsr-Messrs' Jones and Hal s are busy receiving poultry these times. Mrs. Heywood takes the cake so far, she having brought in a turkey weigh- ing 27 pounds. There was surely a king in gobbledom -Sunshine is going to have a X-mas tree entertain- mentto n t n on Christmas s zgh , The young folks are busy preparing a cantata for the occasion. A good time is' expect ed. -'dealer David .Cathcart has received his certificate of having pat sed the Public School Leaving exam- ona esu - -lib a June, _keyed_ may be pardoned for feeling A littleproud of bis success considering the fact that he had attended school less than 100 days during the past three years - There will be a public examination of the pubtls of the school bare on Dec. 21st, the last day of school. Mr.G. W. Holman who has taught the school as principal duringthe past fourteen n years will then bid adieu to the spot ,"where many a time he triumphed." Hay Council. Council Meeting, Nov. 17, 1894. A. special meeting was held at the call of the Reeve. All members present except the Clerk. Geiger -Battler -That F. Hess be appointed clerk pro tem. A report was laid before the council by the engineer in regard to the corn. pletion of Elay Swamp Drain, the engineer recommending the accept- ance of the work by the council. Turnbull -- McEordie - That .the contract of Hay Swamp Drains having been completed, according to by-law Noe 7, 1891, the same be accepted and the contractor R. G. Hicks be paid in full. Battler -Geiger -That the clerk be instructed to notify all parties owning land along side of Hay Swamp Drains, to have the timber which has fallen into the said drains removed at once, in accordance with sec. 78, Municipal Act, 1894. Clerk to write to council of Stephen in regard to timbers lodged in bed of Sauble river below outlet of Black Creek, The following amounts were ordered to be paid ; E W Farncomb, inspecting• U. S. D., $35.00 ; R. G. Hicks, bal- ance in full on contract EL S. D., $3,603,85. FRED. Eines, Clerk, pro tem. „ret . Stanley. Comeau,- Stanley oouncil met at Varna, on Nov. 19th. The statement of poundkeeper Wm. Collins was ac- cepted. and the fees, $4.50, ordered to be paid to the treasurer. Thos. Fraser, T. Kennard, J. T. Cairns, Wm. Rath - well and Sam Sterling were appointed deputy- returning officers. The following accounts were ordered to be paid: Dr. Armstrong, for attendance on Mrs Sootsmer, $12.50; Johnston Bros., sewer pipe, $18.70; A. and J. C. Kalbfieisch, timber, $19.65. The clerk was instructed to have 25 `copies of nomination and eleotlon notices printed and distributed. A number of gravel a000unts were paid, ,The reeve and assessor were each paid $3 for selecting jurors; clerk, $3, postage' And stationery; All partied having accounts against ,the oouncil are re- quired to present them at next meet- ing; Council adlotirned to meet on Deo. 15th, at 10 a. M. J. T. CAiIlNS, Clerk, Mrs. Harkies, of Mono Mille, is under arrest on a charge of shooting her flus. ends .fiver Pills, they will please you. Hansell Following tu{eehe market quutatioue : i''heat S t a.- 50 Barley . . , 5 t.-• 40 Oats il> t.• L7 Pass 48 t+, 55 Hay .... 6,00 to 7,0.1 Batter .15 '16 'Sege,... , 15 to 15 Bauirs.-i41r. Chanes, en -niters, our , genial earl obliging butrhPr- has sold out his business to Messrs, Rivera & Grigg, the lormer of chaff are: the latter of Se'afnrth.-0r. ,las :1 Tny• lor, sou of .l -+s, 'Taylor, of this vill+tise, who has t,eeu a,arryfn re � t-roc++r g o business in Stratford for t ani. tette past, is opening out a stook of groc- eries in , bites Carlyle's store. -Mr. Harry Arnold has moved into his new and commodious reeigeneo on King street, direct;y opposite the Presby- terian nhuroh ; this residence is a credit to the town.-Mr.R. Blatchford, of Dakota, formerly of 13ersattl, is vis- iting his daughter, firs. W. J. Miller, and Ms brothers and sisters, of whom he has several in this vioinity,-The new Methodist church will he opened on December 23rd, witb grand oere- mony,-Jars. Hunt is moving into town from Kippen, having recently purchases the fine new residence oft Wm. Moore on Ktog street. -Grain is' moving lively, the nrtvxnoe 1r+ price' being that pause. a .rt 4 BRtEFs. -Mr . Samuel arid',. Milan Ell ber have returned from Ulitv;'Mintl. , where they have been spent talar e tew weeks enticing. They report hiving a ,good time..-Buiehertng le al the lit present. --We are p1es.ued to see Miss Carrie Etlher arouno again - Messrs. John Banes of Toronto, .lames of Chicago, and William are home et present visiting their sister, Annie, who is on the sick list.-':Vlr.Jacob and Samuel Heist of Michigan, are' at home sits..tina their parents. -.-Mies Belieutytie of Settt'.:rth. war= iii town for a few d eys visiting her stater - iYMise.M.Eteaman is at present visiting at home,- Master Frank Smith is learn- ing tailoring with J. Holtzman. Snooenen MAT0r1.-A grand shooting match took place in Creditor' on Thanksgiving•, at the Rivas Hotel, and proved a success in every way, Tile h score is es Ibllows : Il. >VelZrsn . I. .f1 0 1 1 .lei 0-5 f, Itowion 1 0 1 1 0 1 1.1 1 0--7 B. Monroe 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1-7 f:',cft rv'anii - 1 Q, :l 1 0 le 0- 1 1 1 -7 J. Morgan 1 1 1 011 1 1 1 1$ 1V. F3ois 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0-5 (s. Eiiber 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0-7 I. Smith 1. 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0-6 G. Hirtzel 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0-4 A. Mahler 1 1 1 1 0 1. 1 0 1 1 -8 Mc t 1 Y (li tura . Bxisrs.-Mr, Robert Thompson, 16th con., bas sold his farm to Mr. Wm. Penrice. -Mr. R. EI. Pattersnn is building the Bayhan bridge on the O'nd con. He has also the contract for Gray's bridge in Williams -Elect iontalk has been very quiet but as it is getting near the time, reports are being:circulated. It is rumored that our 1st Deputy reeve Intends to step up to the top and run for reeve. If such is the case we may expect a close contest. FinE.-On Friday evening last abou t 7 o'clock the very fine outbuildings on the farm of Wm. Fenton, lot 9 con 4, were discovered to be on fire. Mr Fenton had just gone no the house after feeding his stock tor the night, when, on gotng outside for something, he saw a light in the cow stables. Thinking he had forgotten the lantern he went to the ` house to see. Finding the lantern in its proper place he at once went to as- certain the cause of the light. To his surprise he found the buildings he had just left, in a mass of flames. Work was commenced to save the contents, but but everything save the horses, and a few loads of wheat, was destroyed, including 12 head of cattle, the sheep and pigs, imple. meats and this and last year's crops, The barns were among the finest in the township and were insured for a small sum in the McGillivray Com- pany. Mr. Fenton's loss will be con- siderable, and he cannot in any way account for the origin of the fire. CloneeIe,--Council met pursuant to adjournment on 5th .November,1894. Present -W. J. Corbett, Reeve ; G. T, Thompson and J. D. Drummond, Deputy -Reeves ; T. Prest and E. Mor- gan, Councillors. Minutes of last meeting read, approved and signed. Moved by J D. Drummond, second- ed by B Morgan, that G. T. Johnston is hereby instructed to view the road complained of by Michael Doyle. and if he deems it advisable to have a culvert put in on said road. --Carried. Moved by i. T. Johnston seconded by E. Morgan, that whereas complaint has been made to this council that a portion of the sideroad between lots 5 and 6, in the 25th concession has been fenced i'i by the owner of Routh halt 01101 5, the Clerk is hereby instructed to notify the owner of said lot to have said fence removed forthwith. -Car- ried. e byT. Prost a cdnded b Moved , Y J, D. Drftnimbnd,, that Edward M organ is hereby appointed to attend to the Water bourse meeting called by Wi1W Hatt England. -Carried. )Moved by '1-, Prest, sedanded by E. 17se R1 U. O. for all stomach troubles Morgan, that tbia counoil adjourn to. meet in the town hall on the first Monday in December at ten o'lilock a, in Carried. Wnr. Renault, Tp. Clerk, Clinton Baileys,-klenry Knott has succeeded in having the bone lodged in his throat removed and is now able to swallow solid food. -An interesting i ter i' event n transpired at the Presbyterian Manse in Ciintou last Wednesday shortly lbe— tore noon, lovas the rnerriege of: sit' Angus Mckinnon to Miss Alexia s, rKennedy, assail ileo titer of M J R both of 4 o borne -Leet Thursday the Grand. Union Hotel bad a narrow escape from a sertoue fire, Through a detective chimney lige reached'an up - stair partition end a few minutes more would have placed the flames beyond control. -One of those pleasing events in which old and young are interested occurred at the residence of Mrs Rus- sell Read, Huron Street, last 'Thursday afternoon at 2.30. I t was the Marriage of her daughter Blatta 2,1 to Mr Will J Harland. COnstainoe. BRIMS. -Mr. Robert McMillan, as- •`eisted by Mr. James Hiiichlcy-, dehorn- ri;cl,.16 head of cattle for Mr. '3-eorge ' reehonvon, and one for Mr, John Britton, and cum:pleteri the work in half an hour ; not'so bad for Bob aitd Jim. -Sli s. Sutherland and family, who have been visiting at her brother's, Mr. Geo. Stephenson's, have gone to Sea- ferth to reside. -The Manitoba House is being speedily fitted up, and will he ready for business. -Mr. John Price has gone to Seeforth in search of COLE. -Mr. Andrew, who a few months ago took possesaion of the village store, is doing a rushing business. Zurich. Baisva.-Rev. J. Strumpfer, pastor of the Lutheran church, announced his resignation last Sunday, and intends to g,, to Toledc, Ohio, from whence he has received a call. He wilt'eeve in about three weeks.-Mr.Jacob Ruby and wife arrived hove again a few days ago, after One weeks' visiting among their children in Michigan. -Mr. Albert Fes tni the second cltnghter of 'Mr. Warren Dignan, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony recently. We wish them much. joy and G loris and happy life to- gether.-M'r. Gideon .Bechtel left fur Elkton, Michigan, a few :days ago, en-freee h -n maenads to stay this winter.- Miss Lydia Faint,, .yt ec acme•Win. Preston, after a three week's visit among her cousins here. Sharon. Bninre.-Miss Edith Buswell, of Creditonguest was the nes of Miss Alicia Ainey oe Sunday last. -Thanksgiving Day was generally observed in our little burg. Most of the boys shouldered their guns and had a day's shooting, and now we hear of thrilling adventures in the woods, "Duke" says he killed. - pigeon and only shot at it four times a Misses Lizzie and Tilly Wurtz, of Sodom, p+,id us a flying visit on Sun- day last.-VIr.'Ed ward Nestle, late at Dakota, is visiting friends and relatives here this week, --Master Bert Amey is seriously ill this week from an attack of la grippe, but we hope to see him around agtin before long, -Mr. John Rowe nes had his barn raised and it now stands on posts ready to be sided up, which when finished will add con- siderably to the appearance of the farm. -Tho Patrons of Industry met in the school house on Monday evening when considerable business was transacted. - Last Saturday evening the residence of Mr. and Mrs. M. Amey was a scene of merriment, the occasion being an oyster supper given to a few of their friends. All report a splendid time eencl speak very highly of the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs, Amey -Mr. Thomas Treve-- hick of Crediton, spent Thanksgiving Day in our midst. Tom says his visits will now ho tri -weekly. -There is some talk of having an entertainment in con- nection with our public school sometime before the Christmas holidays. This we hope is true as we have some good talent, and would be a source of amuse- ment for the young people in preparing a program for that occasion. -It is amusing to say the least to associate every illy with the people of our peaceful Rile burg and listen to the comments passed upon your humble scribe, and the curiosity that has been aroused concerning him,or her, whoever, it is, and at all our social gatherings it is one of the 'topics of conversation, Now to satisfy your craving for know- ledge picture to yourselves an innocent boy just budding into manhood and who has dared to venture en the sea of journalism, and who with fear and trembling, will spend an liner of each week getting together the news of our district. In closing may I ask that yon let me down easy for I have a horror of critics. HOW TO GET A ''SUNLIGHT PICTt113E. Send 25 'rSunlight"Soap terappere (wrap per bearing the words "Why dose a woman look older sooner than a man') to Lover Bros., .ntd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive by post a pretty picture, free from advertising and well worth framing. Titin ie an easy way to decorate your home, The soap is the best in the market, and it will only coat le postage to send iu the wrappers, if yen leave the made open,. Write your address- estefulle Centralia. Beaus. -Byran Hicks who has been attending the London Cumnieroial College, is visiting Ms parenta.-Wes Handford is suffering from rheumatic fever again. Mr., Sonnet Hicks, who bas been very ill with typhoid fever, is recovering. -The officers and teachers of the Sunday School met on Tuesday evening and ordered supplea for the ensuing g year and made arrangements for the eurevereary to be held the Last Sunday and Monday of Deeeatber.-The Parsons Produce Co. are buying Targe quantities of geese and turkeys which theypurposeaha r 1 Jitt, to the Pacific. ✓; 1 coast in a few days. A. number of hands are busily engaged in trimming and packing them, and our town leas the appearance of a hustling business centre. -A. Knox, who hes been station agent here for the last 13 years, has been moved by the Company to Drumbo 'lie is succeeded by W. A, Vail, formerly of Ktrwo.,d,--4T,s, elurley has leased her house to Dr. Shoults and will move from the Village and live with her dtughrer, Mrs. Atkinson. -The 0. 0. 0. F. gave a concert in Smith's Hall on Wednesday evening, which vas 1-trgnly sate tiled and proyei a great success: -Thanks giving services were held in the church on Thursday morning. The a'teudanoe iso good and the services interesting in their character, --The Women's Missionary Society held a public meet- ing on Thursday evening, which was well attended and the program a most excellent one, The collection amount- ed to nearly eight; dollars and will be devoted to the cause of missions. t ibberti. OanTQAas.-Mary, relict of the late W m Rodgers. Eiuron Road, passed peacefully sway in the 71st year of her age on Friday morning last, Deceased was novas very robust, still she went through a lot of heavy 'work in her early dave, and raised a large and estimable family, nearly all of whom survive her• See was a consistent member of the :Methodist church, and died as she lived-ttu,ting wholly in the crud lied Saviour. tier funeral on Sunday was .a very large cue. Zion. BRIEFS. -Zion is all astir oyer the revival meetings wbioh are held is the church. Judging from the number who signify their intention to lead better lives and follow their Master, the meetings are very successful and gooi wark''is being done. Thin is particularly uotieeable among the younger portion' of the crowds who intone -Weston Horne, got his hand too near f.hii"ku .o e., auttiug box and got a small piece taken ohone stent£-?=A°"t' large lamp has been put up outside at the church. 1t hes Iong been needed. Blake t l i Retire. tire. Hon. Edward Blake has soon tired of Irish politics. In the course of a speech to his constituetlts the other day, he hinted at his intention to retire from political life. He announced Monday that he would retain his seat only until the general election. The Nationalists claim that this is not due to any quarrel with Mr. Blake, which may be literally true, but it is true that the squabbles in the party during the last year or eighteen months have disgusted and disheartened him. There is good reason to believe, too, that Mr. Blake has beengreatly surprised and disap- poiated at the actual outlook for home rule. When he left Canada to take a seat in the House of Commons, it was his belief that an Irish Parliament would be won within two or three years, rand the glamour of the idea of taking a seat in the historic chamber on Col. lege Green obscured the keenness of his political vision, fie now forsees a long period of bitter strife and turbulent agitation, for which he has neither taste nor desire. Similar considerations, it is believed, are influencing the minds of others among the older men of the party including, despite denials more or less authorative, Justice McCarthy, its nom- inal leader, and it is certain that the general election will sett a number of younger men come to the front. The Sale of land for taxes advertised for November 27th, has been adjourned to Thursday. December 6th as per adver- tisement in another column. Farmers driving to town and allowing their horses+ to stand on the crossings, may yet got intotronhle, as severalcitizeus are e,rnphtining. A GREAT BATPLE, Is continually going on in the human system The demon of impart' blood strives to gain eiders, over the oonetitution i to euro health/ to drag victims to the grave. foods Sarsaparilla is the weapon with which to defend one's self, drive the des. pe, ate enorny from the field, and restore bodily health for many years. Hoop's Pmts cure nausea, sickness, in- digestion and biliousness, 25e. The Exeter TIMES and To- ronto Mail from now until Jan- uary 13 6i for �1.2S only. This 9 low pricearranged is arranged to suit the price of wheat. Everybody can avail themselves of this offer. Remember, the balance of this year free, and subscriptions payable in advance. Address this office, Perth. County Notes The Scottish Concert Co. left Mitchell without paying the printer, so says the Recorder. lklitchell has a new dentist, in the per: son of Mr. Lake, son of Rev. Lake, former: ly of the Steffa circuit. Mise. Allen, of Mitchell, was married on Wednesday afternoon of last week at the residence of Mr.PR,;t.Babb, to. Mr. Francis. Fitzgerald, a gentleman connected with a publishing hose in Brooklin, N Y. Met,F.A.Campbell and two children, of Mitchell, left on the afternoon train Wed. neoday to join a party at Stratford that evening en route for California. Tee Ynu' nxest sun Rov.Williams Dr. a 1E 0 left to join the said party for the Golden Siete. Stratford Beacon :-If winter sets in now h re will be a water famine in tomo sections. Many wells are still dry and the best of them have only sufficient water for present use. The swamps are report- ed to be as dry as in Jane and will re- quire a large amount of ram to fill them up. Andrew Seebaoh, the. Mitchell smallpox patient, is under stria medical surveil!, anon The car in which the affected man rode was brought back to Stratford from Goderioh closed and locked, and was thor- onghle disinfected and fumigated The waiting room at the Stratford G. T. R. station, where he stayed most of the morn- ing, hes also been thoroughly diainfeeted. On Wednesday morning a young man named William Seebaoh, son of Andrew neebach, who lives neer Mitchell, got off at the Stratford depot and stayed around the station nutil tie departure of the trate for Mitchell at noon. fie was not well and when he arrived at Mi obeli ho consulted llr. Smith, who decided that the young man was suffering from small pox. The Provincial health authorities have been notified, and they have decided to send a specialist to Mitchell at once. While' rid iifg!•to *Mt iehell thee•I ming mean eat in the came seat 'with a lady who aasisted him to putton his overcoat and to get off the oar. At about 12 o'clock Wednesday night fire broke oat in a frame block occupied by Smith & Burns. grocira, and Allan & Clyde, butchers, St. Marys, and, despite the efforts of the firemen, spread into Dr. Matheson's stone block to the west of there. The frame block is a total lots, and the stone one is badly damaged...n er e following are the approximate, eatimatee of the lessee, and tbe Hams{- of the com- panies interested: 5, Tvtler, on build- ing 33,000; inea in Liverpool, London & Globe , $1,200 T d Harrison, on builli i 4 P 1.5utn. 0 ur d m same company v�'ii , p v f tr '' $70 0. J l3 Mathieson, on buildings $3,0000insured in Royal for $2,500. Smitl" & Burns. contents, 85.000; insured in ilio al for 3700 awn :in,North British for $800 Clyde H Allen, contents, $1,000 iad8 ed in Royal for $600, A E Teekey, hasher, contents, $50; insured in Royal. J N Gray, photographer, contents, 31.000; insured in Perth Mutual for $500. Misses Clark. dressmakers, $200; no insurance. G Carter, Son & Co., flour and teed, loss small; no insurance. The cause of the lire is unknown. Near Teeswater a son of Mr. David Ritchie, while plowing,unsarthed a perfect skeleton of a man. The Dash balance in the United States treasury Saturday was $100,600,607; geld reserve, $55,058 881. The total amount of lumber sawed iu the varinna mills in the Ottawa Valley this season is 538,000,000 feet. _ The Grand Trunk, fhe C. P, R., and all the New England lines have agreed to abolish passenger commissions after this year. The Australian Premiers will meet in Hobart on Nov 29, to discuss the im- perial federation and inter -colonial free trade. The liabilities of E. Sims, real estate dealer, Brantford, who assigned on Fri- day, amount to 340,000. Assets not yet ascertained, Mr Robert Birmingham the Conservative organizer, is at home in Toronto seriously ill. Bis physicians have forbidden anyone to see him. The forest fires in the bottom of the Okaw River, southeast of Pana, Ill., have broken out again with renewed vigor, do- ing great damage. Must not be confounded with common cathartic or purgative pills. Carter's Lit- tle Liver Pills are entirely unlike them in every respect. One trial will prove their superiority. Wheat shipments in the Northwest still continue heavy. Between 175 and 200 cars pass through Winnipeg daily in transit to Fort William. Toronto's medical health officer reports that the boy treated with toxins, the new diphtheria cure, at the Insolation Hospi- tal, Is progressing to recovery. The directors of the Bank of England have elected Mr. A. G. Sandeman, now deputy governor to succeed Mir. David Powell in the governorship in April. To be free from sick headache, bilious• nes,, constipation, etc., use Carter's Little Liver Pills. Strictly vegetable. They gently stimulate the liyar and free tho stamen from bile, Thanksgiving Day was generally ob- served throughout the Dominion in the usual manner by a suspension of business, services in the churches and sponte out of doers. At Lancaster, Pa., Jacob Whine, aged 57, last night sitot his mistress, Mrs. Kate Doman, inflioting a fatal wound, and then committed suieide. The couple ho been drinking. Sir John Thompson,the Canadian Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, will re- turn from Paris on Tuesday and will be sworn as a member of the Privy Council on Dee, 4. Mr. 0, Smod, Mexviller Cute want r want to Morrieburg and drew l6,000 to pay paurorts of his cheese factories, on LOW PRICES -FOR THE -- P ar mer. SID E. Wheat sec and down. Peas 5oc and down, Barley 350 and down. Oats 26c. and dawn. BRI(x.EIZ` 7CI Tr . New suits for men 5oc and up. New overcoats for men $4,5o Suit underclothes " 5oc " Overshirts for men 5oc and up. Long boots for leen $I.5o r' Ladies' & youth's wear in pro- portion. Silver Lining to every Cloud. J. P, 11083 the way home two men robbed him of the whole amount. The Montreal Exhibition Company has signed a contract wi'h Joseph Ii Sites; late British commissioner at California Fair, to establish au exhibition in Montreal during the summer of 1896. The live stock season has been generally 4 good. Total shipped during the season was. 86,686 head, and 137,471 sheep, as compared with 83.322 oatale and 3,743 sheep shipped during 1893. Tho KingstonProvinoial election petition and cross -petition will be tried at Megaton on Monday, December 17th, before Mr. Chancellor Boyd and Mr. Justice Ogler, The total number of births in Toronto for the period of 1594 up to Saturday was 3,757, exactly the same number as for the fixe period in 189e. Deaths were 2,544, as compared with 3,174 for the correspond- ing period last year. The reduction. in the death rate is phenomenal!l.,,, Its numeroue-Cme r erimatism ' J +.......„,_____ -,b -,--011 the use of the old standard blood purifier Ayer's Sars aPari ala show conolux- ively that it is an effective remedy, if not indeed, the specific, for this most painful and per- sistent of maladi. s. What has cured others will also cure you. The other night about 350 friends of Mr. Alex. Wood, of East Niesouri, met at his residence and presented bim and his good lady with a beautiful suite of parlor farm: tire. The occasion of this was the recog: nirion of bis steadfast fealty to the cause of Sir Oliver Mowat during the late Pro vincial efeetions. He had besn 1 Patron I and because he would not stultify himself; Land allow them to dictate to him just lwhat be should do and say, he was subse, quently expelled from the lodge. Itis said that Clara Ford, the Toronto woman accused of murder, is . a daughter of the son of an old retired officer of the English army who settled in Toronto in the early days and a mulatto woman who was a servant in a neighbor's house. The baby was giveu to an old nurse, and its father's relatives paid for its support. The mother died in London Ont., some time ago, and the father is a well to do mer: chant. Some of Olera Ford's uncles and other relatives are away up in the social world of Toronto. Look at the date on your label thin week, and see that your name is mark- ed well in advance. Sale Register Wednesday, Dec. 5. The goods and chattels of John Nauschwanger, jr. insol; vent, in the village of Dashwood. Sale at one o'clock. E. Bossenberry, auc. Deo. I4. -Mortgage aaleof 100aere farm in Biddulph, lot 5, eon. 1, the property of Samuel Hicks. Sale at Central hotel, Exeter, at erre o'clock. John S Ooppin. auc. Avoid Trouble at Home Use Only the Reliable Di - 1 arson c Dyes, It is well known that the ladies of Can, ada often experience trials and tribulations in the household management. These small but irritating troubles can be avoid- ed if e, little care and common sense is exercised. Women who go on suffering these little miseries have themselves to blame, as tbey suffer throughtheir owls carelessness' and inesperieace. To -days one great source of annoyance in the house- hold is the use of poor imitation dyes for domestic dyeing; In some sections of our land, the ladies have lifted up their voice against thorn ie. a way which cannot be misunderstood Thole imitation dyes have caused not only great lose of mater• ial and money, but angor and heartache as well. Ali theee domestic trials and tribe- lations are avoided when Diamond ilyea are used, By their ase work 10 well and quickly done; termite are always grand, and the colors are brilliant and lastitisl Led-, ies who have used the Diamond. D e's De the last ten years know thole great worth and peseibilitiee Avoid all iinitatien drain and always insist Mien getting Diamond 1)3%8 fib y m your druggist or .dealer. For stomach trotiblea Use E. JY C "" ""