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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-11-22, Page 8U
113514LAN Q..
)3,b1 Srl' i+LLIOP, A..(11li 1':'FOE 1.
xlit WE S l hitN ASttU1l.ANO1 CO,12-
PAN ,or Corotito; also for the PHOENIXYikft.XelaUB/leo theeinAiVX, of London
Zeeland ALLta:tNOle 1NaxTRAlr'O1 'COM.
1'ANY of Reedited.
r 1 K LONDON aUrtiA.L
Head office, -- LONDON.
Zot3i years this Compeer hasdone the
takeest, busine s in Osuada at the lowest rates,
eonsis tout with Pee uritr.
Aaseta, Jan, 4891, - 8857r190.Q0
434Q0 Foliates le force.
.u.0.. £11cDUNALD �A7 u ager.
.For further particulars, apply to
Agent, Exeter,.
la tea place to getbyour
.kinds of
Bribblers, Exercise Books
Perls and Pencils,
We also
ssas eA st Full Line of
Pads and
Pass Books.
Mens Fur Coats, Ladies' Fur
Coats, Men's Frieze Ul-
sters, Boy's Frieze UlsterS,
and Ladies' and Girl's
Jackets, all going at
about half price at the
bio Barlitrapt Zilro
Now's yourTchance if you
want values in warm coats.
We don't expect more than
one-half price for heavy
winter goods. Come and
test us.
Notice to Times' Readers.
The publishers would esteem it a favor if
leaders would,when making their purchases,
mention that they saw the merchant's adver-
tisement in Tiha Times.
NOTICE -All business announoements
notices of public meetings, entertainments
auction sales, etc., appearing in those local
columns will be charged for at the rate of five
cents per line each insertion. Black heading
to count as three tines. Cash with order save
o persons baying open aocounts. To insure
change of advertisements in ourrent issue copy
must ee handed into once on Tuesday.
Trivitt Memorial Oh.
Sermons and Special Music for 27th Sunday
after Trinity
The Whole of man.
11 Azr
Tho Use of Opportunities.
Violin Solo, "Cavalina" Jud Davidson
T lIIJ 12SDAY. NOVEMBER 15th, 189'k.
tare rites s
1)0 you want a bargain hi Boots ? Try
the Big Bankrupt Store.
Exeter contractors will ,tendot for the
erection of the County House of Refuge.
Messrs. Snell Bros., pork paohers, have
dissolved partnership, Mr, Geo. Snell
John Matheson has leased the atore
north of post office and will move thereto
* No plum in town sails fresh groceries as
cheap as the Big Bankrupt Store. Try;
Several more incandescent electric lamps;
were put into the business places tine.
The karmors' Biuder Twine Oompanyr,
of Brantford, has deelared a dividend of
10 per cent.
An oyster supper under control of
the Main St. Epworth League will be
held in Main St. Church on Wednesday,
Dec. 5th.
On Wednesday last, while Mrs. Louis
Davie, of Sharon, was working about the
house she fell down cellar with a lamp
in her Band. She sustained internal
injuries, besides cuts and bruises on
the head, and was unconscious for many
Last evening the residence of Mr
Chas. Perkins was the scene of n. brilliant
event, the marriage of his fourth daugh-
ter, Honor, to Mr. Albert Johnston, a
farmer, near Lucknow, formerly of
Snell Bros Co, Exeter. The knot was
tied by the Rev. Geo, Jackson, in the
presence of a large circle of friends.
Chattelle's relatives in St. Hyacinthe,
Que., have not decided to come to his
defenoe,lalthough some Toronto lawyers
have offered their services. A Strat-
ford citizen interviewed the prisoner's
brother. The latter .was shocked at
the story of the crime. He believes
"``°the prisoner to be perfectly sane and
dols: not think it would be advisable to
put in a defence.
The village of Bright is stirred up
over what promises to be a sensation.
Miss Sunt is the 17 year old daughter
of John stunt .the village blacksmith,
and is the belle of the place. The other
morning' on going to her room the
mother discovered that : her daughter
had departed during the night. A dill--
gont scare..' was made for the missing
irl, and she was traced as far as
Chicago, The .mother :notified tlio
chic o policeat Woodstock, A f E �'o 1,
sage wits received Stating that a girl
answering her description had been
attested by the Chicago police. Chief
Willis has left for that place to bring
back the runaway,, when itis eirpocted
that some interesting facts bearing Cott
the case will be made known,
One day last week Harry Isaac of the
Another Ban:1=~r2Pt Stook,
J. W. Broderick has purchased
another Bankrupt stook of Dry Goode,
Beady made clothing, &o•, &e , at fifty
cents on the dollar. This stook will
arrive at Exeter to -day, and the store
will be closed tomorrow, (Friday) in
order to arrange and mark down the
the stock. The store will be open
again Saturday morning when this
cheap sale will commence. This is a
splendid stock, and having been pur-
chased at .balf price, big bargains may
be expected, We have also a mag-
nificent stock of Boots & Shoes. Give
the cheap sale a 'call, No trouble to
4liow goods. J. W. BsonsaICI{,.
,Bicycle for. Sale,
s' A first-class, second hand bioycle for
sate; has been run only et mouths. Price
$40.-A bargain. Auply to .
JAS. Ga zve, Exeter..
Gomm encing to 13o11.
Aspirants for the various Mea at the
appro ohiug Municipal election are clop
puts us at met, apd the pot has commenced'�
;to b.,il. For the reeveship, the names et
Masora Bohier, T B Carling; and W G
lake road, lost a thoro'bred bull from over Bisett are mentioned, while the present
feeding inotunbeut, reeve Bawden, is being u. gen
to agatn allow his name to go before the
All Ladies' Jaoketa andllfillinery clear- peop.. •He has not consented, b.ut" it is
ing at about half price at the Big Bankrupt proharble he will seek reelection. For
The turnip crop, which, in the early
season, was thought would be a failure,
has proved an average yield.
A couple of farmers near Dashwood have
been compelled to make assignments for
the benefit of their creditors
Biggest stock of Boy's Heavy Frieze
Olsten in town at the Big Bankrupt
Store. Yes, and the biggest values too.
The sale of the effects of the Iate
Mrs. R, verguson on Saturday last was
well attended, and good prices were real-
The special rates for Thanksgiving Day
un the railways will be taken advantage of
In quite a "number of citizens (to -day)
Leonard Hunter of Usborne, intends
holy?ing a clearing auction sale on Tu sdav,
N. v. 27th. He advertises his 250 acre
farm for sale.
Joseph McDonald whilst working in the
swamp 1.i Hay township on \Vodneedat•
of last week shot two wild eats. They
were fine specimens.
A union .thanksgiving service of the
Presbyterian and two Methodist churches
w 11 b.. held in the James at. church this
(Thursday) morning.
A friendly shooting match at live
pigeons will take place ou the agricultural
grounds on Thuraday afternoon, (to -day)
among members of the Exeter Gen
Apple dealers are suffering severe lessee
this year, on account of tbe fruit rotting
before it reached its destination. The
early drought and she subsequent fine
growing weather is the oause.
A coupleof festive sports while in quest
of game the other day, one got lost in . the
swamp, and for a time hts voice coull be
heard in the distance, exclaiming: -
"Where am I ?" "Where am I?"
The Huron County Council meets on
Thursday, December 6th. It will be a
special meeting and is called mainly for
the purpose of awarding the coutraot for
the erection of a House of Refuge.;
Richard Davis lost two valuable young
driying horses last week. Tney had been
pasturing and the sudden change in the
weather. with a heavy fall of snow, gave
the animals congestion of the lungs, from
which they died.
People who imagine there has been a
fortune in the cattle trade this year are
grievously mistaken, it haying been a
disastrous year for both local shippers and
exporters Many of the dealera in export
cattle hays lost heavily.
Farmers and others having lost any
cattle will, no doubt, find it to their
interests to read the many adyertisements
of astray stook, in this issue, THE TIMES
reaches nearly every farmer in this section
and is a first class advertising medium.
Owing to the continued ill health of
Prof. Thompson, of Knox College, the
board of that institution has requested
Rev. J. MoD. Duncan, of Tottenham, and
Bev. D• M. Ramsay, of Mount Forest, a
former Exeter boy, to discharge the dut-
fen of his position for the present. -
A fine specimen of deer hang in front of
W. Snell's butcher shop on Tuesday, It
was shot an Muskoka by N. Eilber of
Crediton. The party shot 14, which were
sent to Crediton and divided among
friends. The sport this season was better
than ever before.
Shipka is being tapped by telephone on
the line from Grand Bend to Parkhill.
Some months ago an agitation was abroad
to have a telephone line from Exeter to
Iiirkton and Woodham. Has the project
fallen through, or is it to materialize? No
local line could possibly pay the Company
Prof. McRae who gave exhibitions at
the World's Fair by playing a let and 2nd
violin, bass viol, cornet and piano all at
the same time is now travelling through
Ontario offering one thousand dollars for
any other musician that can accomplish
the same feat. He was prized as the
greatest musioal wonder at the, World's
Fair. •
Rev. Locke was greeted by a yery large
congregation, in the Main eh church on
Sunday evening last, and many were the
favorable expressions heard on all hands
as to the merit of the sermon, • Not only
eloquently delivered but it was one of the
most logical and itnpreasive discoraoa ever
listened to in Main at. church. Although
costing hitn a good deal of mental labor,
the reverend gentleman is becoming.a popu-
lar pastor on account of the interesting pet
mons deliyered.
The winter time table of the Grand'
Truck R'y. which went into effect on
Monday, affects the London, Huron &
fSruce Branch only in the running of the
morning trains. Train goingsouth leaves.
this station at 8,25 instead of 8:9:0, and
the northern bound train at 0.22 instead
of 0.20. Persona wishing to send mail
matter south Will now have to poet itbefore
8 u elook. This change is not appreciated
by either public or officials,
Col, Goodman,Revising officer for North
Middlesex, will hold a court for the Levis••
ion of the Dominion Voters' Lists for
Exeter and a few divisions of Stephen, in
Exeter on Dec, 28th. Every person who
isentitled to a e howl d s d examine the
Bats carefully and see that their names
t Also names $ earin
appear hereon. A s me pp e
oil .the lists whish: ought not bo there
should be appealed to be 'struiok off. A
oot'trt will be held in .Creditor( on the fol
lowing day for the r'etnainin,g" divisions , of
E. D. G. Pills tone end regulate the .riser,
deputy reeve and oonneillors the aspirants
are too numerous to mention.
The O. T, R. After scrayieg Cattle,
The Grand Trunk has issued ti
fullttwingt oiiroular'wile% explains itself ;-
Save. al fa'al aoeidents having occurred
meetly in oousequenee of cattle running
at large being on the rtilway, notice is
hereby given that, in order to protect the
public, and prevent the destruction of life
and property, the Grand lrunk Railway
Company of Cauada will, after the 20513
day of October, now ir.staut, cause to be
impounded all horses. cattle, sheep or
swine found running at large within half
a mile of any public load crossing on thei
railway in am:claims with the statute iu
that behalf. . J. L, SxARGSNT, General
What the Landlordcan;Claim,
ti decision bas been given by Chancellor
Boydwhich, if oonfl-med by the bighdr
courts, will be a great hardship on tenants
unless the law is amended. The tenant,
in this case, ooveuanted to leave the pre
mimes in good repair. but the Chancellor
held this. as also referring to fixtures put
nt by the tenant at his own expense dar-
ing the term, Further, all fixtures at-
tached by screws, nails, etc , become part
of the freehold and cannot be taken out
by the tenant, These gas fittings,
gaseliers, shelving, mirrors, awnings and
even the furnaees are held to come within
the meaning of the onvenants in the short
form of leases as becoming pert of the
freehold and therefore the property of the
Mrs. Andrew Hankin, having rented
het farm near Perquhar to a Mr. Bell,
moved. into town last week to reside. -D,
D 'r re:urued from Walkerton on Tues
.lay. -C. B. Marsland went to Toronto on
Seim day to meet an uncle f nm C t*land.
wh , is on a lecturing tour throneb
America. -Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hicks of
Wateet White County, Iudtena, U. S.,
are visitint at 3,1r. A. J. Rollius'. Huron
street They were former residents of this
n, igbbo-hond and have been thirty year.
in th.t We.t and consequently can see
vas' itnorwements in• and, sur-
rounding country, Mr. Hicks is a rabid
Republican and a p'otictienist, and
feel4 highly elated over the recent State
elections. -W. H. Levett attended a
masonic meeting in London, on Monday
evening. -Miss nestle of Mt Foreet,yisited
Mies Joty, town, the past week -Mr. A.
Bishop visited London on Tuesday to
participatein the election. He returned
home Wednesday, overjoyous and said he
had not slept any Tuesday night. -Mr
and Mrs Stephen Powell visited Mr and
Mrs Abell in Seaforth on Snnday.-Mr
John Treble of Exeter North returned
home from Virden Man on Monday last,
-Mr Ed Morgan of Manitoba is visiting
his mother iu Lt xeter North. -Miss Ada
Powell of town is yiaiting friends in Sea:
Carling Bros. make a speoial [announce.*
went in this week's issue,
Dry hard wood is selling at $3.00 per
cord ; green, $2.75, and soft wood at
Farmers, to saye trouble, should adver-
tise all stock which have strayed on to
their premises.
Conductor Ireland (of Wingham, who
runs the' L. H: & B. freight, had • a finger
badly jammed at Denfield Monday.
Business men ahottld not leave poultry
exposed at their store doors after dark ;
it is a temptation for them to disappear.
A. sneak thief one evening last week,
stole a door mat from the front door cf
ofr. Isaac Carlin
tate residence M g_
Robt. Wallace, an able bodied old man,
claiming to hail from Exeter, who wanted
a month in jail that he might receive
medical treatment, was eigena six month's
term, an overdose he aj;, .,... y' did not
appreo'tate.-Goderioh Star.
The Clinton New Era says that last
weak some of the streets of that town
were buried 'math half a foot of mud. It
has been different in Exeter. Our streets
have never been in better .shape, and the
council and road corn miasioner,Mr.Creech,
are to be complimented thereont
A young trampwho claims to hail from
the Settee was given a night's lodging by
Mr. Robt. Cteery of Usborne, a few Jaya
ago.. He slept rattier Iate the next morn-
ing and after being given a good breakfast,
left. Mr. Crory is minus $6 in cash, a
pair of pants, a fur cap and other
geode as a result of his hospitality,
On Saturday 161h, the '(Brantford Rol-
ler Bearing Wheel Co. (Ltd.) made appli.
cation to Government for a charter.. J. A.
Graham, Preset Alfred Armstrong, Viae
Brea.; W. IL Haines, Tress E. D,Misner,
Secy. The firm have a Capitalof $$5,000.
WiIl Foltand has been appointed travell.
ing jtgent for Ontario.
Creameries scattered over many parte of
the east aro snaking considerable change in
the conditions of farming. The dairy is
becoming more and more important, and
poor farmers are enriched by .presence of
many cattle. The creamoriee buy milk by
the hundred pounds, and the farmers tike
the simplicity of this wholesale trade,
'Meanwhile there is a oonttant interact itt
creamery price, and despite the failure of
the Exeter factory, there is no bettor pay-
ing branch of the farm.
D. C, brings prompt relief to sufferers
from iudigestiont
In connection with our main
moth sale we. offer durii g the
next seven days especially, ;goad
argains in Dress Goods. We
ave sold a very great many
resses since our sale commenc-
ed, but we still have too many in
A number of lines will be sold
from 25 per cent to 50 per cent
below regular prices,
Grey Cottons.
Just one word, we sell a, regular So. Cotton at ' Sc,
We bought it cheap. Our customers get the:.benefit.
Grey Flannels.
25c Goods for 17c ; 32c Goods for 25c.
Gloves, Hosiery, Millinery, Mantles and all lines of Dry
G-oods being rushed out at sale prices.
Our Grocery
30 lbs Yellow Sugar for
25 lbs Granulated Sugar for
14 bars "Our Own" Soap
3 lbs Baking Soda for
3 lb box Soda•Biscuits for
New Raisins, New Currants, New Peels, just received.
The principal of the Clinton public
school receives a salary of $825.
Thanksgiving Day in the United
States has been proolaimed for Nov.
The price of wheat has gone up.
lehterday it was 55c to 5fic per
bushel on. the Exeter market.
George Dew, a former Ea eterite, was
last week joinedin the holy bonds of
matrimony with a young lady of St.
Thomas,where he now resides.
Mr. Thomas Russell, of Riverside
Stook Farm, Usborne, has purchased a
number xof very fine thoro'bred
Leicester sheep from Mr. Neil McDon-
ald of Morris.
The other day a three:1 year °old
daughter of Mr. Thos. Werry of Us -
borne ate a piece of poisoned bread
which had been set for the mice. Med-
ical aid was procured in time to save
the child's life.
Mr' W. G. Smith receiveda telegram
on Monday that Mrs. Curcluck, a rola-
tive residing at. Kirkton-an elderly
lady -was dead. Mr. Smith left W ed-
nesday morning to attend the funeral."
-Clinton News Record.
Two sons of Mr. Edward Jones who
have been in Manitoba during the past
several years, will shortly return home
and resume farming operations in On-
tario. Their anticipations were not
realized in the prairie prnvince.
f;; As yet there is not much pork coming
in; the top figure for the best being five
dollars per hundred, There has been
quite a rush of poultry and the supply
is now pretty well_ fille d. There is a
decline in prices,
fThe Ontario Government's crop re-
ports indicate that those is no fear of a
potato famine after all. While the
yield was light, the almost total absence
of rot very nearly batancea the deficien-
cy in the crop hart Bated.
Mr. John Muir went to London yes-
terday to give testitnony at the trial of
lddwars' Shouldice and others arrested
on a charge of stealing goods from the
Exeter Woollen Mill in May last. Im-
portant developments are expected.
"Mr. Wm. Pickard has purchased the
residence of Mr. Thomas Downey en
Goderich street and will occupy it.. He
has made a good choice, as it is ono of
the mostpleasantly situated and, com-
modious residences in town."-Seaforth
Low as the price;' f horses is at the
present time, a g. at number are being
f• tl
t nd other oints in
shipped from points
the county. ?• /is said that there `aro
r monthly several thousand dollars paid
out for horses here.. A large shipment
wan inade,from the Exeter station yes-
terday. .
iitnvitations are out :for i;lie wedding
of Mr., Will .Rarland, jr., and Miss
Hattie Reid, daughter of Mrs. Reid,
Huron street, which; event takes place
en the afternoon of the 22nd. Both
are popular young Clintonians, who will
reside here after the ihnportent event.--
Clinton New Era.
f tho :Ii,ev. J w
The ri :deo
£ ety,
of Seaforth Methodist church, will
rogrot to leat'n.that he is still unable to
perform his pulpit work, and it is likely
to be some time before lie".is able. , His
ailment is a throat trouble. In the
meantime his work is being supplied.
y his mitsisteriai:• brotbton.
A Orme Enrors
The pleasant flavor, gentle action and
soothing effects of Syrup of Figs, wh en n
need of a laxative; and if the father or
mother be costive or bilious, tbe most
gratifying results follow its use ; so that
it is the best family remedy known, and
every family should have a bottle on hand
Eternal Vigilance
is nowadays one of the the
chief requisites to success
in business. We keep con-
stant watch of the markets
for anything which may be
looking for a cash outlet.
This week we have secured
some ticklers.
A sample lot of Shawls
bot at half price will be
sold less than wholesale cost.
12 -will buy a Scotch
Cheviot' suit of
I Clothes made to
order, retailers, generally get
$17.00 for this"lipe of fash-
ionable goods.
4 - will buy the best
1' e of Black ant
.n s
198 (made to Oder:
which we have sold in Ex-
15 will buy good fur coat..
Come in and see the best.
coon skin coat in Exeter,
secures you a good
e @ Tweed Rubber Coat,
buys a heavy Tweed
Suit of clothes. .
$14 buys you a. good
• Greenland e seal cap.
is the popular price
which buys a ' good
heavy sheeting, Como
in and see this line if you
want a gooa web of cotton,1 .
pieces job dress goods
bot at half price will be
cleared at 25e
er yard.
Want of p s ace will. not•.
allow further enumeration,.
1Come in and see .and be con-
y' ought to 1.1
"V1neeC�.. . Fe Ou 0 g
your trading here for your
own good,
ome into my Pantos
said the Spider to the Fly ; we .have lots of sugar,
won't you come and buy`? Will not ask you to buy
anything else. We have nothing to give away, we
calculate to make a profit on everything lye sell,
altho' ; the profit be small. Have no disposition to
do a
nor to put out the RED FLAG in order to .draw
custom.' We are the old reliable and don't choose to
adopt such methods. Our goods and prices speak
volumes for us. We carry a large stock, fully as-
sorted, and are7piepared to do the very best fo'r our
patrons. Call and trade with us. We will use you
well. Highest price paid for PRODUCE.
N, B, -We have secure, the services of
MISS TOM, formerly, of Exeter, but lately
from the States, as Dress and' Mantle mak "3r.
She will occupy the rooms vacated by • r is s
People who are out of Fashion
hou1d e td1,
People should purchase the
latest stove.
e Soup Sti;ve.
Don't fail to see our large and,
well assorted stock of Axes,
Cross Cut Saws: Cow chains, etc.
1T. E. We have o', hand several second-
hand heatirsg Stoves which we will
Cheap. FS. B.& . Som,.
:S!lL`F.F3':''?,�r:L'�iN 3Y'..'R..11��iYw'.^k'iA�CFa..i:A..!:.: !'Y..' : 7.N'-e..:MTS,tAE+iA.L3:1� ••:a ? *
that Winter is coming and you will want a new Suit and
Overcoat, and by buying from
aild you will save money, Look well and feel comfortable
in one of our Suits or Overcoats We make, a specialty of
fine goods and sell them at a price to suit 'the Times. All
our Winter Goods are in now and we are showing a very
large range in Tweeds and Worsteds of all makes,
Fora nice Overcoat, see us ; for a fine Suit we lead
the trade, All kinds .of JACKETS, CAPES and
WRAPS for Ladies', cut and made in the latest style;
All our own goods out free. Remember the place;
Main -St. -
01Y liV100o �R�Gr"s-rn
et a alwa s take l o
Jute and wool blankets w y
the lead,
Over gaiters, overshoes .and rubbers,
what you all will need ;
'.farness, collars, whips and sweat pads,
we have a good supply,
J6"ets, combs, brushes and cards when
used keep away disease and the fly.
Trunks, valises and school bags, in
price and quality for tho young „end
the old,
1obesi rubber, plush and wool rugs;
and mittst;to protect you from the
Elm city harness oil, dressing • and
blacking, keeps harness and boots
a shining,
Bells, children's eatriages and wagons
• prevents the little ones from crying.
Z.ontf and short boots, elt and rubber
boots, we ciainZ the best and nicest.
Enquire at Treble's Boot, ' Shoe' and
r and get his
n store,be sure Harness
pxicos. •
London, Enron 'and .fuse.
Goole No>ient•-• Passenger.
London, depart 8.25 s, et. 4,40 rr.
Hansat. 9,42 6.15
...:9.47 0 20
Brueelleld ..,...... 1:1.55 0.28
Clinton....., 10.12 5.55
Londesboro a 10.20 7.14
Beth.... ........ * 10,38, 7.28
Belgrave 10.52 7.37
Wingham:arrive11.10 6.00
Gorge Souza- P aeso 0
ng r
Wingbam,.depart x. 6.80 A. tr. 8.25 P.
BoIgrano 50 847
•llytlh...,,.,... , .. " :. 4.01
Londeaboro • 7,10 4.08
Oliuton,... 7.48 4.28
, Bruoofield•...... 9,05 4.48
TLi po'n, S.13 4.53
'lronsitTl,,,.., .,.,... 8 22 4,55. •
Exeter..., ..... ... 8.43 0,12
Has opened outta�a new!Drug'Store on
Where he keeps a full supply ,1
• of ali lines of
Dx PE BXZT 4 ended toy
Our prices will be found tho lowest„
Call and see us.
We guarantee l odd's Kidney fillstacure any
case of Bright's Disease Diabetes, Lumbago,
Dropsy, Rheumatism, Hart Disease, Female
Troubles, tinpure Blood --or money refunded.
Sold by all dcalere in medicine or by mall on
receipt of price, see, perbox, or medicine, boxes $2.50..
I`lle. ti.. A. SMITH & 00., Toronto.