HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-11-22, Page 1tir AND :HURON MIDDLIN,$EX'i "'HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE Tam" mAyA VOL XXII. NO, 12, csasomarlasormanramir SSee Tunai.-A. lame stook of GestabrItabbera Following are the merket quotations : k $111 for old and young. Prices low. Q. FRITZ, ' 7 Dashwood. EXETER, ONTARIO, TILURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER, 22 .41.4.2414.illiP4114141514:41.10.6,141 DeeelleVood, ger/Sall Woodinm. The C(' old Weather has Set in. Have you thought of where to buy your Win- ter Overcoats, Fur Capes or Dress. .'We recommend ours 13.pcau.se HE STOOK IS COMPLETE. '4'he STYLES are all the NEWEST. The G0003 are all Purchased tor 4.1SH,direct from the MANUFAC- TURERS and W N'lLESALE Dealers yn the DOMINI:V. 'And LAST, hut by no means LEAST, ;our PRICES are in KEEPING with ,the TIMES, See our Merils- 'Fur Coats for .da*" Also oar choice assorb- -' ment of Ladies' Greenland -Beal• and. -Astrachan Fur Capes. Highest pri,se paid for all kinds of farm produce. . R.8.FORD& 00 4 Fan Chancery Sittings. The sittings of the Chancery Division eof the Fliga Court of Justices was held in Goderieh on Monday, the 12th 1CISt. ir &before the Honorable Mr. Justice Mc- Mahon. , The first case on the list was Ratz vs. 'Hall, an action by the plff, on a mortgage. 'The case was referred to the alaster for administration and for enquiry and repor t, The nett ease was that of Fanson vs , Fa.nson. which is an action brought against the cleft. to recover certain monies said to be in the hands belonging to the aritate of the plf's father. Reterred to the IVIa.ster to enquire and report, Sample vs. Sample was the next case eon the list, and is an action brought by the plff. to have it deolared that they are 'entitled to a lieu on deft's lands for money paid by plCf. for deft. Referred to the Master. Howe vs. Ronald west an interpleader action brottsht to try the ownerabip of, certain goods seized by the sheriff under an. execution, deft. declaring the goods are not the goods; of ,the claimant and therefore liable to be sold under the +exeoution. (G) .Kippen Bmers. -Me John McNevin arrived home on Satuc•day from Algoma, where he disposed' of fourteen horses at good prices Mr MoNeyin says things are booming in tbat new country. -T. Me)' ' dwelling house bad a very narroweseasi, from fire the other day. In a few moments more had it not been discovered, Torn would have been out in the co1d.-11r and Mrs John W'eismillev are spending a few days at the home of Mrs William Blair, -Mr and Mrs Walper's little babe was laid in the grave last Saturday, it having passed to the better aboie on Friday last. .A. wonderful now combination is Stark'e Headaches Neuralgia, and Liver vPowders, nice to take and perfectly harm- less: Mr, , Alex, Rumsey, Imperial 13auk. Welland, flays: "They are excellent; I have •ne hesitation in reeornmendiug them to all who suffer from headaches." Ur. rlook, G. T. R., Hamilton writes: ''For three years 1 vvas troubled with most severe beadaohes. Shim I have *mod Started' Headache, Neuralgia and Liver Powderi I have beex . entirely free from them." Mr, Lancefield, librarian of the public library, Hamilton, says. "They aro most valuable, and give almost in- stentaneons relief; I always keep a box in iny !souse." Maynard, Woodatock so.ys; "They are wonderful." Mr. Hall Brant. ford, says. have tried many remedies but all without efleet, until 1 Wit Starks Headaelse, Netiraigia and Lxvor Powders f on recommend them roost highly." Pelee, 25 (lents a box. Soldby all inedi- ble deo,lore. ss TIeaste Dxsease apintEvsp x Trartmv Moltase, Dr. Agnew's Otire for the Heart glees perfect rad in all °noes of Organic or Synepathetie Heart Disease ixi 30 minutes, and speedily effects a care. It is a peer- less remedy for Palpitation' , Shortnests of 'Breath, Srootheriog Simile, Pain Side and all symptoms of a Disecised Heave Ono dose convinces. Sold by C. LUTZ. Hibbert. FARIir linasno.---Afr,ThonlaS Leepaing bag leased hie farro, being west half of lot 25, COneesaion 11, Ribbert, con- taining 50 aeree, to Mr. Samuel Hannah, for a term or three Imam Biddulph. ---- Wateedge Barra,- On Wednesday, the 21st inst,, Miss Aline 13.odgins a young lady who has been % resident of this townahip for a number of years, but of late hae been living with her sister at Walkerville, was joined in the holy bonds of instritnony vvieh tire C. Whitesides of Walkerville. The young couple received many preseats, both useful and ornamental. They go to Montreal on their wedding tour and will visit many places of note in the United Statee befe re returning. We vvish the young couple every success, and that they may be blessed with a long and happy life, e .es • Eden. linises.-The farmers around here are busy getting their turnips in since the snow has genre -Nen Samuelklioks who has been sick the past two weeks is still very ill. -Miss Annie Elston vvho has been confined to the house all summer, is able to be out again. -Mr. J. Neil, of Centralia, spent Sunday at Eden. -The Misses Gertie and Alma Dempsey, of Exeter, were the guests of Mrs. j. Essery, orrSunday last. -- Miss Annie Keyes spent Sunday at her home in Crediton. -Miss Edith Buswell, of Crediton, spent Sunday un- der the parental roof. -Mr. Ed, Ste- wart has been revering his dwelling and we think he does not inten.d lw ing alone ali-vvittber. He may be SOOD going across the road quite often. iiP40` Stephen Council, Nov, 19th, 1894. ' All the members present except H. Eaber. Minutes ot last meeting read and signed. Moved by R. Hicks seeonded by S. Sweuzer that D. McKellar receive $7 for damages stisteened by horie While crossing bridge 21st con. After grant- ing orders for the foliovving sums the council adjourned to meet as per statute 012 15th December at 10 a. me Orders granted: -Mr Bertram, pipe drain across road, $7.82; J Lawson, per C D. $2.44; J Lawson, S L C Oo $1 50; T flarlton, rep culvert, $5; P Farrel, 55o; W Eagleson, $8; D Bu- chioanan, mina C R, $2; L Brinker, 22nd con, $3; J Hawker, tuinhen$1.0.- 86; G Sutton, lumber, $13.66; F Green and otbers, N 13, $6; Mrs Nevvcome, $4; M Alderson, rep ditch, $1.25; Metcalf, M 0 D, $300;W Morlock, rep culvert 8 con, $1.50; Iti Grob, workon Exeter S R, 431; W Lewie, sanitary inspector, $4.75; M Madden, gravel 12th con, $27,50; A Hodgson, rep picks, 650; F Geiser, culvert, $4; Jas Baxter, rep bridge, $1.50; J MoIsaac, ditch, 03; 0 Willert, culvert 14 con, $5; M Winer, $21.69; A Harris, $7; J Amos, $1.25; J Lawson, $1.26, paid for bridge Exeter S R; J Hanctford, cul- vert London Road, $1; Insuring hall, $7.60; repairs to leveling instrument, $1.50; G Lawson, sundry work, $37.75; El Brinker, 0 0 8 L, $18; j Rollins, gravel, $65, J Lawson, M 0 Di e8. :Ile C. Peones-, Clerk. Grand Bend. Blouse -We hadjuat a glimpse of Indian summer last week. -The r. O. T. M. ,concert was a grand saocess in every respect. The hall was comfort- ably filled and the program excellent. Several froin Crecliten Were here and took part in the entertainment for which they deserve great praise to come SO far on the roads in the condition they are at present. Mr. Hoffman, arnong the party, is a splendid actor and also his singing was highly apprec- iated. Mr, Wtn. Wilson, of Greenway, also took part in the program, and acted his part well He is a bri ht young boy, although he admits getting it where the chicken got the axe. D. P. Markey was present and gave an excellent address, which I ani sure will remind some of their duty to their Wives and children and those clepensimg on them. Tbe cost is small and will repay you even it you ltve out the three score and ten. -Practice is now the order of the evenings getting ready for Lines Tree entertauunents in the animism here.-lelr. Rueter, of Parkhill, held a Meeting among the french people on Thesday.-Fred ridge left on Monday for Petrolie, where he is going to attend the In- Otifute for the cure of otainineritag. Mr. ...lensed' Cronan threshed on Tues- day, which Will be the winding up ot this 'season's work HOW TO C+ "SUNLIGHT PICTURE, Send 25 "Sunlight"Soap wrappersi (wrap per bearing the words "Why doe look older sooner than a man") to Lever Bros., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive by poet a pretty picture, fres from advertising and well worth framing. This to an easyway to decorate your home. The soap in the beet in the Market, ata it will only cost lc postage to send in the wrappere, if you leave the ends Open, Wrife our address carefullv Wheat .. . 4$ to 49 Barley 30 to 38 (1),Eiat,t4 „ Zeno 27 48 to 49 -)lay ... . ... ... 6,00 to 7,00 Battee 18 to 18 Egga .... . . .... 16 to 15 Bittrare.---Werg, Gilchrist, who resides on her fine terra to the north of and adjoining our village, has decided to retire from farming, -Our local and well-known sporteraen, Meagre J. Caldwell, sr., and R. Coad, left last week on a shooting expedition about Wingham.-We are pleased to see bleat Mr. John Millar has so far re- covered from. his recent accident and illness, as to engage at hes accustomed work. --Ber, X- Pope, merchant tailor, has diaposed of his business at Fuller- ton, which was under the management of Mr. John Norris, to that gentleman. _Meseta. James Petty, V. Ballentine and W. Shillinglaw have this week, with commendable enterprise and very much as en experiment, shipped 500 lambs to the Old Country, and, we belleye, if the enterprise turns out fairly successful, they intend shipping D302.0 between now and the New Year. We have also other enterprising men corning right to the front in the per- sons of Messrs. P. Arnold, J. T. Wren ancl Gr. Smallacomb, known as the Onion Kings, and wim only this week shipped a car load of Dutch setts to l'oronto, represeetine in. value over - $1,400, and still there's more to felicity. Goderich Township. Beiees.-It is currently reported that Mr. John Beacom will again make a dash for the Reeveship, in opposition to Mr. Cox, who is again in the field. It is not likely there will be any op- position to Mr. Sturdy for the deputy- reeveship. Bloeys,-Mr. and Mrs: David Tyer- man, of Granton, and who were tormerly residents of MoKillop, visited friends on the 8th and 9111 concessions last week. -Mr. Robert Hannah has leased his farm, being south half ot lot 26, concession 9, containing 60 acres, to his son-in-law, Mr. Henry Warden --Mr. D. Tyerman, formerly, BI this township, has leased his DO acre farm adjoining the village of Granton, to Mr. James Foster for a term of five .years. Mr. Foster pays an annual rental of $250, pays taxes and does statute labor. Judging from the state of the cultivation of the land and the splendid buildings on the farm, Mr. Foster has got a bargain. a. 4 Morris. SPLENDID OROEL&ILD .-It pays to at- tend properly to an orchard, This year James Speir has had the following returns from his apple trees sold at the prime& given :- 195 bar. WinterApples,s,t$1.25$243.00 27 o ,Fall Apples, at 1.00 27.00 15 " for home, at 1.00 15.00 102 Bags; 45 Bags, at 85 35.70 at 2S 12.60 7 Bags, at e 5 1.75 $335.05 Who Tsoatyaal a good orchard doea'nt pay after reading the above and this result in a poor year for apple grow- ing. 44i 4 Lumley. Newerem -A very enjoyable time, in the shape of a wedding party, was spent near this village, on Wednesday evening last, the contracting parties who have improved their happiness, by the doubling of their Joy, and di- viding of their grief, beteg Miss Sarah Horton-, youngest daughter of the late Samuel Horton, and Mr. James Broad - foot, second son of James Broadfoot, of the Mill Road, Tuckersmith, The naerriage ceremony was performed in London, by Rev. J. W. Clarke, after which the happy couple boarded the eyening train for Hensel', where they were met by a number of their friends who accompanied thein to the resid- ence of ear. Samuel Horton, brother of the bride, where a most delightful evenIng was spent in social amuse - went, aad harmless mirth, Mr. and Mrs. eroadfoot will take their depar- ture for fluron Coenty. where Mr. Broadfoot has procured for himself and bride a eon:trot-table home. WANT NO OTHER. ; DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS NOW ASICED VOIt ov Scvs.saga molt laxonr's 1)ninalit. Qtreano, Noy. 10 e -Con tensporaneotte with the publication of the letter of Dr. A. G. MeGorinielc, of Richmond, with res - peat to his permanent cure form Bright't disease) by Dodd's Matey Pills: everts drug- gist ill this pity ordered a generons supply et tho pills, but so great has been the de. mand as the tomtit of this testimonial from 00 eadimeat an authority, that the run has boa in ekoos of the supply, All other proprietary toodieines have been relegated to the shelyea mid it would emptier frotn the demands media upon biro druggiste as if every sufferer from kidney disease in the toty bound to try the Pfiittadr reemareene clod by Die itidOormick. D. 0. is marked; prompt and lasting in its effects. GOderioh. 33nisrs.-On Sunday night the storm entitled Pridhain's sign to fall and strike a young woman with such force thab may prove fatal, her head being badly hurt. She was just returning from cliyine service, accompanied by a male friend, wbolearriecl her into Wilson's drug store, and. a medical man. was sum- moned. The young wornan'e :name is Webb, aid lives at Saltford. • 4411, I hayfield. A NEESSA.G12 IN A, BOTTLE. -A glass bot' tle containing a meesage from the lake was found on the beach near Baefield Sundey. Followhig is the message : "The heavens bleats you, my dear wife • we are ou a rook at Ohenoygan Reef mei sinking with all hands ; water five feet in the hold, God take Gera of you and daughters. Yours .A. A. ()satire (The last word and another not distioct) 'Vessel's nante Charles A. Eddy." The above was written on a paper with a list of groceries written on it, and dated gat Buffalo, Oct. 9, Eddy grocery. • Centralia. 3311/B18.-1Sr. Wm. Dishman has moved his family to Lucan.-Miss Terry is the guest of Mrs. Hill -Improve- ments have been made to the ohuroh property. The front has been gravelled and a new door put on the back, -Prof. McRae and Mr. Wm. Hell of Glencoe, gave a concert in Fairfield school house last Monday evening. The proceeds for the evening were only some $2. -The Woman's Missionary Society prime holding a public meeting on Ths.nksgiv- ing evening, A choice programme is being prepared consisting of readings, recitations, solos and quartettes from Crediton, Exeter, Eden, Fairfield and Centralia. Come and give thanks to She Lord for his bountiful blessings during the past year. -Mrs. A.. Knox is visiting relatiyes in London. -Mr. Walter Fen Was marriecl last week to Miss Kennedy of Tilsonburg. We wish Walter mid tvife much joy. It has also been reported that Mrs Fen. was mar- ried to Mr. Kennedy at the same time. Cireenway, --- BBIEFS.-Hr. A. McGregor has gone to Michigan to work in the lumber woods. -Rev. J. EL Ohan.b preached a very instructive and, impressive funeral sermon in Boston Methodist church, in poramendoration of the late Miss Annie ECohn.-The ann.ual meeting ot the officers and teachers of the Boston Methodist Sunday school met at the residence of W. J. Wilson last Monday evenino. and made arrangements for their Christmas tree entertainment, to be held Christmas night.- The snow and frost came too early, for a great num- ber have large quantities of roots out yet, and a large number axe not through fall ploughing. -Mr. Henry Eilber, manager of the Hay Fire Insurance Ou., called. at the office of W. je Wilscn last Monday afternoon for the accommodat. ion"of the policy. holders wheeled assess- ments to pay. This , Company is in a flourishing condition, makes the lowest assessment of any other Fire Insurance Co., and has a large number more ap- plicants than they care to take. -Our village merchant is selling felt boots, overshoes, rubbers and socks ab greatly reduced prices this liseason.- The Maccabees who attended ethe concere last week at Grand Bend were greatly pleased with the entertainment. • :et . Crediton yere pleasant event took place in the Evangelical parson- age of this village on Tuesday evening Nov. 16th at 6 o'clock. The interest- ing occurrence was an offering brought at hymen's altar, the uniting of two beating but hap ty hearts. The parties concerned were Miss Louise Feist, one of Crediton's most fairest maidens and Mr. George Finkbiner, a young man worthy of the fdture queen of his happy house. Mtss Louise Morlock and 3Ir. Ezra G. Feist, cousin and brother Of the bride ably assisted as maid of honor and best man the Rev. J, G. Litt officiating; May success and happiness attend the bridal pair as they sad on life's stormy sea. Baines, -The heaters have:returned home and brought isplendid fruits of their labor, in :,the shape of a dozen fine deer. -The K. 0. T. ef, concert next Month promises to be a grand success. Every preparation Is being made for a big time. -Service will be held in the village churches to -day. --- 112. is on the rounds of the county colleeting the assessment in connection with the flayFire Insurance Company. Look Out Por Cold Weather. ----- But ride inside of ,the Fdeotrie Lighted and Stearn Heated IreAtihttle Apartment trains of the elhicmgo, Milwaukee :e St. Paul Railway and you will he as warm, eointortable aud cheerful as in yam: own library or boudoir. To travel between Chicago, St. Paul and Minneapolis, or between Chicago, Omaha and Sioux (lite, in these luxurionsly appoitted ttains, ie a supreme tatiataction; and, act tho settee what ainieat advertisement used to read, "for further particulars, see small bills" Sreiallt bills (and large ones too) will be. aeoepte fov pato:ago and sleeping oat tickets. For detailed information address At :T. ylor, Canseliaa Mooney Agent, Toodeto Ont, ,f." ri......14***14.0Noramtl*W11 , Bev A Stewart, fertile- bit eighteen Veto pastor of Notth EasthOpe Preabyttue jell Chereb, bas tosigned. \\ 1894 SOON WWI= as 80143 r IOUs -hers and proprietorp A SAD. CASE. Trte OLD Saone Or MAN'S DIEd1.011EIVY To t Teuenwo Weeieer, One of the saddest events ever ehroni- tiled in thie county culminatect in the family of Mr, Robert itiutoh, a well known and htghly reepected farmer living in East Wawauosb, on Manley night last. His daughter Jessie a yoang woman of 22 years, was the yietira, and the history of the caw) shows it to be the 'old and gruel story of seduction under promise of marriage, then abandonment by the be- trayer, and the death of the poor girl, probably by her own hand, to avoid the shame she oould not face. On Monday evening Mr. and Ws. Hutch were absent from homemoad their daughter Jessie, atter spending the evening with her brothers, William ani Fred, retired, apparently in the beat of spirits; but ebout midnight her sereame alarmed the house- hold and the was found in the throes of death from the effects of a dose of strych- nine, Dr. McLaughlin, of Man:attester, was summoned, but could do nothing. A coroner's inquest was held on Wed- needayby Dr Milne, of Blyth, under the direetion of Mr Lewis, who acted on be- half of the crown atto ney, Drs, eleLeugh- lin and Fergason performing the post raortem examination. The deceseed had been keeping company with a yotme man named John Fentou, a miller, and from her correspondence and a diary she had kept, it was found. that, having accomplish- ed her ruin, ha had grown tired of her nod refused to merry her. Fenton was call d as a witness, aud at first veined disaosed to deny everything, bin under skillful moss questioning he finally admitted .he whoie story; also that the deceased had told him she wonlel commit suicide if he did not marrylher, and that he had"one time taken O package of strychniue from her and barn - ed it. The mother of damaged had only recently suspected that anything was wrong with her girl, andhad determined on lemming the feet and endeavoring to secure an honorable settlement by the young man, bat before her intentions could be carded out the hand of deathbed fallen. The jury returned an open verdict that deceased came to her death by poieon administered by sotne one anknown, and so the sad tragedy rests for the present. Intense indignation is felt towards the heartless end cowardly wretch who. is the cause of the poor girl's untimely death, and but for the respect for law which is oharacterietic of Comedians, he would have metr with aouiething like his deserts at the hands of the °Weans of that seedori. sse-e Chatted° NOt A Lunatio- -e-sves_ie-esse ses, The day after his arrest 011 being interviewed in Stratford jail by Govern- ment Detective eZtrray, ekmedee Chat- 'telle, the butcher of little Jessie Keith, near Listowel, stated that ho haa for a period of eight or ten months been an inmate of the Taunton, Massachusetts, lunatic hospital, having been committed from Boston nine years ago. Invest- igation proves that Chattel's's story is a fabricatiou. Yesterday a letter • was received from J B Brown, M. B., sup- erintendent of the Taunton lunatic hos- pital, stating that Ohattellehi name clues not appear on the register in the past 25 years, nor do any of the attend- ants recognize the portrait and descrip- tion forwarded toTauntou as that of any previous patient in the hospital. This disposes of the idea that Chattelle may haye been in the institution under another name. The result of this in- quiry will tend to show- thee Ohattelle adopted the maniac plea in order to save his neck, if possible. Sharon. Bntsps.—Yfr, and 'Mrs. John Treys - thick of Crediton were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Amy on Sunday lase -Air and Mrs Witliam Dauncey of Eden were visiting their- father Mr A aron Dauncey on Monday last, -Mr and Mrs Samuel Rowe attended the wedding of her sister, which took place in Exeter Wednesday evening. -Mr William Kestle has been ailing this week from a complication of diseases which we think is owing to the shak. mg up he received a couple of weeks ago. -Paring bees are now the order of the day. The last was held at the residence of Mr. Joseph Dauncey Which was a success in every sense of the word. After the apples wore all pared the company were conducted to the dining room where a fine spread had been prepared, to which all did ample emetic°, atter which they dis- pursed to their several homes saying that paring bees were nob so bad after all. -Sharon's news of last week can sed a whirl of excitement among the fair sex of our burg, tor s"eyervbedy Wants, to knovv who the shoemaker is and if' he has decided to locate. To the maidens I naust:say that it must remain a mystery until he settles in our midst and then look out for equal's. A op of muddy wata 15 not wholesome, neithez is a bottle of muddy medicine. One way to know a reliable and skillfelly-proparod blool.purifrer is by its; freedom trona neat:neat. Aver's Sam. wills. is a lemma bright and sparkling, he - 13 BD extract and not a decoctiou, The Exeter'TimEs and To- ronto Mall from now until Jan- uary 1896, for $1.25 only. This low price is arranged to suit the price of wheat. Everybody can avail themselves of this offer. Remember, the ,balance of this year free, and subscriptions payable in advance. Address this office. litaron °minty Notes. Allan S MoLean, of the Huron Exposi- tor, son of M. Y. McLean, M. P, P., left Seeforth the other day for a vimit to the Old Country. James McMillan, of Goderieh townsb.ip, has 400 bushels of white elephant pot - atop which are monstere. Six of the attendee large ones weighed 11 pounds, and one combination tuber touched five pouode. Mr Tilley, Model School Inspector, was here in his official capacity last week, and expreseed himself WI pleased. with the work of the telt/denten out of the 44 amoebae here, 19 of theca have secured schools for next year..01inten NewEra. 15The Methodists of Kiriburn and vicinity are rejoicing over the success attending their effete; daring the opening of their new churah. From the dinner and finial tee receipte Isere about 0130, and Rev. Mr, Williamson succeedec1 ia raising enough by subscription to more than pay the whole debt on the church. The' organ which the young people bought for the church is a great improvement on the old one and reflects great credit on the pur; chasing committee The judgment in the Bit:Itchier v. Andrews case declarea that by reason of the plaintiff failing to furnish the :tattle with good and sufficient pasturage, the defenaants are exonorated from their con- tact to purchase the cattle; that, as to the fifty bead watch defendant's fed in their stables, they fed them at the request of the plaiutift, and he Is liable for their feed. Tee result is thafplaineff's action waa dismissed nail vats, and that de- fendants recover against plaintiff, on their riounter claim, the sum of 5512 and costs, -Goderioh Star. On cliff went otunisions efforts have been made to hold really meritorious concerts and other entertainments, but experience has, unfortunately, demonstrated that tlaey cannot be made pay. The concert given, by Mbui Lardy the other evening, was an ilhastratien of thia, for she was about $40 out of pocket. Some yore ago the Pfouse of Commons Literary Society gave a high oleo ooneere and although they had a good. house, the proceeds were may 1$1 more than the outlay. We uneeratand that the Cricket Club is almost $15 oat on the Weblings entertainment, lo the face of experiences of this nature, there ia little encouragement to bring expensive musicians, etc., to small places. -Clinton 'NeQcvniEteraa utunber of peddlers are now doing FIuron, end its a conundrum beyond our powers of definition how ao many sensible women oernalt themselves to be imoosed upon by these foreign imposters, and we believe that we voice the opinion of the major past of our citizens, when we say thal the zoorier ear legislatures take steps to stamp ont the growing nweance the better. Of the many easea of irnposit• ion that have come under our notice, time and space will only permit us to quota the following: A certain lady of the village parchaeed a pair of towels from one of those Jew peddlers for which she paid 50 cents. Now,that line of towels canbe pro - oared for 14 cents at any of the storee.- Lueknow exchange. The severest cases ol rheumatism, are cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, the greatest blood purifier. Now le the time to take it- Elood'e °arm Perth County Notes -- Jas. Sellers, of Mitchell, fell down (sel- ler the °thee slay and broke his shoulder blade. Mr. Thos, Headley, of Stratford, aged 80 years, poisoned himselt with pads green. Mr. Chas Graham, son of Mr W 11 Graham St Marys has been appointed teacher of the school at Science Hill for the year 1895. 3. A. Watson,of Mitchell, who last week made an assignment has been gran- ted an extension of time. The aasets are some $8,000 oyer liabilities - The provincial health authorities have been notified of one case of smallpox at Stratford, anti steps have been taken to prevent the spreading of the disease, Have no equal as a prompt and positive cure for siek headache, bdionsness, con- stipation, pain in the side, and all liver troubles, Cartefe Little Liver Pills. Try Mrs. Peter Geodbow of Medina, choke&1 to death the other day by a piece of meat stioking iu her throat. She hacl pm -ale -ale of the throat. She was 77 years of age. To be free from sick headache, bilious. ness, Constipation, etee use Carter's Little Liver Pills. Strictly vegetab le. They gently stimulate the hyar and free the stomach from bile, W.J. Poole, who has been reeereeng steward of the 'Methodist (thumb, St. Marys, for the past 26 years has resigned, and A. H, Lofft has beea appointee in his stead. While engaged gathering in turnips on the farm of Mr. Wm. radiates, M. 2., Fullerton. on Tharsday of last week, Mr. Stetthen Bolide bad a fork run through his hema. Must not be confounded with common cathartics or purgative pille, (tweet -es Lit- tle Liver Pills lee entirely unlike them in every, reseed. 'One trial will prove their supenerity. Rev. Birks, of Woodham, intends; to retire from VIRA aotive work of the ministry at the end. of the wont year. This is aue to failing health. Iffe has purchased a residence in Toronto, itna will remove there. ter D'don Irving has boon appointed teacher of 8 S No 8 Bleriehardevriss Neltis Thompson ettocee is Mr Wrn Contvity as teacher of Avonbank (taboo', the Ietter taking the place of Mr John Stephens at Grauthurst school. Mr Prank Pollock has tweepd a position as teacher near I Seaforth. A PONV AND riltIMOOL ILuni Thie is new so unnecessaryt tike many othere,vou may have your baby fat, laugh•, ing end happy, if ,yon give 11 Soot* Best:I- :stelanabien take it like cream„ LOW PRICES ---FOR THE -- Farmer* DARK SIDE. Wheat 5oe and down. Peas soc and down. Barley 35c and down. Oats 26c. and down. BRIG-EIT SIDE - New suits for men 500 and up. New overcoats for men $4..50 " Suit underclothes " soc " Overshirts for men 50c and up. Long boots for rnen $1.5o " Ladies' & youth's wear in pro- portion. Silver Lining to every Cloud. J. P R033 A Mitchell correspondent sae . John Ailtene, executor for Mo. Clark, has issued writs against the town and others for damages for the accident wheeeby Mr. C'ark lost bis life. They same witbrn 5150 of a settlemett, hut did not succeed. Now a jury at Goderich will have to decide the knotty question. The death took place at Stratford. on Saturday of Mrs Elizabeth Colwell wife of Hugh Wileon, Pr., of that city, at at the advanced age of 87 years. The old lady was with her aged husband, who sur- vives ben one of the oldest isettlers itt that part of the owlets', fewing located in Dow- nie about setty years ago. Judge Woods has given judgment or- deriug Editor Race,of the Mitch ell Record- er, so appear before the local registrar for examination at his own expenee, Exam - tion has, however. been reserved to per. mit et an appeal which has been made to the High Court at Toreato, The ase has to do with the election petition against Mr McNeill. Mr. Albert Johnston, a former respected settler of Fullerton, writing from Ox Bow N W T., says: 'Times hare been very dull here for the past three years. Wheat sells from 30e. to 35 cte, per bushel, which don't pay the expen ea of raising. It averaged 15 buthele to the mere this -year. The weather is very fine, but snow fell to the depth of five inches Oct. 3rd.' Ruiner has it that the Lsibereas of South Perth are at loggerheads over the choice of a candidate. Mr. Moscrip, who has none good work for the party, was promited the nomination, but owing to the feeling atuongst farmers seitinst lawyere, be is to be laid aside and the domination given. to Mr. 'Robinson, a cattle -buyer of Blom. shard, a gentleman of good character, but seercely known outside his own immediate neighborhood. Another rumor is, t bat owing to the attempt of the Liberals to unseat Mr. McNeill the Patrons will w ith- draw their nominee and consolidate their vote outer. Prirtham, who supported Me - Neill in the late election, and whose interests are indentioa with those of the farmer. We don't know what truth there is in these rumors, but give them for whet they are worth. -Mitchell Advocate. Middlesex County Notes. Mr. Wm. Young of Lucan, has been appointed section foreman in plaits of the late eir- Ohishelm, who died tbere last week, Mr. John McIntyre, of Lune, has sold out the Western Hotel there to Mr, Pat- ten, of London • Mr. McIntyre has par; chased ainther Hotel t Kervrood, near Strathroy. John Shields of Parkhill, has this year take i three crops from a pteice of ground 20 feet square. The first wee cabbage, which realized $18 ; tbe seated oelerY, 510 ; third celery, 55. 3.. M. MoTilvoy, onunsEl for Eiward Bowers, of Be:Mulish, now serving a five year term in Kingston for manslaughter, intends circulating a pcation for the release of the prisoner, Mrs. Thwers is very ill. Allan adjourned meeting of the Ailia Craig School Board held on Wednesday nigbt it wag decided to engage Mr. James R. Bulmer as principal at $500 per anm„ and to retain the services of Mr. Bell end Mies Widen°, at smarms of $340 and 8240. respectively, The other afternoon Mr. WM, Thomp- soo, Ot the 5th Oen, East Williams, had the nsisfortane to get his hand eataaagled itt the feed -gear of a straweeutter, Dr. Gunn amputated one linger and expose to FlaVO the others although two of them are vary - badly injured. Rev. Timothy O'Connell, i tip foe trial in New York en a oharge of criixiinelly assaulting a le year old girl, ile left the Chapter Roue. London, under a, Aloud: He wee eherged with -Mom-leo nubstmen- ing of a minister," or rather t'over indul- gence in liquor,. The Rev Dr Ohiniquy romaine very ill ill Montreal, and his condition iseaasing him Mende grave anxiety, The Exeter TIMES and To- ronro Mail from now until Jan- uary 1896, for $r.25 only. This low price is arranged to suit tho price of wheat. Everybody can avail themselves of this offer. Remember, the balancc of this year free, and subscriptions pay- able in advance. Address thi5 office,