HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-11-1, Page 8INBTMtANOE. 4I,,G�lh a L' l+;tLLi(1T,,,A,GL+NI'FOB a ilii+11 taClittN ASSU ANOI; CObI"` ' Pet,el , of reroute: alae for the PHOENIX P,fitte £rel llati3Orel CUML'AtiY, of London Eabl;tet 'h.14LraNQt4 izio-u tANQ11t own., PAety' of B,uulend. Il riG', Bookstore le the plane to get your School Books. An the latest hinds of Sribbler$, Exercise .Books Pens anti Pencils, VVe €lige Have a (+'w1 Line ot, Pads and Pass' 11:}Oks. --AT— J. GRIGG'S. 'See that Square That's the way business is done at the Big Ean1rttpt Sim Squar: c: Dealing, Lowest prices, While you are gaiting for gocd times, t conomise by dealing at the Big Bankrupt Store. Cheapest spot in Western Ontario. Special valves in Dress Goods, Millinery and Mantles. J. A. Stewart. Notice to Times' Readers. The publishers would esteem it a favor if readers would,when making their purchases, mention that they saw the merchant's adver- tisement in THE IDLES. - - NOTICE—Ali business announcements notices of public meetings, entertainments auction sales, ate„ appearing in there local columns will be charred for at the rate of five Beats per line eaoh insertion. Black beading to count as three tines. Cash `with order save to persons baying open accounts. To insure change of advertisements in current issue copy must he handed into office on Tuesday. rrivillCh. November 4th, 1899. 24th Sunday after Trinity, 11 ;t, x. Sermon to Orangemen; Te Denm _ Liberty and Loyalty." Beuedietus - _ _ Clemens' Holds n .3P. M. Bible) Class for Adults. 7r. at Magnificat and Nune Dimettes,W N Bunt •Anthem,"I will sing of thy power. Sir- A•Snllivaa: Tenor Solo - B. H.Collins Sermon - ,,e,'7!ile songs of Zion. WADIMEMLY 81, M. r Lecture on Church History; "The British Church." • A terrible death occurred at Palmerston on Monday, of Mr. Fred Davis, a former resident of Mitchell: It appears that the young man was caught between two sections of a freight train and crushed too death, his body being almost severed in two. He died in about half an hour, While returning from church on San= day a daughter of Mr, Robert Johnston, Hibbert, met with a serious accident. She was riding in a buggy with her brother when a couple of rigs in front stopped suddenly, causing the animal to turn off the road ehort,whic"h vpeet the buggy, and the horse ran away. The young woman fell upon her head, At first her neck was supposed to have been broken, but nothing more serious occurred than a seyere shock to the nervous system. The CIergymen and undertakers of Goderich have all signed the following resolution:—"Whereas, much time is lost, and unneceeeary exposure suffered by many on funeral occasions b y reason of tedious delays; for the better under- standing and convenience of theublic; resolved, that:we the undersigned ;clergy- men of the town of Ooderi chr when called ed Upon to officiate at -f p anerale, do what we On to have the proaeseion leaye the reeidenoe of the deceased at the hour indicated on the posted notices. We also wl.h too except plaamat e upon record aearnest' pp vel, in areas of absolute necessity, of Sunday funerals, as a needless Interference with the work of the Lord'. ritzy. Mrs. Thos' Smith, of the town Not, went into her Cellar a few'evenings ago to get some .now apples to eat. Stooping down, she saw a bead which she at first. thought to be that of a enake,but on seeing. its short body discovered otherwise, Two Attire were procured and the little reptile Wed captured and put in a bottle,. Mrs. Smith brought it to us, and we have been endeavoring to classify it, but reefer hive been unsuoeeesfnl, #t ie about 7 inch g' Idng, dark brown in color, Slightly light onn, the birder side, bad itwa rows bf bright yel. lows o it to r cit >i a f til atethe 11 t« of. tent'' ail not �roartd � batflet, mut, o xis r, comet t±o° ,,,n '.., ,•� e hint t nd f � it Oat o , ellrt l 1 /� e ip `1'FiCTR81 9X« Nt)V'E>irlt3L'1fi, 1st, 1804 ,OCAL. RAPP Na4ON. It r* eitie a Vdr, Thos, 13iaaett, st;, has putolraac`d his brother Jt.hree interest in lila roadster Save 25 per cent by bu,yiulpz your• Tea, 'au;a'r and groceries tut. the ilii{ Banerupt Store. if you've got sense yoa'il save your cent, by buying your jackets and irtiilieery at the trig Bankrupt Store. The Brandon Sun says that some farm. eta in the Neepttwe district bad a wheat yield this year of 48 bushels to the acre. Prices down so low at the 131g Bankrupt Store that no house dare eu lower, 40t'. doublefold dress r, ands lure wool fur 22.1c,. Judge Toms held a court for the revis i,•n of the voter's lifts on Friday last. ',umber of edditione and many change were wade. Ailsa Craig 'Foresters, I. 0, 1e) made a address and. presentation to Rev. Wm Shore, of Ailsa Craig ou''Tuesday. He i removing to Port Burwell. Jack Frost will never trouble the met who buys a Frieze oyereoat' ut ,the Bt;, Bankrupt Store. Cheaptet &pot iu the County, rest$ Hier Ammo., A fellow Galling himself Prof, Smut Lehi forth in the torynhail the other even. leg The attendance we; larger than the nterteinment rpetaled, and more than we, lhu of t1re ;.t-oa,�led professor, who rs a deedheat of the worst k:nii. Lie ltf t: wn next: due for pa is utrkneen leering. !t needier t'f Biqa uuitaiti,among which Lia printing :temente Ile did the ramie thing iu Golterroh, and for all me know, it may be a liAtit of his, The press however, will. find it to the interests of the fraternity to peas this fellow ercuud. 'The. Misses Bonthrou and -Nichol of 23crit511 visited Mrs. 11. B. Qollina,, ,the torepert of title week.- Sing Lee, the Chine:nett from London, wlto had intended np' ning a laundry in Exeter, has g no to Winghite.---Mr wm, Twotty of tirddulpb i. drugruualy ill. --i 1, • Ed. 'Bissett, of l+'orra , tea. ru to'n on Moud. y calling on heti ineey friends. •-Mr e1, Bollanl,„etas. go 0 into the patent feeee liueiucas lit 1. rt ant w th Mr. T. A, Met'oune 1, of Loud'n, -1)r. t t. A. and Mrs. Anderson •A rprat Sunday and Monday in Goderieb town'llil'.--Mien Dctxtp.. y, of Luc,.n, s .nt ilnodar amine ttrt� parental roof in town. --Mr, Brophy,* of Mentr,al, spent 1'needey waiting at 31r:'1.. lI •l ttelteon'e. s —Mrs. T W. Newkehrtw is vi tong her eine? . Mre R. Eanrett, iu Brantford• She will retort for a few weeks.—T^ 1f, Ger- i of Clinton, teen in tee; raG•xday, Thera have been 13 murder trials In Western Ontario within the past eighteen months, and 'the death penalty has not been enforced in a single case. Mr. Geo. Russell had the end of the first finger of hie left hand taken off by u cutting machine in J. G. Moser'a tiushop at Blyth ou Tuesday of last week. The farm stook of ''Gilliam Richardson, 4th coveeeiou of Riddulph, (was sold by Auctioneer J. W. Jones Tuesday at 40 cents on the dollar to William Handers, of Hamilton. Mr. F. B. Holtby, who has been in the employ of the Merchants Bank, in Mit- chell, for the peat twelve years, intends opening out a private bank in the Camp- bell block about the fiat of .Novemher. A certain young man advertised for a wife in an Ameriedu paper and hie sister answered the adverri.emeot. Toe young fellow now thinks advertising don't pay and the old folks think it is pretty hard luck to have two fools itt oue farnil•y. Wm. Vansione, of Wit;gham, who re- cently returued from a visit to the Old Country, contraoteda cold on the ocean' that resulted in his death last Sabbath week. He was unmarried and was only 32 years and 10 months of age. Middlesex has a greater area devoted to orchard and garden than any other cunnet in Ontario -10263 acres. It is is as much owing to this fact as its comparatively large area, that the value of farm lands there is given at neatly $4,000,000 above any other county in the Province, We Grave the indulgence of our readers this week, for any shortcomines in 'Ent TTttcs Seven of the eta ff, from editor to1da- vil have been busy working on a jib to be completed in two week., and. have tweet unable to devote the desired time to the paper. We will however, make good the discrepancy in the futnrtr. • OA Tuesday last Mr Robert Irwin, of Ashfield, bad his Ieg broken at the ankle while working on the farm of . Mr. John Miller, Kinloss. He was driving a . team of horses, which were hitched to a long stick of timber, when the end of the stick broke off and part of it hit him on the leg, fracturing the bone. N. Reid, Erin, has a great crop of pota- toes this year. A buyer states that he bas a long field, which averages 12 bags to the drill, which is 40 rods in length. This would make over 200 bags to the acre, At the price potatoes are now selling at 45 to 50 cents, this would make abut $100 an acre. On Wedneeday Francis Kelly, brother- in-Iaw of James Norton and uncle of Thos. Norton, of the Stratford Model School, threw himself in front of a train as it was nearing f,iatowel, and the head was entirely severed from the body. No motive is as- signed for the rash act. Mr. John Whyte jr., and Mr. J. J. B, Little, of Mitchell, witnessed the horrible eight. W. H. Meeraokon, the veteran garden- er of Brueeels, has the following record for prizes taken in 1894. Wingham, 25; Bel - grave, 16; Seaforth, 36; Wroxeter 33, Brussels, 50; Fordwiob, 28; Blyth 16; Dungannon, 13. Sometimes two fairs oc- cur on the same day, but to meet that emergency he sends a wagon load to eaoh place, Meagre. E. W. and G, Charlton and J. - Oliver, Dunorief, sustained a heavy lees on Monday morning by the death of their well known imported Clydesdale stallion, Wigton Lad, No; 5,441, which had only been sink a few Jaye with inflammation. Wigtown Lad was one of the best speoi- mens of the Clydesdale ever imported into Canada and was valued at $2,000. These died in Mitchell on Friday even- ing het Miss Carrie McNay, daughter of the late Thos. MaNay, of Fallarton, at the age of 20 peace and 5 months. Deceased was a bright young girl and a clever stud- ent, bat having failed at the late inter- mediate examinations she became almost prostrated, and her nervous system being unable to bear the strain she succumbed to a broken heart almost suddenly on the evening of the above mentioned. The eight Ontario counties in which the largest amount is registered, in form of chattel mortgages are: York, $1,553,000; Grey, $518,000; Simooe, $415,000; Car- leton, $387,000; Algoma, $353,000; Kent, S8 t. 3000. Pres ort $ c and R a 1 , a eel $320,000: Wentworth the Mame. - The county with the lowest indebtedness in this form is Haliburton, with but $13,000, Thunder Bay and Haldirnand coming nett with $26,000 and $55,000 renectively. Honore Mercier, Bx»Premier of Quebec, died Tuesday morning. The end had been expected any time during the pre. ceding twenty -font hours, and hope of re- oovery had been given up weeks ago, Ili fact, from the moment that he Rist fell seriously 111, on the loth of August lest, it had been felt that he ley on his deathbed, Mr. Mercier has bean suffering from a Dont lies tion of i d sense o p s f ryors past, , diabetes predominating. P Passengers on L. H. and B' Iran report a clone Gall from being ditched on Saturday afternoon this side of Wingham, When the train .was peening a road, eroseing three Bowe tushed satinet the beggxg a oar. Tho v. t ren work along the bottom of the st►r and e elope wet* earliest • a y. ihe-train e stopped and 11 was found that one of tl cows had alre.dy' he.n eonyertcd inte. Wit d f { i : tt ?t::i abed, The roto of taxation in Loeknow this yey.lastryear, ie 31 veins on the dollar, the Barna as The dynamo has been sbioped from eentreel, end we may expect the streets lighted in a few days. Workmen are baldly engaged erecting a new skating and curling rink in Lucknow. The building will be 156 by 50 feet. The Bishop of Huron has appointed Rev W M Shore, of Ailsa Craig, to the rectory of Trinity Church Port Burwell. William E: Scott has purchased John Anderson's farm of 150 acres in Fast Ws- wanosh, Huron county, for 86,300. Mr. Din Gillie••, of eon. 18, East Wil- Iiams, has left for Alabama, •He will spend the winter in the Sunny South. A compenti is talked of tit Ottawa with a view of hui'ding an i•lectrio railway from there to Brookville, a distance of about 70 milts. The funeral of the lute Roberti Jones, ; of itchell, on 'Thursday t', as the largest ever seen in Mitaliell, there being 79 rigs in;the procetsicn, The money value in stook in Huron is gr, flier ehen for any other county in On tesie,the datum being 16,366,000: Middle- sex ranks vecend, wit -',i 55,942,000, and Grey third, b5,776,000,. Mr. Robert Bowers, one of the oldest residents of West. i'Gawanosb, Aied „ton Monday last. aged 80 years, He • had resided on the old homestead for over 50 years. A large quantity of Ontario fruit bas been brought into the city this year. Being packed better than it has been in previous years it brings a fair price. -Bran- don Son. W. S. Vanatone, marble dealer of Wing- ham, died the other day from pulmonary • roe ble. The chiseled duet, inhaled into hie lnngr, was the pause of his ,,early death. The Lend,m by- elootion to fill the vacancy caused by the retirement of Mr. Meredith, will take place on Nov. 26th. The respective candidates are: E. T. Essery in the Conservative iotereste ' and Mr. Hobbs. Reform. There were 37,454 miloh cows at Has- tings last year. This is the biggest num- ber chows for any one oeunty in the Pro- vince. Middlesex came next, with 83,867; Oxford third, with 33,454, and Huron fourth with 29,273: Adam. Cooke, of Kincardine, while out shooting, grasped hie gun, which was in the wagon, by the muzzle, to shoot a big hawk passing overhead, when the gun was discharged, the charge entering his right hand, which bad to be amputated, owing to inflammation. «. Mr. MoD. Allen, of Goderich, has a very striking novelty in fruit culture in his orchard, being a pear tree in full bloom as complete and profuse as in the early spring. Bev. Fr. West can also boast of a similar freak of natare, one of the pear trees in his garden being full of bloom, The Liberals who had contributed to the deposit fund raised in connection with the counter protest against Mr: Weis. miller, wore a broad smile last week, the oocaeion being a check for the $1,000 with interest, which sum it was decided by the courts was not required in the case of counter petitions. A quiet wedding was held • at the rear - dance of Andrew Gonrlay, of Sebringviile, when his eldest daughter, Carrie, wen united to James tBtrathdee, of Dorchester, Rev. Mr, Vining performing the cere- mony, Only relatives of the contraotime parties were prevent. After a wedding breakfast the newly married couple left for their future home in Dorchester. A sensational story reaches us from Gorrie. It is said that two persons were driving between Wroxeter and Gorrie on Saturday, and hearing a child crying drove by, but returned, to see what was wrong. They , found a baby all buried but its head and drying lustily. The inhuman monsters had been disturbed in their labors and made their escape by the aid of a horse and rig. The finders of the little one took it to Gorrie with them. A well-known barrister gives the follow- ing as the rights on the public highways in towns and attics: The streets belong to teams, and vehicles and pedestrians have no more business upon them'than teams on would have a p p the sidewalk, The crossings at the street corners belong to pedestrians who have right of there way and against teams. Many drivers ignore,. the law and dash over the crossings, en- dangering the lives of the pedestrame, without thinking they are violating the law. No vehicle or horse can, within the law, driven ri n a idly over d r p or the oroseing, nor can the driver obstruct the crossing. Rev.illia wi t m Lund, Methodist minister,ina well-known ,.tater,died at hie residence, Woodstock, Tuesday. He was a native of Berkshire, England, and was born Feb - rusty 23, 1817, and hence watt, et the time of his death, in the 78th year of hie age. In 1857 he came to Canada, and was received fie a minister in association with Canada Methodism. The following .fields of labor enjoyed the benefit of his earnest cultivation, via-s-Walein sham St. George Oxford, Woodstock. Collingwood, Mono, Lticsn, Port Stinleyi Exeter, Weattnin, titer, and corehester. I8itO he was roper- tlnnUated, and aftrtr' spending two *airs in St, Thoixlas, rexztoretl to Woodato;k where b eMr sgoo';reelded,. ' . three PICKARO & 30 We have just made anotherr large purchase of Staple Dry Goods, and among this lot may be found the cheapest goods ever offered in Exeter. Special values in Grey Cottons. rt Bleached Cottons. Flannelettes. Grey Flannels, White Union Sheeting. Grey ff all wool Tweeds. all wool Freize. Shirts and Drawers. Ladies Vests. Grey Blankets. White Blankets. We also have numerous .other lines bought much below their regular price. Come and inspect our stock. R. PICKARD & SON, The Exeter TIMES and To- ronto Mail from now until Jan- uary 1896,, for $1.2.5 only. This low price is arranged to suit the prize of wheat. Everyhody can avail themselves of this offer. Remember, the balance of this year free, and subscriptions payable in advance. Address this office. Chrietm as is about seyen weeks. • The pranks of the boys last night were not very eerions. The sudden and unexpected death of Mre. Joseph Cobbledick, of Exeter, on Friday last, east a gloom over the entire community. Mre. Cobbledick had been complaining at intervals during the past year, and on Thursday went to London to undergo an operation. Chloroform had been administered for the purpose of an ante-mortem examination, after which, although the ;patient recovered from the anaesthetic, she ;gradually sank, death ensuing in a few hours. The remain were brought to. Exeter and on Sunday interred in the Exeter cemetery, the funeral being the largest witnessed in town for years, man g a cortege. Deceased had been a resident of Exeter for some years having formerly resided in Biddnlph, near Mooresville. She was held in the highest esteem, and a very large circle of friends join in extending sympathies to the be - reeved husband and children. She was aged 42 yearn. Rity. Geo. J. Lown, The Rectory, Almonte, Ont., writes : 1 must ask you to send me another bottle of your invaluable medicine. I think your last bottle has cured me entirely, but some members of my family, whose cases are worse than mine, insist on my getting some more. Indeed we all think it an in- dispensible artiele in the household. Look Out For Cold Weather. But ride inside of the Eieotrio Lighted and Steam Heated Vestibule Apartment trains of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway and you will be as warm,' comfortable and cheerful as in your own library or boudoir. To travel between Chicago, St, Pant and Minneapolis, or between Chicago Omaha and Sioux in these luxuriously appointed p p tralne, is City, supreme satisfaction; ad, as the some- what ancient advertisement used to read "for farther particulars, see small bills,” Small bills (and large once, too) will be accepted for passage and sleeping oar tickets, ForlBetailed information address A, I. Taylor, Canadian Passenger 'Agent, Toronto Ont. I— Wo are glad to learn that the t'PAxrt- Xxlrrnit" is having No large a dale in our city... We hate every reason to belioye it to be it almost never -failing Mire for pain, and ie a medicine that no family eheuld be without, Only 25e for a big bottle. The Exeter' TM1; �' x S ando ronto Mail from now until Ian- . nary y'6, for 1.2. only, This low price is arranged to suit the price of wheat. ° Everybodycan avail themselves of this Offer. Remember, the balance of this year free,' and subscriptions payable In advance. ddress is of 'oc �M MONEY LOST.—Purse containing a stint of:.money lost between Dashwood and Exeter, oe Thursday last. Finder will be rewarded by leaving same at Tritxxs office. On Tuesday. Reeve Bowden sold 32 acres of his recently acquired property in. Centralia to M"eesra. G. Eesery and Rioh. Sande for a good price: K, D. C. Pills cure chronic oonatipationt JOHTO'S Eternal Vigilance is nowadays onenI the the chief requisites to success in business. We keep con— stant watch of the markets for anything which may be looking for a cash outlet, This week we have secured some ticklers. A. sample lot of Shawls bot at half price will be sold less than wholesale cost. will buy a Scotch 2 :i Cheviot suit of 50 Clothes made to order, retailers generally get $17.00 for this line :of fash- ionable goods. bu y linewill of Blackthe pants best 4./5 (made to order) which r: we have sold in Ex - u �"1e3 willb ye) good fur. coat. Come in and see the best coon skin coat in Exeter, 5 secure you a good God Tweed Rubber Coat, buysa heavy aTweed Suit of clothes. $14 buys .you a good Greenland' seal cape. is thep pop ular price h buys s . hi w c u. a good heavy sheeting, Come in and see this line if you want a good web of cotton. pieces job dressgoods bot at price rice will be cleared at 26e per p yard. Want of space l not rt allow further enumeration. Come in andee con- vinced. and � a c ri vinced. Yon ought to do' your tradin s here for your Qin good. Fakes and all Sorts of Tricks and humbugs resorted to by some dealers to catch trade. They profess that you can get dry goods and groceries for nothing. For example they will quote prices as follows :--- Overcoats worth $15.00 for $xo.00. Suits "r x2,00 " 8,00. Shirt tt 1.o0 rf Dress Goods f d 75c " Cottons c, 8c Ladies' Hose " 35c ft Tca.- tt 50c 50e, 5C, 25 C. 35c " 25C. We call a spade a spade. Such absurd urn ativel•tisemmt are o no more value any- more than cheap goods are, still as barnuin nse to say people like, to be humbugged, CARLING BROS,don't: make such offers. We have been here too long to have to resod to that sort of thing. Their trade is established and reliable CARLING BROS. sell GOODS at a PAIR PR OF"I' et You get what you ask for and pay the least money consistent with excellent values. Try Tetley's cell brated Tea. Sample given free. 5oc., 6oc., and 7oc. pr. Produce taken in exchange. Butter t8oLard 12c I Dried Apples •5c'f Geese '5c I Turkeys Sc, Eggs 15cITallow 5c Chicken 5c Duck 6c TRY vs. CABLINGIROS• The Celebrated Souvenir ,mange Ft e tl If you have not got your Stove yet, it will;; pay you to call and see us. We can sho you a large assortment and at prides than will astonish you. - H. BISHOP & SON IT'. 8. Cross -Cut Saws just Arrived. GOMFORT IN CORSETS Can only be obtained by wearing No. 391 " Improved All -Feather - bone Corsets." No side steels to break, hurt or rust. • TRY A PAIR. All First-class Dry Goods Houses Sell Them. OF ALL SHAMS The Business College Sham is the most to be despised, Not. every institute? dubbed Business College is worthy of your support. You will in all likelihoost take a Business Course but once, therefore, why not select a ohool that halt; earned a reputation for practical conscience work., The NI FOREST CiTY BUSINESS & SHORTHAND COLLEGE, OF LONDON., stands head and shoulders above the average Canadian Schools.—Graduates every- • where"t'successful-.Catalogue free Address oarefnlly, 3. W. WESTEIWELT, principal, Don't You I' 01111111•11111010•111111.0 • that Winter i • s coming .and you will want a new Suit a �� •n Overcoat, and by buying from , lar, GRIEVE, and y ouw ill ave money. one Lookb well and.leer', comforts l in one of our Suitsor r F t of Overcoats We mak g a specialty ;p y, fine goods and. soli, them, at a price to suit theTimes.. AIS ((y� p our Winterods am in are (�onow and.we showing large range in Tweeds and Worsteds of all =takes. , a va i T'or a nice Overcoat, see'. 1,s ; for a fine Suit we les.c et th . trade,All l kinds of dAC l+�Ts CA:P S WRAPS for Ladies' out and made in thlatest style � e � All our own goods out free. Remember the plzoo , Y Gael RItEVE.