HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-11-1, Page 5e Pains in the Joints Cased y Inflammatory Swelling Perfect Cure by Hood's Sorsa- y parila. "`it affords me much pleasure to recommend. r Eood's Sarsaparilla. My son was afflicted with stunt pain in the joints, accompanied with ��t t 5 1,11:/ tri , ha could not get up stairs to i r^. hands and knees, 1 lea), and having read r c 1�.X Iiia C?/1,114e6 eG l'‘" : E. Sareapariila, .I deter - en; T• ' ,r .. f' is half-dozen bottles, tote..• ;:i /time" Rias. G. A. 1`.' eze e'... t ileoiil's Sarsaparilla. _ a .e t ., r'i.3e out e iteily, yet promptly and �c:u,.;le, on the fiver and bowels. 25e. tee 6 - THE. MOST SUCCESSFUL FOR MMA19 0O f'be_ri _ G Certain in its otrecty and never Readive:as below KENDALL'SSPAVIN etU J'7 i=_2s1 r Box52. Carman Henderson Co., Ill., Feb. Dr. B. J. ICE1mALL, Co, Dear. Sirs -Please Bond. mo ono or ;rots Rorsg r- t I3ooks and oblige. I have used a groat deal of your Keudall's Spavin Caro whit good sacerss- it is a , wondartui modlelne. I once bad a mare that had t an Occult Spools', gad t:vo bottles oared her.I gess a bottle on baud all tho time Y{� pq, OUib uxy, Cita. T_tag..� P®®oiw�Vtt . KE R.,i'rAWS PA I6'v1-'ftDU,DEa # . Dr. D. r. REanAUL Co,CeSTOS, ,Ito„ Agr. s,'2,2. Dear Strs-I have used several battles. of your i "Itandall s spavin Care" with much success. I ,¢ think it the best Linuu,nt I ever used. Haus re- movedmix Ouab, oafs „Mood Cipnvin arta kilted fico Kuno Spnr•taa° ;Have recommended it to Several of my friends who are much pleased 'with and :keep it, Lrespecttuily, ,�-•. 0. 1tAY, P.O. Box SIS. e Per Sale by all Druggists, or address Da„D, ,T. ar3C1VDEIZZ COli(P4.IVY, ENOSHUAGH FALLS, VT. "WOUD's PI OSPHODIN7E ° The Great English Remedy. Sim Packages Guarantied to promptly; end permanently cure 'all forms of Nervous Weakness, Emissions,Sperm- atorrhea, Impotency and all effects of Abuse or Excesses, Mental Worry, excessive use Before and After. of Tobacco, Opium or Stimu- tants, which soon lead to In- Jiftiity, Insanity, Consumption and an early grave. RAsbeen prescribed over 35 years in thousands of noes; is the only Itetiabte and Honest Medicine Aatoisn. Askdrugglstfor Wood's Phosphodine; If lteoferssome worthless medicine in place of this, Inclose price in letter, and we will send by return 1malL Price, one package, $1; els, $6, One will please, star will cure. Pamphie is free to any address, The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont.. Canada. For Sale in Exeter by J W Browning, e,, � •, ;i C Q t.4 ,` z 1 PATi N, DV -PEP alCK HE,ADAGH REG U LATE, THE LIVER. ONE PILL Af e' t. s=AT1NG INSURES GOOD 'D'IGFSTiON.' PRIGY 25 $TS.Tl: `y0.le+ Er ivies, Oft tiff DON'T DESPAIR ILL`• We gu'tran'fre Om-10PS f• tel r 1`6 rtr sets. toot of Brie -1000 01 r r 1 t, l,r Foo Loot I no ' D+'op'"}} lthrilin t xr:. Ttoabtos. Irnpu o Fit •^'I • el u,ia ;refunded.' Sold by all deal rs iu rt -t0 chin. or be ri5 fl on • receipt of trio!. god. per bo;, er Si. be;,ed bei yo, D1 . L A. SI41171-t & CC., x oron-to; NNW ittDlclxsi1024 Clump. 11�6NTLx7bf8N, -I can safely ea ' that B: B. 13, ie a auoceufal cure for Indigoltion Iliad thin trouble bad last summer and iiwe bottles built me up again. It's a good xtslisble medicine, both for Indigent{on .and iW a blood purifier d`, G. Ainiona, EUOpt)towd,, Quo.. Rnutrsr xlsu Cllr Br Cunni;, HHaa ard'aYellow. Oil hale cured (b ron iei Rheumatism, Stiff dointa and SwelI itln 4i y duration after all tithe Means- +Dar r r >n na yttiled. Its all formt bf intlaaamatory and pttiion1 r pairs it ie a epeoifd dors., ,t • •airs• Hartley Not guilty. Iftantiu d, tent,, Uctiebet 27.- Tile eattit room was again t:rowded ,Ilii, ' tingeing when the Pias tley trial Wan tevutxied. For Lho nuit,ber of teeidexite front the yit,iuity of Now Mullion gave evidence that Remy Ling bad a. bsd tontltatiote and that they weenie net be- lieve tum ou oath. After a nerupuc of etch Witnesses had pivtlit . evldenee the defence cone tided their case. &fur addreeaoa by eotinsoi and the judF;e'i charge the leo, retired A 7 p. rn. At 10.15 they returned to court whop the chroman annoaueed they had found the pis, nor, Marla liaiticy, not guilty of the charg". A. loud cheer at onoo burst fr m the audience, which was immediately sup- prcated, Tho jade() ordered three of the offenders ta the cella for for'ty•oieht hours as a pnniRhment The prisoner woe warned of the harrow escape she had, and 'WAN thereupon (lia- charged: • MARRIE1) KleitNEY-SMITH---At the residence of the bride's parents, West Ward, on Wednesday el ening,2tth tilt.. by Rev t`. A. < osgrovo, B. A., Francis II, Kerney, of Wieghe,to, formerly of St, Uarys, to eilizabth, ;daughter of Robert Smith, of?St, Marys T I;OMPSON-MAOLl'.oD.--At the residence o the bride's father, on Oet. 25. 1024, by the Rev, 1t. Aylwaru, AI A assietod by the Rev. John McKinnon, M A, W. M. Thomason to Emma, daughter of D. Macleod. Esq., both c.f 1 erhhtl e LITTLE IRWIN-At the residence of the bride's mother, 1Iarrietou,on the 24013 inst., by the Rev, Wesley Casson, Mr, J. J B. Little, of Mitchell, to Miss Minnie A., youn- gest daughter of the late Me, Alexander Ir- win, of Ilarriston, HUNTER -SIA GILL -On Monday Oct. l5th , in. St. Albans church. Rat Portage,by the Rev. J. A. B. Page, Alexander John Hunter of Rainy RiverDiatriet, to Jane 1,agtll, daugh- ter of John Magill, of Fu larton. MoLEOD-TIi0MPSON.-4 t the residence of the bride's father Bayfield, on the 17th inst., by the Rev. ler. McDonald, Mr.1 M. bloimot. of Ripley, to Florence, third daughter of Mr Jae, Thomason. IIENDERSON-LINKLATER,-In Lowe Wingham> on the 17th ult., by the Rev. I), Perrin, 101r.'1hos,Iienderstn, of Morris, to miss Olara Linklator. GIBSON-MILLERI.-In eforrie, on the 16'th ult., at Oro residence of the bride's parents,. by the Rev' A. Y' Bartley, Mr Thos.A Gibson of Wroxeter. to Miss- Agnes, daughter of Inspector John R. Miller, DIED FOWLER, -In Clinton, on the 24th ult.' Sam uel Fowler, aged 76 years. MILLS. In Buffett, on 23 ult., Jos. W. Mille, aged 70 years and 7 months. GOB BLEDIOIC.-In Exeter. on the 26th ult, Catherine Jane Guest. wife of Mr. Joseph Ccbbeedick, and 9.2 years. Sale Register Tuesday, Nov 6th. -Farm stock;. im: plements, etc., the property of Mrs Eliza J lluukin, lot 23. ooi, 9, Usborne. No reserve as the farm itaa been rented. 13. Bro en, Aup. Thursday Nov. 8th, Ferns, stockthe pro- perty sof S. ii, Horn arid *m. J.`aoques, lot 9, con, 8, U.eboruo. Sale, at one o'clock, 1f, Brown,'Auo. A•CHILD EMJOTa The pleasant flavor. geutle action and soothing effects of Syrup of figs, when in need of a laxative; and if the father or mother becostive or bilious, tbe -moat gratifying results follow its nee ; so that it is the best family remedy known, and every family should have•a bottle on hand, -.a -. RELIEY IN Six Hones. -Disordered Kie. my and bladder diseases relieve& in sir, hours by the "Great South American Kid. hey Cure.” This new remady i3 a great surprive'anti delight to physicians on ac. oouot of its .exceeding promptness in re- lieving pain in the bladder, kidneye,baek and every part of the urinary passages in male and female. It relieves retention of water and nein in paesiogit almost Maimed ately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy Sold 'bv C. LUT The body of 'Mrs. G. W. Vanluven, re-. cantly;buried in the cemetery at thavillage of Wilton, was stolen Thursday night. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS. AN OLD J,ND WELL -TRIED REmRDY: MIN: Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used efts sears by millions of mothers for their children while teething.with perfeot Gonne lt soothes the child, sof tone the gume,allays the pain, °urea the colic, and is the bast remedy for Diarrhoea. 18 pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable, Be aura" and as for Mrs. Winelow's Soothing Syrup andtakono other kind. .ALL MEN. Young, old or middle aged, who find them- eelveienervoue, weak and exhausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, result- ing in many of the following symptoms : Mental depression, premature old age, lobs of vitality. loss of memory. bad draome, dimness of eight, palpitation of the heart, emission, look of ener[yy,pain in the kidnoyeeheadaobes, Dimples on the face and body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum. wasting of the organs, dizziness.epecte before the eyes' twitching of the ° muscles, • eyelids and else- where.bashfulnese,deposits an the urine, lou of will power, tenderness of the scalp and shine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure tune rested by el eeo,eonatipation dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, excitability of temper. sunken eyes, surrounded with leaden circles. oily looking skin, oto., aro all symptoms of nervous debil- ity that lead to insanity: unless cured. Tho sprtng or vital course having -lost its tension, every function wanes in 'consequence. These who through abuse . committed an ignorance,. may be permanently cured. Send your ad- dress for book on disesteem peculiar to man, cont free, sealed.' eddrosa,li„ V. LUBON, 24 Maodonnell Ave.,Toronto Ont..Can\da HOW • TO GET A "SUNLIGHT PICTURE. Bend 25 +''Sunlight"Soap wrappers (wrap per bearing ;he words "Why doe's a woman look older sooner than a man') to Lever Bros., Ltd., 43 Scott 8i., Toronto, and you 'will recozve by post • a pretty pioturo, free from advertising and well worth framing. Tide is an ease way to deoorate your home. :'The soap is the best in the market, and it will only cost lo postage to send in the wrappers, if you lure the ends open,. Write your address carefully, 'C•on tractors. Theffommitteh of "the Rouse of Refuge, Co. II'uron, Will treddiye sealed :tenders, bulk or separate, until noobaeh • - FRIDAY, • NOVE [BER I.30th, 1894, for the erection of a" HOUSE OF- - REFUGE C , L� "',.�b.14T, ON T. Flane;arid siibpifloations may bo soon and all infermatiiof obtained at the :ofileo of A, Mo- MUItCRIE. Rego Reeve, at Clinton Ont. x or at trio billed of 114.8841131„. FOWLER an4 FO WL1iR, Toronto and Woodstock. Tenders to bo sent•intill formaurGpidad, And to be addreased,Jmarkt'edTender, to • Chairman otCenitel too Il else of Rofupe, uoderi KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. Tho many, who live bet- ter than others and enjoy life share, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect; lax. ativo ; effectually cleansing the system; dispelling wide, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and. mot with the•,approval of the rnedica profession, because it acts on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without wear ening thorn and it is perfectly free from ever objectionable ocbitin abl O StitlI1C " an Syrup � Figs c. yup of Figs is for sale by all drug- gists in 75c. bottles, but it is mann- factured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. A 13ooN• ro IIore nerm8, -..one bottle of English Spann Liniment completely re- moved a curb :from my horse. I take in reoommening the remedy, as it acts with mysterious promptnei•s in the re- moval from horses of hard, soft or call- oused lumps, blooI spavin, splints, curbs aweeny, stifles and sprains. GEORGE 801313. FARMER, MARKIHAM. Ohm, Sold by C. LtTrZ. People About to go to Housekeeping XI /e./.. -Q\ 11 1I ra ,4 Should see what we offer in Furniture. After the ceremony came to us and we wiil fit you out for housekeeping cheap. WEDDING PRESENTS. --The wedding season is at its height. What snakes a more appropriate present for a bride who is about to go housekeepig than a nice fancy rocker. �. T EVOWE. DRUG STORE T. WICKET', bf, D. 0. lit„ TRINITY UNIVERSITY. M. B., TORONTO UNIVERSITY. Has opened out a new Drug Store on MAIN CREDITON ST., Where he keeps a full supply of all lines of DRUGS, DRUGGIST'S SUNDRIES, and PATENT MEDICINES. Sir +�+ e� ���•.N�?rt4 � T �e �./IS nEa.0,ht If IZ �.ri do Iralto t Our prices will be found the lowest. Call.and see us. BOAR FOR SERVICE. (Mester White crossed with a Yorkshire on let 15, Con. 7, Usborne. q giod etoolt get ter. Torma$t, at time of service , WM. S NELL: Elimville ,P. 0. Jute and wool blankets' we always take the lead; Over gaiters, overshoes and rubbers, • what'you all will need ; farness, collard, whips and sweat pads, we have a good supply, .)W4ets, combs, brindle! and cards when used keep away disease and the fly. Trunks, valises and school bags, in price and quality for the young and the old, Robes, rubber, • plush and wool rugs, and mitts; to protect you from the cold ; ' Elm city harness oil, dressing and blanking, keeps harness' and boots a shitting, Bells, children's carriages and wagons) prevents the little ones from crying Loma and ellen boots) felt and rubber boots, Wo claim the best and nicest Enquire sit Treble's Boot, Shoe and Harness store band , e :'lure get his p, ri rice s. JTEB, J•. Co, Murrayr. The - Exeter - Foundry 11fasnofaoiuy'or of PLOWS, LAND ROLLERS, ' TWIN PLOWS. Wholesale ll!iaxlufaoturc.rs of Plow Castings, Also Omen,' Castings eon' traded for hi Iron and Brass, Also Manufacturers of Bridge Belt endh, Washers, etc. - Iron piping and fillings kept constant ly on hand, Repairs promptly execut- ed. Chaxage i i Busiueee T-+.. T J Butcher w op a Having purchased the Butchering bus iness of Messrs, Wood Bros., will take possession on April 1st, and I would res pectfully solicit the patronage of all the old customers of the shop and as many new ones as can favor me with a call. Meats of all kinds always on hand, and perfect satisfaction guaranteed . WES. SV XJL. J. C. CLAUSEN HARNESS ti :y AR NE S' 1�� A�'° �}y,,� f Hens e 11 _ Ontario Begs to announce to the public that he is prepared to do all kinds of Carriage Trimming, Furniture Upholstering, etc. Carriage and Braggy Tops of all kinds MADE TO ORDER. Old Buggy Tops recovered and made as good as new. Our harness are Nell known, as giving perfect satisfaction. We niitnufacturr, largely and consequently our prices aro w. A call will couvino$ t7. C. 01,46.1:7S1111.T. A MAN Can always , Be Dressed WO If he goes to the proper Tailor.,, We have a .large range of Pat-. terns to choose from --•- Natty Tweeds, Serges° and Worsteds, made up in any style, and fitting the customers so well that inti- mate friends do not scruple to ask who made your Suit. Our customers never hesitate but answer with a knowing smile, IN • OVERCOATS WE LEAD The Tailor. A Full Stock —OF---- SC900L SUPPLIE& ---AT- Bi owning's --DEALER IN— Books, Stationery, - and Fancy - Goods, Bibles, Hymn Books in every var- iety, Scribblers. Pads, Note Paper, • Ink, Pens, Pencils, Lock- Boxes; Etc., etc. J. W. Browning's BOOKSTORE. !a:hnab1a Si yo:! 0 Best Ordered Clothing produced Ou, `,T.m AT THE LacterPGckiagP,ouso Hogs to weigh from 150 to 200 lbs. live weight. Highest market price paid. ' SNEL.L T3BOS. Tio Ex libitors of Stock at the 3 Fairs If you would secure fleetya z ze iest h n r -t m have your animal in the lfinest condition. his coat roust bo stllooth and -glossy and h& must be in ;food spirts so ars to' show off" web. DEC R'S MOOD PURIFIREis trio best Con- dition Powder known for horses and cattle- It tunes up the -whole system, regulates the bowels a; d kidneys, arena. theca the digestion, turns a rough coat into a smooth and glossy m.e, It gives home "good life" making them appear to the beet possible advantage. Get DICK'S frwn 3 our druggist or grocer or address DICK & 00 P. 0. Box 462 MoN'r Ear. The Same Old Place, Oddfellow Block, S. Gidle - .cit 80ti MYI ally C:ltrl>...g,+ds and a come - pike, retie \ al of stock, con - Si•sting of the Newest and Best Goods - Backed up by the lowest prices. The Undertakers The furniture Dealers. S. GidIey & Son ODDFELLOW'S BLOCK. ?DO YOTT Want a Bicycle? THE E.&J. PNEUMATIC 77.1-413 Mcio TIRE Not MUp tri Is the only Ti:o. t , ,. r hs ,'Ice y ;S$p `'. �nyg,,� ^w vvtp : �.r �t�a LTD. n3 TONGS TORONTO Rc..T Brantford, Crit PERKINS & MARTIN Fanson'r Block. WHAT A L1'rTLE IVION'EY WILL BUY , If spent in the right, place,. That 3. D. Atkinson's is the right place to buy your furniture. • The following facts and figures prove : 10 Piece . Bedroom. Outfit, $20.50. BED, DREss a __n , $20.50. WASH STAND, 1VIATRnsS, SPRANG, 2 ,;mows, Roman, 4120.50, CHAIR, TA IX. 'c Coming brides and, young married ouples take advantage of the above offer. e supply comfort cheap. *enflame n 1 leave your orders With the best staff of Tailor etoe o k t Ilius Tr xmmin a a Cutting's, 'is, "down a t B are Sara rS'd i dieter a' l f eariy,tox . # the beep thband(- ofaJJ).ATIUNSO Ion. AM a '1s74it\ N 4:41/41 PUrniture blanufaettirer, north of Townialh Her children " to be strong and heathy'.; All dt ;:;fors agree that the ` A�Zti,•d :'4Wlv�VA^'M,F�k;�Rall .,. 4` ; irti BRAND' ' Coxnhinatious do wore than anything else to insure this. ` Lady Aberdeen whites to ns strongly it favor of the Health; Brand. � R, Ask ,your dealer: to 'show you these - -goods. You will never buy any other after seeing thele. 2' THE MONTREAL SILK MILLS CO.,Lfd., MONTREAL, EXETER LUMB�t2 YARn, The undersigned wishes to inform the public in general. o ;ceps eon- stantly in Steck all kinds of p BUILDING MATERIAL, (DRESSED AND 13NDR1t'eSED) .PINE and HEMLOCK LUMBER, B. C. RED ONTARIO IO' AND HIGH L t ANIS• I..-. And PINE SHINGLES. Special notice is drawn to B. C. Red Cedar Shingles >;le which is acknowled to be they Most Durable Timber of any that grows. Specialty for Shingles. Saidb. competent judges to last from thirty six to fort anyears.in`chalet°. Y Y Y r e �,+y�e!.�4 cd rLrlre irW ,i.li.,. 11 �'+a z' IL, OI:: OIL- OIL ! ;THE BOBIER, PRODUCE CO. have decided to Retail Oil at Wholesale Prices Best Canadian 011, 20c. Best Canadian; Water° White Best American Water White 12c. COME ONE, COME ALL. THE HOSIER PRODUCE CO% 17e. SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES..a By virtue of a warrant, under the hand of the Warden and Seal of the Corporation of the County of Huron, dated the sixth day of August, 1894, commanding me to levy upon the lands hereinafter desotibed for the arrears of tales • repetitively due thereo together with costs Notice is hereby given, that unletis such texas', and costs are sooner paid, I shall, in compliance with tbe Assessment Act,Chap. 193, R. 8. 0., pro- ceed to Bellby public auction the said ;ands, or so much thereof as may be necessary to discharge tbe same, cattle Court Iloese, in the Town of GODERICH on TUESDAY the TWENTY SE VENTII day of 11OVEMBLR, 1894, at TWO o'clock in the after- noon, - Lot or part of lot Con. or Street Acres ' Taxes These lots are patented. Costs &o TOWNSHIP OF AS2=IFIELD. part of 7 13 W. 1). 11 K61 YILLAGE OF PORT ALBERT, IN ASHFIELD. 2 Melbourne St. N. i 1.76, W.partof 3 do i 89 42 Sydenham St. East 43 do 4 88 44 do 88 45 do 4 88 46 do 47 do . 888, 42 Wellington St. West 1 32 43 do 4 1 32 44 do 45 do 4 132 46 do 4 132 47 do 4 132 part of 41 Wellingtcn;gt.East .. 1:13 BTOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE. part of 10 Maitland 70 38.07 2,55 part of block B 1 5.04 1x85, TOWNSHIP OF GREY. N 4 24 6 50 13.04 i93 TOWNSHIP OF HOWICS. S W peril() B 4 1.44 VILLAGE OF FORDWIUH,_IN 20WIOS. East of 2 Louisa St S I 11.29 ' 1 88 East of 2 Edward St N I 81 , VILLAGE OF GORRIE IN HOWICK, . 137 1/51/5 2.9049 1 85 137 1 85 . VILLAGE OF NEWBRIDGE OTt SPENCETON IN HOWICK. 12 2/5 2.08 1 85 VILLAGE OF BELGRAVE IN MORRIS. 53 54 I 61 6185 85 TOWN PLOT 01? WINGHAM, IN TURNBERRx', 247 255 x 2.46 185 2.09 1 85 VIf,0.ilt.l., OF BAYFIELD, 'Rayfield 4 r4' ,l 4 ,l i' I I 4 I 3- I ,I', 4/1 48 I 61 85 1 8E 1 85 1 85 1 85 185 1 85 1 85 1 85 185 1 85 1 86 185 1 86 1 85 1 85 1 85 1 85 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 05 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 I x04 St. Andrews Survey, 8, River 8i0 „ 'I do do . D do „ 1i VILLAGE O]! BRUSSL•LS. 4 3 1 part of 6 - Reil piece from Mill St part of 6 6th piece from Mill' St • VILLAGE Oil' EXU'TE13. Con, i, 'rebores 10 4rILLAtiE OF'WROXETEB, Frances St 8 do $ da 1 Gibson St E 5.81 West part black C Mill St N Thus lot. orb aispallonted. VILLAGRA 01? EORRDWICII i1 IIOWIOK. - 1 !l Ili.Rt St i3 in 1,40 '� do 3 cis'' ill 4 da toLtizo ileanig, TreAsurter. Otla'ioe, � aotibrlabi August 14th, 11894. "i telhilater Coe dnty`bl tr ,r 18 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 11.95 48r 48, 48 48• 48 48- 48 48, 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 1:85 part of 15 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.90 1.85 1.85 1-85 1.85 1,85' 1.85 1.85 e 48: 48, 1.23- 1.60, 5.32` 3.99 26.65 1 85,. 185 7 5.81 5,825., d6 6.81 1.85 7.718 1,05 til ;heli 1.