HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-12-29, Page 1111,
Those graduating from the 12 -'week course as Homemakers
w ;rt the .graduating
of.Conestoga College last•Friday are,
from left to right: Dpris Willis, Winghann; Verna Stinson,
(intpn; Pat RObip,s;on, Kincardine; and Elizabeth Clower,
W ingiwm, td the second, row are: •Myrtle-'„Desjarne,.
Iter ,;
11131111111, : ,
526 7l9,4.w;'a:,
Numerous plans available •
Summer or permanent hon3es
WiVitl completely plumbing
and electritj,l homes.' To your
4,A eci,fication or ours.” . a „
We also do addition and renovation.
1st mortgages at 12% to 95%
2ndmortgage; at 13% to 90%
1 n,
"Tiverton; Ann Robinson, Brussels; Mary Simpson,
I ue•know; and Bernice: Thompson, Goderich. Seated are
,lean W,itme.r, Goderich; Lucy Demers, Clinton; Shirley
Poisson, Walton and Betty Smith, Huron Park. Standing is
the teacher, Jane Smith, Wingham. (News -Record Photo)
Twelve graduate
at Conestoga Clinton
as homemakers ,
• �.
rs. G. Kant.,
Twelve women forme') 'the, 'tintrodu tory.,cou!rse in .first
graduating class of aid froth the St. John
homemakers train Conestoga.. AmbulArice Assoc.- There
Gollege,,,Clinton,iast week. were opportunities to, learn
;These ladies ...have suc- and 'practise bedside patient
cessfully completed a 12- , care' aril the students spent
week course in the, -basics of one Week in a nursing home
home nursing. _They are utilizing their acquired skills.
qualified to work privately in They r aIso visited several
homes where there is,a sack ,community resources:
member, in nursing homes or Midwest.ern , Regional
under the district Home -Care Children's Centre, a'nursery
I rogram. Their Main role. i.s' school and a home for the
• to' give . assistance' to ill and, aged. Many :guest speakcrs
cbnvalescing people -and their 4 helped to . road'en their un -
Rsallly• & Insurance
• Limited
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY — Discount store west of
Stratford. Good income and potential for growth. Selling due
to illness. Reduced to $55,000.00 and includes 12 year lease,
good stock, with store fixtures, cash register, etc.
3 bedroom mobile home; needs some fixing. Reasonably
priced. -
3 LOTS'66 X.166 1 LOT 100 x•305
Large Unconverted 1. storey School house in St. Helens.
Excellent brick work,' good drilled well, oil furnace and
Merry Chri"straas
Very Happy. 1970
GODERICH $24-8191
GRAND BEND 238-2303
The students are finaxn-.
dally sponsored , by Man-
power during "their .time at
sch41., The course covers a
• variety of topics such hs
childhood:and adult diseases,
the aging process, needs of
the elderly, cooking,
nutrition, home -safety,
mental retardation and the
handicapped person,.
The students, t ce•ived an
derstanding•. cif
`problem areas.
The entire experience of the
course has been.. a very
valuable and meaningful one.
assisting the women to moire
intelligently and competently
care for the ill at home. Hard
work, mingled with much fon,
now, enables these graduates
to serve hotter in 'their
It looked like Christmas at Director of Hosie.
Colborne Central School Christmas Sunday Dec. 21st
Thursday evening Dec. 16th. was, observed -in Benrniller
In spite of the blustery winter United Church bwith , a
weather a splendid crowd Ftstival of Music at their 1:30
was on hand to see one of the p.m. .Sunday service. The
best concerts presented by Service commenced with
the ',students Of Colborne short piano recitals by pupils
Central School .in the of Heather Jewell and others:
au'ditoriu l which was Sharon Sowerby, Brenda,
decorated for the occasion l eagun, Connie Baer, Brian
and Lr lovely Christmas tree Treble, Larry Baer, Connie
grxieed the platform. Mr. Willis, Jeff Feagan, Roxanne
John Kane, Principal of the Kernighan, Marie Willis
School, acted as Chairman (Accordion) and a Duet by
andopened the program with Misses Darlene-, & Heather
an interesting number by the Jewell, The Junior Choir sang
Kindergarten "Christmas two numbers "Ring Bells
Eve" and as always these ,Ring, and "What is This?"
little children capture the and later in the service they
love and attention, of the sang "Merry Merry
audience This was followed Christmas". The Senior Choir
by a Musical play "The sang two selections "Happy
Stoc:k.ings were Hung" Christmas" and "The Christ
presented by Grades 3, 4, and C'hi}des I3ir•thdav"°with violin
5' depicting, the poem "The obboligato by"' Miss Beulah
Night before Christmas" with. and i/1rs. Adelaide Feagan
the cast: , and later in the service they
Elf, Ken Linner; Mouse, sang thr•eoonu-mbers, "1 ,saw
Sharon Lomas; Book Ends, Three Ships", "tittle
Roxanne Kernighan, Leslie Donkey" a and "Deck the
Swartman; Santa Claus, , Halls" with Connie Baer and
Charles Eener; Rag Dolls, Darlene Jewell singing the,
Jannette Middel, Lori duet.
Dykstra; •Five Little Peppers, The Senior Choir also
Sarah Hoernig, Raymond closed the service with the
Alexander, Jeff LeBeau, Alex Benediction & , Christn'ras
Schoemaker, Jennifer Prayer. Jeff Feagan
Deathe,•. Cuckoo, Jeff'toll; delivered a very interesting
Wreath Bearers, Joan,Lamb, and,, appropriate Christmas
Anna Gower,,,. Murray Clark, - Message and• the Benmillcr
Pei .nr."''•Rutledge, Barry musicians Who were Mi..;s
Treble, Lee Frisby, Connie Beulah ,Long, Mrs. Howard
Sowerby, Jerry Hakkers; Toy Feagan, Hudson Warr, Kevin
Soldiers, Barbara Clark, Jesell, Scott Kernighan and
Brad Armstrong, Bobby Russell Kernighan played
Robertson, Gordon Hairper, "Star of the East" while the
M ichj.rel Scott, J i mm.y offering was received.
Geddes, Danny Kellestine, The congregation joined in
Lar ey.Pollock, Brent Fisher. singing several Christmas
This was very enjoyable, Hymns during the Service
.and well presented. Grade 1 and, a sp'l'endid Christmas
Students -then excelledSandayr Service came to a
themselves in their -number „ close, ` with , 'Rev, Leonard
which was a, Poem - Little Vit'.arr'as Minister and, Mrs
Lord Jesus and the Star Drill. Leonard' Warr as 'Musica
Grade 2 chose a -number Director.
_frons tl�e Ballet "The Nut ' U
Cracker Tree" 'which brought -
cr splended round of applause
from the audience. Grade 5
students showed how another
language can he spoken with
,ease as they sang two "very
French songs "J' ai
Novice' all stars
The electrics f1 ''
weI-e ing
high last Sunday as,. they
scored seven unanswered
goals to come within one point
of first place in the league. ,
Grant Garrow set up Brent
Williamson for the opener.
Then Todd Graham scored
unassisted. Grant Garrow
scored two unassisted goals
in ten seconds - two minutes
• later TrevorErb scored from
Harbor R port
December 16 the Paterson
arrived' 'from Thunder Bay
with a load of grain.
December 18 the Algorail
arrived light from Sarnia for
salt. •
December 20 the Westdale
arrived f for , winter storage
They tell of a golf player, so
used to cheating that when he
,,, made a• hole -in -one, he wrote
down "zero".
Just think, it it weren't for
"i'homas Edison, we'd be
watching TV by candlelight.
he ori(' ,top home set i, e tor
eUNVI Nl ION1I , MOM I \1l 11OI;II E \N1)
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lust walk in •time! skit t Its mime;
Homs by
Satisfaction guaranteed
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------ Box 128, Ooderrch, Ontario N7A 3Y5
(H,ghway 2t, North of GocrPr,ch) Phone (519) 524 63$4
el 7 -
down Listow
Possibly milk shortage
Huron county industrial
milk producers are still upset
at the cutback of the
government subsidy but after
listening to a cool. reasoned
approach to the subject by
Ken McKinnon, represen-
tative to the Ontario Milk
Marketing Board for Huron
and Bruce the sting may have
been reduced a little.
M r, McKinnon was
speaking at the December
meeting of the Huron County
Federation of Agriculture
held in the Central Huron
Secondary School, Clinton.
About 50 persons attended the
outnumbered exports 25-1.
Mr. McKinnon explained
that the government cutback
on subsidy is a reaction to the
fact that Canada is over
producing industrial milk at a
time' when the international
powdered milk is depressed.
The government has made a
cammit,ment to pay subsidy
4on,that portion of milk needed g
Co • meet Canadian market ,,,.p
Mr, McKinnon said there
were several conditions he
felt were short ternwhich led
to the overproduction. It was
a near -perfect year across
meeting, most •of them mitre Canada for milk production
producers. The turnout was this" year, Pasture was good
lower than expected from the all summer long and hay
reaction of milk producers quality was good. Fluid milk
earlier to the 50 percent cut in sales dropped by 1r:1 . percent
federal government subsidy. in Ontario a1nd' by more than -
Mr. McKinnon explained in •that- across the country
a lengthy speech that the meaning milk ust ;r „lly
government could not be destined for the table went
accused of breaking any into • industrial pu'9'poses:
agreement on subsidy for his Export sales of dairy cattle
cutback, but he said the dropped by as much as 60
government was guilty of percent in the past year (he
breaking agreement to said he understood exports
consult with the Dairy have picked up later .Mn�the
Farmers of Canada and the year).
Becaufe of the depressed
provincial marketing boards
on changes in import beef market, he said, many
regulations. The government dairymen probably kept
moved unilaterally, he said; cows over the summer that
to increase the export of dairy they would normally have
products. shipped to market.
"We're not saying that we Major cheese companies
shouldn't import more," Mr, decreased their .-inventories
McKinnon said, "what we are by about 25 percent, he said
saying is that we should sit and this volume has had to -go
down and discuss long-term into other areas of produc-
tion. -
:ployment due to the closure of • Mr: McKinnon said he was
He said he—felt if Canada'cheese factories?" afraid milk producers would
ewer react to the present
was 'g`bing ,,,to import more situation and cutback
dairy prodLlcts it should he production too much. He said
butter,• not cheese. Cheese' he thought the market would
imports have been increasing straighten itself out. -
in recent .years he said,, Part of the ,problem may
mostly 'from European �o he said, that there is too
Economic Common 'Market much quota in the system.
countries which in return Bcc�iuse most producers keep
limit imports of Canadian under their quota. to preventcheese. When the market penalties for overproduction
' sharing quota system was Set there are more quotas
up, he said, imports and allotted than the market
} exports, were about "'even. requires. For . instance
Last year imports of cheese although. -the , national
iefler ways
o dry grain
,req•uirement is for 350 million
'pounds there are.25. _million
pounds of quota. He said -:hat
desp�.ffe the subsidy cutback,"{., a the •O.M.M.B,•.will continue to
allocate, quota for the rest .of
the dairy year until March 31.
pleasingrent He said.the'board could be
Perdu le do de ma Clarinette" r ''criticized for this action but it„'
`mutt "Slinte Nui't'., " -' had mads the ,eor ,mltment
Grade's i., , and 8 gave a • to encourage people` to. enter
,plendid presentation of the predict dryer pe"rforinance, the business"and it would
play "Sc•rouge" well known p including..energy con- keep' that cornmitme`1Qt. He
by .ill for the Mordl it seeks to d .sumption and . particul,�ate felt there; was a good chance
convey to the uucT �ncc,'with a thereby reduce fuel con emissions for various drying .th'a,t,•a'll '.} t;oducers -s ou'ld be
Cast; Act 1 E. Scrooge, sumption, is being conducted conditions such as the 1hF1 • to ,,,match their
1) u i till K tue1.e: Mr. Ci itchit, by the Ministry of Agriculture moisture condition of the ,'�Fi production in the coming year
10o Moore; Carollers, Bonita and Food as part of the grain, drying , temOeratur but ' k*12'°t"• if quota cutbacks,,,
Pollock, Jean Samis. Heather province' s E n e r g Y and dr"yer t .}),e. •, were necessary they would be
B re n n u n , , Kathy Management Program. • 'The model is expected to be . across the board „cutba.ks,
Schoem�ker: Fund Raisers; The project being' co- used . in the inaprovenaent, of . with;..a percentage off every '`
Connie., Willis, ,Scott Ker- ordinated by ,Professor A. G. existing dryers, a's Well as in producer.•
nighah; Marley, Connie M''e'iering of the University of the ;design of new types of ,He said he thought there
Baer; Spirits+ Christmas Guelph's School ' of dryers for' farm 'r'i'nd con -w..;.., was little need for an ifibrRase
y ' mercial use.
Past; Brenda Feagan; Engineering, will analyze and - • ,
Christmas Present, flohptt compare the energy In ada tion, Professor
Ken Huff and David Jewell to Eluff; Christmas Future, utilization atad efficiency of Meicning will assess grain
make it 5-0 Goderich • Michele Harris: Boy, Dean various drying pr ocresses. In duality fo.r, ,different dr. y1t g'
Listowel's lone goal came Misner,• 'addif,ion, Professor Meiering methods such as continuous
at the seven minute mark "cif, Act 2°- Mrs. Cratchit, Terri, w;il1.? "evaluate and test flow drying, aeration and
the second period - Doug Louch: Children, Peter; Jeff techniques for improving' „di fetation. This' }mart, of the
Lounsbury made • it ( 1 17ti'kstra: George, Darren dryer operations by reducing project, is being conducted in
assisted by Grant Gamow. Misner: Martha. Lisa fuel constrmption through co-operation . 'ith the
'Mike Brenner finished , the 1 enken : B.el ind,a, K athy heat. recovery • from exhaust• Departments of Crop Science
-scoring at 13.23 of the third Kerr: Merry, Laurie l�win gas; and ,.exa.mine the and Food Science at the
period. Robbie Gibbons, . nell; Tiny` Tim, Jamie• feasibility' of replacing UniversitycfGuelph. ,
Shawn Rahbek, Trevor . Rogers.natufal gas with heating oils. The studies are among
Martin and Scott Stokes Special thanks and note of , " '"Energy requirements and several being conducted as
played a solid game for the . pi aise to the 'Teachers who product quality have recently part of the province's Energy
Electrics on defence. The were, instrumental in become major concerns to Management Program which
Electrics play in the Exeter'' presenting this splendid those involved in, the grain is being co-ordinated by the
tournament Boxing Day. concert and to`Mrs,. Uustow,, drying processes," Profess'or,, M,in,istry of l`' iergy•
Meiering said.
A $25,000 research -project
to. improve Ontario grain
drying operations, nan
in fluid milk prices in 4he
coming year, certainly rim the
early months, but that , an
industrial milk; ` hike was"
likely. He saw he could
foresee industrial and , flu%
milk prices being closer:
He said. he 'felt federal
Aer•i•c.ulture'Minister Eugene
Whelan could not he hla,med
"fiir the subsidy cutback, that
he had tried and been turned
down. He said hefelt farmers
needed to show their support
for Mr. Whelan so he has
more power in hisfights with
The cabinet,
471 opme(lour warm wishes
for an,espec'lally good year we add to your
happiness and'good fortune,
s "Our office vJ',EI be closed from Noon
on December 23rd 10 January 2nd"
Jack Agnes Charlie Bill
Fd Dave "Rennie
Betty Auriel
Resort Properties
26 THE SQUARE 524-9091
The objective of „4„the
The experiments. which , program is to moderate; by
began this fall at the 'Arkell” one-third, the province's
Research Station of the increasing rate of growth in
University of Guelph, are energy consumpfl-ore 8y 1980,t,
expected to require more EMP officials are'"looking for
than one harvesting season a 81 billion reduction per year
before conclusions can he in total energy expenditures
drawn from the -research. A across all sectors of Ontario's
• model,:wilL be developed '„to economy. k'
At this time of year drivers
can expect ice patches on the
road, particularly in,the,.parly
morning hours onarid under
bridges. Be on the, alert ,for
those grey pate` les indicating,
ice,•states the Ontario Safety!
League and don't be killed
into a false sense of security
-by the brifht fall sun.
Bill I rrirl),tofa,. Michael Leitch, Grant iohpston`rrt
"�'' 1f1 TimEvans of Goderich and District
Collegiate rinstitute, take part in the School Safety Awareness Program,,designed by the
Industrial Accident Prevention Association. The contest took place Wednesday,
December 10, at the Huron Co'tanty board of education offices in Clinton. Goderi+ch com-
peted againstWinghantand Exeter.(News-Record photo) . _,