HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-12-29, Page 4PAGE 4--G I DERICH SIQNAL-STAR, MONDAY. DECEMBER 29. 1975.
In '76 Canada is hosting the
Olympics, this will be a year
to promote amateur sport in
C anada.
The Montreal, site.'for ..the
- „Oly I3ci$J!+GS., Vl>t 14 ' ,-+
LhG'�a ; d"'$ 11`1' - atta
athletes will put forth their
best effort.
The girl that is on the
machine in the States should
be allowed to have the
machine turned off. It should
be her parents who decide
whether the machine is left on
or if it is turned off.
I predict that 1976, will be a
happy and memorable year
in Goderich.
First of all, gold will be
discovered in the Salt Mines,
creating a popfllation boom,
and a reason for celebration.
Then with our new found
wealth the Public Works
department will paint lane
divisions around the Square
so that I won't be so hazar-
dous when I drive there.
In 1976 I believe that
Canada as a whole will reach
a low period economically
and be startingto recover by
the end Qf 1976. The price and
wage control policy will face
a serious'setback.
Mr. Treadeau and his party
will have to decide whether or
not to'go tougher and put on a
full wage and price freeze, or
to forget about it. Facing
constant pressure, the
government will slowly back
The Federal Conservative
leadership race will be won
by Flora MacDonald. It will
be a close race.
.The Provincial Tories will
face a hard decision, which
`could cause an election. They
will go ahead with , their
legislation, and ' n&t be
defeated. The Tories will
remain in power throughout
1976.d ''41.
In 1976, Goderich will have
a major new housing start.
These will be basically rental
housing, and middle-income
housing. The town 41 be the
object of many beautification
projects, and the 'town will
once again be clean.
G.D.C.I. will add two more
portable clasrooms. I't will
become too small for ef-
fective education.
.In the U.S., Gerry Ford will -
win the Presidential Election
with' a large majority.
Richard Nixon will be seen
socially very often.
. Patty Hearst will be found
guilty of armed robbery, and
the case will be dismissed due
to • extenuating - cir-
There 'swill be an
assassination attempt on one
• -of the U.S.'s most prominent
politicians. It will fail.
The U.S. will not become
involved in any major world
China will begin to im-
merge as the prominent
world power.
There will be a large
conflictrin Europe, which will
' be settled quickly. The
_,Middle East will renew
The . Northern Ireland
conflict will become more
-,violent; dnd drastic measures
will be enforced.
On the' lighter. side, Jackie
Kennedy will remarry, and
Prince Charles will ,become
seriously ' involver with a
Canadian woman.
"All in the Family" will
rise to be the number one
show on the ratings. Cher will
remarry Sonny.
The March term exams.:m.111J
be very hard.
In 1976,the world and th,e
country will be in terinoil, but
`the people in Goderich will
enjoy peace, prosperity, and
happiness. '
I've always been somewhat
fascinated by professional
prognosticators so much so
that I decided to dabble in a
little augury myself. I con -
'suited the stars, brewed some
salada in a cup, and read'my
own palm.
Unfortunately, , all that I got
were cloudy skies,'tea,stains,
and realized that I
desperately needed a
With my reputation at
stake, I did the next best
thing, I took a wild guess.
The following lines are my
personal forecasts for 1976,
and I.wouldn't count on manly
of them.
1. The year will begin on
January 1.
`2. Mayor Beame will sell
Now York City to Saudi
'Arabia for ten billion dollars
in unmarked bills.
3. Yassar Arrafat will be
drummed out of the PLO
when it is learned he likes
kosher foods.
4. The American' Bicen-
tennial will be called off when
it is discovered there is
notI ing to celebrate about.
5. President Ford will get'
6. Ronald Regan will bei
7, Inflation will rise,
resulting in a surpli».ts of
Before the Christmas Holiday break, the Goderich Signal -Star asked students
in Grades 12 and 13 at G®CI;,to volunteer their predictions for the new year
ahead. -
The editorial staff of the newspaper is grateful for the response from the high
school, and turns over its editorial page this week to the youth of the community
who have predictions about everything from the situation in Spain to the fate of
the senior basketball squads at GDCI.
A great deal .of interest was expressed for the possibilities the drinking age
would be raised to ;19 and that driver's licences wobld not, be issued to anyone,:.,,,,
under 18. Concern was evident for the economic situation in Canada, as well as
the future of the Town of Goderich,'
Some of the predictions were'on the Tight side, many were'of d serious nature.
All reflect the thoughts of this area's youth who are grwing up in a confusinyet
wonderful world.
11. A Royal Commission
will discover that Air Canada
serves recycled food.
12. 'A study will prove that
the average 60 year old Swede
is not fitter than the average
30 yearold Canadian,-
anadian.-13. The CBC will pre-empt
both "Bugs Bunny';, and
"Hockey Night In Canada"
for the Fedetal progressive
Conservative Leadership
Convention, thus forcing'
millions of Canadians to
change the channel. '
14. The IRA will blowup the
Canadian Embassy in Lon-
don. Ottawa will retaliate
with a nasty note..
15. John Die,€nbaker will
market a record album of
"The 48 Greatest
Parliamentary Debates" 47
of them wiltbe his.
16. The Quebec Crime
Commission will discover
that the whole country is
'crooked. The RCMP will
place the nation under arrest.
17. The 'Canadian Armed
Forces will not' be able to
meet NATO commitments
*when it is discovered the new
budget didn't allow for gas.
.18. It will snow.
19. Robert Nixon will retire
to his farm, and write articles
on modern fertilizers.
20. Provincial elections will
he called in spring, resulting
in a tie. The Conservatives
will call heads. They will lose.
21. In 1976 the Signal -Star
will not publish anymore of
my stupid predictions.
V Id,,ts,awain waimatN::LV.OL,,
I feel ,that 1976 will be a
memorale- year both for
Canada and the World.
Inflation will. lower with
less unemployment and
employment in construction
will increase to solve the
housing shortages.
The housing shortage will
be a key issue in ' the
Provincial Parliament and
will prove disastrous for Mr. _
Davis' government. This
'might lead to a provincial
election in^which the Liberals
and New Democratic Party
will take more 'of the former
Conservative ridings. ,
On the federal level the
Conservati\es will not win the
federal election until Flora.
MacDonald shows that shiis
not just an. 'woman".
. becomes the Conservative
leader she will probably
evolve into a much greater
political asset than Mr.
Stanfield who has caused the
Conservatives to look stupid,
s.low and senile, -when con-
trasted with, Mr: 'Treadeau's
fluency' intelligence and
urbanity as shown , on
The oil shortage will not be
as severe with new reserves
being found in the North. The
Arabs will threaten to use oil
Its a political weapon against
the United States and the-,.,
will be a war, Kissinger will
not be regarded as much of a
genius now.
Mrs. Trudeau will not have
any more children on
The .year 1976 will start off
with a bang ,and never let up.
I , predict a fast moving and
very eventful year.
On the federal level there
will' not be an election. The
driving age will not go up to 1'8
and -the drinking. age will not
"WIN" buttons. go up to 19 or 20.
8,, The inventor of the can Farmers will get a well
opener will be forgotten. deserved break and prices for
9. Itwill 'rain. ' their produce will allow a
10. The Montreal Games reasonable profit for them.
will be cancelled. A shortened On the other hand, inflation
Olympics will be held at will not rise and prices will be
Moose Jaw. stabilized.'
Ifje eoDcrictl
-O The County Town Newspaper of Huron --C-
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Business and' Editorial Office
TELEPHONE 524-8331
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Mailing Address:
P.O. SOX 220, -Goderich
Second class mail registration number -0116
Ppblished by Signal.Star Publishing Ltd.
aOBERT G. SHRIER-president and publisher
JEFF SEDDON-editorial staff
DAVE SYKES--editorial staff
EDWARD J. BYRSKI-advertising manager
'I predict senior sportsir
GDCI will be even more
rewarding and successful.
than this year;
Highway 21 will be widened
and Dominion Roads- will
I predict inflation andthe
energy crisis will continue
along with the annual Postal
Some of my more serious The outlook for 1976 is a
predictions. are that all bright one. Winter will not be
seventeen year olds will turn severe again this year and
eighteen (unless they raise spring will arrive early.
the drinking age, then they Due to price controls placed
will all turn nineteen.) , by the government, the
The seasons should follow economy of the country will
the same order and I think -the benefit greatly. Inflation will
new year willo,.be filled with have ,e,urbed sttghtly.
high and low temperatures. However there will be a
With the breaking of new continued struggle by far
records next year I mers to meet costs. They will
predict the Law of Gravity, not be receiving adequate
will have to be taken back to payments for their produce
parliament• and enforced to a' and so in the near future a
greater degree: number of farms will be
vacated in Western Canada.
Pollution controls will
finally be enforced. Smoking'
will be banned in public
gathering places. City transit
will be used a'"great deal more.
and so wasted energy from
unnecessary vehicles at this
.. time being used in cities will
have decreased greatly by
mid '76.
Canada will be holding,the;
Olympics this year depite
rumors that finances could
' BY MARY VAN DIEPEN not be met. Concerned people
. . will support Canada by
I- don't see many great making generous donations
happenings in 1976. Inflation"•, only wanting in return to
will probably get,worse, taxes share in Canada's
will go higher and hard times c�.esperately needed -SELF
will pr vail. RESPECT.
Many more people will feel
it their best to go on strike -
and will do so. A great
depression is awaiting us and
I' wouldn't be surprized if it
arrived in 1976.
However, there is talk of
raising the driving age and
the drinking age in the belief
thatit will better the country.
I don't believe doing either of
these things will do any good.
By raising the driving age
the people who want to drive
will have'to wait longer. This
will result in ,just as many On the international. scene,
accidents in the 18-21 age Canada will drastically cut'
group as there is'now in the down on oil exports more than'
16-18 age group. what they claimed.they would
Raising the drinking age in their agreement with the
will only urge people to drink U'.S.
In 1976,, economic un-
certaint?' mill definitely be
•••-• �.�. , 2 th,g m' *-10 issuer. facing •
,,;,tete. public. ; "controls will'''
-be forced upo`"k '-people, but '''
their results will obviously be
an aid to decreasing the in-
rate. ""
Canadianwill surely feel
the lation effects os
f these price and
wage controls upon their
budgets, but in the long run,
we will be much farther
W 'ahe'd than the Americans,
Europeans, or any other °- '
nation of the world in the fight
against inflation.
We must all tighten cur
belts if we are to 'even scratch
the surface of this cancerous
inflation. Strikes will not have
any purposes ' because the
workers will only obtain„ a
percentage increase set by
the Wages and Prices
Review Board.
Strict regulations' will have
to be followed, or serious
fines will be imposed on the
,. ' offenders. Hopefully, the
unemployment rate will
decrease, while inflation
either levels off os will be
regu ated more carefuj4 y,
T ether, Canadian's can
fight inflation, and therefore
result in a better life for all.
Looking 'at the present
situation in- Canada, I feel
that the government Alti-
inflation, and Wage and Price,
'Controls , will not help stop
inflation unless they . put
controls on all prices, and the
wages of every person.
No person should "be
exempt from the e'ontrols.
,just as much. People who This will lead to protective
sed to go to` someone who tariffs by the 1;J.S: on other
was 18' to get their liquor for Canadian goods coming into
i them will just go to someone tfseir�. country and therefore
who is ,21, Getting the stuff weaken our economy. The
will be no problem. price of gasoline will steadily
One, bright thing '.I .sec rise and he over $1.00 a gallon
happening in 1876 is before December '76-
population control. People The year of 1976 will he a
will continue to have fewer' year of labour strikes. The
children. The easy access of Olympics will be completed
contraceptives will ensure and everything will go as
further that any child that is lanned, hut Dra eau will ask
horn will be wanted by�its he govcrnmenp for more
�. parents and this may lead to money.
Having felt the sting of cold 4fewer family breakdowns' More locally, the proposed
winters before; the new year
Will be no different again and
stay till the wakening days of
spring bloom life into the
The "Montreal Canadiens'.,
will win the Stanley Cup and
the prime minikter will be the
proud, father of twins next
The Olympics will be ' a
success and .Canada will
muscle out the United States
in the final standings.
The GDCI boys basketball
team will win the uron-
Perth Championship followed
by the girls' volleyball team
leading in their event ,too, .
because of the children.
Nobody really knows what
will happen in 1976. We can
only predict what' we° think
will happen and wait it out.
My first prediction 1,0.$41976
is that the drinking age will
be raised to 19 but the driving
age will not be raised to 18.
shopping mall on the Huron
road will not .he built. The
harbor will have a .record
year for shipping and should
average about three
freighters a week during the
early summed.
Dominion Roads'
production will flourish and
the company will net a high
profit. The proposed widening
I predict that New York will
not get back on its feet and
goe,s into complete
�If you ac
not yet a licensed
driver and above 15 and not
over 18, you will not be
pleased with this prediction
but the legal driving age is
going to be raised to 18 years
of age.
The .drinking age .will
probably be raised to 19,-30 or
21 years of age from the now
legal age of 18. ' '
The Montreal Olympics will
ruin any other chane"e of
having the Olympic games
held here ever again:
The usage of seat belts in
cars will become law in the
spring as long as the car is
equipped with them.
The Montreal Canadians
will win the Stanley Cup in the
National Hockey League.
Stanley Cup Playoffs.
Inflation will he a major
factor in many peoples family
as the cost of living will go up
along with the prices, but the
wage will not go up.
predictions for 1976 is
that President Ford will be
I think before the year is
over that the driving,age will
he 18 and the drinking age up
to 20 - also that there will be a
provincial election.
I think they will likely get a
law through that if you want
to die 'instead of living on a
machine all your life, you
he prices n will stabilize
The year '1976 will become a
time of more 'gossip - people
worrying about other pesOples'
problems that don't even
e kern them.
Stikes appearing because
somebody decides they want
a little more money, then the
prices rise again and the
strike appea>D,s once more.
People are just too greedy.
I've talked with people w,ho
talk about problems around
them, how they should be
solved, or what should. be
done butwhat people step
foreward and support all
their solutions. Norse!
"It wouldn't matter
anyways," theysay.
-Not enough people step
forward in this world so more
and more problems arise and
as people, get away with
them,, the more they are done.
Illegally they are done.
The year 1976 is just going
to prove worse than this past
year Of 1975. People make
there own world.
r h..., t
of Highway 21 will not take also. There will likely be a
place. new law about people mut-
Goderich will face a dering other people because.
teachers strike in September. there have been so many
The teachers will be Patel
demanding longer sufnmer'" Also, Quebec will " likely
holidays and parity with the turn all French instead of
student ! bilingual.
I predict that within 25
years Canada will have a
female running for the Prime
Minister of Canada.
I feel this because the
females of Canada re slowly
gaining power and e being
noticed as an equal artner
by most men.
I predict . that within 50
years, cancer will no longer
be a'killer as it is today, for
many sicknesses of- our
grandparents' time now are
cured by drugs and
Therefore I feel cancer
shall soon be able to be cured
due to the advancement in
The major problem of
today is inflation. This germ
has been building up for a
long while.
Nowadays, many people
are taking advantage of this
disease hoping to cure
themselves of it by acquiring
higher pay but really they are
worsening the situation. Most
people are naturally greedy
so they will attempt to get
more money.
I believe that in 1976, people
will become aware of• the
situation. Inflation must be
hatted, and many open
minded people will express,
themselves, causing
negotiations to begin.
Inflation will be stopped. It
is a must. The population
knows that living must be
made easier so determination
to fight for this easier life
will rule out all other flimsy
excuses made by The top
leaders of the country.
Canada's people will do it!
h •.f'Na'.� l