HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-12-23, Page 32PAGE 10,A,,GODER ICH SIG NA l STAR, TUESDAY, l;E::CF M FR ' Christmas %,% hat Christmas Means to Mt. Before the Christ nt s season t".“--11 staro, there Is a lot of detailed prepdrat ion The decorating of the hou,t) with MistIcc.‘toe and hI k, the trimming ot that wonderful tree. the Christ Ma's I re Chri,111as ‘‘111,11t111.t. h 1ht.' samesarn 11-01.4 1 ) Chrism ruti s A_-ht.er and the merrN, whiyh, naturally tie in mth thve C hrrNInt season ,tnti all its festRities t foet the nights ,tround the fire. wh'en -.1),Ior1 and Dad 1011 14s Clitistinases longago Still to sonle, Christmas is p ust a holiday. a' day Liwayi'', front school, -1-o 1)th,t,!.r4, • C'hriSt ma, ,t time to reeei\ beautiful and \\ k,intirouS gifs' But .Christ'm,Lits htuft1 mean more thin that, Christina,' ,i Lt time fol.; both giving and receiving for thrs 1 the day the Christ,ehild was horn, the day the Nlessiall came to earth t dk all 111(1 Tills Is also i11'1110 1k hen Lill people join to,gethei• tnd eelebr,tt. the joy of Chris-m.1a, • \\ ith singing Lin(' laughing. This, 1, what Chrktina, meant:, to me Kim Buchanan St :\lar, 's Seim(); Grade ‘; ,;41ILaif .14 .f L 1•••• - .414n1 be the stimo:*ithout Dad's Christmas cheer teagg:::•' SA. :•••: 44444,24(1 444444 1 y. • • .. •'• • Waiting for Santa I he iirst Cliristmas Mum -ling Jr, the ;table there lioeause somy'hing c! c 1 '.1 ,is s1111 1 lf (:).,1(.1. HI. .11/1ill(11) stay 17(11 \(1'1'1' 11111 for rent. 1), ,,;„,, ;,..1,n1(1 111,'1•1; \Ads t11111 .0 I. 1 1 ' • ' .t 11 1,1 11,11'111, .1711 11417 1- 7 ,0101.,••••••• wo.,,ggg.41 West St Goderich 524 6291 Pulsifer Music Ma fn St., Seaforth 527 11053 ttp ,111(1 1 ra.11Iltlsc 1• 1 mrn 111.11 good hi,11,10 1 an* always reinernher our good lour. that 00 111 1 1 1 1.111)0 .10 i (irady 1 -Ori Christmas 1' ()11 t10.1'.111t: 112111s hright ni ice are 0111 00 at candy canes hail the ni,ght 11" ti 01 (Thristnias nloning bolls 1),, ,,o, mon:, 11-ai li121, -..1(111 'Ile '0% 1 2‘,7 1 ,,,, 00 11,,1 ,07111 ',,11!,. ( II, KL't, are ringing 1)ecause Christmas ihir John .11c,111,1 71 gradi. 1 V-ictory School 1)117'Sut-11,t Clau,„ 1 711 1 ric ri ig to do ni \\ trieing,to be good ' trieing, 1c'herk \vork 1 \\ ' Plastichle because I id‘.)ent ery 1770c11, „ I would like an er,rser 1)ecaLise 1 cioent got one, , 1 \\ Lin pc.meil.case, 1 kt111.11.(1 ti I ,y 11.11 ,1 1)0/11 hot and 1 \\ 0)11 Id rily like rase carcherack. your friend, Steven Pros/calor 111. --7,4"*Pear Santa C Lis% 14 have been trying to do, good work. I have been good. and rave don neat work. I check my work over 1 (0 101(1 like a e1-2iser hecause' 1 dont have one zincl a pencil shpener because 1 'dont ha \ one, and 'Smile glue and t -Wo fun books. Your friend, P.etrr Thomson Building one good \ wish upon another to \ insure a Merry Christmas for our loyal friends and neighbors. Your trust and . confidence mean a great deal to us and we say thanks. 12': 5ir*z ,747:14 - We would like to remind you that we will be closed on December 25; 26, & 27 for Ch'eistmas; January 1, 2, 8, 3 for inventory If your supplies are getting low, let us service you before these dates, Thank you for your,to operation, "Pr%Z';',:.%4 ;,••• ;• PHONE 482-3441 •••• BAY F I EL D RD , CLINTON OPEN: Monday to Thursday, 8 a.m. 306 irtn , Friday 8 a,m. to 0p.m.; Saturday 8 a.m. to 4:30p.m .; • tt 11 t\ • : 1. .111L! nult, 1,11' ill 1 :0.1, ! 1))11)11\ t. ;rade s" 1, iseph51 1111111 1< 111 R eindeer 11111oor .7 IL:71 1,11' 111.10 ,01 11111 Dian( 1, 't pi, 1(1 I -,11111,1 ,111„11i.111 1, '-'11 ;1,1k ,t,' 111005011.11 111111111, 11 e re. Randy Th()111 l'a LI, 1 lioln)es \ hritiii1laS Tree s0 C11ris1 1111 7re,‘ ifu and bright It • hert though it ha lights st 11'1 ni,,...;711. 's 511) • ill very hi fight Grade rn1.11' 11,1111“07, \,.1111' S11(1)111 FOR :THE PRICE OF . PLUS 10 PERCENT FOR MORE INFORMATION SEE SANDY'S AD • SANDY'S 8 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS 1/4 t 1-1fond gra t iude for outj,warmth and -.. Fri endsii i p. 1% (4 Say I/APPIr HOLID,11— TrTF TT\ rill tvANY HAPF'Y RE TUkNS OF TI -4E SFASO'N GORD SMITH CARPETS mrrr.,, 6 Nri (,(.a)f H '2411,1 f f • 41,,,,,At1te-441,a,darmaL41...te • Colborne Kindergarten What Christnla-F? 11 cans !Nit, ( hr i 11171 1 1(1 receive giftslrorn frienik„ sktcrs and hrothers. Chrisltrras is to hi \ 4. a big -diriii'or„vhen you hear going putter. putt.r. 1 he night before Christ mils I \voulcl go )i) ben early, so 1 could gut up and open my pres.orns11 quieky I could !nutter 1310,1 the Only thing 1 fo.rgot clo wa; ((:111 for father and rnother, li•onita .Pollock (.;rade 13 et hi chern ds, 1)(11'11 111 a 1)0(1 110111011d 111,, 1110 Sliy 1 ((),LI\::0. burn Vs. ith ,1111I-nilk 011 .11:11.1)1.11'1.(k 1'11110 \1' 1,11(' star a \V ay far. Perry Van t'Jose ,0 0) ,1 71 1) 0 • 1) Osch Grade .1 1<irtg'sbi'idgc. '• ' ▪ 7.1 ' 1. .11 ' 1 7 C1111,,CrIlaS Bulls The (A)11,11111.1,, 1/011,, are 11111 'LI (91' (1,1> ,I110111 11111,, 131.1k .0)•1. \\ onc141:ful things 1 he \ er small one,, say Ling, 17.1' \t, 111110 poem is \vhat Id 11ke,To 11:101 Very :\lert'y Christ-. Inas, OAK .1 ohn 17et(rs,;(1racie 5 1: )i1)(11 son School christrmis Evc 11.31,,(7'7,i1g11111,711\1nu':c1-:;44.1d1, lir tIu0\ th re \\ the air - W ith snov, whit- Mali Ile brought lot; of toys. or the girl and 1)()y lie landed oil roofs 1,1/41 th sounds or hoofs Brian Shortyeed t. • '1% - ' Christmas Greetings 11,iri,ici 1 \\ ‘17111 1111 1,0(0. 1.11.1111 1.711' 111. -pt'slt (‘ 1,11,C 1111,, QI1[t1111.111111' ft) 111.11.11\ 1/11 1,11 1)C111,.; -41111 7114)(1,11'1l111t1', kVe're \ 117)7 1 '1,1k\ 111 10\.,11 .1t 11)001 . The Management and Staff of • W. G. Thompson .& Sons Ltd. ELEVATOR Henson G,ahton - Mitchell 1 • 11,1, • , • s colorful .and jolly as good old Santa, that's how we hope your 'Christmas will be! May.his robust and hearty sprit -1 ,ehhance every day of .4 youcholiday. In the true spirit ol the Yuletide we ,fr send thank to you ail. Goderich. PORTS 172 THE SQUARE 524-2287 • . 1 '1 ' 1 1 7) 7) 1 4.7 71 , 1; -7) 71 ) V. 7171 7) 7) VI • V ' 71 71 V/. 7) 71 7) 7) 7) .71 71 7) 7) 7) 7) 7) 7) 7) 7) • • 1. , z 'tun ra-,,,A =A =53'g:A =I S1:135X' L 1,. 7) 7) 7) 4. 00,; tik0 4g;ti,41,0t4:1;,0'4