HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-12-18, Page 34.�` .441, r� ° "PAGE "PAGE 8B—GRICH QlONA L-STAQ.THURSDAY, DECEMBER N.075 ° ° c-% . orth4r OMA member dpores c This weeks editilun of the Signal -Star contains a Letter to the Editor from Art Carr, Palmerston, who is con- cerned with the closing of some small hospitals in the province of Ontario. and has aplan to prevent c i _ Mr, Carr sent a copy of his proposals to u brhend. Ken„Yv. m«oTugga,t. Fievheruon.'whq is also u yormpr �owuLpan. Now retired, Mr. McTaggart was the first Canadian civilian to be made an honorary member of the Ontario Medical Association in recognition f hiservices for raising funds . and his interest in Toro,nttyllspitals. Mr. McTaggart is so in- terested in ,Mr. Carr's viewpoints about closing hospitals in ,()nrurio (two hospitals most often men- tioned as possibilities for closing in Huron County are Clinton and Exeter) that he has written the following letter. Th,'8|gnal'Stardeeoua this issue u[yuff|c/entimportance to include the entire letter by Mr, McTaggart in this newspaper. The letter says: "When [ read The Obser- ver's report of your tax "deviation" plan, as a protest against the announced in- tention of the K8inieu-y of Health's decision to close your hoqnita\, a flood of rnemories besieged me. 'The first, f course, was of that night ,when you and /,, were driving' back to` Palmerston from Drayton where a ,neeunQ had been held to seek a solution of the 'physician ^ of finding a for a currently unserved big area. It was \ate, but you 'found time to show me, very proudly your local hospital, and you recounted. instances when it had been recognized as the diffe,ehcoOotweoo life and death for many of your com,nunity'yciucons. ^z can understand and appreciate the emotional reaction of your community to the government decision. As you ,know,'" Arthur, for nearly eight years- since l retired lhave lived in. urural area, near p\esho'1on, with an :excellent small hospital six miles distant at Markdale. ''T,uo, sophisticated procedures like. organ transplants and open heart , y arenot pnnjded • 'tbcrn. but. in an area oy. a Score or More small oom~ munibes which serve a widely' scattered agrarian 'pnpu)udno, and eepec|uDy, in a ,notion with an aging pwnu\aciun, it provides a vital service. It has amply jusdMcd, to my knowledge. its need in Iocal health care. "Memory, hnwover. reveals, that what is proposed now for y'`u, hospital,. and many others, could have been se. Zr .. " Art and Craft 46 Hamilton St. 524-6815 NEEDLEPOINT KITS Lawi,c,awsvpnneo Grumbacher Art Supplies t'PLUMBER A HOME CAN'T BE A PRETTY ANCIENT PLUMBING SHOWS ITS FACE .1 level - - SS Kit,46STON��. . foreseen years agoIt was forecast by those engaged in providing medmu| care: insufficient professional and technicalpersonnel, inadequacy of essential equipment or its adventitious |ocadon, and eventual cost. All this was premised on the buaiof existing conditions at that time. Rut others ignored the warnings and their political gain dom|noted, seemingly, good judgment. ' "Now those warnings are being recognized as the bitter fruit is tuyted. The.ddvo for economy ouu*es, you,, my and government concern. sma]r-hoepitu|u within a ,,"reuxmoub\e^ distance of larger hospitals will be folded up: their patients Will ,be taken 'to larger "nearby hospitals. "Just what is a reasonable distance; just how far is nearby? • "You recall the old saw abou( sow the wind andreap the whirlwind"? The time to have considered economies was hcK`ro, or at least far earlier than, the introduction of the patient treatment and h cu�� system that h as n,edpuutstd the action now proposed by your citizens in ,un effort to hold their ^hnypitui "Do you recall the tax withholding tempest in France few that led to enactrnent. of regulatory changes affecting. small buSiifiesses? Just mu/h, something can ensue frum your proposall now. Lord know it is needed. "The fact is, however, that the system created itsown Frankenstein. ~ "That monster exists in the number of active treatment beds in Ontario hospitals by patients who ought to .be in ,convalescent or chronic care beds. With the Apathetically few there are of the }attor, the average physician hesitates to send ho(nc patients who still need 'even a*minimum of medical and nursing care. Knowing the circumstances facing them there,he permits them to remain in hospital longer than this indicates. ' |o the cities . a big proportion of such patients are single persons facing return /o 0 rooming vr� boarding house: in the country'/hey would return to distant, even romnte, far- msteads u,m*touJy or wUugea, In both cases these patients still require continuing visits by their Phyxic/un*, and more ;are and attention than can 'p provided hyuhusband o, wife, a daughter or xun, or a neighbor, -This situation is responsible now'for the ex- cessive cost af health care in Ontario. Hospital costs top all other costs, including .�byuic_|an*` and sturgeons"roeo. Yet the ',difference in cost of providing alternative care facilities and active treatment hospital �beds�o enormous, • '. "In some inutuncoo, for example where suitable after -treatment beds ,,in contiguous or nearby structures are provid€d, costs drop to a fraction of active treatment bed coato...onp' quurto, up to one-eighth or More. ''Physicians have been urging the need of such beds since long before the present situation dovdone,d even before the 'present nadorip| health progruro was established. The difference, between the cost Of active treatment beds and. the poat- treptment'period ..beds ' is caused by •OYe ctxtvt •of equipment and personnel needed for the Cormor-x'ruy. scanners and so on, and modicu\, surgical, technical and therapeutic personnel A. big proportion of hospital space is necessary for the prov|uionn[uU this. "Not' many years ago government fostered con- struction of community hospitals and, peripheral' hospitals in large urban areas, Grants* Were ,made available.' for active treat- ment • needs, mainly 'provincial.: federal grants p,y,|ded nothing for either space or ,equipment for operating • rnuma. laboratory facilities and soon. "So local citizens launched campaigns und raised funds ,m provide the extra needs. 'o» the uggestifn is (hat too many of these were built too close to »t»»'*' They should be replaced with community health centres from which patients. 'if n,cessa,y, could be sent to the nearest hospital. "How 'close is the nearest hospital when roads are c[oxQd by blizzards? Last winter some patients arrived by snowmobile at our Mark - dale hospital urk'du\ehosp|tu| when highways were closed for many huurs, with snow-covered trucks and cars 'blocking the efforts of, plows toClear routes. "Thus we see ,the problem,. facing -government: cut c9sts -because of lack of, far-sighted planning. And we see, too, the plight. of, communities facing the lOs's of the institution they helped to establish,,and which to them means adequate proteetion when needed. ''T,u,, the community health conuoffers u ��s"m, �uwg|mxtoMeet txn,o^o o,orbm suc� as greater area's, requirements, have to 'mphu^ix and attention for catch the ball,. Meantime ilia, prnonu,» health care as Putient is given a ride pro\ ided by district health It is not illogical to see u^ nu,^'s. But will it handle the community trying every massively hemorrhaging dr~p&uto method' ''it can gastric ulcer or such con- conceive to hold its huupimi ditions as require x-ray and It feels that to provide the *in4iu, other . tcchnicu\, medical and surgical at - facility to even provide t'[ Uu tention it is entitled to,'.its u \y� alone physicians need the backup u Bu longfud|idoa,undequiv,nont they, the umri case, requiring inturn, require. mu1hp\,8,lood transfusions,- "Perhaps something in the form of a local health centre will provide a few active beds, plus less costly convalescent space. stillT�u� ^ leaves the ch,ontt u� cos facing us, and in thisuronthoroisoomu ^Undomtundub!v, em,oUon enters the picture, How far away will the patient be whe relatives and friends want to visit? How far away is the doctor who will eventually' Meet the need? ` reasons.And the |uu,,`'^ "So the effort /yt«hang on: to what you've got until you know what willreplace it. Perhaps, even probably, your effort will he frostrated flat .t cap draw attention to your state of mhnd, and the issues involved. Out of it can come or the critically injured motorco,, crash vi»Um ~uryiv, an ambulance trip, let alone a snowmobilejunket to the "nearby" hospital? • "We've oreuteu a sort of cat -and -rat -farm Shbodun. Arthur. The little hospitals transpose their serious cases to the nearest higger hospital which has more 'specialists and facilities. The Jatter,. in '`~^^' ~""^"^^ ' bigger city hospitals for thesame much good, ihop, � -All the foregoing is ar exercise in futilit} but it reveals the ineptitude ol mankind to face reality or tc think bcfore leaping., "So, Arthur, good luck tc you and your cummunby.^ MAYIAG . ~ • �JT'��nnl�C WASHERS & DRYERS • PORTABLE WASHERS & DRYERS • WRINGER WASHERS • PORTABLE & BUILT-IN DISHWASHER • IN SINK FOOD WASTE DISPOSERS From the Dependability People at:- - HUTCHINSON APPLIANCES. TRADE INS ACCEPTED 308 HURON RD, 524-7831 LIFE, AUTO, ` FIRE AND ALL OTHER LINES 319 ,HURON ROAD GODERICH ' `24:74-11 DIRECTORY U���- nxniU�u� U�. ��c",����n��,� xwm�� owAnTsnso'ACooumTAwr 39 at. 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