HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-12-18, Page 30~ PAGE ' ' --~~ �0A7~GO0ERlC8SlG,mAL'STAB.TBURSDAY. DE EMBER 18, 1875 WOIVIEN'S ID& come one come •;•vn'n" all! With winter advanciidm all the snow, wet and long grey days WDO„ brightened up the morning by having Kathy Whiteford, from the Flet,wer Basket, join the group. Kathy gave a beautiful demonstration on making dried flower arrangements. She brought several con- tainers for the center pieces along with a piece of bark and a piece of driftwood she had found on the beach. There are several varieties of dried Dmworu^aod most of them are all natural such as the Thistle, Fibre F|oworo^ Ball Berrieo, Babies Breath and .BuunyTai\m. Others,Kathy bm were daisy like fiowers. Their stems and centres were natural and the petals were made from wood shavings and others from Out' seeds, like pumpkin seeds. The EyorlaodnQflower was quite unique booauam the flower opens andcldseu with the amount oYbuo`id4 in the home. Old glass dishes and such as are found. at auctions. make stunning coritalners for arrangements. Kathy started her 'arrangements, by i the top of glas,s and oasis with a delicate group of tiny white flowers called German Statis, Start the arrangement by using the taller pieceS,flrotto forrn the shape you want. Many dry flowers can be found during the winter. and early spring in fields or you can dry your own. This is done by hanging flowers upside down in a dry place such as near a furnace. The Flower Basket get a lot of their dried flowers from BuvupnundMexioo. While Kathy made ,up the arrangements she answered several gueodorA the girls had on house p>ahta. One question was on keeping geraniums over the winter. Cut slips off the plant and keep them in water or wet sand in the basement to start them. rooting so you have a new plant- each spring. You can atso try storing the old plant in the basement over the winter but it must be kept watered. How oft000do house plants need plant food? F|oVvering plants should be fed once a .wook. Foliage or plants that do not b\oom, such as the C,ou,n, only needs' ,it, oncp a month. do •Spider plants 'turn bro'wn! This is caused by the leaves being ouched as they are very sensitive. Ferns,u,o also like this and you must be very careful not to .brush ugo|��t them or' touch the leaves when watering them. Mpyt plants should be sprayed with a fine mist of ^wuter every day especially in the vdnt»,uy nm,dhumey are fairly dry then. Don't spray any plants with a fuzzy leaf, such usAfrican Violets. Cactus plants should -never be watered as they require 'a very dry soil. Alt they need is to be sprayed with .a mist of water once umonth. _ The dried flowers can be purchased in bunches of various kinds then you Can create your own master pioous. If your arrangement gets dusty all you hve to do is revere your vacuum cleaner tu'blow and blow the ustn If you with any small dishes witb a chip out of the top but are reluctant to throw them away for sentimental reasons you can arrange drie,d �flowero in tbu�. muNn�ereal show pieoe, What better way to start a morning off ithe winter than with flowers. Thanks to Kathy, Y«Nteyurd, the ladies really enjoyed it. WDO members wish all a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and a happy and prosperous NEW EAn. DO SOMETHING _ N�������0� N^SOMEONE AUBURN AND DISTRICT NEWS Mrs Vies B0douCk 526-/595 Little Miss Ktfrne Plunkett is a patient in Alexandra )Marine Steve Popko and Miss Helen Cullen of London vfisited Iasi Wednesday with Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Johnston and DmiSu Laura Phillips. Mr. andMrs. Bert Allen of Agincourt ,visued last Saturday MU" Mrs. Beth Lansing. &8r.' and Mrs. Stanley McNali' of Welland spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. ,Thomas' Johnston and Miss Laura Phillips. Congratulations to Mr,. and Mrs. Allan Craig on the birth of their son', in Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Gode,iob. Mr, and Mrs. 'Harold Adams of Cltnton visited last ,Sunday with Mrs. Beth Lansing. Mrs. Ethel Farrow ,of Mitchell and her grandson Robert Young of Stratford visited last Sunday with Mr. and Dura. Thomas Johnston and Miss Laura Philiips. and Mrs. William Soero. Faye and Carol, visited last: Sunday with the Co 'eJames Blake rm�, father, who is a patient in University Hospital, London, following surgery. YULETIDE MEETING The ^"^^"^"^"s meeting of the Un'ited Church Womel) of Knox United Church was held in the SundaSunday schooi room on December 9th. This was a combined meeting of all the units Attractive Cbr(ato�,ao decorations and poinsettias °set the moop for the festive season. The m,odngmegan with a pot luck dii'iner, served from a gaily deenratod smorgasbord tobho at 12'30 p.m. „Members and guests ..wore seated- at card tables which were centered with lighted candles encircled in pine sprigs. Pastor Alfred Fry of Goderich said the Grace after . which. everyone enjoyed a bountiful meal, Foliowing the meal, all remained seated at the tablesfor the program which opened with the singing of some familiar Christmas nrols led by Pastor Pry with Mrs. Norman Wightman at the i Mrs. PeG/r Verbeek con- ducted a contest naming the ingredients of a Christmas cake. This was won by Mrs. Orval Free. President Mrs. Gerald McDowell welcomed everyone and thanked the committee in charge. The offering was rocpiveu. An offering for . the Children's, Aid Society was received by Mrs. Kenneth McDougall and a special offering for Missions vydo received by Mrs. Ernest Durnin, These'oyforings were dedicated by Pastor Fry. Christmas Thoughts for the Year was taken by Mrs. Norman VV un with responses by several Members. A. skit, presented by Mrs. Maurice Bean, Mrs. Pctor.Ver6oek. Mrs. Gerald McDo*oU, Mrs. Thomas Jdrdin and Mrs-. Donald 8uineo, on the theme, "The Petfect Gift" portrayed that Love is ale perfect gift Wtiich shouid be expressed during the year, as we4i, as at Chrigmas Time. Mrs. Wightman continued on with Christmas 'T'houghts and responses. This was concluded with the singing Joy to the World and Hark the Herald A \ Sing. Pastor Fr�. closed the moodngw|tbprayor. The Christmas meeting of the vvornen'o Missionary Society of the Auburn Branch was held last Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Frances Clark. President Mrs. vvdfrod Sanderson was in charge of' the meeting and gave the call to worship. The , president welcomed the guests and members. The devotional period was taken by Mrs. Elea,nor Bradnock; ^ ASRS ���m� ����° �������������° Come ° -�-� � N � � in and ���� complete line of appliances ppNiances =y General E DISHWASHERSS STAING AT 1" ~ RAHAM ELECT'RI'C ' . . LIMITED. 62 ^CAMBRIA RD. 524.8670 7 ' �� ��' |������������� C�rnmunity ������������0[��N� ����0N������ Rights Day Human, Rights Day wls observed Wednesday, L)ecombe, 10, 1975, by the Buhui Community of Gqd,nch Baha'u'llah, the Prophet -Founder of the Baha'i ruith, was the first Manifestation of God to proclaim the equality of men and women, ' This is peculiar to ' the teachings of aahu'u')lab, for all other religions ha,p placed man above woman, , ..The world of humanity has two wings — one is women ''and the other men. Not until both wings .are equally developed the bird fly." "Woman'§ lack of progress ,and proficiency has been due to her need of 6qual education and opportunity. „''Hael, she been allowed this equality there is not doubt she would be the to of man in ability and c c|ly.^ ^-intheaciericooandauo. The scritu lesson was read alternately. The meditation on this passage was based on the Wisemen and closed with the Poem, Ready for Christmas. The offering was received by the treasurer, Mrs. Frances Clark and dedicated with prayer by Mrs. 'Wilfred Sanderson. - The guest speaker was Rev. G.L. Royal, who gave ,an in- spiring Christmas moaaugo covering the events from the manger to the cross. . Mrs. Sanderson thanked Mr. Royal and Mrs. Frances Clark presented him with a gift. A delicious lunchof Christmas cake and, cookies were served by Mrs. Clark assisted byMrs. RnyDaar. .~ BUY:SENENFHIRE... in virtues and perfections, (woman) shall become equaI to man, and as regards tenderness of heart and abundance of mercy atid oynvputhyyra,esupor|o,.. (The above quotes are taken from the Writings of Baha'u'llah.) Baha'i cornmuities across Canada join in the ob- servance in support of the United Nations' efforts to establish the equality of men and women. , ° Victoria and Grey Trust Company '~�.~..... ��K�^�^� Subsidiary Companies ~~,,������ ����Kl�'����������� ~~ ~~...�~~~ ~_ Financial Highlights Results for Vear Revenue Operating Income before Income Taxes '4 Net Operating | '�` ,� �g nuume Net Od Income per Common Share Net Income Net Income r Share 1975 . Y6 1974 ' Increase $ 115.207'644 $ 82.324'657 24.8 15.833.130 8'835'21U $2.91 8,364,615 $2.92 • 12.058.427 29.7 6.228'827 33.8 $2.15 353 5'517'898 28`3 $225 2g.7 . Year End Position Mortgages o gagoo� Deposits �~ ' nr Guaranteed Investment Certificates & Debentures 1.021'969.522 Sho,eho|d,ora'Equity 42.337.286 Aaadts'—Com ny and Guaranteed Funds 1.295.566„258 Estates, Trusts & Agencies • 162,213,715 .1 1,136.8J8.161 , 925'89E\081 228 212.888.193 ^1.78.586.540 18.1 843,578,523 21.1 37/509'599 12.9 1.872'798.887 208 ' 134'850'848 20.3 Annuo|moedngRod[lok|nn'Po�a,b000ugh�V�dneadny.Jonuo,y7.187O TICTORIA: nd GREY ailTRUST COMPANY SINCE-. 1e8C). Alliston anxevmn^Brampton ~c^n- ninwon , Cobourg • ov ^ cxotrr^oome,ic» • Gwelph'i'nano",, • wi.noatun • unusmv • Listowel ^ Moo' /nn/ • .mewma,ket • North pay ^ Orangeville. ` onmu • Ottawa • Owen Sound • p,x,/»um/wx~ Port Credit ^' n.`o(n'w' nxxmonuHill ^ St. Catha- rines. (Agency) • St Marys • Stratford ~Tm,u000rg'/amnm`Whitby, Lomu/unoxm's Chatham .uom.nn tun ^a^"m^ ~vvxx^c,uu,n. ' - &ltA 5w1 WA WA .WA ": WA stsN 5rS w.;=a=a)wAnc-43WS�mic�WA WA �=aWC SaA 5W:4 W3 WI SW1 MC WA �WC.C*1 w.; )W.0 rza w.; swA =5,1�cw.0 cza =aMtg.9.:4 �. � � � - Q & ' , m m w'~ CHRISTMAS � = % STORE HOURS Q - Q tfilser goo ' Q gg GIFT SUGGESTIONS Q iQ & FOR HIM Monday to Fhday o ".m. to 9 p.m. Saturday "".*. to 6 p.m. '' ° Closed Sundays .wmwill close • Christmas Eveat w^�M. THE BASE FACTORY OUTLET HURON COUNTY'S LARGEST DEPARTMENT STORE MEN'S- BOYS' ,LADIES'- GIRLS' and BABY'S WEAR YARD ,GOODS-FDRIAITURE- MATTRESSES -PAINT SEWING MACHINES -SMALL APPLIANCES -LAMPS LOCATED ON HW'Y NO. 4 SOUTH OF CLINTON AT VANASTRA . BRING THE KIDDIES � . TO -�..:-<.,;-) ' MEET SANTA — ^.`` `.~ A�� BASE FACTORY OUTLET " ` ` SAT. AFTERNOON - DEC. 20th^^� -^ FURNITURE CLEARANCE AmCE 25% Arr SPACE %AVSM%,CHESTERFIELD, %Jo II BEDROOM SUITES, BOX SPRINGS, END TABLES -'-.-.'_--' ''' HOW ABOUT ^ PHILIPS ELECTRIC KNIFE o�muox� ONLY $������ �� ��w ����w ~---- MIST & SAUNA =Two beauty for ha., v^` and .k." Moisture Mist Set holds hairdo ." fA BRUC FEATURE BORG GOOD SELECTION n" TO $8"O0o HAIR. DRYER longer, giyes fuller body - perfect Professional Tppo fast, _ 'm` , u./',*u' n» `o/" "» m" ONLY $21"V7 . Sauna .^..0 *, x�" cleansing of face ,d n�» _ , C��', ,/ /,°. medium or »'r* heat settings" o^mu°l�s* (no wetting "nv."w, w /v,"'".". m../ ~v in minute, This Christmas, buy her giftof 0X���" the a lifetime.... • ' " pmf,.iowuo°results, easily • *m"vable«n""x arm, tilt -back hood _no »",xmx THE BERNINA SEWING MACINE �m^ . . Precision built ."Switzerland. Sm"m^.n"*'. 11 tr"ub*•frw sewing ="xfabrics, from the ''' lightest to the heaviest without making any • /mi"*m"m". Sosimple moperate! gyi Visit the Base mcm, Outlet soon and ask for IA a demonstration on the Bernina or any of our 9 other famous brand name sewing machines n - such as Omega, Universal, Domestic, iii Morse, and Brother We db accept trade ins. m g '~ . ' ..` / ="w� U ~=� . ^ �� �� Our Sewing Machine Expert E N B 0_t will be at our store for demonstrations and repairs - SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20 9am ^,m , ~. 14 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 AS MA ws zosA ms -A wc������MA WC = 'MC res1 Wi WS WA WA Ma MN Mm������������gcts3 Wiltfl' TWA WAV:is;A WA WA WA w% Iota szitS lo „