HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-12-18, Page 17^ DEAR EDITOR *m (continued from page 4) ticipate in the Parade. We . would of courop. like to contact other women pilots in the Goderich area, and hope that any who saw us "flying" by during the pbrade will make themselves known to us. Thank you for the portunity to explain our identity! ^ = million .dollars lagoon system that would not operate, And would destroy hundreds of acres of prime fff ° The working of minds centred 'ut'/Quoen'o Park op - seem quite strange, in fact, trueh oiNc comp(oto��ncumpre on t~ residents of small Yours Countless' thousands- of ily Anne Judd dollars are opento»`nr»«cm Vice -Chairman, that ^. seem borderline R R 1, Port Elgin, Ontario. ridiculous. We read .of the vast sums spent to p Dear Editor, �~^~^'Escarpment.Yet we are � ' seeingsmall hospitals b��n8 d(�a Note: -' Theo ~~hecouoc costs.of wrbnruCthe ��howing\euor' ~i^na u,auUeAe8|y too Arthur' Carr., has been ~ high,and the small hospital associated with,or ubUohar ' inefficient.. To re'sidents of of The Palmerston Observer small towns this is absolute for the past forty years. Be utter and -- nonsense. has served ki-i ht years as a . Few of 'us, (or let us be municipal"' councillor in' his kind) very few of us, will ever home town, and held various use ,the "nature trail- and ofDoeo, being at one time on walk from Owen Sound to St. the Board oCDirocto,s'oythe ,Catharines. Yet oVc,y one of Police Go"ern|ng Asoociadon us, and every one near and of Ontario.In 1967 the . dear to us, will some day use Palmerston Lions Club a hospital. If that hospital is honoured him with a broyze 40 to 90 miles away, what p|aqUe inscribed to testify f» opportunity will we haVe to hiadpvouooandservicntohiu opehd a few hours each day community. lnthe fiscal -year with a friend or loved one? spanning 'July 1974 - 1975' the How happy will thutloved one Canadian Co6orn«n|ty be, miles and miles from Newspaper,Aa000iati»n home- uotoJ|y surrounded by selected him for the‘ dietbn ' unknown and, seemingly cUvnhonour of''Cidzenuythe uncaring �atrungcr&? What. l/onr.'.1.|mo has lived in close added expense will families contact with Ontario already tragedy smitten have Government created fiascos with car mileage,and work �eluding the desire,. of the hours lost? What additional add\donu\ City of Toronto and the hazards will there be on our C.P.R. to bury millions of highways when minctk, " New idea tens of garbage in Minto Township, adjacent to Fal Be has experienced the . frustrations of havng a home town equipped with a sewage treatment plant of the aerated sludge vuriety, seeing it unconditionally condemned by Queens Park, andiins|otenco that ,his small town spend a quortor,pf a� preoccupied by ^y wnrry. . start to guide a speeding auto a half a hundred miles or more? There are so many pointsin favor of the small hospital that to me their closing is absolutely unthinkable. It has been' .proven beyond all doubt that big cities are bad places to live. To all, wishes for your own kind of peace and happiness at Christmas and throughout the days of the New Year, 81ua'Haydmm� . . . avagsgavommactituaac t' .1 In these large citles, v|obnco, air and water and evey type of pollution, including moru\, seems to flourish. The very milk of human kindness curdles. '^ Conversely the small town, with its intimately co- ordinated town councU, with the butchor, the buker, and the small town loans maker sharing the. responsibility of maintaining, and improving the life style, has become the ideal home -site. The perfect place to raise your family. The very best pldee foy the young to pattern their sets of yalues after those they see displayed aroundthem. Why an elected g vernment centralized in Toronto is seeking small town is absolutely beyond the comprehension of any thinking person. Why are they trying. to enlarge something that has beep 'proven bad, and destroy something that has been proven priceless? ; The only possible.' ex- planation can be that our elected representatives have through utter lethargy abandoned their duty of decision making, preferring to set up commissihns, and listen to career civilyervonts and other'such u"oamera, allowing d`pno to make the So let's get with it. Form a committee in each of our towns, whether our hospitil /~ threatened or not. Let's cut Queen's Park *gettax revenues to an extent that will surprise them. Let us show them that we want our hospitals. That w, prefer them to A,eenbo\ts, nature trails, research into our lavatory hub|ta, or sub- sidizing someone to publish a ub'sidizinnsvmenneu/pubhshu book of b\unk pages. Let's get w the car dea|or, the corner druggist, the host at our hotel, the service station operator, -' ' the printer and the The{odori^ch, housing photographer all writing __^"" ,"~~"`^u^ had a c.h7sques to their hospitalsglimpse at the prosund cons ' chairman Don Wheeler said „committee U-n-turio� of�ho Treasurer of . of a mobile park Thuruduy whentheyheard .a presen- he had had limited ex- perience with mobile parks By golly! It has to work! tation by Douglas Barker, the ,,AudnidnXthdu`nisk.y for your time in K p"^—p` —a""—='s'. ~'« of u,� and was not \rnpnuayod' �� cited Grand Cove saying- that � YoureYu|thCuUy, Mr,Barker,a oonsu\dnmonce past the uurucbvomain .ute.ho. thought the park, did • .a,thurtur,. ".a.=~. with Kleinfeldt, ..~ ° ~ - - . .” ,� ~ dm ' G uDE RICH SIGNAL 'STAR, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 0.18?�PAGE 5 Af��-~d�m�� �o� 0��_o_� `\ , ousing includ mobile _o e ___s BY JEFF SEDDON developing mobile park in Grand Bend, children were not allowed usresidents. gave the committee o hots, resemble a community Futile hope . seminar about mobile pork* park. He addedthat he •mnro\y a mobile home citing facts, figures und^wo~\dnuvermoveintounc^ DearEditor, • statistics indicating that muyThochu'rmuneu'N that tne A recent Signa) -Star con- are ,rapidly becoming a roads and their steep tains a letter commenting on popular entity in the national grade to the road's centre line the inadequacy of some and international housing awards utO.D.Cl market. f~r drainage barely per - The writer apparently does o,'Thowritcrappa,ent|xdoeo The seminar was presented "it{ed"'^~~neouo passage of vehicles on the road and nokrouUxo that school prizes, to the c»?mituaethro« h the Uk� door prizes and lottery initiative' of the K\«i»f»Iu/ was not attractive. ',`Grand- Cove is not a fair p�zey, may differ greatly |n p�nn»r«' Acting on a re~^'ar|yon.' said Mr. -value. One may be intended for information byo»nmiuee --� -as u sub»tund,a\ oubsidx. member B»n Allen the ^T hc park is still ',""mnine and like any ,subdivition in the midst of construction it appears to be unattractive, When .theroadways are finished and ...^.~ and the lots land - been set up by wills made mobile parks and thoir on� ` capd you won't know its the same place." xeuddodtbuutheroodwoy in Grand Cove does not have to apply to all mobi/oporx� When the park is being v)unneo, the municipality and the otor of the .park can.got u`A,mr, and come up with anything they wish to rules e-f"rc^m"n. While another may lust be planners asked �r an »p' All of 'must m»n'and we t as a little'ut on the portunity to meet with them must stop it right now. Not h-cx' to explain the .operation, t~^~^^`'' or next week, not There is the further point financing, planning,con- next '' some -'' ` have ttmn and maintenance of must devise some system other chunthe overthrow of the gnyernnoht by force. Some system weaUounwork at to convince thoS" Toronto based administrators that we want, and must. have, our hoep|to|a, all of them presentlybxist|ng, and more bui|'and 'on\orgad. All that have been closed re --Opened, re- One way would be to hit the Government in ,its most sensitive spot. We have in mind, not the seat .ny the MemberS' trousers, but very close to that spot. The wallet|nhJshippockot.LotusuU\et our Government know that we, want our taxes opont _where they will do the nmat good for the Most people. Here is a suggestion, In every Small town there are at least several dozen merchants who are cuj)ocdng hundreds of dollars in sales taxes. In most small towns there are manufacturers who are collecting, and Paying, che 12 percent tax to the ReceiverGeneral of Canada. Let these folks file their no demanded, on the date specified. Instead of attaching a chcVue, they append a note stating that the chequehas been made payable to the hospital of their choice. The administrator of the hospitalcanbnathosechequns and deposits them in a special account, so that the merchant has a cancelled cheque, proof positiiie that he has not diverted the tax money for his personal betterment, but had indeed put his • tax money where he wants it to be spent. Possibly he has broken some legal technicality. Bu't hp has certainly not .~.___ -., bore false witness nor coveted hia neighbour's ox, nor broken any of those ten marvellous of this game of life that old Moses received and passed onto ua. It is hard, to picture ax"[two|wuuChm pcers finding that man guilty of any moral misconduct. ' More probable, the jury might strike a medal com- mending him for his actionyears and . Kome in and order your Christmas Fowl NOW! ' WE HAVE A L A RkG E SELECTION OF ''CHNCmENS TURKEYS GEESE DUCKS'. MEAT AT BEST BUY PRICES TOP TENDER ROUND SIN( BONELEtS RUMPS SHORT RIB ROASTS on LB. . $1.49 STEAKS LB. 88c AINSLIE MARKET. 1.LIMITED ~a#CALL 524 8551 , Home res InmpeKtedN0eaVs at Whm4'$aYe Prices when no vantages to the housing one could foresee that $80 market. ..miQht shrink to the value n/o - The timing oythe Kleinfeldt few cents, In such case's it is presentation coincides with i4d\e to hope for any .in- unotbor proposal the Huron crease. County planning department , . Yours very truly, made to the Goderich., JJv.Williams planningiBounzroccnuy. Toronto, [h_a'hsport to the board the n'annury warned that unless huvnn,nmh��c\»�hePurk ��K��UiKK��'8"V�00�� � something is done by the town The comments sparked a t' expedite housing matters, ..~�",,a"a,""mp,�mom/o' ^...^~`. .^...-,'-- rky have for the parks rnun|cinu|ity in which they are located, The Kleinfeldt planners tuN the committee; that the municipality bears little costsin � establishing a park but reap- an excellent. eturn in taxation • The. parks are usually owned ,by one person and although the homes are bought outright by the .residents, the., land thsit .ori- is cepts full responsibility for maintenance of the parks and its. facilities , while the municipality provides police, fire ,proteetion and depending on the parks', location sanitary and storm sewers and water. The sewer and water lines. are provided only whereo`,y~ are in existence near the 'Dear Frionds. Niamey, Nig or land availability for huuoinA will be brought to a severe crisis in the next one to three There are �" many Of you voury. The planners offered and we are pressed for time several alternatives .to the mi so please excuse the carbon planning board to avoid the ' c-'-- you are alt receiving! • crisis and one suggested has been a using u.purcn| of land in the --' project cornc,u[thc town standstill, for ht least three south east ''for20 acre, oo our project a o0 to 70 unit director was ]uot hero and mobile park. cool benefit plus � all the The suggestion of a mobile private donations to the park within .the an limits Cuqod\on]HongorPnundudon brought a mixed� reaction not justify keeping us in from both the planning board ^tho 'field. However many and the housing action other contributing factors too committee. Bo/h groups saw ^ detailed to go into ,now have several -�d,untogoy to the led,to the~ruUu,o and ter- parks but were leery to mination of our work here. .,e»n*idorthem, Everything happened so A lack ofknowledge on the •�xt-n a matter of days—so 'end result of a mobile park W6 have buon buoypuokimg. project and the stignia getting viSusetc. etc for our mobile homes have as'.' u long journey home. u/e have a "cheap method of transient 1956, Renault bus and we are houoing" are the major Don our way home via mumbUngblocks that u`nbUo Nigeria.,»m k ohuUdoryundpronontrrs Dona Cameroons, Central African have to oovn,, according to ,Repub\io. Sudan, Saudi `W'. Barker. ,Arabia, Iraq and Iran, The Kleinfeldt Planner told \d Turkey,[rneCe Yugonkavia, the bouyi committee that Italy, ~^~".^~"a" France, as an', u\temndvt,' to the Germany THEN even- lengthyprocess of building. tually to England,and �tht stick houses in a planned old beast is odUtn0cthor l nuhdi,iuion, mobile homes think we will be glad to caIl it were permanent, economic • quits and take a boot home and, provided a good quality fr�lnn Jm�nond.'cxhu«oted of housing in a shortperiod of • u*{o just thmkinAabout itall. e.time. rc*id thatoe�od .tho homes This hopefully brings us u'«�m /um' year round site 'home for the summer of 1978 and can be |nmtaxo�on a o so will not be able \o,|eavo~a and ready to live in in about a forwarding address ilong the week's time with no seasonal way. Y�u will hear from us by 'delay. postcards,(if you people ever The acceptance of ,mobile A«t that -atu| strike h9mo parks in Conad� has straightened '~ '' been slow according to the Tillthe new year our love to Kleinfeldt' statistics. Mr. Ron & Peg Shaw 'Barker told the committee that the trend tomohUe'purxo you all and God Bless! Editor's Note: Bon is a for -in the DnitodStute�\o greater than this country but added mer reporterp�o�»Q'�n»er with the Signal -Star who is that about one half, millionkx`d|y,rememhuredbymuny 'Cu»^_"" now ",,,", "'"Bom~~^�� tod out that Ontario was also slow in acccpting the homes compared to the rest of the cnuntry. While this province has - ,-' of the ' country's popu\otKm only 21 percent of the mobile parks in Canada areifl Ontario • Spence Mcochpm the park and development consultant with 8 di Home Systems, the companydevelops. the mobiles that exist in the parks designed by' K|gnhdt. referred to them as ' af- fordable, not low cost homes", MrMeecham said that his ' m nx'* spring model of mobiles was aimed • at the °.$16.000 to $)n.000 wage category wiU` an u,''ugn monthly cur,n \ 8 charge Of $314 compared to $477 paid fer conventional housing. The Bendix representative told the committee that mi”.t. of the well developed, ,park npw in existence were ,aimed, hit youllg couples or 'fte,tirec Cettiples,., He said that famil•,, parks are proposed but that to date cnly childless couples had been houseet in '4.he developed parks adlling that in Grand Cove Estates, a readers. Readers are cordially invited to express their opinionik of local, p,ow|m~ cia and federal issues the Letters to the r column of The God rich Signal -Star. AWA' letters must be to be published, signed although ;ion namesmnm permissible providing it is understood that upOn request from another reader, the letter writer's true name will be revealed. there is no limit to the length of a letter which can be offer�d for publication, the editor dmemreamrve the right to delete portions of Any copy submitted for in- clusion in «hi newspaper. lake an active tntere$t in your hometown neWspaper. Write mletter tta the Editor today. parkMr. Bunkor'eui.d that the parks can be ,,isolated from a municipality and handle their o\k'n water and sewer services leaving only fire. and police protection to the municipality. Mr. B8000»en pointed out that in Moore Township where a large park is already \oouted, the township would need an industry of about one million square feet to provide an equal amount of fax /evenuo. He saiti that with the no children ,equiroment, no school tax The ation Be nd applies x p 'on` otet* ^.� added that the stigma of cheap housing that is at- tached to mobile parks is not evident in their market value once established. Be said that the housing units go ip irt alue once they are installed and referred to one park that had units sell for $10,000 more than they cost after being installed about uyear and uh4Y. He added that the units are mobile 'in the sense that tbey are, transported to the site they are installed on, but very seldom are they disnanded and moved to another park. . '~ - --��w SERVICECOMINION HARDWARE30 VItTORIA: ST. NORTH Octal) ��° N �__.�. �~���N0 ���N ��N ��°�� N �---�8 N �~~-�� �� �� �� �� Holiday� ������������ . . ^ . , � � ����N� � �� ��� DeadIi'ii:es����� ������� m��`�� "° ���'��������� -m�0��/ Dec. �� �� `°������ -�� , —1' All advertising` ANDat ��w~ �� p.m. ' ��w���� Dert049 issue ssue Friday, Dec. 19 OFFICE HOURS �� — ' Open Mondays to Fridays -9 a°ni, to 5 p.m. DEC. 2 4 — 9— 1 2\' DEC.� 0� ����~�� CLOSED ��n����� �� � ���� DEC. 31 — 9-12 . . wANUAAY 1 — CLOSED ^ .. '._ `� ~ts��� '� m.,