HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-12-18, Page 13'r7 )14'4 M A. GaoIb�a,.rd hoping giftsstill coming Fund raising efforts undertaken by the Board of the Historic Gaol apparently have failed to excite the imagination of Huron County citizens. Total receipts at this point in time are approximately $1,400 most of which has been received from individual citizens. A major factor which may have restricted donations was the mail strike which interrupted the flow of receipts just as they were starting to come in. Two fund-raising pledges have been received from service groups in Goderich and Exeter, but the Board is not aware of plans being made by any other Huron County groups. Accprding to Board treasl1rer, Ed Oddleifsori, funds received prior to December 3'1 will still qualify'_for tax receipts against 1975 income. It is hoped that donors who set their intents aside for the duration of the mail strike will now send their contributions. Although expectations were much higher, (the Board requires approximately $25,000 for planned restoration), work has proceeded with needed repairs using funds received from the Federal LIP program. The. Board itself has provided $5,500 since October to supplement this amount. Approximately 8,000 square feet of stone work has been repaired and refurbishing has continued inside the Governor's House. One cell block is being returned to its original 1840 condition. The third floor court facility cannot be un- dertaken unless further funds are received. A. obtttIj 128 YEAR — 51 SIGNALE-S Crackcicown starts January 1 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1975 P curb a The word is out. This area of the province has what the Ontario Provincial Police term an "appalling" record as far as highway accidents is ' concerned and as of January 1, 1976, the Goderich Detach - Indian Island ownership still a mg question mark • • ment OPP will be attempting to:do something abodt it. Along with all other OPP detachments in No. 6 District, r the Goderich detachment will .be implementing a Selective Traffic Enfordement Program with six main ob- These objectives are to achieve a reduction in traffic Crashes and to enhance the smooth efffaient movement of vehicles 'and pedestrian traffic; to increase the safety and security 'of the general public; to develop good public Will the real owner of true ownership of the island this property including Indian relations.;,,to stimulate public Indian Island please stand was never really kipelled out. Island since.1913. support for law enforcement Goderich town council learned Monday night that the province cannot claim ownership CO' .the island either. Wilfred Peters,. .a solicitor with the legal ser- vices branch of the Ministry of • Natural ,Resources, ex- . plained that his letter of Sept. 23 stating that the iSland at the. mouth of 'the Maitland Riw.p:r was crown land •was erroneous. dertook careful examination of the files and documents in the Ministry and found that the C.rown disposed of its interest in Indian 'Skald in a grant to the canada Company, of June 25, 1830. - The crown rights were , disposed of under letters patent of June 25," 1830 when they granted' the Canada Company all of the 'Township - surveyor, surveyed the township land in 1828 and his township plan included the islands in the Maitland River. Since• the toWnship lands, which include the islands in thp ri'V'er, were granted to the 'Canada company, they retain ownership. Theh ten years later the CrOwn al,so grarged the The. Goderich Airport.' aircraft and although they riverbed. to the 'Canada Committee will have to seek would like some ac- Company,,so if it was not° an alternate methods to finance etkrnmoclation at the airport, they were 'not willing to pay $50 per month. 171e added, •however, that _they were willing .to lend labor to help ,defray building costs. Committee chairman Clifford said that perhAps. :some arrangement could be wfbt4ked out similar to the corporate hangar of Dominion Road Miachinery Company in Which they lease the land and ereCt their own structure. Dave Gower was not in- clined to bend toWards. the owners claiming that perhaps I 1959 Thomas Sandy A search .of titles disclosed n activitieS; to reduce human '4khat in 192Q the Canadian conveyed certain properties errors in the' process of be attributed to ca . es a National Railroad canveyed to Beulah Homan and for, the moving. within . the tran- do not constitute a violation of certain property including first time. the deed sportation system; and to law; what is the community's Indian Island to ()Scar E..' specifically referred. to crash severity ratio; what is Fleming and at the same time ' Indian Island. In' i968 there is The concept of Selective the trend in traffic Crashes in improve driver attitudes • Oscar Fleming conveyed to' re.gistered an ordec- in Council Enforcement is taking, en- the community - increasing; the crown all the property conveying to the Queen in facement action against decreasing or at a stabilized level; and what is the south of a given Isine which is L right of council all the . . 100 north of the present wall property south of a given line . • • . ddderich annexed certain''.'Islandoand gives the town the property by order of the right to use the boat entrance Ontario , Municipal Bdard near the gritrance to the which property included Homan property. Indian. Island. At the time it In 1970 'Beulah Homan was assumed the property conveyed property to James was owned, by the Crown but Ke"itfi Homan which included the Crown only gave:gualified Indian Island and specifically referred to the island. Mr. Murphy said he ,was satisfied that the town had no interest' in the land but it could be ' • argued. that theY. are crown lands. That was disproved. • The matter was referred ta , the Harbor . Committee for further study, those violatiOns that are causingqraffic crashes at the locations and times. where they are Occurring. , In order to make this program workable—, traffic accidents reports of this area for the past three years are being studied to determine Where precisely with the community are traffic crashes taking place; in what volume are traffic crashes taking place; at what time, ate the' traffic crashes oc-. curring; what specific violations of law are causing the traffic crashes to occur; how many traffic crashes can consent to the c9nveYance. • In 1.945 the •Fleming estate, conveYed certain property to Thomas- Sandy &which in- cluded Indian Island. Then in 1945 there WaS a declaration registered by Carolyn' Fleming that her ;41ate husband owned nnd occupied • during work at AM St 6 Due to the current construction project at Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, the existing emergency department entrance , will have ,to be re7located for a 4)eriod of time which may extend up to three or four months. . Citizens and patients are advised that beginning Deeember 19, all vehicular traffic deposit.ing people at the emergency department should go to the specially signed area and entrance on the Napier -Street side of the •"The inconvenience to the public is regretted, but the end result will be a much improved emergency. service," say.s hospital administrator.J.W. Banks., - loicone owners offer labor,; not money 1„ Bronze,Medal in the Central esponse clismol for tee hangar's Canadian Figure Skating Championships held in Thunder Bay.last week. • pallin 4 SINGLE 'COPY 2.5c Accident rate too high record department's past en- which are known to be forcement record. causing traffic crashes, The 'OPP say the crash "It iS hoped. that the public severity ratio for a typical in general will support us in community should be no ads more than one fatal crash for program," an OPP release states," and that every 55 • personal injury education, crashes and -no more than one through engineering and enforcement fatal crash for every 200 ee will be able to bring some: property darnage crashes. measure of safety back to our 1-7Or the year 1974, the highways." community . within the The release Goderich detachment area statistics for stand's at the ratio of one fatal 'crash for every 31 personal injury crashes, and One fatal crash for every -56 property damage crashes. It is predicted that for the, year 1975 the figures will be even worse. To date there has been one fatal cr4sti for every 15 personal injiTtly crashes' and one fatal crash,for every 28 property damage crashes. Beginning January I, 1976 the stretches of highways where accidents are taking place will be specially P. -patrolled during the hours in which these crashes are occurring, The, OPP offiters on these patrols will be watching for all types of traffic violations, but par- ticularly those violations Rusty off to Canadians Rusty Ormandy and Karen . Osborne haVe been selected to compete in the Canadian enough they would band together' and . make a presentation to - the' corn - island at the grpnting•of the tee hangars following a rpittee," he said.' ."The in - township land it , s included dismal response •to, an ad- ter•est isn't there because, of in the agreement (.. Tilly 11, vertisement to determine rhe the $50 a mOnth." 1940. number Mterested in renting Stan Profit tried to imprqs The town had hoped to rent space. tt I ,. upon the qommittee that the the island land from. the The committee had hoped airport was a business and province• for addiliona\l to finance the tee hangar by that 'the committee was parkland but the clarificatiom lensing the land to the trying too hard to ac - of ownership has rendere& Goderich Industrial commodate small business. , those Plans useless. Development Corporation .. ,"We have overspent on our Keith' Homan of Goderich who would -in turn rent the budget by hundreds of.0 Claimed ownership to the land space to plane owners. Only thousand's of dollars and now and ear13; in the year had one party responded and was we''' are trying to ac- apnounced plans for a 500 slip . interes,ted •1 in renting tee corn modate nickels and Marina on -the island at the hangar sp,ace til at the dimes,", he said. "We must costof $2.0S,000.' established rate of $50 per remember.. gentlemen that Title searches conducted by month. . , this is a business.",' Lawyer Dan Murphy of ,Airbort committee member the interest wasn.t keen ' The advertised fee of $50 Goderich indicated that. the • Lloyd Atfield said he had enough, , , rental per month was arrived toWn did not own the land but - contacted persons Owning "If the users waqted it bacli, at to accommodate the tee The, firSt winner in the Kinsmen Club's hockey pool with a difference received a check for S222 Monday after he successfully chose the winning team 10_13 °tit pf 16 games for the-‘ weeli .previous. Tony Vandersteen, right, aecepts his winnings from Gerry Paolin of the Kinstnen Club. The pool requires entrants to pick the team and the results (win, lose or tie) or, the. week's NHL actibn and the entrant with the most corre t choices will be the winner. Mr. Vandersteen intends to &late his winnings to his charity. (staff -photo) 'hangar dostsmaTiehairman Clifford was working on a $70,060." Other members agreed that, it cotild probably be done for less and Clifford. stated there was nb way the taxpayer would provide the tee hangars. Mayor Deb Shewfelt su,ggested that the.'„ airport committee could praVide the land arid let the pla,ne ownerS erect . their , own structure under the supervision of the committee. Profit Yeininded committee members they should not be charging just for,space but must look to the future ,and charge for facilities and maintenance aS The committee will look into We tee hangar situation further and see if some in- terest can be generated among plane owners, own plan expansion talk with neigfthors The town of Goderich hopes to meet with its neighbours, 'the townships of Goderich and Coiborne,. in the near future to discuss the feasibility of expanding the town's boundaries. Councillor Dave Gower , introduced a motion to hold talks with representatives of botii townships to discuss expansion, Gower, also planning board chairman, said he was not talking about annexing land from the townships hut that the three parties could look at it' sen- sibly with' no concrete deciSions before it gets out of control. councillor Gower pointed out to council members that there are only 42 lots within the town that are ready for development and it would not be unrealistic to approach the matter •and establish a good working relationship with the Repve Stan Profit opposed the motion claiming it was planning reports • indicate there is sufficient land to develop within the town tail accommodate growth for hri number olyears. "I don't see the point," he Said. "It doesn't seem , en- tirely necessary at this time. since there is enough land for our expan,sion for at least five, Gower explained that he simply wanted to study ,the feasibility on a good relationship basis with tho two townships. He added•that establishing a talking relationship with the town- ships concerning expansion may help the town in future • . Councillor .Jim Peters said he would like to see a regional mUneipality formed between the townships and the town 'since Goderich is the Market area and thsy share things such as recreation and the arena and fire fightini other pairs, Rusty and _Karen .Competing ..against ten were in a clese fight for kecond place, Placed second by three of the five judges, they were placed third by a close contest of total points. First and second place were \mon by Ma atoba team s. . RuSty and Karen achieved their goal of hoping to place in the toP-three at Thunder Bay. They now begin training for the Canadian Championships to be held in London • in included the the Goderich detachment up to December 9., 1975. There- have been nine fatal accidents with nine people „ 134 . injury .accictents with 211 people injured. and 261 properfy damage acciden,ts. This Makes a total of 404 accidents this year so far in the area. Constable Arthur Burt joined the Goderich detachment of the Ontarip Provincial Police raising the' force to 22. Con- stable Burt worked with the Moosonee detachment for the past two years and prior to that worked with the South Porcupine detachment for 21/2 years. He, Ms wife Glpria and daughter,Jennifer now reside s in Clinton. (staff photo) Cable TV dp-tilies again for.mcrease ..Bluevs.ater' TV Cable Ltd. will he again aRpapdlyiiong te the Canadian* and Television Commission in january for an inorease in subscriber rateS. The company, which s.erves the Goderich, Clinton, area, made a bid last year to the CRTC for a rise -in yates, but was turned 'down after customers complained of company should impro‘,.e signal before being granted an increase. Since that a company, official claims- that expertS have checked out the systim • and the company feels cer- tain the 'commission will be satisfied the firm has done its' utmost , to e,orrect the 'problems. , The company is asking for an increase of $1.50, bringing The hearing will 'be,held in Toronto, J anuarY 13. HPSSI3 seeks safety The HurOn-Perth Roman .supply and. pay., ap adult Catholic • Separate Sehool crossing guard at the in. - Board sent a letter to tersection .for the Safe Goderich town council .#ossing of the students. suggestipg • n,umerous The board also made changes in the Bennett Street suggestions for couneil"S and BaYfield Road area to consideration that included ensure the safety of children the installk.ition .of sidewalks attending St. Marys School. ' along Bennett Street from St. A letter from John Vintar,, MarY's School to Huron director . of education, said ,,, Road: the. rixtensiop of, .that becauSe of the.- concern; sidewalks on Bayfield Road for the safety of the St. to the intersection of B,ennett Mary'S ,School pupils using' StreeV and the install.ation of Bennett Street apd BaVfield traffic lights , at the in - Road, board recomimends tersectitn Bayfield Road that the town of GNerich ,and Bennett Street,' Mayor Deb 'Shewfelt, chairman of ihe Goderich Industrial v'elopnient Corporation, sign the dividend chegues along with vice-chairman Bill Cliff and secretary turord Walls. The Corporation was established in 1968 to aid industrial development and %% aN Fesponsibie for the construction pf the $16,000 weather station in 1973 on a lease h.tel, ,a4eVngement. The Corporation is now selling shares at $20 each to aid indostrill 4•tiFvelopilient in the tpwn. Shares may be purchaged at the tokvn hall. (staff 'photo) •