HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-12-11, Page 37'G Of) RICH SIGNAL STAR, THURSDAY, DFCENggli, r 11,.197 }A0 13 • 1.ARTICLES FOR SALE .MUSIC UNLIMITED - your complete music centre, rentals and sales. 79 Hamilton St, Phone 524-2711.--26tf CHECK our prices on chester- fields, Mattresses, chrome suites, coffee tables. C & .E New and Used Furniture, 524-7231, 1/l mile south of Goderich,--tf AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Availahlq at Hoffineyer Plum- bing and Heating, Kingston Street, Goderich.-14tf SINGER - For Authorized Sales & Service, sewing ' machines, vacuum cleaners, parts 'and notions, service to all makes. Pratt's Sewing Centre, 73 Harnilton St., 524-8431; Goderich.-28,29tf SEWING MACHINES. Large selection of good uked sewing nruchines, Singer, W,hite, and 'others, Repairs to all makes. All machines and repairs guaran- teed. 29 East St., 524-6012, La Boutique.-38tfA'R BOSCH Pears, fresh cider, Macintosh, Delicious,;. Northern Spies and Cortland apples. Call Bellview E?ruit Farm, 524-8011. We deliver., -41 tf APPLES - Red and Golden Delicious, Kings, Cortland, Spys; apple cider, potatoes, onions. Gerald Bell Fruit Farm,Ji24-8008. Delivery around town.-50tf GOLF CLUBS - Brand new set, never used. Includes 3-5-7-9 iron, driver and three , wood plus putter. Reason for selling, won them and already have a set. Price $125.00. 524-9106 after 6' p:ni. 44tfnc USED fire brick; used steel pipe. Phone' Vanastra, 482- 3551.-47,48,49,50ar • STAMPS for collectors, Stamps at ,one cent, in packets, sets, Worldwide approvals available, I specialize ';in Canada mint and used. If you collect, I . have something for you. 100 free stumps for inquiring. Phone 524- 9106 after 5 p.m.-48tf 1.95 DDRFSS LABELS 1000 W H POSTAL CODE 1,000 Deluxe, mined Podded, Address Labels, Printed with Your Name, Address end Postel Code. Only $1 95 Postpaid. Please Print Your Name end Address Clearly. Order Yours Today from BURDEN SALES CO,; Box 4357, Postal Station D, Hamilton, Ontario L8V 4L8. GROUPS: WRITE FOR FUND RAISING PLANS. )GIFT OF A LIFETIME, Lovable, Himalayan kittens ready for Christmas. Priced from $100, 'Hybrid Kittens $75. SUNNY -LO CATTERIES 524-9819 Goderich Hanover Holiday Tours - DECEMBER TOURS CHRISTMAS• IN FLORIDA 15 days, ,depart December 20, features Ormond Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Cypress Gardens. -AFTER CHRISTMA,S • TO FLORIDA 10 days, depart .December 26, fea ur.es Ormond Beach and Or ando. _ TO rr A NT OF. ROSES DEADLINE FOR TAK1NC, CLASSIFIED ADS 12 O'CLOCKSHARP TUESDAY ADS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER l 2 O'CLOCK' FOR THAT WEEK'S PAPER CLASSIFIEDS - 10c per word, minimum $2.00 1.ARTICLES FOR SALE TWO ,NATURAL gas space heaters, in good condition, cheap frit•• quick s-a'le. Phone 524- 6230.=48,49,50nc STAMP album, Canada specialized, Lighthouse Securir Hingeless in excellent condition, some supplements needed. . Worth over $60, will sell ftjr V5 --or best offer. ,Call 524-9106 after 5 p.m,-48tf CHRISTMAS TREES' cut your own, $3.00. Saturdays and' Sun- - days only, Three Concessions north of Clinton, Highway 4 (Con. 6-7) turn east . 11/2' con- cessions, -49,50;51 GIVE apples for Christmas, Mac's, Cortlands, Spies, Red and Yellow Delicious and Snows. Also fresh`cider, $2,50 per bushel and up plus container. No. 1 potatoes $4.50 for 75 lbs. Delivery around -town. Art,,Bell's Fruit Farm, Phone . 524- 8037,-49,50,51,tf 20" RODGE.RS Majestic T.V„ portable with stand, Black, & White. Asking $40. Phone 524- 2527,-49,50 ONE PAIR white Mukluks, fur trimmed, size 7; one baby blue satin blouse, never worn, size 14; wint't",;r coat, size 14; long evening gown, size 15. Phone 524-8560,-50 STOVE and fridge, harvest gold, one year old, excellent condition. Must sell. Phone 524-9666.-50 ,ONE. Snare Drum, Cymbal, practice pad, brush. Phone 524- 8844.-50x • TYCO RACE SET: also NUTSY TENNIS GAME, Both"like new, Phone524-7793,--50x DRESSER _and large mirror, $40.00, Phone 482.9725 after 5 p.m. -50 DOUBLE ski doo tilt trailer, newly ,licensed, 'all lighting facilities, Asking $125;00 firm. Phone 524-6375,-50 BOGEN PA SYSTEM, 100 watt anip, two 4' columns, Shure mike with stand, complete with all patch 'cords and covers. Alsf► ' Gcndro'r1 baby buggy, Deluxe model. Both best offer. Phone . 524.6061.-50x ' PARADE 9 days, depart December A:6, travel via air•and motor coach to Phoenix Arizona, Las Vegas Nevada, Los Angeles California, Disneyland and famous Tour- ament of Roses Parade (' eserved Parade seats). E ' quire also about our winter an• spring tour s to Florida, Tex: s, California, Hawaii, South Pari c. For i ormation contact: a`h House VEL SERVICE rich 5244366 Jim ourtney TRAVE SERVICE Listowel91.2111 HOnO er TRAM SE VICE , Hanover 1400-26 -3007 Kincardi TRAVEL, SERVI Kincardine 396-3177 Listowel TRAVEL BUREAU Listowel 291.4100 ()NE PAR men's 205 centimeter Kastle Medal Skis with Tyrolia safety binding~.' Asking $25.00. Phone after 6 p.m. 524:8679, -50 HOOVER washer spirt .(1iger, in good ,condition, $75.00. pair of cement laundry tubs, $2(1.00. Phone 524-8857 after 6 p,m,-50 TREMENDOUS SAVINGS CN FIRE DAMAGED LUMBER We have over one hundred thousand board feet in all lengths, 2 x 4's 12c per linear foot; 2 x'8'S 25c per linear foot; 2 x 10's 32c per linear foot, THE -MORE YOU B,UY , THE MORE YOU SAVE 523-43548 BLYTH TRALEE KITCHEN CABINETS Announces the Appointment Of BILL NELSON OF LUCKNOW • as their area representative Bill would be pleased to show you' the complete line of Kit- chen Cabinets and Vanities and provide you with free lestimates at no obligation Phone Lucknow 528-2949 warrawmwer- 1'.ARTICLES FOR SALE M'OBI1.E: ,IIOME Christmas Special,'mint condition, 60 x 12, 2 bedrooms, front kitchen wiih rnatchtng eye level wall oven, counter top range, double door refrigerator, autorn is washer and dryer, all in avocado) green, Includes .kitchen table set, spacious - living '-room w!.th chesterfield, .chair • and-rta.bles, Carpetecland draped throughout. Master bedroom has double closet and built-in wall to wall vanity, second bedroom has double closet. This unit includes skirting and two air conditioners worth $800,00. Mus`, he seen to he ppreeiatcd. Selling PriL'e $6,500.00,. free ,delivery... Phone Merlin 1-519-689-4823.-50,51 23" BLACK AND WHITE 'Phillips Television, good working cork clition.Phone 524-9209,-505( 5,000 BALES of "straw for sale. Phone 529-7830,-50,51x M-cCLARY EASY Washer Spin Dryer, excellent condition:, Price $125,00, Phone 524-9538,-50 MAN'S 'snowmobile suit, large, tall size, dark green, excellent condition, Phone 524-n71.-750 2A. ARTICLES WANTED, WANTED - used snowmobiles for resole or wrecking, any shape. Phone on Saturday mornings, asking for Henry, at • 524-7096.-49,0nc 3A. PET STOCK TROPICAL fish, canaries. Complete pet supplies. Pat's Pet Shop, 350 Main Street, Exeter, (ntario. Open 10 a. n1. to 6. p.m, daily and Friday evenings, -40t1' THREE-YEAR-OLD filly, ap- proximately fourteen hands high, sorrel in color. ,Needs , a good home. Phone 482.3364.=50 BRITTANY- -Spaniel pups, ex- , cellent hunting and family dogs, shots and dewormed. Phone 229- 8824 Kirton. -50 LOVELY Christmas gift, Scotch Collie puppies, Lassie type. Very „ reasi�nable, Phone 526-7232,-50 IRISH SETTER, male, two years, with papers and sho't's. Phone 524-9897 before noon. -50 PUREBRED ' r'egistered Ponmeraniarl pups, also two male Pomeranian pups 7 months old. Phone 529.7243,-50 .1 GREAT DANE puppies, ears cropped, dewormed, shots, Brindles and Fawns. Phone 524- 6024,-50 3. CARS, TRUCKS FOR, SALE 1974 OLDS CUTLASS Supreme, 2 door hardtop, $3',300.00. -Phone 526-7238,-50 1974 Z?8 CAMERO, 6,000 miles (original) Zieharted, never seen winter. Power steering and brakes; AM -'FM Stereo, etc. Asking $4995. Phone 482- 9922,-49,50 6. ACCOMMODATION TO RENT 8. HELP WANTED ONE PAIR of skis, boots, poles and. car rack, ail in good con= .- 1972 DODGE Sportsman„ win- dition, Oven ready ducks. Phone- dow van, very low mileage, 482-9247 after 5 p.m. -50 powers brakes, heavy duty six cylinder, good gas mileage. Must ONE COUCH and chair ;set, sell_ Phone 524-6248 .after 6 $20.00;- one table and chair set, p.m.-49tfnc $25,00:" one fridge, $40.00; one . woman's uniform, size 5-7, $10..00. '1971 FORD F250,, 3/ ton .pickup, Phone 524-8774 after 4 p.m. ---50x four speed, 360'V=8, certified. Call 529-7124,-50 R.C,A. BLACK AND WHITE console television in good con- dition. Phone'524-2583,-50 TWO KEYBOARD chord organ with hooks, excellent condition; two•snow tires F.78 x 14, excellent condition, $25,00.- ..Phone 524- 610.5,-50 1972 POLARIS 340 Colt, free air, low mileage, good condition, Best offer. Phone s$2-7452 after 6.p,m. or on weekends, -50 )SOY'S SKATES, size 5. and helmet; also Hardy Bey boi►ks.' All items in very good condition. Phone 529-7286.-50 • LOVELY Chriistmas gift, Scotch Collie puppie's,'Lassie type. Very reasonabt, Phone 526-7232,=50 SEVEN -PIECE chrome kitchen ,set . Phone 524-6859 after 6 p.m. -50 BE:ATl'Y double wide Ski U`iif) trailer, -in good condition. Phone 524.2243 after (i p.m. -50 51,2' SKIS and harness, size 612 leather boots, and poles; 3 horse h.vinrUde outboard rentor for a sn1a11 s'a 3''boat. Phone .,524= 2334.-50x 2.ARTICLES FOR RENT , 1'ORM,\l.S I3Y FREEMAN'S :\-N1) JE:FF`S ' exclusively ir\ ailahle from CAPTAIN'S Ql'ARTFRS CLOTHIERS FOR ;\1EN, ;3t; The. Square, Goderich. -111 t ;i r r l'OR15IAL RENTALS for alt f•c• cc.irsions. Free,,,style hot'chur•e. ' "rwsons 'Shop for Men, (,odericli, -20tf l ',1(111 \Or 1 (11' I:I ti 1 ()R 1.1.:\til• -•- .1000 'Huai 1' (e '1.' In• Chilli'', ell'\ 1(1 10 x 11,(v do11r',, t �,c (client for ,111,111 hu,ttle55 Phone after (i p.m 15191 842 5107,-2411n.1 R 2A.• -ARTICLES WANTED 1 1 kN1 11 I:1 s; .1 . ( 010,) Int Ls. hill•, brass, iippi'r Will hug for c ,150 or sell h\ ,Luc 1011. Mike ('1( mnlrngs, :\uc (wooer. 521 11;\N' 13A1,E.S required fey Goderl1 h Ski Club. 1)onatinns gratefully accepted Phone 524• 793..--50x SMALL apartment slier! used piano, good condition. Phone 524- 8683, -50, 51x ' SNO\VN10H1lE helmets. child's small and adult's Small. Phone 526-72387-50 1970 DODGE stationwagon, 318 automatic, good tires and body. Will sell safety checked, Phone 482-7433,-50,51 35. POLICE -CARS A•ND TRUCKS - 9 - 1974 Dodges; 6 - 1974 Chevrolets; 6 - 1974 Plymouths; 3, - 1973 Fords: 1 - 1973 Plymouth St ationwagon ; 1 - 1973 Dodge; -1 - 1972 Plymouth ; 2 - 19725Dodge 1;2 tons; 1,- 1972 Dodge, 5. man cab; 1 • 1'971 International, 5 man cab; 2 G,M.C. 1/1 tons; 1 - Dodge 112 ton; 1 - 30 ft. single axle -stake and rack trailer; 1 3 car trailer. As low as $995.00. Licence No. M65140. Mighton's Car Sales, 6 miles east of- Hanover on nil. 4 highway. Phone Durham,- 365)- 3136.-50 1972 BUICK LcSabre, 4 door hardtop, tape deck, good tires. excellent condition. Mechanically certified, $2,300.00 ' or hest , offer. Phone 524- 6179.-50`tfnc ROOMS for rent Kitchen privileges. Phohe'524.8821 .-49t1 PARKHOUSE: for rent. Shuf• fleboard for sale Phone 524- 6205.-401 f OFFICE in West Street, 10 X 12, available January 1st, Phone 524-8845 49rfnc TWO HEDRQQIYM. apartment, partially furnished, .heated. available January 1st. Phone 524 6344.-50 1972 GMC • 12 TON, 350 V-8 automatic, pickup truck un- dercoated, good condition Phone 482-9560.-50 -1075 :- C'HRYSLER Cordova, (1 I 1-,500, ' guaranteed ru5tlir'uofing when new last April. Phone 529-7908,-50,51 1972 VEGA GT, four speed. bucket scats, radio, tape deck, custom mugs. Best offer 1'honc 529.7152 after 5 p,01..-50 1971 GR ANI) PR 1X. 1 11111',11 Atte (olSditlnn, safety checked. $3,000.00 or hest offer'.' Phone after 4 p. tn,524.8996.-50,51 CATCH THE DATSUN • SPIRIT DATSUN IMF Gerald's Datsun Ltd SALES SERVICE LEASING OPEN 8 A.M. 9 P.I. Ph. 527-1010 SEAFO'RTH • FOUR BEDROOM home, new barn, ten working acres, ideal for market gklydening, 00 highway, close to Goderich, Available February 1st. Write Drawer 57, Signal -Star Publishing, Box 220, Goderich, Ont. -50,51,52,1 BACHELOR apartment for rent. 3 rooms, sunporch, private yard, $125,00 per -month heated. Call 524-6276 after5 p.m, -50,51 AVAILABLE December 19th, fully furnished, dishes, cooking , utensils, etc.. two. bedroom apartment, centrahy located, TV, to share with another young gentleman. Phone 524-7586. EVENINGS. -50 E XPE:RIE:NCI•-U car'pe'nter wanted, part --time, with po'stbility of full•time In future Eden Homes, Box 9, Auburn. 526 7794 -50t far DENTAL SECRETARY REQUIRED Send resume, work ex- perience and salary expected -to Drawer -No. 56, Signal -Star ,Publishing, Box 2020, Goderich. , ROOM suitable for working girl or student nurse. Phone 524 7 928.-50 6. ACCOMMODATION TO RENT sl (1111 o0 . fit ell 115 W a} ne Sport, Phone 24 1 2287,-49,7)0:h FIVE -(ROOM duplex, gas heat, suitable for couple. Phan(` 524- 7977,--50x 7. WANTED TO .RENT MIDDLE-AGED person would __ like one -bedroom, unfurnished apartment, by ' the end , of November. Phone 524-2027.---43tf WANTED to rent, small 'garage 'suitiihlc (3i storage. Rl'asonahle rent • Phone 524-8076.-14R.tl 8. HELP WANTED FU1.1 TIM1'1 help,) y'Ont ed, mint be o', ct •18 year.; old tli't' new God in(l-,. Pet & Hobby -Centre. Stincon,t Ma 1I. • 1)In.une . 5 79.15---50 K, WANTED - Piano, organ guitar, banjo and 4 accordion teachers. Phone 524-2711.-43tfar 111.1,1 ' WAN'IF-I) - office ri-ci'pturnist wanted. No ex- perience necessary'. Full or part- time. Company henefits. Apply 'Drawer 54. Signal -Star Publishing 1-tcl., • Box 220.. G'+derich, Ont arlo.-49,50ar 4%* County Of Huron requires a SOCIAL SERVICES FIELD WORKER To -complete applications-,' under the various 'social legislation to maintain a case load of approximately 75 families and to provide. limited family, marriage and employment counselling. Applicants should have a minimum of a Community College certificate in social services or equivalent. Previous experience in the municipal social servPces field would be an asset. Salary range 58500 to 510,400 presently on a review for January 1976. Excellent fringe benefits. Car is r'equ'ired, Apply in writing before noon, December 15 with full resume to: +, Mr. J,A., MacKinnon, ''Administrator, County of Hurtn Social Services, - Court House, Godertch, Ont N7A1M2• Or phone 519524 2186 _ 9'. WANTED'(General)' • ((1'511'1-E:'1 1 household ettects or •nl,rll tots +elntect. ('all C anti E 1 omit ur't'. 524.7231.-11 LOCAL PERSON W ANTED I need a representative for my firm in this arela.'T,his opening may be worth up to 514,000.00 yearly for the right person. Full or part-time. Age over 21. Can you make short auto trips? We hope you will start , soon and stay with us' a long -time, Apply to Cha'rli'e Lee 22 Alfred St., WINGHAM, ONT. 10. EMPLOYMENT WANTED WILL DO ironing, mending and alterations in my own home. Phone 524-7695.-49,50 f' 11. TENDERS Town of Goderich Municipal Office Requires Typist-- Receptionist Please submit resume in writing to be received by noon, Friday, December 12, 1975. J. Harold Walls, Clerk -Treasurer Huron County Board of Education REQUIRES A : CUSTODIAN AT Clinton Public School. Written applicationsrstating. age, experience and telephone number, should be addressed to Mr, R. McVean Plant Si)perintendent Huron County Board of Education 103 Albert St. Clinton, Ont, NOM ILO t, Applicants will be notified if required for an interview. Deadline for applications is Dec. 18, 1975, W. Shortreed - Chairman D.J. Cochrane - Director SHORT ORDER COOK WANTED HOURS 3 • 11 DAILY CIRCLE CITY RESTAURANT 411 HURON RD, Just past the L.C.B4O. 'Goderich PLEASE APPLY WITHIN 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE ALL MAKES BOB PECK • VARNA 262-5748 gctfn Ye Tender SCHOOL:BUSES Sealed tenders wilt be received by R.B. Dunlop, Supt. of Bus. Affairs for' the supply of six new school buses. Tender closing effective 12 o'clock noon, Fri., Jan. 8, 1976. Specification , and tender forms are available at the board office. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. R. L. Cunninghain Transportation Manager. Huron County Board of Education i, 103 Albert St, Clinton, Ont. NOM ILO 5 r* I1 ' DAILY CAR itENTAL Reasonahle Rates MrGEE'S Goderich Phone 524.8391 19tf AMINISTRY OF HOUSING ONTARIO HOUSING CORPORATION INVITATION TO TENDER GENERAL R'E,P;AIRS, TO DETACHED FAMILY HOUSINt UNITS Goderich 3 Units •'(Tender Reference -"S 75-223) Strafford 7 Units (Tender Reference TS 75-224) Tenders will be received for the. above until •11:00 a.m: (local time) December' 18,, 1925 by the Ontario Housing Corporation, c -o Court House Registry Building (Room 1-' 010), 80 Dundas Street .(P.O. Box 5600, Terminal "A") London, Ontario N6A 2P3, attention Branch Maintenance Manager, from whom details and specifications , may , be obtained 'or telephone (519) 679.7110 quoting reference numbers as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY T 'E N D E R' NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. 12. AUCTION SALE ,t AUCTIONEERS sand ;LIQUIDATORS BRUCEFIE`LD, ONT. Offer the most modern auction metho(js LICENSEDand BONDED ONTARIO` WIDE BRUCEFIELD,4. 2 3120 r, Carpentry' Work Horne Renovating, Furniture Repairs & Refinishing - (30 Years Experience) (No Job Too Small) 524 2591 or 524.9386 • Between 12 & 1 p.'m. or after 61p.m. Herman Stryker SIDING 'INSTALLATIONS Kaiser Aluminum • Wesf.roc Vinyl Siding, Soffit and Fascia, Eavestroughing, Shutters. Quality workmanship, reasonable prices. 20 year guarantee. Throw away that paint brush! Call Us 482-7428. AUBURN BODY SHOP Expert Collision Repairs • Insurance Work • Glass Replacement • We pick up and deliver Located on Goderich St. in -Auburn, GEORGE HEBERT 526-7576' 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE j� SEPTIC TANKS HOFFMEY'ER Plumbing & Heating Ltd. APPLIANCES 55 KINCaSTON ST. ELECTRIC Inglis washers, drlibrs, refrigerators, dishwashers, ranges Ranges, ranges GAS. barbecues, lights, Sid Bruinsma FOR ALL YOUR EXCAVATING NEEDS BACKHOE , BULLDOZING DUMP TRUCK 4SEPTIC TANK SYSTEMS BASEMENT EXCAVATIONS SEWERS FREE ESTIMATES Goderich ':4-8668 • . 1 LAYING and finishing concrete Iliiors for basements, garages, patios: Call George Barraclough .r:i4-,$158,-43tf fi IOIt Itis'( Rl'( '11(1N on ,1t ,'1r'dlt,ll, p1a111i. (,I-g,11i (,I' guit,ll (11o1 7,11 1711 11111 ani, Q1• 011rlreii 1-11;11 I'I \till lunln(; -,incl rep,llr Phone .1'1,1'111'1 1111,11, '12.1 (;2`11 ,11 r er 11 1, n' ( 111 44'' 0615.---3611 S11A1.1 plumbing rep,l1r+,- hunlidifrirUs sold and installed on your ' fur n'ace, roc rooms irnd reno‘iitlens. i(1u-rrltnu01 st01,01 door's and w endows, sold and insta111•d Stop thine _winter drafts, let us .weatlhc'r strip your home Call u, for h110•1(' repair needs I) G M. Home Main- tenanec', Auburn. 526- 7794 -45tfar SIM:\1 1 appliances Set'' ('1' ,ill electrical odds and ends 239 Lighthouse St., Goderich Phone 524 7632,-47tf '\1(1114 (, \(, E S 1 ii"st and i,n,l resident id. (1ir11111e1'( I,11 (nn(id '11111(1 ,tiii 111ddl'n Chal (;es (,r hams~. 1)r'ht c Insnbdatlnll and refinancing a ,pec 1;1115 H:\NNAIE FINANCC'IAI. SERVICE INC, Call Collect 1-579- 0100.'--12tf CLEANED Modern equipment, Two trucks to serve you. Phone KT; Dale, Clinton 482.3320 and Seaforth 527.0284. SKELTON APPLIANCES Inglis-- Moffat -Beatty Sales -Service Repairs to all makes 36 Britannia Rd. W. • Ph. 524-7871 -1711 FOR YOUR Carpet and, Upholstery • Cleaning Needs Superior Maintenance Now Offers STEAM or DRY SHAMP'60 For Free Estimate Call 524-8892 257 Warren St., Goderch 1 ' "1