HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-12-11, Page 244 PAGE 10B_GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 14 .5 - Nlrs, Josephi'ne`Be'rr,‘ of Gode'rich presented a bouquet of roses to Mrs. -Tim Elliot at the sod turning; ceremony held at .Alexandra Marine and General Hospital Saturday. ,(staff photo) SUGAR `N' SPICE B Bll� SMILEY. "And cousins by ,the dozens." That line from an Old nursery rhyme or something seemed to he the theme when ,trhe Thomson clan held a family reunion at' the old homestead.' on a beautiful day in October, There was a. lot of kissing and hugging (we're an 0rhCit'ional far>lily I I w as bussed and squ.eezed,by a lot Of middle;pgc'dladies and made up • for it.,• by heartily bussing and squeezing a number of: cxta°em'ely hussahle, and. squeezeahle nieces and• daughters of nephews and various other attractiy•e young hussies drifting about. Me2-S1., people .. have been sucked' in, at one time or another: to a family•reunictn. It can he a ghastly ex- perience, or'a ,joyful one."This, one fell into the latter category. 'There was nu mourning for the dead. ,only a great sensed being all% 0, and the pleasure of knowing that all these people. of all.''"shapes and ages, were •h1ood kin, all sprung ft -aril the fertile loins of one Walton Thomson, an Irishman of Scottish 'ex- traction. away back there in , the..liath.ccntury. Walter was prolific, and his , sons were no slouches either One of them, Mountain Jfhck Thomson. a ' sometime scourge during the great lumherirrg days, had about 1,0 children by his first wife, and wahen she died, married her sister and produced i93,her large. family, William, after whom I was named, sired 10 children, And there v4as the last of them, my uncle Ivan, 84, dancing around like a 30 - year -old, welcoming all' of us with s5mething close to tears of joy in his eyes. Ile's as" handsome "as always, slim as a boy, blue eyes spackling, wit bubbling, striding about as-tlio%igh he'd never heard of arthritis. A man of many° talents. a. conservationist «'h1, plants trees lovingly, a traveler: whose next letter might he from New Z. iland. an artist in working with ‘+'oo(i...a deep lover of nature and -people, and a concerned and loving patriarch of the chin. my casual boast, and my brothers' and sisters' grudging concession. that .,,I "take after'hinl." I wish I di'd, lIc remarried at 80 and' has a three-year-old grandson. .Figure that one out. No way can I match that: .1 -Ie showed ,me the room in the old Krick homestead, a fine house on 41 ,steep bluff overtook`ing the ' 'Ottawa.. River. the bedrooms in which my g-randmother hors' the 10 children. No wonder she died at an•age when most modern women are just getting their second wind, or theirsecond husband. - He, showed me & picture or his family at the dining table. .\t the head, my grandfather, white hair and huge, curly heard: ° On, one side, four strapping sons. On the.ot.her side, three daughters' and two • little Solis, and an empty place set . for Emerson, a maverick who' was in the K londyke-when the photo was taken. How would you like to try to feed a mob like that in' these days? You'd be of the Ottawa VIAley''''hankrupt in a week. . Another' picture showed my Uncle. Ivan as the sole sur- viving :memb,e.r . of the' Shawville Pontiacs, taken in the days' when hockey was deadly serious but played for fun, and Shawville . used to journey hy'gleigh to take on the stalwarts of Renfrew and Pembroke. Perhaps sadly, there was no living to be made for huge families on the barren land of Calumet Island, and the tribe ° dispersed, some of the -bocys• joining 'the great exodusf to The West, the El Dorado of those days.. • 111.1.01111111.11110. No scrubbing No soaking No steaming HAVE YOUR CARPETS AND FURNITURE . CLEANED - FLOWER -FRESH -BY PROFESSIONALS. Crean ,takes the soil OUT! Honored by the P ,Guaranteed Sealy th1' l)uroclearr F6am-Absorptiritvi Process gets the dirt Out that the other methods leave in arents' o PARENTS' MAGAZIN, 01., (1,11 • S'afe,t for l,th4l(, ,tn(1 1}. I lher, �� m( h c ulor, c ,i id texture' ,,pfi•ni. h,tr k 1(1 Ilf0 It all (Ione In,,our hon', ,1(1,1(1` for t;tie•,t, the Call us for a Free Quotation 482-7571 LarryMarlatt .'' Clinton • Brochures for 'inforraation Consumers, businessmen get instructions on rights, laws •I'wo hrocla.tlres explaining the new "Business Prac'tic'es Act- are now. available, Sidney ,Handleplan, Ontario's Consunner 'Minister an- nounced last week. The publications one for use by consumers and .he other for businessmen . dest'ribe the operation of the Act andthe rights and responsibilities' that conysunlers and business have under the new law. "The booklets are called 'Balance in the Marketplace' because this 'is exactly what the Business Practices Act has' established" Mr, 'Han- dleman said. '4Thc Act puts the consumer on an equal ,t,rufooting with the businessman.. It ;,sets out a straightforward ° means of redress if the consumer has been, vic- timized by an unfair sales tactic. Further, the Act establishes a balance:'- in the business community by protecting- the many ethical ▪ operations, M from the few shady dealers who have given Some types of business a bad Mf They, were honest, hard- Turking, good-looking, gregarious people. B-ut it was.n•: t enoug-h, • They established themselves and ,worked like slaves to build something; Then came the Depression. And they suffered. Boy, how they suffered! All of Canada took it lin the neck, hut the prairie farmers took it in the neck and in the guts and in Carious other parts of the anatomy. Most of =my uncles. went through The_ ,Great War. Many of their sons went through World War II. Some didn:t come back. r Things picked up. Some of t} e-nl,m.a.,de- a„._d.ecgut living before they died. Their children are moderately well off. middle-class people with warm 'hearts and no pretensions. But -they're fiercely proud of being • Thomsons. ' (And don't ever try to spell it with a We have no truck with the poor white trash Thom- psons with a "P.-1 Anci there we were, cousins by the -dozens, on the lawn of the 103 -year-old "homestead," looking out 'over- the Ottawa River, where Grandfather had'heen`a slide nrtrer in the lumbering days, ,and Mountain Ja,ck.;'`his brother, had • been a ' sera.bper" known throughout the Valley, for his fists and feet, in the days when cops were few and far between, and a man was a man, or else. A gang had flown in from Saskatoa.tl. Others had, come from the States. It took me 15 hours driving to get there and hacak. And I wouldn't have missed it for the world. I hope some name,'. "We are particularly concerned that both con= SUmer's • and' leu-sinessmen know how the Act works", the Minister added, "For this reason, we took ,the somewhat unusual step of, producing a specific publication ..fpr .each group . 'JOIN THE CROWD "We think that the Business Practices Act is one of the fairest and most equitable pieces of consumer legislation around", Mr. HUndlenlarl sta.t.ed, "Enforcement of the Act will eliminate rip-offs that hurt consumer and wi11 help protect the honest hu5iJle S against unethical competition:, "But the whole point is that -c,the Business Practices Act is a, tool for people to use'',the minister concluded. "These hooklets let both consuriler's and businessmen know what the law is and how they can use it effectively". Copies of the Consumer's Guide and the Businessman's Guide, 'Balance in the Marketplace' are available free of char ge-from : Ontario Consumer, Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario.' -•15 MAYITAG • AUTOMATIC WASHERS &°DRYERS • PORTABLE WASHERS & DRYERS • WRINGER WASHERS • PORTABLE & BUILT-IN DISHWASHER • IN SINK FOOD WASTE DISPOSERS From the Dependability People at:- HUTCHINSON APPLIANCES TRADE INS ACCEPTED 308 HURON RD 524.7831 of, the young ones ,got 'the sense of pride and family that I did. . There w„asn't a millionaire present: There wasn't a famous person present. But there they were, salt' ,of the earth, backbone of Canada. a lively, loquacious, witty lot, and I was glad to he one of them. Social footnote to Westerners. My first cousin. Jack Thoth and his wife' Louise, •of Saskatoon, were not, respectively, in. their underwear and nightgown', as they were last time I (net them, a couple of years ago in Germany. FOR H1M'OR HER A lasting gift. that will be remembered by Van Raalte • Full • Half slips • Panties .& Bikinis. Party Dresses Step in, Fashion this Christmas with a Long Party Dress from Schaefer's. We have a collection of the, season's most beautiful dresses for you to wear with charm and grace. Sportswear Co-ordinated A KITCHEN THAT'S BEEN MODERNIZED, • BY EVERY WIFE IS HIGHLY PRIZED' PARIS 'STAR' TAN JAY -MR. TONI Nothing is -,used more -by -any woman. Every time she uses it she will be reminded of your thoughtfulness, ' • Blazers • Shirt Jackets • Vests • Shirts • Sweaters • Skirts • Pants OF YOUR LIFE.... FR•EEPO-RT n Jan 3, 1.0, 24, 27, 31 1 week cost $267.00 Includes; Air, hotel and 2 meals daily HAWAII 2 weeks from $489.00 tweekly departures. 3 weeks from $725.00 departs Feb 14 CLEARWATER BEACH T -O MIAMI . $119.00 round trip stay mini'mur'n 8 days up to 60 days $149.00 round trip for Xmas School break and Easter flights NASSAU __4anuary 4 to 18 1 week cost $267.00 Includes: Air, hotels breakfast' daily . SPECIAL FLIGHTS 'weekly departures January 1 to Feb 1 1 week cost $269.00. Includes: Air, hotels 7 breakfasts, 4 dinners and car fof-5 days ' FLORIDA MIDTERM HOLIDAYS Ft. Lauderdale departs March 20 for 9 days by air Inclusive cost: $368.00 per' person quad basis Daytona Beatih'departs March 20 for 9 days by air Inclusive cost: $319.00 per person quad basis Departs from Hanover, Kincardine & Owen Sound contact .� AIRLINES RAILWAYS' CRUISES TOURS (AD. NO, P1 -G2 -K3) Assook • „ rr 1• r i T4G,I.LeJSe4,LICe DIVISION OF HANOVER TRAVEL SERVICE 831 Queen St. Kincardine Always a Christmas favorite. • Dusters • Housecoats • Pegnoir Sets • Vocama • Nylon • Quilted • A gift she will love. Choose from just abou'f'any color or style. A sweater is always'•a welcome gift. A sure gift hit. Stone Hours: Gowns Make Christmas complete by giving a gown this year. • Short & Long in Nylon • Brushed Nylon • Flannelette MON.:, TUES., WED., SAT. - 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. THURS,, FRI.- 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. LADIES WEAR LIMITED SHOPPERS SQUARE, GOD11}ICH -4