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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-12-11, Page 21
t.. Maitland Lodge No: 33 members elected their new executive at the Masonic Hall last week. The executive includes (back .row from left) past master` Wor. Bro. Leroy Draper; Bro. Gerald Morgan, junior stewart; aro. Richard Rompf, junior deacon; Bro. Ron Maines, tyler; Bro. Leroy Harrison, senior deacon; and Bro. 'Herbert Such, senior stewart. Exec4rtive member•,":,' ;: the front row include Wor. tiro. John Scanlan, director of ceremonies; Bro. George Bacon, senior warden;' Wor. Bro. Thomas Eadie, ',new worshipf-til master; Jim. Remington, immediate past master; and Bro. Murray McGill," junior warden. Other elected officers not in•the photo are Wor. aro. William Ross, treasurer; Wor. Bro.Keith Cutt, secretary; B.ro. Ralph Henderson, organist; and Bro. Leonard Boyce, chaplain. CDESS CLUR NEWS I am pleased to announce Brian Miller broke out'of a percent; Nick Ganter 3-3-0 the joining gf our thirty- slyimp bye winning three .500; Chuck Reid 1-2-0.:333; second member last week, games last week to leap from Mark Alexander 1-5-0 .167'; Chuck Reid. Chuck came up Level 4 to fourth spot in Level Alan Fachinato 1-7-0 :125; with a victory in his first 3. Also doing' extremely well Richard Fachinato 1-7-0 .125; night to-go.into third; place in last week, was Kathy Weary .Laird :Eisler 0-2-0 .000: . and • the Honorary Division. winning both of her games to,. Vic Alexander 0-4-0 .000.. , Also in the Honorary. advance into a Level 3 . division, Kick Ganter won position. � two of three games to move Bob De Lyzer gained his 5th VOM tar into second place while Mark win of the season to move into - Alexander 'picked up his first second price in Level -4 ` ' win of the season. passing John Kloeze. Bob Cox r wort his 4th game ,of th.•�.I e or.ts In Level 1, Doo Brindley g season to improve his, win= • Continued his torrid streak loss percentage 17,points. winning three more games to If you are interested in" remain the only. undefeated playing chess phone Jim. earnings' player in the club with eleven K ingsley 524-9019 for details. wins. - Charlie .MacDonald The standings as.- hof' continued his winning .ways . December 3, . 197^5 are as D• omtar Limited has •picking ..up his 18th and .19th reported net earnings of•$29.2 follows: • 1 v'ieteries in 21• games. Harold' LEVEL for the: nine months Kloeze 'won•his only game of LEVEL 1; Doug .Brindley .ended September 30, •-1975 or with 11 •'wins, 0 lo'sse"s and 00, $1.94 er common share. the evening to move back into draws .. for. 1:000 percent;• p the top level. - •Chas. MacDonald 19-'2-p .905; This compares with $65.1 In L -©a✓ rwinninrb0,,ll,:,.. ,14,..344:-'7,86'r M,ike., ,P2,1 - . r11> �Ilipn or_�$4.36 per share in Dari perfect night winning , all Koszycki 8-'9:41 '.773; Benjarrlin the corresponding'p6rTod last three or his games to move Stadelmann 12-4-0 -750; ear. Sales and, other into third place with an im ,,e'8-3-0, revenues were $633.8 million, ! pressive .678win-loss per- " Harold K lbezLEVEL 2- i"m 4SKingrevenuesy against $666.6 million for the centage.• ' with 13 wins, 5 l'os'ses and 1 a first nine months of 1974 Both Glen .Wightman and draw foe. -710 percent; Darrel,, Net earnings for the John Kane moved 'up . from . Kloeze 8-3-2 .692 ; Don Bogey quarter ended September 30, Level 3 to Level 3'positions,, 18.8.9..678; Olen Wightman 6-1975 were $9.0 millien..or $0.60 '`Glen by way of winning his 18-8-23-1 650; Bob Dick 7-4-0..636•: per-share On sales and other only game of the night and revenues of'$`a'22.8 million. and John Kane I 1-7-0 .61 1. In the corresponding8mil John byrvinning two of three`. period' LEVEL 3: Larry Gower amen: last 'year,' net earnings were g 2 with l�r wins, 11 losses and•. w 1 23•`i million or $1.57 per Also moving into, Levelis draw for .589 :_percent: Kirk Bob Dick. Bob moved up from share on sales and other Lyndon 8 6 0 .��.1 : Louis the 'honorary Level by win- Stadelinann 10-9=0 .526; Brian . revenue or$234.8 million. - 0. .t. ning,2"of 3 games to bring his. Miller 8-10-0 .444; Jim Gower record to 7 wins and 4 losses. 13-17-0';433: and Kathy Weary Cut 25% (continued from page 6B) trativc expenditures will once again show a deficit "although it will be considerably less than the 1974 deficit." This year's deficit is ,expected to be around $2,000 as compared to $7,000 in 1974. - 4-6-0 .400. LEVEL 4: Brian Shortreedf with 9 wins, 19 losses and 1 draw for .3,28 percent:, Bob De Lyze 5-12-0 .294; John Kloeze 4-10-0 .286; Bob Cox 4-13-1 •250: Rick MacDonald';' 20-1 .109; and,Armando Bartolotto 0-13-0.000: HONORARY M.F.MBERS: Dennis Little' with 4 wins, 3. losses and 0 draws for •.571 , Art and Craft 46 Hamilton St. • 514-6811 5 NEEDLEPOINT KITS ' Lewiscraft"Supplies Grumibacher Art Supplies A 1 0 -minute test drive will prove it's today's top value! The Surprising AUSTIN MARINA, 2. -DOOR DELUXE COUPE i.. • Race -proved MGB engine • Built for all-weather reliability `Roomiest interior en , its class • Radial-ply tires standard • Front disc brakes with power assist • Heated rear window. • We're dealing on '75 Marinas right now! - S UTH END' SERVICE 578 M 'n St. South, Exeter - 4,235x•2322, Austin - MG - Triumph :authorized s 'les & service _4 4 LEYLAND GOD E R ICH S1O ?vL-ST i -T.HU, SI?"f Y, DgCgM i MVCA will improve flood warning system 14'1tOXE'1'E13 , The Maitland the number of the individual Conservation Authority is gauges planning to improve its flood The information will be trans- NAi.itaing system with two new niitted via the telephone in a ` 1=arni;;, one involving volun- coded electronic message which tl'� is and the other a sophisti- ill then be deciphered • i'a;Etat4 electronic device. 1L Deslauriers said electronic gauges will be installed at I.isto• weI and Hingham in 1976 and at a -later date at lia.rristun and Brussels. Asked if this would enable the Authority staff meiiibers to pin- -point the tuiie of the flood peak, Mr, 1)eslauriers said at first they would still be guessing. but after ' the '`11r•st ti►rte or so, • they should be able to accurately predict the time afid give municipalities the nia.ximuni warning possible. • Total cost of the electronic gauges is expected to be $15.0001 T e electronic system will-aiifthas Been budgeted for in Lie in'vul .e the installation of auto- Authority's 1976 proposed budget, rnatic water -level recording gauges at 'four locations in the watersh d. The ,,,gauges wilVbe hooked it with telephone lines thus enahl g staff members of Wroxeter to` receive water levels at. the four locations by dialing Resources Manager Ian Des- I•iuriers described the progratns i Authority members at their general meeting held Dec. 3 in 14'roxeter. In the volunteer program water h'vel gauges will be placed on 'ridges throughout the water- `ted, Authority members living i•-ar, the bridges will be (.quested to check the levels dur- i int flood periods and telephone tt,eir findings to the Authority he,idquarters at Wroxeter. because you care fragrant gifts,.. of. 11111111111111111M . • Revenescence by Charles -Of The Ritz • Arpege,• My Sin by Lanvin •• Yves St. t°aure n.t • Riva Gauche , '• 4711 • Chanel No. 5 • Love • Hartnell of England • Caron • Bronnley fine soaps • Jean Nate • bath luxuries • v Du Barry fl ' cosmetics by Gemey nrs, DO SOMETHING FOR SOMEONE a (''i�,y 'f'p PULSIFER MUSIC Seaforth, Ontario Save Hundreds on Pianos & Organs at Pulsifer Music Seaforth -- 527-0053 Goderich 524 6291 For free Home Demonstration of small Wurlitzer Piano ideal for apartment, trailer, home, etc. - approved by piano teachers and players. Our price $799. Store open Friday and Saturday or by appointment. AUTHORIZED SALES & S'E�RVIQ + Vacuum Cleaners + Washer -Spin Dryers- Portable Dryers available on easy terms HUTCHINSON APPLIANCES ,TRADE INS ACCEPTED 308 HURON RD. 524-7831 15 ;0 * 'Y • •.a I1• • •.,.11 ( riecKs 14 Shoppers Square, Goderiih