HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-12-11, Page 13NEW BINGO, Clinton Legion 1•iul1, 8:30 1), m. , every 'Chtarr; sduy, Admission $1.00, fif'te'en regular games, $10,00 each. Thr('(' share the -wealth games. One jackpot for $220 in 56 calls consolation. One ' call and $10.00 added weekly if not won,--39tfn FOW I. SUPPER and Christmas Dance, December 20, 1975., Fish & Game Club, Clinton. $10.,00 per couple for- th(.` evening. Music by The Maitland., •Sundowners. Everyone welcome. —48,49,50,51x NEW,YEAR'S EVE Party in the- 'Auburn ''Community' Memorial Hall. Good music, hat's, horns, prizes. Smorgasbord. Fun for all. Admission $7.00 per ,couple, 'Pickets from (Any member of the hall board or phone 526- 7294:-50,51 .�9 \\ L BULIETEN BARD CHR 1S"l M.AS TR A Cub, Scout, Rover project. Starts 1)vcl'nibl•t• (ith, 130 Artglesea Street at Cambria Road. -19,511 TURKEY BINGO, ,Bayfield onlnre,lrlity Centre, Friday, I)i c('mber 12th, 1975 at 8 p•trn• 2p games, 20 oven -re' dy turkeys. Share•the-WeiIth. Sporfsored by Bayfield Lions Club. -49,50 CHRISTMAS CONCERT with cl,mbtned • choirs ''of North Street United. Church and St. George's Anglican Church w i ll he '- held Tuesday, l),eccmbe'r 16 at.;7:30• p.m. I ivc choirs, instrumentalist„ and soloist, Marjorie Dunlop. Under direction of J. B. Herdman, Lorne • .i)otterer and Irlrl Stewart. No ad- mission - offering,, during the program. Br'in'g a' ;friend to festive event, 30 THE SQUARE PAR. PHONE 524.1811 • GODERICH AIR CONDITIONED ._WED; DEC, 10 t'n 1'tI, '' tt'HENNESSY' ,IS A COMPELLING SUSPENSE DRAMA, CRAFTED WITH CARE AND CLEVERNESS.!! -Dav,r1 Shr.r,h,,:: - MELO- CB', TVII 111. an9.erous � ... -' he Qn Alive! ' a ,L` $i HENNESSY ,.r . THE MOST DANGEROUS MEAN^ALIVE! An• Rod Lee.. Richard Ate, '`al.' itlurIn(ere .� nallf;n al Steiger • Remick • Vo P '"; Erie Porter • .Peter Egan ''' .' • :, Trevor i onward . PLUS "CARRY ON .GIRLS" ADULT SAT. DEC. -13 • ,,.I..,,....K,a_ • MATINEE' . , BIGi AFC IPpi tStnlS 'CARTOON , • ;fl It, . � FOR � .• . PROM :• 1' i' . . .. , THEBUTT -' • rd. KIDS! • - . •WILLOW��,;_np�R DALE ROBERTSON j j Programs Subject To HOWARD KEEL —, Change Without Notice, EDGAR BUCHANAN ' BARBARA JEAN WONG SUN. DEC. 14 :A Suburban I {} . Wives" . the 9to5 . widows. • t • AND W• " COMMUTER �1 c;„ ..00Aoxo��^ ..KO ,HUSBANDS" • p /• • �! 4.' •'.•,',ti: yAa� ! vlr ' MON. DEC. 15 and 16° THE ULTIMATE IN ALL MARTIAL' ART '! ' . VIE 10 INCQE,)II?LE ;, . DEVIL . WEII>IIONS' r a `c ' (I S'EI) 011 ,, A . ItIINl FII MflS'TE12S' "w tYAYh ,{f IQ011 (H141 j , `'rt,. ._ mo w \,'. All NEW )(, FIEWI nCTION WIDFSCREEN CHINASCOPE f I i I1 i METROCOLORI R ';*„ AND "7 BLOWS OF THE DRAGON" • WED. DEC. 17 fo -Nth • The Comedy Sensation of the Year! WOODY DIANE' AI LEN KEATON "LOVE and DFATH" United Artists THE FAMILY. Ti Mr. and Mrs. H('ni) (;lousher wishes to. invite friends, neighbors and relatives to Open House at the home of their parents on the occasion of their 50th Wed- ding Anniversary, Tuesday, Dec. 16th, 2-4 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. No gifts please. -50x THE HURON County Health Unit invites you to attend the Child • Health.. Clinic, Assessment Office Board Room, 46 Gloucester Terr., Goderich, on Thursday, December 1'8, 1975 from 9-:30'- 11 :30 a. m'. for: 1 Health Surveillance 2, Anaemia Screening 3.`Immunjzation 4. Hearing , Screening 5. 'Fluoride - brushing "of c'hildren's ,teeth to prevent cavititA•for ages.,3 to 5 years. •6. Vision testing, -50 THE HURON County Health Unit invites you to attend the -Adult • Health 'Guidance Centre, Assessment Office Board Room, 46 Gloucester Terr,, Goderich, on Thur- sday, iYecember 18, 1975 from I :30 -3:'30 p.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance 2. . Foot Care 3. Anaemia Screening 4, Urine Testing 5. Blood Pressure 6. Hearing Tests. VOLUNTEER„ DRIVERS ARE AVAILABLE. -50. 44, • • • • �.. THURSDAY 11, FRIDAY 12, SATURDAY 13 • 3DAYS ONLY! • ONE SHOWING DAILY AT 8:00 P.M. • (Et• • Ar ("MINER OF • DE IP AWARDS, • • • • •• � 11�•'Y • DAVID LEAN'S FILM k tiS'Farvgr6• •1)O('1OR LE�i1�aGo ••••••••••••••••••• • ,FRIDAY MIDNIGHT, DECEMBER 12th •Ron Ely . ALL SEATS $1.50 •• -•isv a i • •A1MV!� r, • • •• • • • • •• ••• • • • •ADULT ENTERTAINMENT • 000000•0000••••••• • SUNDAY 14, MONDAY 15, TUESDAY 16 Al Claudine at 7:00 pn. ' • Mash at 9:00 p.m. • • • ATTCNIIVPI: AI ICIIIIIVPI: • • Due to popular demand • • 20th Century -Fox presents • • the original... • IVIJ�l N'I1 • -• • • ADULT ENTERTAINMENT • t ~ r • • • • • Dgnald (Iho(I '),Inn a.E.,t S,II,• • Ci',7 and 6oWd ' I,V t1 ' ...canon �, • • • . "CLAUDINE" • • • WO A heart and soul, • •• , - comedy - • • ••••••••••••••••• • • • STARTS WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 17th ,-/ • !VNBD(t-'' C 1 ONE SHOWING • • c:00,u117 tl! o ! DAILY AT 7:30 p.m. • -•N•e••••••••••••• MYTH LIONS BINGO, Blyth Memorial Hall. Saturday, 8:30 p m. $150.00 Jackpot in 60 calls, Big cash prizes.-38tfAR TURKEY BINGO, St. Augustine. Church Hall, St. Augustine: 10 'turkeys, Share - the -Wealth, Door " Pride. Admission $1,00.. Time: Friday, December 12- at 8:30 p.m, Everyone welcome. -50 M ... . (;Y)l)FRICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY,.DE'CEM For a Tasty Treat Try ' LHtNESE F U►�Qt 4 mil► t E sq uire The SquareGoderich Phone 524-2242 Eat In or Tako out OPEN Mon.•Thur. 10 to 10 Fri.•Sat. 10-'12 Sunday 11 to 10 Clbsed Wednesday Restaurant AT Appearing ALL THIS WEEK DECEMBER 8, 9, 10, 11,` 12, 13 APOLLO THREE THE BEDFORD COURT LOUNGE COMING -NEXT WEEK FOR 9 DAYS DECEMBER 15, 16, 17, 18,'9, 20, 21, 22, 23 fRUMLIN ROAD 'PLANNING DINNER OUT TRY OUR DELICIOUS SMORGASBORD TUES. 12 - 1:30 P.M. JUST $2.95 WED. 6 - 7:30 P.M. JUST 55.50 SUN. 5 = 7 P.M. JUST 55.50 • CHILDREN ONLY 53.00 The Square Bedford Hotel Goderich 4524-7337 .,ir ,' .r Weekend. Entertainment 'FRIDAY.& SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12, 13 Shannon vf Treat yourself and , your friends ... for your convenience • Our Hot Buffet is•,served THURS.,'8 FRI. 12 noort 2 p.m. , Casual Dress Dine by Candlelight, SUNDAY SMORGASBORD -.5 p.m. to 8 p.m. BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCHEON SPECIALS EVERY DAY Visit the KEG ROOM +f CoI'our TV Relaxing atmosphere Candlelight Restaurant & Tavern Licensed under L.C.B.O. ',BAY FIELD RD., GODERICH 524-7711 - A Christmas 1975 I , (+ , II , ((•E SL n'd ('ll tl2E t1IiESI2old1 �,/ t2 1 G1l' (IIEct i it i1 /JU111E 4.1/u4.1 ‘127£41 '01./7 cz/)f ECi at(L`/2t ' tI1o:t (t'I24'SE /TL£IId1I4tfJ Lind /.IEa1L2/zL TElatio/z1 CVE En/elfin t/1E 01111E 1 L'L(1[/1£11. • ( i; l,&t Sil1C£ T£ t('LS/I t c t yc,UT C /1 T11t/l!(1 ! le. (1 Y•£ Ty I1J/1/' y one ,UZLJ I tIwL fi, tLL, ' E l/£1lT- JEC1 J CI•lLI L'4L11 y LI�'1, 1.611 ,11Stt111 ;E 2.'/ 11£s.lLtf2 /2,1 tr.coSJJ£Tay. • sLl1C£T£L y, DUNLOP MOTEL Jim dnd Marguerite Clutton 2R 11, 5 • d!?•!t,tor/_JI V!!.'uti.J i'i_t!'J:p/1'>.inim/dAiume..1_4. g rl.e,k.lP.'.W,9•!14:9!�•J_�!.��'1_0V V FI DIRK'S HOTDOG WAGON will be closed from Dec. 22 to -Feb. 2 1976. We would like to extend SEASON'S GREETINGS to our friends and customers and we'll see you on Feb. 2, 19?6 Dirk. and Mary , tY dwor rltni • a i • trc1trAfYvtYsclhsirartoly-vmoveiltrard ( r);• BINGO IN THE NEWLY RENOVATED GODERICH LEGION HALL BINGO EVERY -SUNDAY, evening starting December .14th 73OP.M. SHARP 15 Regular)games $12:00 per_game 4 "Share he Wealth" with a chance at Jackpot on each game JACKPOT- STARTS AT 900." IN 55 .CALLS Admission $1.00 Doors.open 6:30 ALL PROCEEDS F -OR WELFARE WORK Sunday Special" 3 COURSE ROAST B • APPETIZER (REAL FRENCH CUTS,INE) EXCLUSIVE -DELICIOUS "FADAIS" E E F DINNER- 100+percent HOME COOKED & FRESH MAIN COURSE TENI3tER"ROAST BEEF POTATO CROQUETTES SWEET CARROTS . I. 4.00 PER PERSON . COFFEE'S ON THE HOUSE TRY OUR SUNDAY SPECIAL - 1230 to 3 p.m. EACH. SUNDAY EAST ON HURON RD. JUST PAST THE L.C,B.O. OPEN DAILY FROM 6:30 A,M. - 11 P.M. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE PLENTY OF FREE PARKING DESSERT Ai SPFECtf►i,••KTREAT "FIVE CUP" It's That Bijsy-Time'.o'ftheyYear- RELAX..... Pick Up'&Enjoy Colonel Sanders' Recipe 9, BARREL OF CHICKEN BUCKET OF CHICKEN THRIFT- BOX - INDIVIDUAL DINNER THRIFTY DINNER SNAK PAK • 94. Elgin Ave. O*o' •(O o ., , .^� , • • Be Sure To Include OurTasty VARIETY of SAS , There's a PACKAGE SIZE JUST RIGHT '24Tlir INS Colone lattheSPoints- i.�d hat. • A(ANAOIANCOMPANY Colonel Sanders and his boys make it "finger Iickin' good" voir (