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New E.A. EiIiot., wing IT
underway at hospital
Work starter.; at the beginning of December on the $l.2
t iillion expai sof Alexandra Marine and General
Hospital, M�,. �•.,
Official ceremonies were held at the hospital on ,,
Saturday and former administrator E. A. Eiot per-
formed thesod turning, Thenew wing will he named
after Mr•. Elliot who served as administrator of the
hospital for nearly eight years.
The addition will mean an'extension of '11,000 square
feet on the east end of the building and the tentative
completion date has been seLfor mid June,
Hospital administrator, Jim Banks, said the ad-
dition will accommodate an increase in the size and
scope of the laboratory and will provide an additional x-
ray room and equipment room. The new wing also calls
for proper facilities for radiologists and the emergency
facilities will be expanded.
Mr. Batiks said tfiat the expanded emergency facilities
will also mean larger amb,platory care facilities. The.)
wing will house separate treatment cubicles; for
emergency patients and a waiting room.
The addition is the second to the Alexandra Marine and.
General Hospital. The main stem of the hospital -was
completed in 1957 and the first addition was constructed
in 1967.
• Jack Ri'ddellnamed
agricultural critic
Jack Riddell; ° MPP for
Huron -Middlesex, was ap-
pointed agricultural critic
last Friday, by the provincial
Liberal party, rept"acing
Murray Gaunt, MPP for
Mr. Gaunt has he,en ap-
pointed chairman of the
Liberal caucust.
Mr. Riddell is quite pleased
withhis new appointment.
l 'As a graduate of Guelph
University in Animal
Husbandry 'and a Dashwood
areafar.__ner•,_Mrs Riddell has
had a great deal of ex-
perience in farmers. needs
and their problems.
"A 'maid priority with; the
'party is the preservation of
agricultural ''land. We can't
allow prime one and two land
to • be used' for. industry:
Asphalt and corn 'don't mix,
Mr, Riddell said. ,
• "We. are also discussing, a,'
farm income insurance plan.
The farmer can't afford to
takeall,•,�the risks. The
government is talking about
ldw food costs and the farmer
, just can't be expected to take
on all the risks involved, they
need to hi,: gttarantred a
stablized price,''he'said,•
Mr. Riddell will be
responsible for legislation in
any agricultural matters and
any matters in agricultural
Before being made
agricultural critic, Mr,
Riddell was environmental
cr,itic for the party for the
past one and one half years.
Mr. Gaunty'is also pleased
with his new appointment, As
chairman of the' Liberal
caucas•, Mr. Gaunt ,will be
responsible' for making, sure
that the tnernhers know what
is`'coming'up in the house. He
will also act as • e • liaison
bbtween, the caucus- and
members of the party.
When .asked whether he
would be helping Mr. 'Riddell
in •,his be.
; position as
agrictiltural critic, Mr•..Gaunt
said, "I still have a great
interest and concern . with
respect to ° the farmer and
agriculture. I shall -help Mr.
Riddell ' whenever he—`asks
Mr. Gaunt was the
agricultural .critic for' the
Liberals for 10 years, with
one year in between 'as
ministry of • transportation
and communications critic.
128TH YEAR- 50
er f
Three sisters hurt
in two -car .crash
Three Goderich area
residents are still inhospital
following k two -car collision
on Highway 21' two miles
north of Goderich Thursday.
R,ubena Brindley of, RR 6
Goderich 'and driver of -the
vehicle, and her two sisters,,
Nancy and Norinne were'
proceeding north on Highway
21 when the car went out of
control and struck a vehicle
travelling south, . driven by
Andrew Bostelaar of London.
Norinne, 20,' was rushed to
University Hospital in
London where she remains in
seriouscondition in the in-
tensive care •unit. A hospital
spokesman said -Wednesday
morning that she still
remains unconscious.
Rubena, 29, and her sister
Nancy,. 17, were taken to
Alexandra Marine- and
General Hospital and 'are
listed in " satisfactory con-
dition. Nancy, who suffered
extensive facial injuries and
Rubena , who suffered arm
and shoulder injuries, are
expected to be released from
• hospital in a few days°
4r. Bostelaar was treated
for minor • injuries at •,
Alexandra Marine and
General Hospital ,and
I'-ltins for the new E.A. Elliott Ong at Alexandra Marine I ownship. Reeve Doug' McNeil, mayor . Deb Shewfelt and
,rndGeneral Hosp1'ta1 were u veiled at a ceremony '1 ih,'ral :\1PP Jack -Riddell w re present with Mr. Elliot to
ticiturday;. Conservative NIP B 1\1cKinley, Colborne_ the nevi plans. (staff photo)
Taxi fare me fere in '76
Bob Prouse of Bluewater
The Goderich I •"•Police'
Commission decided Friday told the comm\ssion,that with,,
that in'April of 1976 .when taxi a g -r -eat many passengers, the
. cabs ire town apply for driver is -asked
licensing, onlygthose equipped the customer sli
.with, 'fare meters will be to pick up a few it
grant d permission to ••--some friends ane
operate in Gode•rich.. chat. He said that t
The move to meters was is not paid for that ti
made to offer a better
guarantee of income to..taxi
companies' and ends several
years of 'disunity between the
tw,o cab businesses here. •
The quettion of motet, in-
stallations arose recently
along . with several citizen
complaints of a lack of night
service by•tax, companies in
Goderich, The lack of service
was attributed to a lack of
business, .hy the company,
owners Who also stated that
an increase in the "flat rate
governing taxi fares was
needed to. offset increased
costs -in gasoline and in-,
The _cornmis.5ion was
presented . 04•th I WO
arguments over how' to
balance the increased costs,
Louvaine Swan of Goderich
"Taxi sought an increase in the
" flat rate to a minimum of
1.'50 a call while Faye
Gautcher of B1u water Taxi
suggested insta�lutiotl
s of
meters that would not only
guarantee an income on
-stra'i'ght.., fares, hut would
pro�•icle reimbursement for
the taxi.driver' while he.wait°5
at calls•for his fares to shop or
to chat with friends.
o wait' while
s in a_ store There's no argument. It's
ms or sees there on the meter," -said
stops to 'PrnuSe.
e thiver 'Sherry Littlec'hi.ld,
e and if manager .of Goderich Taxi,
said she felt that meters were'.
an unfair .imposition for taxi
She said in a city,
people could hop a bus if they
blocks you pay for two, if you
go 1:' blocks you pay for, 1:r
and ti you ask thedriver, to
wait you ,pray for that 'too.
released. ,
'The accident occurred
early Thursday evening just
south of the intersection of
Huron County Road, 25, and
Highway 21.
he suggests to the cc stonier
that they pay nor it,; ie etsan
"With diel., -,•r» it
), a L( g
t. w
or b.o
• ^
Leroy I{Farrison .blasted..
CounCil - Monday night • for
their street paving pr'ogFam
claiming major consideration
was always given to the south
and west sect -'tons of town.
('ciunci1lor- Harrisons•
r°rhark5 were' sparked by a •
discussion on a' petition from
-the residents of Rich Street
and Sunset Drive requesting
paving "of the streets. John
Austin approached council at,
their December 1 meeting on
behalf of ,approximately 40
citizens, in 'the area who
..signed a petition.
Mr. ;Austin told council that
the .area is Constantly
surrounded by. development
One officer 'of the Goderich OPP Detac`hirtent and one.
former officer here, were among six OPP officers who
.received long service and good conduct medals from OPP
Commissioner H.H. Graham and, Assistant Commissioner
K.W. Grace recently,. ,Pictured here lire _(left to right)
P.C.W. Ron Belt, Wingharn detachment; Cpl, Morley
Leeking, ',Listowel detachment, formerly Goderich; Cwpl."
F.W. Edwards, Allston detachment; Conwmissioner
Graham; Cpl, V.G. Saunders, 13ar+rie detachment;' Cpl.
Jack Hanes, Sebringville detachment; and P.C.W. Ken
Armstrong, Goderich detachment. The •medals may • be
awarded to it member of irreproachable chcu:acter, who has
served not less than 20 yeiir.4 with'the OPP, the last 10 of
w°hicli shall have been with goon conduct and satisfactory
service: (OPP photo)
Four accidents result
in du -mage claims
The Goderiich Policevehicle. There were no in- '
didn't want 'to pay -for a .taxi.,,
I,n Goderich that alternative:
is not available.
She said that because of the
fact that cabs' are the only'
public•'transportation system
they should be governed
fairly, by. a flat rate. She
added that senior cit'i'zens use
taxis' a great deal and that it
was particularly unfair to
Faye Gauthear argued that
Department reported a hectic
traffic week as they in-
vestigated nine accidents in
town, four of which resulted
in -major damage estimates. II
A two -car collision
December 5 on Huron Road
near Cambria sent Donald C.
Sager ,of RR 4 Goderich 'to
Alexandra Marine and
A single truck accident
resulted in $600 damage to a
vehicle driven by Benjamin
Worsell 107 Victoria St. N.
Mr.. • Worrsell attempted 'to
make a left hand onto
Wellington Street from
Britannia Road and .came
into collision with a tree.
A single car accident on
General Hospital with con- • December 9 sent • Ronald
cussion. The Sager vehicle Deleray of 54 Victoria St. N.
. came into collision with a to hospital for treatment of
second, vehicle driven by cuts and bruises. A vehicle
Burton Bean RR 5-Goderihdriven by Mr. Deleray came
Damage •to each vehicle was into 'roll sion with a hydro
`estimated at $1,000. , pole on Cameron ,Street.,
Damage to the vehicle was
estimated at $500 and $350,vto••
the pole.
During the past week 'the
Goderich Police Departrnent
also laid 27 charges under the,,
,Highway Traffic Act, four
under the Liquor Control'Act"'
A second two -car collision
on Dec,ernber 5 resulted in a
`Total damage estimat;e,,of $450
to vehicles driven by, Julie
Sprung, Auburn and Roberta
Machan,.248 Britanni ,Rd. W.
Damage to the prung
vehicle was estimated at .$200 and seven under the Criminal
and $250 to the Machan Code-o5.Canada,
r no Iicence
the.metered rate would be no
more . unfair than .the
suggested minimum of $1.50.
She suggested that with
meters, the minimum call
,,would be one ,dollar which
would. allow a person to ride
for one half a. mile. She -said
that every eighth mile after
that would be -ten cents so that
a three quarter . mile ride
•• would amount to Si .20.
"W ith the meter system the
cab , companies and,, the •
commission can sit down"and
work out a fare rate, but with.
that suggestion' a three-
quarter mile ride would cost
$1.20 and in Goderich • that
cost would take you just about.
a half a black from anywhere
you want to go," said the
Bluewater owner.
She added that• senior
citizens were rio problem w_ %th
(continued ort page10')
r Harrison .blasts council
in to: south, west demands
and that the area with °th\ west end of town where if a
h•ighcst tax' rate should rate\ ni subdiyision wants
spavin,. He added that the '.:, soinethint; they ..get i4, he
roads were a challenge andsaid. "Take any street in the
the res'dents were becomin-g east end "such as Mary, or
irtipati t and requested Pictc5'n, or Cafnhria and
action.` The petition ,. was Maitland Road ' and, 'you will
referred to. the _Works and find: that any one of them
Engineeri ` and Finance ' needs repair,,
Councillor Harrison said
that roads in he west end of
town were alw• tys given first
consicieraticin st I;ten roads in
the east end h. ve been in
need of repair fo as long as
' 50 years..
„I am sick an
everything going to
tired of
outh and
Lock it up
Works and Engineering
Cpm mi,ttee ° chairman 'Dave
Gower- told Harrison' that it
«a's c :lsy to criticize the
Works and Engineering
pt•ograi�l He said they have
worked on the sugge,tions of
Mr• Burns Ross as town
engineer, and• added that
S200,OQp . was spent 6n the
Waterloo, Nelson and Vic-
toria Street areas in the north
and north-east sections• of
"We are trying to upgrade
the ° streets to make them
suitable for traffic '' Gower
said, "We are doing our best
to spread the. paving work
around to \'`'n but there are no
• nio're funds.”
'Harrison „ then,said that
perhaps the peoplin the west
end of town would like some
of the tru"ck traffic. that
people in the east end ex-
perince every day.
"The roads in the east end
are lousy in thp spring with
the.potholes. and the mud aria
in fact they are lousy all year
round, he said. ''Let's
spread the dollars around."
Harrison adamantly added
that Councillor Elsa Haydons
Parks budget was oyer $20;000
which could haveibeen used to
pave a good bit of road in the
east end.
Reeve Stan Profit•
suggested that 'if the roads
were, in need of repair, then
the people in the area rust be'
encouraged to write letters to
Harrison promptly added,
"They are- not listened to
when they write jeters
ve Goderich vehicles stolen
Lock it and pocket the ke s. damaged when located by.
That's the message th at. police.
Goderi- Police Chief Pa ,Charged have been, laid
King,wants to get across to against David Oesch, 19, ,
the people of Goderich and Goderich, and a 15 year' old
area this week after a rash of juvenile also from Goderich.
automobile th fts in the In connection with These
On Friday and Saturday
last weekend, Goderich
Police 'Department was kept
busy investigating three
incidents of car 'theft. The
previous weekend, two
vehicles were reported stolen,
in Goderich.
On .November 30,,x. Jim
Collinson, 221 Britannia Rd.
E., parked his car outside his
residence with the keys in th,e
ignition. About five 'minutes
later, he came out of the
house to findhis car Missing.
The 'Collinson vehicle was
- found just outside Goderich
where it'had been abandoned
because it was lbw in fuel.
The same day, a pickup.
truck owned by McGee? and
Sons of Goderich and leased
to Jim Sovie of Sovie's
Fisheries in Goderich, was
iiiscover'ed by Sebringville
OPP in a field outside Mit-
chell; The truck left with the
keys in it was stolen., in
Goderich, It .was extensiv"e"ly
t o incidents, the same
uth•s were , charged in
co nection with two more
veh ales stolen' the same day.
Nov mher '30, in the Mitchell
area. One car was reported t
ditches, and the other was
spotte by the OPP,
Sebring ille detachment, and
chased .t high Speeds to
Last F riday morning
December ; at about 11 a.m.,
Bruce Ersk'ne of Goderich
reported, his car stolen from
the parking of 'at the Sun -
coast Mall o Highway' 21
south. The car had been' left
unlocked on the lot with the
keys in it.
Goderich polies broadcast
a description of t at velAicle
and at about 4:30 th same
afternoon, the ar was
noticed as,,,it was dri ing back
towards Goderic ,by
Goderich OPP officers
The OPP apprehen ed �a
suspect, James E, Huss y, 19,
4.1312 3 Seaforth, who wase.
turned -over to the God rich
Police .Department. Hussey charges have been laid to this
v as subsequently charged date. '
with car theft, and under the Goderich Police Chief King
Bari Reform Act, ,was warns vehicle • owners that
relea.°'d on a promise to over the last year, there have
appear°clue to the fact that been numerous' thefts from
''there \k ere insufficient cars in Goderich. With the
gr_c�unds to hold him in five recent incidents of
cus,edv„ automobile theft in Goderich,
1 ,iter that evening, a trrack the chief urges people to -be
v''as reported to have been certain they lock their cars
exten' ively damaged when it and take the keys withr,them
collided with' the home of whenever they leave their
Mrs Elsie Fraser. 73 cars,.
Bt it.annia Rd, W . ,That truck "In the wintertime when
had been removed from the preople sometimes leave their
car lot of Jim Hayter Chev cars running while they do a
and Olds between the hours of few errands, it is an open
l,,rrt. Friday and 2:30 a.m. invitation to someone to take
,S.tturday, The keys had been the car, warned Chief King
, ieft"in the Hayter vehicle. He admitted that if a
On Saturday morning about,' professional car thief wanted
7:50 W i if 'Denomme , l 0 °, a car, it wouldn't matter if it
Willington St„ reported to were'lockedor not.
Goderich police that his truck ,! a�B;ut we don't have that
was missing from in front of type around here," said the
his home where he'd left it for chief,
T rght, 'The keys were i'n t'•'
the Denomme truck. He added that in • soar
The Denomme, truck was municipalities, there is a
!>cated at 83 Esse St., about municipal bylaw making it an
11:15 a.m. Saturday, stuck in offence to leave keys in a
the.mud. parked car. Goderich has no
A possible suspect has been such bylaw, Chief King said.,
questioned by police with "Just lock it and pocket the
regard to the incidents in- -key,". said 'Chief i<ine
volving . the Hayter and "That's agood slogan 41
Uenornme,. vehicles, but no remember."
♦ 4 'Ly��.+p'.
• ".ave I.