HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-12-04, Page 31144, r "4"trirY FROM THE MINISTER'S STIIO, by REV. W.N.McWHINNIE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH I wonder if you know that the Bible mentions the word "boy" only three times; the word "girl" only twice; and the word, "lass," not at all. The word "lad," however, occurs 34 times, and the word "child" about 180 times. We read of a proper child, and pleasant child, a sleeping child, a child that.sneezed, a ,child that was vyeaned, a child tha:t cried, a poor child, a wise an,enly child, a growing child; a sick child,'ancl'a child that'vvas healed. We read of a child whose mother Was warned not to - drink wine or strong drink, and we read of men Who were warned not to sin against a child. We read, too, of a poor child who was adopted by a. princess;'and of a child whose parellts prayed for guidance as to how best to train the boy committed to -their care. ,And we read of a child who had a •severe headache, and who was carried, to, his- tnother, because the father felt that at such a time a boy's best friend is his mother. It would seem that the child of long ago, was pretty much like the childof our day. There are to be found still, the goodly child, the • child that complains of a hea4clache on a hot day, the thi1d,that cries, the child that is adopted', the 'only child, the growing child, the child that loves Bible stories, the (sometimes) naughty child, and even the child that sneezes seven times. As to the naughty child. Solomon has this to,, say: "Leave -not your chilun- punished; if you whip him, you save him from death. You must whip him with the rod, and so preserve his life." When a certain father reminded his son of that, the boy replied, "But he never said. that until he was growed up!" .1 can't forgertlfat- a famous schoolmaster, when asked what he would do in the case of an unruly boy, said: "I'd thrash the text: "The child Samuel ministered unto the Lord before Eli." It is not: "The child Samuel ministered unto. Eli before the Lord." 1 like the story of the man who applied for •a job in a 'factory. The foreMan told him that lie had scarcely enough work for the men already employed. "0," said the mark., "the bit of work that I would do wouldn't make any difference," The child Samuel served the ,Lord, and, therefore, there would not be slacking, .• or shoddy Work. There would be the best, and only tile best. And I must certainly find room for these words: O "And Jesus called a litt child unto Him." He is doing that today. "And Jesus took a child, and set him in the midst of them, and when He had taken hirn in His arms, He said unto them, whosoever shall receive one of such chi4dren in my name receiveth Me, and whosoever shall receive Me, ceivetha' not Me, but Him that sent me." Goderich, couple buried same day A well-known Goderich couple passed aW'ay last weekend in Maitland Manor Nursing Home. Walter "Bounce" Heitman died November 26 at age 85. His wife, Mrs. Ethel G. (Stokes) Heitmaii, died the following day, November 27 at age 77. The couple had resided at 151 Picton Street W., prior to moving to the nursing home; -Mr. Heitman was born July 18, 1890 in Stratford id' Albert and Elizabeth (Strelo) Heitman. He served overseas during the First Woriti War, joining up in London in 1917, and serving with„the Fores-try Corps in the south of France. -He was discharged in London in 1919. • He was married January 22, 1934, in North' 'Street United Church parsonage'tie, Ethel G. Stokes: He was member of Maitland Lodge No. 33 A.F. and A.M., and had received his 50 year pin. He. was also a member of the lawn bowling club, and the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 109. He was a member .of Noith Street United Church. Mr. Heitman was a meat cutter by'trade. Whely he first • came to Goderich, he worked .for Thomas Legg who was in the butcher business. About ArliltVedtith dri fatheM40- -,Ye44:492alatISAg*A004-tplua,nAwt Wedon't know whether 'purchased hiS,awn business . which was;ylocated at the Site 'Solomon "got the stick" when egGe he was young, or not. We do of the prent rrard's know, -.however, that, as ,a Clothing Store. For several of , man, he was disppointing in his 25 years in business, he many ways. It may well be was in partnership with Mr. that when he recommended Allison. After selling his " " the use of the rod he had his business in 1952, he was employed at O'Brien's Meat early life- in mind: We don't know. Market until ill health forced • ' 'Here is another saying of hisretirement. * his: "Even a child is known Surviving is one sister, held at the funeral' home on Thursday evening and a Legion service was held on Thursday Qvening in memory of Mr. Heitman. G0151-, RICH SIGNAL. -STAR, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 191$ -,-,PAGE 41' W.J. Mills buried Saturday as Shriners formguar William James Mills_ died Wednesday, November 126 in University Hospital, London. W.J. (Bill) Mills was born on the Twelfth Line of Huron Township near Kincardine and attended school there. He farmed in'that area until 1933 when he moved to London. He started work in the car sales business in 1935 as a salesman at the former Vanstone Motors in London, where he quickly rose to be top salesman. • In 1939 he moved with his wife to Goderich and in April of that, year opened up his own,used car lot at the„site now 'Occupied by,Five Points Gulf -service station, In 1944 Mr, Mills became Chrysler Dealer on a site on St. David Street which later -'served as a body shop when his Company expanded in 1963 with the acquisition of the property at 74 Kingston Street. By this time the company was , handling the full 1.ine of Chrysler products. At his retirement in 1971 the business employed 22 men. • ...,,I, L Bron and llow chrysanthemums made an at- -tracti4 setting in Knox Presbyterian Chapel,-Goderith, when. tl½e Rev. G. L. Royal united'in marriage George A. . C.ollins of Aubtirn and Margaret Jacqueline Collinson of Lucknow in a double -ring ceremony October 11 at 4 p.m. The groom is the son of Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock .of Auburn and the bride is the daughter of MrIvand Mrs. John E. Collinson of Lucknow. • 0 , • Traditional wedding music was played by the church organist, W. A. Cameron. He also, accompanied the soloist, Mrs. Bertha Scott of Ripley, cousin of 'the bride; when she sang, Morning Has,Broken,and The Wedding Prayer. ° ' • Given in marriage by her' father,bride looked lovely in a flobr-length. princess style gown of white satin, featuring full. length sleeves, stand up collar with lace trim on collar and yoke to match that of her veil. Her. • elboW-length veil of silk illusion was held in place by a Juliet cal) with' seeded pearls. She carried a nosegay of white shasta daisies, bronze baby mums and baby's breath. The wedding gow-n was styled by the bride, Miss Joanne Hickey of StratfOrd was maid of honor wearing a floor -length gown of dusty green interlock knit with a short long-sleeved jacket that tied fn the frrent, She . carried a nosegay of white shasta daisies, bronze baby mums and baby' S breath. Mrs. Marylou Barger of Kintail, sister of the bride, and -Miss Marlene Buniak of London, friend of the bride, were bridesmaids dressed in gowns similar to that worn by the maid of honor. They carried similar nosegays. The groomsman was Stephen Haggitt of Ailburn, 4riend, of the groom. Ushers' were David Collins, Walton, brother of 'the grown and Glen McNeil, Goderich, friend of the groom. - - , The groom." and his ,attendants wore dark green 'tbxedos with -dark green velvet trim. The groom wore a yellow rosebud and the attendants, a white carnation. Following the-cerernopyl,i reception took place at the Legion ' Hall, Lucknow,, .:Where the 'bride's mother received the guests wearing a floor -length gown of pink .and brown nylon over pink taffeta and a corsage of.pink sweetheart roses. She w'as •assisted by the groom's mother, wearing a floor -length gown of rust flowered interlock jersey and a'corsage ofvvli ite rosebuds. A three -tiered wedding cake centred the headtable and James Collins of Mitchell, brother of the groom, was master of ceremonies: , For a wedding trip to. Northern Ontario, the bride donned brown flowered interlock jersey knit dress and a corsage of white rosebuds. a. They tbok up residence at RR 6, Goderich. The bride is employed ,by Thotnas J. Troyan Law Office and the groom is • employed by Dominion Road Machinery, ., Company. , Guests were present from Ripley, Kiincardine, Seaforth, Lucknow, Walton, Dublin, Goderich and area., Prior to the marriage, the wedding party and family skere entertained at d' rehearsal party at the home of Mrs. Eleanor` Bradn.ock. AvagmA3:::;siosyssmvgi.pAgipo),::$;svoltfirgicsAimagszsiimPottglcsal VIso it will come to pass that when women participate ,fully and eguaIN in fhe affairs of the world, enter confidently and capably the great arena of laws and politics, war will cease; for women will be the obstacle and hindrance tt it, . W 1 - The kW Writings W I - : YASUIPSAM1143:243VROMPOPSSIMIISAYegi3tticAVS30:4RAZO/Afaltgil*SlaMa by his doings, as he behaves • well or ill." "'Ven a child!" What he means, I think, is: .-Altholfgh a child is so little, you can tell what kind of a man or woman he or. she will grow up to be," • You can tell a tree by its fruit. And if you are good gardener, you can tell a tree by its leaf, and by its bark, and even by its seed. I once asked'a boyof four years of age what he was going to be when he grew 'up. .1 -Ie con- sidered a moment, then, straightening himself, he looked tib at mQ, as if he - would say: "What a silly ,,question!" Then he -an- swered--"A man, I sup"pose!" That once small boy, is now a , man. I can see clearly in him today what I faintly saw in him in the long ago. Word- sworth is right when he sayS that the child is father of the Man. A woman fell into a river in Italy. Of all the men standing around not one tried to save her; A little fellow sprang in and held the woman up until help came. That boy Was young Garibaldi. A famous oil painter . watched a boy painting, and then said: "That tad will surpass me one•day," He did, for he was Michael Angelo, Sokeep an eye on your early doings, boys, as the Irish doctor said to the man who had a boil on the back of his neck. "Keep an eye on it!" I must find room for this asiVIER11012 MEMORIALS Bob McCALLUM Representative. 11 Cambria Rd., Goderich • 524-1345 Mrs. Albert (Emma) Schade,' .Stratford. Mrs. Heitman Was born August 20, 1898 in Goderich where she lived all her life. She was the daughter of Frederick William and Agnes (Heddle) Stokes. She was a graduate Of-Goderich Public School and of .Miss Ward's School of Commerce in Clinton. She was a member. of North Street United Church. She is survived by one sister, , Mrs. William (Mildred) Donaldson, Stratford; and two brothers, Charles Frederick.Stokes and Frank Stokes, ,,bdih of Goderich, • - The funeral service for Mr. and Mrs. Heitman was held Saturday, November 29 at Stiles Funeral Home with the Rev. Ralph King officiating. Interment was in Maitland Cemetery. Pallbearers," for the „couple were Albert Schade,' Joseph O'Brien, Bill Ross, Bill Do4aldson, Ausin Grace and Ed McMahon, A Masonic service was m4NATIONI g4teden4 a altiikitkie eAte / Wie/a01, COME IN AND SEE OUR COMPLETE SELECTION' OF • INVITATIONS • ANNOVNCEMENTS • INFORMALS • ACCESSORIES .trbt °With SIGNAL -STAR 524-83311 MR. AD MRS. G. A. COLLINS' For information write P.0._,Bpx 212, Goderich Mr. Mills continued \' ith the body shop until 1973 Mr, Mills had been a member of the congregation of North Street United Church " since coming to Goderich and at one time acted as a church Steward. • Mr. Mills had been a Public Utilities Comission fmorem2b2erofthe GLoderich years. .m C oHuen s toah pp et i noo ft e dbf o.o Townf Commissioner with the -,Public Utilities Commission, Town of Goderich, to fill the vacancy created by the death. of Dr. W.F. Gallow. Mr. Mills served th,e Utility and the residents ofL, Goderich in a mosta able nd ,business -like • manner until his retirement in December of 1974, - Mr, Mills was chairman of the ,Goderich Commission from 1964 through to 1968. He also served on the eXeCutive 'of District 6, Ontario ,,-Municipal Electrical Association, for a period of tela years, where he was greatly respected for his, contribution to the progress of electrical utilities. • During-hisitenure of office his untirl.n•telforts led to the construction of the.: present Ministry of Environment Water Pumping' station located , ' beside St. Christopher's Beach, as well as the 110,000 volt sub -station on Highway No, 8. - The sub -station located in the Town's Industrial Park, constructed P.U.C. energized on by the Goderich December 2, 1969, bears his name. Mr. Mills had been a member of the Goderich Lions 'Club for 31 years and was the fifth oldest member at' his death: the, club had granted him the privilege of being a Member -at -Large. He was a Mason for 38 y''ars v‘ith ,the St. John's No. 20 Lodge, London; a member (if St. Elmo Pfeceptory No. 22. Stratford. He has belonged to the MOCHA Temple Shrine. London, for 16 years. He was a charter member of the Blapwater Shrine Club and a Past President of that body. He ,vas also a charter member of the Blatigater Shrirte Fire Bagade, In 1968 he was elected -to represent MOCHA,, . Temple at the Imperial Cotincil AMONMS held in Chicago in July of that year as an Ambassador, became a director of the Bluewater branch of .the Ontario Motor League in 1964 and continued to act in that capacity until his death. Mr. Mills is survived by his wife, the former Edna B. Campbell of Wineam, and one son, Marvin, who is currently articling with a law rr firm in Toronto. He has one brother, Morley, of Georgetown, • He was predeceased by one sister, Mrs. Gladys Clayton. Funeral service was Saturday, November 29 at McCallum • Funeral Home with the Rev. Ralph King officiating. Interment was in Maitland Cemetery. Pallbearers were William Butler, Robert Drysdale, David .Rolstert, Charles Adams, William J. Johnston and Frank War- nock. Honorary bearers were Matt J. Ainslie and Judge Glenn Hays.' Members of Mocha Teniple Shrine formed a guard of • honor at the.funeral home and at the cemetery. Masonic Memorial Service was heli at the funeral home • Friday evening. 1 Sunday, December 7 8:00 p.m. Guest Speaker Rev. John tampbell Formerly of Western Canada, now minister in erand•Bend PLUS • SPECIAL MUSIC I/ COMING NEXT SUNDAY NIGHT THE FILM "SURVIVAL" W.J. MILLS ... active citizen EVIL PREVAILS WHEN -GOOD MEN DO NOTHING • Huron Men's Chapel AUBURN • •• •••••••...•••••• ••••••••••••• •• Ss • • •••••••• ....••••••••• Ss.... • • :Ss •• •••• SUNDAY SERVICES •(' The fa ily that prays together.... •••••••••••••.•vr••••,•-••••,••-•,••••••••••••••••••-••••••••••-••-••••.0•,•.•••••••.•••••••..••••••••••••••••.•• ••••.•••••••.•••••-••••1••••-•••••••••••••••••••••••.4, BEREA-BY...THE...WATER -;4v PAT'-ltIUTHERAN CHURCH Meeting' at Robertson Memorlel School- . _ • SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7', 1975, Sunday SchOol for all ages 9:30 a.m., Worship at 11:00 a.m. (B lake and Eldon Streets, Goderlch) ; SERMON: ".TO SHOW THAT WE KNOW" "Marvin L. Barz, Pastor ° 524-2235 "Being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our • Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 5, 1 I e . . r -•••••!•••;•••1•:••-••••,..••••••••••••••••••,•••-•••••.•••14•-••••.••••••.••-••••••,•••••••-••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••-•• -•••-•••••••...• ; ; '4) FIRST BAPTISTsCHURcH (Baptist Convention of Ontario:a'hd. Quebec) MONTREAL STREETCnear The Square J. REV. W.H. McWHINNIE F.R.G S. Organist.. Mr. Frank Bissett 945 a.m,-Sunday School 11 AN -WORSHIP SERVICE THE PASTOR , PREACHING' Came - You will be.made welcome Stays together •-••••,••.•••..•••••••.••••••.•••••••••••••..•••••••..••••••.•• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••-•••••••••••••• dI••••.••••••.••••••••-••••••••I.•••••'••••• 1' Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle Affiliated With th. Periteidoital 'AiseMblieti 'of 'Canada CORNER OF ELGIN AND WATERLOO STS, PASTOR REV. FRED DAY • FRIDAY DEC. 5 C.A. RALLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1975 N4 - 10:00 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL Call 524-2709 for Bus Information 11:00 A.M. MORNING.WORSHIP BABY DEDICATION CEREMONY 7:00 p.M.-SALVATION MEETING • COMMUNION SERVICE EC. 12,SUNDAY SCHOOL.CHRISTMAS PROGRAM A WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU , ' i b.,. •••••••••••• • •••••••••••• Ir..... •••••••••• ••••••••••••••-••••••• •••••• •-•••••• • • •••••••• .•••.,•••••••.•••-•,•••••••.•• ••••.•••••,•••••••.e,••.••r••••.•,•• 1 • i ) •••••••••••••-••••• • .41.. •••••••••••••.' ••-••••.,:•-•••• • •".•••• •• ••••-•• •••••••••••••.•,...•••-••••• • ,.. •• ••••••• •••••.•14...•••••••••••••••••• ...N. •• •••••••• •• r Knox i Presbyterian Church . i • ,i. , i THE REV G LOCKHART ROYAL B A Minister i - t i THE REV RONALD C McCALLUM Assistant • . •„WILLIAM• M- CAMERON Dirpctor of Praise _,......-, . ? ....t- i .?., - SUNDAY,'DECEM. R 7,' 1975 1 Morning Worship at 11:00 a.m. . " Sermon: SERIES FOR ADVENT: • --?.' ; • • • ••••••• ••••••• • • ••••„_.•, • ••••, • ••••..• • •••••,• • ••••., do • 1 II • 'S., • .4..4 1••••••....• ••••••• • ••••• • • ••••• • • ...L. • 07..11•.•••••••,, ....A • • • ••••...1,•••• • • -••••• • ). • • The Free Methodist Church H- it, Park St. at Victoria Pastor: H. Ross Nicholls ; ,2 way Bus Service Free to S.S:and A.M. Worship by calling • 524-9903 : 10:00 a.m. Sunday School - for all age„s ./. 11:00 a.m. Topic "InTimes Like These" ? , 7.:00 pn. Evening Worship, .. 1 Everyone Welcome (11). ".PROPHECY 'FOR THE FUTURE" White Gift Service I (Nursery FaCilities) (Cnsolictated Sunday School retires from Service) Enter to Worship , Depa"rt to Serve • ; ; •• •• •• •••••••• •••••• ••••••••••••••••:•-••••••• •• •••••••••00•••••••-•••••••••.•••••••••••••,,,..•••• CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH • BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET EVANGELISTIC '-- tFUNDAMENJAL • 'REV R BRUBACHER Pastor - 10:00 A.M. BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES FOR FREE BUS TRANSPORTATIO,N CALL 524-9497 • 11:00 A.M. - MORNING SERVICE AND COMMUNION SERVICE 6:15 P.M. - WORD OF LIFE CLUB 7:30 P.M. - EVENING SERVICE OF FELLOWSHIP 8, PRAISE ST GEORGE'S CHURN • ADVENT II NDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1975 8: 0 am. HOLX COMMUNION " 11 a.nt. HLy COMMUNIONAND SERMON 10:00 & 11: a m. CHILDREN'S PROGRAM 8..NURS'ERY Rector Canon G G Russell ,8 A 8 Choirmister-Organist Joseph 8 Herdman ; •• •• •• •• • 4, • • •• , • • • • ; Victoria Street United Church . WED, 8 p.m. • PRAYER MEETING t • 1.4 / WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH • -.. HOW. -A. OF FRIENDSHIP REV LEONARD WARR j 10 A.M. Bible School for all Grades 11:001 a.m. - Worship Service r I Special Christmas White Gift Service - - 4 Mrs. J. Snicier, Organist & Choir Director . • ••••• r • • •••• • •••••• ••••••• •••... • • 1 •••• •••••'•• ••••••••••••••• •••• • i• 6.1.••••••••••.••••• •• •••••••.i • • ••••• • • ••••• • • '•••••• • ••••• • • ••••• • ;•••••• •••••• t• • • • V • • ... • • • • • •••• • • 1.0 • ••••.• • Nprth Street United Church. The Rev. Ralph E King, B.A., BAD., Minister Miss Elate IVICGowan Visiting Assistant _ Mr Lorne H,, Dottere.r Director of Music Sunday School Ages 10 and up at 9:45-a.m. , THE SALVATION ARMY 18 WATERLOO ST S 524 9341 • ' ? WEEKDAY . SUNDAY SCHOOL 9 45 A M, FAMILY WORSHIP -1'1,1 00 A M eyANGELISTIC SERVICE 7 p m Home League riadiesi Wed 800 p m Prayer & Bible Studies Thur s 7 10 p en OFFICER CAPTAIN G HERBER CAPTAIN M MacKENZIE . All Are Cordially.ined to Attend Sunday School for agess 3 to 9 from Worship at 11:00 a.m, 1:- i SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1975 •i Nor sery Facilities Come anoi Worship with us. . ,I ,4) WORSHI P 11:00 A.M. SERMON: "WHAT IS • • •••• • • • • •••., • • • 44, ' t • • ' , ,e" '