HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-12-04, Page 18PAGE 14—GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1975 •• 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED - Modern equipment.,, Two trucks to serve you. Phone H.T. Dale, Clinton 482-3320 and Seaforth 527-0284. SKELTON.. . APPLIANCES Inglis—Moffat—Beatty • Sales—Service Repairs to all makes 36 Britannia Rd, W. -i Ph. 524-7871 —170 t Home Improvements ADDITIONS 'REC ROOMS SIDING • SOFFIT "ROOFWG Phone Dave ,1 • ' 524-2062 AFTER 6 For Free Estimates •• • • FOR YOUR Carpet and -Upholstery Cleaning Needs Superior Maintenance . Now Offers STEAM or DRY 'SHAMPOO For Free Estimate Call ' 5248892 257 Warren St., Goderich Screened Top Sail Crushed Rood Gravel Crushed Tile Stone (ement Gravel Pit Ru irCind Fill Gravel Back Hoe Work Lyle Montgomery. CLINTON • 482-7644.. ' 21 tfn • 15. PUBLIC NOTICE THE MONEY that was collected for the extra hour of dancing at the Ladies Thursday Night Social Bowling League Christmas Party on N'ovember 29th at Saltford Hall has been donated to the Retarded Children's Fund. -49x Treasurer's Sale of Lands in Arrears of Taxes County of HURON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that:a tax sale will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House, 'GoderIch, on Tuesday, December 9, 1975 at 10:00 a.m. re any unpaid taxes itilloutstanding,at that date, as shown on the psi' published .in the Ontario Gazette on September 6, 1975.. , •NOT -ICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that if any of the unpaid lands' remain untold, an adjourned_Spie will be • held on Tuesday, December 16, 1975 at the same hour and -place. • , Lists of the properties in- volved may be secured at my office in the Court • House, Goderich, Ontario. BILL-HANLY, Treasurer, COUNTY OF HURON 16. PERSONAL • 41,• WE INVITE engaged couples to visit the Arbor Gift Shop in Clinton, Receive a .free girt and. tell your friends aboutOur shower and Bridal Registry Service. No charge, no obligation.-3tf DO YOU have marriage or iamily problems? The Ministry of Com- munity .& Social Services offers helpf in the form' of marriage and family' counselling either in your home or' in the Wingham Office, 199 Josephine Street For appointment, phone 357,37()„,-:-8t1 - $ 17. LOST AND FOUND • LOST - Large grey Persian cat with yellow eye, in vicinity of hospital. 'PhOne 524-6165.-48,49 LOST, •-• Lady's ,prescription glasses, blue tortoise frames. • Phone collect,1-455-3642.-49. 14. NOTICE -TO CREDITORS • A11 ' persons having claims • against the Estate of GER- TRUDE MAY TAYLOR, Widow, late of the Town of Goderich, in • the County •of Hilton who died on or about the 17th day of October, 1975, are required tofile the same with full particulars • with the undersigned by the f3th day of. December, 1975, as after that date the' assets of"the estate will be distributed. • DATED at Goderich, Ontario, • this 14th day of November, 1975. PREST and EGENER, Barristers, etc., 33 Montreal Street, Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. —48,49,50 15. PUBLIC NOTICE COUNTY,, APPOINTMENTS Non -county councilltirs Each year the •County of Huron makes certain ap- pointments to various local boards or committees. County appointments are to be made in 1976 to each of the following - Huron County Land Division Cbmmittee • Huron County Public ° Library Board If you would like to have your name considered for such an appointMent, please submit lietiiiitr in Writing (including your 'telephone number) and indicating in which of the above you are interested. Submission to be received by the Undersigned by twelve noon,,,Wednesday, December 31, 1915. Mil G. Hanly, AdMinittrator, County of Huron, Court House, „GoderiCh, Ontario. . 4 19: BUSINESS OPP9RTUSITIES 25. IN EMORIAM PLUNKETT: In loving memory of Stewart, dear hu-sband, father and grandfather, • who passed away December 6, 1974. 'they say time heals all sorrows, And helps one to forget, But time so far has only proved How much we miss you yet, It broke our hearts to lose you, But you didn't go alone Because part of us went with you The day God. called you home. —Lovingly remembered and sadly iii.issed by Beth and Mary Lou. -49 26. CARD OF THANKS ON behalf of th.e Goderich Kin - men Club- I would like to thank t e following for their par- ticipation for putting together the Santa Claus Float. Goderich Manufactuxing_ Guenther Tuckey Transport,Strictland Motors, .Gerry Petrie, Tom Thompson, dlayt taithwaithe, Doug Fuller, Louis Erb, Roy Straughan, and his clowns, and Mrs. Blue. Kin Barney,-49ar BOGIE: I would like to take this opportunity to thank ll who sent flowers and donations to the Cancer Fund. A special thanks to the neighbors who provided lunch after the funeral. A special thank S to the.pallbearers, and to,. Rev. ' McCallum, also to Dr. Wallace. Also the McCallum Funeral Home.—Hazel • Bogie. -49 BOGIE: I would like to extend sincere thanks 'to Doctors Thomson and Conlon, Rev. R. King, nurses and staff on first east, and also to friends, relatives' and •neighbors frir gifts, flowers and treats.—Lillian Bogie. -4,9 MILLS: We would like to take ,this ,opportunity to thank our family, relatives, friends and 'neighbors, and to all who helped in so many waS71§ to make our 50th Wedding Anniversary such a happy, memorable oc- casion.—Gladys and Bert M,ills.-49n6 • • investigate BEFORE:YOU INVEST Canada's oldest and largest supplier of coin operated • laundries, dry-cleaners, coin car washes, automatic brush car washesn and replacement equipment: We supply the equipment, accessories, plahs and specifications, ex- , perienced counsel and operator training. New you can own a business which can' be managed on a part time basis, yet has the potential to become a full time occupation. For further information write or phone A.L.D. Jensen, 21 Vulcan Street, Rexdale, Ontario. Phone 416-249-7303.. • • 21: BIRTHS SMITH: To George and P6g, a son, Stephen Jason, in Win- chester, Virginia, NoVember 13, 1975. First grandson- for George and Betty Haylock of Goderich, nephew for Paul and Gerry Zurbrigg of Goderich.-49 23. ENGAGEMENTS MO and Mrs .^ Wernar Boehm of Leamington, • Ontario, are pleased to announce the engagement of 'their eldest ,rdaughter, Ingrid Ann, to Christopher Dale Hutchinson, of Goderich.-49x Mr.' and Mrs. Lloyd Ottaway of Chatham and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Ward of Goderich ask you to share their JON, as their Children Carel Lynn Ottaway of Chatham and Bradley Wilfred Ward of Guelph begin their"lives together when they exchange martiage.„ yovs on Saturday, Ddcertiber 27 In Cligtham at the home of the firideri parents. -49x is4 3t' ,171,10,1e..01t, 0.0,tows,04 ,GOOD: We would like to sin- cerely thank all our 'friends, ,relatiyes: and neighbors for the 'beautiful gifts, kindness shown us and best wishes on our marriage. Thanks also t� ' Rev. Leonard Warr and all those who made our day an , occasion we will long remember and cherish. Many thanks—Wayne and Wendy (Fisher) Good. -49x • THE...BOYS from 'LADDER. CO: 13 wish to thank *everyone that with the Santa Claus Parade Float especially Doug Smith of Jack's'Snacks.-49x WE WISH to thank everyone who attended_ the dance on'Saturday, November' 29th, at the Saltford Valley' Hall. We regret? t oversight in or.dering the mea for lunch. Season's Greeting § to all.—Ladies Thursday -Night _ 'Attention. Farmers: A-• FOR` SALE MOST s11, 1150 Massey Ferguson tractor with cab and duals. Also 1808 New Holland • Harvester, Hydrostatic, with 3 headers. Call 529-7561 between 8 a.rri. and 6 p.M.-48.49 E FARAFSERVICES DER EDITOR Dear Edit, Lorne Luther, National Farmers Union Director of District 5 representing Voughly the counties of uron, •Perth; Oxford and part of Bruce, presented a brief to the Royal Com- mission on Electric Power Planning at the F.E. Madill Secondary School in Wingham on Thursday .evening, Noven-iber 27, "Members of the National -Farmers Union in District 5, Region 3 and, no doubt a majority of farmers, believe that food production and energy should not compete for land," he said. This Royal .CorhmissiOn sliduld keep' uppermost the fact that food,and energy will be the two most crucial problems facing society in the future, not only in Ontario and Canada, but in the world. Therefore a careful and rational approach respecting food land must be included in long -range planning of electric -power plants. In the past Ontario Hydro has pursued development • plans without .consulting, the public at large, and with a very narrow view of the consequence's to the human being, the environment or the financial cost. "We trust you -I -Commission can reverse this situation, and the public in The future will be fully ,aware. of long range , plans and have an -opportunity to influence the end results," Mr. -Luther said. "We hope,yOur Commission will be able to , advise the 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE • K.W. Colquhoun Limited Lucknow area. 180 acres dairy' farm. 11 room house, large barn, silo, new drive shed; 40 milk, cows, 40 heifers. Goderich Township. 30 acres apple orchard, 10acres workable land,' 8 room house, new cold storage bUitding. 1100 acre pasture farm in Hullett Township, plenty water. , 9 -mile from Clinton 100 acre dairy and beef farm, 2 storey stone house, barn, garage, silo. Varna. Feed m'ifl and ,seed cleaning • plant, equintifent and stock. Clinton area. • Highway farm, ouse and barn on 10 acres, Rooster quota for • 23,000 'birds yearly. 369 acre dairy and cath crop •farm':in Colborne ToWnship. Levet, tiled land, 9 and 10 room house, new dairy barns, 3 silos, drilled well. • C. Buruma, RR 2, Clinton 482- 3287. salesman • for K.W. Colquhoun Limited, Clinton. PUIREBRE -e'rviceable age t sted Hampshire 'and Ouroc boars. Also York X Landrece boar, open, and ,bred gilts. Bob Robinson, RR 4,", Walton, Phone 345-2317.--48,49 THIS WEEK'S tun Winners CLUB NO, 5 Mrs. Olive Brindley You con be next' Nothing to buy ' Nothing to I.se, • Enquire today N: T. ORMANDY - • DIAMOND SPECIALIST , GOBERICH " C. Bururna • RR 2, Clinton 482-3287 salesman. for • K.W. Colquhoun Limited Clinton 482-9747 public- 'of * what effect hydro generating plants will have on farm land, on in- dustrialization on-thk., rural 1 community, • and also what effect Nuclear ,Power • Stations y411' have O'n human -- health, on liVestock and on plant life," he added. Do the dangers and risk of accidents justify the con- tinuing development of nuclear power? Mr.. Luther asked the Commission to reconsider whether the proposed requirements were equal to projected future needs; whether our present power plants were being fully. utilized and to consider solar energy as a source of power. About 300 people attended the meeting. . All of ap- proximately 20 briefs sub- mitted stressed the need of conserving our food _land. Because of the great interest several-- briefs could not be hearckond , another meeting wilt 14cheduled in January, probatily in Listowel. Commissioner& present in Wingham, were Dr. William Stevenson, George McCague, and lobert Costello. R'EAL ESTATE LIST umnommomemmommommuar JUST LISTED Three bedroom lakefront cottage at top of bank, located at Lan t of Pines,. south of town. Lot and bank - treed with cement steps down to beach. Drilled well. • 'Priced at 528,500. PRICE REDUCED On this top of ,bank, lakefront cottage. Suncastle type with cathedral " ceilings, stone fireplace, carpeted 'throughout, fully insulated, new oil furnace, sun deck, large landscaped lot. Located north of Bayfield in small subdivision of Coventry Heights. $43,900. 'MOBILE HOME, iGegerar 1968 model. Living roam.. 10' x 12' broadloomed, , 2 bedrooms, 4 piece bath, oil heat, all furnishings included. Now located at trailer park oh 21 Hwy. south. $5,600. • • 1 • 100 YEAR OLD MANSION Located in Seaforth on half acre lot, large ,2 storey 4 bedroom brick home featuring • spacious livingroom with fireplace, for- mal dining roam, two 4 piece and one 2 piece bath. -'Gas heat. 540,000. 10 ACRES Located in the Clinton area less than 2 miles,from the highway, 2 acres workable the balance in hard maple bush., Sell the mature trees for lumber or make maple syrup in the sugar shahty on the property. Just the place for_yaur new home. Listed at $15,000; 11 DUNGAN NON 4 lots 66' x 132'each located one block from paved road. Only 42,500 each or all four for 59,500. HIGHWAY LOTS Located east of Clinton on Hwy.,8. One'acre lots for $7,500. Half acre lots for $6,500. "s' ' •• NORTH BAY ' Area - 20 miles east. 4.75 acres with spring fed • creek. Three bedroom house - with recently • installed steel siding, new doors „and windows. 2 miles from Trans Canada Highway on year round road, Excellent snowmobile country. -Many extras. At- tractively priced at 529,900. For further information contact Thin Tobey. • DON HOIST REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTOR 53 West Street 524-8951 , John Thompson Evenings: 527-0238 •Lorne Henry Evenings :„ 3954080 Top ['obey ' ' venings: 529-7131 G. Austin NFU 3$ ST. DAVID'ST. GODERICH EXCELLENT V ALUE: Built into this split level three bedrobm 'h.orrie. Offerin'g a practical „kitchen, dining area, pleasant living room, very attracflve rec. room, located near schools. You'll be,proud to own this home. „ ', „ , • ONLY TWO MILES FROM GODERICH: . • You can own this brick split level, three bedroom home, with bright living room, dining room, finished rec. room, sun deck, two car attached garage, small barn and swimming 'priog-dhlt..Situated on two acres of land. DOnft miss this outstanding,opportunity as the price is • ......_ SPLIT LEVEL PLUS:' -1- . ' • . Six acres. Only 4 miles south of Goderich. This home offers three bedrooms, large living room, modern kitchen, nice family room with firepla'ce, you .Can experience_the joy and • freedom of open space. Don't be found wanting. Buy now. -GOING ,COUNTRY STYLE: ,.. . ., -,111111.11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.1 We have just listed a new five bedroom home in Dungannon. Situated on a. .1ot x 146', new septic sanitation system, village water,,electric heating, low taxes and maintenance. You 'not only save money but you will enjoy the village hospitality. RETIRING IN ZURICH: and‘inspect ihis four bedroom bungalow, tuft ha,Sement, partially finished-rec. room, car- • • port, owner has moved so you can move right in. • CLINTON — DUPLEX:. • Eackapartment offers three bedrooms, this duplex is in excellent condition throughout. Located,near downtown on a lot 74' x 115'. All well rented. 22 'ACRES AT'ST. JOSEPH: -,Highway frontage, original log house needing repairs but priced right. 10 ACRES AT NILE: Plus a four bedroom insul bride home, barn, some repairs needed yet at the asking price yoo •can't 'ige wrong.. LUCKNOW DISTRICT: • , one acre corner property. Nicely treed. Ideal building site. Yearly taxes only 515.00. Why - not buy this andgrow your own food.:"• ' LOCHMSH AREA: 13 acres on the Nine Mile River. A very nice retreat with good building sites. Only asking $16,000.00. WE ARE PLEASED TO HELP YOU ARRANGE YOUR 'MORTGAGE As high as 90.percent of the appraised value. Drop in and discuss your needs, in confidence with any of our qualified sale's staff. ' We geed your listings for action in buying or selling after hours Sundays - Holidays • PLEASE PHONE." John Schntiker Res. 524-6055 „ • Jo -an BulIen Bayfield Rep. RES, 565-2421 Bru.ce Ryan Res. 524-7762 Maurice Gardiner Res. 524-7302 B.R. Robinson Res. 524-6905 Leah Kuehl Clinton Rep. Res. 482-7304 Office 482-7306 Something For Everyone! Whatever you want --- we've probably got it! This one won't let you down! '74 JEEP CJ5 .4 wheel drive, 6 cylinder, standard transmission, very scarce model, only 26;000 miles. Lic. No. KEG 108 otaYs4095 •• • GAS MISER '73 DATSUN 510 Four door sedan, local owned car, only 34,000 miles. Tip top Condition throughout. Lic. No. HCF 722 • '$2499 15,000 -MILES '74 CHEVY NOVA Two door coupe, 6 cylinder, standard Iran- .smission, radio, rear,defroster, white walls, dists, etc,' 'Finished 'lb nice aqua,- Ideal car for anybody. Lic. No. JCA191 r •$2895 ONE OF GM'S LUXURY COMPACTS '74 OLDS. CUTLASS SUPREME Two door hardtop, finished in sharp • burgundy, white vinyl top, whitehucket seats, °full power, 34,000 miles. Lic. No. RFP797 PRICED TO MOVE The Inflation Beater '76 GREMLINS 232 - 6 cylinder, floor shifi, frorit and rear seats,„.. plus a host of standard equipment. P.D.I. FREIGHT, ''''' •' •'''' ' PRICED FROM LICENSE NOT INCLUDED $ SEVERAL TO CHOOSE FROM 299 OTORS Ltd. 334.346 ItURON ROAD, GODERICH 4.z 524-9381 •524-8841 AUTHORIZED AMERICAN MOTORS AND JEEP DEALER • , t, . .4 , - • • - -rrf. "..,r•••••,Z* • •."0••