HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-11-27, Page 1•
Local Kinsmen help zr
Santa beat inflation
The Goderich Kinsmen club has embarkad on a new
service project this year.
The project known as "Kinsmen Christmas Toy Drop",
involves a campaign in the Goderich area.
The club requests that new .toys of any value be pur-
chased and deposited in specially decorated boxes
located around the town, The decorated boxes are
located at Canadian Tire, Breckenridge Hardware.
Finchers, Peoples Store, Woolworths and the Met.
,. All the' toy's collected by the Kinsmen will be turned
over to the Huron County Children's Aid Society for
distribution at Christmas time.
The project provides an excellent opportunity 'for -in-
dividuals as well as clubs or organizations to participate
in a worthwhile cause that will bring happiness to many
Goderich area residents.
"The Joy from giving is equal to or, greater'"than the
Joy of receiving."
Karen Osborne,
Rusty Ormandy
Rusty and partner
win gold medals
Rusty Ormandy of
Goderich and his partner
Karen Osborne of Chatham
won first place gold medals iri
the. Western Ontario Figure'
Skating Championships held
last weekend in Preston.
,Competing for their second
year in the Novice Dance
which they also won last year,
Rusty and Karen were placed
first by all five judges with a
total of 62.4 points and five
ordinals, a commanding lead
of four .points over the second
place pair from Preston who
had 58.7 points and 13 or-
Rusty and Karen now
advance to ' the 'Central
Canadian Championships to
be held in Thunder . Bay
December 9th to 14th. Last
Year they also placed first in
this event when it was held in
Brandon, Manitoba. '
They are aiming for one of
the top three places this year.
They will fly by special
charter plane with the rest,of
the -Western Ontario team to
Thunder Bay on December 8,
where after three days of -
practise they will compete on
December 12 and return
home again with the team on
December 15.
They have been training in
St. Thomas under
professional Donald Cum-
ming, where they skate
several days each week.
After the Central Canadian
Championships in Thunder
Bay, they hope to compete: in
the Canadian Championships
which will be held in London
this year from January 14 to
18. Tickets for this event are
already 75 percent sold out.
Anyone wishing tickets are
welcome to contact Rusty or
his parents Mr. and Mrs.
Trevor Orrhandy, who will he
pleased to pick up tickets in
London while the mail strike
is on.
Rusty and Karen have been
invited to represent the
Canadian . Figure Skating
Association next Saturdayby
riding in an open car in the
London Santa Claus parade.
Both Grade.12 students, this
pair lead a very busy life
keeping up with .school work
'and. skating,commitments.
obert ti
12'8 YEAR -48
Businessmen urged to band. together
Lawyer suggests annexation
The Goderich ' downtown
businessmen 'were told
Tuesday night that their hest
protection against a second
area shopping mall planned
in Goderich township was to
urge their town council tQ
annex 'the land in the town=
increase justified for 1976 and
only 19,000 square feet short
of the 1981 forecast. He added
that the Rockledge Mall
contained about 75,000 square
feet.of DSTM which would be
about 60;000 square feet over
the estimate for 1981.
"It would amount to a
terrible bloodbath for mer-.
ship where the plaza is Chants in . this area to have
located. The Square, Suncoast Mall
George Plaxton, a London and the Rockledge Plaza all
lawyer who represented the developed and trying to eke
downtown merchants •i.n they;' -out a living," said the lawyer.
objections to the Ontario . The Goderich township
Municipal Board against the project was considered .a
Suncoast Mall, told the core dead. issue by many after a
area merchants that if the year of inactivity on the High -
town • annexed_ the land they . way 8 construction site. The
could 'refuse to grant an Rockledge developers were
extension on the Rockledge• granted a building permit on
plaza after having.. enacted their $2 million project in 1973
the appropriate zoning just hours before the then
bylaws .on, their newly .7M inister of finance for
acquired lands. Ontario John White slapped a
' Mr. Plaxton. referred to a freeze on the province
retail study done in Goderich , stopping all such develop -
by James F. McLaren. Ltd., ment in areas where no of -
for Suncoast Estates, in ficial zoning bylaw .protected
justifying his suggestion. He undeveloped land,
said that the study dealt with Rockledge disputed the
the economics of locating a legality of the freeze and
shopping centre in the proved in court ,that its'
Goderich area and said that building- permit was issued
since j,t , was prepared by prior to.it and was valid. They
Suncoast for 'use in the OMB begin construction on the site'
hearings it was probably the late. in 1974 installing about
most optimistic of the two $60,060 worth oNile drainage
studies undertaken: The other and footings before the
was prepared for the .project bogged down. Several
downtown merchants. weeks ago a Toronto area
The study forecast that. an _ developer requested township
additional 57,..000 square 'feet council to extend the Building
of department store type'
merchandise (DSTM) ,within
the primary trade area in
Goderich would be justified,
for 1976 and that by 1981 this.
figure would n. rise to 88,000 -; :he jolly old gentleman of
square feet. hristmas will be in Goderich
Mr. Plaxton said that the this Saturday highlighting the
Suncoast Mall contained town's annual Santa Claus
about 75,000 square feet of parade. The parade this year
DSTM which is more than the features a fairy tale
Christmas and over 20 floats
It's a -matter will carry that theme to the
" residents of, Goderich in
Saturday's. parade.
The floats have been en-
tered in theparade by yarious
service clubs .and interest
groups in Goderich. People of
all ages and walks of life have
participated in organizing the
laza develo
permit for the site an-
nouncing to council
negotiations to purchase the
project from Rockledge. The
extension was granted on the
premise that the . mall be
completed by November 1976.
Mr. Plaxton told the
businessmen that there was
no question of the legality of
the building permit and as
long as, it was valid there was
no way to stop the mall
developmelit. He said that as
a matter of self preservation
the association in Goderich
.must prevent 'by whatever
legal mns at their disposal
the development o'f the plaza.
.."Th er.e is no justification in
the foreseeable future for a
second plaza in Goderich and
the effects of that plaza on the
business community would bd
devastating." Mr. Plaxton
warned the association.
Mr Plaxton told the
association that a dual effort
was ri:quired by them to
protect themsetves against
other shopping areas intown.
He said they would have to
to try to stop.the plaza
out would also have to band
together to improve the core
So and, 'to, prdyide . ad-
d ational off-street parking. He
complimented association
,'iernbers on their attempts to
',.:autify The Square antitheft
Santa this weekend
of life, breath
.Money for TBRD
Christmas seals may be
left at the Royal Bank in
Goderich during the
mail strike.
establishment of a municipal
parking authority.
He suggested' 't'h'at the,
association work closely with
the town council to get the -
beautification project in full
swing as soon as possible' He
added that not only could they
consider improving the
sidewalks, landscaping and
lighting but they could work
to establish a community
activity centre on The Square
to attract various age groups
in town to the core area for
recreational as well as
shopping facilities.
Establishing off-street
parking for shoppers on The
Square should be a priority
according to Mr. Plaxton. He
said that, the businessmen,
should investigate every
• avenue of financing from
taxes to a small surcharge of
businesses to acquire funds
for the purchase of land for
parking and the development
of land into parking areas,
As an added alternative the
London lawyer suggested the
Blood clinic needs donors
T ► e Red Cross Blood
Donor Clinic will be held
Tuesday, December 2 at
,Goderich District
Collegiate Institute
from 2 to 5 in the af-
ternoon and from 6:30 to
4:30 in the evening.
The Goderich Kin-
smen Club is assisting
the Red Cross again this
fall, and Kin members,
urge many more
Goderich residents to•
eget out and give the gift
of life. Anyone oder 16
years of ' age can be a
blood donor..,
"If ydu are a regular
donor, we look forward
to seeing you again,"
saes Kin Stan Connelly.
t --
"If you are over 16
years old and would like
to become a regular
aorior, we look forward
to meeting you at the
clinic." .
`''The success of
Tuesday's 'clinic is
essential to the never-
ending campaign to
have blood available
when you or a member
of your family is in
need," continues Kin
The Goderich Kinette
Club. will be providing a
babysitting service for
the children of parent
donors -during the af-
businessmen. attempt to
secure a national tenant for
the core area to operate a
"department store or similar
facility as an anchor store. He
said such a tenant may serve
to attract shoppers to the
downtown adding that the
only way .the businessmen
would he successful in at-_
tracting such, a tenant would
he to guarantee that no other
shopping plaza would be
constructed in Goderich.
Mayor Deb Shewfelt told
the busineksmen that' the
town council was very willing
to co-operate on the
beautification and- off-street
parking projects but was
hesitant "over the annexation
"1 don't think it's the at.
t itud'e of., any council to put
anybody • out of business,"
said the mayor.
Ile pointed out that the mall •
developers and their
proposed tenants had certain
democratic rights the same
as • the downtown
businessmen - and that the
problem' would- have to be
"resolved through a co-
operative effort between the
town, the township and the
"We .are speaking of -our
neighbors in this situation
'and I think we will have to
(continued on page 14.
floats and Santa himself will
he arriving on 'a special float
built for him by the Goderich
Kinsmen Club.
After touring the town,
Santa will be holding court for
the .children. of the Goderich
area to beat the mailj,strike
and tell Santa in person what
they want for Christmas. The
court will be held in the Park
Theatre after the parade and
the Goderich Businessmen's
Association has given Santa a
special cartoon film to show
all his little friends.
Huron flag contest
Recommedation to county Friday
The Huron County council
property committee selected
four winners Monday night in
the design of the flag contest
the county organized mid way
The Huron County property committee viewed 140 different
flag designs Monday night in attempting to choose a winner
in the county's contest held over the past three months:The
committee chose the winning flags with the intention of
recommending to co ncil a flag for the county or to give
council the basis fo choosing an official emblem them-
selves. (staff -photo)
place, $25' for second and $'20
for third. Elizabeth Deichert
will receive. $15 'for her -
winning design.
The contest also awarded,' 0
in con,solation prizes to nine
other entries but thy names of
the nine winners OW not be
released\ until- the county
The contest was sponsored
by• the county jn an, effort to
help council choose an official
flag for the county. The top
flag picked in the contest is
not necessarily going to be
chosen for the official em -
The propesty —Committee or
the county council.will make
that choke later and may
base their decision on the
results of the 'contest or tfse
the entrants as a base for the
flag • and design their own
crest or writing.
Warden Anson NIcKinrey
told the co-mmittee he un-
derstood the committee had
been instructed to make a.,
recommendation lo county
council on the flag to be
selected. He said he thought
the flag selected as the best in
the 'contest was to be used by
the committee in their
recommendation to council at
their meeting Friday.
When told that, the com-
mittee had not been given
that "the county may want to
decide on the flag but Iothink
the property committee
should show countil the
contest results , and then
request the authority to
choose' the design them -
The coincidence of the
selettion of the top three flags
caused some concern among
sortie committee members.
Some felt the fact that the
same person won all three top
prizes and that she was an
employee of the county, may
cast some doubt, on the,
operati6n of the contest.
The rules set ' down,
however. did not stipulate
that entrie§ were limited to
one per person nor did it
exclude' 'employees of the
"I'm not the least, bit
disturbed over our selection,"
said committee chairman
Reeve Stan Profit of
Goderich, "We had no way of
knowing who the entries were
Each entry was eitheK,'
numbered or had the en-
trant's -nabie and address
printed on the back of it.
"That's the way -We picked
them and that's the way she
staYs." said committee
member Reeve Simon
Hallahan of East Wawanosh.
`Nignal-S tar Publishing Ltd. is arrently in the process of installing a new Press 'Called the
Daily K ing•that features eight units and measures 15 feet in height and is approiimatels;'
feet long. Press room persorfhel, George and Tom Vanderburghcheck the new unit that
h.is douhl'e the capacio, of the press now in usp. Earlier this week the press rbom crew
nrimod close to 00.000 copies of various publications in one day. (staff photo)