HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-11-20, Page 32PAGE slOA--•-GODERICHSIGNAL-STAR, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2o, 1975 Aminmeeneremememeeemmia: FROM THE MINISTER'S STUDY BY THE REV. LEONARD WARR THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA VICTORIA ST.- BENMILLER CHARGE Here are some short prayers which may be helpful at mealtime: 1. Dear God, We thank Thee once again for food and home 'and opportunities. Help us to s- 3 and understand Thy Th9 law. Help us to ise and strong under discipline of right ing. In the Master's. me we pray. Amen. 2. For-otir daily food, and all God's gifts His Holy Name be thanked and praised, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 3. Father bless the food we take, and bless -kis all for Jesus' sake. Amen. , 4. Gracious father, we praise Thy mercy which provides so faithfully for us. „By this food make us,stronger in body and mind, in order that we may draw nearer tb Thyself, for Christ's .sake. Amen. 5. Dear Saviour, be our guest. today in all we do and say. Bless Thou the food that is set before us, and may Thy loving care watch over us. In His Name. Amen. 6. Lord, we would.ask Thy blessinen this food; bless it to the good of our bodies that we'my be better prepared for the battles of life. For His Name's sake, we ask it. Amen. 7 Heavenly Father we grown by Thy divine power thank Thee for this food; as it for our physical needs. We nourishes the body may it thank Thee that the true strengthen us in Thy•service. Bread of Life, on 'which our souls feed, is also spread before us. Bless it to our good, dear Lord. Amen. -- 15. With the coming of this day, 0 God, we acknowledge. fresh tokens of Thy- love. Bless this house with Thy presence, and break with us the Bread of Life, In the Name of Jesus. Amen. 16. Make us a grateful people, 0 Father, for Thy provision for us. Help us always to remember our duty .. that of helping others to see Thy unwavering love for Thy Amen. 8. Almighty God, may this fopd strengthen our bodies as contact with Thee strengthens our minds and, Spirits. We would take Thy hand in true faith a_nd courage, look up to Thee, for our help, and praise Thee with our lives. SO We wduld follow in Jesus' way. Amen, 9. Our Father we thank Thee for this food. Bless it to our good and give of Thy bounty to the poor and needy. We ask it in the Name of, our Sax,io.ur. Amen., atildren.„ Accept our thanks 10, We praise Thee for the -for This provision of ,food and spiritual food Thou doest give forgive uS--our sins. Through us and also for our daily Christ. Amen. bread, wherewith our bodies 17. Almighty God, we are sustained. Help us to return thanks to Thee NI- Thy grow as in body, so in spirit, great goodness to us. We are into all strength, through blessed with food to eat while Christ. Amen. many are hungry. May our i1.0 Lord, our God, in Thee gratitude for Thy gifts, be do we put our trust. Renew expressed in bringing to from day to day these present- others a measure of Thy favors,. and give us. faith ever bounty. In Thy dear Son's to accept Thy gifts with Name. Amen. grateful hearts.,, In Jesus' 18. Dear Lord, accept our. Name. Amen. sincere thanks for these neve 12. Lord Jesus, continue to ' blessings, and hear us in our bless us, and make us thank- prayer for pardon. In Jesus' ful for thisfood and for all Name weask Thee. Amen. 19. Our heavenly Father.,.., -- for these and all Thy gifts ve return th.anks unto Thee. In His Name. Amen. 20. Thanks be to Thee, 0 God,. for these and .all Thy blessings so generously provided. Through Christ our L ordAmen. Thy past and present blessings. Amen. Accept our gratitude, 0» Lord our God, for this Manifestation of Thy love. May the food which Thou hast given us make us strong to dc) Thy will. In His Name. Amen. 14. Otif heavenly Father, we thank Thee for this food, 9414 2W4otee4 Freedom: God-given The caption on the recent Remembrance Day' 'adver- tisement, "Freedom : Man- made, not God-given!" cause,sone to -ponder. 1. • My dictionary defines' freedom as : liberty, 'not bound, not under obligation politically , independent, taking undue liberties, unrestricted use Or access. So suppose what one gets out of that slogan depends in what context we use the word. I'm surethe " Royal Canadian Legion, sponsors of the advertisement, is speaking of political freedom. It goes without Saying•khat in many countries there is no such freedom, and the liberty to follow one's own conviction is severely curtailed if not completely non-existent. Yet,, in these same Coun- tries there are certain men in power who are free; „free to send others to jail without trial, free to order torture and even' death to anyone who disagrees with them. So, what then is freedom? Many young people might feel it's the'libertyof being able to set their • own stan- dards 'and morals with complete disregard and disrespect to parents. Freedom to some marriage ' partners is to rid themselves of responsibilkties, run .off with someone else with seemingly total disregard of how shattering this is to their spouses and children. The alcoholic wants to be free to spend his money on booze instead of making sure there is food in the house for his family and fuel oil for the furnace. Robbers would like to be free to rob and thieve at will; some policeman,' 1 fear, would like freedom to harrass and use whatever brutality necessary to extract a con- fession from a prisoner, guilty or otherwise. Certain business com- panies desire the freedom to make unfair and unrestricted profits. There are union leaders who. want the freedorn to claim demands which could cripple the whole country. All these --people want freedom but note it is freedom to gain whatever is their desire At the expense of someone else. Even in war, can we "always' be syre which side is fighting on the side of freedom? If you watched the last TV program of news columnist Michael Maclear called 'Gooks and Grunts' you are lilely as stunned as I was at the unspeakable atrocities, used on thousands arid thousands of innocent Viet- namese by American soldiers under the pretense of fereting out Vietcong. Yet, the general public believe this war was being fought to protect the liberty of the Vietnam people. One. can only shudder in horror at the despicable acts committed under the banner of Freedom. The fact of the matter is Freedom is Ood-given. We are always free to choose between what" is right and what, is wrong. And in a strange, paradoxical way, when we choose the wrong we are no longer free. I suspect that many of the political prisoners in coun- tries with corrupt govern - Merits are more free than the men who put them there for the latter are' strangled by fear, bound by a terror that some day someone will rise up and cut them down. Yes, freedom is God-given bitt"man can and does,control his own actions in regard to it. Bob McCALLUM Representative 11 Cambria Rd., Goderich 524-1345 INSURANCE 'George Turfon LIFE, AUTO, _ FIRE AND ALL OTHER LINES 319 HURON ROAD' GODERICH 524-7411 DO SOMETHING FOR SOMEONE P • ,Ther the official opening ceremonies of the new Separate School board Offices in Dublin last week, Bishop John Sherlock; left, chats with board chairman David Teahen of Stra dol.* Trustee Vincent Young of Goderich, and Huron County b,oard,,,of education vice- chairman Wilfred Shortreed of Brussels. (photo.by Wilma Oke' WHAT'S NEIN AT HURONVIEW Three new residents were welcomed to the Home at Monday afternoon's ac- tivities, Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs. Bell and George Jenner, The Clinton Christian Reformed volunteers assisted with the -7afternoon's program of old tyme music provided by,, Marie Flynn and Norman Speir. The residents enjoyed a sing-lh-long of tunes that had been popular during. the war years. . Earl and Martha Heywood, of Wingharn, who have been entertaining on CKNX radio ana- Television for several years, provided the "Fai-nily Night" Program. Earl and Martha are well known to the residents and sang several favourite country and western songs' with the last TWO MINUTE 1318LE BY CORNELIUS 'R. STAM PRES. BEREAN BIBLE SOCIETY CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 6063.5 "SICKNES AND SIN". One thing that really concerns this writer about modern life, is how sin is Constantly called sick- ness. A man commits some moral. outrage and they say he is sick - they even tell him that. I went to see a man some time ago who had fallen into unspeakable mmorality and it 'had caught up with him. For years ,his sanctimoni- ous life had been a sham; now the ,mask was torn off and he was in trouble -real deep trouble. 1 had been telling him that, now his bestcourse was to make a clean confession -to the courts and. tp God. But someone else ,had gotten 'to him first. While he listened, this man • had told, his wife: "You must get Jim to see that he's sick and needs help. I'm not condoning what he has done, but I'm hopeful that if he.,gets the proper help ,he can be cured." What a way to evade the sin ques- tion!''Of course the man was sick - 1 imagine you and I would. be sick too if we lived as he had. But let's get this itraightl His sickness dame from his sin, not his sin from some sickness. He would have been far better off to sob out his heart in contrition before God and 'for his sin than to excuse his conducton the grounds of illness. Rom: 5:,12 says: "By one man sin entered into the world and death by sin," anci Rom. 6:23 says: "The wages of sin is death.".' The sobering' fact is that while there :may be differences in the ',kinds of sins we commit, or in the degrees of our, sin, Rom. 3:23 de- clares that there is no difference in, this,,, that "all' have sinned and come short of the glory of God." That's why we are so pleased and proud to proclaim "the gospel of the grace of God," now Christ paid the penalty for our sins' that we might have a perfect standing be- fore a holy God, "being justified freely by His grace, through the re- demption that is in Christ Jesus" (Rom. 3:24). "Thanks be unto' God for His unspeakable giftl", (II Cor. 9:15). part of their program con- sisting of sacred numbers. Mrs. McKay, .a personal friend of the Heywood's, expressed the appreciation of the residents. The .0ver 90, Club met on. Wednesday afternoon in the north dining .area with 27 members enjoying games of euchre and crokinole. Two new . members were welcomed to the. Club* Mrs. „McKay 'and Austin Dexter. • The Walkerburn Club volunteers assisted with the activities and served tea and Cookies. Intended for last week„ Mr. -Dick Roorda led the Sunday evening Christian Reform song service' with special musical numbers by the Roorda family -ac- companied by Mrs. Hen- derson. Mr. Fred Turner of Bayfield and John McCallum of Blyth were welcomed to the Home at Monday's ac- tivities. Mrs. Elsie Hen- derson and Nornian Speir provided"the Old Tyme music for'the afternoon with a sing - a -long and a vocal solo by Morgan Dalton. The residents presented their -first "Family Night" program this week and by all reports it was greatly ap- preciated. Theyrogram was arranged and directed by Mrs. Elsie Henderson and included vocal solos, songs by a mens • quintet, readings, musical numbers by a kit- chen band and a pantomine was performed by two guests Pat and Mike. TO THESE FAREWELL C.P. MacLENNAN Clarence Pickard MacLennan died at Wingham and District Hospital on Tuesday evening, November 11. He was a son of the late John K. MacLennan and the late Frances Pickard. Clarence was born at Glamis, , Ontario and lived there all his life. He farmed on the boundary between Kincardine and Bruce Townships. Along with far- ming he used to gather cream during winter montihs.with his team and sleigh ancL hauled freight from the ,train station. He owned and operated a portable sawing outfit) for many years that , cut the winters' luel supply for most people in the area, On September 14, 1935, Clarence and Margaret Alice Norman were -married by the Rev, N.R.D. Sinclair, They had four children,. J.K. (John) of Kitchener; Angus of Goderich; David and Beth at home. He is also survived by Seven grandchildren, and one brother, Campbell of Cargill. He was an active and in- terested member of Kinloss Loyal Orange Lodge No. 898. He was a past County Master of West, Bruce County Lodge and a past Perceptor of the' Royal Black Perceptory at Amberly No. 1132. He took a great interest in people and he dearly loved many kinds of music especially the. fife and drum music from the Lodge." He enjoyed playing the base drum and in his younger days he was a "caller" -for square dances. As well as being -a member of the local school board for many years, Mr. MacLennan "eu though 1 with through the volley, ol the shutlow ul de9th. I shun for no l�r thou art with me • -23n1 Psalm was a member of the Walkerton and District Hie 4School Board for fifteen year: prior to 1970. During that tim( he was elected to the positior of chairman of the board foi one term. He was a former treasure] and member of the Board o Managers of. Olami: Presbyterian Church when his funeral was held at.2 p.m on Saturday, November 1; with Rev. Donald Sinclaii officiating. Bruce MacLean player Amazing Grace on his bal pipes as the coffin wa; carried to its final restin) place at 'Purdy'S Cemetery The, pallbearers were Jin Ferris, Don Ferris,' Bruci MacPherson, John Pinker ton, Norman Bell and Johi MacLennan while flower were carried by Jim Hutton Lloyd McLean, Irving Keyes Albert Colwell, Clarenc( McGillivary and. Serafi: Naczynski. The Loyal Orange Lodg held a memorial service a his late residence the evenin; before the funeral. As well a numerous floral tributes many donations wer re-ceived for the Adul Rehabilitation Centre' memory of GlarenC MacLennan. • pan1111111cf,ill - napauffin something for yourself. ••••••••••-••••••••••-•••••••••-••••••-•••.••-•••••/•-•••:••-••...• • •••-••••••,..••-••..•• ./....••••••••••••••-••,.•••••L•••••.,••••••••••-•../..•••••/.••••,•••.,••-•.-••••••,..••••••-••••••-••••••.•••••••••-••• •• • • -.. • SUNDAY SERVICES •-• • 4 P • Or 4 0,4.. • 0,•44. • • • IP • • • • •• • • The family that orays together..... Stays together NM1 11E11 MEI LUTHERAN CHURCH Meeting at Robertson Memorial School (Blake and Eldon' Streets, Goderich) SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1975 Sunday School for all ages 9:30 a.m. Worship at 11:00 a.m. SERMON: "NOW!" • Marvin L. Barz, Pastor 524-2235 "Being justified by faith, we have peace with God through`our • • ra.4.1••••••.• ...•••••,•••••••••••••••••••-••.•••-•...4.4•7/...4...4.41,414.1.,•••.• • • • • AP • •44,.• •••••,.••••••-• ••••• Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle Lord Jesus' Chryt,to" Romans 5, 1 Y.., • 01. • •-•••-• • "Nu.. • 1,44.4147....• 1,...41,••••••••••.• ,•••.. • ;i ,....1•-•••-• • 1,1111, • • :1 Sunday, November 23 v" 8:00 p 113 Guest Speaker Rev. George Shillington Lecturer at Missions Emanuel Bible College, Kitchener, Secretary, Andes Evangelical Mission, President, Christian Missions Education Services. PLUS Special Music by The Chrystalaires One of the finest singing groups from London. • EVIL PREVAILS WHEN GOOD MEN 00 NOTHING Huron Men's k apel AUBURN • FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Ouebecy MONTREAL STREERnear The Square REV, W.H. McWHINNIE F.R,G S. Organist: Mr. Frank Bissett 9:45 a.m.-Sunday School cv 11 A.M WORSHIP SERVICE ' THE PASTOR PREACHING Come You will be made welcome •••••••• • .44. • ••-••••• • •-••••.4 • `4•.. • • ••,.. 1,44.4 •-•••-• •-••• • • •••••••-•••• 0,44. • •••••••• 11^4 • -Affiliated-with pie Pentecostal Assembles of Canada ' CORNER OF ELGIN AND WATERLOO STS. PASTOR REV. FRED DAY 10:00 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL Call 524-2709 for Bus Information 11:00 A.M MORNING.WpRSHIP 7:00 P.M. SALVATION MEETING A WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU 13 Knox Pres,byterian Church ; z14.4.E4REV G LOCKHART ROYAL. BA Minister '"THE REV RONALD C McCALLUM, Assistant WILLIAM M CAMERON. Director of Praise I C. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1975 • I 1• /......-•••.(•,.......•?-.....•,...••••••••••-•••••••••,. • ••••-•• -••••••-•••-•••-•••/2•••••••.••-••..• ••••••:r,•;••...•••••••-••••••••.••-•••-•‘,.././11,*•••••11...e. • •••• , 1• 1; The Free,Methodist Church • Enter to Worship Depart to Serve i.a r••••••••,....•,•••-••••••••.••^?••-••-....•;•••..•••••••,,.......,..•••-••••••••••,•-•••.•••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••.-••••••-•• ••••./.•••••••••••••-•,, 10:00 a.m. Sunday School - for all ages •L Park St. at Victoria Pastor: H. Ross Nicholls 2 way Bus Service Free to S.,5. and A.M. Worship by calling 524-9903 Morning Worship at 11:00 a.m. Sermon: "GRACE ABOUNDING" (Nursery Facilities) (Consolidated Sunday School retires from° Service) i 1. 11:00 a.m. Topic "After Death Comes the Resurrection" i* SUNPAY BEFORE ADVENT 7:00 p.m' . Evening Worship hour ? ? ' ., NOVEMBER 23, 1975 . Everyone Welcome .. I .8:30 a.m. "AOLY ,COMMUNION • 11 'a.m. MORNING PRAYER tk,SERMON I ..........-.................•.....• 0,..•014,44.00-•••.• 0.••• -•••••••••••••..411,,••••,...........:,... -4.....,...,................,,, j i •.. 10:00 & 11: a.m. CHILDREN'S PROGRAM & NURSERY / Rector: Canon 'G G Russell, B.A., B.D. 1. • • Choirmatter-Organist: Joseph B' Herdman ST. GEORGE'S' CHURCH CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYIFIELD ROAD AT BLAkE STREET EVANGELISTIC - FUNDAMENTAL REV R BRUBACHER Pastor : r;,,,,,,....:.,,,..........,„.......„................_______.,..............•_.._..._....._...._.•__.._..._ ; i-• __•._.........'...• ••.•••-\ 0,16 Victoria 01..4 ,..4.4.....•••• .,....•-•••,....•,.,,.......••.... L i ViSireet United Church . HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP . REV LEONARD WARR ^, I. i• 10:00 A.M. BIBLE SCHOOL BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES i i 10 A.M. Bible School for all Grades 1 / FOR FREE BUS TRANSPORTATION CALL 524-9497 E 5' , 11:15 a.m. - Worship Service WORSHIP SERVICE i 6:15 P.M. WORD OF LIFE CLUB it Sermoin,y::HE 1 L - ------E 11:00 A.M. MORNING EARTH IS THE LORD'S" SERpV.mIC. E. PORFAYPREAkISMEE&ETPIRNGEACHING c. i . WELC0M- Mrs. J. Snider, Organist & Choir Director *i. 7:30 P.M.W.. 8ED -.....•-....•-..................•.-....•.-....•....••••••••••••••••••••••••••-••••••,•,. • 1•••••-• •-•4.• ir i ....... dr.., ••••*•-• /..... • ••gb.. • •••••• • • ••,. • •.••••.,••••••-• •••••-• ••••••.. • • •••••• • • .•/..div:: -......s" :::::::". ,.. i••••••-• ••••••••• 0 ••••••• •••••...• O.., North Street United Church WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH i..__••_••.....•.......•• .4.. • 1,••••• /r••••-• • ••••• • • ..... • • .••• • • ..•••• • A. 6. •-•••.. • • ..... • • "'S. 6 • ••••., d. -... • •••••.• •••••/..• ...re • ....• • "... 0 i i i....................• ••••••. • •••••.• • .1.. • • •••• • i••••••••••••••• v.... • • ./.1•../11.... • • .44. • •••••••• •••••.• •••••••••••••••• •.•••.• Ir•••••••••••.••••••.• 0,4.4 i Y•i i i ' . THE SALVATION ARMY 18 WATERLOO ST S 524-9341 1' i SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 9 45 AM i 1 FAMILY WORSHIP - MOO AI\ EVANGELISTIC SERVICE •-• 7 p.m. Hone dbague (ladies) Wed 900 p ma' i Prayer & Bible Studies Thura 730 p m I WEEKDAY . OFFICES - CAPTAIN G HERBER • CAPTAIN P. MacKENZIE ' .. 'All Are Cordially invited to Attend ,..,, ........••••••• ••___ ••__ ...................,............ • ....2,..,...................,....... ot........H.b.11 v....0 4.,...........• p"...........................0.0........4.,....4 01..411.41...............•••••...... 0 1 -- ......di •••••,..“ ...... • .......... • • .6.• • . \ The Rev. Ralph E. King, B.A., B.D., Minister Miss dare McGowan • Visiting Assistant Mr. Lorne H. Dotterer • Director of Music Sunday School Ages 10 and up at 9:45 a.m. Sunday School for ages 3 to 9 from Worship at 11:00 a.m. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1975 WORSHIP 11:00 AtMi. SERMON: "BLESSED. ARE THE PEACEMAKERS" Ntirsery Facilities Come and Worship with us