HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-11-20, Page 17.,..r,C#..111/". 1` Y', N , YRA x:'..4*Y'1 'M••+;.A1
vvvr.rciLri a►I,NAL-STAR, TH-11 RSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1975—PAGE5.
(continued froma e 4 0-"
p g ) musical .prod
publicity prior to the opening years to come:
and the excellent review
which you printed following
the play gave ample evidence
that you know the meaning of
the term "positive rein-
Although a gymnasium
designed for basketball with Dear Editor, -
its terrible accoustics and I would like to appeal to
stacking chair seating.,,pan your readers for persons
detract quite a bit from any having marine material,
theatrical production, it was photos, posters, writings and
still a most .enjoyable en- artifacts which may be
tertaining musical. Let us purchased or loaned to copy
hope that the same kind of to 'contatt me at the above
encouragement, and address.'
assistance from all those in
this great little community of I would also like to contact
ours, will lead to other captains, mates, engineers or
others who have sailed in the
past and present: I am
compiling all of this in-
formation for a second book,
something as was done in
1889, and has not been done
I require that individual's
name, vessels sailed on, any
incidents involved..in, date of
marriage, wife's name,
number and name "of
D.R. Bundy
Readers ' are cordially
Invited to express their
opinions of local, provin-'
cial and federal Issues
through the Letters to
the Editor column of The
Goderich Signal -Star..
All letters ,,must be
signed to be published,
although pen names are
permissible providing it
Is understood that upon
request from another
reader, the letter writer's
true name will be
While. there Is no limit
to the length of a letter
which can be offered for
publication, the editor
does reserve the right to
delete portions of any
copy submitted for in- ,
,elusion in this
Take an active Interest
in your hometown
newspaper. Write a letter
to the Editor today.
I would also like to meet
with the individuals to discuss
this and they will have proof
reading prior to printing as to
ensure the material is correct
and not detramental to' a.
person and or company. '
Any divers' in -the Goderich
area who would be interested
in working with our people in
the recovery of marine artif
acts from various vessels of
historical value may contact
me' by writing Bill Hum-
phries, Mooretown Marine,.
Mooretown, Ontario..
Yours truly,
William W. Humphries
• Mooretown Marine,
Mooretown, Ontario.
Rotary concert season exciting; price right
The code iehi Rotary Club
has lined up a concert
program for the winter-'
months which should be food
for the soul of many Huron
County residents, What's.
even better, the price is right.
The exciting three -concert
season begins Saturday,
December 6 with The
Messiah featuring the full
London Symphony Orchestra
under the direction of Con-
ductor Clifford Evans and the
London Pro Musica choir.
Guest soloists will also be
taking part.
On Saturday, February 14,
an especially romantic
concert for Valent,ine's Day
will be entitled Spanish Music
for Dance. On stage will be
the guest Spanish dancer
aula Moreno.
The final concert, Satur-
day, March 6 - Orchestral
Night `- will key an evening of
Beethoven and Haydn.
The price of tickets is
designed to put the
concerts within the reach of
all citizens. Adults will' pay
$2.50 single, $7 for the season;
students, $1.50 single;
families, $7 single, $15 for the
season; and all senior citizens
n .
will be admitted for half
Tickets are available this
weekend from any Rotarian;
at the Clinton News -Record in
Clinton; and Campbell's on
The Square and Ormandy's at
Suneoast Mall in Goderich.
...back again
accommodation lacking
opulation change matches needs
In an effort to relieve the rental
housing shortage in Goderich the
housing action committee is polling
senior citizens to•try to ascertain if there
is a need here for government subsidized
housing. The polling of the seniors will
assist two critical situations in Goderich
at the same time, according td the
committee members.
One of ,the problems affecting the
rental shortage is the number of elderly
couples or singles living in one house
that could possibly be duplexed into two
or three apartments or a house for a
family to rent.
By establishing senior citizen housing
the committee feels that it will be able to
provide excellent accommodation for
seniors that are not completely in-
dependent and' also bring more housing
onto the market, for rental,
Housing and census figures in
.Goderich seem to bear out this theory.
The Goderich Public Utilities Com-
mission records 'on ' their customers
indicate that there are about 1,700 to
1,800 housing units in Goderich that are
inhabited' by the owner and his or her
family. The records also indicate there
are.. about' 750 housing unitstirented in
The PUC figures total 2,900 customers
on the Utilities' wa,tc,L-tiles, 433 of which
are commercial or industrial accounts.
That reduces the number of residential -
units to 2,467.
Of these, 129.apartment units receive
PUC water service and the amount of
water used is recorded 'on one bulk
meter installed in the basement of an
apartment house or building That
leaves thenumber of single residential
units at about`2,338,
To 'protect its income, the PUC
requests a'security deposit from people
receiving water in a home they do not
own but rent and pay the utility bill
themselves. ...The deposit enables the
PUC to regain a defaulted payment
where the customer does. not .own the.
house ,and the Utility cannot take their
money out of the L person's property
taxes. '
This year the utility received deposits
from 614 different 'people — and that
reduces the number of residential units
lived,in by the owner to 1,724.
The 1975 census figures for the town of
.Goderich indicate that residents bet-
ween the ages of infancy and 65 could,
Death by asphyxiation
be ewer
of toys that invite deat
An eight-month old baby died in her crib
recently. An investigation showed death
by asphyxiation. Presumably, the infant
had been playing with a small plastic rattle
-and had fallen face down, jamming the
object into her throat.
This tragic incident prompts the Ontario'
Safety League to once again warn parents
on the dangers of leaving rattles, teething
rings and small toys in a crib with an un-
supervised” infant. Suffocation can and
does happen -even in the interval between
frequent crib checks.
Large, plush toys can also cause suf-
focation to the infant who has not yet
developed the protective. relfex action to
push objects off the face. Crib toys with
small parts that could easily be swallowed
should he avoided, as should toys that can
break, exposing sharp edges. •
Pacifiers with s.mallguard shields -have
been banned in Canada for some time.
Rings and handles of pacifiers must
remain attached or he either flexible or
hinged tit prevent injury, should the child
roll face down with the object in the mouth.
However, despite these gcvernment'safety
precautions, parents are still warned not
to hang a pacifier around,an infant's neck.
The string or chain can easily catch on
something and strangle a struggling child.
Dr. R.J. Imrie, prominent pediatrician
and a ._director of the Ontario Safety
League, said that many parents waste
precious time' inatternpting to remove
foreign objects from a baby's 'nose, eyes
and ears, or in trying to reach their family
doctor. Emergency services are available
in most hospitals with doctors in at-
tendance at all times, he noted.
Dr, Imrie suggested that' 'if you live
within 25 miles of such a service, the baby
should be taken immediately for medical
attention. Attempting to remove an object
from an infant's nose , yourself is par-
ticularly dangerous, he•said.. It is too easy
to push the object further -up the nasal
In removing foreign objects in the throat,
Dr. Imrie said it is important to elevate the
feet so that the baby's head is lower than.
the hips. He suggested 'picking the child up
by the feet and hitting its hack between the
shoulder blades"To' propel the object from
the windpipe. If that doesn't remove the
object, and if the child is unable to cough or
breathe, try to remove it from the back of
the throat with your index finger. If
wheezing occurs or coughing persists.
consult a physician at once.
)r,;- Imrie said, however, that such
emergencies are unnecessary and can be.
avoided if •.crib and teething toys are
removed while the baby isleft alone.
easily inhabit . all the housing in
Goderich. The census recorded 470
people. between the ages of infancy and
four years,Qtld in Goderich, 1,861 between
the ages of five and 19, 3,898 between 20
and 65 and 1,055 over 66 years old. The
population of the town is up 240 people
since the same time last year.
Population increases in an urban area
are reflected on the community housing,
according. to the age group where the
most inc ;ease is realized. If there are
more children born, the housing market
will not be seriously, affected by, the
increase but if the increase is caused by
an influx of adults moving into the
community then housing should increase
• Since the beginning of 1974, 107 new
dwelling units have been created in
Goderich, none of which are apartment -
type units. In the same period 75
children have been born or brought into
the town while the increase in number of
people living here between the ages of 20
and 65 is up 258 in the same period.
That increase is most evident in the g1
to 35 age bracket. For argument's sake
assume that the . new residents are
married. They . need over 100 homes in
which to live in Goderich.'
The number of senior citizens in
Goderich indicates the,,., number of
housing units lived in '1:5y one or two.
people. There are 1,055 people here over
• the age of 66 arid there are about two
dozen units of housing used strictly for
senior citizens housing. "
Assuming the senior citizens in town
are living in couples, and the census
figures indicate 426 males over 66 and
629 females over 66, about 300 units of
housing are inhabited by senior citizen
married couples while about 450 units
are inhabited by single senior citizens.
The end result of the calculations is
that the housing market 'in Goderich is
meeting the demands of .the population
provided people in need of housing are
willing to purchase one•of the many new
homes being built here every day.'
If . the new residents are single and -are
content to rent room -and -board -type_
accommodation, they may be lucky and
find something here but ,if a family
wishes to rent a house or apartment they
may as well try„elsewhere.
The future is grim for rental housing
also. In the next ten years the only rental
accommodation on paper to be con-
structed in Goderich is a ten -unit
apartment building proposed by Peter
Brander and that is being held, up by the
Ontario Municipal Board.
PUC warns council against closing
section of Cambridge St, to traffic
The Goderich ' Public
U,,tilities Commission
registered a written objection
to town -council Monday night
concerning the closing of a
section of Cambridge Street.
Council had intended to
give third reading to a bylaw
to close Cambridge Street
between lots 19, 20 and 21 and
lots 16, 17 and 18 and also the
part between' lots 1, 2, and .3
and lots 26, 27, and 28. In the
event that there were no
objections council was
prepared to convey to the
oW ners, Guenther-Tuck'ey,.
mmerson Overholt Estate'
and Rexford Duckworth
compensation for that part of
Cambridge Street that abutts
their property.
The PUG' registered the
objection because a 27,000
volt power line that supplies
power to most of Goderich is
located on the said property.
If the street were closed
council could sell the •said
property and the new owners
could in effect tell the PUC ,to
remove the line.
PUC manager Dave
Roulston 'said that if they
were required ; td move that
line it would be at a''great deal
of expense, adding that the
PUC cannot just put that type
of line anywhere. He said if
the land were gold the PUC
would require a fenced 30 -foot
easement that could provide
truck access'' to the line in
case of repairs.
Council Dave' dower ex-
pressed the concern that
other residents may not have
filed objections when they
• learned of the PUC objection,
,,simply leaving it in their
Council must now offer the
property for sale`,to •abutting
owners with provisions for
the 30 foot'- easement for
access to the line. Thethird
reading of the bylaw was
tabled until the December 1
meeting of council.
A- +
Plenty of people are willing to
give God credit, yet few are
willing to give Him cash.
If God went out
on strike
A sure way to
It's just a good thing God above
I•las never gone on strike
Because he wasn't treated fair
For things he didn't like.
If He had ever once sat down
.And said, "That's it —I'm through;
I've had enough of those on earth
So this is what I'll do.
A Man
For a recliner that nmef dream of coming home to ...
"I'll give rfly orders to the sun
Cut offyour heat supply
And to the moon ,— give no more
And run the oceans dry:
• Then just to really make it tough
And put the pressure on
I'll turn off air and oxygen
Till every breath is gone."
Do you know He'd be justified
If`fairness was the game
-For no one has been more abused
Or treated with disdain •
Than God — and yet he carries on
Supplying you and me
With all the favors of His grace
And everything for free.
Men say they want a better deal
And so on strike they go
But what a deal we've given God
For everything we owe.
We don't care who we hurt or harm
To gain the things we like
But what a mess we'd all kin
if God would go on strike.
— (Author unknown)
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Hi -Lo.
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If God went out
on strike
A sure way to
It's just a good thing God above
I•las never gone on strike
Because he wasn't treated fair
For things he didn't like.
If He had ever once sat down
.And said, "That's it —I'm through;
I've had enough of those on earth
So this is what I'll do.
A Man
For a recliner that nmef dream of coming home to ...
"I'll give rfly orders to the sun
Cut offyour heat supply
And to the moon ,— give no more
And run the oceans dry:
• Then just to really make it tough
And put the pressure on
I'll turn off air and oxygen
Till every breath is gone."
Do you know He'd be justified
If`fairness was the game
-For no one has been more abused
Or treated with disdain •
Than God — and yet he carries on
Supplying you and me
With all the favors of His grace
And everything for free.
Men say they want a better deal
And so on strike they go
But what a deal we've given God
For everything we owe.
We don't care who we hurt or harm
To gain the things we like
But what a mess we'd all kin
if God would go on strike.
— (Author unknown)
The La -Z -Boy collection of fine chairs is world,
renowned for distinctive qukility, elegant styling and
superb comfort. Impeccablecraftsmanship combined
with eye -appealing beauty createa stunning, dramatic -
and lasting impression. A complete range of seating
needs is reflected in the various styles and series
Reclina-Rocker, La -Z -Lounger'.; Sofette, La -Z -Rocker,
Hi -Lo.
B acksi�ne Furniture