HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-11-20, Page 14PAGE 2—GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, NOVE'Mt ER 20 1975
Announce skaters' awards
Figure skating executive
plans busy winter: season
The Goderich F igure Feagan and Connie de Haas.
Skating ,Club met on Monday Connie de Haas competed
November 10 at the in Juvenile Ladiesand
Recreation Office for its Interpretive Ladies and
monthly meeting. placed eighth ,in a fligrf 16
The meeting was brought to inIaenile Ladies.
order by the president Joan
The treasurer's report was .
given by treasurer Charles-
Ways and Means Chairman
Marge- Koytk reported the
club is having a bake sale and
crafts , bazaar on Saturday,
November 29 from 2-5p.m. at
the old Wayne Sports Store,
, the corner of Kingston Street
and The Square.
Much discussion was on
private lessons, planning of a
Skate,a-thon, and planning
the carnival which is to 'be
held on April 2nd and 3rd.
Carnival chairman is Mrs.
Betty Harris again this year
and anyone wishing to help
Betty should please call her
at 524-9135. Anyone wishing to
help with costumes should
call Mrs. Muriel Morgan at
524-2205 as soon as possible.
The club is hosting
Christmas School again this
year December 22 - January
4. There will be no club
skating on January 3rd due to
Christmas School, but there
will be regular club sessions
on D ecember 27.
There will be no skating on
January 17 due to Minor
Hockey hosting Salt Fleet. ,
Members, should mark
their calendac with these
important dates or read the
bulletin board atthe arena.
Michele Harris, Nancy
Jacobson and Lori Feagan
competed in Pre Juvenile
Ladies in a flight of 33. Nancy
Jacobson finished 10th,
Michele Harris finished' llth,
and Lori Feagan 15th.
Rusty Orinandy attended
St. Thomas Summer and Fall
School. 'He passed his fifth.
figures, and Paso & Blues,
two Senior Silver dances,
and Rusty and, his dance
partner Karen Osborne came
first in the Stanford Dance
Competitions held in Niagara
Falls in July.
Fhe Club wishes good luck
'to Brenda Love and George
Dierolf who are competing in
Sectionals in Preston this
Kinsmen Club announces
stag night success
The Goderich Kinsmen
report that the fall stag night
was another success with
proceeds going toward. the
Kinsmen Club House where
the workshop for retarded
adults is located.
The big winner of the
evening was Russell Pruder
who took home $500.
Others who won $25
Bizarre trends
were: Dr. Jim Peters, Jim
Houston, Mrs. Dianne Argyle,
Brian Kennedy.; Ron Moore,
Richard Thompson, Orville
Stanley, Mark Lassaline,
Garnet Diehl, Dennis Jewitt,
John Doherty, John
Voskamp, Elwin Arkinson,
George Young, Joe Thomp-
son, Willy Pederson, Morris
McMillan, Bill Govier, Jim
Mero and Arnold Vint.
in Forester loop
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Buchheit,
'daughter of Jack and Evelyn
Wright, formerly of Goderich
and now living in Cornwall,
Ontario, recently received
her Master of Science
(Computer Science) degree„
from the University of
Calgary. Elizabeth, a
graduate of Goderich
Collegiate Instituee, obtained
her Bachelor of Mathematics
degree from the University of
Waterloo. Elizabeth is at
present .on the staff of Bell
Northern Research, Ottawa.
There were bizarre hap- the Go. 1'evils; and Bevan
penings when the Foresters' LindSay of the "?".
couples' bowling league me't Mary Bissett recorded _the
last Sunday, Nov. 16. - ladieshigh single with a 214
Of the ten teams competing and. ,her 613 total captured
in the league, rive of them high triple honors. Lyall
took all, seven points in Mabon topped the men with a
Sunday's play, .The winning 288 -single and his 666 triple
teams and their captains was also tops.
were Bill Chisholm . of the The StrikihgSix still hold
Eleven's; Rod Johnston of the • the league lead but face. a
Ram Rods; Glen Lamb of the fierce challenge from th0
Attending -Kitchener Striking Six; Jack Thom of Elevens.
Summer School were Connie •
r daccident
de . Haas, Nancy . Jacobson,
• •
Lori Feagari, Michele Harris,
George and Vicky Dierolf,
Brenda Love, Lisa Varga and
Debbie Jeffrey. ,
Lori Feagan and Nancy
Jacobson passed their second
figures. ,
Owen . Sound Summer
Skati)ng School wasattended'
by Christy Boddy and Anne
Allan. Christy Boddy passed
her EuropeanWaltz.
Attending Wingharn Fall
School were Karen and Carol
° Dichert, George and Vicky
Dierolf,, Michelle Campbell,
Anne Allan, Darlene Moore,
Tracy McEwan, Lisa Varga,
-Brenda Love, Michele Harris . .
and Debbie Jeffrey. . November 5, the Black
George Dierolf passed his River arrived from Thunder
third, figure.; Lisa Varga Bay with .a load of grain; the
passed her first figure; Karen E. B. Barber arrived light
Dechert passed Willow from Ashterbula for
Waltz; . Lisa Varga passed November 7, the Quosaoltc.
Fiesta 'Tango; Anne Allan arrived light from Buffalosto
passed Swing Dance; Carol load corn. ,
Dechert passed Swing Dance. November 10, the Westdale
—.Entered in Central Ontario ' arrived 'from ' ThUnder Bay
Section Summer Skating with a load of grain.
Competitions' held in Toronto November 11, the Algdway
in August. were George arrived light from Harbor
Dierolf and Brenda Love and Beach for ' salt; the Agawa
Debbie Jeffrey. Canyon arrived light from
Brenda Love skated in Harbor Beach for' salt.
Juvenile Ladies and placed. November 15, the Meaford
George Dierolf competed in arrived light from Hamilton
Juvenile Men's and Inter- to load Om; the Agawa
pretive Men's and placed Canyon arrived light from
seventh in both. , Sarnia for salt.
George Dierolf and Brenda November 16, the Canadian
Love also competed in Novice Coast . Guard ship Spume
Mixed Pairs and placed sixth arrived;. the E.B. Barber .
in their flight of nine. arrived light from Thorold for ..
Debbie Jeffrey who com- salt.
peted in Pre. Novice Ladies, November 12, thd Black
won, hcr flight and finished River arrived from Thunder
loth bverall. . Bay. with a load of grain.
Entered in ' Summer
Invitational Skating Com-
petitions held in Stanford in -
July were Michele Ilarris,'
Nancy Jacobson, Lori'
• in
town Talk
COBORNE CORtq., Kant.,
There's a special appeal to
the men -and women of. this
community to donate blood,
The Blood Clinic will be held
in Goderich Collegiate
Institute on December 2nd,
There is an urgent need for
blood to _meet the ever in-
creasing demand. Please
give this your attention and if
pcissible be a blood donor on
December 2. at Goderich
Members of Tiger Dunlop
Women's Institute are
reminded. of the November
meeting to be in Colborne
Twp. Hall, Wednesday,
November 26 at 2 p.m.
Institute members from
Auburn and Londesboro
Mrs. Lillian Sommers had
as guests for the Remem-
brance Pay weekend her
daughter and son-in-law Mr.
and Mrs. Don Glenn of Rich-
mond Hill -and their two sons.
The sons marched in their
navy uniforms with the
Goderich -Legion church
parade on the ,weekend. Also
surprise. guests on Tuesday
were Mrs. Sommers' son's
wife Mrs. William Moheing
and her mother of London
who attended the wreath
laying -at the 'Goderich
Women's Institutes will be
guests. The special. speaker
w ill be Wm. Clifford, who will
acquaint all with various
phases of real estate:'
Everybody is welcome.
The Tiger D un lop G maps of
4-H Girls have completed
their meetings for the project
"Let's Bake Bread" and are
now busy with plans for the
skits br exhibits they -plan to
present at Achievement Day
which will be December 13.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Kaitting attended the funeral
in London, Wednesday,
November 12 of Albert Black-
well, husband of Florence
Grindrod, formerly of
Nevus from the Library
The wide variety of craft available from the Goderich
books found under 745 will branch.
help you, pass the long
Rebekahs name
winners'. at
catt party
evenings and create personal
Christmas gifts.
These titles include: "The
complete book of han-
dicrafts", "Gifts you. can
make" by the editors of
Sunset books; "How to make
something from nothing" by
Ruth Stearns Egge; "Getting
started in dried flower craft"
by Barbar p H. Amlick,
"Leatherwork; a basic
manual" by Benjamin
Maleson, "Shellcraft" by
Cleo Stephens, and-44Siand-'Sim'plewooden tcyinaking" by Bob
Books on entertaining can
be found in this same section.
Some of these titles include:
"Better homes and gardens,
decorations you can make ;
Department investigated Street, Saturday. , Doug -Heads'
h, "Christmas all through 'the
house : 'easy' to make
The .Goderieh. Police three -car collision on West.
only one accident last %meek in Terrence Patterson, 108"
decoration§' for every room in
which a Goderich man was Quebec St., Goderich was the house" by John Berton
taken to -hospital following a treated for cuts and bruises at , Brimer; and "Party and
make brea s
Alexandra Marine and
General Hospital after the
Harbor ieport
- holiday decoration§ you ca
- make" by Karen Carlson
vehicle he was driving was McCann.
I •
Cut off and struck a parked of the IPIorld All of these books are
vehicle owned by Gerald
Huckin, 112 West St.. The
Huckin vehicle in turn rolled
into a third parked' vehicle
owned by Rayy. Frydrych,
79 Hamilston St. Goderich.
Damage to , the Patterson
vehicle was estimated, at
$1,500 while damage to the
parked vehicles owned by
Huckin and Frydrych was
estimated at $1,300 and $1;500
During the past week the
Goderich Po11tzd Department
also laid five charges under
the Liquor Control Act, 17
under the Highway Traffic
Act and one under the
d Vehicle ACcident
Claims Act. ., home.
Motori ze
The, sixth, meeting of the
Taylors Corner's Dough -
Heads was held on Saturday,
November 15 at the Rodges
' The members discussed
Achievement' Day. Mrs.
Diane Baan led the discussion
on bread from other lands.
Karen Rodges and Lynne
Hildebrand made Swedish
Tea Ring, Mrs. Baan and
Debbie Rodges made Chelsea
Buns and Janet Rodges and
Marjorie de Boer made,
Hungarian Bubble Ring.
Next meeting will be held
December 6 at the Rodges
Peter Parent,
Jim Green,
. Vice -President
. ,
Greeh and Parent Ford -Mercury Sales Limited is pleased to
4announce the appointment of co-owners Peter Parent as
President, and Jim Green as Vice -President,
Green arid. Patient Ford -Mercury Sales Limited is a' Fran-
chised Dealership of ford of Canada, airl sells and servites
' the complete line-up of Fotd and WitPc'Ofy coo, as well as.
Ford -built trucks. In additiona arent carries the
imports: tapri II and Cotifier.
ave money!
ut taxes!
with, a
Registered Retirement Savings Plan
accumulating at
I'/c (111,0,11(trio Triol Compaii,v
begun ISS9
Member Canada Deposit •
Insurance Corporation
RIA and GR
524-7381 GODERICH
"adistinctive gift"
From now 'til Christmas a display and
sale of pain,thgs, drawings, macrame,
by,.0ona Mulhern,
'at ri:,•Elgin Ave. West,
Gaiieilch, Ontario.
Wednesdays"— 2-5 p.m.
Saturdays — 1.p.m. - 5 p.m.
Evenings — By Arrangement
The Separate Shoppe
,The' Rebekah Lodge held a
successful card party Friday,
November 14 as both 500 and
euchre were played.
The high lady in 500 was
Mrs. Bert. Russell and Edith
Craig was the low lady.
William Caesar was the high
man for the evening and low
man waS'Da've Harman.
The high lady in the euchre
competition was Lillian
Turner while Anna Rosswas
low.,j1arry Tideswell was the
top Man irr.the euchre while
Arnolt Vint was low. .
Mrs. P. Blundell and Ed
Smith were winners of two
special prizes and Jessie
Snell was the winner of a door
OF* Y061:37 LIFE... .
January 4 to 18
1 week cost 5267.00
Includes: Air, hotels
breakfast daily
Jan 3, 10, 24, 27, 31
1 week cost 5267.00
Includes: Air, hotel
and 2 meals daily
weekly departures
January 1 to Feb. 1
1 week Cost 5269.00
Includes:' Air, hotels
7 breakfasts, 4 dinners
and car for5 days
Ft. Lauderdale departs March 20 for 9 days by air
Inclusive cost: 5368.00 per person quad basis
• Daytona Beach departs March 20 for 9 days by air
Inclusive cost: 5319.00 per person quad basis
Departs from Hanover, Kincardine 8, Owen Sound
2 weeks. from 5489.00
weekly departures
3 weeks from 5725.00
depart S Feb 14
5119.00 round trip stay
minimum 8 days up to 60 days
5149.00 round trip for Xmas
School break and Easter
(AD. NO. P1 -G2 -K3)
831 Queen St.
q\P 2-0T
" 36 West Street
e Now O'N