HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-11-13, Page 13ir 4' Sergeant -at -Arms Ralph Kingswell (foregroun-c6snaps a salute to pay .his respect to' fallen comrades after placing his poppy on a wreath ,at the cenotaph as part of the Remembrance Day 'ceremonies held Tuesday. The Legion member is joined by the Rev. G.L. Royal and former mayor of Goderich, Harry Worsell. (staff -photo.). COLBORNE CORNER Mrs. G. Kaitting 4-H GIRLS Tiger Dunlop Group No. 1 Loafers held their seventh meeting in Colborne Town- ship Hall, Carlow, Monday evening November 10. The girls discussed plans for their skit for Achievement Day, checked record books and files and enjoyed a short social time together while Monday evening for their seventh meeting. I'oll can, "A name used for bread other than for toast and sand- wiches" was answered by 10 members. Discussion followed regarding the record books and recipe files, The girls then, split up into groups of twos and made different - they made a form of pizza , varieties of pizzas which they which they later served for 'later served for lunch to the lunch. delight of a -ll the girls. Their next meeting„.,wall...b.e....., Theleaders had a quiz for "Reviewon Breads” which proved very interesting and informative. 'The next meeting will be held Monday evening November 17 when special discussion will be on the skit they will be presenting for Achievement Day.', Monday, November 17. This project is fast drawing to a close 'and Achievement Day will be December 13th. - Tiger Dunlop Group No. 2 Active Risers met in Colborne Township Hall,. Carlow, • Q)) JACP 'S o ,PLUMBER WHAT DO YOU SAY? ESTIMATES GIVEN, CALL US LTOOAY Q OCAL TRADEMARKS, Ina. is MIRING 6HEA !NG SS KINGSTON ST. SOCIAL NEWS Mr. Allan 'Stoll, who has been a patient, in niversity. Hospital, London, has returned home and his many friends wish him a speedy recovery. We are also pleased to report Darlene Fisher, who was a patient in Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich, having had surgery, ,was released from the hospital last week in time .to attend her sister's wedding on Saturday. , Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Doug Stoll, who are the proud parents of a baby boy. Misses Helen ' Brindley, Betty Sowerby, Sandra Nivens 'and Glen McNeil attended the Junior Farmers Huron -Middlesex Progressive,.Conservgtive (Federal) ANNUAL MEErING AND SELECTION OF DELEGATES FOR THE LEADERSHIP CONVENTION A , Monday, Nov. 24: 8:00 p.m. at the Clinton Legion Hall, Clinton,, Ontario Guest speaker: Mr. Ken Hurlbur't, M.P. Lethbridge, Alberta, and other memlIers. Open meeting, eve,r.y.pne- welcome. ,. !, P • 4-H Conference in Palmer- ston Saturday, November -"8. The theme of the conference was "Look, Leap and Listen" and proved • very interesting and educational. 111111.111.= MIMI& m ti ,51 Aol ; • AUBURN AND flISTRICT NEWS 4-H The seventh meeting of Auburn I, 4-H club was held at the home of Mrs:' ' John Hildebrand with the president , Faye Seers in charge, Roll call was answered by naming a use for bread other than toast or sandwiches. A demonstration of making puffy dutch mini -cookies and cheese cithes was held. Bread sticks made previously were'sampled and covers for - the books we,re handed out. A talk on calorie count in some snack foods was discussed ' and plans were made for the poster, Holiday Breads..- . Plans were made for the pot -luck dinner to be held at the home of Jayne Arthur on Thursday eyeing. Social News Mrs. Wilbert Thom flew out to visit her daughter, Mrs. Helen Anderson in Winnipeg for two weeks • and also will visit with her grandchildren. ' The sympathy of this community is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Marsh in the death of his sister, Mrs. Eva Rice, 83, of Detroit. Mrs. Rice's body was cremated -and laid to rest in Ball's cemetery. "Her son Douglas Rice and family Gail, Randy _and.. Gerry ,• of _Detroit were also here,. Everyone is invited, members, non-members and their husbands and all are to meet at thehall at 10:15 a.m. and then leave from there. All will return to the hall where lunch will be served with the .meeting to follow. Guests -last Sunday with Mr. 'and Mrs.. Donald Cart- wright, David Derrick and Lorie were William Reuger and Carol of R.R. 2 Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cartwright, and Paul of R.R. 1 Blyth; and Mr. ,and Mrs. John Proctor and family of Sunset Beach, Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Allan McDougall and Angie and Miss Debbie Wills of Sudbury spent the weekend with his parentts, Mr. and Mrs: Kenneth McDougall. The Auburn Librarian, -Miss Lorraine Chamney requests all County 'Library books be in by November 8th. We are pleased to see,Mrs.. GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES TO Bruce Erskine 86 North St. Phone 524-9555 ., Iljuidommensionimift A ♦ .... w.., w A w NOTICE Citizens Of Town Of Goderich Leaf Pick -Up ° The Works and Engineering Department will be co- ordinating leaf pick-up with the regular garbage route for the next month, commenting with October 20th. Please arrange to have leaves placed at curb. Small amounts of leaves should be bagged and placed with regular garbage. , For further information 'please call Works & Engineering `Department, 524-7222. ,ICOU.NCILLOR GOWER, WORKS & ENGINEERING CHAIRMAN. Seers home after surgery in Clinton hospital and Mrs, Frank Van Dongen after surgery in Wingham hospital. Prize winners at last week's euchre party were: high lady, Mrs. Florence Millian: low lady,' Mrs, Robert Arthur; high man, Stewart Blathwayt; low man, Bob Turner, and Novelty, Mrs, Tom Cunningham. John McNall of Geraldton visited 'recently with Miss Laura Phillips and Mr, and .Mrs. Tom Johnston. A tour of -Dominion Road Machinery Company is being planned for the next meeting of the Auburn's Women's Institute on November 18 Farmers' Night Out Farmers' Night Out was a huge success last Saturday evening in the Auburn Community Memorial hall. It was sponsored by the fund- raising committee of the Auburn Recreational Com- mittee. James Towe is the president and Mrs. Shirley Andrews and Buzz Daer were in charge of this event.. Door prizes donated by Mr. and Mrs. Pete Whetstone, owners of Arthur Furniture store were won by Tom Hallam, . The second prize went to Mike Foran. A smorgasbord dinner was served by the committee and 1pers. Many thanks to those volunteer ' help'er's who assisted the committee in this .worthwhile project. A meeting is being planned for Thursday evening,, November 13 in the Auburn library to plan events this winter. Anyone wishing to play shuffle board, volleyball and badminton, please come to this meeting at 8 p.m. and make your wishes known to. the committee. 4y� Walkerburn Club The Walkerburn Club held it monthly'. meeting at the home of Mrs. Leonard Archambault with ' the president, Mrs, Carmen Mrs Wes 8radoock 526-1595 Gross in charge.. Roll call was answered by giving donations to the Korean Foster child, Mrs. Elliott Lapp distributed the History of Walkerburn as given by Mr. Colin Fingland of Wingham last year, The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as read by Mrs. Tom Cun- ningham. The_treasurer, Mrs. Lloyd McClinchey gave the financial statement. She reported that the support to the foster child was paid up to the end of December. The draw prize donated by Mrs. Elliott Lapp'was won by Mrs. Nans Bonstoppel" Plans were made to hold the next meeting at the home of Mrs. Worthy Young in Goderich, Mrs. Tom Cun- ningham and Mrs Lloyd McClinchey will be in charge of program, Mrs. "Henry Hunking took charge of" the afternoon's program and had an in- teresting pie contest, a States of America contest and a reading. Lunch was served by Mrs. Lloyd McClinchey and Mrs. Tom Cunningham,., Rowson'sSjiop For Mei Imported from Ireland Magee- foremost in men's wear in the British Isles --- now at- Rawson's Shop for Men. These fine Donegal -Tweeds are handwoven from pure wool in Belfast.. Enjoy the elegant comfort that good roomy styling gives, as well as that mastery of masculine colour.- which is Magee's proud claim. Come in and browse through our selection .of business and leisure suits; jackets and slacks. Earl Rawson LIMITED CORNER MONTREAL ST. AND THE SQUARE OPEN WEbNESDAY AFTERNOONS AND THURSDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS TILL 9 P.M. JUST ARRIVED ERNIE RICHARDSON Curling Boots .a Black o;r Brown. 2:95 These boots have a full slide sole SPROULE SHOES KINGSTON ST., .GODERICH 70 F1, CRAIGIE'S- PATENT-MEDlCiNESHEALTH And BEAUTY -AIDS 'TOBACCO -CONVENIENCE GROCERIES - BORDEN MILK and .ICE CREAM Is 70 D► .3101VID - S,3lO$V Ii) - 5,310110D - S,3IeLY D - S, FINAL NET GET SET TWIN PACK HAIR SPRAY SHAMPOO UNSCENTED o. $1.88 STRAWBERRY, TANGERINE, APRICOT REO. $1.09 ULTRA BAN SUPER DRY SPRAY REG. 51.99 SCENTED, UNSCENT„ED 9°.$1.69 400 ML. 99c MODERNE TOILET HEAD 8 SHOULDE RS LOTION 2-100 ML. REG. 52,17 $X1.99 ut f"1 P1 TISSUE WHITE ONLY , 2 ROLL PACK 47c MILK 'xi. 2 PERCENT 1.50 HOMO 55 • BORDEN'S SHERBET . PINTS 59c CREST. TWIN PACK 2.100 ML. TUBES REGULAR-, MINT REG. $2,69 $1..99 BREAD LOAF 47c LARGE ASSORTMENT OF 88c - TOYS • 9 OZ. HOL'LANDIA COOKIES REG. 69c 59c CIGARETTE: , AEG. SIZE CARTON 5.76 KING SIZE irARTON 5.86 SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE TIL MUNt7AY, NOV. 17TH WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTfiIES 58 THE SQUARE, STORE HOURS: GOD RICH MON. TO FRI.. 7:30 to 9 SAT. 7:39 to 8 SUN. 12 to '. CR AIGIE'S CRAIGIE'S CRAIGIE'S CRAIGIE'S - CRAIGIE'S _ ' CR AIGIE'S V1 M..