HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-10-30, Page 254 *SIUDY RETIRED' UNITED CHURCH ARTHUR F. GARDNER MINISTER Some years ago Jack London strong in him that he finally right. A person is known by the wrote° an interesting , story asked his father for his share of company he keeps.. .(continued frorrlpage 3A) entitled, "The Call of the Wild". the inheritance and went out to 'May I remind you that one of presented him with a gift f The story concerns a'do� by the squander his substance with his the great organizations which moneand frac book "Behold name of Buck who was taken evil companions. But the call of give us physical spiritual and Marc' by Lennirt Neilson, a into the -Klondik G Id Pro4jfe annual meeting.... t,l ol,l I' It H SIGNAL -STAR, T11LRSD,AY, 10 JDESE fAREE[[ `tea thuugh 1 wont through the volley din, shadow of death 1 shot! loot no • ..1 for Thou art with me —23rd Psalm MRS. EDITH CRAIG Mrs. Edith Craig died Monday, October 20 in Alexandra Marine and e o regions the wild in the prodigal was intellectual stamina is the• must for every medical General Hospital. She was 82. by his master. never so strong as to win him Church, The Church is made up library. She was the former Edith The master and dog were completely. It was not longOf 'a Mrs. Osborn thanked the Henry,orn A group of people .trying to Board of Directors for the • th grin 18, 1893 in very devoted. The dog was part until the call of civilization live better lives who a wolf and part shepherd but the wolf part predominated, with a desire for the wild life of his forebearers. Often at night the howling of the wild wolf pack would ttig at Buck's heart. There were times when fie would leave the camp and be gone'"fdr several days; but the brought him back to his father seeking to be integrated on the past year and asked them, to who received him and restored highest level of creative living stand. Marvin Barz, the him to his rightful place• which they can attain. Rev. Leon ard Warr, Clarice Within all our hearts evil The -Church ' is an Dalton, Teresa Courtney, Ann comes from time to time. Si`n organization where we can find Brand, Peony Pelss, Sharon and ,wrong doing calls, and opportunity to be of service to Munro, Martha Kuipers,' many times we make ex- humanity and make" that Harriett Klazinga and Alice cur"sions doing those things.that service felt in a finer and better Krohmer. Retiring from the are not right in the sight of way, The Church is an board, are Anne Brand and love of his master would. bring either God or man. There are organization through which we Alioe Krohmer. him back. , times when we fall short, of worship God, for we are On returning from one of what we 'ourselves hold as an children of God and have an On behalf of the nominating these expeditions with the wild ideal for our lives. instinct instinct to worship. committee, Mrs: Penny Pelss pack, Buck found the camp Now there are Tome in- The Church is an brought in the" following destroyed and his master dividuals that make it harder organization where men and names for the Board of murdered. His last =tie with for us to do gdod and to live women, boys and girls band Directors, John Oskam, Ken civilization was broken. That we11.,They are part of the• pack together in a fellowship not only Reidy and Mrs. Agnes Car - night. he again heard the who make it easy for us to do to 'worship God but to live as bert, who were elected to the yelping of the wolf pack. After wrong and to desire less than good lives as-they,possibly can. board. turning to look back at his the best. Similarly there are The. Church has its example in Mrs. Osborn will fake the murdered maste -„Buck trotted some organizations that en- the life and teaching of Jesus position . as Past chairman. off into the woods and joined courage the evil instincts Christ; for He is not only the Positions will be designated the pack for good. within us, urging us to make ideal of the Church but He is the at the first. meeting in . Later it was reported that a excursions into the cess pools of power of the Church. It is November. Mr.rWarr thanked wild wolf pack was being led by humanity. through Him that we have Mrs. Osborn for her untirin a dog like wolf, more fierce On the other hand there are strength to live better lives.., g than the rest., The call of the, some individuals and It is by following theservices for the Pro Life J.A. ounty of Durham, England, to, John and' Margaret Ann (Bryers) Henry, She had been ,a resident OT Goderich since 1923. She, was a member of St. George's Anglican Church. She was predeceased by her husband, Joseph C. Craig. She is survived by two sisters, Mrs. W. (Dora) Flatley, Windsor, and Mrs. Isabel Newall in England. She is also survived by several niecesand nephews. Funeral service was Wednesday, October 22 in ,McCallum Funeral Home with Canon G.G. Russell officiating Interment' was in Maitland Cemetery. Pallbearers were Bill Ellis, Don Ellis, Dennis Ellis, Tom Flatley, Bill Flatley and Dave Kin- dervater. o Ing group and presented her with,. ( ALEX) MALLOUGH wild was so strong that Buck organizations that help us to bMeachings of this Jesus that the a gift. Joseph Alexander (Alex) finally went back completely to better men and women. They call of the wilds which come to„ Mallough died Wednesday, -his wild state. make us understand that less us. from time to time, do not The Ballad of the UnbornOctober ' 22 in University We have a similar 'story to than the' best is beneath the destroy _ us but enable us to was recited by Sharon Munro Hospital, London, at the age this in the New Testament. It dignity of a child of God. It is overcome them. Thus by accompanied by .Barbara. of 72 years: concerns the Prodigal Son who good- to have • friends and to seeking the good, we are known Hodgins on the guitar.He was born July 3, 1903 in had a longing for the wild life. belong to organizations thatas Christians who follow theGoderich to ' . Joseph He wanted to get away from help us live our lives in a finerlivinSa.vi.our.. Alexander and Ethel home and spend his money in way, that give us a sense of It is my earnest_prayer, .that ..Jesus as Lord and Saviour and ( McLean) Mallou h. He had riotous -living. . . g understanding and helpfulness every, man and woman, every accept His way -of life as their been a lifelong resident of The call 'of the wild was so for that which is ' noble and boy and girl, will come to know living way. Goderich and worked for 45 '"a'' 'years as a stationery engineer at Purity Flour Mills, Maple Leaf Milling and • , J�' Upper Lakes Shipping. He biro, THE BIBLE BY CORNELIUS R. STAM • : PRE°S. BEREAN BIBLE SOCIETY CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60635 94t(#t ?” ‘itme;.e:‘ Here I am,. Lord Here I am, Lord . Remember me?- I'm the one `who insisted on giving you a promissory note when I was desperate down_and out • I vowed I didn't care how high the payments were I said I'd pay them gladly, Lord, if only you, would rescue me I was so grateful when with your generous hand you paid the price of all my debts so willingly T meant I,keep my pledge I intended to make thepayment. But then .. • I got sidetracked old friends beckoned me old ways seemed pleasant so•I stuffed the promissory note away and tried to foitiget about it The 'd see you coming ,. do*ft'e street to meet me and I'd dodge into a building as if I had important business there or • slip across thestreet If suddenly, in a crowd, I'd come upon you face to face IA pretend I didn't know you shift my guilty eyes from your searching; sorry ones Occasionally I'd meet you walking . with a friend of mine Then I'd acknowledge you with a curt.nod 'and hurry on embarrassed Everywhere T went, Lord, You'd be there Everywhere I turned I'd see your presence For me there could be no escape So here I am, Lord, ready not just to make the payments but give my all Takeit, Lord, Take me :Forgive me, Lord, Use me You bought me, Lord, I'm yours Thank you, Lot'd, I am at peace `'' Wedding stories • and pictures must arrive at the Signal -Star within 30 days' of marriage or 9S fee will be charged 'for Wedding accounts after that date D TWO MIIVUTES TRUE THANKSGIVING Many people entertain only vague notions about thanksgiving, just as they do about faith. They ,confuse faith with opti- mism, will power, presumption, im- agination, and all sorts of other. things. A doctor tells his patient that, but for his faith, he never would have come through his ill• ness. Somehow the patient was "just sure” he would recover. A smiling mother encourages her married daughter to "have faith that everything will turn out all right." But faith' is simply believ- ing, and faith in God is believing God; believing,' what He has 'said. Faith is based on the written Word of God, See Romans 10:17, But unregenerate men also have ,,vague ideas about thanksgiViing.• A rnan escapes some great harm and thanks his "lucky stars:" .Another says: "I'm grateful for a healthy body," but to whom is he grateful? He doesn't say. In ..many cases it doesn't even -occur to him to ask.'' He's'"just thankful"! •. How refreshing, then, it is to open our Bibles, especially to the Epistles of Paul, the ."chief of sin- ners," saved by grace, and to see him giving thanks for specific bless- ings, and ,to a specific Person— 1. God! ' "Giving thanks unto the•Father, who hath made us meet (fit) to be I partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light: Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and Century Club of the Maple Leaf Milling Co. Ltd. 'Mr. Mallough was •a member o Knox Presbyterian Church:' Surviving are his wife, the former Clara Steep; five daughters, Mrs. Jack (Norene) Tebbutt, • •RR 2, Clinton; Mrs• George(Joyce) Bolton, Goderioh; Mrs. Joan Willows, Windsor; Mrs. George (Deanna) Bacon, Goderich Township; and Mrs. Paul (Shirley) Baechler, Goderich; three sons, David A. (Sonny), Raymond and Donald, all of Goderich; 14 grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. Charles (Tody) Robinson; Goderich; and one brother, Edgar Mallough, Goderich. Funeral service was Saturday, October 25 at McCallum Funeral Home with the Rev. G.L. Royal officiating. "7 - Interment "'Interment was• in Maitland Cemetery, Goderich. Pallbearers were Gordon , Mohring, Ernie Peachey, Edward Vincent, Howard Squires, Jack Fritzley and •Mac Fritzley. Flower bearers were Wayne Tebbutt, Gary Tebbutt, Kerry Willows, Tim Willows, Ronnie Bacon, Gary Mallough and Paul Dockstader all grandsons of the deceased. LOIS C.,DINSMO•RE Lois C. (Tebbutt) Dinsmore, wife of the late James Gordon Dinsmore died recently_ in a Tavistock nursing home, • Her only survivor in retired in 1968.. He was a Goderich is • Mr's. Evelyn .member of the' Quarter- Glazier, a sister. Ir"t +++ OCTOBER.30, 19' 5,—,PAGE, °# Are you on the goall the time and eating out a lot? Do it nutritionally by snacking with peanuts instead of chocolate bars, fruit juices instead of soft drinks, fresh fruits instead of cake or pie, a hamburger, not just chips and gravy. During Nutrition Week, November 2-8 write to your local health unit for a copy of the pamphlet "Easy Eating" to help you create a more healthful food style for yourself Remember, NUTRITION MATTERS, +++ Bob' McCALLUM Representative 11 Cambria Rd., Goderich Sunday, November 2 8:00 p.m. r ti Special Speaker A REPRESENTATIVE FROM GOSPEL .TEXT PUBLISHERS Special Music CarnShiIIington OF GLOBAL TV — HEARD BY THOUSANDS EVIL PREVAILS WHEN G0OD MEN. DO NOTHING' Huron M*Ws Chapel AUBURN „„1+• .•,1••\•• t••••••••• •••••••-• ••'0...• ••\.•\r.1•.\••.0...•\•.\...\•••••••..••-�..••••►•.\...••••,•.1..\•• SUNDAY SERVICES The family that -prays together..., „- .. 1 •. • L._ tf BEREAABY-THE—WATER R i j% .LUTHERAN CHURCH hath translated us into the king- I % O of 'His' dear Son" (Col. 1:12, _ 3 13). "Thanks be to God•.for-His un- f I i speakable gift" (11 „Cor. 9:15). } "Th'anks be to God, which giveth t us., the victory!" (1 Cor. 15:`57). 1 obi for all ages 9:30 a.m. I "Thanks be unto God, who always % W h t 11 00 causeth us.to triumph!" (II Cor. • I „ „ % �'' SERMON: BY. GRACE ALONEri It is our• prayer for all our read- • - Marvin L. Barz, Pastor 524-2235 ers that this Thanksgiving season "Being justified by faith, we halve peace with God through our t and always you may be sincerely thankful for "the gift. of God [which] is eternal life through Jesus Christ, our Lord" (Rom. 6:23). "He that believeth on the Son hath ev- erlasting life: and he that believeth not •the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him" (John 3:36). Meeting at Robertson Memorial School (Blake and' Eldon Streets, Goderich) SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1975 SundaySch, Worship a a.m. l Lord Jesus Christ" Romans 5, 1 % 1 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH l i ''j /? (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) t I 1 MONTREAL STREETtnear The Square i i • REV. W.H. McWHINNIE F.R.G".S.. % % Organist:. Mr. Frank Bissett , 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School •11 A.M WORSHIP SERVICE THE PASTOR PREACHING .. Come You will` be made welcome The Master's Touch Trio IN SONGANDTESTIMONIES 11:00 and 7:30 SUNDAY,NOV. 2 CaIv.ary. Baptist Church BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE ST. Everyone Welcome Always .����_Z-��-••••=SWC �St��� I 1• •\•.'.►••\.•• .•,v.^ :..\•. \.• .••\..\..• ...• ••\:•\..•••••••••\..V• ••\•••-•••..••-S.• '11 • it The Free Methodist Church Park St. at Victoria ' Pastor: H• Ross Nicholls;. 1 2 way Bus Service Free to S.S. and A.M. Worship by calling • I 524-9903 10:00 a.m. Sunday School - for all ages % 11x00 a.m. "TAPPING .OUR RESOURCES"j • '7:00 p.m. Evening Worship Stays together Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada- COR ER OF= ELGIN AND 'WATERLOO STS. �' )I PASTOR REV. FRED D 'DAY • • BIBLE COLL'C;E TEAM )'0:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. CONTACT 524-2709 Free Bus' Transportation EVANGELISTIC MEETING - 7:00 P.M, PRAYER MEETING - TUES. 8 P.M. ' YOUTH MEETING - FRII 8 P.M. A WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU Knox Presbyterian Church. THE REV G LOCKHART ROYAL B A Minister THE REV RONALD C McCALLUM: Assistant WILLIAM M CAMERON Director df Praise ti SUNDAY', NOVEMBER 2, 1975 MISSION EMPHASIS WEEKEND ,Morning Worship at 11:00 a.m. Sermon: "MISSION: YESTERDAY, TODAY, TOMORROW” (Nursery Facilities) Music: North Street United Church choirs (Consolidated Sunday School retires from Service) SA-TURDAY, 'NOVEMBER 1, 1975 9:30 a.m. to Noon 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. ,THE OLD MISSION IN A NEW DAY Enter to Worship Depa' i to Serve 1 1 Holiness becometb thy house, 0 Lord,for ever. Psalm 93:5'„\„\„\,.,..,•.,,..\.,,,.,.,.:,,\ Everyone Welcome, % %% CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET EVANGELISTIC — FUNDAMENTAL • REV Fl BRUBACHER Pastor SUNDAY;'NOVEMBER 2, 1975 10:00 A.M. BIBLE SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP SPECIAL MUSIC --1'HE MASTER'S TOUCH TRIO • 6:1.5 P.M, WORD OF LIFE CLUB 7:30 P.M. .`DON'T 'FOSS HEARING "THE MASTER'S TOUCH TRIO” IN SONG AND TESTIMONIES WED. 8 p.m. - PRAYER MEETING. WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 . _.. �.•_.. �••'V .•�• 1_.._•..�.•_ .tip% • THE SALVATION ARMY 18 WATERLOO ST • S SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 9'45 AM FAMILY WORSHIP — 11 00 AM EVANGELISTIC SERVICE --- 7 p m WEEKDAY Home League (ladies) Wed 8 00 p Prayer & Bible Studte5• Thus 730 p r11 524.9341 h OFFICERS • CAPTAIN G HERBER CAPTAIN M, MacKENZIE 'All Are Cordially invited to Attend ti 0 % • 10:00 & 11: a.m. CHILDREN'S PROGRAM 8 NURSERY Rector: Canon G G Russell. B A, B.D Choirmaster -Organists Joseph B Herdman ST:GEORGE'S CHURCH ALL SAINTS NOVEMBER 2, 1975 8:30• a.m. HOLY COMMUNION .11 a.m. HOLY trOMMUNION AND SERMON • • Victoria Street United Church (, HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP • 'REV LEONARD WARR % i Q 10 A.M. Bible School for all Grades ' ' % 11 a.m. - Worship Service 1. ! Sermon:"HOLD YOUR TONGUE, AND 1. !4_ PUT OUT THE FIRE" i, - W -E -L -C -O -M -E - I , •. Mrs. J. Snider, Organist & Choir Director) • j • .- i North Street United Church The Rev• Ralph E. King, B.A., B.D., Minister Moss Clare McGowan - Visiting Assistant Mr. Lorne H. Dotterer Director of Music Sunday School Ages 10 and up at 9:45 a.m. Sunday School for ages 3 to 9 from Worship at 11:00 a.m. -SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1975 O RSH'IP 11:00 A.M. SERMON: "HUNGERING. AND THIRSTING" THE ORGANIST AND CHOIR OF KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH WILL SHARE IN THE SERVICE Nursery Facilities Come and Wprship with us. .l,•••••.•••..•v,..••\•• ••\••••••.•,••r••.,L•• 11••••M..rig•••.•►•rrr••'r.••r."q.••.",'►��'V.�M►�r'i►�• nri