HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-10-30, Page 161 PAGE 6--GODER,ICH SIGNAL -STAR , ieHtl RSDAY , OCTOBER 30, 1975 KlNGS8D6E KAPERS Mrs. Joe Ci urtoey 529-1199 on,g ratulatiis -ttf Mr. and . and parents of the St, Mrs. Max Riegling on the Joseph's school at birtl of - a baby -boy on Kingsbridge on, Thursday Saturday, October 25 in the evening, October 23 regar- Wingham and . District ding •lcurriculum planning. General Hospital. A wee Following a question and brother for Dean. - - answer' period, the teachers Mrs. Violet Sutter and Mr. explained her classroom and Mrs. Art DeBaker of program to interested Detroit, Michigan, Mrs. Irene parents. Lunch was served. Murphy of Goderich and Mr• The Kingsbridge Catholic Frank Austin of Dungannon were dinner guests on Sunday Women's League is making with Mr. and Mrs.. Cyril plans to present a Pro Life Austin. panel discussion, and slides in Mr. Benny Miltenburg, son the school gym on Monday of Mr. and Mrs. Reis evening, November 3 at 8:30 -Miltenburg returned to his p.m. On the pariewill be the • home here on Tuesday, -0 Rev. Marvin Barz, Goderich; October 21 after spending six Dan Murphy, Q.C., Goderich; weeks in Fort McMurray and Mrs. Connie Osborn, past other places in Alberta. president of the Goderich and Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dalton, District Pro Life Group; Doctor R.D. Wilkins, M.D. and daughters Denise, Bridget, Jackie and Maria Wingham; and Sally Cam - 'eft on Sunday, October 26 to peau and Adrian Keet, of the p, ..J two weeks in Florida,. Alliance for Life, Wingham Their daughter :Ann is branch. Husbands, ladies and planning to join -them for one youth are welcome. Lunch week. will be served. Mrs. Arie VanDiepen and daughter Mary returned to idles their home here on Sunday Berea evening, October' '26 after spending 23 days visiting with their many relatives in Holland.4 They were met at the Toronto airport by Mr. VanDiepen. Reverend Father Ed . �`District • • Dentinger, C.R., Brother Carl V Mr. and. Mrs. Mark oll, Dalton, Mr.. and Mrs. Joe Courtney, Mrs.. Bernardine Four • members of. Kinney, Mrs. Marian Atstin, Goderich' s, newest mission and daughter Margaret, Mrs. congregation, Berea -By -The - Marie Miltenburg and Water-. Lutheran Church were daughter Mary Ann, Mrs: in Stratford Monday evening Mary Clare; Mu. Pat Martin, to attend the fall rally" of -the Mrs. Betty rrayne, Miss Lutheran Women's .Kathy' O'Keefe, and Miss -Missionary League, Mitchell Anne Marie Howard attended: the Second •Annual Pro -Life Dinner meeting held in the Victoria ' St"reet United Church, Goderich on Wed- nesday evening,; October 22. •� The guest ' speaker Doctor L.,L. deVeber of London showed slides and with commentary spoke on "The Unborn Patient in Euthanasia". 'The Kingsbridge - Youth Club held a bowling party at - the Lucknow Bowling Lanes on Saturday evening, October 25. Raymond Finnigan of Ash- field Township left last Saturday, October 18 to spend th,e.winter months in Florida. SeCeral from this area attended the social evening held in the Ripley Township Hall on Saturday evening, October 25 for Mr. and Mrs. Alex Parrish. Assistant superintendent, Mr. Alexander Easton C.R.C.S.S. spoke to teachers receive charter ® SQUARE • .4(/) 415 a o. goder i ch to •When In GODERICH visit SHOPPERS SQUARE Zone. . . During the evening, the daughter-in-law.. . charter for the Berea -By -The- Miss Ada Webster and Mrs. Water LWML was presented Cecil Blake visited, their to the' ladies by Mrs: Ruth cousin, Mrs. Eileen Consitt at Maxwell, 4. president of the Zurich for the weekend. Ontario District LWML. ' As proof that 'balloons do Goderich is the 70th Society to - travel far on air currents, be affiliated with the Ontario Kenny Logtenberg found a. LWML.balloon in the back field onhis Berea -By -The -Water home farm, which was ad-- received'a $2',000 gift from the vertisinga shoe store in US. Ontario District LWML Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Web - sometime ago towartds a new ster and Mr. Harvey Alton church building in Goderich. ' visited .on Sunday with Mrs. On Monday evening, • the Victor Errington. " -Other LWML of Monkton presented guests were -Mr. and Mrs. the Goderich ladies with a $50 Wes Alton of London. gift toward the building.fund. Greg Nicholson, son of Mr. The rally centred around and Mrs. Don Nicholson had a ' the theme Saints Arise. The painfal.i.njury to his knee on program included a film d Saturday when a limb hit the report about the Internatio al chain saw and pushed it LWML convention held in t. against his leg.. The wound Pauls, Minnesota, during the summer. -At that time, 7,000 required a few stitiches.Dungannon WI held a LWML members from across successful euchre party at Canada and the USA at- Brookside school on Wed. tended. A communion service evening with 15 tables on the openingevening at- playing. High prizes went to tracted 9,000 persons. Mrs. Ken McNee and Mr. Q Projects totalling $550,000 Nels Pearson. Second prizes in the next two years will be were won by Mrs. Howard. paid through mites collected Johnston and Mr. Bill Stirling by the LWML societies across of Goderich. Mrs. Wilbur the country, Projects include Brown won the door prize and a medical mission in India,a Helen Brindley got a -prize for hill mission ' in Mexico; a having,, the lucky plate at downtown mission in lunch. ' Chicago, braille books and. . materials -for the blind, a students' residence in Nigeria and others. Thea Ontario District Convention is scheduled for September, 1976,'in London. GDC1 Trigon audiencsT-s-t-oyid through three. 45 min plays BY BETH MARKSON The Fifth annual Trigon was presented last Saturday evening before a limited 'but enthusiastic audience at the Goderich District Collegiate Institute auditorium. - For the second year the playbill was presented by students of three different. schools. The G.D.C.I, drama group was augmented by members of the Bradford and Galt School drama groups. The evening's playbill opened with the Bradford District High- School's presentation of "Chamber MusiC"♦ by Arthur Kopits. throughout, Alt kept well in The difficult theme is based character. With more at - upon eight women confined in tention to diction this "play an institution all suffering would have been excellent. delusions and each believing Harlequinade, the second they were a world famous presentation by the G.D.C.1. character. - „ group was quite a polished Director Don McFadyen presentation. .The colourful made excellent use of light ope ing was slightly marred anal sound and his effect of the by ..he lighting effects which eventual murder of "Amelia d'dn't quite make it. Earhart''was most effective. . The plot was a little dif- The dialogue was difficult ficult to follow , although this' to follow, especially, at the play written by Warren beginning. With the exception Robinson was based upon the of two -minor rolls, the doctor traditional themes of the and assistant, all the ac- Commedla Dell'Arte. - tresses w„ere on stage .This appears to have been a DUNOANNON DOINGS . By O.M. Blake Mr. and Mrs. Con Ceaser (nee Kathy Culbert) of Lion's 'Head visited her parents, Mr.. and Mrs. Cecil Culbert, last Sunday on the occasion of Ceasar's first wedding an- niversary and Culbert's 35th wedding anniversary. Accompanied by Nick Heitman and- friend of London all dined at the Candlelight Inn, Godel; ich. Mr.. --Heitman was best man for Don Ceaser a year ago. - Other visitors at the Culbert Lorne during the weekend were their daughter Gussie and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Hen Reath, London; Mrs.. Culbe'rt's sister, Mrs. Ethel Upthegrove f -London and her daugh'ker and Mr. and Mrs. Graham McNee visited on . Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Chris Shelton of Kinlough. Mrs. K. Dawson and her mother Mrs. Olive Straughan flew to Edmonton on Wed- nesday to visit Mr. and Mrs. John Linton (nee ',Karen Dawson) and Alisa, for a week or so. d Mrs. ;Win Clavt(in M t' rZ n Anderson became grand- parents twice this month --on the birth of Christopher, son of 41VIr. and Mrs. Robt. Bechard (nee Carol Ander- son) on October 1 and on the birth of Gregory, son of Mr. and Mrs. Barry Anderson on October 7. Congratulations -to the - parents 'and grand- parents: The Huron County Library has a number of books about nutrition. A wide range of .cook- books found in 641 will. aid- the homeowner in preparing' tasteful ap•d.. wholesome meals. Cookbooks written with the Canadian cook in mind in- clude "The ,Canadian Cook- book” and "The Chatelaine Cookbook". The "Chatelaine, Cook- book" includes recipes will be 25c per sheet, over 10 submitted by persons across / copies will be 10c per sheet: -the dominion. Critical works "This machine will be installed • concerning food processing„ for a three nnonth trial basis. dear example of an .author knowing the people for whom he is writing.They did not let him down. . In costumes designed by Eleanor Robinson, the group put comedy and farce to work resulting in a 45 minute romp, of fun. Occasionally the continuity slipped but was soon picked. up again. A good all. round effort. ,' Whether by accident or design, the third production staged by the Galt Collegiate, "Chased but not Chaste" was an improvisation on the same theme as Harleguinae. This itkproduction started fro the ,auditorium. and include' 'an introduction of the various, characters and how they fitted the plot. It made the resulting farce a little easier to follow. "After a promising start, the y continuity fell away and the dialogue of the play made it difficult for it to be picked up.. The group certainly used the full stage and occasionally fell off it into the auditorium. . Lighting was used with effect and the improvised props were put to good use. A good performance well worth seeing. If one could be critical, it would not be, of any of the plays or performers. They each played . for the whole effect and tlliat is why no single performance has been Singled out here. It is however, -quite a feat to sit through three plays plus' two intervals when each play runs between 40 and 55 minutes. ' It 'says a lot for the en- thusiastic audience who stayed with it ,to the final curtain. - ' ).\..\.,\•1!•1-\••\..1•.\•.•11111.I.►.I i\►II X11<IISII\.�I�.111111I�r1.•�.•. I7 include "Great - vitamin hoax" , by M:D._ Tatkon, "Health foods, facts • and fakes" by S. Margolius and ° "Unfit for human Con- sumption" by R.M. Harmer. If you are unable to find any of these titles Or other books feel free to ask any of the branch staff. .) The new Xerox i ?opier has been installed at.the Goderich branch. The first .10 copies f.� CURLING STARTS SOON at the M AITL AND COUNTRY CLUB 524-9641 MEN $11,0 I WOMEN $95 COUPLE $170 Price if paid before Dec. 1 - s100 - $,$5 - $165 There : is a discount December 10, 1975. Pay as you play -- $3 per game. nights only. Phone the club or call 524-2500. if ''you pay before ,1. Wednesday SH.ORTY is COMING ! Watch for him. HaII�we'-ei Skating.: Party - Costume Judging Contest FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31 Goderich Memorial Arena (during regular Public Skating 8-10 p.m.) Age Groups for.:kudging - A: 8 years 8,, under B; 9 to 12 years Prizes: 1st • 515.00 2nd •$10.00 3rd • t$5.00 (offered in both age groups) Judging will take place at 9:00 p.m. at the arena; during Public Skating. Criteria for Judging: - the most Creative costume - the most Unusual costume • the most Scary costume. Participants in the contest, those that come dressed in a costume, will be admitted FREE and will also receivea hot dog, and a drink. ,,Sponsoring Groups • Goderich Lions Club - Goderich Kinsmen Club - Recreation a Commutlity Centre Board PIanni fliga.. Banquet?` If you are...do it in style in- one of our banquet rooms. Enjoy our delicious food in pleasant, friendly surroundings. Everything for your; needs... for a party, convention, or reception - VANASTRA SHILLELAGH' VANASTRA PARK For information, Call 482-3809 or LUCAN 227-4411 for a t a zz l i ng Spring Displal �.,t. PLANT YOUR FALL Bulbs Now'r- FIRST QUALITY JUMBO SIZE BULBS:, �'""'so WE HAVE A FINE,SELECTION o o TO CHOOSE FROM • Good Selection of EVERGREENS ARRIVING THIS WEEKEND Trees for Fall Planting DON'T FORGET WINTERIZER-WEEDER ARTS L NURSERY and ANDSCAPING GARDEN ..CENTRE. 166 BENNETT ST. E. GODERICH 524-9126 • • FALL HOURS: MON-SAT DAYLIGHT TO DARK OPEN SUNDAY 12 TO 6 BY INGO, SHELBY AND WARREN KNIT In a variety of styles and Colours. Choose from turtle -necks, cardigans, long sleeve and sleeveless pullovers in easy. care • fabrics: In colours of blues, wine,rust, beige, black, reds, natural, white, green. • For style and selection Earl. Rawsons „Shop For Men CORNER MONTREAL STREET AND THE SQUARE. ' Dubarry7 s Paradox thtal-beautyca ret... Try it -it new concept In complex- io6 care. Creme Paradox. A ,light smooth cream ra formulated to be easily absorbed by all r' skin types. Hypo -allergenic. Cleanse loose s it cleo • zing Lotion. For moisturizing _protection under make-up.. during, the; day. Shi h • from moisture Toss and • ' rd- �•r Eye Creme Stick. Super -rich oils soften, lubricate and protect fragile skin areas around the eyes against moisture loss.. 4. 1' 1 11 T'F {) rim 0I4t-y Save 25 percent on 'Paradox' beauty preparations containing a uniquely balanced blend of 41 oils ,and moisturizing agents that most closely simulates those present in healthy young skin. It