HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-10-30, Page 15ll BY'DAVE SYKES It was not a good day for the Trudeaus. Mobs of angry protestors milled about the Royal York `Hotel in Toronto and greeted the Prime Minister and his wife with shouts and jeers. The Prime Minister.ipole`" with several groups last Friday in Toronto and un- doubtedly one of the most relaxed sessions was the one hour newsconference with members of Ontario's weekly newspaper press. For them it was a chance for little fi.;h to play in a big pond. The questions centered on the wage and price guidelines introduced on October 13 and Mr. Trudeau .,said that restraints have worked in various forms ,, in other countries and he is confident that it can work in Canada. He was not at all surprised at the animosity) expressed by some groups over the guidelines but claimed` they became necessary as the economy's self-discipline mechanisms broke down. He explained that the guidelines will accommodate increases of up to 12 percent this year and asked if that was unfair when the economy of the country was not moving. Mr. Trudeau said the small businessman of Canada would not be strapped by the guidelines, since they are 'unenforceable for smaller co.mpanies, and although they are not bound by law they will be asked to -adhere to. the guidelines. He emphasized the fact that the guidelines were an attempt to re- establish the fairness of the market .ystem by attacking. the large companies and corporations. "Idon't like' discipline 'or authoribi imposed but I do like sediscipline and self- discipline and restraint are best for democracy," he said. "The phenomena of inflation is a symptom of the breaking down of society and more and more people feel subject to blind forces of the economy. and feel that they carry no weight in our society." He said that we were now living in' a macrocosmic world and 'are heading into°a society where there is more responsi'bilit,y and not authoritarian measures. The Canadian people `must be convinced that the guidelines are the right road but if they are not convinced and in- flation continues, then the government would be ready to apply more stringent measures. Mr. Trudeau claimed that the people were losing their sense of security and are now crying for leadership and that the guideline's establish that leadership in a positive direction. "I would prefer self-' discipline like the voluntary restraints that were in effect last spring but it didn't work becauw everyone was suspicious of everyone else,, he said. "If we have to impose that leadership then anybody who gets kicked in the ass, well it's too bad. We don't like to kick people in the ass." However Mr. Trudeau claimed that more people were showing maximum goodwill and openness for the program. He also maintained that the government was not controlling prices, but that price control already existed and the government Was attempting to change it and make'it work well: "The government's con- viction is based on the fear that the freeze' will not cure inflation for long," he said, "We . will not . rely on machinery and if vite don't. suoceed inflation may begin anew," It now seems that the wage and, price control program will be with us for at least three years and Mr. Trudeau said that the Liberal government is in no hurry to take the controls off. That would only happen if there was a general willingness to return to a .,self discipline policy. Mr. Trudeau's con- viction was that Canada could strengthen her economic position in the world through the control program. "If we show restraint and other countries don't, they will get an inflation spurt and Canada won't which will strengthen the Canadian dollar,", he said. "If we have a stronger currency then it takes less dollars to buy their goods and it will bring sanity' back to our economy." He was confident that Canada could be well ahead of other countries if they could ..make the' wage and price guidelines work well. In response to a questioncon- cerning a national strike Mr. Trudeau said that it was. unlikely but if it did occur it would only destroy our economy further and while it wouldn't change the guidelines , it would bring down the government. Considering that Canada has the second worst strike record in the world it is a possibility that can not be ignored. Mr, Trudeau also spoke briefly about the new anti- . inflation board that° is being 'set up and although it it still in the working stage he said -..it would contain as few people as possible. Presently the board has eight permanent staff members and Mr. Trudeau estimated that it would take 75-100 people to make it work effectively and explained that if the com- panies were not willing to conform then Canada would need uniyersalcontrol. GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1975 press Prime Minister Trudeau held a press conference for Ontario Weekly Newspaper Association in Toronto the 1 riday and outlined his stand last ( staff photo) Postal workers may strike themselves right out of job BY DAVE SYKES Prime Minister Trudeau expressed sympathy last Friday, in Toronto for the weekly newspapers of the country whose woes have been compounded by the mail strike. In a news conference for the weekly press, the prime minister said that as some point the government will have to take liberties away. Mr. Trudeau explained to members of- the. fWthe. Ontario.Weekly Newspaper, Association thaPostmaster General Bryce Mackasey and himself have been firm, in bargaining and the increase sought by Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) is now beyond the technical guidelines but is still within the guidelines of the white paper. In response to a question as to the duration of the postal strike Mr. Trudeau retorted,'"How long would you like it to last? "I don't think the people want us to give in. We could settle at any price but I don't think the Canadian people want PEAR EDITOR (continued from page -4) of these vandals would not 'commit these acts. There is also the possibility of an'innocent spectator being hurt by an object thrown by somebody else, or if any. fighting should erupt. In order to cope with our problem the Goderich Police Force enlist your aid: We ask you to remember your own responsibilities insofar as your children are concerned and to pay particular at- tention where your offspring are on Halloween and what they are doing.. We remind. you that it is an offence for any person under 16 years, of age to loiter in a public place after 10 p.m. ANY night if they are NOT accompanied by a parent or by a person over 16 years approved of by a parent. For those over 16 , years living at home, we recom- mend that parents , still exercise some control of their son-dat:tghter so as to, possibily, prevent then-f-irbm being drawn into conflict with the law. I point out that only a small percentage of our young people become involved in this vandalism at Halloween': This letter is NOT meant to 4 ' it," he said. "At some .point the freedom to strike must give way to the authority of the state to intervene and at that point we must take liberties away." But Mr: Trudeau added . that by making strike action illegal the legislation would just \be disobeyed by thousands of employees'. He added that such action was not always enough and it is better if they are able to feel a monetary pinch. The prime minister said that bringing the army in to continue the 'postal operation doesri't work, and attempting to force, people back to- the job is dangerous, considering the' billions of dollars of equipment in post offices across the country., . "The postal strike could lead to a serious crisis and may' destroy the function of the post office in Canada," he said. "People will cease using' the post .offices and seek alternative measures and the postal employees -may strike themselves out of a job." cast any reflection qon your child( ran) or to imply that they have done these things in the past, or are likely to do them in the future. However, some parents DO need such a reminder. We urge all parents to co- operate. with YOUR police force in an effoj�'t to see if we can "-bring al3out a more peaceful and less destructive Halloween in YOUR town. Often the most effective deterrent to prevent a child from doing certain things is by the parent using that old- fashioned word "NO". At Halloween I shall know where my children are and what they are doing. WILL YOU? Yours truly, Patrick D. King Chief of Police In ca pickle •.:...r 'Dear Editor:~ Homemakers who make their' own pickles will ap- preciate the humor of this authentic Canadian recipe for. pickling which was once practised in the kitchen of a London Tavern. TO PICKLE CUCUMBERS • Select, for this purpose, ...AT BEST BUY PRICES FRESH—WHOLE OR HALF HAM ' .� $ - L.B 1.19 BONELESS—POT ROAST ROAST BEEF 1EXTRALANROASTSLe GROUND CHUCK 79C 41 STEER SIDES OF BEEF (CUT FREE)LB. ONLY q�C SHOULDER --BUTT , _. PORK CHOPS LB. 1.19 ___ rats 1 FRESH CHOICE CHOICE MARKET NOW VEALVEAL NOW AVAILABLE LIMITED CALL 524 8551 AVAILABLE POPULAR "' . AT PRICES Nome DrOssed Inspected Meats at Wholesale Prices POPULAR PRICES cucumbers the size of a man's foot, - if beginning to grow yellow, so much the better; split them in four, and opt tfiem into an eoarthen vessel - then cover them with whiskey. The juices of the, cucumber, mixing with the alcohol, • will ° run into ,the acetous fermentation, so you make vinegar and pickles both at once; and the pickles will have that bilious, calcutta-looking, complexion, and slobbery, slimy con- sistence, so much admired by the Dutch gourmands of this country. (From: Statistical Sketches , • of Upper Canada by 'Tiger Dunlop ' P.S. For great fun this Hallowe'en don't forget -to bring your kids to the Great 33c Hallowe'en Party at the Gaol. Yours truly, Joan Van den Broeck Welli,t3„gton St., Goderich Lose weight Dear. Editor, May I make use of your newspaper to bring our club, The Seaforth Non -Nibblers to the attention of youf readers. We are a ' non profit .organization,' unaffiliated with any other group, started some years ago with the.help of a doctor. We are a group of women and teenaged' girls who have faced the fact that we have a weight problem. We meet every Monday night at 7:45 at " Seaforth District'High SchoOl. The fees are $1.00 to jbin and 25c a week: We get weighed every week and discuss our problems, exchange recipes and ideas. We are happy for the losers and offer our support to the gainers. We hay,.0.,,.0, speakers whenever possible and try to, get everyone to participate in discussions. We are having a special movie on Monday, November 10, "A Matter of Fat", This is a full length story of a very overweight man, and .how his life changed when he lost almost 200 lbs, We hope you'll all come and see this movie. Both men and women are welcome, even if you do not wish to join the 'club, arid admission is free. Grace F. Hussey, President r^ on wage and price controls. Public Notice RE Remembrance Day. By virtue of the authority vested in my by the Council of the Town of Goderich, I hereby proclaim TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1 1 th, 19T5 A PUBLIC HOLIDAY to 1 2:00 Noon I urge your support and attendance at the Cenotaph on November 11th at 11 o'clock in the morning. MAYOR D. J. SHEFELT Quality furniture and accessories from name brand manufacturers EVERYTHING TO FURNISH YOUR HOME • SKLAR KAUFMAN ' • KNECHTEL .w • BRAEN QRE • SEALY • VIL'AS • LAZY BOY • ' LANE • KROEHLE.R Blackstone Furniture DOWNTOWN WEST STREET, JUST OFF THE SQUARE, GODERICH KF630 WHITE ' OUR LOW PRICE STO !r SUGGESTED . 95 $359•PRICE $389,.(10 RT175 WHITE SUGGESTED OUR LOW PRICE REFRIGERATOR $R 25 $630.00 COMBINED' $939.95 SAVE . $Sp ,MORE r DE585 WHITE DRYER ' LA585. WHITE WASHER SUGGESTED PRICE $305:95' SUGGESTED PRICE $538.45 OUR LOW PRICE $ 0° ' Z6Sr� OUR LOW PRICE a $469•°° COMBINED s699.00 SAVE $35MORE GLENMARK LUMBER YOUR BUILDING CENTRE 35 South St., Goderich' 524-7308