HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-10-30, Page 2f ' PAGE 2B--GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 197 Cherrydale farm..... continued from page 1 B - I,,,eTouzel described his property thus: "180 acres of best farming land, including • rich alluvial river flats. ex- tensive orchards, 1,000 fruit trees, water privileges un- surpassed, there b.eing several living springs over the farm and notably a monster spring which runs an, overshot wheel, driving an amber cane crusher and cider mill. "The dwelling house is, a substantial stone building, three storeys, comfortable and well built. Barns, stables, fruit house; dwelling for working man.' One span black Indian ponies. . Pr'oprietor's only reason for selling is that'he has not the capital to carry out his views." LeTouzel had married a woman from the West Indies. A daughter, Constance, taught school in Goderich, and a son was a doctor in London. "The proprietor," LeTouz•ei announced in his sale ad vertisement,''"is leaving the country for a southern climate." Present owners will not have found the cider mill, which long ago was taken from the farm to Saltford. Verne Gledhill of Benmiller recalls that "Charles Fisher ran one in my time, and it d'riginally came from there". The Albert Durst farm, as it has been known for ifny years, was part of the- great -estate of Michael Fisher, who came from Pennsylvania Lia York county in 1829 and brought from Canada Company 5,465 acres in Colborne at seven .shillings. _.saxpen.oe,...Lot_ ...6, described in` 1832 as of. 119. .acres, cost Michael about $200. LeTouzel got $6,500, and • the latest transaction was said to be in sif"c figures. The Dursts came from Puslinch in 1862, beginning - appropriately with Adam, and settling first on Lots 27 and 28 in the Maitland Concession. Then came William C., John and now Albert and Norman. New owners of Cherrydale Farm. are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Misner, late of Bruce Mines, Algoma District. They haye been school teachers. Michael Fisher spotted the Maitland „Jots - soon after his arrival in Goderich, and was attracted by the springs, He built a log • house on Lot 6 in 1832, and a few years later erected the historic house described years later by LeTouzel. "At my house, in the town- ship of Colborne, in the year of. Our Lord one thousand, eight hundred and thirty-five," Michael Fisher, then 49, dic- tated his will. In the Belden Atlas of Huron it is stated that "of course Mr, Fisher sold the greater part of This -tract as soon as a demand was created." Well, not exactly. He apportioned his 'land to his seven sons and three daughters -! in -.his will, ap- pointing as executors his eldest son, Jacob, and Jacob Clemens of Waterloo township. Jacob received 500 ' acres in Con- cession II. Lot 6 fell to Enoch, along with Lots 7,_8 and 9 in the Maitland and part of Lots 3,4 and 5 in Con. I. Next to his lar was Matilda'.s, Lots 10, 11 and 12. `Michael had married Susannah Holly, and in his will provided that she "should have the_. _management of the.. _im-. 'prdved land and wood lands belonging thereto in the legacy of my youngest son until he be.corpes of age . , also her feather bed and bedding." SUGAR SPICE by 0111 SMILEY One of my recurring dreams is that all my teeth , are crumbling, and breaking. off like toast. It's a terrible nightmare and I always wake up sweating, jam some fingers into my mouth, and patch me up somehow. I should .have known better. From my air force days, I know that disasters always come in threes. Right in the middle of a brilliant lesson. on the use of groan, with relief when I find four-letter words in Victorian the teeth are still there, and literature (such as "legs"), with pain because I have somebody, somehow, ram - bitten my fingers. med a red-hot needle into a Today I feel that I'rn having tooth in my lower jaw -bone, a. da mare, rather than a four teeth and two spaces nightmare. Last night at from the missing ones. dinner, one of my ,front teeth I almost screamed aloud. I came away in the midst of a, screamed silently. The needle glorious dish of curried was removed. Two minutes chicken. I ' love curried later, that red-hot needle chicken, and this time my plunged into the tooth directly wife had excelled herself, , above (I have two teeth on whatever that means, but I that side, upper and loweil' am not keen on curried and they are fairly friendly chicken, with teeth in it, even with each other, because when they are "my own. there is nobody else around) However, this incident did This time I couldn't help it. notalarm rhe, unduly or I ,emitted, otherwise. It was only my peg `Huh!", as though someone tooth. Every couple of months were driving a stake through it comes unscrewed or my heart. I sagged into my whatever, I carefully comb it chair, white and shaken. out of the soup or spaghetti, You can always depend on trot down to the dentist with it students.' They , rally -around clutched in my hand; he dusts when' things are tough, it off, pops it back in, cements despite their outward it in place and I'm back in cynicism. They're all. heart business, stuf'fin'g my guts. inside that tough exterior. But this morning, mun- ' "I think the old sod's Ching my matins (in this case havenna hardatak. Wuddell a ripe yellow pear that tasted, , we do?" 'as so much. fruit does "Jeez, I hope he. hazzen nowadays; like wet card- godour tests marked yet, I board), .I crunched on think I`failed mine." something hard. Now I know "Maybe he's just godda bad that pears do -not 'have either hangover. Slap him in the bones or ,stones: They have face a coupla times and he pips. And I knew that this might come around." - particular pear did not even I came out of it, of course, ave a pip, because my: loving and. pretended 1• was enacting wife, knowing -I was one tooth Heathcliff's grief in short from the night before, Wuthering ' Heights.When had disembowelled it. Right, they , looked as though they ,another front. tooth broken didn't believe me, I curled off, just beside the missing back my bottom 'lipand peg. - snarled at them with my, new There was no pain in either gap-toothed look. They shut case. Just a sense of -horror up. . • When J.C. LeTouzel advertised his place for sale in 1883, he listed' `several living springs over the farm". Here is one of them; temperature of this water is hi the 50s in the hottest part of summer. iy and, self -disgust, :as I have in When everything cooled the ..nightmare. , It's bad down, I realized that my back enough to pull a filling, when teeth were merely expressing eating toffee, or to snap off a Sympathy for my lost front bit of molar..when you crunch teeth. It made them lonelier down on an unsuspected beef- than ever. But they.. didn't 'hone, or even to have an have to shriek their sympathy aching tooth yanked. But to ' at such volume. have one break off when My whole. jaw, has been eating an over -ripe pear ... aching for the remainder of Yeeeccch! ' . I still wasn't plunged into the, depths. Sonne -..pe le go, for years with no hair dn their heads (and plant -articlest in magazines suggesting baldies are more virile). Others go all • their lives with no brains to speak of. I reckoned •1 could get through the day without two teeth. And I did.' But by noon, the tip of my tongue was raw and shredded, from thrusting it into that jagged crevice (crevasse?). ` But: I was coping. And I knew that if I hustled down to my friendly dentist, he would ,squeeze me in somehow; and Your best chance to get that new FALL COAT you have been wanting .... while the selection is still good at the '' OPEN WEDNESDAY MORNING OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9 this dark day, but the red-hot needle has cooled to a blunt instrument. As soon as I finish telling you this" fascinating episode of a continued story called "One Mans Fangs," I'm going"straight to the dentist, and have him rip every tattered :remnant of bone, out of my head. Then I am going up to the hospital and have the calcium chipped off my right foot - bone, my gall -bladder removed, just in case it ever acts up, a heart -pacer put in, and three or four pints of blood, in the event of anemia. , I might even have my ears pierced, just for the hell of it. I don't tra'tt.the old carcass any more. If my teeth start crumbling when I'm just a broth of a boy, who knows what bits and pieces may fall off when I'm 85, as I fully intend to be? County of Huron Welfare Cheques Due to the ?nail strike, welfare cheques may be; p eked 4 up Friday October 31 at Municipal Clerks' offices, except for the Townshjps of Ashfield, Colborne, Goderich and the Town of Goderich where they may be picked up at the Social Services office. ANNOUNCEMENT BENMILLER GENERAL STORE is now under new Fnan:agement. Propietors: Ross & Frankie Hiller OPEN: MONDAY THRU'SATURDAY -8 A.M. -9 P.M. SUNDAY - 9 A.M. - 7 P.M. "Drop in and lets A get acquainted" Deceptive business practices hurt everyone. This what Ontario is doing to protect you. We have a new law in Ontario called the Business Practices Act. Its purpose is to prevent unfair business.practices ractices in sales to the public. Here„s vhat:the law does: • it prohibits false, misleading or deceptiOe tactics in the sale of products and services. • it prohibits too high prices, unfair contracts and high-pressure sales methods. • helps people get their money back if a seller has taken unfair advantage of them. The Province of Ontario wants you to get your money's worth when yoif buy! Expensive items such as cars and homes require a lot of thought, so the Government of Ontario has,prepared some simple booklets that tell you what to watch out for when you buy, explain- ing the do's and don'ts about: "Buying a Car” "Buying Real Estate" "Buying a Condominium" '' ' "Getting a:Mortgage" You can also get a booklet called "Balance in the Marketplace—The Consumer's Guide to the Business Practides Act." If you would like a copy of any of these booklets', or if you wish to report an unfair business practice,, write now to:f Ontario Consumer Queen's Park • Toronto, Ontario M4Y 1Y7 Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations Sidney Handleman, Minister yr PI .1411 Ma Province of Ontario William Davis, Premier • d•