HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-10-23, Page 34PAGE 14—GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, I HURSDAY, OCTOBER •'3 x975 •�. recoendati9ns „ to ifflpr�Ve Jl+ A report from the Ministry of the Environment has in- dicated that capacity at the Goderich sewage treatment plant is being exceeded and the 'fr„equency of bypassing partially treated sewage to Lake.kluron is increasing. 'The Ministry repot was prepared by Mr., B,E 3oland after his inspection of the sewage treatment plant on July 30. The report reviewed the 'operation of the plant and discusses flow data from 1968 to the present As a result of the hy.passing the report niak'es two 1 eC0rllolerl(,latlons that deal v, ith a sewer separation prtlgracll and ,planning for future expansion of -the dant E,n'.tt nn)ental division supervisor G erry • F. lsher, said the#t during heavy rains 0 portion', of the combined sewage flow in excess of three million gallons has escaped but that was only Eor a•brief period during- the peak of. own storm and he estimated -that during the year there, were tier per cent of the material .oply seven days in which the that'e'scaped was water from flow exceedep three milli0h the sewers. He also said that. gallons. Council isriefs Goderich f(w n passed a naotlon •calling for the reconstruction of the existing fire hall 00 Waterloo tt'eet to house the new pumper recently pur- chased by [he .township's "of C 4.1b.orne and Goderich The fire hall committee room be torn down to accommodate ithe pumper, but the committee room will he relocated In the house adjacent to the fire hall that tvt1 *purchased by the tn' n. 'row n,Lcounci1 appeo ed�'a supplementary budget submitted by the recreation Council '\londa\ AV ��able Now! draiatically engraved rendittr n of a Christi las Theme "Ike 1975 ,turas 4 to plate.or gold plate Ft.: collection and e ii; c: rrie t or r0.• gi t giving. • • hoard as well as the board's • s,rh11115si0n of_ operational policies The supplementary budset totalled $8,500 and the rumor reason for: the over expenditure was the, changing of the bookkeeping sstt,m.. which required the purchase of additional hooks and papersjlnd the hiring of a bookkeeper. Council also passed the hoard's, ope,'•itional policy that was submitted by Recreation Director Mike Dymond. The hoard had been opi,t:ating under guidelines setvhy themselves and council Knox Arthur Circle and the need for operational policy arose from a conflict of jurisdiction on hiring and firing of personnel„ -+- + -i--. • Goderich town council agreed to debenture $160,000 for the completion of the south storm sewer over ten ' years at- an annual interest rate of 11'A per cent. Some councillors argued that the town should wait on the matter since the economic climates was somewhat unstable and that perhaps the interest rate - would drop in the near future. hears spec a speaker itr The regular meeting of the Arthur Circle was held in the parlou-r at Knox Church on Monday.,Octoher 20. President Mary Wray welcomed everyone and opened the meeting .with prayer. Since there were Housing..... continued front page 1 • bythe horns and demand it.'"he said. . He told the group that when he .was on the• London authority a survey teased came. to 'the city and after checking the needs of the city they to the he au th or ity .they +++ Council passed a motion to .concur with a resolution from the City of Orillia to adopt belt -tightening attitude with „ regard to the escalation of visitors, those who attended public employee salaries. introduced themselves. The resolution stated that `'ariods items. of business fire and police association acre dealt with and reports of .costs have resulted - in in- coRnmittees were heard. credible inflationary tax Members received in l-e•v.i-es on citizens of com- vitations from the WMS •af- munities and that salary Leri oon auxiliary at.,Knox and s, increases have been the' .UCW at North- Street unrealistic. They proposed a United Church. non-party. com.mitte.e ' of. the The worship servict'was legislature to deal with such taRen fro'nl the October Glad_ associations,. Tidings, There were two solos + + by Lee M - cCallum during the Council learned that Indian worship service. Mary Wray introduced her Island is crown land and friend, Gertie Phillips, from Councillor W im Peters Galt -Cambridge who brought suggested that perhaps the an inspiring. message on town could enter into giving thanks and thank- negotiations to get a lease on fulness. Gertie mentioned the island. . especially the gifts of. nature, Councillor Harrison said could use 150 units. . which people all too often that since it was public land "We' had 700 people on the take for granted or ignore. and was paid for by tax waiting list,- he said. "We ,Ruth Jerry thanked the dollars, it should be. open to juste had to demand more and speaker• and.. presented a the public. He said the crux we got it. . small gift as a token of the of the matter was that 'itHe suggested one way of. group s appreciation. belongs to the.people. establishing a. need • in Goderich was simply to tell the Ontario Housing Cor- poration that there. was no senior citizen housing available here whatsoever, He said ' that information • combined with a breakdown ..)f costs for senior citizens to lii'ein nursing homes, old age homes or even to be .confined in hospitals where there is no 'real need -for it,, may get the town some action;, He „ said gover'lment realized that they must look at the ? costs for senior's housing at various levels such as institutions and 'homes, and they may find• 'that subsidize& housing may be the cheapest mariner , for providing shelter :for this community's aged. The first recommendation of the report was that a program of sewage separation be accelerated so peak flows can be reduced to such an extent that bypassing•' of raw sewage .that received' only primary treatment and chlorination, ,will be less frequent. The second recom- mendation of the report stated that planning should be initiated for expansion of treatment facilities as flows exceed hydraulic, •design capacity. Such 'expansion will ensure ihat,growth iii the town of Goderich will con- tinue with satisfactory sewage treatment, ' Mr. Boland has been in- vited by council' to. attend ti meeting and discuss_ the recommendations made in the report. Gra tt? Herber of the Goderich branch of the.Salvation Army got more than fried chicken when she dropped into the Twins Kentucky Fried Chicken outlet in Goderich. The manager of the store Mike Pope handed Captain Herber a check for $1,000 from Colonel Harland Sanders' Charitable Organization Incorporated to be used by the Salvation Army for maintenance of their charity programs in Goderich. (staff photo) quire Gifts Highway 21 South Goderich Open 7• Days a Week , ro #4.+*oe ONLY YOU CAN), GiVE THE GIF! OF LIFE! J HERE'S ANOTHER 1 97 2 CHEV. CAPRICE' 4 door hardtop, full power, air conditioning, tinted glass, remote control mirror, radial tires, AM radio, clock. Sharp gold with white vinyl top, neutral cloth interior. Locally owned. Lic. DHE -153 $ 9 99 5 X00 JIM HAYTER OLDSMOBILE 5 2 4 — 7 3 1 4 GODERICH J.M.CUTT FOODMASTER PRICES IN EFFECT WHILE QUANTITIES LAST WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO IIMIT.,QUANTITIES 'OPEN NITELY TILL 10 P.M. 9t VICTORIA STREET GODERICM MEAT SPECIALS FRESH CANADA GRADE—A CHITCI(t la AYLMER CHOICE 14 FL. OZ.. F IL R FRUITCOCKTA Z 1 • STOKELYS 14 FL. OZ. 1.'11.00 APPLE, SAUCE Pick up your copy o next week HALLOWE'EN SALE FLYER SPEEO.QUEEN uality says it all BEST BUY I MAITRE—D INSTANT COFFEE KENT,CHOICE WHOLE 28 FL. OZ. TIN, TOMATOES 59c LEGS' OR BREASTS BRUCE PACKERS BY THE PIECE HEADCHEESE LB. 69c MAPLE LEAF 20 OZ. PIECE kL $1.09 SCHNEIDERS SKINLESS RED HOTS ' OR WIENERS B.., LC DUTCH TREAT SCHNEIDERS PKG. OF 6 DELl COOKED MEATS $ I •c0EAc. ^° GLAD KITCHEN GARBAGE CATCHER BAGS 10 OZ. JAR $x.39 GLAD SANDWICH. BAGS 100s 79c STOKELYS FANCY 14 FL. OZ. WAX BEANS 30R $1.00 BEST BUY" • 24s 99i MEAT PIES $•09 SCHNEIDERS COUNTRY MAPLE BACON ..$2.07 BUDGET DOG. FOOD 15 OZ. TIN 689c BEST BUY BUDGET CAT FOOD • ED SMITH AYLmER 48 FL OZ (HILl SAUCE 9 FL °=-09c T,OMATO lune 55c DEL MONTE FANCY 48 FL. OZ. AYLMER CHOICE 49c TOMATO JUICE •PEAS BEST BUY ( ALLENS PURE 27'-9c DEL MONTE STEWED 19 FL. OZ. TOMATOES 55c ED SMITH CHERRY 19 FL. OZ. PIE FILLER featuring exclusive 69c ED SMITH BLUEBERRY PIE FILLER ;, ▪ °= 75c. APPLE 5 J5 OZ. TIN STOKELY FANCY KERNEL CORN 6-89c 12 FL. OZ. 4P 2*69c YORK SMOOTHY 2 LB. JAR PEANUT BUTTER $1.49, STOKELY FANCY 14 FL. OZ. GREEN BEANS BEST BUY I DEL,MONTE SEEDLESS 3$1. JUICE .BEST BUY 1 DEL MONTE BREAKFAST AISINS 1131B $1.19 PRUNES LIFETIME STAINLESS STEEL washer tub, & dryer drum Lifetime warranty on stainless steel tubs and drums - 2 year warranty on all parts 10 year warranty on washer transmission parts - 5 year warranty on permocate drums SERVICE DOMINION HARDWARE 'FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES PRODUCE 'OF USA NO.`1 GRADE HEAD LETTUCE 31,OO CALIFORNIA CHOICE OR ANG.ES_, , DOZ. 59c CHIQUITA BANANAS 24 OZ. PKG. 5c BEST BUY WHITE SWAN BATHROOM TISSUE 4R0LLsB9C BEST BUY FAiR LADY. SOFT9F 1 LB, t NIARGARINE T�� r++ HONEY P PEAS3HOSTESS POTATSTOKELYFAHONEYP O 2LB39c EOOTO CHIPS PRODUCCAULIFLOWER PRODUCE OF ONT. C. GRADE 8 OZ. BAG 69r NCY NEW CROP FLORIDA. PINK OR WHITE MAC APPLESBAG' 79c GRAPEFRUIT PRODUCE OF ONT. NO. 1 GRADE POTATOES &100 00 a 0 LB. BAG 14 FL. OZ. -TIN S 00 PUSS N BOOTS DRY FLAVOUR MORSELS CAI FOOD STOKELY FANCY 12 OZ. PKG. 59c CREAM CORN 14 FL. OZ. TIN 2i69,C 30._VICTOR1A ST. NORTH 'to0.i e+•'•'^.titin S2445$ I