HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-10-23, Page 8.y • u� w PAGE 2A--GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1975 HURON I-IISTORIC JAIL Refurbishing a house with the correct 'period' fur- niture is a difficult_ choke. It is both time-consuming and expensive. • The refurnishing at the Historic Gaol is proceeding very quickly, however. Four rooms have been completed and the kitchen of the Governor's House is well under way. One of the upstairs bedrooms has receive i the stripper and lye treatment to take all the woodwork back to its original condition; the furniture is ready to go in, but, a work party tp apply the wall covering has to come first. The Board has received furniture from four main sources. Interested citizens throughout the County (and at least one American tourist) have donated pieces•which are suitable for the turn -of -the -century atmosphere being re-created. Others have made furniture available on loan. Our first major lender was Mary ,B. Howell, who helped get the' refurbishing project off the ground just prior to the 1974 opening of the historic site. A third source has been through the Provincial Government Museums' Branch. That connection has not only given us leads on hard to find furnishings, but also 'established the necessary ties ` vi0 other historic site boards throughout the Province. The Toronto Historic Sites Board, for example, has provided, on long-term loan, a massive roll top desk from the late 1$00's for use in the Governor's office in the gaol proper. It was originally located in Montgomery's Inn, Toronto, but, was especially suited for use at the Huron 'Gaol. The final source, of 'course, has been to purchase items ,as needed. Dorothy Wallace, chairman of the Refur- bishing Committee, follows up all the ,,leads. It not only takes her to dingy basements- and back sheds, but also 'putsher in direct competition with professional bidders at area auction sales. Her efforts have contributed in a major way towards the successful refurbishing program. As with the other work at this federal historic -site, there is still a long way to go. The Board has undertaken a°major fund raising campaign. To succeed it requires the support of many Huron County citizens. Funds, are coming in, .but very slowly. , If you want to -make a commitment -to this project inT Huron County heritage, your tax deductible donation can be mailed to the "Huron Historic Gaol Fund", Ed Od- dleifson, Bayfield. OPP looking for poster to show hitchhiking dangers The Ontario Provincial Police have launched a province -.wide search and are offering a $200 reward for a ter -in a student contest. anted is a crime prevention poster stressing the dangers involved in hitch -hiking. Corporal Herman' Meyer of the OPP's Community Services Branch said the winning poster WW'i11 be mass produced for • Computer... distribution across Ontario, bringing recognition oto the winning student, in addition to a $209 scholarship. Hitch -hiking is legal in non- urban areas of the province, but it can also be lethal, Cpl. Meyer noted. The increased number of assaults on both hitch -hikers and drivers is evidence that young' persons are ' no; fully aware of the dangers of•.hiteh-hiking and of the precautions . to take if hitch -hiking is necessary, he added. continued from page 18 If someone must hitch -,hike, oriented,"Mr. Seaman said. the OPP recommends: do .not "It costs so much to go to any ,hutch hie alone; do riot get into post -graduate institution afi'd ' !-the-bash-sea-t of -a.. -two -door car; students want to emerge trained and . ready for the work force." • He also pointed out that department " heads will be able to make excellent use of the computer service, both in deciding programs for courses and in advising students about specific career opportunities as related to those courses. The Student Guidance Information Service is ap- proved by the. Huron County Board of Education. The board will pay $150.on behalf of each high 'school in the county involved in the program '-in order to keep costs to the students to the minimum. be selective about the rides you accept; do not hitch -hike by night; do not wear suggestive clothing. .For the poster contest, students may use an illustration,. drawing or photograph with a caption or inscription. If the poster has a photograph, the negative must accompany the entry. Entries must be postmarked not later than Dec, 31, 1975 ; the winner is to be announced on Jan. 15, 1976. Poster designs together with the student's name, address, telephone number 'and school are to be mailed to the' Ontario Provincial Police, Community Services Branch, 90 Harbour Street, Toronto, Ont. Goderich I�dy installed Worthy Matron in Clinton The Clinton Chapter No. 266, Order of the Eastern Star held its installation on Oct. 2nd, in Clinton Public School,. Mrs. Harry Williams, Goderich, was installed as Worthy Matron and Bert Garrett as Worthy Patron. ' Other officers installed were 'Associate Matron and Patron, Mr. and Mrs. Don Ball; secretary and treasurer, Mrs. Maxine Aiken and Mrs. Jean Gray; Conductresses, Mrs. Marg Caldwell and Mrs. June Boussey; Marshall, Chaplain and organist, Jack Reid, Harry Williams and Mrs. Florence Symons; Starpoints, Mrs. Freda Slade, Mrs. Edith Reid,' Mrs. Claudia 'Eastman„ Mrs. Marj Carter and Mrs. Deanna Delve: Warden and Sentinel, Mrs. Kay Pyke and Don Kay. The installing board was all Past Matrons and Patrons of Clinton Chapter, Dist. Deputy Gr. Matron Clara Watson of Mitchell, Mrs. Sandra Adams, London 'and Mrs. Helen Stoll, Goderich. A letter of thanks was received from Clinton Publip Hospital for a'$250 donatibn to buy a new centrifuge. other donations were passed of ap- proximately $500 'divided between other general appeals during the year. Future plans are for the annual dance in November,- a Christmas draw, and to head up the campaign for the Heart Fund in February. Menesetung season extended from May to Thanksgiving , Camp Menesetung, a project of Huron -Perth Presbytery of the United Church of Canada, has completed a successful summer of camping. The Camp which is situated three miles north of Goderich off No. 21 Highway has become a center of activity for the Huron -Perth Presbytery, as well as other g-ro..ups.-,_. Certain im- provements have extended the season ,from mid May until after Thanksgiving weekend.., - -This past season the Presbytery camps included programs for ..co-ed -junior high, junior boys, junior girls, pre -teen girls, parents without partners as well as a weekend for teenage co-ed camping. Outside groups using the facilities have •been schools from Brussels, Stratford and Lambton as well as groups like the Brownies, Recreation Councils and Playground leaders. ' The Chickigami Boys' Camp from ' London, the American Leadership College, and Ba'bai-Ontario Region make goodhurse of the' camp each year. A number of youth groups, counsellor reunioiz's -- and church groups use the facilities on weekends with some churches making it an annual event with a summer service and picnic. Joe Snider of Goderich who has been the business manager for over 2.0 years reports almost a full schedule booked for Camp Menesetung for 1976 with the possibility of a weekend for family cam- ping. fA PARENTS NIGHT GODERICH. DISTRICT COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE Wednesday, November 5 . 7:30 p.m. to .9:30 p.m? Parents are invited to visit the school and discuss their student's progress with members of the teaching staff. Please bring the names of your boys -girls teachers. No scrubbing No soaking No steaming HAVE YOUR CARPETS RPETS AND FURNITURE' . CLEANED FLOWER -FRESH BY PROFESSIONALS Vlo nil AAA LEE MX The prime investment for uncertain times. CANADA SAVINGS BONDS guaranteed 8:75'; first year and 9.50` r for remaining 8 years. We strongl% rreornrney4r1 the purchase of the. new (.anarla Sas ings ltl is for the following reasons: High Quality. 'In these• uncertain times, investor emphasis should he on yualit\ securities. Canada Sa\ Bonds hacked ' by:..the Federal Government are Canada's safest investment. Honored by the Parents' Guaranteed Seal, the Dutaclean Foam-•,Absorpt!on Process gets the dirt out that the dth.er methods leave in! Safest for f,rhr!csrend itbers. Watch colors ,tnd textures spring h4tc k to life. It's all clone in your honme : . re,rcly for guests the ,,true chis Call us for a Free Quotation 482-7571 Larry Marlatt Clinton Instant 'Crash. Canarla's'iii ing Ilonrls e,an - be cashed at any time Without risk of loss. , Income I'roteel ion. \\ hile no 'assurance is gi%en, precedent indicates the return might be it creased should interest rates rise sharply id"future. fo discuss our requirements.. call Pitfield, Mackay, Ross Companylimited (gar•, C. Reim 200 Queens London .o Tel. •i'' 1 -71•i6 42> 4 CESS IUB NEWS 'Last week the Goderich Chess Club welcomed back last year's Level four winner Mike Koxzycki. Mike began his seaon proving 'that he belongs in a higher level by winning his first game'and is in the process of playing a tremendous game against Charlie MacDonald. We would also like to welcome three new members - Ricky MacDonald and a father and son team Louis and Benjamin Stadelmann. Benjamin had an excellent debut with the club winning 3 of 4 games to take the lead in Level 2. Glen Wightman won both of this 'games to move -into sole, possession of second place' in Level .1. Glen is' still un- defeated this year with 3 wins and a draw. Harold Kloeze is out to prove himself as Level 1 material by winning both of his games last week and is now in fourth place in Level 1 with 4 wins in ' 5 games. Harold was last season's Level 2 winner. Harold's brother Darrell picked up a win and a draw to hold onto second - place in Level 2 with an impressive .667 win loss percentage. Larry Gower is still the surprise of the season picking up his sixth victory of the season to lead all members with total victories. Larry presently sports a .650 win - loss percentage. John Kloeze finally got moving last week with his first victory to tie Kathy Weary for fourth place in Level 4. If you are interested in pla-y-in-g chess- phone, Jima -..-- Kingsley at 524-9019 for details. `.•. The standings as of October 15, 1975 are as follows: LEVEL 1: Dave Weary with 3 wins, 0 losses and 0 draws for 1.000 pct; Glen Wightman 3-0-1 .875-; Chas. MacDonald 5-1-0 .833; and Harold Kloeze 4-1-0 .800. •4-0.200;. and John Kloeze 1-4-0 .200. HONORARY MEMBERS: Kirk Lyndon with 1 win, 0 losses and 0 draws... for 1.000 pct.; Mike Koszycki 1-0-0 1.000; Dennis Little 0-1-0 .000; and Laird Eisler 0-2-0 .000. LEVEL 2: Benjamin Stadelmann with 3 wins, 1 loss and 0 draws for .750 pct.; Da- •11 „ Kloeze 3-1-2 .667; La Gower 6-3-1 .650;• and Don Bogey 5-4-1 :550. "LEVEL 3:'Brian -Shortreed With' 3 wins, 5 losses and 1 draw for .389 pct.; Jim Gower 3-5-0..375; Jim Kingsley 1-2-1 .375; and Louis Stadelmann 1- "2-0'.333. - "2-0'.333. LEVEL 4: Brian Miller with ,1 win, 3 losses and 0 draws for .250 pct.; Ricky MacDonald 1-3-0 .250; Bob Cox 1-5-1 .214; Kathy Weary 1 - 5andard ��- AUTO GLASS LIMITED IP" V54 410 �► :k.. t • '�, THE GLASSMEN OF ONTARIO For vtnyl tops • convertible tops • car upholstery • windshields • body protective mouldings 365 BAYFIELD RD. GODERICH (ALt 524-2136 Use hot water wisely Save energy...Save money A Apart from home heating, a family usually consumes the most energy in. producing -hot water. - Here are just a few small things you can do; that can add up to a considerable energy saving. Tt `rn off hot water taps so they don't drip, fill clothes washers to match the size of the load, wait until you have a full Toad before using a dishwasher and remember showers usually require Tess hot water than baths. Try not to use more hot Water•than you'need. - The Cascade electric water heater . will give you a dependable.supply of hot water, but it's up to you to use it wisely:' youriiydro n 7.. • BUY NEW CANADA SAVINGS BONDS New Canada Savings Bonds - one of the best things you 'can do with your money. They offer you a great combination of•,ecurity, income and flexibility.' They're secure, because Canada Savings Bonds are backed by all the resources "of Canada. 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