HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-9-27, Page 1se'""dee
asubsisbaoris awe Proprietor,.
R. S1 f0
Only Buying
Direct fromthe Manufacturers and the
best Wholesale Houses in rlanada, and as
we do for Spot aaskt, can se,t3uro such gen-
mine Bargains as these:
72 inch Twill Sheeting 17% c,
27 " Grey Flannels i8c.,
Extra wide, heavy, Flannelettes gc.,
Table Linen, 1gc.,
Ladies' Long Sleeve Wool Vests, 25c.,
Boy's Winter Suits, $r,5o,
Men's Heavy Woollen Socks, 25c.,
Ladies' Heavy .Cashmere Hose, 25c.,
Wide Factory Cotton, 5c.,
Boy's Odd Pants, 50c. a pr.,
Men's " $1.25 a pr.,
Men's Heavy Braces, 20C, a pr.,
regular; price
5 oc.
We neither require or exact the profits of Town
Houses. We keep as choice an assortment as most of
them, and we buy as wall as the bast, and a great deal
better than the majority of them.
Every article we sell emphasizes the fact •that
we buy our goods at the very lowest prices.
8.8. FORD& CO., WOODHA114.
Wo dbara. I Arthur Beatty, B. A., left on Monday
last for Cornell University Ethics New
BRIBE% —W. IL Periwarden last week I
'moved his house from the old home- 1
-stead onto his own farm.—Mr. Pidd of
Granton was the moyea—On Sunday
evening Jest as Mr. Allen and Ina
daughter were returning from Kirkton,
they met with an accident. • In turn-
.0 me over balanced and capsized. They
out to react a rig their buggy be -
- e, themselves escapee all injuries al-
though the buggy was slightly broken
r I in a few plaoes.—Mrs. Richard Cann
r A has gone to the lake to spend a few
I` daysrecreation.—A. meeting of those
s r, interested in the large ditch which is
to pass through the farms of Wm.
, s
Cornish, Wm. Smith, Levvis Walker
t and Thomas Nagtervill take place next
s s
1VIonday, when the engineer will ap-
portioa to each their part of the work.
—A photographer from Paisley, was
around taking the schools in this vicin-
ity on Monday.
Mama—Rev. T. Snowden preaoh-
ed'an eloquent sermon to the Foresters
•on Sunday evening. The church WaS
well filled on the occasion.—Mr. Geo.
Hazelwood ea, is getting the material
on the ground for a new dwelling
house to be erected this fall.—The re-
opening of the public hall will be cele-
brated by a concert to • morrow, (Friday)
evening.—The school picnic held on
the fair grounds on Friday afternoon
was well attended. Tea was served in
the hall. Cravat, foot races and foot
ball were the principal amusements.
All seemed to have had a pleasant
time. --Rev. and Mrs. Gilpin, spent a
fe441e,ys here with bis mother and
last week. —Wm. J. aoarley has
ren110.a blacksmith shop in Dublin,
and will commence work immediately.
—Dr Carr who has been on the sick
ltst for a NV days is able to be around
again 1{e will attend the Provincial
associatton of "Vets." held in Stratford
thus week.—Mr. David Kirk who had
an attack of paralysis is muck improved
under Dr. Ferguson's care.—Mr.
York, where he intends to spend two
years in a course of study.—Rev.
Alban Tufts of Manitoba, arrived here
on Saturday. He will attend the
University in Toronto for a term. —
Rev. T. Snowden has commenced
revival services at Anderson.—Rev. J.
W, liodgins, of Seaforth, preached a
harvest home service in St. Paul's
church on Sunday evening Inst.—The
directors of the Agricultural Society
are making final arrangements for our
fall fair to be held here on Thursday
and Friday of next week. It promises
to he as good as former years.—A. num-
ber of foot races were announced to
take place on the race course on Set-
urday evening last. Races were de-
clared off as a number of the contest-
ents failed to put in an appearanoe.
• ler r
Bitlara. —Mr 'Fred. Hainley has
bought Mr. R. A. Nichols' blacksmith
shop and dwelling house and Intends
occupying them both in the near
future.—Mr. T. M. Hamilton and
bride ha-ve returned from spending
their honey -moon, and have settled
down to the sterner realities of life.—
Mrs. Leuchlan, of Manitoba, is visiting
her sister, Mrs. Frank Carlin, at pres-
ent.—Our foot -ball club journeyed to
Mitchell last Tuesday to play Beecsh-
wood and were defeated.— Mrs.
Howard, who has been visiting her
mother, has returned to her home in
Detrois.—Mr. John Saddler is about
to dispose of his General Store bus.
in ewe
ders mire nervous or 'kickl heeciache, neu-
ralgia and bilioneuess. They will not set
, a leg; If a man were deoapitated, they
would not give him back his head. They
)are not a cure-all. They are a specific
remedy for a number of affliotione. Stark's
Powders cure what they claim to cure
promptly and effeetually. Only try them.
The results will surprise you. 25 cents a
Exeter Hardware Emporium*
nerd, Geo 'mite, any other variety pol,. ery butter, Wiochelsea Creamery; ahem table, D It Anderson,
ands. 3 S Becahouse. 1st and 2nd, white factory made, C W Smith, 1st and 2nd. 1 ORILDREN's DEPARTAI4NT.—Hemmed
Exeter AgrIenitaral Society Shores a. Groat 1 eghorns. Geo Irwin. Al Biesett. brown Juuos,—John mageeele, laeppee, • handkerchiefs, T Mo Callum, Wm
success. leghorne, Jos Senior. Al Bissett. black
Chesney; Darned sooke Wm Chesney;
The largest crowd that has thronged 1 e3PlayanalsiabaeaFrroa'attsk. ,Tp,S4PclicinA, T3h°311, Bak: I eaLLteggUniFltt(11,TrursaEHSCgh" WOotvielleaa131713 I ..400410y VfOrr.,.11 WOO Robi Bell, Wrn Ghee
the streets of Exeter for some time 1,1,,,,ekjowao. Fmnk ;30Arling. Wakiadottes. MeEtyen; domestic cloth, Alia Gen Net.; er'sy, 'Ci'•ochetl'i'vor k in Cotton Robt 13611,
Wm Chesney, Paintiog, any object Win
jag Cook, Al Bisset. any ether variety, Chesney. Drawing, 'special or °rayon John
J S Baelthouee, bronze turkeys, John IlifeNevin 1st and and, dressed doll, T H
Bouden. John leord, any variety turkeys, MeC/allum, Dolls' clothes, T B IsloCallum,
W E Sanders. John lord, toulouse geese. Fancy Pin Cushion, T II Me Callum, Ww,
John Ford. 1st and and any variety Chesney, Wool work, Thos Ellerington,
gene. John nora Geo Irwin, pekin ducks Plain sewing VerelOobblediek,Wm Chesney
JOIDWII0ra. Geo Irwin rotten anew, II A JUDGES. —Mrs, D, Steinbach, Mrs. D.
Switzer. John nerd- aylesbury desks. n Link, ,
A. Switzer. any other variety ducks. Jas 1 Beatty. Jas Jas Frayne. any variety bantams. Speeding on the Track.
Geo Irwin. Ed Barnes, collection pigeons. —
J Gillespie. Rich Crooker, best collection Tne race track was the centre of
singing birds. Al Bissett. Jas Down- attraction during the afternoon. In the
was seen here on Tuesday the 25th of
this month, The reason for it was that
du was Fair Day, and despite the in-
clement weether fully 5000 people were
present. The exhibits in every depart-
ment were good,partioularly the horses
and sheep, and these could not be ex-
, celled. The gross receipts were close
to a1,000, over $500 having been
taken in at the state.
'Following is the prize list:—
n3ar'e, jas Routley, Coulees, Bros., li
Bundle; foal, Coursey Bros?, Jas Routley:
filly: three years old, R Pringle; filly two
years old, Coarsey 13ros, Jas Patterson,
Jas Ross: team, Jae Roes, John Allison.
Aortrotlans,AL —Brood mare, John
Duncan, Sep Hogarth, Jas Gould; foal,
Jas Gould, John Duncan, H Rundle;
three yew old, Jas Miller, S Hogarth; two
year old, John Duncan, Luther Braund:
team, 3 Decker, T 3 Berry, Jae Beatty.
Fahner; foal, C Fahner: three year old,
John Duncan, Geo Ferguson, J Decker:
swo year old, Jas Frayne, M Batton: one
year old, 0 Fahner, Geo Coward; teem,
Geo Irwin, Jag Patterson, Wm Olre.
Junoas.—Gol Alorlock, Crediton: Geo
Spearin, St. Marys: John Kennedy.
London township.
We have just received a large con-
signment of these Stoves and Ranges,
and as we have handled thein during the
past fifteen years we have no hesitation
in recommending and guaranteeing thcin
to give the best satisfaction.
Furnaces; Parties intending putting in Furnaces this
fall will do well to get our prices before buying. We GUAR-
ANTEE SATISFACTION. Also largeconsignments of Tinware
very cheap ; whiteware and lanterns. Something very new and
cheap in,these. We are making a special:run Eon Axes and Cow
aid about Cow Ohatao 3:1ext w ek.
CARRIAGE.—Brood mare, J & D Wood,
John Essery, Leo Hunter; foal, John Bow-
man, Wm Moody, Leo Hunter: three yeaie
old, D Hicks, 3rd, (no first or second) two
Year old, John Hunter, John Delbridge ,
John Easery: one year old, John Bowman;
pair horses, Allan. McDonnell: single horse,
Allan McDonell, M jamieson, Wes Hand-
ROADSTER. —Brood mare, P Kilpatrick,
John Treble: foal, J & D Wood, J. Treble,
P Kilpatrick: three year old, John Mc-
Innis; two year old, I Armstrong, J Deck-
er, Thos Hodgson: one year old, Leo
Hunter, P Eilpatrick, jag Beatty; pair of
roadsters, Geo Monteith, J Merrier, Thee
Skinner: single roadster's, A MoDonell,
Rick Hunter, A Bossenberry;saddle horse,
A McDonell, Sid. Davis: lady driver, IVIrs
Boasenberry, Mrs Patterson, Mrs Hand-
JaYPees.—jeks Bell, London Tp: John
Coppin, Mitchell.
CATTLE.--Duamee.—Aged cow, H &
W Smith, Jacob Raider, H W Smith:
'tiro year old heifer, H & W Smith, lat and
and, Jacob Raider; one year old 'heifer,
Jamb itaider,Et & W Smith, Geo Andrew:
heifer calf, H & W Smith, 1st and 5nd,
Jacob Raidese'bull calf, H & W Smith,
Tat and 2nd, Jacob Raider: herd, H & W
Smith, let and and...Jamb Raider.
GRADES.—Aged aim John Delbridge,
1st and and, Richard Pickard: two year
old heifer, Jacob Raider, Thos Shapton,
John Delbridee, one year old heifer, Jacob
Raider, Win Westoott,Jacob Raider: heifer
calf, Jacob Raider, P Bawden: steer calf,
John Delbridge,
BUTCHER'S CATTLE.--Tivo year old
steer, a & W Smith, W Westeott, Thos
Burwell: one year old ateer, Thoa Shapton,
lat and and, Thoa Burman: fat steer, Thos
Bagwell, lat 2nd and 3rd: fat crew, Ford
Bros: herd, Thos Russell, let, 2nd and
AYRSHIRES. —Best cow, John Esaery.
Tunny. —Best cow, 0 Coates, Chas.
Knight: two year old heifer, 0 Coates; one
year old heifer, 0 Coates.
POLLED ADTGCTS.—Best cow, Leo Hunter.
Junuzs.—Hy Chesney,Seaforth: Wm
Pridham, M. P: John Sutherland, St,
SHEEP—Ineionseeet.--A.ged ram, Geo
Penhale, 1st and 2nd, T Currelly: shear -
ling ram, Geo Penhale, Thos Shapton, L
F Goodwin: ram lamb, Geo Penhale, lat
and 3rd, T Currelly 2ud: pair ewers, Geo
Penhale let and 3rd, T Ourrelly, and: pair
shearlings, Geo Penhale, lat and 3rd, L F
Goodwin, and: pair ewe lambs, Geo Pen -
hale, let and and, T Currelly.
SHROPSHIRE DOWff.—Aged ram, Sam'
Doupe, Jas Cooper, Ef A Switzer; shear.
ling ram, B. A Switzer. Jas Cooper, and
and 3rd; ram lamb, Jas Cooper, Wm
Pearce, Samuel Donee. ewes. Jas Cooper,
H A Switzer, Samuel Doupe: shearliega.
A Switzer. 1st and and: ewe Iambs.
Jag Cooper. Samuel Doupe, Jas Cooper.
Lremoraes.—Aged ram. F II Neil. Thos
Shapton: ram lamb. F H Neil; Thos
Shapton: pair ewes. F H Neil. Thoe Shap -
ton; pairahearlinga. F ET Neil; pair ewe
lambs. F H Neil.
Grimm &our .—Pair ewes. L F Good-
win. Thos Shapton: pair ewe lambs, Thos
'Fox Slime—Pair fat OWSS. H .A
Switzer. Thos Shapton.
PIGS.—LAnoE OR 1VIennar,---Acted boar,
Jno. Hord, Tat and and; boar littered
in 1894 L. F. Goodwin John Hord: agod
sour John Hord 1st and 2nd; Spring
sow Silas Stanlake. Jos. Bawden;
Surrordes„—Sering soar Geo, Hill.
teenitginage—Aged boar D. A. Graham
Chas.Troyer; bear Wm. McAllister, D. A.
Graham; aged sow D. A. Graham
MeAllistete Sow.1891D.A.Grahana Ist_and
Teeiwawria—Aged boar 01 Fahner' boar
tittered in 1894 John May lat and and;
Aged sow John May;sow 1894.Irvitee Arm-
strinig 1st and and.
POULTRY,—Light brahmas,Jaa Doan.
Frank Sperling; clerk brahmae. John
Hord. Geo Irwin: plymouth rocks. John
Hord. Jae Don; any variety coshin, Jno
Hord. Ise Corse lengshans, Ed Barnes.
jas Cook; colore'd dorkigs. John nord
ta Barents; any other variety dorkings,
Al Bissett. Jaks COOk: black breasted tad
games, Frank Sparliag. Al Bagd: atly
Other variety games Al leissett. Jas Cook:
spanglea hainbrgs. Frt* Sperling. Al
Bisiett; silver spenaled herriburg. John
lora, golden pertoiled hernbargas Frank
perlin. Wm Dearing4 bleak hanebargs.
John El eiently late& D Gibert, Joe Shutt; ereenis
flannel all wool, Mrs Geo Nott, bi Breth-
our; blankets all wool, Mrs Hugh Chesney.
Robt Bell; woollen earn, Mrs JD Graham,
Mrs :Hugh Chesney; dem cotton warp
woollen weft, Robt Bell, M Brethour;
factory blankets, Wm Chesney; single
harness, Joha Treble; team harneee, John
Treble; onred ham, Jas Tom; assortment
of cured meats, Snell Bros, la and and;
sewing machine, Perkins and Martin, let
and and; organ, Perkins & Martin, 1st
and and; parlor furniture, R N Rowe;
bedroom furniture, R N Rowe; ease birds
stuffed, A McPherson, lat and 2nd; fine
saib not ground, Exeter Salt Co; salt for
packing purposes Exeter Salt Co; collect.
ion store goods, .3" El Grieve, let and and;
assortment carpenter work, Ross & Tay-
lor: all wool sheeting, Robert Bell. Wm
Chesney; ordered clothing, J 11 Grieve,
lat and and
Exenets.—Indian aelies, A alePhereon;
exteesion table, N Rowe; ironing board,
BIRDS BRED IN 1894, —Light several contests, competition was keen,
brahmas, Jas Down, 3 8 Backhouse; and every race was for all that was in it.
Following is a
dark brhmas, Frank Sperling, • John SiraMTARY.
Hord: plymouth rocks, Ed Barnes. J S
Backhouser any variety cochins, Jas
r pings
Backhouse, John Hord; colored. dork- Melt 0' (3 Hawkshavr
ings, John. Hord, Ed Barnes; )3 B red Exeter)
game, Al Bissett, John Hord; silver Joe Bowers (R Paisley Ilderton)
spangled homburgs, John Hord; golden. Time 2 41 2 41 2 37
penciled hamburgs, Wm Dearing, 3 AIINTITE TROT'
Frank Spaeling: black hamburgs, J S King Stanton a Murdock Heneall) 1 1 1
Backhouea, A. McPherson; houclaus, J Grey Eagle (W Witzell Kiva) 2 3 2
5 Backhouse, John Hord; any ether Jack (A Dunkin Varna) 3 2 3
variety polands, J 5 Backhouse; white Time 3 20 3 16 2 39i
leghorns, Frank Sperling, Al Bissett; PAIR Or ROADTERS,
brown leghorns, Jos Senior J. S Back- Snell & Leathern Exeter 1 2 1 1
house; black spanish, Al•Bieett, T Sas Bell Birr 2 1 2 2
Prier; black minorcas Geo Bawden, J W Hodgins Hertsall • 3 33 3
H Reid; black javas, :Frank ,Sparling; Time 3 23 3 20 3 22 3 17
wyandottes, D A Graham; any other TARDIER'S TROT.
variety, John Hord; lat and 2ocl; any Bay Jack (D. Make Earns/ale) 5 5 5
variety turkeys, W E Sanders; any Dick Norton (M. Ziler Dashwood) 2 3 3
variety geese, John Hord; pekhe aucks, Lady Mack (I. Armstrong Exeter) 3 2 2
Geo Irwin; rotten ducks, Joh ta Hord; Dick Terry (W. Bawden) 4 4 a
aylesbury clucks, H A Svvttier; any Grey Eagle (W. Witzel Alive) 1 1 1
other veriety ducks, Geo Irwin; any Time 4 12 4 15 4 04.
variety bantams, Ed Barnes, Geo JETDOES.—R. Eilber Crediton; B. Au br y
Irwin. a Montreal; Dr. cle,rr Kirkton..
JUDGES.—Thos 114e0lOoklio, Mitchell,
Will Folland, Exeterl • , • Beddulpla
• Rosy B, (T Hetherington Cedar
Cook Wm Trvethick; langshans. JS
51 N Rowe.
JIIEGES.—S G VaEgraond, Seaforth;
Geo Samwell," Exeter; D Steinbch,
FINE ARTS.—Water color drawing,
Robt Hicks, M V White; painting in on,
Robt Hicks, Mrs Colin Campbell; crayon
sketch, Robt Hiekg, Thos Ellerington:
pencil sketch, Robt Hicks, Thos
ton: collection of photographs, Jos Senior:
hair droner's work, E H Fish,
FLOW ERS.—Fuohiae inflower,INelson
Cobbledick, Wm Folland; foliage plants,
John Cottle: begonias in flower, Wm
Follanch hanging basket, T H McCallum.
CUT FLOWERS. — Pansies, John
Cottle, T H McCallum: german asters, T
McCallum, John Cottle; ten week's stooks,
collection, John Cottle; verbenas, John
Cottle; petunias, John eCottle: phlox
drumrnondi, John Cttle, &males, ,John
Cotle, T H McCellum; beat arranged •
basket cut flowers, T KMoOallarnl collect
ion antmals in bloom, T McCallum.
Exertra—Col balsams, Geo Manson:
cockaconabs, John Cottle.
LAMES' WORK.Rag carpet woollen
warp,. Wm Balkwill, Wm Chesney. toe
carpet cotton warp, Afra Hugh Chesney,
Maggie Jamieson; rag door mat booked,
Mrs Geo Nat, Jas Frayne, rag door mat
sewed. Mrs Colin Campbell, Wm Chesney,
rag hearth mat sewed, Jas Tom, Mrs Colin
Campbell, rag hearth ME:t hooked, Mrs
Geo Nott, Wm MeEwen, wool Books, al
Creighton, airs Geo Not, wool stockings,
Je.s Richardson, Creighton, cotton aocks
Maggie Jamieson, M Creighton, cotton
stockiesg,M Jamieson, 141 Creighton, ladies
wool mitts, S Hogarth, Sri Creighton, mens
wool mitts, 11 Creighton, jas Tom, mene
wool gloves, Jas Tom, S llogarth, counter
panes knitted, Jas teirth,Maggie Jamieson,
counterpanes crocheted,' (no number) Thos
Ellerington, and; counterpanes tufted, S
Hogarth, Jon Shier, patchwosk quilt
calio, Airs Colin CarepbeII,Mrs Geo Nott:
patchwork quilt cloth,. Maggie Jamieson,
Mrs Geo Nott, patohwork quilt silk, Jag
Tom, Mrs John VVhite, patchwork quilt
log cabin, Alta Colin Campbell, Jas Tom,
silk quilt crazy work, Mrs Geo Nott, Dr
Browning, wool shawl, Mrs Geo Nott,
Mrs Colin Campbell, worked ottoman,Mrs
Geo Nott, M Creighton,painting chns.
T McCallum, Robert f3e11, painting on
terra case, lefre Colin Campbelt, T Mc
Callum, drawiug room screen, Miss M
White, hand screen, Mrs Colin Campbell;
bannerettee, T Et McCallum, Mrs Geo
Nott, bracket drapery, Mrs J D Grabarn,
P Bawden, penelope work, Maggie Greigh-
ton, Airs Colin Campbell, tidy rochet,
Mrs J D Graham, Wm Eerltidy kniste
Megeie Ceeighton. Jae Toni' gold or silver
tinsel work, Mrs Geo Notc, Mrs j
Graham, etching or outline work, M
Creighton, Thee Ellerington, applique
work, Mrs Colin Campbell, arresene ern,
broidery, Mrs Geo Nat. Wm Folland,
crewel embroidery, T H McCallum, Peter
Bawden; embroidery in silk, T Mc'
Callum, Mrs J White, embroidery on.
flannel, Mrs J D Graham, Al Creighton
sham stitch embroidery, Mrs Geo Nott,
ribbon embroidery, 11 Brethour,II Creigh•
ton, chenille work, Mrs Geo Nott, Mrs
Colin Campbell, man's shirt hand made,
Maggie Jamieson, Amos Doupc, man's
shirt hand made, John Startlake, T
Callum patchin, Robt Bell, Jae Toni,
darning on stockings, Jae Tom, Mrs John
White, buttonholes, T H McCallm, Mrs
J Graham, pillow shams Mra J Gould.
Maggie janaleon, table mas, W Trevet'
hick, Mrs Campbel, table doylee, W
Treyethiok, Mrs Campbell, toilet set, Jae
Toni, M Brethouc pin cushion !army, Mrs
John White, T Ei'McCallam; sofa pillow,
Robt Hicks M Creighton, crochet work.
IN comb, Thos Cann, la and 2ncl, honey 1 (twase) basket, Mrs Colin Campell, eria.
in jar, S Hogarth, Thos Gann; home made creme work, Al Brethour, Jon Shier, wax
wine, Mrs' Geo Nott, Sas Tom; collection flowers colored, Mrs Campbell, paper
of bottled pickles, Mrs G Sanders. flowers, Mrs C,hesney, Jae Toni, piano
VEGETABLE S.—lesaay rosa p;iiktoes; scarf, Mrs D Gaham, M Brethotir, table
Jas Tom, Jacob Roeder; beauty of hebron cover embroidered, Alrti Noll, D Brahoar,
potatoes, Jae Snell, Al Biasett; late roge worked whisk holder, Mrs Nott, troth:
potatoes, Jacob Roeder, Thee Brook:eerie our, bullion embroidery eirs Campbell,
vermont potatoes, JagAirth, Thos Brook; braiding, Mos Grham, Wm Earl,
early tlidephone, Al Basett, Thos Brook; beset work, • AI tereiglaten, Mrs Gaham,
any variety potatoes, Wm 13alleveill, Geo berths wool work, Ira Graham, Jam Tow,•
Hill; winter cabbage, Al Bissett, Alex straw plait, Mrs Campbell, Jas Tom, lace
Dow; blood beets, Win Balkwill, Perkins royal rattenhurg, airs Campbell, lace
Ss Martin; sugar beets, Wm. Balkwill, tGeo point Mrs J D Graham: Mies White,
Monteitbe long mangolds, Thos laseigins, LE03 Honiton, Mre Graham, Mrs Nott,
Geo Sider; globe trianstoids, John Welsh, ta.cee'icsiliettirred:r' ,ITtekt!e°e111) Alsotree°i%iige.h.tt"' ela;ecter
Thos Bodging; swede turnips, Jacob " ''"'"
rattk Work dm Campbell Jas Richardon,
Roeder, Al Bissett; early horn covets, N
Cobblediek, Will Folland: nonce carrots, tettng,Dr larowaial, Sae Tom, darned not
Rey lktartin, Geo Hill; long orange or red ai Creightotaltare Nott,drewing threads and
hem stitching. T 'McCallum, VI V White
carrots, Will Folland; white belgian carrots
C Palmer, Jas Carroll; sweet corn, Wm sills work on congress canvas,M Creighton
afrsGrishanapanels ate work It EtiOlIEt Mrs
Balkwill, Jas Tom; eadis.n corns Al Biesett
Thos Bisset, sr.; water melons T Hay, Campbell Fancy table with scarf T
Wot Oheintey; musk taelens, Chesney, McCallum Mrs (Janet:Men, loaf hones made
brod, G A McLeod Mrs 'Hugh Chesney
Jas Tons; oeuliflowee. rollandi ted Wan NatEwou, Nattleg Thos Ellerntgaon
Orions, Wm Balkwila W Folland; white ie „
or yellow onions, Wm 13Ikwill, " 4.11""‘ trst 1_1 ttrt eat.
William; tomatoes, itt Breakout, Rev somas.— ry °pew -ore; yr tH vuefIROT,
Afeartin; celery, Jas Tom, Wm rollaud; Tt "Irk' W14 147°6t1' CeaY" ?iy/t()
°aroma Debt Bell, Wm Ettrl; stemeip, MI" 31 V White' Pen drawi`
M Bretheur, Geo Sdiders eolleation of Anderson. Carved weak, T
Boko, 1011194i .311) Min tclith Hydaat3
1 1 1
2 3 2
3 2 3
--FOR THE --
r r e
Wheat 5dc and down,
Peas soc and down. •
Barley 35c and down.
Oa g 2e. arid down,
GRAIN AND SEEDS.—Fell wheat The council met pursuasat to adjourn -
white David Brethour, M. Brethour; fall merit. The Reeve and all the members
whertered, D Brethour, AI Brethour; any present. The olera was instructed to no -
variety spring wheat, John Welsh, Jas tiff the township engineer to inspeet the
Airth; 6 rowed barley, D Brethour, M Ryder, Dormy, Whalen and Cllandeboye
Brathour; 2 rowed barley, M Brethour; ditohes, and in each case to haye the res.
large oats, D Brethour, AT Brethour; pectiye awards fatly carried out. A by -
common oats, A. McEwen, D Brethour: law authorising a levy of 2 1-3 mills on the
black oats, 11. Brethour, D Brethour; large dollar for county purposes and 4 1-6 on
peas, Al Brethour; small peas,111. Brethour, theEdollar :for township purpoaes was
Jas Airth; mummy pees, M. Brethour: duly passed. The following accounts were
timothy seed. 1) Brethour, A1 Brethour, ordered to be paid: A. Conway, 2 days
flax seed, Al Brethour, D Brethour; white ehovelling and boy at gate, div. 4, $2.80
beans, AI Brethour, Jeipathan Slkr; clover Wm. Berm, gravel amt. in fall $14.25;
seed, M Brethour, 1) Brethour; collection W. Thompson, road to gravel pit, 57; D.
grain in ear, Al Brethour, D Brethour. Mcilhargey gravel soot. in lull, 56.60;
Junes.—John MeNevin, Kippsia; Wm W. Gallihe, burAgg nusance, 51.50; W.
Brown, Exeter. EL Boden, on acot of township printing
contract, 426.25; H. Robinson, grading
HORTICULTURAL PRODUCTS.— with machine, N. B. div. 4. 58,85; A. A
Arras.—Winter apples, John Allison; Langford, plank, div. 4, 56.70; W e Dun -
fall appleg, Wm Chesney, fly Chesney; can for provincial eleetion, 54; ssloses
Dun -
beat collection apples, John Allison, Jacob Simpson, do 54; Ja. Atkinson, do, 54;
Roeder. rhode island greenings. G A. Mc- John Coursey, plank and rep. culvert,
Lead, Wm Chesney; northern spies, Al div. 1, 51.50; 0, C. Hodgins, 1 day un-,
Bisetb, John Allion; roxboro russets, der D. and W. act. 42; G. Westtnan, do
Jaceb Roede, Ure Geo Nott; spitzenbergs 51.50; A. MoRoberte, 1 day breaking
Alex McEwen, A McPherson; baldwins, stone oa med. div. 5, 51; W. Guilfoil
G A McLeod, T Prier; westfield's seek -no. cleaning out dith, con. 4, div, 1, 51.50
further, Alex keEwen, JohnIAllisoni snow . Robinson, drawing tile and cord gravel,
apples, John White, jas Down; fall pip- div. 1, $2.60; C. 0. tiodgins, 1 day new
pins, Geo Andrew, John White; colverts, road, con. 8 and 9, 61.50; EL Roeinson,
Jag Snell, Jonathan Shier; king of tornp. on acct. of grading and gravelling Lu -
king, Wm Balkwill, Mee Geo Nott: alex. can Boundary, 512.93; Thos, Abbott, rep,
andere, Jae Snell, let and 2nd; caned& bridge on S. R. div.3 52; John Ogden, rep.
red, E Williams, M )3rethonr; swears, JELEI bridge diy. 3 51; R. Simpson, grant to road.
Airth, John Allison; ribston pippin, Hy beat Clandepoye, 510; H. Robinson, work
Chesney, Wm Cheeneya wagners, A Mc- with grader, div. 2, 56.25; grant to Lamm
Ewen, W E Se.nders; awayzie pomme Agricultural society, 510; Jas. Carter rep.
gris, John Allison, John Anderson; to Clandeboye bridge div. 2, 75c.; J. Too-
american golden russets, W E Sander, hey, one day on new road, con. 8 and 9,
John Allison; maiden bluish, W Cheney,$1 .50 Aaron Dayis, gravel acct. in full 225
Hy Chesney; golden russet, John White,loads, 51.5.30; W. Hedging,. gravelling Lu -
Jag Ford; winter seedling apples, John can Boundary, 50c; E. Blake, ti'e ant: in
Allison; dutchess oldenberg,Geo Hill, Mrs full, 5i2.25.
Geo Nott. The council adjourned to meet again.
PEARS—Fleraigh beauty, Jag Ford, Geo Monday, Oct. 1st at 10 a. m.—W. D. Stan -
Hill; dutcheas anglouleme, Mrs J P ROS, ley, Clerk.
Geo Samwell: clamag favorite, Jas Tom, 51 I 1.0-4
Jag Snell; vicar of wingfield, Wm Bawden; BOONOITT IND STREGTH.
bell lucrative,. Goo Hill, Wm Bawd=
sheldon, Thos l3rook, Irvine Armstrong: Valuable vegetable renaedies are used ill
east beuire, lairs Geo Nott; lonis benne de the preparation of Hood's Sarsaparilla in
jersey, Thos Brock, John Allison. Such a mealier manner as to retain the
full medicinal value of every ingredient.
PLUM.s.—Lombard, M Brethour, Jon, Thus Hood'a Sarsaparilla eorabines mon-
Shier; any other variety, Will Folland,
B V Elliot. omy and 'strength and us the only remedy
of whieli "100 Dome Oae Dollar" is true,
Guam, &al—Concord, Jas Snell; 13e sure to get Hood's.
roger's' No. 19, M Eserett; any other
variety, B V Elliott, Jas Down; crabs, any Hooe's Pines do not purge, pain or
variety, Geo Manson, D Brabant.; early gripe, but act prompely. easily and effic-
orawford peaches, fare J P Roes, John iently.
White; late cre.wford peaches, Thee Brock,
Dr Browning; branch of peaohes, Thos Mre Jewell,of the 2na come! Morris,died
Brock; any other variety peaches, John on Tuesday evening hist of drops., She
White, Mre J. P Rosa; collection canned was 24 years of age, and was only ill two
fruit, Mrs Geo Sanders, D Brethour; honey days.
131tiCrEITI SIDE. •
New suits for men soc and up. •
New overcoats for men $4.5o " •
Suit underclothes " soe
Overshirts for men 5oe arid up. •
Long boots for men $1.50
Ladies' & youth's wear in
Silver Lining to every
J. P 8088.1
vegeteblera 0 Fainter, Binh Aron, WFollend, Glove cage Robt
DAIRY 131tODITOT.--Batter, data- Center piece 11iiss a v whito Atop° week, ilia se6 that your tX4711,13
Huron County Notes
Mr. and eelre. John Henderson, an aged
couple, of Seafortb, met with e serious
accideut a few days ago: It seems the
old gentleman hadli the nightnaare, and
getting up out of bed ran against a
dresser, catalog bis face up badly and
rendering bite unconscious for a few nso-
manta. He callea Mre. Henderson, who
immediately procured a lighted lamp, and
In going to him st mbled and fell,injur-
ing herself so severely that she was un-
able to rise, The lamp fell front her heart
to the finer, but me it had a &awe to do
any diunage Mr. Henderson, who in the
meantime had regained conseiousness,
picked it up. Mrs. Elenderson is still in
bed suffering from the affix:ea of the acci-
dent, but the old gentlemen is able to be
around Again. Rad Mr. Heuderson not
regain ed consciousness in time to pi& tip
the imp both woula probably have been
burned to death before any assistance
could have arrived.
The date tylien the subscription expires
it on the iiktrOSS label of each paper, tins
hange of whiels to a Subsequent date be,
comes a receipt for remittanc, Subeeribete
will plates ekamine heir label before and
atter making ti remittance,
Look at the dat4 yeitt tbol thie
•Indigestion is stubborn but X. O. 41. oer" ea well ill, advances
Following aro the market quotations :
Wheat • 501o152
Barley 35 to 38
Cate 2611°27
Peas 50 to 52
Hay — ..... 6,00 to 7.00
Batter 15 to 16
Eggs. . 9 to 9
Skin Diseases are more or less directly
occasioned by bad blood. 13. B. 13. °twee
the following Skin Diseases; Shingles
Erysipelas, Itohing Rashca, Salt Rheum,
Scald Head. Eruptions, Pimpleand
lMotobea ijeenmingall impurities from
the blood from a common Pimple to the
wont &roil:dons Sere,
American Rheumatic Care, for Rheumatism
and Neuralgia, radically cures in 1 to 3
days. Its tuition upon the system is remark-
able and myeterions. It removes at Once
she cause and the disease iramediately dis-
appears. The first dem greatly benefits.
75 cents. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist. 218
Miss D. A. A. owney, Manotic, Ont.
Thrives on good food and sunshine, with
plenty of exercise in open air. Her form
glows with hearth and her face blooms
with its beauty. If her system needs the
cleansing action ot a laxative remedy, she
uses the gentle and pleasant liquid laxative,
Syrup of Figs.
The Attorney -General's Department
has decided not to place Walker on hie
trial at the approaching assizes for the
murder of the Williams couple at Port
Credit, the same crime for whieh Me
Wherrill is under sentence of death.
r et •
I was cured ol Bronchitis and Asthmts,
Lot 5, P. E. L Mrs, A. Livingstone.
I was mired of a severe attack at Rhea.
Mahone Bay. John Mader.
1 was cured of a severely sprained leg
Bridgewater. JoshuaNynacht.
Messrs. DICK &CO., Montreal.
"Dick's Blood Purifier" ia the beat of all
condition powders 1 ever used. It makes
a horse thrive and teewell, improves his
coat and keeps him perfeetly clean in the
legs, no matter bow long he stands in the
stable. I gave half of the drat bex to a
gentleman who had a fine trotting stallion
that was swollen in the legs and had
scratches from biug? out of condition and
in is few days his legewere perfectly demi,
and the cracks healed rapiely.
RELIEF xs SIM tiorne.—Diordered Kid
ney and Madder diseages relieved in aix`
hours by the "Great South Ameriean
Cure." This new remedy is a great
surprise and delight ta physicians on ac.
couot of its exceeding promptness in re.
Having pain in the bladder, kidneysback
and every part of the urinary psasages in
male and female. eIt relieves retention of
water and pain in passing it almost initaitsa.
ately. If you want quick relief and cure
this la your remedy, Sold by 0. LUTZ
A Boor TO Honsemer--One bottle of
English Spavin Liniment completely re-
moved a curb from rria home. 1 tette
in reeommeting the remedy; as it sets
with mysteriosta proteptuess in the re-
moval from horses ot hard, soft or cll.
onsea temple blool epavin, splints, e orbs
sweetly, stifles end sprains.
GEORGE ROBB, Fittrinra,
WILUXTtir, Obr
Sold by a TATEZ.
Hamer DeslUse REataven lil TrITB,Tt
Dr. Agriew's Care for the Heart gives
perfeet reliant, ell cues of Orgard0 Of
Sympethetie Heart Dliesiee in 30 Minutes,
and speedily effects a cur, It is a peer-
less reraeay for Palitati'
n, Shortness of
reath, othering Spells, Dein at Left
Side end all symptoms of a Diseased.
Heart, one dose eoevinces.
old. by a, talTZ,
Barad?* Blood Bitter* dare dyspepsi.
idurdock 1oo Bitters cure tionstipAilet.
Brircloole Bloorl Bitten( elite bilioasneire
Buranels Biskra bitters sure bertach1 • v.?'
turdock Bleed laitters Melba* l.i t •
clogged teertiortsot the bertVeir ,
Ing heoot. ititc u
w?..?; •
lisearierieseeaseeeasteee sr,