The Exeter Times, 1894-9-20, Page 8t. laTSIPI ANCIEa lel r.c1. 2, .GIN TOR wo$l'11(ta Aisillteeerea Onel- eTY e create also tor the Pileigleie 1 1 Leetittee ai4 y t!« Sr tvY, of London rAtot. of nnevicnd, le uas piano to get yotu' Sch oto: Books. Ali the luto,t kinds of SribbltaN, 13:xeroase._..o Pt. s. and Pt;uails:, We, iLiSo, Brave at, Fait Line cif Pads and Pass B.a3ks. -A.r- J. IG 9S. SPECIAL SNAPZ Big Balikrt;t Stoll •i.1dC1R$ )AY, Slernie 4131 I LOCAL. HAPPINI 20tba, 1 04' Lora vWeb Pickard's for bargains on Fair ,day.. Snow tell in 111ontene Otte des last. Week. • The inset general holiday will be Thanksgiving Day. Auiary of alontre i,, was hero the forepart ot this week buying horses, Rickards are salliug ready made endorderecl clothing niuch below regular prices. White and Cutorad. Counterpane i good values and priced tow at J. P. ela>;ke's - I+or Rubber Coats. both ladies and genttecnens7 Gall and examine those Showa by'•1, P, llarke. Robert J., a • colt, paced a Wile at the past week visiting at 3, '. P, Roes F.erdoialn,., .Mr, W. IL (Manville :if London, spent "s, few days of this, week la toren.•--Mrs.. jRev.}:Spargo of Prince Edward.fsland is entitling her father I+ 1r. Pesthole. toc'n.. She will teraiu until spring,--blr. J. W.: enell occt?t vied the pulpit in the pain et. Methodist chiarah Sunday ,morning lest, - Roe, Geo. Webber of Torouto.was greeted by large congregations to 'the ,James at, Methodist church on Sunday lost, dr. Webber was a farmer paator of ths'churela toad has a host of friends here, who vera' pleased to once morohave the privilege of listening to his, eloquence. --neer. Wash.. Collins, of Wetford, spent the forepart at. slice week in town visiting firs, Temple-, tou.-The visitors to Toronto -Fair have returned home and thus week the Weateru in London is the ett+actiou,-Miss Tillie aVbite leaver in a few days for a trip to Brandon to visit be brother, Mr. Rr, White, and o her friends. -The legal f- eternity of town are this week attending the assizes at Goderich, -,Mr, Jbaeph white of St. Marys, and Miss Robiueon of Blausiaard visited frrenda in'town on Sued ay.-Misa, Addle Solland has left for a visit arnong friends in, London and Tilsonburg.-.i)r. Mary klntton who spent '.cont Hants, Incl., last week ui 2.O4; the fastest mile recurd in the world. Pickard's 25e. Tea pleases every- body. -Try it. Mr. A , Fora) tri and Miss Nellie Dar- ling were joinedin wedlock yesterday. The T1uEs extends congratulations. 1Ir. Jelin A. Gregory has been engag• ed as teacher for the Winchelsea School f r next year at an initial sa'try 3o pieces pure wool double fold dress goods, 22 r� c a yard. worth 4.0c..- A snap, sure. 58c buys from us jet or Blue Black Henrietta worth in any regular store 35c. Corn pare any S5c. goods you can find with our' 53c Black' Hen- rietta, A special lot of Felt -Tourist Hats, very nobby goods, the cor- rect thing f. r fall wear. See returned uo i.ippen this week,-lllee Crocker milliner, of Blytb, visited under the parental roof the forepart of this week. --lire, (Dr) Brotvpiogghaa returned 'from a visit among friends in Markham, cohere she loinsd'in celebrating the 30th anniversary of the dootor'a mother. -,1. A. Wiihame, of Zurich, a toerobor of they firm of the Rollins & Williams Milling Oo , was iu.town•an Monday on business. u es y -Mr. A. Bishop of 1Jahorne who recently of $375undorweot a critical operation in London. has returned hoine and 'bas sufficiently recovered to be out to see his many friends in town.-Mr.and Mrs. Jas Dennis O'Halloran of Brantford are visiting fir and Mrs. H. Lambrook.-Mr, and Mrs. James Dennis of Ayr are the groats of Mr. Dennie' parents, town,for a few days. -Mr. R Young and wife haye returned from Toronto.- Mies Jones visited friends in Hamilton last week. -Dr. N. F. Harrison, of Detroit visited his tether in town this week i11r. John Mogg, who has been spending the "summer in Man,, itoba and Michigan has returned home. -4fr, C. B. Marsland has returned home safely frasa the Queen city, and re- ports a pleasant time. -Mr. Frank Snell of Forest, is visiting friends in town. -Mrs. Geo. Easterbrookand fam- ily of Burlington Plains are visiting her mother, Mrs. Phcebe Harris. -Mrs. W. J. Thomas, who has been visiting in town the past few weeks, has returned to her'home is Burlington. -We notice. by the Parkhill Fall Show Bills thatProf Fish will give an exhibition with his trained Elk,at the show, and which will be one of the special attractions. -Miss attend Millinery opening on Friday GussieHolland has returned to Tilson• and Saturday, Sept. alst and 22nd. burg to resume her situation as milliner. For Tweeds, Worsted coatings and Genoa' furnishings, Collars and Scarfs, call at J . Clarke's. Mr. Al. Bissett, who recently pur- chased the Atkinson farm on the Lon- don road, about 9 milesss uth, has taken possession of same. Pickard's Millinery Opening on Fri- day and Saturday Sept. 21 and 22. Everybody is invited to inspect our stook. Mr. B. Spicer, mail carrier between Exeter and St. Marys has been ill the past few weeks, and W. Miners has been acting as substitute. Grasshoppers Fare living well since the revival of vegetation. The recent heavy rains have caused a splendid growth and pasturage is good. Dress Goods some of the choicest, designs in Tweed. Effects and Indian Cashmeres this week. Call and iuspect them at J. P. Clark's Miss Horn extends a eordial invitation to the ladies of Exeter and vicinity. to uar thein. oirsoisimillawismalwallainglimaristrimagiati EAB ', P Our Fall and Winter stock is w com letet and we are show- ing how- complete e. in all �� a very ��J►!�npl�t lines. Mr. NV. A. Dearing of Stephen has a sunflower in his garden • which has 43 well -formed heads; he would like to bear of someone who can beatthis. •Piokard's millinery is marked;very close to cost price. They will do best for you. The Exeter brass band visited Mit- chell on Tuesday and took part in the amusements in connection with the Catholic picnic held there that day. Pickard's are sole agents for Heptonette water proof wraps. No\ ,7rubber. Great wear, See them. J. A. StewartYk Notice to Times' Readers. - The publishers would esteem it a favor if readers would,when malting their purchases, mention that they saw the merchant's adver- tisement in THE TIhtEs. NOTIOE-A11 business announcements notices of public meetings, _entertainments clumnsswilt be char appearing for at the n rate of five merits per line each insertion. Black heading 3o count as three lines. Cash with order save to persons having open accounts. To insure change, of advertisements in current issue copy Tanabe handedinto office on TueedaY• R•:111 DAY. Grand Concert under the anspicet of the Ladies' Guild of Trivia Memorial Oh ;tit, siueSllD +'`I L, Comic Sina- er Of Woodstock. 111Sb . ALLWORTB, Soprano Singer of St. Thomas. besides other Local Talent. Plan of Hall will be open .at F. Knight's onSaturday, Sept. 22nd at 10 a.m. Miss F. M. Hicks, who has received a Teacher's certificate from the Toronto. C7oliege of Music is now prepared to re- ceive pupils. Apply at -Telephone Office or residence. There are several cases of by -"hobia among dogs in Lucan, and the Tillage Council haye taken action to prevent its spread, by compelling the muzzling of all canines. At Tire Western Fair. Mrs. J. A. Douglas of this village took lst prize at the Western Fair for best painting on silk or satin, oil colors; 2nd prize Embroidery with crewel wool; 2nd, prize mbroidery Iv%xica n or drawn threads; 2od prize Hand Bag with monogram; end prize Carving on wood;. 2n -2' bush ef case. -2 d prize for Ha nd P Colorado wheat, L. M. Brethour, Wood- ham: Spring wheat 1st M. Brethour Wood - natio Six rowed barley let M. Brethour, Woodham;banner oats 2nd prize E Bret - hour Woodln m•bushel timothy seed 3rd M Brathaur; Waodhem; Flax Seed. 3rd M. Brethour, Woodham. -Mr. P. L. -Bishop of Parkhill . joined his father here this week, and they are now doing business in Cobbledick's old stand. Mrs. Bishop will move to Exet- er about the first of next year. --Miss Lillie Fanson of Exeter is visiting in London and Sarnia. -Mr. Wm, Westcott visited friends in Kippen on Sunday last. --Rev. Hamilton of Londes- boyo, preached in the Cayen Presby- terian Church on Sunday last. -Mr. Wm. Sanson of Thornbury visited friends in tqwn on Tueaday.-Mr. John Abell and Mrs. Joseph C. Abell were in town on Tuesday. -Rev. D. M. Ramsay of Mt. Forest spent the forepart. f this week in town,' on his return from oronto..-Mr. Robert Muttart has re- urned from Mich. --Mrs. Thos. Bissett town, left on Monday for London. - Mr. John Trick of Toronto spent last Wednesday in this village. -Mr. John A. -Fisher of Toronto, yisited Mr. and Mrs Isaac Bawden on Tuesday last. -- Rev. E. W. Hunt will preach a Thanks- giving Sermon, at Blyth this (Thursday) evening.-hlr. Holland of Hay Tp., is attending the London Fair this week.; -Miss Edith fiyndman, who has been visiting friends in Toronto and Barrie, the past several months, has returned home. -Master Eddie Dignan, of town left yesterday to attend the London Fair, -Miss Blanche Clark has return- ed from her visit to St. Thomas.- Grand Millinery opening on Friday and Saturday, Sept. 21 and 22. Every- body cordiallyinvitecl to come and in- spect our new styles. Remember the date. E. J. SPa:craM 7.3 & CO. -Exeter for a village its size and pre- tentious, has the lowest tax rate this year: of a,ny place we have noticed. The rate is 1.4 mills on the dollar. while irgals,Sep24&25 ;k On the above days we shall :. �� offer special inducements in alb. �J departments, Have you cc (( (t (, it . (1 seen cf (, it (( (( our 5c. 25C: 2 5C. 25C. Grey . Cotton, :regular (( Feather Ticking, u Cottonade Tweeds • (( Cashmere Hose (( japan Tea (( price Sc. c( 28C. 3oc. 75c. 35c. (( 35c (( Bear in mind we are selling high class goods cheaper than anyother store in town. We don't handle trash. Come and see for yourselves. - • r Leamington's rate is 25 3-10, Ailsa Craig's 18 mills.' Pickard's range of dress goods is the most beautiful ever shown in town. E. J. Spackman & On;, will hold their Millinery Opening on Friday and Saturday, Sept. 21st and 22nd;. We cordially invite every lady to come and inspect the iiew styles. -E. J. SPecx- MAN & Co. A Wallaceburg correspondent says that the principal of the school, Mr. Dundas, bas had his salary increased from $650 to $700, owing to his having been offered a like sum by the Exeter School Board. ((Its an ill wind that blows nobody good." Mrs. Williams' wife of Mr.J. A. Williams, miller; Zurich, lost her pocket • book, containing a considerable aunt of money and railway tickets, at London. She thinks it was picked from her pocket. She missed it when stepping from the Grand Trunk train, yesterday '11ie Amoco's Eclipse. The partial eclipse of the moon took place on friday. The shadow appeared first at the north point of the moon's disk. As the moon moved up toward the left the shadow appeared to move down to- ward the iglit, covering at the middle . of the soli b a little less than a quarter .of the diameter of the rnoon'd disk, . and leaving it at a point 58,degrees to the west frons the north point. The first contact ocourred at 9a 36m,central standard tines. A1104 32m the eclipso was at !tit max- imum, After that there was pule the faint peniambral shading on thewest side of the disk, Ezter,ntrtattotr or 'Weed& The stays Department of Agriculture 0 p t' in are publfahidg a bulletin on weeds , and that bulletin. the Botaniist, Prof. Flotsaher salts that anyfarmer Navin# a we which wch tor o t n tree h w doss not understand, leo ga t rid of. should send a samplo to the Experimental .arm, It would cost him absolutely ioihing-the .postage free, end the weed win, be examined tree, aloe?, and advice given. The government wish to make the Department practically as use• fttl as possible to fartiteri. Morning. ng . 0 e,u ie tw ch d o done "A. Traveller" complains that the evening train from the north on the L. H. & B. is nearly always about ari hour late. It is due here at 6.25, but on account of the mixed being taken, off some tone ago No. 54 has to do a lot of shunting along the line and that ac- counts. for the delay. -London Free Press.' the largest stock Pickard's have g and sell cheaper than any other house in town, person, who last week spent a few dayvisitig at Dashwood end Fansville states that the Are in the Hay swamp has been something dreadful. Farm-, erg have hada trying time in keeping tho fire from their property, and yet e ` losses, r there flt►ve boon Oonsiderabl a it edone been bi n have r sits cattle matt 1st 400 cords of wood,and'notwith standingthe heavy rains the fires Sall epeople els pees they will �' andh smoulder, continue to do so until the snow , lD. 0. Mires nersdus l�yrfi� A friendly • game of baseball was playedl re an* Wednesday afternoon last, between the East End Club of Goderi and the Exeter Club, which results in favor of Goderich by a score of 19 t 17 runs. Some good playing was do by both teams and in several innings each club failed to make a run, i1iiner & agtYes. OUR ROOMS WILL BE OPENED ON FRIDAY . & . SATURDAY, Sept, 21st & 22nd. Everybody is cordially invited to Inspect our stock. - Dontforget the very beat groceries, you can get them at 3.-Clarice's. phenomenally small though full grown cow belongs to S. McDonald of. Ripley, weighing merely 600 pounds and is only threefeet high, whilst she is as long as an ordinary cow. She has rais- ed one aisaed•:.one calf, and it will give a good idea of how low -set she is when it is stated that she suckled three little pigs after the calf had been sold. The total receipts for the Industrial Exhibition, Toronto, amounted to $68, 937.95,as against $71,962.05 last year, a decreate of $3,024.10. The attendan- ce was actoelly greater this year than last, but the decrease in receipts is attributal to the falling off in grand. stand takings on the several rainy after- noons, on which no performance could be given. Pieiiard's stock of shoos is complete sec their Ladies' Dongole Kid, Button and Lace shoes for $1,75. It beats them all. ., , beat r the Pickard s mantles are fitting and dheapest in town. 2't the Lucan baseball tournament, Thursday, Lucan beat Forest by 14 9, and , Forest . defeated Exeter 21 ; to 9. In justice to the Exeter boys we inight say that the nine which: played were not a properly conetiknted team,-, and were scrubs" gathered for the occasion. They were not after laurels, their object being simply an eating. Plali nr the; preliminary revision of the Dominion voters' lista solemn deoiarationa must be excepted by the revising offices for (`names to be added and eorrectione to be made" and for "names to be temoyed," This is a change since the last revision, which should be carofally noted, and care should be taken that all whose penes appear on; the lists taker by the revising, officer as the basic of the new preliminary lists, and are not qualified to be on, should be atruok off. U LERVYE , G -LOVES, KITTS, . t6J JL�,A,B ELL 'meq LACES, RIBBONS, ANDKERCHIFF, TIES, HOSE SUPPOpiTERS, CORSETS, LACE CURTAINS. We will remind you of the rest when you come in:. CARLING BROS R. PICKA.RD & SON, Direct Importers. New Sailor Boy Tallon Tea at the l3ig Bankrupt Store. ,...,-o - Buy your Groceries at the Big ,Bank- rupt Store and save money. Owing to the want of apace, several. communications intended for this week's Times will appear neat week. Yes, you must go to the Big Bankrupt Store for Lire choisest Dress Goode end Trimmings. Wonderful values in New Mantles and Jackets at the Big Bankrupt Store, Most complete stock in town. LADIES you are invited to inspect all the newest and latest millinery and novelties at the Big Bankrupt Store on Friday and Saturday of this week. Mrs. Spicer will hold her usual mil- -livery opening on Friday and Saturday, 20th and 21st, and cordially iuvltea all ladies to attend. -Mics. D. Smelt: `l �1 ,„The other evening while business ryas 1 after case ofFall .,• going ore in the store :.of Messrs, Speak- man peck Goods od-s man & Co., some sneneak thief entered thee JO�l�STON'S FALL again, Activity per- grades every de- partment. Casa storehouse at the rear and helped them- selves liberally to groceries, Mr. James W, Creech who purchased The Fence Question Solved by the - IT S ELMAN Woven Wire PENCE... t. s 'P.„ IIIN opened out for your in - W. H. Heard"itiv -- sole owner of the right tc sell this KING of fence mach - fifes in th( County of Huron. t -Over two hun- goilred different woven wire fence mads. with this fence .¢;: This 7s.0e Aget.Ohintilo will be exhibited at thea ocle 'ioh, Caii .toe:,, Exeter and Seafortla, fall. fairs, when orders for fence and right to mako for farm anal townships will be offered. Do not fail to see it. W. H. HEARD, 337 Richmond st., London, Ont.., Pimnbing, Hot water heating, Iron'pipo,Brass valves,Man- tels, Grates, Floor tiles, Electrical supplies, the building on Main st,belonging to spection at val-.e Mr. J. Belkwili of Chicago, had it moved to Mill street this week; and will have ' ues neverbefore it remo2elled for a desalting. The subscription price of the Christian Guardian will likely be reduced from $2 to $1. It is also likely that Rev. J. W. Annie will succeed Dr, Dewart as editor, the paper of Iate having;nbeea. somewhat partisan in politics, The Oke farm, which had been sold some weeks ago, but which, it is claimed, was knocked down to one man at a bid offered by two others, was again put up on Saturday. It was sold to W. J. Oke at an advance of $10 on the. former price, viz ; $5,070. The season for shooting grouse, Wood- cock and hares opened Saturday. Differ - tint opinions exist, • but it seems probable that the wood -cook Will be found very dcarce, Scarcer than usual.' Grouse , ate not as plentiful: as they were a hatching in last year, owing to bd & tvoath er in the spring, hares are More plentiful, disturbede t bean where the etvamps ',Ayetot by fire!, oWiog to rebtriotfon of shooting them in the winter, The only foathelred may which is stilt prote..ted, andrel y be Wit with, are gush, d obey must not be •At the Methodist Conference in session at London, it was decided on Saturday that extension of the pastorate term be extended to four or five years as may be desired, on the approval in all "'cases by three-fourths of the quarterly boards and two-tbirds stationing committee that vote, for it, This was an amendment to the amendmentthe amended as oma by amendment me nt which then became the main mellow The St. Louie Press says: -Somebody who wants to explatn'what the editorial "we" signifies says it has a variety' of meanings, varied to suit the circamstan- vee. For an exempla. When you read that "we expect our wife home to -day," "we"I refers to the editor•in-chiel; when: it is ('we area littlelato with oar work," it includes the whole office force, even to the devil and the towel;: in 'Awe are having a booth,"the town is meant; Ne ` received over 700,000 immigrants last year,." and it embraces the 1 ation, but ((we have bog oholera to our midst only means the man who takes the paper and does .not pay for equalled. - Our stock of clothing is larg,, cr than usual and values never before equalled. Not the least attractive de- partment is: our stock of Goer- man Mantles, Everyone a per- fect fitter. XECUTOB'S NOTICE. I•n the matter of the estate of. Samson Pop p lesone, late of the village of Exeter, ixt the County of Huron, Gentleman) deceased. Pursuant to the Provisions of the revised statutes ofOntario, oliap.110. the creditors of Seamen POppleetane, late of .Tlxetor, °omits" of Boron, gentloniare dooeesed, who died on or about the 24th day sae -tonere, in the Year A. D., 1894, ar'o'reiluired to send b1 Poet, are - o ed.extratriit of the last and ri n o e x wild, td the heir Seine � b d de6easod, t will and teNtamorit o s i f their ' tare o l oar ion s and fur p and address, . e r'eecurity, if ariY',- and roduee th 1 chime, 4 h e bra t o bold asst net tpho said ostato; on orbC prat dayof Noveniber,.,11194, after` Willett flats trod ox ooittrix Wilt/1041m liable for r" ai swell alarm . maned ItliIV LOCI POPPh'esxOXM 1lareettrr as titter', Opt. 18th. It osl, r-.2in. Write if you cannot be at the Fairs. Dress c1ood.s. Tx':comings. Maittlings, Tweeds, Y 2 tin. s, Cotton,af4es. BOOTS H S FS o Froni the best makers. orate of white croaker •� A. of ... � �, s than regular 20 s tl le rine. Tea Sets, Ole. See our '� a( $ l See O ur Dinner d P Se tS, e f , C r sal9smeie0lsiCBrita e to show new, r pleasure goods, Hr T IN CORSETS Can only be obtained by wearing No. 391 " Improved All -Feather - bone -Corsets." No side steels to break, hurt or rust. TRY A. PAIR. Ali First.class Dry Goods HousesrSell Them. DOES IT PAY To' take m. • We answer empliatioally yes if you receive what you pay for. Not every institution dubbed Business and Shorthand School is worthy of your supt + B. 0. Forest Cit Have you seen the catalogue of the I' . -C Y Business and Short.- hand College of London Ont., it contains full particulars about the School. BOarcI- per week. School re -opened M•inday, Sept. 3. $2'50 hoELT, Principal, <, J. 'W'• WZa11STERV Aal. Great Clearing Sale ORDERED C RDEEDC OT q AT GRIEVE'S. he Next 8o days we will sell the balance of our Slimmer For tt'e a it rntlsk Suiten s ata price to suit everybody. Our sleek being; too lie v� g �, l? be deduced at the following low prices All Wool 'I`weed' Snits for $9.50 T'tegular price, x2,00, (( cs, x4.00 rt " (i x5.00 it (, 19,00o, . " �• ali Fine Tweed Pants 2.25 (, (, sr loco " (1 6:ooa Oiir;"5,00 pants are cheap at $7,00. �i . + and elothlla a at fie ayard for boy's g We have a lot of nice tweeds 4 , �' big , lot of bods free of charge. We have also a we cut g at veryloty .rices sods Remnants ranging from i yard up to' 5 yards, �,elnll � � Cace arid see for yourself. i#emereer the pl. a Ja IL Gutsy"; .'Exeter ., r { 4