HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-10-09, Page 16LOWER INTEREST RATES NoW Available On 1ST AND 2ND MORTGAGES • Anywhere in Ontario On RESIDENTI-AL, COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIA-L • and FARM PROPERTIES Interim Financing For New Construction & Land Development For Representatives In Your Arta Phone iAFEi/VAY INVESTMENTS AND CONSULTANTS LIMITED (519) 744-6535 Collect Head Office 56 Weber St. E. Kitchener, Ont, -We Buy Existing Mortgages for' Instant Cash- INENIMMINIlas ,,F0171"`. 77, 7457774V:' 1 'v0 • AO I GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9,1975 ne loot in the furrow' "Oa' A tew weeks agn, this corner took a sw ipe at the ,uper• markets in this country all of them 'in general and Domin- ion Store8 in particular The sUggestion nt.tde n that CO11111111 v as that chain stores do' not ut take a big chunk out ot Ole tood dolLtt the retail le\.el The take a bite AI the \\ a\ ailing the line right trouthe tone tood leaves the tarm gate .\ few disgruntled chain store people said I should not have stopped \\ ith one chain "Why don t \t)u do some research into the Weston chain of stores') - one independent shire > ner OUt fit is even bigger than Dominion' I have been unable to hod out -\\ [itch is the biggt hut some reeArch v is done int0 the \\ estirn group Weston's fronts i \ irietol•chainsitiaj the buying public rarely, connects For instance \ ou a re but ing twin that group when you shop at Lotilaws 0 K Econorn\ 1.-Nlart higher in a very short rime , Super-Vi1u, Eyonomart Zehr sindShop-I,:as\ Because these conglomerates' will have everybody's stom- . On top ()I this \Vestal controls such retail and whole- ,ich in control They'll be able to create artificial short - sale outlets as Red & \\ hoe. Luck\ Dollar. Super -S,1\ „AgesIn ecer commodity. Nlaple Leaf. Shop -Hoe and others Is not to say that such a thing has been done by the But it doesn't stop there corporate corrglomerateS. It may have happened. But The degree ot manipulation which is. possible through \\ h\ should any countr\ allow itselt to be put.in such a posi- 'such conglomerate, I., ).ust amaiing Loblaws, tor instance Hon' says it has to raise the price ot bread because Loblaw, The best way to prevent it is to keep the farmer inde- ,has to pay molt' 14 ilte bri"'ati frorn its supplier which is pendent ..keephim on the land and producing while seeing Westons But 1\ estons ‘k 1" 0bluwi, that he gets a reasonable return on his labor and invest - Weston s iid the price ot bread had to go up because ment of increased.costs tor milk and sugar used in the bread Just remember The next timeyou go to a supermarket But Weston gets milk nd Sugar front Donlands Dair\ and \ ou see Weston bread, Dietrich bread. Zehr's bread, and Royal Dairy and West rano Sugar. all owned by e, Hollywood bread or Wittichs bread. you are buying from ton 01 course the price 01 Hour h„id gone up. too but the same corporation The money paid goes into the:same that Hour' came trim suppliers such as NIcCarth \lilt corporate pocket and Soo Line both owned b\''Weston 1 in not suggesting that this is all wrong. 1 am suggesting Distribution costs also went up. iccording to the bread- thaL farmers must take advantage of every possible makers The distributors involved were NationaHrocers tnethod ot competing in the marketplace so that the cor- and York Trading. both controlled 1-.) \f‘ eston . prate giants won't run oft with every penny received' for See the picture l'emips the farmer 0. 110 prodio. tood' Jppr a'd by Bub Trutte, ER1a•e Rd, Elmira 82C theltems that went into making bread got a slight increase: But that increase as magnified all along the line and e\ er\ one at those increases went into the Sane corporate superpocket I4irtiei' ut course tight this type'of organyi,ation . is it any wonder why tarnTr. resort to marketing boards nd.1 her commodit\ organizations and groups to be sure the\ get a Leasonablereturn on their investment and labor" [rider this seeming socialistic exterior. I am a dyed -in- . • the -wool. small conservative 1 would like to see laissezdaire marketing But when ,farmers must face such huge conglomerales which control every bit of food trom the tune it leaves. the, sarin gate to thetime' it hits Your dining table. the,\ must organize or the congloMerates will take .over with corporate farms. too And ifvou think the price' ot tood is high now. watch it go much. much Get tickets early -(1 • Duke of ,Wellington to open Royal When the Duke of Wellington and 'individual professional officially opens the 47th Royal riders from Canada, the United Agricultural Winter Fair on :States and foverseas will be November 14th in' Toronto, he competing in exciting action will be welcoming in excess of every evening .and Sunday 300,000 visitors during the'9'. d ay afternoon and for the first time event to the world's. largest at five, matinee performances. indoor agricultural fair and A dressage demonstration of Canada's showplace of champions. , The best of Canada's agriculttire, And the world will be on display in the ...27-aere complex urider'•-nne roof as 16,000 entries compete for $250,000 --in prize. money. Championships will - be awarded in 23 different , Advance ticket sales y mail . divisions, including (tato/ '110. .•;c4vse .October 31 and those beef cattle, 'poultry, swine,- interested in ordering tickets. sheep, field crops„ breeding, are urged to do so as soon -as horses, dairy Products, possible to avoid disap- vegetableS,' Maple syrup and honey. A dozen differeht livestock auctions will . see buyers from all over the world bidding for the hest in breeding stock and market cattle.. International jumping teams equine ballet featuring a. four horse quadrille will also bepart of each .performance. - Opening day, Friday, - November 14 will again he Senior Citizens' Day, • • 11° senior citizens will 1) adMitted. free to the Fair and t the Royal Horse Show niatine pointment. For tickets, contact the Ticket Office, Royal, Agricultu*ral. Winter Fair, Royal' Coliseum, Exhibition Park,i Toronto, M6K 3C3 or telephone (416) 366-9051. „ Attention Farmers ,CLAY - Silo Uriloaders • Feeders - Cleaners - Stabling • Log El ,Nators - Liquid Manure Equipment - Hog Equipment FARMATIC Mills • 'Augers, etc, ACORN - • Cleaners - Heated Waterers ZERO - Bulk, Tenks PicielinqAParlour Equipment W ESTE E L-ROSCO•Granaries B & L • Heg Panelling Bulk Tank & Pipeline cleaning Detergentti, Teat Dip, etc. Bovadine " Dyne Losan Uddersan Foamchgek , Kleelleasy, "Lk LOWRY FARM'SYSTEMS RR 1, Kincardine, Ontario • Phone 395-5286 Get the most from life FOR SALE 'MAIL Ford tractor, 3 point hea ,, new rear tires. Phone 482- 31.4S, -41 , zus .• „ • B- CUSTOM WORK NOTICE - Notice Mr. Farmer - We have built a new addition to the Abattoir, all processing will be done right at the plant. Due to lower operating cost, we have lowered our charges for custom. butchering. Call us for your next •custom kill. We will- be able to save you money. Ripley Abattoir, 395-2905 or 395-2961. --4lif nainamillessommommitillionnimmmuinimmin,0110„iimunum„„awoluonmwriei; ,.., p. Ft EM'IN pER ..,i ,, ... MR tIMINIIMMINIIi 1111P11111•111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111•1114•1111dIlt11111111111111milio1lilI1N1111111111111;177, ,Review your life insurarce pro- gram periodically. Make sure it still matches your family's changing needs rd our added responsibilities. State Farm andl can help you get - , what you want out . of Let me show you how. Bill Barwick 30 Kingston St. Gdderich 524 7551 te qcod leighbor Stay. Cam .1 there Like a gooc(neighbor, Stet? Farm is there. STATE FARM LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Canachan.Heaci Office: Scarborough, Ontario Buyers Of Timothy, Red Clover . and Birdsfoot Trefoil SEED MAPLE LEAF MILLS • SEED DIVISION ,t EXETER, ONT. PH 235-0363 (Jones, MacNaughton). WATER WELL DRILLING ',Latest modern equipment Domestic - Industrial - Municipal Free Estimates You and your family deserve the best of water so don't hesitate to call TOM LANG PHONE 524-6410 NORTH ON HIGHWAY 21, GODEppCl 1' 0 12, "BARGAIN -BAIA IV FROM THURSDAY, OCT. 9th TO SATURDAY, OCT. 18th STORE HOURS MONDAY, THURSDAY 9:30 A.M. TUESDAY, SATURDAY TILL 5:30 P.M. WESTON MADE FRUIT 48 OZ: $2...99 1 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111011111111•1111... Colgate&'p U. A CAIII • FLUORIDE COLGATE, C.LS-UP AND ULTRA BRITE TOOTHPASTE 100AML. SIZE 93c EACH PHENTEX 3 PLY KNITTING YARN. 6 OZ. BALL 99c BALL REG. $.49 WEDNESDAY FRIDAY 9A.M. TILL 12:30 9:30 A.M. TILL 8:30 P.M. 10 PAGES INSTASTICK PHOTO „ALBUMS $1.99 NICE -N -EASY HAIR COLOURING $1.66 REGULAR 11.97 ASSORTED SHIRTS FOR LADIES $4. JOHNSON'S 14 OZ. SIZE BABY POWDER $1.17 LADIES' ONE SIZE PANTY HOSE PAIRS. 73, FOR 45" ' FISHNET CURTAIN MATERIAL 66c REG. 99c YARD44 YARD SIZE 36 x 72 WINDOW SHADES WHITE ONLY $ 1.77 - FAMILY COMB PACKAGE 20 ASSORTED UNBREAKABLE COMBS PER PKG. 66c HOCKEY - STICKS YOU GET FREE PUCK AND TAF • BUY NOW AND SAVE BOYS' LINED CORDUROY OR ^, DENIM JEANS •$4.99 ASSORTED CARNIVAL AND DIAMOND POINT GLASSWARE $3,99 EACH BOYS' SKI JACKETS SIZES 8 TO 14 $8.88 WOMEN'S PILE SCUFFS $1.77 pA. LOUANGEL • ALL 16 OZ. SIZE HERBAL SHAMPOO' YOUR DANDRUFF SHAMPOO 'CHOICE • AND BABY, SHAMPOO $1•17 • 3 PACK CELLO TAPE EACH 1/2" x 1000" ROLL 94c PACK 6 TIER METAL SKIRT RA(K .19 BOYS' LONG SLEEVE SIZES 4 TO 6x PLAID FLANNELSHIRTS $1.88 MEN'S SOCKS • ASSORTED STYLES AND COLOURS 83 PAIR LADEES' EMBROIDERED T-SHIRTS $3.99 "SABRE BRAND" PEDESTAL ALARM CLOCKS WITH 1 YEAR GUApANTEE $4.77 GRIP TIGHT RUG RUNNER MATERIAL CLEAR ONLY $2.27 YARD ASSORTED ARTS AND CRAFTS TOYS $ 1 .66 FANCY OR PLAIN STACKING COFFEE MUGS 3 $1.00 ASSORTED GIRLS' AND LADIES' TUQUES MANY STYLES TO CHOOSE FROM $1.88 ASSORTED DISH CLOTHS AT THE REAL MONEY SAVING PRICE OF 5193c ASSORTED ANIMAL ASH, TRAYS GOOD SELECTION $2.99 SIZE 24" x 36" ,• NYLON WOVEN MATS $1.6.6 SANI-CANS IN WHITE - AVOCADO AND GOLD - $7.77 SOLO • ,SUPER VALUE PACK BRUSH ROLLERS WITH PICKS AND COMB ASSORTED SIZES 88c PKG ASSORTED LONG SLEEVE T SHIRTS .FOR CHILDREN $ ASSORTED FACE CLOTHS AT A REAL BARGAIN PRIcE 6 FOR 97c 100 PERCENT COTTON' ; PILLOW CASES ASSORTED PATTERNS AND COLOURS $ 1.73 1-2-3 PAINT BY' NUMBER SETS 'GOOD ASSORTMENT $1 PEOPLES STO ES' LTD. 146 COURT' HOUSE SQUARE GODERICH 1. A