HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-9-20, Page 5Toronto, Ontario.. As Well as ver After Taking Hood's Barsaparilig. Cured of Sarlotis Esiset40. 1 "I was suffering front what is known as (`' Bright's disease for five }ears and for clays at a time 1 have bean unable to straighten myself up. 1 was in bell for three we. ;, during that time I had leeches applied rind clertved no hone- . 'fit. -Seeing Deed's Sarsapailll.r, advertised hi the papers I decided to try a bottle. I found Sarsa,parmmma relief before ] had finished taking half of a bot- tle. I got so much help from taking the first bottle I deckled that . e to try another, and sinceo . taking the second bottle I feel as well is'ever Idid inmylira" Gua ,"ifs Itnxs'r,Torouto,Ont Hood's Pills are 1" ompt and y:..c lit, yet THE ROST SUCCESSFUL REME FOR MAN OR BEAST. Certain in its effects and never blhtet Read proofs and KENDALL'S SPANIN GU I, Box 52 Carman Henderson Co., Ill., Feb. 24, Sti. Dr. B, 3. KENDALL bo. 9 Dear Sirs-Pleass send me one of your Horse Books and oblige. Dame agreat deal of your Eandall's Spavin Ours with good success;it is a wonderful medicine. I once had a mare ttatliad =Aeons avin and five bottles cured her. I i keep a bottle 'Yours truly all the time. nA3. Powsat. KENDALL • S SYAVM CURE. O4NroN, Aro., Apr. 9,'22. Dr. 13, J. KENDALL CO. .Dear Sirs -I have used several battles of your "Rendalrs 9pavia Cure,' with much Success. r. think It the best Liniment I ever used. Hata re. movertons Curb, one blood Spay,,, and kfded two none Spavins. Dave recommended it to several of my friends who are much pleased with and keep it. Respectfully' 9. R. RAT, P. 0. Box 518. t4", For Sale by all Druggists, or address t .73. J. J E11NDALL COJItP�NYr ENOSBURGH FALLS, VT. Fail F0,ira+ i,ti94 • Ildertotl Sept, 24 Ggderielt Sept. 25.26 Stephen Liu (reborn°, tit Exeter Sept 24- 25 South Perth, at St. Marys Sept, 25-26 Stratford Sept. 27-28 fleaforth (South Hurons) Sept, 27-28 �',uxioh Sept 27-28 ICirirton • Oot: 4-5 ThQrtldalp OGt• 'lit Cliutoil Oat 2'--$ Forest Uuldri Forest Oot 2.,..8. Manshard, at Klrktou O6t:4 4-5 Ailsa Craig Oct, 2 Grsnrou (13iddulpb) put. 8-9 9 o• Hon. W. D. Washburn, the . great flour miller of Minneapolis, is the latest authority to openly express disagree- ment with Sir William 'Van .Horne's $2 wheat prediction. Mr. Washburn, in deed, expreases the belief that the price will never again exceed $1, save in the case of a great war or famine. And Mr. Washburn is in at least as good a position to form a sound opinion as the president of the 0. P. R. 111n11v6 To Sava a Lia. -A Georgia newspaper Crave an account of the heroism of John Potter, a ten year old boy :who coda a horse twelve miles to Macon for the purpose. of calling a,phyeio"tan tQ attend his mother, who watt believed to be dying with coria. The doctor could not he found, but a kind druggist gave the lad a bottle of medicine and ordered him to hurry home. The brave lad rode home, de]iyered .the mediaints and then' faint, d fromnervous exhaention. The medicine cured the wick woman, and the boy as well. It is only neoeseary to say that the precious medicine was. Perry Davis' Pain Killer, which never' fails to care all disorders of the stomach. 25c. old popular price, for New Big Bottle. ,. Levi Scarf. of Eaatman'e • Springs, who is to Stand hie trial at Ottawa aeaizea on the charge of attempted murder upon Robert Mo0oody, has been given his liberty on $500 personal securities by his mother and cousin, YQCT ant a Bicycle? HE G. J. PNEUMATIC rt c sr TIRE Or t -o ts Is the only Tire that give satisfaction last year mat/erACTUR£D eY The Geoid Bicycle Go. LTD. Ila YONGE STREET Brantford'Ont: jJ)Ar1T(jNSO.N TORONTO • E •. .L +Ell B, TIME A, Advance In Furniture in quantity, variety and beauty, but -a retreat in prices is the movement now being executed in our store. Tables, chairs, parlor and bed ,rooin suits, kitchen and dining room furniture, omee furniture even, are all included in this sale. See the advance guard of bargains -the rank and file are too numerous to even mention -you must come and see, "BOAR FOR SERVICE. Cheater Whhite crossed 'with aYorleshire on lot 15, Con. 7,Usborne. A g iod stook get ter. Terms $1, at time of serrice• WWM. SNELL: Elimville P, 0. FARM FOR SALE, • The undersigned offers his form for sale, comprising Lost 18. North Thames Raad, Township of Usborne, s9 pores more or less•. There is a good frame barn 36x50 ; good frame stable, 30 s 60; also a log house and agood bearing orchard. good water. The farm .1s situated' in the Village of Farquhar about six miles from Exeter • and is tinders good state of ouittvation For ftirther Particulars apply to JORN' KAY. on the prem- letter P. O. ses or et r eTnr ubar P by Q WJE[AT A LITTLE MONEY WILL BUY If spent in the right place, Tliat J: D. Atkinson's is the right place to buy your furniture. The following facts and figures proye : • 10 Piece Bedroom. Outfit, $20.50. EEO, DiIESSER, $20.50. - WASB STAND, MATItEsS, SPRING, 2 PILLOWS, ROCKER, $20,50. CTIAIit, `,'ABLE. Coming brides and young married couplestake advantage of the above offer. We supply comfort cheap. PERKINS & MARTIN Furniture Manufacturer, north of Faneon'r Block, Town Hall. Prairie fires in the Resenfeldt district, [ J '\7' aoutki of Winnipeg, are destroying many holdings and grain stacks. j..:,Murray:kV Tilwr -fir -Sid Itianufaoburer of PLOWS, LAND ROLLERS, TWIN PLOWS. Wholesale Ma}infacturels of Plow Castings, Also General Castings con- tracted, for in Iron and 3rIlss, Also Manufacturers of 13ridge Bolt ends, Washers, etc. Iron piping and fillings kept constant ly on hand, Repairs promptly execut- aoL Change 331, 3Sa.siuesst SN ELL'S • Butcher shop laving purchased the Butchering bus iness of Messrs. Wood Bros,, will take possession on April lst, and I would res pectfully solicit the patronage of all the old customers of the shop and as many new ones as can favor me with a call. Moats of all kinds always on hand, and perfect satisfaction guaranteed. With$. SVEr-aa. aIinaI 5ty1! 0 0 Ia 0 " 8e'st Ordered Clothing produced in Exeter Gentlemen l leave your orders ear ly,for with the best staff of Tailors ; the bee - stook of Fine Trimaiinge, and the beat Cutting in Town, yci•are sure of satiefaot` ion. W 0 �. a.117nLL. HOLE WANTED AT DzetorPackinglioup Hogs to weigh from 150 to "O0 lbs, lire weight. Highest market price paid. SNHLL BROS. To Exhibitors of If you would secure first prize you must have Tour animal in the finest condition, his coat must be smooth and glossy and he must bo in good spirts so as to `'show off" well. DICK'S BLOOD PURIFII2R is the best Con- ditionl dition Powder known for horses and cattle. It tones up the whole system, regulates the bowels and kidneys, strengthens the digestion, turns a rough coat into a smooth and glossy one. It gives horses "good life" making them appear to the best possible advantage. Get DICK'S from your druggist or grocer or address. DICK & CO, P. 0. 'lox 462 MONTREAL. A MAN Cali always Be Dressed Well If he goes to the proper Tailor. We have a large range of Pat- terns to choose from - Natty Tweeds, Serge&5 and Worsteds, p=ads up. iu .'uly style, and fitting the customers so well that inti- mate friends do not scruple to ask who made your Suit. Our customers never hesitate but answer with a knowing smile, 3 013NS IN OVERCOATS WE LEAD The Tailor. 8011 E D"CTZ: 0.,F 00]V10T101\1-8 Returned by Justices of the Peace in and for the County of Huron for the Quarter ending September rah, 1894, pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 76, Section r. j )Nemo of Prosecutor Name of Defendant Nature of Charge. Date of Conviction Name of Convicting Justice or Tusiioee. Amount Penalty .line or Damage. 'Dine when to be paid to said • Justice. J;o'.wbom paid over lime when If not paid, why not, and getter. paid: by said Justices, al observation, if any. and when 1 2 3 4 . 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 • 21 22 23 24 25 26 271' 28 29 ,29 31 X32. 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 48 50 51 Gl 54 55 56 57 58 89 A Nicholson..... .. " J. Smith. : R Symonda..... John Yale..: • A. Malloy • • • • • • • R Symondsa a • .: , •. ,. Thoa•Handly, town constable.: "' 0 M Dnnloy Wm Ballantyne C M Dunlop .1 Adam Hays.... Deputy Postal In epector Malony J H Pickard.. W 3 Paisley.. Chrietena Walton "Aug 3 R Miller " 8 Scott .... Geo Edwards Constable lirradfoot 0onstes Davis.. foo " "-.r.. " ..... , Thomas Cole James Davie:....,. . ,1" Chas Bembridge ,ft W. Barker, P. 0 Inepectef • , OM .Isaac' ," • Thee Herten.. Geo Barton •... Mary Smith.. Chas Fisher, Dep'y 1'. 0, Inspector Amos Watson . , rr S McLaughlin • Wm Ballantyne,In attacker p" • • • . , ', 1r . "` . Won Varcoe.. , :. , " . • .1, ....`, . , Fred Beynee ...: , . t `..... .. Thos MoCartnep .., ae .tic Wm,xiukley,.,.,., e e en . Winf Rr tticDermott .... Peter Vazel.. Jas Mullen 3 Sands.... Gordon Shuston R Burton . J Elltley E Curran . . ... , A. Sande W 99111 Robt Thompson, jr Patrick Monroe... Edward Barnett .. Wm Piper Prof Nathan Marks E R Swartz ... George Riley John Hart Thos Regan.. J Biddlecombe James Morgan Robert Mason James Durnion, gas O'Leary 'Harry James, Samuel,' Shine Jno Heist ... Samuel Be ..... Sao- Joh Beattie... sten James Anderson James Mullett .. Samuel Woodman Josiah Pratt Wm Stogdale....... John McTaggart,. 'SVm Gordon.... .. Ellen Holt" Jaoob Wiener Geo Harlon , Thee Horton Wm Davis..., R E Pickard ., .,17 Anthony ]Taggart Alfred W,illiariis James ]`Lannon - : Henry Smith. flenry Wever . Peter McPhee .. • John 'Fataley John Gauley. .. .... Edward Green .. t : Mack Hogan Philip Hogan Wm Small Hank.. Bradford. .... Wm shay.....,,. Mall •Dinnin . 411.10.1.11161...111.11101...6 Drunk " Wilful injury to wagon...... Trotting over bridge.... .... ... Vagrancy..`. , ".1 Trottiog over bridge...... ' .. .. 11 I ' s .. .... , ... i Affray and Fighting , " ....... "' .. Breach county by law selling liquor during times pxohib- Bed by law Furious driving on highway.. .. .t Refused to give .} of the highway Violation postal regulations Aseaule.,, • Selling liquor during prohih. hours Grossly insulting language.. Selling liquor in prohibited houre : , . " Sale of goods without a license Assault , , Vagrant.... ....... ... .. Drunk and Disorderly.... •' Aesault ' , Drunk and disorderly .. �, .... •' Assault • Breach postal law.... ...... Abusive language Breachof peace.... .. . , .. ... .! ..... .. . " . .... Breach postal law.... , .... , ,•.." Threatening language Larceny .. • . ...... ... Selling liquors on Sunday:. ,.. , . • Baying&drinking liquors onSunday .. " ... ".. .. .. , Taking boa/ .......:.: ' :. , . , " . 6 . • .. • . t • •• 44 , . F. •. ,,,. Takfnghoree :...., . " • . ,'. ,, .. , .. 1' :.. ...... ... .....•. g.... . ; ; , : , . Vsgra y.:. ., ,..... July Aug Sept June July Aug ,1 June March Aug July July June July Jute Aug Sept It arch April May Aug July Ang June July May18 11 11 19 ' 23 15 235 5 5 5 5 21 4 4 31 22 24 24 33 7 30 27 9 13 25 28•" 7 24 4 23 20 20 20 21 26 25 3 5 2 16 17 4 13 • 28 28.......................................2 28 28 16 - 16 16 9 9 John Butler, Mayor of Goderich . . Horace Horton, J P. .... .,...... John Butler, Mayor - . „ ... • ,,, ,. .. .. , ..... . ,. John Beattie J P Seaforth '° .. .i...1 " "' "• John Beattie & D D Wilson, J P's ........1 ."....... John Beattie J P Robert Holmes, Mayor of Clinton, ..... _.• ."Q J McGarva & H Steep, J P's, Wingham W T Brokens.... J P " hire, A' Hunter, 3 P, 13rneeele`..... .. W H Kerr, J McRae & A Hunter,J P's W 11 Kerr, 3 P, Brussels ........... .. •' N H Young,Wrn Campbell,JP Wingbam Wm Campbell, 3 P " N H Young,'+' W Tanner JP'e " Wm Campbell, N 13 YcungJ P's Wm Campbell. 3 P . . ... ...... F W Tanner,N II Young Wm Camp. bell, J P'e . Chas Snell J. P. ,. ... . , .. "..Bound . • " . ... r ..... . , ......... ........ 8 Caldwell & Jno WileonJ P'e RRosa, T Gibaon&R Miller.J P's Gerrie Wm Lewia, J P, Crediton .......... , .... `' ... . " •.. .. Wm Mallourrh, J P, Dungannon . .. .. . > ..... .. , " . ". ... . . ...... ...... " .. , ..... .. , , ' • .......... .. . . .. "...:. , tr, .. , . Robert Harrison, J P,ddhfieid ... ....1 00 1 00 ...1 00 1 00 00 ....1 00 ....1 00 .1 00 1 00 ....1 00 . _1 00 00 ..:..1 00 10 00 , , 20 00 • 00 .2 00 , . 10 00 ....5 00 .. 20 00 ....1 00 . . ..2 00 .. 20 00 .. 10 00 ...1 00 ..1 00 ..5 00 . , .1 00 , ...1 00 , . , -i 00.... ... .1 00 ....1 00 1 00 • • • .1 00.. .. 20 00 ...... 10 00 • .......... 20 00 00 . , 2. 00 ... 2 00 100 .:.., 1 00 .... 1 00 . , . .....:. .. ....... ..... - . .... ..... July 1 '94 Forthwith .... " ... ... " .. .... " ... ...." .... ... June 7 Forthwith ...." ... " ...." ..... Forthwith Dismissed Forthwith June 24 July 10 ....... Aug. .20 Forthwith '• ,.. ..." . . Aug , 25 25 1 Forthwith for '" .....'' Forthwith .. . • .. Forthwith . `' . , .. . a . . " ...." •, .• •• .••••.•.• Forthwith•' .. " .. , .. . • .• .; . .... ... Tree .. i fine to Paid fine Paid town I. .. . ;To . . • • N .. License .. Not yet Town or 10 dave with coats or 20 days .. Village "; , ..Not paid .. IVillage . ....:. P 0 Dear 12 monthe ... . 1. P 0 wale diemie ...........Win ... . ... 4. . . ...... , .. • • • ... •.. . . . ogee dirtnis committed committed surer........ ,.. Treasurer .... '' .... .... ...... Not yet paid Paid Town Treasurer .1 informant, i to Town to Wm. , Ballantyne, Treasurer.......... " Deputy Inspector.... Robson, Treasurer .. Inspector .......... paid Treaearer...... .... in jail. Paid to Lice against prcsecutor .. in jail, failing distress Treasurer . .,;', ... Committed to jail 20 Village Treasurer... '`,... ..... Clerk Peace.. ... Treasurer,... << .... .. .. Clerk of the Peace :. tenant Department sed with costs paid , • .. „ .. ' • Wm Ballantyne ... . " , . . " .. . ....'' . . " . . Clerk of the Peace ... . .•..•«.....•.••.. • , r . ... • (perk of the Peace• ... 4, ped. # Plaintiff to' pay one month' is jail ... to50 jail 21 days in jail.... .< - Dismiesed 20 days in jail 5 months in jail 8 days to pay Treasurer...• License Inspector Time extended nee Inepeetor, East Huron costs $5 27 days ..... . • . Withdrawn ..... prosecutor.. Sent for trial:. .......... • Dismissed... . ... ...... .. " ... • . +.,.. ..•. . . . ... .... coati... .. . ............ .... .,. ....... , • • ..•• • . • • . • , . • ..: � . •:.. , . . . . ... .. .... . .... . . ...•• ! 1 hereby certify the above .to be truly and correctly copied from the records filed it my office, - Clerk of the Peace O,HFfcelL. Goclerlcll, September z xth, is gg4+_l .�i LEWIS, Oct* of the Peace and County Crown Attorney of Huron County, DRESSMAKERS About fashions in dresses, but everyou agrees that the best foundation for any CL tume is the "HEALTH BRAND'. Black, tights, which allow the " lgurte: to be shewa to perfection and do away with over. stockings, bloomers, a nd unnecessar r karts �IfiI��Y�IM^ I.P4 rI+I�Y1gI�M.�••�r4�ilgw�1r11�11�gAlYI�PIR ' .All ladies in ,Montreal wore them last fall and winter, and during the coming season nothing else will be considered, they' were such a success., Send for our illustrated catalogue, Ave' by Y post, if your own dealer has not got them, THE MONTREAL SILK .MILLS CO,, Montreal. EXETER LUMBER YARD. Thd undersigned wishes to iiifornl the public in general that he keeps coli stantly:in Stock all kinds cif BUILDING MATERIAL, tDR.28SLD AND UNDRESSED), PINJ and Fd.L{'11ILOCE, LUMBER, B. C. RED ONTARIO AND BJGEL LAND And. PINE SHINGLES. Special notice is drawn to B. C. Red Cedar,Shingles which is no -led to he •the Most Durable Timber of any that grows. Specialty for Shingles, Said 1•y competent judges to last from thirty six to forty years in any climate, . J•A1•S. VY I.,Irx.t.,.XS THE BOBIER PRODUCE CO. have decided to Retail 011 at Wholesale Prices Best Canadian Oil, - - 12c. Best Canadian Water White 17o. Best American Water White 20c. COME ONE, COME ALL. THE BQBiER PRODUCE CO.. SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES. By virtue of a warrant, under the hand of the Warden and seal of the Corporation: of the County of Huron, dated the sixth day of August, 1894, commanding me to levy upon the lands hereinafter dean ibed fcr the arrears of taxes repectively due tbeaecn, together with costs Notice is hereby given, that unlers such taxe.t and costs are eoonor paid, I shall, in compliance with the Assessment Act, Chap. 193, R. S. O., pro- ceed to sell by public auction the raid lands, or ao tnuch thereof as may be necessary to discharge the same, at the Court House, in the Town of GQDLRICII on TUESDAY the TWENTY SE JENTH day of NOVE191B1sR, 1894, at TWO o'clock in the after- Lot or part of lot Con. or Street Acres Taxes - .._ Costs &e These lots are patented. TOWNSHIP OF ASttk'1ELl). 'part of 7 13 W. D. 11 $4.61 2 W.pertof 3 - 42 43 44 4.5 46 47 42 43 44 45 46 47 part of 41 part of 10 part of block 13 N I. 24 S W partlo East of 2 East of 2 VILLAGE OF PORT ALBERT, IN ASHFIELD.. Melbourne St. N. i, 1.76 do i 89 Sydenbam St East z - 88 do i 88 do } 88 do i 88 do do - 88 Wellington St. West ;, 1.32 do 4 1.32 do 1.32 clo }• 1.32 do i 1.32 do }• 1.32 Wellington St. East 1:13 TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE. Maitland 70 38.07 2.55 1 5.04 1,85 TOWNSHIP OF GREY. 6 50 - 13.04 TOWNSHIP 'OF HOWICK. B } 1.44 VILLAGE OF FORD WIGl3,;IN HOWICK, Louisa St 5 it 11,29 Edward St N i 81 VILLAGE OF GORRIE IN HOWICK. 136 1/5 7.49 1.85 137 1/5 2.90 1:85 VILLAGE OF NEWB RIDGE OR SPENCETONIN HOWICK. 12 2/5 2.08 VILLAGE Or BELGRAVE IN MORRIS. 53 i 61 1,85 54 i 61 1,85 TOWN PLOT OT WINGHAM, IN - TUBNBERRY. 247 22.46 1.85 25`5 .43 2.09 1;85 VILLAGE OF BAYPIELD, 81.85 1.35 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85• 1.85 1,85• 1.85• 1.86 1.85 1.86 2.85 1.85 1:93 1,85 1.88, 1.85 1.85 84 85 86 87 ., 88 89 90 91 r 92 93 ' 94 95 96 97 99 99 100 101 102 103 104 St. Andrews Survey, 8, River St, do do D do .' VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS. part Of 6 3rd piece from Mill St part of 6 6th piece from Mill St VILLAGEF -EXETER. EXETER. part of 15 Con, 1, Uabcrne 10 VILLAGE OF WB0XETER. 1 F'raliek St S 4 2 do a ao 4 do Gibson St E. West part block C Mi11 These lots are unpatented. VILLAGE OF l+onnwfoB I1 HOWIOK, 1. A,lb.rt fit N 1440 1,96• 2 40 l.bt 1,65 3 dg Llys 1.96, 4 do 1.01, 1, • Oottity Treseurer's Ofl1oi t olierish, Angttst 141b, 16945f Bayfield 48' " 48 1. .. 4 .11 .Q 1, 41 41 41 .1 It .1 4' 1. 48 48 48 43 48 48 11.95 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 1,23 1.60 5.32 3.99 26.65 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 I.85 1.85 1.90' 1,85 1.85 1.85. 1,85 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85• 1.85 1.85 185 1,85- 1.85 2.27' 5.82 1,85• 5.81 1.85 5.81 1.85- 5,81 1,85 5.81 1.85 1.76 1.85, WM. 1tt1EO Triliouter Countt of B rtsdt