HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-9-20, Page 1AND HURON MIDDLES "HEW TO THE LINE, LET TBE CHIPS FAIL W! LERE ` THEY MAY' V9L XXII, NO. 4, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDA;' t' J IORNING, Ska PT. ,MB 16 lit 20, 104 roux woxtrE &se 4S runtti ners ants,'roprietere Take 11, D, C: fo 1:t000010li.. WIIAU• lIWLP, !P A i,{VN30W4 }. cores sink ti;eadaehe., ;1 Canada's great show is the attreation. Mlddtese 0otlx�tp Notes. NSWS pARICS OFA WEEk�, a SPEOJAL d, .-'Phe great Fore in the marsh east of rhSi{lJUNG this village which has caused consider- able damage received a severe (Wok- -r -- Phiilp I aha, diad on Monday, Sept, Std, et his home be • the southern part of The Ynpltottant events 3n a roe wards hot ttuav Readers. AS BSD' ft)w Mg lately; and is now in d dying can- Usborne, ou the townliue between Usborne township and Bfddutph, Not one in twenty. 'are fres from some The Pullman strike has been formalip 'acusis' offD Rain the forest Rain has Mont Fli'tnSIFa$@ Bee11 Re RTlu'ee ■q�q.' 1 Stanley.a little ailment caused by inaotfon df the Use Uartdr s Little 'Liver Pills. quenched fires be New BrulisrPzcic. ; gulat'lq Defrauding. tete Cast ins: �1 • - Nt' ' ; ..bust. `— n ` Bme s, -Mr: Alex, lanes and his eon, Harold, left last weals for a tri» to 1lani- The result wi11 be a pleasant emprise, The glee ositive'relief.: The Middlesex fell assizes will open An attempt has been made on the life of the elaytian President. The anti.Engiieb, feeling is growing IMPORTED JUTE FRSE OF DiJTY � prices t" � � , ,: I ` e a about month. obs. They will h Away ou a 1n -On Fride evening last while Mra. y Gregor McGregor was tying in the °owe, Oot.1, with justice Robinson on the bench, The erizntnal doalret includes a charge Edward i3ew,sra for havin killed stronger in 'Tepee.:' Aizpther.body was seen floating in the Niagara Thursday. ut u ,o c i 1 ? 7.'3 is ti Dtity. 2f Twenty Per Cent. should nave peen !'aid—ilio C r :. �yy� S C�s�. 4 L•' g Khat is there 1 n Buying and Se///n ( J O b one of them backed up and crushed her against the wall. -Mr. H. O. Monteith of this township way on the 10th, marr•ied to , ,,,, Miss itYary. Crawford of I{ippen. r i :,•.,,d g g a ainst iYillielm Cain to i3icj'dulph.(� Miss Orran s, of k1eneoe, etas been paid g her $0,500 by the m imehip of Iluphemia; against be I she scoured damages for iu- whirlpool Judge of the Northwest Supreme • g n . P Court died at Calgary Wednesday:. The Cabinet Ministers stated that Card- be for rims ` Claim: the Circtukt- stance the Istesutt of a M su,x<letstaM ing. Pit Q r �" ' xn i „gam ? �✓ r '•1t - • b' 1p Q . anti Quality t and erica,- t7entralia. well was not opened 4.10,e -election. juries received on the road, The town- ,. The Hamilton .Aldermen" will hesitate ship raised the mangy on debeeturee which to approve of the T. H, & B..$275,000 Morzentae 'Sept. 11,^Tele cus'to ns officials in elontre 1 have made the the IJ V 4' Vt, V . A Com. • end Some people take sentiment into consideration when buy- „,, (Too late for last week)... Bazs ts.-1 lie: addition to Fairfield school house is completed, and a second Y sold well, Mess Oetange was a danwhter - of the lata John Ori ange, who at one bine bonus. a the Exeter statin, ` The Patrons of Frontenac held an en- was baggage reader t o thuslastie meeting at Kingston Wednes- one of biggest seizures in the history of.the port, The firms nn lxoated are the Canada jute p Company, Consumers' Cordage Company 1i.St a j ing, and pay too much for goods bought. To such people we, Buy can the cheapest thus'save teacher is to bo engaged at Jaunarq,- Abbott's evaporator is now in. full PThe ^_`mei day. Perth CbUllty Notes Y reported Indian in the uprisingp u oJ. and Dominic Bay Company. The co -has. antes have been asked to produce and P0. PO would say where you =buy and your money. Our plan is to buy well and sell ,as we buy, in a • blast and promises to do a rushing bug- . 10880. , p The assessment fate of Mitchell has Northwest is now stated to be -unimport- been struck at 18 mills. ant. .., hand over all invoices, bills, accounts and statements of goods imposts' and entered plain business way to all. Our Mr, R. S. Ford spent last weal. in cr Toronto •working hard hunting up bargains FOR YOU (not for us) just the same as 1f you had been paying flim for it directly. ,WVk:lens Ne buy goods Cheap they are ]10t for Us ; we Only hold tlleiil.ln trust, for you until you come for them, The' following bargains were BOUGHT FOR YOU last week St7nDEN Duerii,—John'Murlel', and oldThe andrespected citizen of this village died r p &ed very suddenly on Saturday. He went to heZ Mr. '. Bowslou h to reapDorn, and p A . fi lust after dinner while setting up a sheaf he was seen to stagger and fall without uttering a word to anybody, Three others' were working with nim close by, one of whom caught him in his arms and he g h Mitchell townoounoil have .ostpon- The private income of the Count 'of re din f the curfew b by-law. Paris is said to havebeen 0 francsThe the third a g9 Y ee 1 00 ,000 1Villiant Haiekahsw of Seaforth has yearly. ' os session: of the Grand Central taken p a The steamer 1Iereddio, with a taiga of St: Marys. coal, is aground on Ile Ronde in the St, Knox- church, the Preabyterfan edifice Lawrence et Mitchell, was formally opened last In Russian Poland there are 5;000 fresh Sunda Y- oases of cholera per " week, and half the; me, E. F. Davis, the jeweller, Mit- victims die: by_ them fluxing the last six years. charge against the firms preferredg in question is that for.a period of three years or longer they have been importing: i, free of duty jute known as cream hes- slue from Dundee, Scotland, and which had been partly manufactured, and upon which there is -a duty of 20 percent, It. is claimed that the duty accruing to the Skin Diseases aremote,or less ditactly occasioned by bad blood. B. B, B. Duras the following Skin Diseases; Shingles Erysipelas, Itohi¢g Ras}aos,; ISalt Rheum, Scald geed, `Eruptions, Pimples and Blotched, by removing all impurities from the b oo " 1 si from a common Piznpie to the wort" Sorofulots Sp re, a, Io doz ladies long sleeve •shapedewotel Nests ,at W25c ,Eeach. ¢ The sold last season for Oc,Bros, They 5 - Ladies all wool fine ribbed vests with eon sleeves regular rpwo 1 c. we them ,fol; ou'at 5oc, price5 ,boughty ds "assorted colors dangle fold dress goods, all to o at 45 y a g 2 5c per yd. GOO' suits to fit boys from to IOyrs at I. O each. You •Y 4 5 expired instantly. Dr. Shoults was sum- monad and pronouneedthe cause of death to be heart failure. bur. Murlev was born in' Cornwall England, 19th' 1821. 1Vhen about 25 years of age Julye with the rest of the family emigrated" to Canada and after spending a couple of years in themise p 1; p township of Darlington he removed to Usborne where from the yirgin forest he hewed out a home for himself and family. dust after, settling clown he married his I has purchased the book and epee , p stationer business of Mews. Robins Aprohibition plebiscite will be taken at y the next general election for the North- of that town. North - tfo d en mads a bet that west Assembly, airs r m they could weigh down four other citizens. Llzzze McCall, the actress, is stung The men of substance lost, only by font ward McAllister's son. for brgaeh of pro - of marriage pounds. Their weight was 610 pounds. o The Stratford City Council recommends. Five Anarohists have been arrested in to the electors the purchase of an eleotrfo Rome charged with an attempt on the life •light plant to be operatea by the - city, of Premier Orient. also that they to build a fire A rich belt is to have been dis- Government, say in the e years, would in round figures amount to $00;000 besides penalties, tvhic $50,000. h are roughly nut down at The steamship Teutonic, now entered at has on a quantity of the goods for. Montreal. These of course will be detained until a settlement," has been arrived at, •75 The Canada Jute Company has been in existence for twenty and I�IIEDMASI6yI'UIIH'ED z 1 A llAr,-South American Rheumatic Cure. fozRheumatism ane Neuralgia, radically cures in 1; to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remaYkr able and mysterious. It removes at once the a. the. pause and the disease immediately di Y te'. appears. The first dose greatly .benefits, cents. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist. S18 Miss D. A. A owney, tiranotic, Ont, Will pay more for these suits elsewhe}e. Boy's odd pants (lined) all sizes for 5oc a pair. A Job line of ladies heavy ribbed cashmere'hos at 2oc a pr. J This is a genuine snap. Another line of hose that we considered cheap at 5oc last year, z we now have them for you at 37%c a pail•. Boy Girls heavy (double knee) wool, ribbed Dose, all present bereaved widow who has been the shares of his joys and sorrows. He was folea few, years a chefs leader at Eden. As • a citizen he was highly reaps ted, as :r Christian he waseenoneietont,"aa parent he was kind and as a husband he was atieet- fonate: se was a•liberal;au porter of the P Methodist chrch, and in polities a strong Reformer. He leaves a wife and two and procee3 gold said hall, covered in Clarendon. Township, three miles Richard Skinner, St, Marys, and Mr. from Sharbot Lake, Murray, of Nissouri, left this week, the , The :enlisted strength of the United former for Elkhorn, . Man., where he States army is within 140 of the authoriz- has secured a good situation, the latter ed limit of 25 000, for Sault Stet Marie. Terrible bush fires are' raging on both Ont of the 400.;acces of flax deliveiei sides of the Rainy River. Seven settlers ' at the Thamesfe? d mills, it is estimated and criek* have have been burnt to death: nearly years employs a good many hands. It. does an annual business of about $5350,000, out of ;wliioh goods;to tho.etont o allout, 15.0-''plentyof w, 000 axe shipped to it from Dundee an- neally. The firms claim that they will be able to clear themselves and that it i $ mere of a misunderstanding than. any attempt to defraud the enstoms. THE MODERN BEAUTY Thrives on goad food and sunshine, said in open air, Ifiar form P.. glows •with' `health And her 'face `bb:tome with its beauty.. If her system needs«the cleansing action of alaxative remedy, ehQ uses the gentle andpleasant liquidlaxative, Syrup of Figs.. sand sizes, -our price 25c. t0 35C. married daughters to mourn his lose: , ,the;tmem•.grassleoppera been the means, of destroying nearly The Canadian Gazette authoritatively of demos that General Herbert has been or AFTER OUR PINE LOGS. �r, Heavy all wool blankets at $2.50 a pair. Huron County Notes - $2,000 worth seed._. The action of Carter's Little Liver Pills dered to return to England. and natural, They The Niagara Central Railway has re- A Venezuelan Lumber merchant Will Up was cured or' Bronchitis and Asthma Space will not allow us to tellyou all this but we ask pweek, Clinton has established a market, which you to come and look, The more you look the more you will tvas fiat opened on Saturday, ' '1 Toho "the second son of Mr Thos. Ma become convinced that lye are in;eltlest. / . , Kenzie, of Clinton, was playing the other f"` day, when he fell and. - broke one of h18 ti ,(� CO��qp �] �/ � . ': sines, j� FORD R. 8. FOl1 f/ & V O J VY OODII A (irf'. Arthur. Hcnrq h7ewton Jenkins, for- merle, editor and proprietor .of the Bines+ is pleasant, .mild stimulatethe liver, and regulate the bowels newed its request for $125;000 bonus from but do not urge,: They to lease. the Cit of Hamilton, p p Y Try them: The Northwest Assembly withhas cleoids' Stratford is agitating for an all-night that all schools shall open the simple electric light• service, ante. the Uity Conn- reading of the Lords' prayer. oil are •dzaposed to grant the requert .It Ice -President Shaughnessy of the,i7 P. now 'coats` tile. city $3,400 .yearly for lightingupto'midni ht. The extra ser- R has• expressed himself -hopeful of:.a Open Trade With Canada.' C•rxAwa, Sept ie. -Johnna Reuter, •a Spanish lumber merrisant of Vanezula,� is at the Russell. He is in Ottawa for the. of establishfnn •a trade` in. Can- purpose-• a 'admit logs between here and Venezula.. cur. Rs¢ er says hat lTow Y ark IT as been• } , y t his market for logs for many years, but .I by 14INARD'8 LINIMENT. Lot 5, P. E. I: Mie. A. LivinK§taro. 1' was cured of a severe attack of Rhein matisnt b MINARD'S LI'�IMENT: Mahone $a .John , .Y Midex 1 was cured of a severely sprained let by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Crediton -- Snrr, 13, 1894, -The Quadrennial interspersed the urogram was elevat- els Budget, is now publishing a paper ing, the well prepared addresses were called the Times in Grand Haven, ISI1ch: interesting, and: instructive, and the Mrr. Taylor, of Clinton, hue rented her farm of 100 acres, on the 13th oonoes8- f;speedy improvement et trade. • vice would only cost $700: Winnipeg lumbermen expect the refine- Aliso Mary B. Miller, formerly a teaoh- tion in freight rates to give a great im- er tn:St• Marys ought schools and • a pains to the Inmberfilg industry in of Toronto University, as it result of his trip to Canada he has discovered that he can do•much better by shipping from Montreal or Quebec and at the same time get a better_. class of logs. Bridgewater. JoshaaWy neelit,, Sabbath School. Convention of the �anaQa Conference, Evangelical As- iodation, of N. A., met in this place est two days. The 'election of officers whole Convention was soul -inspiring p g' ion of Hallett, to Mr. W. liehos, fora imparting to all much that is good term of five ears, for the sum of 340 and will prove useful- year, y $ . , ,r, William Swafiield Bayfield Road graduate arts left last week for New Westmmister, B. C. A.Lefeilleur, an ex -teller in a Mont- •a wee she will take a it' on real's savings bank, shot and killed him- the teaohtn staff •of the Methodist Coi- self in that city Wednesday, g A despatch from St, Oland, Minn., says His contract with the New York Erni ex- pines in December, after that date he will make Ottawa his purchasing paint for Canadian pine. His yearly shipment will Frederick Beauline,blackemith,•ef Plant taganet, lost bis only child• by drowning on Saturday. The little fellow. was a resulted in Revs, M. L. Wing P. E., ?resident; J. P. Hauch, Vice Pres; A. ( Heist, aist, and L. 1.1. Wagner, secre- dries. After the routine of business irganization a very interesting pro- cram of Sabbath School topics was p iresented and generally discussed and injoyad. A normal lesson by ; the ince President ou The Bible a Book, tractically enforced by the use of the ilackboard,and Earle'e excellent Chart ' Bird's Eye view of the Bible,'was, 'ollowed by a very practically illus. :<' rated address on feehe use of illus. .rations in Teaching" by Secy A. Y. , ot the Zurich. near Goderieh sowed fall wheat on Sept. 401, and on the 9th, just five days .later, (Too late for last week,) it measured le inches. This is gpiok Farmers in this neighborhood are, growth indeed. all wearing smiles of thelargest variety- While Miss Etta Rutledge and Mrs. the results of 'operations and W T. Whitely, of Clinton, were driving gthe other day, a bee stung theis horse, an abundance of 'rain of late, are. whisk ran away, teethe ladies oat, doubtless the causes. -Che chilly- Mrs: Whitely broke her thigh bond and breezes of bake Huron, Sunday night's I1lias Rutledge was baclty shaken up, rain and wind storm e• compel tate Before going on a sea -voyage or into the surrounding community to go' about country, be sure and put a bee .. of Ayer's with their hinds in their pockets, Pills in your valise. You may have occas- while our progressive merchants are ion to thank us for the hint. To relieve busy decorating their stores in a constipation, biliousness, and nausea, winter dress, and 1 am trying to Ayer's Pills- are the best in the world lege, - „ Ia tstrate John Aikens, of Logan, has that timber pirates set the bush on fire iu received the power of attorney from Mrs. order to cover up their stealings. Wm. Clark"to collect a claim for damages Several Federal Ministers are arranging which she bas against the town of Mit- for a stumping tour through the North- ohell, ' for the death of her huebaud, west, starting about the 15th inst, through an accident, made' it is claimed Five hundred and thirty -Seven doge throe h an obstruction befog permitted g, „ have been entered for the Bench Show at to remain upon one of the, streets. the Industrial Exhibition this week. Do not despair ot. curing your sick head• ache when you can easily obtain Carter's James C. Drayton of New York is seek- Little Liver Pills, They effect a prompt ing a divorce from his wife, who is a and permanent cure. Their action is mild granddaughter of John Jacob Astor, and natural,'Ellen Buckingham, a nurse girl, was gal- Mr. John Idinrton,Q: C., of Stratford, cantly rescued from drowning in Burling-, ton Bay Friday b W. has lost sixty-seven head of cattle from i ' Y Y S. Duffield: his fine herd, caused by tuberculosis. The Two French fishermen have been res- be Dna million and a half feet or three or four vessel loads each year, such vessel carrying between three and four thousand feet of loge. Montreal or Qnebeo trill be the shipping ports. Before coming to 01- taws bur. Reuter visited the 'Michigan lam- ber districts, but he think the Michigan pine is not half asgood qualityas that floated the (ittawa. Mr. Reuter states that Canadian pine is very much in demand in Venezuela- and is now being morelused for building purposes than any other timber imported into Central America. Chief of Polito hlcVeity detailed Dna of the police force to make the rounds of the liquor bright active bap, 3'years of age, and is supposed to have fallen off the head of the boom at the mill, where the body was found three hours after tele 'boy was missed. The other might Simon Ruperk: of lefilverton, found a big black bear., among his cows. Early next morning a big crowd •down of hunters tracked Bruin, and a.weil-aimed shot by Chief Hartmeyer brought him low.. The huge earoasa was divided among the crowd. D. L. Staneliouse, Blfnt •rrianutac tuner of Parkhill has"made en assign - mens. �' Iaist.: Thereupon Rev, E. Eby enfor- , led Church Loyalty to the Sabbath >chool and Rev. M. Clemens presen- ed "Christ as leacher." int E. 3urn gave some excellent hints on 'The proper method of questioning, vhioh was closely followed by an open litecussion on "The moralquestions ot D �r the day, lead by Rev, eh P. E. Sabbath observance, total abstinence Cobacco, the Marriage vow, Chastity arrange with my banker for the price They are also easy to take, total loss is estimated at $7,000, and an cued off Newfoundland. The balance of of .an overcoat as there is little left Daring the storm recently, lightning interesting law it is likely to result, as the crew, sixteen men; have been lost, 'of the old osu one after deducting a struck a barn on the farm of Matthew the cattle that brought the disease into A despatch from Buffalo says that Miss Scott, near Lipper, and destroyed it and Mr, Idington's herd were purchased from Flannagan, the most important -witness in summer's board of moths and mica. an adjoining barn, They were bank the Bow Park Farm, Brantford, and were the Newsome case, cannot now be found. -Things are booming around our grist barns, and contained two years' hay, threeguaranteed to be sound. mill. It is running day and night, , The great London 'banking house of years wheat and this seasons crop be- Patrick •McLaughlin, who was employ- Gyn, Mills, Currie & Co- was defrauded of The quality of the output is thecauae sides. Insurance not known:.y of it all, -Mr. A.Faust 'sited friends , d as a farm laborer ate o mart wde.out $94,000 by'' forged draft on Wednesday • Vi f nd One advantage of taking Ayer's Sdrsa• driyfng near the village on Sunday (tad) The Manitoba wheat crop this year will on the kith last Sunday, while Mr. parilla to purify the blood is that you need when his horse rad away and he was close to 20 000 000 bushels • which •is Barry -Hess wandered up in the vide- not infringe upon your hours of labor nor thrown out, resulting •in a broken should- benearl 5,000 000 bushels More than last ity of Varna. -Our sports are busy get. deny any food that agrees with The fracture but Mon- ' city and see if any of the bars were open. The policeman was in plain clothes and caught no less than nine bars wide open for business. In one case he got the sone bar open at two different times. This action of the chief was brut ht about ghorse by the grant number of people who on the Sunda were noticed cin about previousgoing the streets more or joss intoxicated. It is said that a eonvietion can be secured in each case. Ilat,invar s, January •lib, 1878 Messrs. DICK &CO., Montreal. eDick's Bleed Purifier"'is the best of all condition powders I ever used, It -maker a thrive and feel well, ,improves his coat and keeps him perfectly clean in the legs g , no miller how long he stands in the stable. I gave half of the £rat bix to a gentleman who had a fine trotting stallion that was swollen in the legs, and had beim; Social purity, gambling, & o. ere, came in for a share of side light'. 'The „ g Primary Department was held forth berR3v, G. D. Dannie after which the yourself er. was set. an year. ear:y ting their fast horses in shape for the you. In a word, you are not compelled to day, when he was taken to the Strat- fall exhibitions. The matinees held starve or loaf, while takingit. These are ford hospital, it was found that the bone The Knights of Pythias will erect a monument at Utica to the memory of every evening on the track_ are much recommendations worth considering, had not been properly joined, 'and it is a .enjoyed by'the M'rail birds. -Building Reeve John Bennewies, of McKillop, has question whetherhe will ever have the age Justice H. Rathbone, ahs founder of the J Y g ,mints» Confesses His Crime. VICTORIA, B, C, Sept: 11. -Eberhardt, alias Bauman the AnstrxIian embezzler arrested on the arrival of the steamer 'War - scretebes from out of condition, and in it few days his.legswere perfectly °leen, and the cracks heated rapidly. JOHN JOHNSTON, of the community came in tad for an hour were kept interested by short and nractiaai addresses' from Revs, Becker, Wittig, Grenzeubach and Mr, Peter Dterlamm. At thelastplated session the president ably presented operations are not yet over in this jest raturned from a month's holiday in the Lake Superior region,principallyMr. town. -Messrs Merrier & Wing are about Hon pica on the south sore: Mr, ;bout building an Aaddition to, the rear of g is an enigma. A. Conservative, their store, Mr, Wells has,)ust eom- he fs reeve of McKillop, a strong Liberal an extensive addition to his townehi ,and he b< -sides 1'yes in Lo an; block, -Miss Steinbach and Miss in Perth county, iia fe' a handaeme order. of that member, order' John el01 illan .M.P,, has been � �' again chosen as the Liberal standard LSeter Munlol al Council. bearer b a convention of South Pluton A Y --� Reformers, The council met at the town hall Ca fain Lundy of tho steamer iltaze a Exeter, ISthSeptember. All present, was fined x;50' in Hamilton. Thursday for rimoo on Sunday morning, has •confessed his crime and will retur3 with a special officer coming over an the steamer Arawa for the steamer, He • pleads that business pressure became so great that he collected all the l- —and decamped, R> nttut re $xx Rorras.-Dzsorclered Kel coq and bladder diseases relieved in six" home it°e "Great South 1,msriCan Kid' y nay Cure.': 'het new retneay is a + great surpnse Ea t ,{,light to piiysiofans on' ac• count of IP. emceeding promptness to re. 301115 'of t'The Dangers of Youth, wuioh was appropriately followed by an earnest appeal for "Christian child training," byRey. G. F. 13afst, g . Y Many yery important quarries were dropped into the question drawer,upon Faust are Zurich's representatives to young inane not 30 and unmarried. It the S. S Convention this week at must xegmre's high order of merit and Crediton., --Mr- Bossenberr took in °popularity to hold such a osiiion under the attractions at the eu Y last Sun. tee cirumslences. Success always to ,B d ,. u s y to day, -Mr, foster who has been so Mr. Bennewies, -".yet ' '.7: 'seribusly ill is : slowly ma covin g. -A In Court of Appeal on Tuosday last: Re p township of Morris..and county Huron. The minutes of preyious: meeting reacl running his boat to Toronto without pro- and confirmed. per license. Bissett=Ca'rline-orders : S. Hand- ' d a man W , The body of a was found on the ford, $3 labor , m, Ford, $3 do, and beach at Port Glasgow on Satutday. It Thos: Oke, $3 do, -harried, is supposed to be that of Joseph Hartgrove Mr. Creech to notify Mr. Howard Coof Pi�ton. 3 At the iliethodist General Conference. LRNDON, Ont;; Sept-t1"'ere Tho 1Tethodist General Conferences, �eiCCythe wholo of yesterday to commie -et. „:stir. There was an interesting dzsousslou on the r the ability of obliging candidates for the Having p.:- • ': the bladder, kidneys,baok and every t, - ;of the urinary passages in male and feln•=le. Itrelieves retention of water and pain in paseingit almost immed- etas,. If you want nick relief . and euro 1 this is gotir remedy, Sold by C. LUT3 which much light was shed by the Revs, . Dierlamm and. G. F. l aiet, The Hhos italft of the cominuntt proverbial as most cordial, the music which Was lodge of the A. O, U. W. was recently p of insti•tuted here.- s, Steinbach ac- -Judgment on appeal by the corporation eom anis' b sago of the county of Huron from an order and on a to ' . Holtzman left here deoisaon of Ferguson, J., dismissing an ( Toronto last Friday put in the lamp at John Bt. at once. News, comes from Rio Janeiro that the The clerk to write Jas. 1,oss, Clinton revolutionists have had some success and - ro ase to raise the fie of monarch in io clod,. Braifl'a sin. g Y g ministry to yeas a university matricitTa- y t 0. lion. A sub coniznfttee was appointed to further consider the question. -moved A Booty ro oasnttnzr.--One bottle of English Spann Liniment completely 'f n• a eurle from my horse. I take .tri p appeal by the appellants from an award �"'� The Council adjourned until Friday 7.30 John F. Cunningham, the Sudbury i t Burned by Sparks From a Ti les' et. in reoommening the remedy, as it ante under the Municipal Act in favor of the pv corporation of the township of Morrie, p next at p. m. M. EACR�TT, Clerk. btxgIar who escaped .from Kingston Penia tentzary a week ago, has surrendered to Peen, Y, Ont , Sept,11,-i'he •barna and outbeildin s of ler,. Kenneth Meekenzis with m rterious tom mess -fn the : to - , y 11 p moral from horns oil hard • ; , salt or talc. •d, ontribatehtowaips the erection ellant; were ordered rntxtn tenanoe°of bridges inthe township, ender IT c) T I. c® rdandimeepy, >; p, IN sec, 533 a of the Coosolidated Munici al j : p Act, 1882, Since the inception Of the appeal the Legislature has the A. DISAPPOINTED MAN. the authorities, The wheat atop 111 the •Northwest is -���"II11I,1I8 �V.r WAS MIT HE'S ACINIC � tithing out better than was' expected; the AND WxLL AND WoRxnic To average yield will be about twenty bushels rime :: to the acre: ileal heie,gwete yesterday destroyed by fire, ceased by sparks from •a steam thresher,: Loss about $1,500. Pollee Magistrate Jelfs oe Hamilton has „ bloc a Lavin, s Ziuts cube °need lam p '„ stifles and.,0,mm,. RGE ROBB. FAICURR, G1�iO i,ll+i6tCltditiI. Otte, Sold by C. Lt.7TZ. ftpenly section in uestion, and left only the q Flavin g putchasecl the Har were stock and business of Mr. question of costs to be did Deed of. Court- p Joseph Cobbledick,we are prepared to give tel for the appellants contended that the. pp p, g award wee bad, and that they were elite. . tled to the wets. Appeal dhsmiesed with coat.. .-- - A despatch from Shanghai says that the „� Chinese press and ofeeials ridicule the Soanneee, Man., Septa 17th. ,. bard . . , i . „ _• British for •taking no notice of the Kow, Times •• the cry from farmers to this • Shang incident. country, Anther Coley, a fainter living „ , The Canada Cotton Company's milia in near hero, lies had doubts .teas»» to cryY "hard tame, "for ei bt mo0ths ago he iitlztilton will resume tvolk full time Mon- ' g decided that there is nothing to prevent• g 1 hotelkeepers from keen' o en ail ix' 1 • g a if they wish, so long as they do not tell liquor. q John Jacobs and john Green, said to be Toronto were arrests' of o , iv d at St, Clair, Thursdajust Ile ane Dzsi,Asa RMInVED IN Ttinmv ' Mlrroxzte• g yr a Cute for the Heart givet Di'. A nn perfect rollsf in, all asses d'f 'Organic; of S m albedo Heart Disease in 30 ';Minuted y p effects Curr;,, It fit a �r, : S IABARGA, Boons ,�ea ONLY HOOD'S. , n . Are you weak and weary, overworked "!�!:,, and bred? Aood'p Sarsaparilla is jest the . C • • . • t : l+ lay on his back 1n bed, a viotfm of day, but wages will be •iedaced probably . ,10 er Cent. Brieht s Disease, He acknowledges that he p beforeA boiler e u loded in a' se l a t expected to be dead befor theond of sum p w. mill a Thies mak but his expeatatfona hello been most I lusts, ,Quebec, Thursday and killed' Sam y Mieh, after landin • fr , , y,, g. mn a row boat in which were t'ivo trunks filled with opium, p Fgrthsr 'reports ficin the Rainy River and speedily n poCt• !sae renally for Palpitation,, Shortness,bl Breath See Spalls, Pafx7, In Left i " g ft Side anti all symptoms of a. Diseased ltoatt,.,• One deco if t r medicine yen need to pill and :mokendistrict % p Y a disappointed, and all summer fieanmiei, the foreman, While eight others indicate great dost' a rYrotiori of pro- conn Innes. , the blood attd to give you appetite and pleasantly n he has worked ori hie farm 'list as though were badly hurt. 1, a perty an the forest" fires there.' A number r Said by C• Ll)TG. strength. If you decide, to take 'Iood'd'bad ,,E , u Sarsaparilla do not be induced to be an Y • Y The,. "mock is well ted 6V .j assorted and embraces all lilies, other, Any effort to eabrtitute mother rained is roof of the merit of flood's. y It , ,, ..:., - :...,. .. .... never known. a day's illness. ` Last The � diel tower hnsbeen purchased by he h d ev n i 1 _have sprig he began lalling - Dodd's. Kidney a ay udieate of Balthiuers capitalists and n afew nxes.00m latae onredhim , p 1?dIs a d b P y , , Will be brought to that city to bo used zu other C of 7 a they:Tlays ebony that vintlm o! this Li e Centennial 15A �, i 110 ha usnd them.. ""W7 of people are missing, it is feared, I'. and, lost their litres. v v Atnadee Gtiilletts, an ultimate Elland of ioi the suicads i,e aiZlBttr who blew his brains nurdooit also' Bitters 60re dyepepeia, Bitters cure Constipation, • Them cleIttl' Blood t Cir p lurdotlk T3lood k11ttC rs care bilionrtt ens:, 13urdcolr lel in onre'izordaO O. 'it .. - .. : is - .. -_ S. .o b - ..... . (`� Hood 0 i'tlla aro the be0t �' e r ad a' d Jamas W. Dixon,Df citf 'za IOroilie Ill:.ettcl .. ,: _.. .. • .: , ,> •r r Out in llolttreal bn. Wednesday thrOVp-117mx • ... , I3urdoClklbod ]Sitters • iiutticlt alt ti A ag.J.e .{ r P. S, Watch for adv't. next .week. IIS V aftor.drnnCr fills itedtst dz digestion, 1 , g ho , oukeheadaehe: Try a bolt. _ ,. an unknown train trete Milled In wreck in Tomtit° coal has, dto ped from on the Wabash railroad near s [1.50 to 5 a ttln. Iinw ton' int will c.^ x Staui'totf .. q r III all Frida Liebe ._-.."y.t"�... ... us� eel€ trite the Lachine Canal it shoot time afterseeeds mdse ts` drowned. , clogged secretipxxs, of the boatels, the ot{r , _; Ib headaCliCs and ellrtxi ing ak fbtJapiehi4p . Take 11, D, C: fo 1:t000010li.. WIIAU• lIWLP, !P A i,{VN30W4 }. cores sink ti;eadaehe., ;1