HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-9-13, Page 8xz s>7r(400, liNV4BT 414140;i;MikINTF011 l 4 txWltsn ttN Assunexes co;t2 11,. ei orontut also for the 1pl;tlk1N21 Tt itZS xtd;otaia CQMNAtiV. of f+ondon ilei la1ad AILlatioE IIZzUTAIVGE t1QM- Itave of Bnalandr moesaaamaatearaeassmailaasasmasalesasssaaalaaasak W GOODS We are allowing Sample Lots of choice it,iegers Perfume. e are showing a uiee line of ffair L'reshes. We aro showing, a cheap line of Toilet Soaps. We are showing a line of Combs. We show a fine line of Tooth Brushes, We etre offering a Snap in Whisks. We have low lines in Sponges, \Va keep Tooth Picks and sell them cheap. li uz t , ' ,Skins bast t plots, Wekeep Clia , y, tre 1 P You may need some of the above, call and we will try andplease you, J. I G , ESI It's True. We are showing the largest and choicest stock of Ladies' Tailor made Coats that we have ever had the pleasure of offering to our customers. Our stock of good Jackets never was so corn- plete and never ,have we had such values. We have used extra care in selecting only good goods. If you want real cheap trashy coats our shop is not the place for you, but if you want the latest new Parisian styles, first class material and most perfect fitting the• Big Bankrupt Sitra is the spot for you. ' Remember you have the privelage of select ing a coat and we will keep it for you till such time as you are ready for it. Fall stock in all department complete.. Wonderful values in. new dress goods. J. A. Stewart. is 7s ilUR$fA.Y sEla '1';140 Batt 13th, 1tit14 Notice to Times' Readers. The publishers would esteem it a favorif readers.would,when malting their purchases, ment£oa that, they saw the merchant's adver- tisement.im Tem Times. NOTICE -Ail business announcements notices of pablio meetings, entertainments auotion sales; etc., appearing in these local columns will be ohareed for at the rate of five tents per line each insertion. Black heading to count as three lines. Cash with order save to persons having open accounts. To insure -change of advertisements in current issue copy must be handedinto office on Tuesday. �riviEdnle�orialCh, 17th SUNDAY APTER TItIaTTY, SEPT. littii, 1894. Sermons. 11 A. Ir. ie. Cristianity played out ? The evi dance of historical feet. 7 P. at. A special sermon on the subject of "Confirmation." should be es the Bible teach that Christians (2.) Why should all baptized ehristians be confirmed ? (3.) Lithe rite of confirmation as' practised by the :Apostles binding on the Christian •church"to-day? Special Music: 11A. at. Te Deum Woodward Bened'anEus Holden 7 r-.11. Semi -choral service. Cantata &Deus Bunnett It, H. Collins will sing"Gounods," beauai- ful roto, Tho UolyOity" with chorus by the choir. 1.00A1, HAPPENINGS. T3revttics Tile oyster is soul "in 11" Leaves are leaving the fores3 trees. Srathroy'e rate of taxation for 1894 will be 2 cents on the dollar on an assessment of $941,901. Boring the storm Sunday night a barn. belonging to Mr. Isaac Carlini, south of the village was unroofed. Severe" fences were levelled. The friends of the Rev, D. 111.. Ramsay with us to state that we were misinformed in the item regarding a r;atl ftutn a Lou- don congregation in our last £eeue. Personal itemsto parties visiting in town will always be received with thauks. It is iatpossiblo for us to know of them all, so any of our readers will confer a favor on us by dropping a card or letter to the foe or letting us know. The Massey -Harris Company have purchased 45 tons of bioder twine from :Personate. 1VIargaretL.Shepheidhas anxiounced Ridgatotvu Standard;-idrs, .A, Z. thatabe will go on the stage as act pct,. Russea ie: visitiva fliende in Exotee,---Mrs; fess. .Russell, another of 11ev. A. 14' 1lttasell, New Sailor Boy Japan Tea imported tate pastor of the dames. St 14.01104ist direct from Japan ab the Big Bankrupt, Churoh,died at Charing Cross 1<e` week,- Moto, Miss T, Whirs who has. wait -toted an ex- \Vo $nail ahipped from this sta. teasive inil.inar' lnafues$ in Sarnia for the titan yesterday several car loads of sheep past 12 years, has retired from the bust•and cattle, nese for a time, and is under the psiental T'l arc s lot's ratio to lioti'ie down roof ie Beeter.---Mrs, J, Goutcl who baa et. 11 �s iota more upso long that the been visiting friends in Pont%ae the past. Yg month returned home last week, -Air, cloud -6 t erns must be full, Geo Thomas, of Burlington alio has been The Wiuoltelsea ,Butter and Cream visitin„ Maude in town, returned home on Associa.t. an aro negotiating for the Friday last. --Mrs, Tltos. Shipley, and pureh1i r of the Exeter Creamery, two daughters, of Goderieh, were guests at 11 you want a choice in ladies' parasols Reeve Bawden's over Saaday.-Airs alio gents' umbrellas give us 0,0411, We Roxie,XWatt, visited friends in Seaforth are clearing theta out at cost price at J, ou Tbarsday Last: --Roy. Loire, of Torous P. Clarke's to, bro`her of the pastor of the Main st At the Big 13sniru t Store ; 1 case Afethadis.tit on Suudoecua1edthe , rin St. ' ssampleh'k'fs and 1 case sampled gloves, church pulpit Y and eaohad p choicest goods we have ever shown ; less two °lognent and instructive eermoure-• Mr. H Bishop of Parkhill, who purchased than half pride. dr. Cobblediek's business, arrived in town Miss Horn extends a cordial invitation ou Meeday, and is busy takina stook, -•Mr. to the ladioa of Exeter and vicinity, to. T. A, MoUonnell, of Byron, a former re. attend her Millinery opening on Friday silent of Exeter. was iu town a few days and Saturday, Sept. 21st and22nd,. ago renewing acquaintances. -A Wallace- Good Smart boy wanted at the Big burg correspondent writesi-•IMr. T. B. Bankrupt Store fur parcels and to learn Dundas, p iucipal of It allareburg public the best business system in Western sehuols, will leave shortly for Exeter, ,Untario. Miss F. AI. Hicks, wlio has received a Teacher's certificate from the Toronto College of Music ie now prepared to re- ceive pupils. Apply at Telephone Office or residence. • E, J. Spackman & Co., will hold their Millinery Opening on Friday and Saturday, Sept, 21st and 22nd. We cordially invite every lady to come and inspect the new sty les. -E: J. SPA -OK. 5rAN & Co, • At a meeting of the echool Board on Tuesdayevening,a Principal,to succeed T. A. Brown, at the close of the year, Was se'ected. Out of e list of applicants of 'six, I♦1r. Lockhart, of Cannington was chosen, at a yearly sa'ary of $700. He holds a'First Class Certificate and is an heath and graduate of Queen's - University, Kingston. Miss ''Millie Bowey, of Chicago formerly of Bayfield, and known in Exeter, died at Chicago on Saturday, 8th inst. The remains were taken to London, Monday, and interred in the fancily plot at Birr. The deceased was an estimable young lady, and had a large circle of friends in Can tda, who will regret to hear of her demise. A partial eclipse of the moon will occur on Friday night next. It will be visible throughout North and South America. The beginning will be visible in the western part of Europe and Africa• At 10h 32m the eclipse will be at its maximum. After that there will be only the faint penumbral shading on the west side of the disk. Neat Sunday Rev. J. A. Hathilton of Londesboro will preach in the Caven Church, morning and evening: Rev D M. Ramsay will preach at Londesboro, his old parish, and Rev. Mr. Martin will preach for Mr. Ramsay at Mount For- est. samara in AisEra is When the orderiscabere more e lucrettvei a laceurea to are e hel dthe Cantrel Prison to be shPped to con - f out,- s. (Rev.) Locke has beenqutt filled not a ball of twine will remain in ill during the past tvNsk,-The man atock at the prison. friends of the Misses Down, who have - An finest farmer in this district who takes a city paper and therefore does not need a local paper, recently seut $10 to an r some years conduotect a dress mak' g establiahtneut here, will regret to learn f their departure from our midst. Ther. advertiser, who told him that the way to left for London last week and will open out keep butter from getting strong was to eat a dress making establishment in that city, it. The following persons are attending the This is the season wnen typhoid fever Toronto Exhibition from Exeter: --W. prevails to a greater or less extent, Great Southcott, J. Senior, Mrs. (Dr,) Browsing care should be exercised in eating and and eon, FIarry, Rev, and Mrs. Fletcher, drinking. Stagnant water, into which D. A. Boas and wife, and Mrs J. P. Ross; decayed or decaying vegetable matter George Hawkins and Jas. Case, Mr. Hod- may have percolated, is always danger- gert, John McCallum, Miss Ada McLaugh- pus. lin, Misses M. Sr.and Tillie White. - Parties wishing to do so, can make Master Percy Browning has returned entries for Exeter Fall Fair -with home from visiting friends in Port Huron. eithernrie J . T. : the Exet rt his Fair - or -Misa 13. Clarke is visiting in St,Thonaas. Eacrett at the town hall, lsnany , r -- Mr. John Spackman and wife have M. days of show, This arrange- returned from Grand Band to, spend the P Y winter. -Thos. Dart of London is visiting mentis made to avoid the rush at the friends in town. -Mr. Dan'l Woods hes office on show days. returned from the Old Country, He re The blessed rain has reached us and ports a pleasant trip. -J. E. Tom of the dust has been effectually settled. The Goderieh, I. P. S. is in this section on rain willbe a blessing to the stook that official business, -lir, :Semi Baskerville lived a starving life for the past. three visited friends in Centralia on Monday- months. It will also enable the farmers Messrs Wellington Clarke and G. Ferguson to sow, but it came too late to be of use of London wheeled to Exeter on'Sunday. to the corn or potatoes. It will benefit They returned the same evening. -Rev. apples and late peaches. Mr. and Mrs, Martin are visiting friends Fruit stealing has attained the pro- at Mount Forest and Durham. -Mr• Thos. portions of an epidemic in Exeter. + No McCallum is attending the Toronto" Exhi- orchard or grape vine is safe, and bat few bition.-Bev, Ross and wife of Nova Scotia owners of trees or vines have escaped the who have been visiting friends in town attacks of enaraudete. The worst feature for some lime, returned home this week. of the case is nbt, however, the mere taking of the fruit. trees are practically Peaches sold for 10 cants per basket in ruined by the removal of branches., London on elonday. We learn that two pupils from a pertain For gents' felt hats J. P. Clarke takes country school in this county wrote on the lead. Call and be convinced. the Public School Leaving Examination, and, before learning the result, wrote ale o If you want a choice young Hyson 25e. on the higher and supposedly more tea give J. Y. Clarke's call. difficult examination for third class tea- As the pickling seasonis at hand we chars. They were both plucked in thehave a full sapplyof spices of all kinds at leaving examination but both passed for J, P. Clarke's. thirds. For gents'flanneletie and fancy regetta There is quite a targe quantity of rag- shirts,also mens heavy wool and cashmere weed on different lots and streets in town socks, give J. P. Clarke a call. being allowed to go to seed Male year. John F: Cunningham, the Sudbury When once it obtains a hold this weed is burglar who escaped froth Ktngaion Pen - the hardest of the noxious weeds to ester- itentiary a few weeks ago, has surrendered urinate, and if steps are not at once taken to the authorities. to des toy, its owners will ins short time few still have left a lines of single - find it a hard matter to keep their lawns fold We goods that we are selling at and gardens clear of it. half price. Call and inspect' at 3• P. Shs records of the observatory sko,v Clarkes. ' that in the history of recorded atmospher• LeviMr. vwalper, of Seaforth, and Mr, ie conditions there has never been such a w .La, jr., of Tuckersmith. arrived dry summer in Canada. August, 1877, home from the 011 Country lin Mon - was the only August with less raintall than day. Mr. Wolper says the weather was that of thin year in the 55 years of the Weather Bureau's observations, and tak- very wet and gloomy while 'he was there ing June, July and August together the and he only saw the sun shine twice. rainfall was low beyonda Il precedent The fine young thoroughbred steer The County Council committee held a which ltir. D: D. Wilson was having meeting at Clinton last Friday, and de- fatted for the shows this fall died on Sun aided to advertise for tenders for the day last, He took a chill after being washed. He was 19 months old, and erection of the county house of refcge. The gronua is also to be leveled and put weighed 1,450 pounds. in order, and a roadway made from the Another relic of bygone days has passed railway to the house. The committee will away in the county jail. Last Wednes- snbmitthe tenders to the Council, as its day, John Gilleapie, aged 80 years, who December session, andit is calculated that haa been confined as a vagrant for the tlie work can be carried on through the act two years, went the way of the poor winter, and helpless, and ended his days in the We published last week the statement abode of the county criminals. that TilbnryWest claimed' to be the loweat A quiet but elegant wedding was cele - assessed municipality in Western Ontario, brated at the home of Mr. and, Mrs. that the general rate, exclusive of special Stephen Powell, Wednesday, September rates for sohools, drains, etc., was less 5th, when Joseph C. Abell, was united than 10 mills, but the township of Mer- in marriage with Rhoda M. Willis, by sea is in a still better condition. The the Rev. Mr. Locke. The bride wore e total rate of Mersea .for roads, improye• beautiful gown of cream with lace andailk menta, general school rate, county rate, trimmings. She carried a` " beautiful R. R. bonus, etc., in fact for everything bouquet of white roses Her bridesmaid, miexceptlls. 'special assessments is only 6 -Miss Rosie Eaerett, wore a cream dress with ribbon trimmings, and carried Wingham Times : On account of ethe white roses The groom was assisted by r. A. . The house town council failing to comply with; the k e t stefullyredecorated in, ofrt The presents regnasb of Judge Doyle to farxiish the, were beautiful and costly. Mr. and council chamber properly for a eou`rt room; Mrs Abell left for a trip south. he refused to hold the court there, and went to the Temperance Hall. In some The recent heavy rains were heartily remarks that he made before the opening welcomed by the farming community, in of the court, the Judge was pretty severe; fact by everybody. But it has come too ou the town council and said be would; late to be of any lasting benefit to pastures not hold the court inthe town hall nntill. as the long -continued drought has dried it was properlyfurnished, and would hold up the whole substance of stern and root. it is some other suitable place and oho -re The corn crop is too far advanced for rain the rent to the town. The Judge has; to make mush difference 14 the yield of been subjected to some severe criticism: the crop, Even the late varieties of sweat because of this action, and where the,• corn have prematurely ripened. The matter wili'tend it is hard to say.: . rain is in good time for turnips and other make especially Swedes. as the a e There is an eccentric old gentleman. roots, sped ally y living at Mono Mills, John Kidd by came, moat of their growth during the cold who is 05 years of age, although he does, nights of October and November. It is '. also timely for ,Jail wheat preparation, as not look oyer 70. A few years ago he built a vault and monument for himself without this moisture no land scold bo and also purobased his coffin, the whole prepared ; and besides this, 15 was useless outfit costing a thousand Collate. Latterly to sow whilst the land was in such an he lima however, abandoned all immediate arid condition, as without some rain there intention of going hence anct last week he would have been no germination of the anchored himself afresh to this sublunary seed, sphere by taking to his arms a 16 -year-old • ' ell: ' bride in the person of. Miss Robins, of Rev. (. Weber, of Toronto will preach Toronto Junction. But, as the Old in the James St, church " next Sunday, gentleman is reputed to be worth $90,000, morning and evening. Large coli he can afford to gratify himself even in re ations will greet a former esteemed the lexury of an ante-mortem tomb and a pastor aneloquent preacher. bride 80 years his jaufor. At meeting of Caven Church Tuesday An exchange lams the following as the tam g remarke`of a preacher prior to the passing avenin , r was thedeeided tto observe to r of the p late: Before the stewards takeAnnive as y of reop ing o h up the collector, said the. preacher Churoh buiiding on the 21s5 of October the other night, I would like to make a next, A tea•meetmtg will be held on few remarks. There ate over 2,000 per. Monday the 22nd. sons in this house, counting einnere and saints, crooked and straight, big and little, male and female not inaludtng the here frying babies. .if each perao n ere thinks my sermon worth the price of a glees Of beer or a pickle cigar, five reel tenths of a aline, let him pay thatarhount. 1f each pay a niekle it will make a fetal of $l00this eyehing. 1 hie repeated every wouldsalary. A. da in the year w 1 payart sermon: tht iso}t wrh a niesle isn't +nerth doniftig to hear, and a person that would beat the Lord, the preaohee vie the Tho Royal Templara of Temperance of Exeter purpose holding an entertainment an Wednesday evening Sept, 19t3a 1894, in t;aven Presbyterian Chump. Every- body made welcome. Silver collection. The management of the North street Methodist church, Goderieh, has decided that hereafter the announcements from the pulpit be only thoseconnected with their own ahureh, and that these be as brief as possible: .A. granolithia pavement is being laid around the new High School, The work is being done under the superintendence •of Mr. Brook, chairman of the Grounds Committee, and will cost the Board about •9 cents per surface foot,-Simeoe Re. feereer, John Marley, of Centralia, while helping Arthur Bowslaugh cutting corn on Satz. .day, dropped dead. He was about seventy Years of age. Death resulted in all prob- ability from heart failure, Mr. Murley leaves a wife and two married daughters to mourn his loss, The Council at a meeting on Monday evening, decided to place an alto light at John street, opposite J. A. Stewart's store, They also orauted the petition puttying that a gra>solithic walk be laid on wrest aide at Main St,, froth Conttrtarlial Patel to Knight's grocery. Work will be clotnrrience$ at once or as strop as the con- tract oats be awarded. Tenders are being ',called for, St.11fary8 has at splendid t printer is a goat, of odor the toast 1atilt WWII oast only ise 'peer foot!. oderifetaus. Grand Millinery opening. on Friday and Saturday, Sept. 21 and 22. Every- body cordially invited to come and in- spect otir neW styles. Remember the date. --E. 17, SrAc>rrrax & co.' The dwelling house of Mr. John Harris, towbshipof tisborne, was struck. by lightning' on Mondale' morning and badly wreaked. Mr. Harris' son hal a narrow escapees a partition Was shatter- ed to pieces close by tlio bed he was 61oeping in, His Wee and ktiess were burned alightfy. 110011011 FALL 9Nn90�CEMENT, Activity per- vades every de- partment. Case after ca.e of Fall Goods opened out for your in- spection at val- ues neverbefore equalled. GOODS We have just received per S. S. state of California, a large consignment of goods consignment direct from Britain. These good's are now all opened up and placed on our shelves ready for inspection. rens Goods. We are displaying the largest range ever shown in Exeter. In all, over 350 pieces, and at prices which defy competition. By porting them direct, we save the wholesaler's profit and you reap the benefit of this by purchasing your dresses from us. The 'lead- ing lines this season are Tweeds,Amures, Estamenes Serges, Diagonils, Basket Cloths, Habit Cloths, Silk Mixes and Henriettas. Trimmings As usual this season we intend takingathe lead in trimmings, and have now in stook an immens e variety of Trimmings of all descrip- tions imported direct from. New York and Britain for our own trade. The nevi sparkling trim- ming which we are showing is admired by all who have seen it. RSA" TITIS. UNDERWEAR, GLOVES, �L L T 4d '''g�.FA} LACES, RIBBONS, M, .. TIES, HOSE ,, HOSE SUPPORTERS,. CORSETS, LACE CURTAINS. Our stock of clothing is larg- er arg .er than usual and values never before equalled. Not the least attractive de- partment e pat e r �.t n. is our stock of Ger- man Mantles. Everyone a per feet fitter. Dress Ooods: Trnnmings. aAtlings, 'weeds, Shirting s, GOttOz7i, -ales. BOOTS SHOES From the best makers, white crockery A. crate of w y y at 2b° less than regular 0 price. See our Tea Sets,$3.00, See our Dinner Sets, $G. Our salesmen consider' it a pleasure td show new goods, C. + a011S'rON, Wewill remind you rest when you come in. CA.RLIG BROS. Boots & Shoe This is a trade which we are paying particular at- tention to at. present. . We are buying them for spot ;;ash trona the best manufac- turers in the country and can give our customers special values in all lines. We call special` attention to our Ladies' Dougola Button and Lace Shoe at $1.75. Its the best value shown in the trade. of the The Fence Question Solved by the KITS Woven Wire PENCE ffi ": CY3INE LMAN W. H. Heard »'IN1RE� IC►k.-Over two hun•- ITSfJ.f4 1� :::: 8.�; sole owner o ;k ,� . `fir lied t ifferent rho right tt -11-. 1►�'► +1► -..:.o.�ra►.r�w:►0�., w 0 V e n' sell tshis NTNG" •—� �nor,_,• L�.►..�.a-. of fence mach •arr_�.e Y� . iZ G►ws..�r..�v+../ i n e s i n th alp '`�~ with this fence ltits County o f''machine.' .Huron. Millinery Our 1nilliner,Miss Davis has returned from a visit to the largest Centres of the millinery trade and our new fall stock is being marked off and orders can now be filled at any time, and :our rices will be found p verY low this season, and we are bound to do the millinery y the town. trade of w . R. Pickard c r c Son 11 17IRBCT IA'IPORTBRS. =This FEMOO Machine will be exhibited at the Coderioh, Clinton, Emeter and 5eaforth fall fairs, when orders for fence and right to make for farm and. townships will be offered. Do not fail to see it. W. H. HEARD, 337 Richmond st., London, Ont.., Plumbing, Hot water heating, Iron pipo,Brass valves,Mane tels, Grates, Floor tiles, Electrical supplies, Write if you cannot be at the Fairs, Make a better filling for Corsets than any other known material. "Featherbone" Corsets are tough- er and more elastic than any oth:r make, as they are entirely .filled with quills (Featherbone). To be had at all Retail Dry Goods Stores. DOES IT PAY To tale _7ffime,i4Y iZdffGK-b' We answer emphatically yes if you receive what you pay for. Not every institution dubbed Business and Shorthand School is worthy of your support. Have you seen the catalogue cf the F. C. B. C. Forest City Business and Short- hand College of London Ont., it contains full particulars about the School a Board $2.60 per week. School re -opened Monday, Sept. 3. J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal, Great Clearing Sale OE' ORDERED CLOTHING AT Jr, Et, Gr'$iIEVF'$. For the next 3o days we will sell the balance of our Summer Suitings ata price to suit everybo dv. Our stock being too heavy it must be reduced at the following low prices All Wool Tweed Suits for $9.5o 11 at.-.' • i4.00 11 r5.00 Pine Tweed Pants • 2.25 11 1/ 4.00 Our i$5,00 pants are cheap at $7.00. Regular Price, $12.o0, 11 1< , 75,00:.: " 79,00. " 3,50. 11 6.oO. it 1i 11 We have a lot of nice tweeds at 45c, a 'yard for boy's clothing and we cut all our owti goods free of charge. We have also a big lot of Remnants ranging from 1 a . -to 5 yards, at very" low prices, R g g yard,P y �' Come and see for yourself, � einember the Vete. J. V �. Exote 4