HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-09-25, Page 27.r GODERICH SIG AL -STAR, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25,1975—.FAGE9 as 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE •,. PIANO lessons given in my home. Children and adults welcome. For mitre information phone 524-7481. —35tf DAILY CAR RENTAL Reasonable Rater McGEE'S Goderich Phone 524-8391 19tf ACUUM CLEANERS SALES 1 SERVICE ALL MAKES BOB PECK VARNA 262-5.748 gctin SCREEN TOP SOIL LYLE MONTGOMERY Phone 482-7644 Clinton SKELTON 4 APPLIANCES Inglis--Moffat—Beatty Safes—Service. Repairs to all makes 36 Britannia Rd. W. Ph. 524-7871 ,e —17tf Home Improvements ' ADDITIONS REC ROOMS SIDING . SOFFIT ROOFING Phone Dave. 5 24-206.2 AFTER..6 For Free -Estimates Mi'`` Western Paving FOR ALL ' ASPHALT'WORK DRIVEWAYS, -PARKING LOTS -REPAIRS CONTACT Jack's texaco And Automatic Car Wash 394 Huron Rd., GODERiCH • 524-7744 Western Canada School of Auctioneering Ltd. Canada's first, and the only completely Canadian course offered 'anywhere. Licensed under • the • Trade Schools Licensing Act, R.S.A. 1970, C.366. For particulars of the next course write: Box 687, Lacombe, Alberta or Phone 782-6215. . FOR YOUR Carpet and Upholstery p Y Cleaning Needs. Superior Maintenance Now Offers " STEAM or DRY SHAMPOO, For Free Estimate Call 524-8892 257 Warren St., Goderich Sid Brui n sma FOR ALL YOUR EXCAVATING NEEDS BACKHOE . BULLDOZING ' . DUMP TRUCK SEPTIC TANK SYSTEMS BASEMENT EXCAVATIONS" SEWERS • FREE ESTIMATES Goderich 524-8668 ,r YOUR FURNITURE AND CARPETS DESERVE THE BEST! HAve Carpet Care CN#n them with Steam Call . . 524-2440 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE 14. NOTICE T01 CREDITORS" 16. PERSONAL WATCH and JEWELRY REPAIRS ORMANDY'S JEWELLERY GODERiCH 324-784.1 For Plumbing Installation and Renovations, Hot , Water Heating Systems call Le Beau Plum ling and Heating Ltd. Gas installations and Free estimates R.R. 5 GODERICH Ph.524-9886 HO.FF.MEYER Plumbing & Heating Ltd. APPLIANCES 55 KINGSTON ST. ELECTRIC Inglis washers, dyers, refrigerators, dishwashers; ranges GAS Ranges, barbecues, lights,. ranges Carpentry Work Home Renovating f." - Furniture Repairs & Refinishing (30 Years Experience) (No Job Too Small) 524-2591 or 524-9386 Between 12. & 1 p.m. or after 6 p.m. ACE RADIO & TV' FLEETWOOD Sales & Service Reaairsto all makes, of Radio & Television 60 PICTON ST. W. FRANK WILCOX-524-7771 Screened Top Soil Crushed Road Gravel Crushed Tile Stone Cement Gravel Pit,Run and Fill .Gravel Back Hoe Work Lyle 'Montgomery • CL IN,TON 482-7644 21 tfn IN THE MATTER OF THE .ESTATE OF CHRISTOPHER MELVIN RAYNARD, LATE OF THE TOWN OF GODERICH, IN T.HE COUNTY OF HURON All persons claiming against the abcve'Estate are required to forward full particulars of their claims to the undersigned, on or before the 6th day of October, ' 1975, after which date the assets will be distributed. • DONNELLY & MURPHY 18 The Square, Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate.. -38,39,40. ALL, persons having claims against the Estate of MU'RIEL, DEVILLE ARMSTEAD, Widow, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 28th day of August, 1975, are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by,,,the 11th day of October," 1975, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. „DATED at Goderich, Ontario, this 11thGda.y of September, 1975. PREST and EGENER, 33 Montreal Street, ,Goderich, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate —38,39,40 15. PUBLIC NOTICE I wilt not be responsible for any debts incurred by my wife Lila E Gilchrrst,261 South St. Goderich, after this date Sept. 18, 1975. Robert A.'Gilchrist.-38,3;9,40 • 111"4:10k,, Treasurer's Sale of Lands in Arrears of Taxes County. ofo HURON, . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a, tax sale will be held the Council Chambers of the Court House, Goderich, on .Tuesday, December 9, 1975 at 10:00 a.m. re any unpaid taxes still' outstanding at that date, as shown on the list published in the 'Ontario Gazette "on September 6, 1975. • NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that if any of the unpaid lands remain unsold, an adjourned sale will be' held " on Tuesday, December 16, 1975 at the same hour and place: Lists of the properties in- volved may be -'secured at my •- office in the Court louse,' Goderich, Ontario. BILL HANLY, Treasurer, COUNTY OF HURON " 16. PERSONAL W.'WE INVITE engaged cbuples.to visit the Arbor, Gift Shop in Clinton. Receive a free gift and tell your friends about our shower and Bridal Registry Service. No charge, no obligation.-3tf DO YOU have marriage or family problems? The Ministry of Com- munity & Social Services offers help. in the form of marriage and family counselling either in your home or in the Wingham Office,' 199 Josephine Street. For appointment, phone 357.3370.--8tf 17. LOSTAAND FOUND TWO Canada geese with right wings clipped. North of Goderich area., Reward. 'Phone._ one. X2,4 -$..3Q7. —39 19. BUSINESS. OPPORTUNITIES FRAI'b1CHISE: service business available in Goderich, unlimited potential - and earnings. Full training and equipment provided. Must be interested in having own business — Route Experience Helpful. State fullparticulars as to age, phone number, finncia7, marital and work record ,to Drawer 31, Box -220, Signal -Star, Goderich,—,39 21. BIRTHS Si-IERRATT: Debbie and Gerrard (nee McDougall)" 'are pleased to announce the arrival of their 'first child, a son, Todd Ever°ett,•at Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, Ontario, on Friday,' September 19; 1975. ' First grandchild for Mr. and. Mrs. Murray McDougall, Wingham, 'Ontario. UTLEY.: Bruce and Rodine are °pleased to-alino'(ance the arrival of their daughter Erin Dawn, on September 21, 1975, at Alexandra Hospital. • First grandchild for Mrs. W.. E. Utley, South Daytone, Fla., 8th grandchild'fogr Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Pentland, Dungan- non, ent.-39 LAWRENCE: To Mr. and Mrs. Clare Lawrence, Goderich, a son, Ryan William . Douglas, Sep- tember 19, 1975,' ,at. AIe)andra Hospital, Goderich. CROWLEY: •At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, September 19, 1975, to Mr. and Mrs. Terry Crowley, Goderich, a daughter, Mary Elizabeth. 22. DEATHS LITTLE: Maureen — Suddenly 'on Saturday, September 20, 1.975, at her home, 29 Tarnerisk Drive, Rexdale. Maureen Warden, beloved wife of Dr. Walter Little, 'and loving mother of Dr. '.Judith Windier,, 'Colleen,• Michael and Christopher_,Little. Daughte't"ti'rrf Mrs. vane and the late William Warden and sister of Wilson. A mem riai service was held Wednesday morning in Crawford Street Congregational Church. As a. remembrance those who wish may make Memorial Offerings to the Ontario Heart Foundation, 310—Davenport Road, Toronto M5R-3K2.-39 CLASSIFIEDS 524-8331' 14. NOTICE TO CREDITORS '_ „ti NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF JOSEPH HEWITT All persons having claims against the estate of Joseph Hewitt, late of the Township of Goderich, in the County of Huron, RR 2, Goderich, Ontario, who died July 31, 1975, are required to file proof of same with the un- dersigned on or before October 15, 1975, after Which date the estate will le distributed with regard only No the .Claims of which the undersigned shatl'then hive notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice. DATED al Goderich, Ontario, - this f5th day of September, 1975. MARGARET•MISTON HEWiTT, Executrix, by her Solicitors herein, HUNTER, PARKER & RIVERS Barristers and Solicitors 44 North Street GODE'RICI-I, Ontario. —38,39,40AR ANNOUNCEMENT Donald Mac Ewan is pleased to announce the incorporation of his insurance business as of October 1, 1975 under the name of .Goderich Insurance Agency Ltd. (formerly W.J. Hughes Insu'rarlce Agency) 38 East ,Street, Box 205, Goderich, On- tario. " , Telephone 524=9442 or 5248100 Donald Mac Ewan Malcolm Mathers 23. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs, John Collinson are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Margaret Jacqueline, to Mr. George Collins, son of Mrs, Eleanor Bradnock, Auburn, Ontario., The ° wedding will take place , at Knox Presbyterian Chapel, Godc'rrch, Ontario, on Saturday, October 11' 1975, at 4 p.m.-39nc - Mr. and Mrs. 'Ivan McConnell of Goderich, Ontario, are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Judith Lynn, to Mr. Raymond Keith Marshall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest., H. Marshall of Stratford, Ontario. The marriage will take place on Saturday;.October 18, 1975. at St. George's Anglican Church, Goderich, Ontario, ---39, , 24. MARRIAGES Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lee, Clinton, Ontario, .are pleased to announce the marriage of their eldest daughter, Norma Grace, to Mr: Dwight Richard Porter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Porter, 'Goderich. The marriage' took place cin August 29, 1975, at Wesley -Willis United Church, Clinton,, with Rev. Oestreicher officiating -39 2S: IN MEMORIAM COOKE' In loving memory of a dear- grandson; Allan Cooke, who passcd'away September 18, 1974. Gone from the earth so swiftly, Just like.a'flower in bloom,. So young-, so fair, so loving, Yet culled away so soon, - 7 -Sadly missed:, and lovingly remembered by his grandmother, Helena Cooke, -39 LARDER: In loving memory of our daughter, Shirley Marie, who passed away September 23, 1953. Twenty-two years have ~passed -., since that day The one we loved was called away, ' vod took her home, it was His will ' But in ou`r Hearts she liveth still. • Sadly rrmissed, 4v4 .-Dad and, Mom. -39x WARD - In long memory of a dear daughter, Alma J. Ward who' passed away one year ago, September 27, 1974. One lonely year has passed, Since our great sorrow fell ' The shock we received that day, No one can ever toll. ' God gave'us the strength to meet it, And the courage to hear theblow What it meant to bear it 'No one will ever know. It's lonely here without here We miss her more each day For life i.' not the same for us Since Shewas Called away. , —Sadly missed but, always r•cmethhered by her mother and brother Boh,-39 . WARD: In loving memory of my sister, Alm Ward, who silently passed aw y one • .eat' ago, September 2 th.. . Where eternal sun is shining, And skies are ever.blue, . i pray your soul is resting, Till I may come to you. —Sadly missed. and never forgotten by sister Moha, Tohy and family, -39 ' WA-RD:l'h loving memory of nay dear sister; Alma Ward, who silently passed away one year • agc`l, September 27th, Softly the leaves of memory fall, Gently we gather and treasure them all, We mention your name and think :ofyou often, God" bless you Alma; you are never forgotten. —Sadly missed and ' always thought of by sister Patsy, Gilles and children. -39 25. IN MEMORIAM WARD — In loving memory of Alma, a dear sister, sister -Ln -law and aunt who passed away one year ago, September 27, 1974. , Little we knew that morning The sorrow that day would bring The call was sudden The shock );ever•e To part With one we loved so dear. Nb'one knows the grief we bear Whet the familyeets and she is not here. It doesn't matter the day of year. There are many memories and a silent tear, ,--Lovingly remembered by Joan, Bing Ken and farnily.-39 • '4 26.- CARD OF THANKS IVIACHAN: I wish to thank all who sent cards, flowers and visited me while I was a patient in Goderich Hospital. Special thanks to, Drs, Lomas and Deathe, also nurses on first loor.—Trudy Machan. -39_,, HAINES: Wt: would ,like to ex- tend 'our sincere thanks to all our friends of the Auburn Community for their hest wishes and generosity on our recent marriage.—Ed and Margaret. -39 POTTER: I-wouldlike to thank ,all who sent cards, flowers and visited me while -I was a patient in Clinton • Hospital: Special thanks to Dr. Baker and 2nd floor nursing • staff.—Sharon Pot- ter. -39 ENSIGN: I wish to thank friends and relatives for cards, gifts and visits while in hospital. Special thanks to U.C.W. Victoria Street Church and Golden Gate Senior Citizens. --William J. Ensign. -39 HOGGART: , Art, Helen and family wish to express their sincere thanks to neighbors, friends and relatives for sym- pathy expressed in many ways during the passintg of their scan and' brother, John A. .Hoggart. Special thanks to ambulance services, Wingham General Hospital, Victoria Hospital, Dr. I3ar•r and his assistants, the nurses and staff_ on'`6th 'floor Intensive Care Un -its to Rev. J. t)estreicher and the Ball Funeral Home, Clinton, Ont. -39; • PARR:, We would like to thank 0111• . friends and ,relatives for coming and helping' make our' • 30th `Anniversary such a happy occasion, and for all the Cards, goc,P1-s wishes and -gifts we received, Special thanks to our family for such a lovely evening, dinner and, gift. Everything was greatly appreciated. Dick and N,orine Park. -39 ADAMS: I would wish to express my ,,sincere thanks to my 'relativ'es, friends and neighbors for their many kindnesses ex -tended to me with cards, treats, flowers and visits while 1 was a patient • in Victoria Hospital, London.—Charles Adanis.-39" HASTY: The family of the lale Audrey Hasty wish • to• express their sincere appreciation to all their relatives and friends for the many acts of kindness' and ex- • pressions of 'sympathy during their 'sad bereavement in theloss of a•dear wife, mother, daughter and sister.'Thanks to the doctors and .staff at the Wingham and Victoria Hospitals. We would like to thank everyone for the flowers and donations to the Heart Fund and Gideon ,Society. Special thanks to Rev, Dobson and the ladies of the Dungannon United -Church for providing, lunch following the funeral, Also the Mackenzie Mei'riorial Chapel, it was all deeply appreciated and wilt be long,' remem- bered.—Lorne, • Irene, Brock, Audrey's Mother, sister Gloria and Nels.-39 WILSON: The family of the' late N." W;1RI) — Indloving memory of a James Wilson wish t0 express our dear Mother, who passed away appreciation to our neighbors, S(�lrtcmber 27, 1.974. .T 'relatives and friends for-:. their 1' feel that ter again, in the assistance and many kindnesses, roI nee of my eyea, And that yearning in my heart: I know I'm going to cry, l nus,, you 40 much Mother, ,1ti i1 wrong to wish you were herr;- Catherine WiIson and family. -39. "lnci through the corners of my 01(11(1, FISHER The fancily of the late Swrtel memories of you flow. Mrs,• Harvey (Vera) Fisher wish Memories of°my childhood days t0 express sincere appreciation to lh,rt were filled ,with magic in so their relatives, friends and neigh- nrenY• ways: hors for the many acts of kind- ! was surrounded by meadows of nhss and expressions . of sym- laughter and joy, - path,. received during the los of With a garden of memories, a dear mother and grandmother, That time can't destroy. Tl`iCk floral tributes, donations t0 And looking hack now, charity, the comforting messages As my memories again hloorai : by Rev, R. C, McCallum and Rev, I know that the magic that filled James Roe, also the assistance every room, the McCallum Funeral Home (',1me`straight from theherfl•t and were very much appreciated, the hands, - Special thanks tn•Dr. J. Wallace, -Of no other than you, •• nurses and staff of A. `M, & G. My dc'\oted and wonderful Hospital, also Dr. D. R. Smith, ZJothc•r, . 'nurses and staff at University --1•:ver remembered by son Hospital, London, --Donna and Garry, daughter-in-law .Ioy, and. Arnold Young, Vivian and Ben children i)eborah, Tracy, Robert Graham, 'Ge'rald and Betty ' ;end Scr?annc.--39 fisher. --39x Townsliip of Hullett NOTICE IS'HERE'BY GIVEF1 that the Corporation of the Township of Hullett proposes to give consideration to, and if deemed advisable, to pass, a By -Law providing for fhp Stopping Up of a portion of an original Road Allowance in the Police Village of Manchester, and for providing that the said . portion be sold' to Mr. William Andrews, owner of one of .the adjoining properfies. The.portion of the Road Allowance referred to is more par- ticularly described as follows: That part of Fulton Street bounded by Lots 27 and 28 On the Northerly side, and Lots 37 and 38 on the Southerly side, and extending from King Street on the East to Maitland Terrace on the West, as shown on Plan- No, 2 of Elkins Survey. The By -Law will be dealt with on October 6th, 1975, at the Regular Council Meeting, subject to claims of any owners, who apply to beheard, that their lands are prejudicially , affected, and any other matter. Dated this Second day of September, 19/5 '44 Clare Vincent . Hullett Township -Clerk Box 2931, Londesboro, Ont. for floral tributes, Cancer Society and Heart Foundation, Special thanks to Rev, McCallum and f'hc McCallum Funeral Horne—Mrs. 26. CARD OF 'THANKS TALBOT: Words cannot express our deep gratitude to our relatives, neighbors and friends for their acts of kindness in the "' loss of a dear husband, father and grandfather, Dewar (Bud) Talbot. Many thanks for the floral tributes, donations to the Heart Fund, the Gideon's and to those who helped at the Church with the lunch, Special thanks to Mr. Stephen Farris, Rev, Dennis Clark, Mr, Michael Farris and the Wesley Funeral Horne.—Ruth Talbot and family< -39 CLARE: 1 wish to thank all those for .prayers,' cards, visits and gifts during niy stay in •the hospital. Thank* also to Dr. Wallace and Dr. Walker.—Walter Clare. -39 HUTCHINS: I wish to thank friends and relatives for flowers, cards and visits While a patient in Alexandra Hospital. "Special thanks to Doctors Watts; Deathe,; • Thomson, Lomas a,pd to nurses first and' second east.—Mar.guerite'Hutchins.-39 SALLOWS: I wish to express my sincere 'thanks to friends, neigh - hors and relatives for their many' kindnesses extended to me with cards, flowers •and visits while I was a patient in University the Goderich .'Hospitals, Special thanks to Dr, Duff, Dr, Walker, nurses and staff on 8th and, 1St floor and Rev. Ralph King.—Elizabeth Sallows.-39 THIS WEEK'S. -Winners' CLUB No. 4, MRS., POLLY McKELLAR CLUB NO. 5 MRS. RUTH ERB CLUB 'NO. 6 MRS. E..GAULEY You can be next' Nothing to buy Nothing to lose Enquire today ORMANDY DIAMOND SPECIALIST GODERICH "Bulletin Board .!5TI- WED"DING. AN- NIVERSARY in' honour of Keith and Audrey Machan On Saturday, October 4th in Safford Vall°cy hall. Music- Stinc%wn 9 to 1. Everyone welcome Best . wishes only. —39,40 Attention` ormers See Page 8A for. NEWS and CLASSIFUED BY ^Ar' Croydon`"" AND Famous,: CLOTHES FOR MEN • IGARETTES REG. SIZE —.CARTONS (ONLY) -- BRAND NAME LIMIT '2 ,CARTONS PER FAMILY THIS FRIDAY' ONLY 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. $5.50 per''ccrtO+r AVAILABLE AT BALL AUCTIONS L.UCKINOW PHONE 528.2331