HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1975-09-25, Page 16Frank k Gus Carry -Out PIZZA' ALSO. 7,1 • SPAGHETTI -LASAGNA -RAVIOLI 50 WEST STREET, GODERICH • (Near The Laundromat) 524-7662 ,OPENMonday to Thursday 4-2 Friday and Saturday 4,310 Sunday 4-12 except Holidays WE DELIVER 50c We now have 18"'PARTY SIZE PIZZk CLOSED EVERY MONDAY FROM O. 6 • a 1 BULLETIN BOARD WHEN TijE Goderich Legion Hall reoi5eg the Bingo will be held on Monday nights. -38,39, WOMEN OF KNOX Presbyterian Church are holding a Rummage Sale, Saturday, 'September 27th, 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. in the church gymnasium. Donations Will be received between 7 and 9 p.n. Friday 26th at* the chile - ch. --37,38,39" BROWNIES 'AND GIRL GUIDES mass registration at Knox Presbyterian Church, September30th at 7:30 p.m. Registration fees $4.00,-39 DANCE for Mr, and. Mrs Douglas Chamney (nee Lynn Mansell) in Auburn Halt on ., September 27. Music by Music'. Makers, 10 p.m. to 1 a.m.-39 NEARLY New Sale at 'St. George's 'Parish Hall, Sawn day, October 18th at 1.1 a.m.-39,40,41,42 Country Singles Dance SAT. OCT. 4 at _VANASTRA MUSIC BY "FOUR OF A KIND" Refreshments SERVED Watch for ournext dance oin OCT. 18 A7 . VANASTRA • ... "ENCORE" ••••••t's • Tr...• •-••••...4 ATTENTION ALL ROSARIANS The Goderich Garden Club is' sponsoring an illuslrated lecture with slides presented by MRS. S.. LYZANIWSKY, vice-president of the Canadian Rose Society of Toronto, Friday, Sept -26 -at 8 p.m.' in St. Mary's. Separate School. ,An avid rosarran whose extensive travels to Rose festivals and conventions to Australia, New • / Zealand and other leading rose centres of ,the world, Lyzaniwsky brings a wealth of experience in rose, growing and culture. She will also present certificates forroses to members of the GREEN THUMBERS JUNIdR CLUB whose gardens were of out- standing calibre. There will be a silver collection and door prize.. A light lunch and in- . j formal discussion period will conclude the c evening's. ( presentation. MEALS -ON -WHEELS: Anyone requiring information regar- ding meals and volunteer 'driving, please phone the Co- ordinators, Isobel MacDonald 524-6146, Muriel Stokes 524- 6498.-37,38,3940 NEW BINGO, Clinton Legion IL 1, p. every. ,Thur sda'y Admission $1 00. fifteen regular g,armis, $10.00 .each l'hree ,,hare ttio-%vealth garrivs One Jackpot for ,220 0,0 in id calls consolation One call and N10.00 added weekly if.. riot; won ---,3qtfn i-Bake-a-thon St. George's A.C.Wr. 2 p.m. Fri. Sept: 26 Parish Hall Featuring delicious homemade pies Sorry No Delivery Good advice A HAPPY HOME RECIPE. 4 cups of love • 2, cups of 'loyalty 3 cups of forgiveness 1 cup of friendship • 5 spoons of hope 2.spoons of tenderness 4 quarts of faith a barrel of laughter Take love 'and loyalty, mix it thoroughtly with faith,.Blend it with tenderness, kindness and understanding. Add friendship and hope, sprinkle abundantly with laughter. Bake it with sunshine. Serve daily with generous helpings. • • -Margaret Murray • ' • A PARTNER IN UNITED & FEDERATED APPEALS WED. 24, THURS. 25, FRI. 26, SAT. '27 • • • • • • ,411!• 2 SHOW(NGS DAILY „ • .(.1 \ : i •• A sA 9:00P.M: eirOSa• )- : ADULT -ENTERTAINMENT „S • 1 • ••••••••••••••••• 0 ) •' SUN. SEPT. 28 to THURS, OCT. 2nd 0 i • 2 SHOWINGS DAILY at 7:00 and MO P.M. • ,1 1.. f : i •41; i • • f. •STARTS FRIDAY OCTOBER 3rd JA • Hr Bridge Scores There were. nine table, in pLo at the September It) meeting of , the 1 oderi eh 1 )uplicate13ridgo Club North;South %valuers for the (‘%ening ere Eleanor Erskine and Mary Donnelly finishing (10 top w ith 1361,2 tapints. Auleen Ciirry and Jean Papernick antt. wah.13.11/2 points for second spot followed by Doctor and Mrs. Stapleton with IK points and Vera Hill and Sandra On' with 110 points: • Fast-Vvrest winners 'for the ening V1' 4.r& Ted Plante and Roy Hilton first with 135 points., Aelian Weerasooriya and 'TON TALK Mr, and Mrs. W.L.'Flynn, A llen.Park: Michigan-; Mr. and MrS', Keith Harrison, Calgary, Alberta: Mr. and Mrs, Sam Gibson, Lucknow: Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hodgert and Mrs. Annie Harrison. Seaforth, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin „Proctor last week, SUNSET ,„ I he days are getting shorter . and one of the most dangerous times of day for.drk:ing is dusk,. when sight distances are quite misleading, The Ontario Safety League remindsyou to turn on thdse , low -bean -1 headlights 'at dusk not parking lights. It's the law! Be safe - be seen! •ADULT ENTERTAINMENT • , ••••••••••••••••• 11 treat yourself toa in TORONTO relaxinc — mini -vacation at the Lord Simcoe Hotel close 'to shopping, entertainment and theatres Package for two includes: ,411 Modern guest room ' • dinnet one evening at the,famous aptain:s•Zable including q welcoming refreshment • breakfast each morning • free parking: please note that complimentary parking is only from 6.00 p.m.:to 8.30 a m. each day' Price far„two $6990 subject to advance registration , • See your travdl agent or contact direct: 150 King St. West. Telephone (416) 362-1848 1 sL'Cond \‘ith l 331 1),I\ kin,,on, and kil K 110 aud a two \\ d\ tie. f(11'. 1111 \N 11211 Audrey and 1 orne 'Mattlle%%.5 004 \Limon. 1 01' and liat•bar,o. 'tIflI'-.hiflg‘vi,th 1091.2 ' inOME WAgii YOUR flcome. 4 /rt, rrr. LTO HOSTESS may not have the world on a string, 'but she know your community inside out, , If you're new in town, call her today! Phone 524-2724 HURON CAMERA CENTRE, 24 HOUR—FILM COLOR PROCESSING • (Eric Carman Photo) 524-7924 • —112 The Square - Goderich IG"7"-AgeittGrr-skejkli DELICIOUS Meals or Snacks NOW FULLY LICENSED 1 GODERICH RESTAURANT. STEAKHOUSE •& TAVERN Ltd. • LICENSED UNDER THE LIQUOR LICENSE ACT .—WEST STREET HELP US OUT! G.M.H.A. needs -ice time to rent at economical rates from neighbouring,arenas. Ice time is paramount to Goderich Minor Hockey. Neighbours, can you help'? Please do. Phone 524-8732 NOW - Weekend Entertainment FRIDAY & SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 & 27 Star Trex Treat yourself and your friends for your 'convenience our Hot Buffet is served THURS., & FRI. 12 nocin - 2 p.M, Casual Dress Dine by' Candlelight SUNDAY SMORGASBORD 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCHEON SPECIALS EVERY DAY Vi;it the KEG ROOM , Colour TV Relaxing atmosphere Candlelight Restaurant 8,--4avern 4,110 Licensed u.nder L.0 B4O BAYFIELD RD.,-GODERICH 524 7711 • , 4 (4()1)1-IRICII St.\ kc 1 IURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1975—PAGE 5A SALTFORD VALLEY HALL FOR RENT, Phone Ed Van den Broeck 524-2.845 OR 524-9366 ....ri•-rITTErrzrrlierrzme.rierr.r.rrirrirrxrprxerrTo Appearing Wed.; Thurs., Fri., WITH SAT, MATINEE THE "TEE KEE'S" THE BEDFORD COURT LOUNGE PLANNING DINNER OUT It y (1,1 t,010 Tot, 1: 1 1 p Wt.(' 7 Sunday 5,1 p.m. .Bedford Hotel 111, Lit',11 C,OciciIc 24 1357 1-4 alek-rXriarririerrie-rrirlarricririerlarl.rierrirririrrkkirierirlrirt viliVE al rffilUiThe CLINTON ONTARIO BOX OFFICE (;)PEN 8 P„.tv't' FIRST SHOW AT DUSK For Tasty Treat Try -.2,44-fitOESE • Phone 524-2242 gat In or Take out Esquire Restaurant 'The Square Goderich REGISTRATION Goderich. Figure. Skating Club , AT THE ARENA Saturday, September 204 27th From 9 a.m. to 12 a.m, - pre schoolers and Wednesday skaters $15.'a season - Saturday Skaters $25. a season - Power Skaters $12.50 a season - Tuesday night private lessons 520. a season - Monday morning skater's 520. or Friday morning skaters Slo. a season - association membership $1. If you can't make it to the Arena ," r call Ann Cooper 524-84'56 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 574 78)) AIR CONDITIONED MURRAY. MARKO ITZ FILM • Released by ASTRAL FILMS LTD. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 TO'THURSDAY, OCTOB5R 2 )1/ ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ID a • • Tirr)AY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY jsptember 26, 27 and 28 P • 1. 1 „, „„,1 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT 7.1 rri, \Cr 'Id .011ERT, DPO RD A GEOPGE ROYHILLFILM A girTwith a great following: Every cop in the state was atter her. Everybody else was behind her, t. GOIDIEHAWN. cur onean A in TynnTon lilt ouunnuirtu LArnwo •Arem.powiL Premier Prix $ First Prise • 1Million Canada 'Coterie WoOlympiqug, Canada ana Olympic P=4.10 Lottery Canada DRAW SEPTEMBER 28 COT YOURS? OPENWEEKENDS FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAi, FIRST SHOW AT DUSK asyrkive., DRIVE THEATRE ••• a' 101111.1510 ID 1 PWONI1174 //it Thursday, Friday, September 26, 27 EARTHQUAKES. SHATTER THE NATION. CITIES BECOME RAGING FIRESTORMS. BUT THE WORST IS YET TO COME! THE ULTIMATE DISASTER starring LORNE GREENE A Roger'Corman • Max E. Youngstein-Presentation A New World Pictures Release • Metrocolor - ADULT ENTERTAINMENT PLUS AN Added Feature Sunday, September 28 "STREET FIGHTERS" - PLUS 'STRANGERS GUNNED DOWN" A' TAN to P4414.411 mut or +or ere ova •